OpenBSD 5.6, syslog-ng, and sendsyslog(2)

2015-01-19 Thread IMAP List Administration
Hello Folks,

it seems syslog-ng (v3.4.7p3, from the OpenBSD package collection) is broken on
OpenBSD 5.6, because it does not implement the new mechanism used by
sendsyslog(2) and syslogd.

Are there any plans to fix this? Does anyone care?

What is the point of including a broken package for 5.6?


Rob Urban

replace libc on running system?

2014-02-03 Thread IMAP List Administration
Hello Folks,

I've patched, recompiled and relinked libc. Are there any risks in installing it
on a running production system? Do I need to reboot immediately after 


Rob Urban

Re: problem with gethostbyaddr() on OBSD 5.4?

2014-02-02 Thread IMAP List Administration
[I forgot to send this to the list]

Hi Eric,

On 02/01/2014 11:43 AM, Eric Faurot wrote:
> The following diff fixes the problems with the example IPs you gave us.
> - subsequent PTR records are now set as aliases in the hostent
> - need to accept '/' in dname labels (maybe others?)
Since the code differs, I'm guessing your patch is for -current.

We're running -stable. Could you possibly supply a patch for that?


Rob Urban

problem with gethostbyaddr() on OBSD 5.4?

2014-01-31 Thread IMAP List Administration
Hello Folks,

I run a Postfix MTA on OpenBSD.  Recently I migrated the server from OBSD v5.3
to v5.4. Soon afterwards I noticed postfix was falsely rejecting mails based on
a FCrDNS (forward-confirmed reverse DNS) test. FCrDNS means the DNS
configuration of a connecting client is tested for forward and reverse DNS

I first suspected a change in Postfix, but the developer (Wietse Venema) ruled
out any changes to this Postfix functionality.

Further investigation shows that gethostbyaddr() behaves differently on OBSD 5.3
and 5.4.

The problem seems to manifest itself when the DNS configuration of a client is
"non-trivial", e.g., when there are multiple PTR records, or when there is a
CNAME record which must be resolved before a PTR lookup can be performed.

I tested using a slightly modified Postfix utility ("gethostbyaddr.c") which I
attach below.

On OBSD 5.4 this program returns correct results for "trivial" DNS client
configurations, but "host  not found" for "non-trivial" ones.

On OBSD 5.3 the program returns correct results in all cases.

As far as I can tell, the two OBSD systems are configured identically. For
example, /etc/resolv.conf has the same lookup order ("lookup file bind"), and
the same nameserver.

DNS tools such as "host", "dig", or Net::DNS return correct results.

Here are some examples of IP-addresses that illustrate the problem:

To summarize, gethostbyaddr() on OBSD 5.4 does not seem to be behaving properly
and not as it did on 5.3.

Can anyone confirm this?


Rob Urban

-- snip --
  * gethostbyaddr tester. compile with:
  * cc -o gethostbyaddr gethostbyaddr.c (SunOS 4.x)
  * cc -o gethostbyaddr gethostbyaddr.c -lnsl (SunOS 5.x)
  * run as: gethostbyaddr address
  * Author: Wietse Venema, Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands.


main(argc, argv)
int argc;
char  **argv;
struct hostent *hp;
char addr[INADDRSZ];

if (argc != 2) {
fprintf(stderr, "usage: %s i.p.addres\n", argv[0]);

// addr = inet_addr(argv[1]);
if (inet_pton(AF_INET, argv[1], (void *)addr) == 0) {
printf("inet_pton failed.\n");

if (hp = gethostbyaddr(addr, INADDRSZ, AF_INET)) {
printf("Hostname:\t%s\n", hp->h_name);
while (hp->h_aliases[0])
printf("%s ", *hp->h_aliases++);
while (hp->h_addr_list[0])
printf("%s ", inet_ntoa(*(struct in_addr *) * hp->h_addr_list++));
fprintf(stderr, "host %s not found\n", argv[1]);

any interest in old compaq/HP SCSI/FC disks?

2013-10-10 Thread IMAP List Administration
Hello Misc & Tech,

please forgive my cross-posting -- I wanted to be sure to reach people who might
be interested.

Some people I know are preparing to move out of an old machine-room, and will
dispose of some old hard disks soon.

The collection varies:
Sizes: 4.3, 9.1, 18, 36 (and maybe 72) GB
Interface: mostly LVD (maybe some HVD), a few copper FC
Connectors: mostly SCA-2, some 68-pin high-density connectors.

if it's important, I can probably get the exact model numbers of the disks.

The drives are located in Munich, Germany.

replies to: 


Rob Urban