Re: Odd behavior

2010-04-22 Thread Eberhard Moenkeberg


On Thu, 22 Apr 2010, Erich Weiler wrote:

Well, I solved this problem myself, it seems.  It was not an rsync problem, 
per se, but it's interesting anyway on big filesystems like this so I'll 
outline what went down:

Because my rsyncs were mostly just statting millions of files very quickly, 
RAM filled up with inode cache.  At a certain point, the kernel stopped 
allowing new cache entries to be added to the slab memory it had been using, 
and was slow to reclaim memory on old, clean inode cache entries.  So it 
basically slowed the I/O of the computer to barely anything.

Slab memory can be checked by looking at the /proc/meminfo file.  If you see 
that slab memory is using up a fair portion of your total memory, run the 
'slabtop' program to see the top offenders.  In my case, it was the 
filesystem that was screwing me (by way of the kernel).

I was able to speed up the reclaiming of clean, unused inode cache entries by 
tweaking this in the kernel:

# sysctl -w vm.vfs_cache_pressure=1

The default value for that is 100, where higher values release memory faster 
for dentries and inodes.  It helped, but my rsyncs were still faster than it 
was, and it didn't help that much.  What really fixed it was this:

# echo 3 > /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches

That effectively clears ALL dentry and inode entries from slab memory 
immediately.  When I did that, memory usage dropped from 35GB to 500MB, my 
rsyncs fired themselves up again magically, and the computer was responsive 

Slab memory began to fill up again of course, as the rsyncs were still going. 
But slowly.  For this edge case, I'm just going to configure a cron job to 
flush the dentry/inode cache every five minutes or so.  But things look much 
better now!

A word of warning for folks rsyncing HUGE numbers of files under linux.  ;)

As a side note, Solaris does not seem to have this problem, presumably 
because the kernel handles inode/dentry caching in a different way.

Thanks for your report. Really a mail to keep for future.

Viele Gruesse
Eberhard Moenkeberg (,

Eberhard Moenkeberg
Arbeitsgruppe IT-Infrastruktur
E-Mail:  Tel.: +49 (0)551 201-1551
Gesellschaft fuer wissenschaftliche Datenverarbeitung mbH Goettingen (GWDG)
Am Fassberg 11, 37077 Goettingen
URL: E-Mail:
Tel.:   +49 (0)551 201-1510Fax:+49 (0)551 201-2150
Geschaeftsfuehrer:   Prof. Dr. Bernhard Neumair
Aufsichtsratsvorsitzender: Dipl.-Kfm. Markus Hoppe
Sitz der Gesellschaft: Goettingen
Registergericht:   Goettingen  Handelsregister-Nr. B 598
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Re: Odd behavior

2010-04-22 Thread Erich Weiler
Well, I solved this problem myself, it seems.  It was not an rsync 
problem, per se, but it's interesting anyway on big filesystems like 
this so I'll outline what went down:

Because my rsyncs were mostly just statting millions of files very 
quickly, RAM filled up with inode cache.  At a certain point, the kernel 
stopped allowing new cache entries to be added to the slab memory it had 
been using, and was slow to reclaim memory on old, clean inode cache 
entries.  So it basically slowed the I/O of the computer to barely anything.

Slab memory can be checked by looking at the /proc/meminfo file.  If you 
see that slab memory is using up a fair portion of your total memory, 
run the 'slabtop' program to see the top offenders.  In my case, it was 
the filesystem that was screwing me (by way of the kernel).

I was able to speed up the reclaiming of clean, unused inode cache 
entries by tweaking this in the kernel:

# sysctl -w vm.vfs_cache_pressure=1

The default value for that is 100, where higher values release memory 
faster for dentries and inodes.  It helped, but my rsyncs were still 
faster than it was, and it didn't help that much.  What really fixed it 
was this:

# echo 3 > /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches

That effectively clears ALL dentry and inode entries from slab memory 
immediately.  When I did that, memory usage dropped from 35GB to 500MB, 
my rsyncs fired themselves up again magically, and the computer was 
responsive again.

Slab memory began to fill up again of course, as the rsyncs were still 
going.  But slowly.  For this edge case, I'm just going to configure a 
cron job to flush the dentry/inode cache every five minutes or so.  But 
things look much better now!

A word of warning for folks rsyncing HUGE numbers of files under linux.  ;)

As a side note, Solaris does not seem to have this problem, presumably 
because the kernel handles inode/dentry caching in a different way.


Erich Weiler wrote:

Hi Y'all,

I'm seeing some interesting behavior that I was hoping someone could 
shed some light on.  Basically I'm trying to rsync a lot of files, in a 
series of about 60 rsyncs, from one server to another.  There are about 
160 million files.  I'm running 3 rsyncs concurrently to increase the 
speed, and as each one finishes, another starts, until all 60 are done.

The machine I'm initiating the rsyncs on has 48GB RAM.  This is CentOS 
linux 5.4, kernel revision 2.6.18-164.15.1.el5.  Rsync version 3.0.5 (on 
both sides).

I was able to rsync all the data over to the new machine.  But, because 
there was so much data, I need to run the rsyncs again to catch data 
that changed during the last rsync run.  It sort of hangs midway through.

What happens is that as the rsyncs run, the memory usage on the machine 
slowly creeps up, using quite a bit of RAM, which is odd because I 
thought the rsyncs were counting files incrementally, to reduce RAM 
impact.  But, looking at top, the rsync processes aren't using much RAM 
at all:

top - 12:22:10 up 1 day, 27 min,  1 user,  load average: 46.85, 46.37, 

Tasks: 309 total,   8 running, 301 sleeping,   0 stopped,   0 zombie
Cpu(s):  1.0%us, 13.8%sy,  0.0%ni, 84.9%id,  0.0%wa,  0.0%hi,  0.3%si, 

Mem:  49435196k total, 34842524k used, 14592672k free,   141748k buffers
Swap: 10241428k total,0k used, 10241428k free,49428k cached

 7351 root  25   0 19892 9.8m  844 R 100.1  0.0 552:58.55 rsync
 9084 root  16   0 13108 2904  820 R 100.1  0.0 299:24.59 rsync
 4759 root   0 -20 1447m  94m  15m S 29.9  0.2 667:34.21 mmfsd
 9539 root  16   0 30136  19m  820 R  6.3  0.0   6:29.28 rsync
 9540 root  15   0  271m  46m  260 S  0.3  0.1   0:12.13 rsync
10047 root  15   0 10992 1212  768 R  0.3  0.0   0:00.01 top
1 root  15   0 10348  700  592 S  0.0  0.0   0:02.15 init

But nevertheless, 34GB RAM is in use.  But what really kills things is 
that at some point, each rsync all of a sudden ramps up to 100% CPU 
usage, and the all activity for that rsync essentially stops.   In the 
above example, 2 of the 3 rsyncs are in that 100% CPU state, while the 
third rsync is only at 6.3%, but that is the one actually doing 
something.  In some cases all 3 rsyncs get to 100%, and they all stall, 
there is no network traffic on the NIC at all and they don't progress.

Now mostly what they are doing is counting files, since most of the 
files are the same on both sides, but there are just so many files (160 
million).  I don't seem to be out of memory, but I don't know why rsync 
would go to 100% CPU and just stall.

I am rsyncing from an rsync server to my local server, with commands 
similar to this:

rsync -a --delete rsync://encodek-0-4/data/genomes/ /hive/data/genomes/

Again, both sides at version 3.0.5.  Nothing fancy or special.  I have 
confirmed that it does count the files incrementally by running a few 
manually, it

Odd behavior

2010-04-22 Thread Erich Weiler

Hi Y'all,

I'm seeing some interesting behavior that I was hoping someone could 
shed some light on.  Basically I'm trying to rsync a lot of files, in a 
series of about 60 rsyncs, from one server to another.  There are about 
160 million files.  I'm running 3 rsyncs concurrently to increase the 
speed, and as each one finishes, another starts, until all 60 are done.

The machine I'm initiating the rsyncs on has 48GB RAM.  This is CentOS 
linux 5.4, kernel revision 2.6.18-164.15.1.el5.  Rsync version 3.0.5 (on 
both sides).

I was able to rsync all the data over to the new machine.  But, because 
there was so much data, I need to run the rsyncs again to catch data 
that changed during the last rsync run.  It sort of hangs midway through.

What happens is that as the rsyncs run, the memory usage on the machine 
slowly creeps up, using quite a bit of RAM, which is odd because I 
thought the rsyncs were counting files incrementally, to reduce RAM 
impact.  But, looking at top, the rsync processes aren't using much RAM 
at all:

top - 12:22:10 up 1 day, 27 min,  1 user,  load average: 46.85, 46.37, 44.97
Tasks: 309 total,   8 running, 301 sleeping,   0 stopped,   0 zombie
Cpu(s):  1.0%us, 13.8%sy,  0.0%ni, 84.9%id,  0.0%wa,  0.0%hi,  0.3%si, 

Mem:  49435196k total, 34842524k used, 14592672k free,   141748k buffers
Swap: 10241428k total,0k used, 10241428k free,49428k cached


 7351 root  25   0 19892 9.8m  844 R 100.1  0.0 552:58.55 rsync 

 9084 root  16   0 13108 2904  820 R 100.1  0.0 299:24.59 rsync 

 4759 root   0 -20 1447m  94m  15m S 29.9  0.2 667:34.21 mmfsd 

 9539 root  16   0 30136  19m  820 R  6.3  0.0   6:29.28 rsync 

 9540 root  15   0  271m  46m  260 S  0.3  0.1   0:12.13 rsync 

10047 root  15   0 10992 1212  768 R  0.3  0.0   0:00.01 top 

1 root  15   0 10348  700  592 S  0.0  0.0   0:02.15 init

But nevertheless, 34GB RAM is in use.  But what really kills things is 
that at some point, each rsync all of a sudden ramps up to 100% CPU 
usage, and the all activity for that rsync essentially stops.   In the 
above example, 2 of the 3 rsyncs are in that 100% CPU state, while the 
third rsync is only at 6.3%, but that is the one actually doing 
something.  In some cases all 3 rsyncs get to 100%, and they all stall, 
there is no network traffic on the NIC at all and they don't progress.

Now mostly what they are doing is counting files, since most of the 
files are the same on both sides, but there are just so many files (160 
million).  I don't seem to be out of memory, but I don't know why rsync 
would go to 100% CPU and just stall.

I am rsyncing from an rsync server to my local server, with commands 
similar to this:

rsync -a --delete rsync://encodek-0-4/data/genomes/ /hive/data/genomes/

Again, both sides at version 3.0.5.  Nothing fancy or special.  I have 
confirmed that it does count the files incrementally by running a few 
manually, it does report "getting incremental file list...".

Any ideas why the processes go to 100% CPU and then stall?  I should 
also note that the initial run of rsyncs, where it was actually copying 
a ton of data, did not seem to have this problem, but now that the data 
is there and I'm rsyncing again, it seems to have this problem.  Is it 
somehow related to the fact that it is mostly comparing a ton of files 
very quickly but not actually copying many of them?

Thanks for any ideas!

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Re: Odd behavior in an exclude-file

2009-01-04 Thread Roy F. Cabaniss
On Monday 22 December 2008 03:38:20 pm Matt McCutchen wrote:
> On Fri, 2008-12-19 at 10:01 -0600, Roy F. Cabaniss wrote:
> > rsync -avl --stats --progress --timeout=300 --exclude-from
> > "/home/foo/bin/exclude.txt" /home /mnt/sdc2
> >
> > Since there are, as with any backups, files I don't want to bother
> > backing up I created an exclude file and stored it in my bin.
> >
> >
> > - /home/foo/vmware
> > - /home/foo/.kde/share/apps/kmail/mail/spam/*
> > - /home/foo/.kde/share/apps/kmail/mail/*
> > - /home/foo/.mozilla/firefox/tigy4u04.default/Cache
> > - /home/foo/packages
> > - /home/foo/.cxgames
> > - /home/foo/.cxoffice
> > - /home/foo/.beagle
> > - /home/foo/downloads/images
> >
> > With the rsync script in the /home/foo/bin I ran the script with myself
> > as root in the root directory.  Which leads to the reason for this
> > letter.
> >
> > The exclude file appears to have worked, with one exception.
> >
> > Much to my surprise, the images directory was
> > in the backup along with its contents.  I can assure you that the path is
> > as given.
> >
> > Is there any idea why I got that one directory in the backup?
> Perhaps run "od -t x1c" on the exclude file to see if there is anything
> funny about the last line.  E.g., if there is a trailing space, that
> would prevent the rule from matching.
> If that isn't it, you could see if the last rule works if you move it
> earlier in the exclude file, or if you change it to just "-
> images" (which probably excludes more than you want but could shed light
> on the problem).

Just to let everyone know:
I made sure there were a couple of spare line feeds after the last line.
I added a "dummy" exclude directory after the images line.

It worked fine then.
I don't know which of the two things I did was what made it work ok.  My guess 
would be the dummy exclude line because I did already have a linefeed after 
the last exclude line.

Thanks for the help.

Roy F. Cabaniss
At least one attached file is my gpg signature.  
If you don't know how to open/use the file, don't worry about it.  
It is included for those who DO know and understand such things.

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Re: Odd behavior in an exclude-file

2008-12-22 Thread Matt McCutchen
On Fri, 2008-12-19 at 10:01 -0600, Roy F. Cabaniss wrote:
> rsync -avl --stats --progress --timeout=300 --exclude-from 
> "/home/foo/bin/exclude.txt" /home /mnt/sdc2 

> Since there are, as with any backups, files I don't want to bother backing up 
> I created an exclude file and stored it in my bin.
> - /home/foo/vmware
> - /home/foo/.kde/share/apps/kmail/mail/spam/*
> - /home/foo/.kde/share/apps/kmail/mail/*
> - /home/foo/.mozilla/firefox/tigy4u04.default/Cache
> - /home/foo/packages
> - /home/foo/.cxgames
> - /home/foo/.cxoffice
> - /home/foo/.beagle
> - /home/foo/downloads/images
> With the rsync script in the /home/foo/bin I ran the script with myself as 
> root in the root directory.  Which leads to the reason for this letter.  
> The exclude file appears to have worked, with one exception.

> Much to my surprise, the images directory was 
> in the backup along with its contents.  I can assure you that the path is as 
> given.  
> Is there any idea why I got that one directory in the backup?

Perhaps run "od -t x1c" on the exclude file to see if there is anything
funny about the last line.  E.g., if there is a trailing space, that
would prevent the rule from matching.

If that isn't it, you could see if the last rule works if you move it
earlier in the exclude file, or if you change it to just "-
images" (which probably excludes more than you want but could shed light
on the problem).


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Re: Odd behavior in an exclude-file

2008-12-22 Thread henri
Try putting some additional line breaks at the end of your file. I am  
not sure if this will solve your issues. Give it a go and report back  
if this resolves the issue. Hope this helps

I decided the most secure way to deal with backup/firewall issues  
between my
work and home was to encrypt a portable hard drive and make it my  
Lug it back and forth and sync as appropriate.  So I wrote myself a  
rsync script which grabs all the files I think of as taking work to  

Which is given as follows:

rsync -avl --stats --progress --timeout=300 --exclude-from "/home/ 
foo/bin/exclude.txt" /home /mnt/sdc2
rsync -avl --stats --progress --timeout=300 --exclude-from "/home/ 
foo/bin/exclude.txt" /etc /mnt/sdc2/beast
rsync -avl --stats --progress --timeout=300 --exclude-from "/home/ 
foo/bin/exclude.txt" /srv /mnt/sdc2/beast

Since there are, as with any backups, files I don't want to bother  
backing up

I created an exclude file and stored it in my bin.

- /home/foo/vmware
- /home/foo/.kde/share/apps/kmail/mail/spam/*
- /home/foo/.kde/share/apps/kmail/mail/*
- /home/foo/.mozilla/firefox/tigy4u04.default/Cache
- /home/foo/packages
- /home/foo/.cxgames
- /home/foo/.cxoffice
- /home/foo/.beagle
- /home/foo/downloads/images

With the rsync script in the /home/foo/bin I ran the script with  
myself as
root in the root directory.  Which leads to the reason for this  

The exclude file appears to have worked, with one exception.   I  
don't have
the vmware directory, the link to packages was not followed, the  
directories are not in the backup ect.   All very good and as  
hoped.  The
exception is in the very last line.  The very last line of the  
exclude file
is the directory that contains iso images I downloaded for whatever  
Things like my latest image for my distro and such.  I did NOT want  
to back
those up since in the event of catastrophe I would simply redownload  
them and
the files are rather sizeable.  Much to my surprise, the images  
directory was
in the backup along with its contents.  I can assure you that the  
path is as


Is there any idea why I got that one directory in the backup?

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Odd behavior in an exclude-file

2008-12-19 Thread Roy F. Cabaniss
I decided the most secure way to deal with backup/firewall issues between my 
work and home was to encrypt a portable hard drive and make it my backup.  
Lug it back and forth and sync as appropriate.  So I wrote myself a little 
rsync script which grabs all the files I think of as taking work to recreate.  
Which is given as follows:

rsync -avl --stats --progress --timeout=300 --exclude-from 
"/home/foo/bin/exclude.txt" /home /mnt/sdc2 
rsync -avl --stats --progress --timeout=300 --exclude-from 
"/home/foo/bin/exclude.txt" /etc /mnt/sdc2/beast
rsync -avl --stats --progress --timeout=300 --exclude-from 
"/home/foo/bin/exclude.txt" /srv /mnt/sdc2/beast

Since there are, as with any backups, files I don't want to bother backing up 
I created an exclude file and stored it in my bin.

- /home/foo/vmware
- /home/foo/.kde/share/apps/kmail/mail/spam/*
- /home/foo/.kde/share/apps/kmail/mail/*
- /home/foo/.mozilla/firefox/tigy4u04.default/Cache
- /home/foo/packages
- /home/foo/.cxgames
- /home/foo/.cxoffice
- /home/foo/.beagle
- /home/foo/downloads/images

With the rsync script in the /home/foo/bin I ran the script with myself as 
root in the root directory.  Which leads to the reason for this letter.  

The exclude file appears to have worked, with one exception.   I don't have 
the vmware directory, the link to packages was not followed, the crossover 
directories are not in the backup ect.   All very good and as hoped.  The 
exception is in the very last line.  The very last line of the exclude file 
is the directory that contains iso images I downloaded for whatever reason.  
Things like my latest image for my distro and such.  I did NOT want to back 
those up since in the event of catastrophe I would simply redownload them and 
the files are rather sizeable.  Much to my surprise, the images directory was 
in the backup along with its contents.  I can assure you that the path is as 

Is there any idea why I got that one directory in the backup?

Roy F. Cabaniss
At least one attached file is my gpg signature.  
If you don't know how to open/use the file, don't worry about it.  
It is included for those who DO know and understand such things.

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Re: odd behavior on remote

2008-05-08 Thread George Georgalis
On Thu 08 May 2008 at 11:52:08 AM -0400, George Georgalis wrote:
>I've been using rsync for some time (years) to generate
>many hardlink snapshots per day; but I'm seeing an odd
>new problem today.

OOOh, nevermind...

FilesystemSize  Used Avail Capacity  iusedifree  %iused  
Mounted on
/dev/raid0h   312G 312G  -16G   105%  7502943 3339497518%   /ub0

I'm out of disk space ;)

// George

George Georgalis, information system scientist <
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odd behavior on remote

2008-05-08 Thread George Georgalis
I've been using rsync for some time (years) to generate
many hardlink snapshots per day; but I'm seeing an odd
new problem today.

the remote/destination host gets a file list from the
source machine via ssh, and begins to write files until
it "hangs". On this run only one file was transferred; on
other runs many screenfulls went across

+ rsync --recursive --links --perms --times --group --owner --devices 
--specials --numeric-ids --protocol=29 --verbose --progress --exclude tmp 
--exclude *.tmp --exclude spool --exclude *.core --exclude *.boot --exclude 
*.filepart --exclude *.lock --exclude *.nobak --exclude .RDATA --exclude /repo 
--exclude /sandbox --exclude /soft/dist 
--link-dest=/ub0/bk/1/2008.04.29.0010.00//center //center/ 
building file list ...
580347 files to consider

the dest host is rsync  version 2.6.9  protocol version 29
and the source host is rsync  version 2.6.9  protocol version 29

in the above run I specified the protocol because I
assumed the src host had a newer version. the src host
has just been setup, but the destination host has been
receiving these snapshots for a while.

After the hang, the destination host seems in perfect
order (no login or disk or observable problems). I see
the ssh connection from source to destination is still
open but the remote rsync pids have all ended with no
indication of error -- there is no rsync in the process
tree at all; below, the rsync shell is/was 26770, now
with no children...

 | | |-+= 03778 root sshd: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 | | | \--= 17062 root -ksh 
 | | \--= 26770 root sshd: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 | |-+= 00594 root nfsd: master 
 | | |--- 00475 root nfsd: server 
 | | |--- 00601 root nfsd: server 

The only problem I see with the source host is the rsync
command doesn't complete.  What can I check? What is
going on here???

// George

George Georgalis, information system scientist <
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Re: Odd behavior with --detect-renamed

2007-12-29 Thread Matt McCutchen
On Fri, 2007-12-28 at 17:31 +0100, Erik Pettersson wrote:
> I'm trying out the 'detect-renamed'-patch, and I've encountered some
> odd behavior.

> Basicly, what I've noticed is that if I move a file into a newly
> created directory (which is what happens if I rename a directory, for
> example), the file isn't detected as renamed. However, if I manually
> create the new directory on the target-side, the file is correctly
> detected as a rename, and isn't transfered over the network. 
> Here I've moved 'file' into a newly created directory 'dir2', which
> isn't available on the target-side.
> > $ find src
> > src
> > src/dir1
> > src/dir1/dir2
> > src/dir1/dir2/file 
> > 
> > $ find dst
> > dst
> > dst/dir1
> > dst/dir1/file
> > 
> > $ rsync -avv --detect-renamed -e ssh src/dir1 localhost:dst
> > [...]
> > total: matches=0  hash_hits=0  false_alarms=0 data=4544512 
> The file isn't detected as a rename.

I see what the problem is.  When the receiving rsync considers
dst/dir1/file for a rename, dst/dir/dir2 does not yet exist, so rsync
cannot create the partial dir for dst/dir/dir2 in order to stage the

One workaround would be to do a preliminary run with --include='*/'
--exclude='*' to create all the necessary directories in the destination
before doing the main run.

One possible fix would be to call create_directory_path to ensure that
the destination directory that is the target of the rename exists before
handling the partial dir.  Unfortunately, create_directory_path will
give any created directories default permissions instead of flist ones,
which could be bad.  To avoid this problem, rsync could look up each
intermediate directory in the flist and, if it is found, give it 700
permissions for later fixing (like the incremental recursion code does).
This is awkward, which I believe is a sign that the "reverse" design of
pre-scanning the destination files and looking up each source file in
turn may be better.  This design was proposed by Charles Perreault to me
off-list and quoted in:


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Odd behavior with --detect-renamed

2007-12-28 Thread Erik Pettersson

I'm totally new to this list, so I hope I don't break all the rules. :)
I've looked through the archives (and google), and I really can't find the
answer to my question.

I'm trying out the 'detect-renamed'-patch, and I've encountered some odd
behavior. I've applied the patch to both rsync-2.6.9 and rsync-3.0.0pre7,
and it's the same behavior.

Basicly, what I've noticed is that if I move a file into a newly created
directory (which is what happens if I rename a directory, for example), the
file isn't detected as renamed. However, if I manually create the new
directory on the target-side, the file is correctly detected as a rename,
and isn't transfered over the network.

Here I've moved 'file' into a newly created directory 'dir2', which isn't
available on the target-side.

> $ find src
> src
> src/dir1
> src/dir1/dir2
> src/dir1/dir2/file
> $ find dst
> dst
> dst/dir1
> dst/dir1/file
> $ rsync -avv --detect-renamed -e ssh src/dir1 localhost:dst
> [...]
> total: matches=0  hash_hits=0  false_alarms=0 data=4544512

The file isn't detected as a rename.

If I create 'dir2' manually on the target-side, it is detected correctly:

> $ find src
> src
> src/dir1
> src/dir1/dir2
> src/dir1/dir2/file
> $ find dst
> dst
> dst/dir1
> dst/dir1/file
> dst/dir1/dir2
> $ rsync -avv --detect-renamed -e ssh src/dir1 localhost:dst
> [...]
> found renamed: dir1/file => dir1/dir2/file
> [...]
> total: matches=2136  hash_hits=2136  false_alarms=0 data=0

Is this a bug (I think so), or should it be like this?
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Re: Odd behavior with rsync/ssh/--delete

2004-03-22 Thread Wayne Davison
On Sun, Mar 21, 2004 at 09:51:18PM -0700, Peter Wargo wrote:
> However, my syncs are much bigger then they should be.  I'm getting a
> bunch more than I expect - files that haven't changed in a long time
> are being deleted and re-sync'd.

Does the destination system have any mounted filesystems inside the
single mount from the source system?  Try dropping the -x and using one
or more --exclude directives for the mount point(s) that should be

Can you reproduce the problem with a smaller file set?  Try transferring
just one home dir that had a problem and see if that still fails.  Use
- so you can see the file list from both sides of the transfer
(which is why I recommend trying this with a smaller file set -- it
generates a lot of output).  There will be two dumps of the file list
from the receiving side.  The first is the list it received from the
sender, and the second is the list that it created to look for
deletions.  Look for any unexpected differences between those two lists.
Rsync will delete anything that is extra in the second list, even if it
is just out of order (which it shouldn't be).

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Odd behavior with rsync/ssh/--delete

2004-03-21 Thread Peter Wargo
I've just about googled my brains out over this one, and banged heads 
with several other SA buddies.

I have a nightly rsync of a DMZ system (Solaris 8 SPARC[1]) to an
internal system (RedHat ES 3.0 [2]).  The internal system runs a cron 
job and pulls
changes off of the DMZ system via ssh.  (To be honest, I've also seen 
this going between two Solaris systems.)

However, my syncs are much bigger then they should be.  I'm getting a
bunch more than I expect - files that haven't changed in a long time are
being deleted and re-sync'd.
Here's an example of the command being used:
rsync -alvx --delete --rsh=ssh [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/
(I use -x to avoid crossing filesystems, as I only back up certain 
ones. The  refers to the hostname of the DMZ system.)

What I see are files like this getting hit every night in the log: 
(real user name blanked.)

deleting home/xuserx/public_html/vat5.JPG
Then later the file is written.

If you look at the file on the host:

# ls -la vat5.JPG
-rw-rw-r--   1 xuserx xgroupx   39816 Jan  3  2000 vat5.JPG
This is strange.  And it's happening for thousands of files.  The 
have the same date and time, I checked that out...

I'm at wit's end on this one.  If anybody has any ideas, I'd be happy 
to hear them.  Also, I can provide more output if desired.


-Pete Wargo

[1] rsync  version 2.5.6  protocol version 26.  Capabilities: 64-bit 
files, socketpairs, hard links, symlinks, batchfiles, no IPv6, 64-bit 
system inums, 64-bit internal inums

[2] rsync  version 2.5.6  protocol version 26.  Capabilities: 64-bit 
files, socketpairs, hard links, symlinks, batchfiles, IPv6, 64-bit 
system inums, 64-bit internal inums

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