Re: [Tagging] Highway property proposal "covered=yes"

2009-10-30 Thread Randy
Ed Hillsman wrote:

>I would welcome any suggestions you have on how to deal with the open- 
>building situations, the student center, or shade. Yes, in a way,  these 
>are minor, even trivial situations, but they contribute to the  quality of 
>the local environment, and it would be good to be able to  record that in 

Ed - Regarding your 2nd, 3rd paragraphs, and last part of your 4th 
paragraph, yes, that's exactly what I'm dealing with. In my current case 
it is auto ways, but I was also thinking toward your situation.

For me, at least, tunnel, whether footpath, road or waterway implies no 
side access, unless you map entry ports along the tunnel. A "covered" way, 
on the other hand, implies (or would imply) that there may be ad hoc or 
unmapped access to it, such from parking, or from most points to a 
sidewalk, even when the sign says "Keep off the grass". Of course, others 
may see it differently. For example, if I mapped a covered street and a 
covered sidewalk in parallel, I would assume I could get in or out of a 
car from the sidewalk, if it were tagged "covered" but that I could not do 
that if each was a tunnel, unless I mapped a connecting tunnel.

It seems that most of your other issues have more to do with shade 
covering rather than weather elements. Things such a "portico" can better 
be described as building attributes rather than shelter or shading 
attributes on the way. The only (unlikely) exception would be if their is 
a meaningful height restriction, which should be tagged on the way as 
"maxheight=*". This by the way, is a precedence of for tagging the way 
rather than what is above it with the information. We don't tag a bridge 
with its height, we tag the underpassing way with maxheight.

Depending on how sophisticated you want to get, shade can be a very 
complex issue, as I'm sure you recognize. If the trees are deciduous then 
shaded may need a seasonal qualification. (or, it may not be important 
during those months when the trees are bare) If a path is next to a 
building, possibly a seasonal (as in your example), or maybe an hourly 
restriction, depending on the side of the building. Do you want to route 
based on morning vs. afternoon classes? An hourly restriction can even 
apply to a building overhang or an awning, depending on how far out it 
extends. I think that "shaded" would be a valid attribute for ways, and 
you may have to come up with your own qualifiers to associate with the 
shaded attribute, such as "seasonal=[months] and time=[daylight hours] 
that will work for your specific purpose, but will be ignored by more 
general renderers and routers. "covered" would imply total shade, unless 
the way was also tagged with "shaded".

In the case of the path next to the building, you have a situation where 
the building attributes might be important. Depending on how sophisticated 
you want to make it, the routing software could be made smart enough to 
determine how close, and in what direction a building is, from the 
sidewalk, so it could estimate shade as a function of time and/or month. 
The building can be tagged with a physical attribute, height, which could 
aid in determining when a pedestrian way is shaded by the building.  There 
is a whole page on proposed building attribute tags, including 

There are those who would argue that there is a node/way/area tag for 
tree(s) that can be used to map the areas of a path that are shaded by 
trees, and that this is the preferred method of mapping trees. I 
personally believe that you have to look at the purpose of the mapping. If 
it is just to show that there are some trees around an area then that is 
adequate. If you are mapping for a different purpose that is more related 
to using a way, then, in my opinion, a method, that while on the surface 
is redundant, is more functional to your purpose, is not only valid, but 

As you see, my tendency at times is to ramble.


Tagging mailing list

Re: [Tagging] [Talk-us] NY Bicycle Routes

2009-10-30 Thread Sam Vekemans
On Fri, Oct 30, 2009 at 7:37 PM, Richard Welty wrote:

> On 10/30/09 6:59 PM, Sam Vekemans wrote:
>> Hi,
>> how are you tagging state-wide cycle routes?
>> I know we haven
>> lcn= for local cycle routes (named&  not named)
>> rcn=for regional cycle routes (ie metro area)
>> then there's
>> ncn=for nation wide
>> but there's no
>> scn (state cycle network) or pcn (province cycle network)
> i'm using rcn, it seemed the closest. maybe scn should be created?
> richard
> lcn = is light blue... local cycle routes
rcn = dark blue  regional cycle routes
ncn = red ... national cycle routes

... and ya, i think maybe a pink or  a green for a scn. .. i would also
recommend that pcn be used in the same way (as come contries uses province')
So, if both tags do the same thing, that would be a good solution.

In switzerland, the lcn is shown as regional cycle route... town to  town,
where the dark blue is shown locally. (so if the the dark blue and light
blue were swiched)

So if switzerland was used as the basis... we have.

rcn = dark blue (local cycle routes)
lcn = light blue (reginal cycle routes) or state cycle routes or region of
greater London area)
ncn = red national cycle route (that cross state/regional/province lines)

And where the local cycle routes are not listed... simply becacuase bicycles
can go everywhere that a car can go.

indicated that the way is part of the national cycle network
and on the other side of the river
is indicated as part of the rcn .. in light blue...

Where the dark blue appears to be only in the big cities..
such as Basel, where this dark blue is what connects the communities that
are IN basel.

So in other words... i think its a social thing.

We (in north America) think Bicycling as a 'recreation', where it's a
week-end thing, and just for the ''cycling people".   As the Automobile, is
considered 1st when cities are planned out.  They are simply designed with
the expectation that cars are to be driven everywhere.

So, on the otherhand, in Switzerland (when the city planners design
communities), they right away look at 3 things.  How pedestrians will use
the community, how cyclest will use the community, and lastly, how cars will
manuver through the city to get to the next city.

Where as, in North America, it's only pedestrians that get consideration, so
'sidewalks' are planed on every street, ... and it's only in the last 20
years that 'curbs' so wheel chairs can access them. (in MANY areas) we still
dont have accessable curbs.

So i propose that we start making the cyclemap, with the 'expectation' that
cyclists are allowed FULL use of roads.. (accept of course free-ways), and
bi-ways,  cyclists are expected to use the shoulder where available.  And it
doesn't need to be marked.

So this might require some effort on our part, and perhaps we need to have a
new tag for "ccr" city cycle route
... and this might eleviate the problem.
As in the case of our example, the cyclemap for Solothurn, it doesnt
indicate which roads are 'cycle friendly'   that's probably becuase they ALL
are. :-)

Sam Vekemans
Across Canada Trails
Tagging mailing list

Re: [Tagging] Highway property proposal "covered=yes"

2009-10-30 Thread Ed Hillsman
I've come to this discussion late, because the tagging listserv is  
relatively new, and I haven't been monitoring it regularly. I don't  
have anything like a definitive suggestion to Randy's original problem  
or the variants added to it in the subsequent discussion, but I'd like  
to add something else for consideration.

I'm tagging sidewalks on the University of South Florida in Tampa, and  
we have a number of situations where a sidewalk goes through a  
building. In effect, much of the ground level of the building is open  
to the elements, and the sidewalk goes under the second floor. Doors  
to offices and other rooms open onto the sidewalk. This seems to have  
been a style here in the 1970s. There are two variations of this.

In one, the sidewalk runs between two parts of the ground floor of the  
building (like a tunnel). Doors (and elevators and stairways) may  
front onto the sidewalk as it passes through. I have been tagging  
portion of these sidewalk that goes through these buildings as  
highway=footway, tunnel=yes, because from the perspective of the  
sidewalk, it is a tunnel. But I've not been entirely comfortable with  
it. This is, I think, the situation that Randy identified, but for  

In the other, the sidewalk runs along the side of the ground floor of  
the building, with grass on one side, the building (often with doors  
opening onto the sidewalk) on the other, and the second floor of the  
building overhead. These have been problematic. They function as  
sidewalks but are not quite normal sidewalks, and they definitely are  
not tunnels

One of the reasons I'm doing this mapping is because we want to  
develop a walking-route finder for students using wheelchairs. As part  
of this, I've been considering proposing a tag shade=*, intended to  
apply to a sidewalk or street (mostly sidewalks, though), with the  
following values based on midday shading:

=trees, if the way is heavily shaded by trees (not intended for areas  
on a way shaded a single tree, but for a length of way with shade  
covering a substantial part of the length)
=pergola, if the way is covered by a pergola or similar trellis with  
plantings dense enough to provide shade
=roof if the way is covered by an awning or similar roof impervious to  
rain. Intended for a free-standing structure built for the purpose of  
covering the sidewalk
=building if the way hugs the north side of a building and is shaded  
by it (this would apply in latitudes farther north than here--in  
midsummer the sun is too high)
=portico if the way runs beneath a canopy, colonnade, or similar  
projection of the building that provides shade and shelter but,  
depending on the orientation of the way, might provide shade at noon  
and in the morning, but not in the afternoon (or vice versa). This is  
the value that I have been considering for the second case above  
(building on one side, grass on the other, second level overhead.  
Older parts of some European cities are full of these. Better-designed  
commercial developments also have extended awnings/canopies attached  
to the front of the buildings, shading the sidewalk that runs along  
the front of the shops.
=none would be the implied value if shade=* is not coded, although I  
would understand if a mapper coded it to make a point during a hot  
shadeless afternoon walk.
Maybe other values, but these are the ones I've encountered here, or  
thought about. shade=trees could apply to older streets as well as  
sidewalks, but I doubt the other values would apply to streets very  
often. Shade=trees would also apply to stretches of hiking paths  
(below treeline, obviously) and cycle paths, distinguishing them from  
stretches through meadow, rockfields, talus, etc. Useful for planning  
a hike.

Knowing about shade would allow the eventual routing application to  
trade off using a slightly longer shady route vs a shorter one without  
shade. Because of trees, we can't just tag shade in association with a  
building or architectural element

There are other situations, such as some of the early grand commercial  
arcades, that are structurally similar to the example that Anthony  
provided at 
 (by the way, Anthony, I like your work in detailing the commercial  
complex that I'd merely traced the outline for). If there were a tag  
for "arcade" or something like that, I would use it, not for shade,  
but because it describes the overall situation, and shade would be  
implied. Because of its size, location and other functions, and the  
orientation of the doors, the multistory lobby of new student center  
on the campus now functions as a sidewalk. Students routinely cut  
through the building on their way from places to the north, to places  
to the south, or vice versa. So it is a bit like an old arcade as  

Re: [Tagging] Highway property proposal "covered=yes"

2009-10-30 Thread Randy
Martin Koppenhoefer wrote:

>2009/10/30 Pieren 
>>On Thu, Oct 29, 2009 at 11:02 PM, Randy 
>>>Possibly just "building=roof"
>>>would work (not my idea, someone else suggested it).
>>I have a much bigger preference to "building=roof" or "building=cover"
>>on the element on the top instead of some attribute on some
>>hypothetical element below .
>>Adding the attribute "covered=yes" is not always possible, e.g. a
>>large balcony covering only partially a river or a simple roof in
>>farms (a open air shelter for animals or warehouse).
>>If it is to help the renderers only, then it sounds as a synonym of
>+1, I agree that it would be better to map the covering object in an
>appropriate way, and not to indirectly map it through attributes on the
>covered object, e.g. in cases that a building covers a street beeing itself
>a bridge (those cases currently are not displayed correctly in mapnik due 
>a "bug by design", that is even with the building beeing on level 1 and
>tagged as bridge=yes the street is displayed like it was on top of it).
>On the other hand for galleries (covering structures like in alpine areas 
>protect the street, but unlike a tunnel open to one or both sides) and
>arcades (and colonades) I would prefer to have the attribute on the road.
>Tunnel should be used for real tunnels and not for all kind of structures
>where a street is covered.
>Then there is a third kind of way: those that are completely inside
>buildings (shopping malls, generally corridors and hallways, all kind of
>indoor-ways). I'd like to see a Key indoor for those to stop the abusement
>of the tunnel-key.

a) I didn't suggest using "covered=yes" for areas, for the reason Pieren 
gave, i.e. partial coverage. However, there are limited situations when I 
think tagging areas as covered may be appropriate, so I wouldn't want to 
restrict it.

b) Yes, I agree that when one can clearly differentiate levels for the 
components involved the current layering method should be used. I also 
agree that abusing the use of tunnel is inappropriate. When there is 
"unmappable" access to a tunnel, such as an open side, then it is not a 

c) However, as Martin agreed, there are cases where it is a 
misrepresentation, at the least, to map a way and a building in different 
layers. Take for an example a four story department floor where the first 
floor is undercut to allow an exterior sheltered pedestrian way.

d) Is it better to proliferate tags, i.e., have separate tags for interior 
ways and exterior covered ways, or to have a single tag that applies to 
both? I can see arguments both ways, but tend to lean toward simplification.


Tagging mailing list

Re: [Tagging] [Talk-us] NY Bicycle Routes

2009-10-30 Thread Sam Vekemans
how are you tagging state-wide cycle routes?

I know we have
lcn= for local cycle routes (named & not named)
rcn=for regional cycle routes (ie metro area)

then there's
ncn=for nation wide
but there's no
scn (state cycle network) or pcn (province cycle network)

in Quebec we have a state-wide network, but listed as ncn. (route de verte)
(the Trans Canada Trail isnt a 'cycle route' per say, but elements of
it allows cycling on different surfaces). Do we make a new render for
a 'recreational trail'?

Is there an established practice?

Sam Vekemans
Across Canada Trails

On 10/30/09, Richard Welty  wrote:
> i have added a page for NY state bike routes here:
> and added my just created relation (not quite complete) for the Mohawk
> Hudson Bikeway from Rotterdam Junction to Albany.
> lots of bike routes in NY need to be documented:
> richard
> ___
> Talk-us mailing list

Twitter: @Acrosscanada
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Tagging mailing list

Re: [Tagging] Highway property proposal "covered=yes"

2009-10-30 Thread Martin Koppenhoefer
2009/10/30 Pieren 

> On Thu, Oct 29, 2009 at 11:02 PM, Randy 
> wrote:
> > Possibly just "building=roof"
> > would work (not my idea, someone else suggested it).
> I have a much bigger preference to "building=roof" or "building=cover"
> on the element on the top instead of some attribute on some
> hypothetical element below .
> Adding the attribute "covered=yes" is not always possible, e.g. a
> large balcony covering only partially a river or a simple roof in
> farms (a open air shelter for animals or warehouse).
> If it is to help the renderers only, then it sounds as a synonym of
> "tunnel=yes".
+1, I agree that it would be better to map the covering object in an
appropriate way, and not to indirectly map it through attributes on the
covered object, e.g. in cases that a building covers a street beeing itself
a bridge (those cases currently are not displayed correctly in mapnik due to
a "bug by design", that is even with the building beeing on level 1 and
tagged as bridge=yes the street is displayed like it was on top of it).
On the other hand for galleries (covering structures like in alpine areas to
protect the street, but unlike a tunnel open to one or both sides) and
arcades (and colonades) I would prefer to have the attribute on the road.
Tunnel should be used for real tunnels and not for all kind of structures
where a street is covered.

Then there is a third kind of way: those that are completely inside
buildings (shopping malls, generally corridors and hallways, all kind of
indoor-ways). I'd like to see a Key indoor for those to stop the abusement
of the tunnel-key.

Tagging mailing list

Re: [Tagging] Highway property proposal "covered=yes"

2009-10-30 Thread Anthony
On Fri, Oct 30, 2009 at 9:51 AM, Anthony  wrote:
> Splitting the building into two parts, one at layer=0, touching the
> parking area, and one at layer=1, encompassing both the area next to
> and under the parking area, is another solution.  It's similar to what
> we'd do with a highway when we want it to exist at multiple layers.
> But it's probably unprecedented for buildings.
Actually, that wouldn't work if the ground level itself differs from
one part of the building to the other, which is something I've seen
before in malls (the second floor on one side is the first floor on
the other).

I can't think of a proper way to map this without changing
everything...  I don't know.

Tagging mailing list

Re: [Tagging] Highway property proposal "covered=yes"

2009-10-30 Thread Anthony
On Fri, Oct 30, 2009 at 5:24 AM, Pieren  wrote:
> On Thu, Oct 29, 2009 at 11:02 PM, Randy  wrote:
>> Possibly just "building=roof"
>> would work (not my idea, someone else suggested it).
> I have a much bigger preference to "building=roof" or "building=cover"
> on the element on the top instead of some attribute on some
> hypothetical element below .

Or man_made=canopy?  I
think I'm going with man_made=canopy.

But that doesn't work for "a building with a contiguous floor over a
parking area", unless you "split the building", in order to use
multiple layer tags.  The building exists at both layer=0 and layer=1.

Honestly, I don't like covered=yes here.  It's a hack, but unless and
until there is support for true three dimensional mapping, any
solution is going to be a hack.

Splitting the building into two parts, one at layer=0, touching the
parking area, and one at layer=1, encompassing both the area next to
and under the parking area, is another solution.  It's similar to what
we'd do with a highway when we want it to exist at multiple layers.
But it's probably unprecedented for buildings.

Tagging mailing list

Re: [Tagging] Highway property proposal "covered=yes"

2009-10-30 Thread Pieren
On Thu, Oct 29, 2009 at 11:02 PM, Randy  wrote:
> Possibly just "building=roof"
> would work (not my idea, someone else suggested it).

I have a much bigger preference to "building=roof" or "building=cover"
on the element on the top instead of some attribute on some
hypothetical element below .
Adding the attribute "covered=yes" is not always possible, e.g. a
large balcony covering only partially a river or a simple roof in
farms (a open air shelter for animals or warehouse).
If it is to help the renderers only, then it sounds as a synonym of


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