Re: [Tails-dev] Changing Tails 3.0 release date?

2017-06-01 Thread Marco Calamari
On Thu, 2017-06-01 at 10:18 +0200, intrigeri wrote:
> hi!
> anonym:
> > intrigeri:
> > > I'll make the call as the 3.0 release manager if no consensus
> > > emerges,
> After re-reading this discussion, it appears that the only people
> substantially affected by this decision (apart of Tails users of
> course) will be myself and our usual manual testers. So I'll make the
> call by the end of this week, depending on how I feel about committing
> to RM'ing an extra release. I may follow anonym's very reasonable
> position, or go crazy for the sake of communication and
> Debian/Tails/FOSS relationships. I'm undecided yet and want to sleep
> on it and balance all this very carefully.
> > > A. Coordinate Tails 3.0 and Debian Stretch releases
> [...]
> > > B. Don't bother and proceed as our calendar says
> > >  - Option A forces us to integrate Tor Browser 7.0 into Tails 2.x:
> > >    this work has been based on the Tails 3.x codebase so far. I don't
> > >    know if rebasing it onto the stable branch would be trivial, or
> > >    a lot of work. anonym, what's your feeling?
> > Cherry-picking these commits will not result in any difficult conflicts 
> > (it's mostly
> > about s/32/64/, and some jessie vs stretch test suite images). But there 
> > could be
> > issues with running 7.0a4 on Tails Jessie/i386 -- we haven't tested the 7.x 
> > series at
> > all on that platform. Still I definitely believe it quite a bit more likely 
> > to Just
> > Work rather than introduce issues we don't see on Tails Stretch/amd64. So 
> > my feeling
> > is that this should be an hour of work.
> OK, thanks for the insight!
> > >  - Option B is less work, therefore it increases the chances that we
> > >    manage to make 3.0 build reproducibly, which gives us good
> > >    communication opportunities. So:
> > > 
> > >    [...]
> > > 
> > > * anonym (who is our lead developer on the reproducibility front):
> > >   if we go with option B, how confident are you that 3.0 can
> > >   build reproducibly? #12608, #12567 and #12566 should be good
> > >   starting points.
> > At least for me, locally, the only problem I see (after applying all 
> > unmerged fixes)
> > is that Chris' patch for #12567 seems to miss some case. I've asked for an 
> > ETA of
> > a fix. So assuming Chris is available, or I manage to identify and fix the 
> > issue,
> > it's looking really good. :)
> Great :)
> > > Other pros/cons or thoughts?
> > A con for option A:
> >  * Users will be prompted to do two updates within four days, which
> >    is a bit much both in terms of nagging frequency, bandwidth
> >    usage, and pure inconvenience.
> Absolutely. This will be particularly painful for those who will have
> to do a manual upgrade to 2.12.1, as everyone will have to do a manual
> upgrade to 3.0 anyway.
> On the other hand, if 2.12.1 is a thing, we give users almost two
> months to upgrade to 3.0 (vs. 0 days if we don't release 2.12.1),
> which is nice as they're often scared by such drastic change; also,
> anyone affected by a serious regression can temporarily downgrade to
> 2.12.1 until Tails 3.1 fixes their problem.
> So all in all it's not clear cut to me which option provides the
> greater UX (once considering dozens of thousands of real-world users,
> and not only some theoretical, ideal one who would immediately upgrade
> to 3.0 and not have any big problem with it).

IMHO users come first ... continuity is not an optional.
3.x can wait

> > I'd also like to stress (pun intended!) the fact that option A's "more 
> > work" (as in
> > an extra release, 2.12.1) is not so suitable at this time. I think we're 
> > collectively
> > exhausted, and should try to take whatever breaks we can.
> OK, thanks for sharing, I want to take this into account.
> I'm committed to be the RM for 3.0 already; I understand you don't
> feel like taking care of 2.12.1 so let's assume I would handle both
> releases myself (if I convince myself that option A is the way to go).
> And then the additional work is only on my shoulders (I don't feel
> exhausted personally) and manual testers' (no idea how they feel about
> it, but we had no problem getting manual testers recently, did we?).
> In passing: we have 4 emergency releases budgeted this year, and we
> did none of them yet. Given this data + the feelings you're sharing,
> I think we should acknowledge that we probably won't do more than
> 2 emergency releases this year. If you agree, I'll update our
> accounting accordingly, so nobody counts on (paid) RM work that's
> unlikely to happen in practice, first because there's no need for it,
> second because our RMs are not exactly thrilled at the idea of doing
> this work. Fair enough?
> > Yup, I'm quite a lot in favor of option B.
> Got it.
> > > The decision algorithm I intend to use is:
> > > 
> > >  - If the reproducible builds people tell me they can make 3.0
> > >    reproducible and communicate a

Re: [Tails-dev] CBC malleability attack

2013-12-26 Thread Marco Calamari
On Wed, 2013-12-25 at 21:34 +0100, intrigeri wrote:
> Hi,
> Marco Calamari wrote (24 Dec 2013 11:42:36 GMT) :
> > After readint the descritpion of this attack (injection attack type
> > against LUKS-CBC volumes) 
> > <>
> > I check that my persistent partition (built a lot of TAILS
> >  version ago) is of CBC type.
> If an attacker gets write access to a Tails USB stick, they can as
> well corrupt the initramfs or some other part of the system, and from
> there have a persistent file be modified during next boot, without
> having to guess what block this file is stored at in the persistent
> volume. Seems easier than the attack against CBC, no?
> Or did I miss the threat model you had in mind?


no, absolutely, you're right; but CBC is under critics since a long
 so at least doing persistency without it should not need
 an explicit danger, but only because it is not best of breed
 and the alternative block cypher is already there and comes
 for free

> > Time to switch to XTS and/or warn user having CBC partition to 
> > reformat?
> Note that cryptsetup 1.6 defaults to XTS. Once Tails is based on
> Wheezy, we might want to install this version, assuming a backport is
> not too painful to produce and maintain. Anyone volunteering to
> try this?
> Additionally, this would provide compatibility with the on-disk
> TrueCrypt format (which is not very useful until the rest of the
> udisks / GNOME Disks / Nautilus stack has this support, wishlist bug
> reported there a while ago, needs someone to write the code).

+---  ---+
| il Progetto Winston Smith: scolleghiamo il Grande Fratello |
| the Winston Smith Project: unplug the Big Brother  |
| Marco A. Calamari   |
| DSS/DH:  8F3E 5BAE 906F B416 9242 1C10 8661 24A9 BFCE 822B |
+ PGP RSA: ED84 3839 6C4D 3FFE 389F 209E 3128 5698 --+

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tails-dev mailing list

[Tails-dev] CBC malleability attack

2013-12-24 Thread Marco Calamari
After readint the descritpion of this attack (injection attack type
 against LUKS-CBC volumes) 

I check that my persistent partition (built a lot of TAILS
 version ago) is of CBC type.

Time to switch to XTS and/or warn user having CBC partition to 

Thanks a lot and good X-mas

+---  ---+
| il Progetto Winston Smith: scolleghiamo il Grande Fratello |
| the Winston Smith Project: unplug the Big Brother  |
| Marco A. Calamari   |
| DSS/DH:  8F3E 5BAE 906F B416 9242 1C10 8661 24A9 BFCE 822B |
+ PGP RSA: ED84 3839 6C4D 3FFE 389F 209E 3128 5698 --+

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tails-dev mailing list

Re: [Tails-dev] Ticket #5705, desktop integration of cryptsetup TrueCrypt support

2013-10-07 Thread Marco Calamari
On Mon, 2013-10-07 at 12:28 +0200, intrigeri wrote:
> Hi Marco,
> Marco Calamari wrote (07 Oct 2013 09:38:32 GMT) :
> >> OK, but then GNOME Disks and Nautilus could have a way to "this is
> >> a TC volume, please unlock it".

I suspect that I'm wasting the time of list readers.

What I said is in favour of Truecrypt to remains included,
 in TAILS, also a deprecated option,  until a mature
 and better option of LUKS will be avalaible in Debian
 or Debian-Backports (Cryptsetup 1.6.0) can be included
 in TAILS. (tcrypt option)

About desktop automation, I propose nothing, but simply
 tell that no easy desktop automation can be done if you
 cannot say that an encrypted volume is there, without reliyng
 on dirty tricks like use of persistence.

IMO, no desktop automation is needed in this particular case.
JM2C.   Marco

+---  ---+
| il Progetto Winston Smith: scolleghiamo il Grande Fratello |
| the Winston Smith Project: unplug the Big Brother  |
| Marco A. Calamari   |
| DSS/DH:  8F3E 5BAE 906F B416 9242 1C10 8661 24A9 BFCE 822B |
+ PGP RSA: ED84 3839 6C4D 3FFE 389F 209E 3128 5698 --+

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tails-dev mailing list

Re: [Tails-dev] Ticket #5705, desktop integration of cryptsetup TrueCrypt support

2013-10-07 Thread Marco Calamari
On Sat, 2013-10-05 at 22:17 +0200, intrigeri wrote:
> Marco Calamari wrote (05 Oct 2013 17:58:09 GMT) :
> > One doubt; a corrupted encrypted volume id a really bad thing; is
> >  this feature stable from this standpoint?
> At least it's not documented as experimental. I suggest asking the
> cryptsetup maintainers, if you want a more authoritative answer :)

WIll check for sure

> > Truecrypt volume header have no signature, and cannot be seen in any
> >  way; it is indistiguishable from binary noise.
> > Truecrypts devices looks as unformatted empty devices or partitions,
> >  or noise-filles files.
> OK, but then GNOME Disks and Nautilus could have a way to "this is
> a TC volume, please unlock it".

Gnome disk, Nautilus and NSA, all three cannot have that.

Only possibility I see, to put some info in a persistent
 file of Gnome. But just a request telling something like.

"In the past you mounted this partition as Truecrypt container;
 wand to do that again? If yes, gimme password"

With no persistent properties, Nautilus may only look at all
 partitions, see those with no readable header of known type,
 and ask a possible mount for them.

JM2C.   Marco

+---  ---+
| il Progetto Winston Smith: scolleghiamo il Grande Fratello |
| the Winston Smith Project: unplug the Big Brother  |
| Marco A. Calamari   |
| DSS/DH:  8F3E 5BAE 906F B416 9242 1C10 8661 24A9 BFCE 822B |
+ PGP RSA: ED84 3839 6C4D 3FFE 389F 209E 3128 5698 --+

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tails-dev mailing list

Re: [Tails-dev] Ticket #5705, desktop integration of cryptsetup TrueCrypt support

2013-10-05 Thread Marco Calamari
On Sat, 2013-10-05 at 14:43 +0200, intrigeri wrote:
> Hi,
> wrote (05 Oct 2013 12:12:09 GMT) :
> > I made some simple tests in Debian testing to review desktop integration.
> Great, thanks! This was enough to motivate me to (procrastinate and)
> create tickets for the next steps.
> > A user can open a Truecrypt container using cryptsetup in command-line
> > with root privileges. I think that can be handled with sudo. Still, one
> > could say it's complicated for the average user to fire up command line
> > to open a Truecrypt container. That's a minus.

This is a great news! Average user that can understand giving an
 optional boot parameter & manage Truecrypt panel, will not
 have difficulties (IMO) using command line with some guide.

After this, there is always space to make things better and easier,
 but this is a path than can be decided in a not-so-distant

One doubt; a corrupted encrypted volume id a really bad thing; is
 this feature stable from this standpoint?

> > Gnome Disk Utility seems not to recognize the Truecrypt volume as it
> > does with say a LUKS volume. It just shows an unknown format's file with
> > size equal to the Truecrypt volume, assigned at a loopback device.

AFAIK, Luks volumes start with a signature, that make a volume

Truecrypt volume header have no signature, and cannot be seen in any
 way; it is indistiguishable from binary noise.
Truecrypts devices looks as unformatted empty devices or partitions,
 or noise-filles files.

Thanks.   Marco

> Added this info to the blueprint:
> So, it looks like the next thing to do is:
>   #6337 - Add support for TrueCrypt volumes in udisks
> I've created this ticket in our bug tracker, and requested the feature
> upstream:
> This upstream feature request has way more chance to be fulfilled if
> someone proposes a patch. Any taker?

+---  ---+
| il Progetto Winston Smith: scolleghiamo il Grande Fratello |
| the Winston Smith Project: unplug the Big Brother  |
| Marco A. Calamari   |
| DSS/DH:  8F3E 5BAE 906F B416 9242 1C10 8661 24A9 BFCE 822B |
+ PGP RSA: ED84 3839 6C4D 3FFE 389F 209E 3128 5698 --+

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tails-dev mailing list

[Tails-dev] Tails & Truecrypt

2013-10-04 Thread Marco Calamari
As a fanatic supporter of Tails, I just want to
 rememebr how Truecrypt is widely diffused as
 easy crossplaform tool.

I do not want to open another big thread  about story, doubts,
 finding and opinions about Truecrypt, but just to point one question.

We agree that the not-torified browser was an horrible
 but useful thing, and after careful pros&cons balance,
 the right decision was adopted, and now it is there.

Because of this, I suggest to reconsider the log time announced
 sooner o later drop. There is no problem of space (we are in the DVD
 size since long), the feacture is activable only as kernel parameter,
 so why drop it when can be so useful for encryption-savvy people?

I think that the current way to activate Truecrypt shield it from
"naive" users.
On the contrary, I'll prefer to see it cited explicitely in the
interface as
 deprecated possibility (as the untorified browser is).

OTOH licence problem IMO can be solved in some way.

JM2C.  Thanks to all. Marco

Marco A.Calamari - Board Member  +39.347.8530279

HERMES - Center for Transparency and Digital Human Rights
Not for Profit association - Via Aretusa 34, IT-20129 Milan, Italy 
t. +39-02-87186005 (voicemail)  f. +39-02-87162573 
TaxCode: IT-97621810155 | EuropeAid: IT-2012-AOD-0806909254 w. | m.

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tails-dev mailing list

Re: [Tails-dev] Logo: some ideas

2013-08-11 Thread Marco Calamari
On Sat, 2013-08-10 at 19:22 +0200, wrote:
> On 07/08/13 17:00, intrigeri wrote:
> > Hi,
> > 
> > carmie (Cc'd) has come up with logo ideas:
> >
> > 
> > The trace left by the cat's Tails would be purple or green,
> > to match the website's color scheme.
> > 
> > If the general idea suits us, carmie will submit a cleaned up,
> > improved proposal. What do you think?
> > 
> > Cheers,
> Funny, I had a similar idea in mind, painting something with a tail.
> What I am missing in that proposal is a stronger metaphor of what Tails
> is: a distro for anonymity and amnesia. Cats are often symbol of quiet
> animals that can leave no trace. But this particular one looks rather
> noisy. So would rather go for a smother cat, maybe trying to be silent
> like this one:
> And also, what's being painted by the tail may as well carry some
> meaning. Maybe a simple gradient could represent amnesia, or it could
> reuse another symbol (Tor logo?), paint a letter T, I don't know...
> Or maybe just a cat with the good attitude would do.
> Just a few ideas. But I'd like to read more comments on that.


an overall opinion, non directly related to your ideas.

The present logo (the header of the homepage, is very
 informative; it only has a shape that make impossible to
 use it as a real logo.

But the right part, the cat leaving the door with 
 the binary background alone, is quite intriguing as idea.

Why not develop a more detailed  version of this
 part alone? Will maintain a continuity with the
 past one, that way. OTOH we do not need a mass-market

JM2C, of course.   Thanks.   Marco

+---  ---+
| il Progetto Winston Smith: scolleghiamo il Grande Fratello |
| the Winston Smith Project: unplug the Big Brother  |
| Marco A. Calamari   |
| DSS/DH:  8F3E 5BAE 906F B416 9242 1C10 8661 24A9 BFCE 822B |
+ PGP RSA: ED84 3839 6C4D 3FFE 389F 209E 3128 5698 --+

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tails-dev mailing list

Re: [Tails-dev] Custominzing for out-of-the-bix use

2013-07-06 Thread Marco Calamari
On Sun, 2013-06-30 at 12:54 +0200, intrigeri wrote:
> Hi Marco & all,
> Marco Calamari wrote (27 Jun 2013 05:01:25 GMT) :
> > We are interested to make preloaded usb keys for use of Globaleaks
> >  application for whisteblowers thru Tails.
> I'm glad I read this :)
> > We simply need to autoconnect to a secure web application in an
> >  automated fashion, using an https link or directly the .onion,
> >  not using the default startup page 
> The default startup page is here to convey important news about the
> Tails project, that we feel to users need to read. So, you probably
> need to find another way to convey this information to users, once
> you've replaced the default browser homepage. Maybe this alternative
> way could be shared between regular Tails and your fork, by the way :)

Yes, doing rebuild is one of the direction in wice we are moving,
 but a simple persistent customization of the main release via
 persistence has different purposes. 

Like a sport car to have fun, fast but that need a lot of care, respect
 a 20 years old lifeboat, found JIT when the ship sunk.

> > I try to use persistence to make some trivial changes to the login
> >  process:
> > 1) change login page URL for the autostarted iceweasel (important)
> We set the homepage URL depending on the chosen locale with a custom
> Firefox extension
> (/etc/iceweasel/profile/extensions/ that's
> copied to ~/.mozilla/firefox/default/extensions/ at boot time.
> Note that this implementation path may not work in the future:
> conflicts might arise once Torbutton uses something similar itself, so
> we might have to revisit this.
> > 2) change desktop background (useful)
> That's a GConf key. See how the NetworkManager persistent connections
> preset works (it makes
> /home/amnesia/.gconf/system/networking/connections persistent +
> there's a hack in live-persist to make it work)
> > 3) adding desktop icon for further documentation (nice-to-have)
> Simply making ~/Desktop/ persistent may work.
> However, it's likely that Tails based on Wheezy does not ship with
> anything like a Desktop anymore (GNOME3 classic mode defaults), so
> perhaps you instead want to anticipate this move, and find a better
> long-term entry point for your additional doc? Good news is that the
> existing link to Tails documentation can probably use the same path,
> so your efforts will help Tails!

Glad to know this. Hope to have a finished work soon.

> > I know (but not where to find instruction) that with a rebuild
> >  I can make changes and prepare a customized version of Tails,
> >  but I woul prefere a lot to stick with the official version
> >  using persistence to do that
> I'm curious how you intend to ship the Tails + persistence stack to
> users. Will they share a common persistent volume encryption key?

Yes, we of course already considered this issue.

Worst, we plan to give preinstalled persistent USB keys with a
 predefined password for persistence equal for all copies.

We'll give instruction to change it immediately (and how to do this)
 and to reinitialize the encrypted partition (why and how to do this)

But target are totally non technical users that normally goes abroad
 in Internet Cafe' and use Gmail  a weak solution is far, far better
 than current situation, and has a simple and straightforward path for

But I'm aware that this is an highly controversial issue.

Thanks for you help, understanding & support.

BTW, are Tails-related event planned during OHM2013?

Thanks.   Marco

Marco A.Calamari - Board Member  +39.347.8530279

HERMES - Center for Transparency and Digital Human Rights
Not for Profit association - Via Aretusa 34, IT-20129 Milan, Italy 
t. +39-02-87186005 (voicemail)  f. +39-02-87162573 
TaxCode: IT-97621810155 | EuropeAid: IT-2012-AOD-0806909254 w. | m.

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tails-dev mailing list

Re: [Tails-dev] Custominzing for out-of-the-bix use

2013-07-06 Thread Marco Calamari
On Sun, 2013-06-30 at 12:54 +0200, intrigeri wrote:
> Hi Marco & all,
> Marco Calamari wrote (27 Jun 2013 05:01:25 GMT) :
> > We are interested to make preloaded usb keys for use of Globaleaks
> >  application for whisteblowers thru Tails.
> I'm glad I read this :)
> > We simply need to autoconnect to a secure web application in an
> >  automated fashion, using an https link or directly the .onion,
> >  not using the default startup page 
> The default startup page is here to convey important news about the
> Tails project, that we feel to users need to read. So, you probably
> need to find another way to convey this information to users, once
> you've replaced the default browser homepage. Maybe this alternative
> way could be shared between regular Tails and your fork, by the way :)

Yes, doing rebuild is one of the direction in wice we are moving,
 but a simple persistent customization of the main release via
 persistence has different purposes. 

Like a sport car to have fun, fast but that need a lot of care, respect
 a 20 years old lifeboat, found JIT when the ship sunk.

> > I try to use persistence to make some trivial changes to the login
> >  process:
> > 1) change login page URL for the autostarted iceweasel (important)
> We set the homepage URL depending on the chosen locale with a custom
> Firefox extension
> (/etc/iceweasel/profile/extensions/ that's
> copied to ~/.mozilla/firefox/default/extensions/ at boot time.
> Note that this implementation path may not work in the future:
> conflicts might arise once Torbutton uses something similar itself, so
> we might have to revisit this.
> > 2) change desktop background (useful)
> That's a GConf key. See how the NetworkManager persistent connections
> preset works (it makes
> /home/amnesia/.gconf/system/networking/connections persistent +
> there's a hack in live-persist to make it work)
> > 3) adding desktop icon for further documentation (nice-to-have)
> Simply making ~/Desktop/ persistent may work.
> However, it's likely that Tails based on Wheezy does not ship with
> anything like a Desktop anymore (GNOME3 classic mode defaults), so
> perhaps you instead want to anticipate this move, and find a better
> long-term entry point for your additional doc? Good news is that the
> existing link to Tails documentation can probably use the same path,
> so your efforts will help Tails!

Glad to know this. Hope to have a finished work soon.

> > I know (but not where to find instruction) that with a rebuild
> >  I can make changes and prepare a customized version of Tails,
> >  but I woul prefere a lot to stick with the official version
> >  using persistence to do that
> I'm curious how you intend to ship the Tails + persistence stack to
> users. Will they share a common persistent volume encryption key?

Yes, we of course already considered this issue.

Worst, we plan to give preinstalled persistent USB keys with a
 predefined password for persistence equal for all copies.

We'll give instruction to change it immediately (and how to do this)
 and to reinitialize the encrypted partition (why and how to do this)

But target are totally non technical users that normally goes abroad
 in Internet Cafe' and use Gmail  a weak solution is far, far better
 than current situation, and has a simple and straightforward path for

But I'm aware that this is an highly controversial issue.

Thanks for you help, understanding & support.

BTW, are Tails-related event planned during OHM2013?

Thanks.   Marco

Marco A.Calamari - Board Member  +39.347.8530279

HERMES - Center for Transparency and Digital Human Rights
Not for Profit association - Via Aretusa 34, IT-20129 Milan, Italy 
t. +39-02-87186005 (voicemail)  f. +39-02-87162573 
TaxCode: IT-97621810155 | EuropeAid: IT-2012-AOD-0806909254 w. | m.

Description: This is a digitally signed message part
tails-dev mailing list

[Tails-dev] Custominzing for out-of-the-bix use

2013-06-26 Thread Marco Calamari
Hi all,

We are interested to make preloaded usb keys for use of Globaleaks
 application for whisteblowers thru Tails.
Globaleaks is an application aimed to allow a secure whisteblowing
 process thru Tor and a specialized Tor hidden service

We simply need to autoconnect to a secure web application in an
 automated fashion, using an https link or directly the .onion,
 not using the default startup page 

I try to use persistence to make some trivial changes to the login
1) change login page URL for the autostarted iceweasel (important)
2) change desktop background (useful)
3) adding desktop icon for further documentation (nice-to-have)
but changing iceweasel setup, startup applications and Gnome destop
 preferences doesn't work for that.

I know (but not where to find instruction) that with a rebuild
 I can make changes and prepare a customized version of Tails,
 but I woul prefere a lot to stick with the official version
 using persistence to do that

Including GlobaLeaks acces in Tails should be, IMHO, a good
 enhancement for both application.

May you help in some way?
Thanks.   Marco Calamari

Marco A.Calamari - Board Member  +39.347.8530279

HERMES - Center for Transparency and Digital Human Rights
Not for Profit association - Via Aretusa 34, IT-20129 Milan, Italy 
t. +39-02-87186005 (voicemail)  f. +39-02-87162573 
TaxCode: IT-97621810155 | EuropeAid: IT-2012-AOD-0806909254 w. | m.

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tails-dev mailing list

[Tails-dev] Storing keyboard & lamguage preferences

2013-04-23 Thread Marco Calamari
When using persistence on USB stick, is  there
 any automatic or easy way to store preferences like
 interface language, keyboard language & keymap
 in a way they are restored at next reboot?

Thanks.   Marco
+---  ---+
| il Progetto Winston Smith: scolleghiamo il Grande Fratello |
| the Winston Smith Project: unplug the Big Brother  |
| Marco A. Calamari   |
| DSS/DH:  8F3E 5BAE 906F B416 9242 1C10 8661 24A9 BFCE 822B |
+ PGP RSA: ED84 3839 6C4D 3FFE 389F 209E 3128 5698 --+

Description: This is a digitally signed message part
tails-dev mailing list

Re: [Tails-dev] Promoting Persistence features

2012-11-26 Thread Marco Calamari
On Mon, 2012-11-26 at 14:41 +0100, intrigeri wrote:
> > 2) adding a "change persistence password" in Utility menu
> > would be a probably cheap but really useful feature.
> Doesn't the GNOME Disk Utility allow to change the LUKS volume
> passphrase already? Perhaps what's needed is some documentation only? 

Err... the mandatory answer is "yes" but making this firsthands looks
 an useful interface characteristic, also to possibly give a warning
 about theoretical LUKS header persistence as Maxim pointed
 out in the previous message. A two liner script can do that

OTOH this is the neverending issue about how much who write software
 need and want to protect the user form himself .


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tails-dev mailing list

Re: [Tails-dev] Promoting Persistence features

2012-11-26 Thread Marco Calamari
On Mon, 2012-11-26 at 15:20 +0200, Maxim Kammerer wrote:
> On Mon, Nov 26, 2012 at 3:03 PM, Marco Calamari  wrote:
> > 2) adding a "change persistence password" in Utility menu
> > would be a probably cheap but really useful feature.
> It would be a misleading feature, since due to wear leveling on solid
> state media, parts of old LUKS header may be recoverable. On the other
> hand, it's always possible to add a warning.

Agreed, but this is not the only situation adversely affected to 
 solid-state memories.

LUKS header fits in a cluster and is normaly unchanged, so his
 remapping due to the wearing-leveller actions seems at least 
 rare, if ever. And Carol will need to password-crack against
 all free blocks ... looks really an unreasonable scenario.

OTOH having an unchangeable password from a security perspective
 is IMO simply unacceptable. 
A lot of user scenarios make this needed, forbid this oblige the user
 to copy the user area, wipe the media, reformat,& reinstall the whole
 stuff if password is to be changed, and this can be needed for a lot
 of well-known reasons.  
We know how to do this from command line, but mr. AverageTailsUser
 IMO will not ...

JM2C.   Marco

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[Tails-dev] Promoting Persistence features

2012-11-26 Thread Marco Calamari
I bother again this list after considering the value of such
 a post. Sorry if my evaluation was bad ...

Looked to me that in 0.14 the persistence mode worth more 
 advocacy, so I dug a little more the new version
 and wrote an article for non technical user,
 that can be summarized as "persistece is good, try it"

If curious, you can find it here

Following an HUGE quantity of feedback that really surprised me
 (previous advocacy action had very few), I distilled two thing.

1) persistence feature usability is a *key* factor in TAILS adoption
by a lot of user that need it

2) adding a "change persistence password" in Utility menu
would be a probably cheap but really useful feature.

Thanks for this exceptional work.  Keep it up.


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[Tails-dev] A really basic question.

2012-08-05 Thread Marco Calamari
Apart from remembering it (more difficult with age) or reasoning
starting from kernel version, is there any way to know what version of
Tails is in use?

I think that should be evident somewhere; is the base of the
 warning system..

But maybe is already there, so pls help me to find ...

+---  ---+
| il Progetto Winston Smith: scolleghiamo il Grande Fratello |
| the Winston Smith Project: unplug the Big Brother  |
| Marco A. Calamari   |
| DSS/DH:  8F3E 5BAE 906F B416 9242 1C10 8661 24A9 BFCE 822B |
+ PGP RSA: ED84 3839 6C4D 3FFE 389F 209E 3128 5698 --+

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tails-dev mailing list

Re: [Tails-dev] Please test 0.11-rc1

2012-04-13 Thread Marco Calamari
On Thu, 2012-04-12 at 20:32 +0200, anonym wrote:
> Hi,
> For anyone interested, a release candidate of Tails 0.11 will be
> released for your testing pleasure some time around 01:00 UTC tonight
> (the exact time depends a bit on how well-configured our mirrors rsync
> cronjobs are this time). It will be available from the following address:

Directory for RC1 looks empty  :-(

+---  ---+
| il Progetto Winston Smith: scolleghiamo il Grande Fratello |
| the Winston Smith Project: unplug the Big Brother  |
| Marco A. Calamari   |
| DSS/DH:  8F3E 5BAE 906F B416 9242 1C10 8661 24A9 BFCE 822B |
+ PGP RSA: ED84 3839 6C4D 3FFE 389F 209E 3128 5698 --+

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tails-dev mailing list

[Tails-dev] Naive question

2012-01-22 Thread Marco Calamari

Was the possibility of booting Tails from Intel-based Mac (from CD
 because fro USB is not possible with standard bootloader) ever inserted
 in feature requests or discussed in any way?

In my experience, 0.7 booted from a portable Mac, but was unable to use
 wireless and wired board.

Is a question I received a couple of times recently.

Thanks.   Marco

+---  ---+
| il Progetto Winston Smith: scolleghiamo il Grande Fratello |
| the Winston Smith Project: unplug the Big Brother  |
| Marco A. Calamari   |
| DSS/DH:  8F3E 5BAE 906F B416 9242 1C10 8661 24A9 BFCE 822B |
+ PGP RSA: ED84 3839 6C4D 3FFE 389F 209E 3128 5698 --+

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tails-dev mailing list

Re: [Tails-dev] Arbitrary DNS queries... and Tor 0.2.2.x

2011-07-27 Thread Marco Calamari
On Wed, 2011-07-27 at 12:22 +0200, intrigeri wrote:
> Hi,
> wrote (27 Jul 2011 07:36:55 GMT) :
> > I think it makes a lot of sense to actually switch the devel branch
> > to the current Tor beta version when it's available. By doing so, we
> > might notice bugs that other Tor users would not.
> Hrm... I'm not sure your proposal is taking into account that our
> devel branch is not an experimental playground, but rather something
> meant to become a Tails stable release at some point. According to
> this proposal, completed by the lines you wrote bellow, we would not
> be able to get a Tails major release out during the [ first beta,
> stable release ] time span, which does not seem reasonable to me.
> > In this particular case, I think it's a reasonable blocker to
> m> actually wait for the Tor project to declare the 0.2.2 branch as
> > stable before releasing Tails 0.8.

FroM a "concerned user" point of view, I totally agree to stick with
 stable Tor branch.

Exception to this general rule can of course happen for serious reasons,
 but the current one seems not enough important to me

JM2C.   Keep up this good work!  Marco

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