[sniffer] Re: My rulebase download and log upload script

2006-07-07 Thread John T (Lists)
Weekend, what is that?

Thanks Andrew.

John T
eServices For You

"Seek, and ye shall find!"

> -Original Message-
> From: Message Sniffer Community [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf
> Colbeck, Andrew
> Sent: Friday, July 07, 2006 6:24 PM
> To: Message Sniffer Community
> Subject: [sniffer] My rulebase download and log upload script
> The last thing before I leave for the weekend...
> I finally got around to updating my download/upload script so that I can
> upload compressed logs.
> In the course of doing that, I found that my upgraded version of wget
> has changed its behaviour; as of the 1.10.x series, if you specify -O to
> specify the target filename, various options are ignored including the
> -N for "download only if server side is newer".  Therefore, ever since I
> upgraded my wget, I've been downloading a compressed rulebase file on
> *each* run.
> Some of this script is antique and some of it is new.  I just downloaded
> the "standard download script" that Bill Landry ushered into this world,
> and my script was certainly informed by the discussions of that on this
> list.
> (I'm not trying to replace that script, I'm just giving credit where
> credit is due.)
> My .cmd file script is attached as a .txt file; as I mentioned a while
> back, I use both the IMail "external script" mailbox method to launch
> this file when SortMonster/ARM sends me my notification, and I also run
> it on a schedule with the AT command so that one of them will work to
> get timely updates.
> Andrew 8)

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[sniffer] My rulebase download and log upload script

2006-07-07 Thread Colbeck, Andrew
The last thing before I leave for the weekend...

I finally got around to updating my download/upload script so that I can
upload compressed logs.

In the course of doing that, I found that my upgraded version of wget
has changed its behaviour; as of the 1.10.x series, if you specify -O to
specify the target filename, various options are ignored including the
-N for "download only if server side is newer".  Therefore, ever since I
upgraded my wget, I've been downloading a compressed rulebase file on
*each* run.

Some of this script is antique and some of it is new.  I just downloaded
the "standard download script" that Bill Landry ushered into this world,
and my script was certainly informed by the discussions of that on this

(I'm not trying to replace that script, I'm just giving credit where
credit is due.)

My .cmd file script is attached as a .txt file; as I mentioned a while
back, I use both the IMail "external script" mailbox method to launch
this file when SortMonster/ARM sends me my notification, and I also run
it on a schedule with the AT command so that one of them will work to
get timely updates.

Andrew 8)

echo off
REM This file is C:\Utils\UpdateSniffer.cmd
REM AC July-06-2003
REM The purpose is to truncate the MessageSniffer log and fetch a fresh copy of 
REM spam signatures rulebase.
REM Dependencies:
REM   wget.exe package (free) from hhttp://xoomer.alice.it/hherold/ (not 
http://www.gnu.org/software/wget/wget.html which lags!)
REM   gunzip.exe (free) from http://www.gzip.org/
REM   fgrep.exe (free) from http://www.gnu.org/software/grep/grep.html
REM   timeout.exe (free) part of Microsoft Windows Server Resource Kit
REM   UploadScript.txt this is the text of our side of the ftp upload 
conversation, now built on the fly
REM Folders used:
REM   d:\MessageSniffer
REM   d:\MessageSniffer\Download
REM   d:\MessageSniffer\OldLogs
REM Oct-31-2004 AC updated to incorporate .gz compression when a download is 
REMa big thanks to Bill Landry for a working example!
REM Oct-30-2004 AC updated to skip the download with wget -N if it is a 
duplicate of a previous download
REMand also to skip the update if the download was a duplicate
REM Sep-07-2004 AC updated to make use of the sniffer check executable
REM Jun-07-2005 AC renamed mailsniffer folder to MessageSniffer
REM Jul-07-2006 AC wget defaults have changed, the (newer) option no longer 
works with the (rename download) option
REMand I've added extra safety checking logic and gzipping, and 
on-the-fly build of the
REMFTP upload script.

REM LinceseID=This is the 8 character text that defines your rulebase and 
executable name.
set LicenseID=12345678

REM Authorization=This is the 16 character text that is your "password" and you 
must keep secret.
set Authorization=1234567890123456

REM FQDN=This is the fully qualified domain name at which you receive your 
email, e.g. bentall.com
set FQDN=example.com

set SnifferDrive=d:
set SnifferFolder=d:\MessageSniffer

if "%FQDN%" == "example.com" (echo No, really. You must set the FQDN variable 
to your own domain name. Now quitting. & goto quit)

REM Change the current directory to the Message Sniffer drive and directory
cd %SnifferFolder%

echo Clearing the old result files and logs
if exist wgetresult.txt del wgetresult.txt

REM Use the -N parameter to only download a newer file; note that as of wget 
v1.1x this is no longer
REM compatible with the -O parameter to specify the destination filename.
REM Note the use of the gzip encoding to save bandwidth.
REM We use the -o parameter and create a new logfile each time so that we can 
grep the result

if not exist %SnifferFolder%\Download md %SnifferFolder%\Download

wget --tries=10 --wait=5 --random-wait 
--directory-prefix=%SnifferFolder%\Download -o wgetresult.txt 
--header=Accept-Encoding:gzip -N --http-user=sniffer --http-passwd=ki11sp8m 

REM If we didn't get the file, at least rotate the log file before quitting
if errorlevel 1 goto logrot

REM The errorlevel is zero whether we downloaded a fresh copy or skipped the 
REM Let's find out if we can skip the checking and backup and go straight to 
the log rotation and upload.
REM If this grep is succesfull, the errorlevel is zero.
fgrep "Server file no newer than local file" wgetresult.txt
if not errorlevel 1 goto logrot

ren %SnifferFolder%\Download\%LicenseID%.snf %LicenseID%.snf.gz
copy %SnifferFolder%\Download\%LicenseID%.snf.gz 

REM Unzip the compressed file; gunzip will automatically hack off the extension,
REM creating %LicenseID%.snf and it will delete the .gz file too
echo Now testing the wget'ed file
gunzip -d -f -v %SnifferFolder%\Download\%LicenseID%.snf.gz

REM However, sometimes wget downloads a zero length file, in which case the 
gunzip fails
if errorlevel 1 (echo Some k

[sniffer] Re: Lot of stock spam getting through....

2006-07-07 Thread Pete McNeil
Hello Darin,

Thanks everyone, kind words are much appreciated. I must share them
with the rest of the SNF team who also work 24x7 to make this happen.
You don't see them often but I couldn't do it without them. This seems
like a good time to introduce a few of them and thank them publicly
for their efforts (We've come a long way in a year!):

Linda (TechGirl) [Accounting/Ops],
Karen (Tink) [Ops/Support/Web],
Jason (the Bag) [Filter Team Leader],
Adam (TheFelcher) [Rule-Tech],
Baron (Kojak) [Rule-Tech],
Michael U [Rule-Tech],
Nick G [Rule-Tech],

Michael M [Exec],
Scott C [Sales/Marketing],
Joel S [Hosting/Sourcing],

...then there's me...

Pete (Madscientist) [Science/Development],

Plus a bunch of folks (too many to list everyone) who help out from
time to time in too many ways to count.

Ok... work to do...


Friday, July 7, 2006, 1:12:50 PM, you wrote:

> Great job, Pete!  And thanks for all of your efforts to simultaneously
> increase the catch rate and decrease the FP rate.

> Darin.

Pete McNeil
Chief Scientist,
Arm Research Labs, LLC.

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[sniffer] Re: Lot of stock spam getting through....

2006-07-07 Thread Darin Cox
Great job, Pete!  And thanks for all of your efforts to simultaneously
increase the catch rate and decrease the FP rate.


- Original Message - 
From: "Pete McNeil" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Message Sniffer Community" 
Sent: Friday, July 07, 2006 11:11 AM
Subject: [sniffer] Re: Lot of stock spam getting through

Hello Chuck,

Friday, July 7, 2006, 10:48:28 AM, you wrote:

> We are seeing a lot of stock spam that is only a picture image getting
> through sniffer.

I had a big fight with one like that all last night -- there are some
unusual characters in the message that made it hard to filter and it
took some time to do the analysis (picking through them with a hex

I think these are handled now (as of about 0400e this morning) as I
don't have any getting through spamtraps at the moment. I will look
into it again.


Pete McNeil
Chief Scientist,
Arm Research Labs, LLC.

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[sniffer] Re: Lot of stock spam getting through....

2006-07-07 Thread Pete McNeil
Hello George,

Thanks very much!


Friday, July 7, 2006, 11:18:24 AM, you wrote:

> Hi Pete,
>  I've been a customer for a couple of years and usually don't have
> much to say via maillists. But I wanted to take a moment this
> morning and think you for the work you do.  Keeping up with this
> stuff must force you to  keep your nose to the grindstone. I really 
> appreciate your work.
>  Thanks again,
>  George Thompson
>  Cheif Technical Officer
>  Levelfield.com, Inc
>  www.levelfield.com
>  DBA OnlineAgency.com
>  www.onlineagency.com
>  building the Internet one small business at a time
 >> I had a big fight with one like that all last night -- there are some
 >> unusual characters in the message that made it hard to filter and it
 >> took some time to do the analysis (picking through them with a hex
 >> editor).
 >> I think these are handled now (as of about 0400e this morning) as I
 >> don't have any getting through spamtraps at the moment. I will look
 >> into it again.
 >> _M
 >> --
 >> Pete McNeil
 >> Chief Scientist,
 >> Arm Research Labs, LLC.

Pete McNeil
Chief Scientist,
Arm Research Labs, LLC.

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[sniffer] Re: Lot of stock spam getting through....

2006-07-07 Thread Bill Green dfn Systems

I agree! I could tell Pete was burning the midnight 
oil by the pattern of Sniffer Updates this morning.
Thanks Pete!
Bill Green
dfn Systems

  - Original Message - 
  George Thompson 
  To: Message Sniffer Community 
  Sent: Friday, July 07, 2006 9:18 AM
  Subject: [sniffer] Re: Lot of stock spam 
  getting through
  Hi Pete,I've been a customer for a couple of years and 
  usually don't have much to say via maillists. But I wanted to take a moment 
  this morning and think you for the work you do.  Keeping up with this 
  stuff must force you to  keep your nose to the grindstone. I really 
  appreciate your work.Thanks again,George ThompsonCheif 
  Technical OfficerLevelfield.com, Incwww.levelfield.comDBA 
  OnlineAgency.comwww.onlineagency.combuilding the Internet one small 
  business at a time> I had a big fight with one like that all last 
  night -- there are some> unusual characters in the message that made it 
  hard to filter and it> took some time to do the analysis (picking 
  through them with a hex> editor).> > I think these are 
  handled now (as of about 0400e this morning) as I> don't have any 
  getting through spamtraps at the moment. I will look> into it 
  again.> > _M> > --> Pete McNeil> 
  Chief Scientist,> Arm Research Labs, LLC.

[sniffer] Re: Lot of stock spam getting through....

2006-07-07 Thread George Thompson
Hi Pete,

I've been a customer for a couple of years and usually don't have much to say via
maillists. But I wanted to take a moment this morning and think you for the work you
do.  Keeping up with this stuff must force you to  keep your nose to the
grindstone. I really appreciate your work.
Thanks again,

George Thompson
Cheif Technical Officer
Levelfield.com, Inc
DBA OnlineAgency.com
building the Internet one small business at a time

> I had a big fight with one like that all last night -- there are some
> unusual characters in the message that made it hard to filter and it
> took some time to do the analysis (picking through them with a hex
> editor).
> I think these are handled now (as of about 0400e this morning) as I
> don't have any getting through spamtraps at the moment. I will look
> into it again.
> _M
> --
> Pete McNeil
> Chief Scientist,
> Arm Research Labs, LLC.

[sniffer] Re: Lot of stock spam getting through....

2006-07-07 Thread Pete McNeil
Hello Chuck,

Friday, July 7, 2006, 10:48:28 AM, you wrote:

> We are seeing a lot of stock spam that is only a picture image getting
> through sniffer.  

I had a big fight with one like that all last night -- there are some
unusual characters in the message that made it hard to filter and it
took some time to do the analysis (picking through them with a hex

I think these are handled now (as of about 0400e this morning) as I
don't have any getting through spamtraps at the moment. I will look
into it again.


Pete McNeil
Chief Scientist,
Arm Research Labs, LLC.

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[sniffer] Re: Lot of stock spam getting through....

2006-07-07 Thread Heimir Eidskrem

We are getting the same,
Tons of the, also a bunch of blank emails.


Heimir Eidskrem

i360, Inc.
2825 Wilcrest, Suite 675
Houston, TX 77042
Ph:  713-981-4900
Fax: 832-242-6632

Houston's Leading Internet Consulting Company 

Chuck Schick wrote:

We are seeing a lot of stock spam that is only a picture image getting
through sniffer.  

Chuck Schick
Warp 8, Inc.

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[sniffer] Lot of stock spam getting through....

2006-07-07 Thread Chuck Schick
We are seeing a lot of stock spam that is only a picture image getting
through sniffer.  

Chuck Schick
Warp 8, Inc.

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