[Citadel Development] Re: Citadel commit log: revision 8546

2010-04-30 Thread IGnatius T Foobar
So there wasn't a Delete operation at the time I started writing this?  Oops
 At the moment, the key and value are both the full address.  If you want
to change it to a hash later, that's fine, but please let me finish the 
logic first. 

[Citadel Development] Re: Citadel commit log: revision 8546

2010-04-30 Thread dothebart


2. Delete (from the hash table) any buddies who happen to be online *now*

Heh, Perfect! we just implemented Deleting ;-)
Maybe we need to do this with a Hashkey now too.

[Citadel Development] Re: Citadel commit log: revision 8546

2010-04-30 Thread IGnatius T Foobar
Let's not mess with it yet -- the module is not finished.  The reason I'm
maintaining this "xmpp mortuary" is because when a Jabber client logs in,
the first thing we have to do is flush out all of the roster entries that
existed in all previous sessions.  Stupidly, XMPP doesn't have a way to tell
the client to do this.  So we have to "remember" all possible buddies that
the client *might* have in its roster, and delete them 
 So, what I still need to have it do at the beginning of a session is: 
 1. Load the mortuary 
 2. Delete (from the hash table) any buddies who happen to be online *now*

 3. Send roster-delete messages for all the others 
 And yes, the list will grow forever.  There's no way to avoid it. 

[Citadel Development] Re: Citadel commit log: revision 8546

2010-04-30 Thread dothebart


Fr Apr 30 2010 09:43:39 EDT von   IGnatius T Foobar @ Uncensored  Betreff: Re: Citadel commit log: revision 8546

probably just because i'm used to memcpy; I thing strndup will check   for \0 while copying which we don't need to since we know the length?   
We're going to continue to have a difference of opinion on this.  I still prefer readability and maintainability over shaving off a handful of cpu cycles. 

well, Readability is also a thing depending on what you're used to ;-P
I'd be in for doing this with StrBuf so you're shure its fast, correct (no buffer cuts etc.), and readable.

[Citadel Development] Re: Citadel commit log: revision 8546

2010-04-30 Thread IGnatius T Foobar
 >probably just because i'm used to memcpy; I thing strndup will check  
 >for \0 while copying which we don't need to since we know the length?  
 We're going to continue to have a difference of opinion on this.  I still
prefer readability and maintainability over shaving off a handful of cpu cycles.


[Citadel Development] Re: Citadel commit log: revision 8546

2010-04-29 Thread IGnatius T Foobar
Ok, I see that.  When you call Put() you're transferring control of the memory
to the hash table; it doesn't copy it over. 
 But why did you fix it the long way instead of just calling strdup() ? 

[Citadel Development] Re: Citadel commit log: revision 8546

2010-04-29 Thread IGnatius T Foobar
Ah, you found my bug and fixed it already?  Thanks!