Cron ~/svn/trunk/build/mkupdates/do-stable-update-with-scores force > /dev/null

2017-08-30 Thread Cron Daemon
+ echo ''\''Running ...'
+ echo ''
+ svn co -r 1806274 
+ svn co
+ svn co 
+ svn up -r 1806274 trunk-new-rules-set1/rulesrc/
+ svn up trunk-new-rules-set1/masses/
+ svn up trunk-new-rules-set1/build/
+ set +x
Warning: prerequisite Digest::SHA1 0 not found.
Month distribution:

   50606 ( 21%) 50606   0-1 months old
   59649 ( 25%)  9043   1-2 months old
   69548 ( 29%)  9899   2-3 months old
   79425 ( 33%)  9877   3-4 months old
   85994 ( 36%)  6569   4-5 months old
   92463 ( 39%)  6469   5-6 months old
   98922 ( 42%)  6459   6-7 months old
  105353 ( 44%)  6431   7-8 months old
  111284 ( 47%)  5931   8-9 months old
  117779 ( 50%)  6495   9-10 months old
  123682 ( 52%)  5903  10-11 months old
  129616 ( 55%)  5934  11-12 months old
  135150 ( 57%)  5534  12-13 months old
  141630 ( 60%)  6480  13-14 months old
  149120 ( 63%)  7490  14-15 months old
  154651 ( 65%)  5531  15-16 months old
  160192 ( 68%)  5541  16-17 months old
  166175 ( 70%)  5983  17-18 months old
  171947 ( 73%)  5772  18-19 months old
  175817 ( 74%)  3870  19-20 months old
  179717 ( 76%)  3900  20-21 months old
  183839 ( 78%)  4122  21-22 months old
  187613 ( 79%)  3774  22-23 months old
  191153 ( 81%)  3540  23-24 months old
  194594 ( 82%)  3441  24-25 months old
  197847 ( 84%)  3253  25-26 months old
  200527 ( 85%)  2680  26-27 months old
  203041 ( 86%)  2514  27-28 months old
  204843 ( 87%)  1802  28-29 months old
  206717 ( 88%)  1874  29-30 months old
  208718 ( 88%)  2001  30-31 months old
  210578 ( 89%)  1860  31-32 months old
  211981 ( 90%)  1403  32-33 months old
  213573 ( 91%)  1592  33-34 months old
  215224 ( 91%)  1651  34-35 months old
  216948 ( 92%)  1724  35-36 months old
  218703 ( 93%)  1755  36-37 months old
  219913 ( 93%)  1210  37-38 months old
  221101 ( 94%)  1188  38-39 months old
  221200 ( 94%)99  39-40 months old
  221275 ( 94%)75  40-41 months old
  221370 ( 94%)95  41-42 months old
  222615 ( 94%)  1245  42-43 months old
  223151 ( 95%)   536  43-44 months old
  223306 ( 95%)   155  44-45 months old
  223597 ( 95%)   291  45-46 months old
  223712 ( 95%)   115  46-47 months old
  223810 ( 95%)98  47-48 months old
  224050 ( 95%)   240  48-49 months old
  224228 ( 95%)   178  49-50 months old
  224390 ( 95%)   162  50-51 months old
  224676 ( 95%)   286  51-52 months old
  224904 ( 95%)   228  52-53 months old
  225128 ( 95%)   224  53-54 months old
  225382 ( 96%)   254  54-55 months old
  225744 ( 96%)   362  55-56 months old
  225945 ( 96%)   201  56-57 months old
  226071 ( 96%)   126  57-58 months old
  226250 ( 96%)   179  58-59 months old
  226566 ( 96%)   316  59-60 months old
  226947 ( 96%)   381  60-61 months old
  227658 ( 97%)   711  61-62 months old
  228805 ( 97%)  1147  62-63 months old
  229597 ( 97%)   792  63-64 months old
  229983 ( 97%)   386  64-65 months old
  230485 ( 98%)   502  65-66 months old
  231218 ( 98%)   733  66-67 months old
  231719 ( 98%)   501  67-68 months old
  232367 ( 99%)   648  68-69 months old
  232503 ( 99%)   136  69-70 months old
  232699 ( 99%)   196  70-71 months old
  232797 ( 99%)98  71-72 months old
  232929 ( 99%)   132  72-73 months old
  233063 ( 99%)   134  73-74 months old
  233123 ( 99%)60  74-75 months old
  233171 ( 99%)48  75-76 months old
  233204 ( 99%)33  76-77 months old
  233261 ( 99%)57  77-78 months old
  233348 ( 99%)87  78-79 months old
  233485 ( 99%)   137  79-80 months old
  233682 ( 99%)   197  80-81 months old
  233896 ( 99%)   214  81-82 months old
  234112 ( 99%)   216  82-83 months old
  234190 ( 99%)78  83-84 months old
  234298 ( 99%)   108  84-85 months old
  234301 ( 99%) 3  85-86 months old
  234308 ( 99%) 7  86-87 months old
  234318 ( 99%)10  87-88 months old
  234330 ( 99%)12  88-89 months old
  234337 ( 99%) 7  89-90 months old
  234355 ( 99%)18  90-91 months old
  234364 ( 99%) 9  91-92 months old
  234367 ( 99%) 3  92-93 months old
  234372 ( 99%) 5  93-94 months old
  234373 ( 99%) 1  94-95 months old
  234376 ( 99%) 3  95-96 months old
  234381 ( 99%) 5  98-99 months old
  234393 ( 99%)12  99-100 months old on - not enough contributors for SVN 1806678

2017-08-30 Thread root

Corpus total: 148, Old: 90, Recent: 26, New: 10

SVN tagged rev in nightly_mass_check:  1806678

New masscheck submission listings in the past day:
   SVN rev (Match) File Name (Date)
   1806678 (Yes) - spam-darxus.log (Aug 30 09:09)
   1806678 (Yes) - ham-darxus.log (Aug 30 09:09)
   1806678 (Yes) - ham-grenier.log (Aug 30 09:02)
   1806678 (Yes) - ham-ena-week0.log (Aug 30 09:41)
   1806678 (Yes) - spam-ena-week0.log (Aug 30 09:41)
   1806536  (No) - spam-ena-week3.log (Aug 29 12:39)
   1806536  (No) - spam-ena-week1.log (Aug 29 12:39)
   1806536  (No) - spam-jbrooks.log (Aug 29 13:07)
   1806536  (No) - spam-axb-generic.log (Aug 29 11:42)
   1806536  (No) - ham-mmiroslaw-mails-ham.log (Aug 29 11:28)
   1806536  (No) - ham-ena-week2.log (Aug 29 12:38)
   1806536  (No) - spam-axb-ham-misc.log (Aug 29 11:42)
   1806536  (No) - spam-llanga.log (Aug 30 07:14)
   1806678 (Yes) - spam-grenier.log (Aug 30 09:02)
   1806536  (No) - ham-axb-ham-misc.log (Aug 29 11:41)
   1806536  (No) - ham-mmiroslaw-mails-spam.log (Aug 29 11:28)
   1806536  (No) - ham-axb-generic.log (Aug 29 11:41)
   1806536  (No) - ham-axb-ninja.log (Aug 29 11:41)
   1806536  (No) - spam-mmiroslaw-mails-spam.log (Aug 29 11:28)
   1806536  (No) - spam-axb-ninja.log (Aug 29 11:42)
   1806536  (No) - ham-jbrooks.log (Aug 29 13:06)
   1806536  (No) - spam-jarif.log (Aug 29 20:28)
   1806678 (Yes) - ham-thendrikx.log (Aug 30 09:04)
   1806536  (No) - ham-jarif.log (Aug 29 20:28)
   1806536  (No) - spam-mmiroslaw-mails-ham.log (Aug 29 11:28)
   1806536  (No) - ham-llanga.log (Aug 30 07:14)
   1806536  (No) - spam-axb-coi-bulk.log (Aug 29 11:41)
   1806536  (No) - ham-ena-week3.log (Aug 29 12:38)
   1806536  (No) - ham-ena-week1.log (Aug 29 12:38)
   1806678 (Yes) - spam-thendrikx.log (Aug 30 09:04)
   1806536  (No) - ham-axb-coi-bulk.log (Aug 29 11:41)
   1806536  (No) - spam-ena-week2.log (Aug 29 12:39)

8/10 matches (4 ham, 4 spam)


Recent masscheck submission listings in the past week:
   SVN rev (Match) File Name (Date)
   1806274 (Yes) - spam-net-ena-week0.log (Aug 26 12:41)
   1806274 (Yes) - spam-net-axb-ninja.log (Aug 26 12:38)
   1806274 (Yes) - spam-net-grenier.log (Aug 26 09:04)
   1806274 (Yes) - spam-net-jbrooks.log (Aug 26 19:12)
   1806274 (Yes) - ham-net-jarif.log (Aug 26 18:11)
   1806274 (Yes) - spam-net-thendrikx.log (Aug 26 09:27)
   1806274 (Yes) - ham-net-axb-ham-misc.log (Aug 26 12:37)
   1806274 (Yes) - ham-net-axb-coi-bulk.log (Aug 26 12:37)
   1805491  (No) - spam-net-llanga.log (Aug 26 10:49)
   1806274 (Yes) - spam-net-axb-generic.log (Aug 26 12:38)
   1806274 (Yes) - ham-net-axb-ninja.log (Aug 26 12:37)
   1806274 (Yes) - ham-net-grenier.log (Aug 26 09:04)
   1806274 (Yes) - ham-net-jbrooks.log (Aug 26 19:12)
   1806274 (Yes) - spam-net-mmiroslaw-mails-ham.log (Aug 26 12:48)
   1806274 (Yes) - ham-net-mmiroslaw-mails-spam.log (Aug 26 12:48)
   1805491  (No) - ham-net-llanga.log (Aug 26 10:49)
   1806274 (Yes) - ham-net-mmiroslaw-mails-ham.log (Aug 26 12:48)
   1806274 (Yes) - ham-net-ena-week0.log (Aug 26 12:40)
   1806274 (Yes) - spam-net-darxus.log (Aug 26 10:22)
   1806274 (Yes) - spam-net-axb-ham-misc.log (Aug 26 12:38)
   1806274 (Yes) - ham-net-darxus.log (Aug 26 10:22)
   1806274 (Yes) - ham-net-thendrikx.log (Aug 26 09:27)
   1806274 (Yes) - spam-net-jarif.log (Aug 26 18:11)
   1806274 (Yes) - spam-net-axb-coi-bulk.log (Aug 26 12:37)
   1806274 (Yes) - spam-net-mmiroslaw-mails-spam.log (Aug 26 12:48)
   1806274 (Yes) - ham-net-axb-generic.log (Aug 26 12:37)

24/26 matches (12 ham, 12 spam)

NOTE: Old are probably no longer running automasscheck script. on - not enough contributors for SVN 1806678

2017-08-30 Thread root

Corpus total: 148, Old: 90, Recent: 26, New: 10

SVN tagged rev in nightly_mass_check:  1806678

New masscheck submission listings in the past day:
   SVN rev (Match) File Name (Date)
   1806678 (Yes) - spam-darxus.log (Aug 30 09:09)
   1806678 (Yes) - ham-darxus.log (Aug 30 09:09)
   1806678 (Yes) - ham-grenier.log (Aug 30 09:02)
   1806678 (Yes) - ham-ena-week0.log (Aug 30 09:41)
   1806678 (Yes) - spam-ena-week0.log (Aug 30 09:41)
   1806536  (No) - spam-ena-week3.log (Aug 29 12:39)
   1806536  (No) - spam-ena-week1.log (Aug 29 12:39)
   1806536  (No) - spam-jbrooks.log (Aug 29 13:07)
   1806536  (No) - spam-axb-generic.log (Aug 29 11:42)
   1806536  (No) - ham-mmiroslaw-mails-ham.log (Aug 29 11:28)
   1806536  (No) - ham-ena-week2.log (Aug 29 12:38)
   1806536  (No) - spam-axb-ham-misc.log (Aug 29 11:42)
   1806536  (No) - spam-llanga.log (Aug 30 07:14)
   1806678 (Yes) - spam-grenier.log (Aug 30 09:02)
   1806536  (No) - ham-axb-ham-misc.log (Aug 29 11:41)
   1806536  (No) - ham-mmiroslaw-mails-spam.log (Aug 29 11:28)
   1806536  (No) - ham-axb-generic.log (Aug 29 11:41)
   1806536  (No) - ham-axb-ninja.log (Aug 29 11:41)
   1806536  (No) - spam-mmiroslaw-mails-spam.log (Aug 29 11:28)
   1806536  (No) - spam-axb-ninja.log (Aug 29 11:42)
   1806536  (No) - ham-jbrooks.log (Aug 29 13:06)
   1806536  (No) - spam-jarif.log (Aug 29 20:28)
   1806678 (Yes) - ham-thendrikx.log (Aug 30 09:04)
   1806536  (No) - ham-jarif.log (Aug 29 20:28)
   1806536  (No) - spam-mmiroslaw-mails-ham.log (Aug 29 11:28)
   1806536  (No) - ham-llanga.log (Aug 30 07:14)
   1806536  (No) - spam-axb-coi-bulk.log (Aug 29 11:41)
   1806536  (No) - ham-ena-week3.log (Aug 29 12:38)
   1806536  (No) - ham-ena-week1.log (Aug 29 12:38)
   1806678 (Yes) - spam-thendrikx.log (Aug 30 09:04)
   1806536  (No) - ham-axb-coi-bulk.log (Aug 29 11:41)
   1806536  (No) - spam-ena-week2.log (Aug 29 12:39)

8/10 matches (4 ham, 4 spam)


Recent masscheck submission listings in the past week:
   SVN rev (Match) File Name (Date)
   1806274 (Yes) - spam-net-ena-week0.log (Aug 26 12:41)
   1806274 (Yes) - spam-net-axb-ninja.log (Aug 26 12:38)
   1806274 (Yes) - spam-net-grenier.log (Aug 26 09:04)
   1806274 (Yes) - spam-net-jbrooks.log (Aug 26 19:12)
   1806274 (Yes) - ham-net-jarif.log (Aug 26 18:11)
   1806274 (Yes) - spam-net-thendrikx.log (Aug 26 09:27)
   1806274 (Yes) - ham-net-axb-ham-misc.log (Aug 26 12:37)
   1806274 (Yes) - ham-net-axb-coi-bulk.log (Aug 26 12:37)
   1805491  (No) - spam-net-llanga.log (Aug 26 10:49)
   1806274 (Yes) - spam-net-axb-generic.log (Aug 26 12:38)
   1806274 (Yes) - ham-net-axb-ninja.log (Aug 26 12:37)
   1806274 (Yes) - ham-net-grenier.log (Aug 26 09:04)
   1806274 (Yes) - ham-net-jbrooks.log (Aug 26 19:12)
   1806274 (Yes) - spam-net-mmiroslaw-mails-ham.log (Aug 26 12:48)
   1806274 (Yes) - ham-net-mmiroslaw-mails-spam.log (Aug 26 12:48)
   1805491  (No) - ham-net-llanga.log (Aug 26 10:49)
   1806274 (Yes) - ham-net-mmiroslaw-mails-ham.log (Aug 26 12:48)
   1806274 (Yes) - ham-net-ena-week0.log (Aug 26 12:40)
   1806274 (Yes) - spam-net-darxus.log (Aug 26 10:22)
   1806274 (Yes) - spam-net-axb-ham-misc.log (Aug 26 12:38)
   1806274 (Yes) - ham-net-darxus.log (Aug 26 10:22)
   1806274 (Yes) - ham-net-thendrikx.log (Aug 26 09:27)
   1806274 (Yes) - spam-net-jarif.log (Aug 26 18:11)
   1806274 (Yes) - spam-net-axb-coi-bulk.log (Aug 26 12:37)
   1806274 (Yes) - spam-net-mmiroslaw-mails-spam.log (Aug 26 12:48)
   1806274 (Yes) - ham-net-axb-generic.log (Aug 26 12:37)

24/26 matches (12 ham, 12 spam)

NOTE: Old are probably no longer running automasscheck script. on - not enough contributors for SVN 1806678

2017-08-30 Thread root

Corpus total: 148, Old: 90, Recent: 26, New: 10

SVN tagged rev in nightly_mass_check:  1806678

New masscheck submission listings in the past day:
   SVN rev (Match) File Name (Date)
   1806678 (Yes) - spam-darxus.log (Aug 30 09:09)
   1806678 (Yes) - ham-darxus.log (Aug 30 09:09)
   1806678 (Yes) - ham-grenier.log (Aug 30 09:02)
   1806678 (Yes) - ham-ena-week0.log (Aug 30 09:41)
   1806678 (Yes) - spam-ena-week0.log (Aug 30 09:41)
   1806536  (No) - spam-ena-week3.log (Aug 29 12:39)
   1806536  (No) - spam-ena-week1.log (Aug 29 12:39)
   1806536  (No) - spam-jbrooks.log (Aug 29 13:07)
   1806536  (No) - spam-axb-generic.log (Aug 29 11:42)
   1806536  (No) - ham-mmiroslaw-mails-ham.log (Aug 29 11:28)
   1806536  (No) - ham-ena-week2.log (Aug 29 12:38)
   1806536  (No) - spam-axb-ham-misc.log (Aug 29 11:42)
   1806536  (No) - spam-llanga.log (Aug 30 07:14)
   1806678 (Yes) - spam-grenier.log (Aug 30 09:02)
   1806536  (No) - ham-axb-ham-misc.log (Aug 29 11:41)
   1806536  (No) - ham-mmiroslaw-mails-spam.log (Aug 29 11:28)
   1806536  (No) - ham-axb-generic.log (Aug 29 11:41)
   1806536  (No) - ham-axb-ninja.log (Aug 29 11:41)
   1806536  (No) - spam-mmiroslaw-mails-spam.log (Aug 29 11:28)
   1806536  (No) - spam-axb-ninja.log (Aug 29 11:42)
   1806536  (No) - ham-jbrooks.log (Aug 29 13:06)
   1806536  (No) - spam-jarif.log (Aug 29 20:28)
   1806678 (Yes) - ham-thendrikx.log (Aug 30 09:04)
   1806536  (No) - ham-jarif.log (Aug 29 20:28)
   1806536  (No) - spam-mmiroslaw-mails-ham.log (Aug 29 11:28)
   1806536  (No) - ham-llanga.log (Aug 30 07:14)
   1806536  (No) - spam-axb-coi-bulk.log (Aug 29 11:41)
   1806536  (No) - ham-ena-week3.log (Aug 29 12:38)
   1806536  (No) - ham-ena-week1.log (Aug 29 12:38)
   1806678 (Yes) - spam-thendrikx.log (Aug 30 09:04)
   1806536  (No) - ham-axb-coi-bulk.log (Aug 29 11:41)
   1806536  (No) - spam-ena-week2.log (Aug 29 12:39)

8/10 matches (4 ham, 4 spam)


Recent masscheck submission listings in the past week:
   SVN rev (Match) File Name (Date)
   1806274 (Yes) - spam-net-ena-week0.log (Aug 26 12:41)
   1806274 (Yes) - spam-net-axb-ninja.log (Aug 26 12:38)
   1806274 (Yes) - spam-net-grenier.log (Aug 26 09:04)
   1806274 (Yes) - spam-net-jbrooks.log (Aug 26 19:12)
   1806274 (Yes) - ham-net-jarif.log (Aug 26 18:11)
   1806274 (Yes) - spam-net-thendrikx.log (Aug 26 09:27)
   1806274 (Yes) - ham-net-axb-ham-misc.log (Aug 26 12:37)
   1806274 (Yes) - ham-net-axb-coi-bulk.log (Aug 26 12:37)
   1805491  (No) - spam-net-llanga.log (Aug 26 10:49)
   1806274 (Yes) - spam-net-axb-generic.log (Aug 26 12:38)
   1806274 (Yes) - ham-net-axb-ninja.log (Aug 26 12:37)
   1806274 (Yes) - ham-net-grenier.log (Aug 26 09:04)
   1806274 (Yes) - ham-net-jbrooks.log (Aug 26 19:12)
   1806274 (Yes) - spam-net-mmiroslaw-mails-ham.log (Aug 26 12:48)
   1806274 (Yes) - ham-net-mmiroslaw-mails-spam.log (Aug 26 12:48)
   1805491  (No) - ham-net-llanga.log (Aug 26 10:49)
   1806274 (Yes) - ham-net-mmiroslaw-mails-ham.log (Aug 26 12:48)
   1806274 (Yes) - ham-net-ena-week0.log (Aug 26 12:40)
   1806274 (Yes) - spam-net-darxus.log (Aug 26 10:22)
   1806274 (Yes) - spam-net-axb-ham-misc.log (Aug 26 12:38)
   1806274 (Yes) - ham-net-darxus.log (Aug 26 10:22)
   1806274 (Yes) - ham-net-thendrikx.log (Aug 26 09:27)
   1806274 (Yes) - spam-net-jarif.log (Aug 26 18:11)
   1806274 (Yes) - spam-net-axb-coi-bulk.log (Aug 26 12:37)
   1806274 (Yes) - spam-net-mmiroslaw-mails-spam.log (Aug 26 12:48)
   1806274 (Yes) - ham-net-axb-generic.log (Aug 26 12:37)

24/26 matches (12 ham, 12 spam)

NOTE: Old are probably no longer running automasscheck script. on - not enough contributors for SVN 1806678

2017-08-30 Thread root

Corpus total: 148, Old: 90, Recent: 26, New: 12

SVN tagged rev in nightly_mass_check:  1806678

New masscheck submission listings in the past day:
   SVN rev (Match) File Name (Date)
   1806678 (Yes) - spam-darxus.log (Aug 30 09:09)
   1806678 (Yes) - ham-darxus.log (Aug 30 09:09)
   1806678 (Yes) - ham-grenier.log (Aug 30 09:02)
   1806678 (Yes) - ham-ena-week0.log (Aug 30 09:41)
   1806678 (Yes) - spam-ena-week0.log (Aug 30 09:41)
   1806536  (No) - spam-ena-week3.log (Aug 29 12:39)
   1806536  (No) - spam-ena-week1.log (Aug 29 12:39)
   1806536  (No) - spam-jbrooks.log (Aug 29 13:07)
   1806536  (No) - spam-axb-generic.log (Aug 29 11:42)
   1806536  (No) - ham-mmiroslaw-mails-ham.log (Aug 29 11:28)
   1806536  (No) - ham-ena-week2.log (Aug 29 12:38)
   1806536  (No) - spam-axb-ham-misc.log (Aug 29 11:42)
   1806536  (No) - spam-llanga.log (Aug 30 07:14)
   1806678 (Yes) - spam-grenier.log (Aug 30 09:02)
   1806536  (No) - ham-axb-ham-misc.log (Aug 29 11:41)
   1806536  (No) - ham-mmiroslaw-mails-spam.log (Aug 29 11:28)
   1806536  (No) - ham-axb-generic.log (Aug 29 11:41)
   1806536  (No) - ham-axb-ninja.log (Aug 29 11:41)
   1806536  (No) - spam-mmiroslaw-mails-spam.log (Aug 29 11:28)
   1806536  (No) - spam-axb-ninja.log (Aug 29 11:42)
   1806536  (No) - ham-jbrooks.log (Aug 29 13:06)
   1806536  (No) - spam-jarif.log (Aug 29 20:28)
   1806678 (Yes) - ham-thendrikx.log (Aug 30 09:04)
   1806536  (No) - ham-jarif.log (Aug 29 20:28)
   1806536  (No) - spam-mmiroslaw-mails-ham.log (Aug 29 11:28)
   1806536  (No) - ham-llanga.log (Aug 30 07:14)
   1806536  (No) - spam-axb-coi-bulk.log (Aug 29 11:41)
   1806536  (No) - ham-ena-week3.log (Aug 29 12:38)
   1806536  (No) - ham-ena-week1.log (Aug 29 12:38)
   1806678 (Yes) - spam-thendrikx.log (Aug 30 09:04)
   1806536  (No) - ham-axb-coi-bulk.log (Aug 29 11:41)
   1806536  (No) - spam-ena-week2.log (Aug 29 12:39)

8/12 matches (4 ham, 4 spam)


Recent masscheck submission listings in the past week:
   SVN rev (Match) File Name (Date)
   1806274 (Yes) - spam-net-ena-week0.log (Aug 26 12:41)
   1806274 (Yes) - spam-net-axb-ninja.log (Aug 26 12:38)
   1806274 (Yes) - spam-net-grenier.log (Aug 26 09:04)
   1806274 (Yes) - spam-net-jbrooks.log (Aug 26 19:12)
   1806274 (Yes) - ham-net-jarif.log (Aug 26 18:11)
   1806274 (Yes) - spam-net-thendrikx.log (Aug 26 09:27)
   1806274 (Yes) - ham-net-axb-ham-misc.log (Aug 26 12:37)
   1806274 (Yes) - ham-net-axb-coi-bulk.log (Aug 26 12:37)
   1805491  (No) - spam-net-llanga.log (Aug 26 10:49)
   1806274 (Yes) - spam-net-axb-generic.log (Aug 26 12:38)
   1806274 (Yes) - ham-net-axb-ninja.log (Aug 26 12:37)
   1806274 (Yes) - ham-net-grenier.log (Aug 26 09:04)
   1806274 (Yes) - ham-net-jbrooks.log (Aug 26 19:12)
   1806274 (Yes) - spam-net-mmiroslaw-mails-ham.log (Aug 26 12:48)
   1806274 (Yes) - ham-net-mmiroslaw-mails-spam.log (Aug 26 12:48)
   1805491  (No) - ham-net-llanga.log (Aug 26 10:49)
   1806274 (Yes) - ham-net-mmiroslaw-mails-ham.log (Aug 26 12:48)
   1806274 (Yes) - ham-net-ena-week0.log (Aug 26 12:40)
   1806274 (Yes) - spam-net-darxus.log (Aug 26 10:22)
   1806274 (Yes) - spam-net-axb-ham-misc.log (Aug 26 12:38)
   1806274 (Yes) - ham-net-darxus.log (Aug 26 10:22)
   1806274 (Yes) - ham-net-thendrikx.log (Aug 26 09:27)
   1806274 (Yes) - spam-net-jarif.log (Aug 26 18:11)
   1806274 (Yes) - spam-net-axb-coi-bulk.log (Aug 26 12:37)
   1806274 (Yes) - spam-net-mmiroslaw-mails-spam.log (Aug 26 12:48)
   1806274 (Yes) - ham-net-axb-generic.log (Aug 26 12:37)

24/26 matches (12 ham, 12 spam)

NOTE: Old are probably no longer running automasscheck script.

Re: Fwd: [jira] [Updated] (INFRA-14986) appears offline.

2017-08-30 Thread Kevin A. McGrail

On 8/30/2017 3:44 PM, Dave Jones wrote:
Something is wrong if that VM is running out of RAM. There must be a 
memory leak or something.  I guess we will have to figure that out 
Could be a DDoS type attack where they are hitting us with a billion SSH 
commands.  Any sign what might be spiraling it?  We had it go out of ram 
3 or 4 times I think.  Remember, I think I opened a Jira to increase the 

Re: Fwd: [jira] [Updated] (INFRA-14986) appears offline.

2017-08-30 Thread Dave Jones
Something is wrong if that VM is running out of RAM.  There must be a 
memory leak or something.  I guess we will have to figure that out somehow.


On 08/30/2017 12:49 PM, Kevin A. McGrail wrote:
Ran it out of memory it appears and we have no swap to gracefully 
recover.  Thoughts?  Ask for more ram?

 Forwarded Message 
Subject: [jira] [Updated] (INFRA-14986) appears 

Date: Wed, 30 Aug 2017 17:46:00 + (UTC)
From: Daniel Takamori (JIRA) 


Daniel Takamori updated INFRA-14986:

     Status: Waiting for user  (was: Waiting for Infra) appears offline.

    Key: INFRA-14986
    Project: Infrastructure
 Issue Type: Project
 Components: VM
   Reporter: Kevin A. McGrail
   Assignee: Daniel Takamori
   Priority: Blocker

Our VM has been having problems for a few hours.  SSH is non-responsive.
Not responding to pings but unsure if ICMP is blocked.
Notification Type: PROBLEM
Service: SSH
Host: SpamAssassin Project VM
Date/Time: Wed Aug 30 08:47:53 CDT 2017
Additional Info:
CRITICAL - Socket timeout

This message was sent by Atlassian JIRA
(v6.4.14#64029) on - not enough contributors for SVN 1806678

2017-08-30 Thread root

Corpus total: 148, Old: 90, Recent: 26, New: 12

SVN tagged rev in nightly_mass_check:  1806678

New masscheck submission listings in the past day:
   SVN rev (Match) File Name (Date)
   1806678 (Yes) - spam-darxus.log (Aug 30 09:09)
   1806678 (Yes) - ham-darxus.log (Aug 30 09:09)
   1806678 (Yes) - ham-grenier.log (Aug 30 09:02)
   1806678 (Yes) - ham-ena-week0.log (Aug 30 09:41)
   1806678 (Yes) - spam-ena-week0.log (Aug 30 09:41)
   1806536  (No) - spam-ena-week3.log (Aug 29 12:39)
   1806536  (No) - spam-ena-week1.log (Aug 29 12:39)
   1806536  (No) - spam-jbrooks.log (Aug 29 13:07)
   1806536  (No) - spam-axb-generic.log (Aug 29 11:42)
   1806536  (No) - ham-mmiroslaw-mails-ham.log (Aug 29 11:28)
   1806536  (No) - ham-ena-week2.log (Aug 29 12:38)
   1806536  (No) - spam-axb-ham-misc.log (Aug 29 11:42)
   1806536  (No) - spam-llanga.log (Aug 30 07:14)
   1806678 (Yes) - spam-grenier.log (Aug 30 09:02)
   1806536  (No) - ham-axb-ham-misc.log (Aug 29 11:41)
   1806536  (No) - ham-mmiroslaw-mails-spam.log (Aug 29 11:28)
   1806536  (No) - ham-axb-generic.log (Aug 29 11:41)
   1806536  (No) - ham-axb-ninja.log (Aug 29 11:41)
   1806536  (No) - spam-mmiroslaw-mails-spam.log (Aug 29 11:28)
   1806536  (No) - spam-axb-ninja.log (Aug 29 11:42)
   1806536  (No) - ham-jbrooks.log (Aug 29 13:06)
   1806536  (No) - spam-jarif.log (Aug 29 20:28)
   1806678 (Yes) - ham-thendrikx.log (Aug 30 09:04)
   1806536  (No) - ham-jarif.log (Aug 29 20:28)
   1806536  (No) - spam-mmiroslaw-mails-ham.log (Aug 29 11:28)
   1806536  (No) - ham-llanga.log (Aug 30 07:14)
   1806536  (No) - spam-axb-coi-bulk.log (Aug 29 11:41)
   1806536  (No) - ham-ena-week3.log (Aug 29 12:38)
   1806536  (No) - ham-ena-week1.log (Aug 29 12:38)
   1806678 (Yes) - spam-thendrikx.log (Aug 30 09:04)
   1806536  (No) - ham-axb-coi-bulk.log (Aug 29 11:41)
   1806536  (No) - spam-ena-week2.log (Aug 29 12:39)

8/12 matches (4 ham, 4 spam)


Recent masscheck submission listings in the past week:
   SVN rev (Match) File Name (Date)
   1806274 (Yes) - spam-net-ena-week0.log (Aug 26 12:41)
   1806274 (Yes) - spam-net-axb-ninja.log (Aug 26 12:38)
   1806274 (Yes) - spam-net-grenier.log (Aug 26 09:04)
   1806274 (Yes) - spam-net-jbrooks.log (Aug 26 19:12)
   1806274 (Yes) - ham-net-jarif.log (Aug 26 18:11)
   1806274 (Yes) - spam-net-thendrikx.log (Aug 26 09:27)
   1806274 (Yes) - ham-net-axb-ham-misc.log (Aug 26 12:37)
   1806274 (Yes) - ham-net-axb-coi-bulk.log (Aug 26 12:37)
   1805491  (No) - spam-net-llanga.log (Aug 26 10:49)
   1806274 (Yes) - spam-net-axb-generic.log (Aug 26 12:38)
   1806274 (Yes) - ham-net-axb-ninja.log (Aug 26 12:37)
   1806274 (Yes) - ham-net-grenier.log (Aug 26 09:04)
   1806274 (Yes) - ham-net-jbrooks.log (Aug 26 19:12)
   1806274 (Yes) - spam-net-mmiroslaw-mails-ham.log (Aug 26 12:48)
   1806274 (Yes) - ham-net-mmiroslaw-mails-spam.log (Aug 26 12:48)
   1805491  (No) - ham-net-llanga.log (Aug 26 10:49)
   1806274 (Yes) - ham-net-mmiroslaw-mails-ham.log (Aug 26 12:48)
   1806274 (Yes) - ham-net-ena-week0.log (Aug 26 12:40)
   1806274 (Yes) - spam-net-darxus.log (Aug 26 10:22)
   1806274 (Yes) - spam-net-axb-ham-misc.log (Aug 26 12:38)
   1806274 (Yes) - ham-net-darxus.log (Aug 26 10:22)
   1806274 (Yes) - ham-net-thendrikx.log (Aug 26 09:27)
   1806274 (Yes) - spam-net-jarif.log (Aug 26 18:11)
   1806274 (Yes) - spam-net-axb-coi-bulk.log (Aug 26 12:37)
   1806274 (Yes) - spam-net-mmiroslaw-mails-spam.log (Aug 26 12:48)
   1806274 (Yes) - ham-net-axb-generic.log (Aug 26 12:37)

24/26 matches (12 ham, 12 spam)

NOTE: Old are probably no longer running automasscheck script. on - not enough contributors for SVN 1806678

2017-08-30 Thread root

Corpus total: 148, Old: 90, Recent: 26, New: 12

SVN tagged rev in nightly_mass_check:  1806678

New masscheck submission listings in the past day:
   SVN rev (Match) File Name (Date)
   1806678 (Yes) - spam-darxus.log (Aug 30 09:09)
   1806678 (Yes) - ham-darxus.log (Aug 30 09:09)
   1806678 (Yes) - ham-grenier.log (Aug 30 09:02)
   1806678 (Yes) - ham-ena-week0.log (Aug 30 09:41)
   1806678 (Yes) - spam-ena-week0.log (Aug 30 09:41)
   1806536  (No) - spam-ena-week3.log (Aug 29 12:39)
   1806536  (No) - spam-ena-week1.log (Aug 29 12:39)
   1806536  (No) - spam-jbrooks.log (Aug 29 13:07)
   1806536  (No) - spam-axb-generic.log (Aug 29 11:42)
   1806536  (No) - ham-mmiroslaw-mails-ham.log (Aug 29 11:28)
   1806536  (No) - ham-ena-week2.log (Aug 29 12:38)
   1806536  (No) - spam-axb-ham-misc.log (Aug 29 11:42)
   1806536  (No) - spam-llanga.log (Aug 30 07:14)
   1806678 (Yes) - spam-grenier.log (Aug 30 09:02)
   1806536  (No) - ham-axb-ham-misc.log (Aug 29 11:41)
   1806536  (No) - ham-mmiroslaw-mails-spam.log (Aug 29 11:28)
   1806536  (No) - ham-axb-generic.log (Aug 29 11:41)
   1806536  (No) - ham-axb-ninja.log (Aug 29 11:41)
   1806536  (No) - spam-mmiroslaw-mails-spam.log (Aug 29 11:28)
   1806536  (No) - spam-axb-ninja.log (Aug 29 11:42)
   1806536  (No) - ham-jbrooks.log (Aug 29 13:06)
   1806536  (No) - spam-jarif.log (Aug 29 20:28)
   1806678 (Yes) - ham-thendrikx.log (Aug 30 09:04)
   1806536  (No) - ham-jarif.log (Aug 29 20:28)
   1806536  (No) - spam-mmiroslaw-mails-ham.log (Aug 29 11:28)
   1806536  (No) - ham-llanga.log (Aug 30 07:14)
   1806536  (No) - spam-axb-coi-bulk.log (Aug 29 11:41)
   1806536  (No) - ham-ena-week3.log (Aug 29 12:38)
   1806536  (No) - ham-ena-week1.log (Aug 29 12:38)
   1806678 (Yes) - spam-thendrikx.log (Aug 30 09:04)
   1806536  (No) - ham-axb-coi-bulk.log (Aug 29 11:41)
   1806536  (No) - spam-ena-week2.log (Aug 29 12:39)

8/12 matches (4 ham, 4 spam)


Recent masscheck submission listings in the past week:
   SVN rev (Match) File Name (Date)
   1806274 (Yes) - spam-net-ena-week0.log (Aug 26 12:41)
   1806274 (Yes) - spam-net-axb-ninja.log (Aug 26 12:38)
   1806274 (Yes) - spam-net-grenier.log (Aug 26 09:04)
   1806274 (Yes) - spam-net-jbrooks.log (Aug 26 19:12)
   1806274 (Yes) - ham-net-jarif.log (Aug 26 18:11)
   1806274 (Yes) - spam-net-thendrikx.log (Aug 26 09:27)
   1806274 (Yes) - ham-net-axb-ham-misc.log (Aug 26 12:37)
   1806274 (Yes) - ham-net-axb-coi-bulk.log (Aug 26 12:37)
   1805491  (No) - spam-net-llanga.log (Aug 26 10:49)
   1806274 (Yes) - spam-net-axb-generic.log (Aug 26 12:38)
   1806274 (Yes) - ham-net-axb-ninja.log (Aug 26 12:37)
   1806274 (Yes) - ham-net-grenier.log (Aug 26 09:04)
   1806274 (Yes) - ham-net-jbrooks.log (Aug 26 19:12)
   1806274 (Yes) - spam-net-mmiroslaw-mails-ham.log (Aug 26 12:48)
   1806274 (Yes) - ham-net-mmiroslaw-mails-spam.log (Aug 26 12:48)
   1805491  (No) - ham-net-llanga.log (Aug 26 10:49)
   1806274 (Yes) - ham-net-mmiroslaw-mails-ham.log (Aug 26 12:48)
   1806274 (Yes) - ham-net-ena-week0.log (Aug 26 12:40)
   1806274 (Yes) - spam-net-darxus.log (Aug 26 10:22)
   1806274 (Yes) - spam-net-axb-ham-misc.log (Aug 26 12:38)
   1806274 (Yes) - ham-net-darxus.log (Aug 26 10:22)
   1806274 (Yes) - ham-net-thendrikx.log (Aug 26 09:27)
   1806274 (Yes) - spam-net-jarif.log (Aug 26 18:11)
   1806274 (Yes) - spam-net-axb-coi-bulk.log (Aug 26 12:37)
   1806274 (Yes) - spam-net-mmiroslaw-mails-spam.log (Aug 26 12:48)
   1806274 (Yes) - ham-net-axb-generic.log (Aug 26 12:37)

24/26 matches (12 ham, 12 spam)

NOTE: Old are probably no longer running automasscheck script. on - 0 mirrors DOWN, 5 mirrors STALE

2017-08-30 Thread root
Fetching sa-update URLs from UP (STALE) UP (STALE) UP (STALE) UP (STALE) UP (STALE)

Fwd: [jira] [Updated] (INFRA-14986) appears offline.

2017-08-30 Thread Kevin A. McGrail
Ran it out of memory it appears and we have no swap to gracefully 
recover.  Thoughts?  Ask for more ram?

 Forwarded Message 
Subject:[jira] [Updated] (INFRA-14986) appears 
Date:   Wed, 30 Aug 2017 17:46:00 + (UTC)
From:   Daniel Takamori (JIRA) 


Daniel Takamori updated INFRA-14986:

Status: Waiting for user  (was: Waiting for Infra) appears offline.

Key: INFRA-14986
Project: Infrastructure
 Issue Type: Project
 Components: VM
   Reporter: Kevin A. McGrail
   Assignee: Daniel Takamori
   Priority: Blocker

Our VM has been having problems for a few hours.  SSH is non-responsive.
Not responding to pings but unsure if ICMP is blocked.
Notification Type: PROBLEM
Service: SSH
Host: SpamAssassin Project VM
Date/Time: Wed Aug 30 08:47:53 CDT 2017
Additional Info:
CRITICAL - Socket timeout

This message was sent by Atlassian JIRA

Re: Fwd: Fw: ** PROBLEM Service Alert: SpamAssassin Project VM/SSH is CRITICAL **

2017-08-30 Thread Kevin A. McGrail
Thanks, I concur.  I opened

On 8/30/2017 9:54 AM, Dave Jones wrote:

Our VM has been having problems for a few hours...

 Forwarded Message 
Subject: Fw: ** PROBLEM Service Alert: SpamAssassin Project VM/SSH 

Date: Wed, 30 Aug 2017 13:52:34 +
From: David Jones 

*Sent:* Wednesday, August 30, 2017 8:47 AM
*To:* David Jones
*Subject:* ** PROBLEM Service Alert: SpamAssassin Project VM/SSH is 

* ENA Monitor *

Notification Type: PROBLEM

Service: SSH
Host: SpamAssassin Project VM

Date/Time: Wed Aug 30 08:47:53 CDT 2017

Additional Info:

CRITICAL - Socket timeout

Fwd: Fw: ** PROBLEM Service Alert: SpamAssassin Project VM/SSH is CRITICAL **

2017-08-30 Thread Dave Jones

Our VM has been having problems for a few hours...

 Forwarded Message 
Subject: 	Fw: ** PROBLEM Service Alert: SpamAssassin Project VM/SSH is 

Date:   Wed, 30 Aug 2017 13:52:34 +
From:   David Jones 

*Sent:* Wednesday, August 30, 2017 8:47 AM
*To:* David Jones
*Subject:* ** PROBLEM Service Alert: SpamAssassin Project VM/SSH is 

* ENA Monitor *

Notification Type: PROBLEM

Service: SSH
Host: SpamAssassin Project VM

Date/Time: Wed Aug 30 08:47:53 CDT 2017

Additional Info:

CRITICAL - Socket timeout