Re: TCP vs urgent data [was Re: poll(): IN/OUT vs {RD,WR}NORM]

2024-05-29 Thread Johnny Billquist

On 2024-05-29 16:54, Mouse wrote:

But reading RFC 959, there is no mention of using urgent data under
any circumstances.

No _explicit_ mention.  It's there by reference.

What that RFC says about aborting is:

2. User system sends the Telnet "Synch" signal.

This involves setting URG.  Read the telnet spec's description of the
SYNCH operation (the top of page 9 of RFC854 is a good starting point).

Ah. Didn't bother digging deep enough this time. Fair enough. :-)

tempted to try to rip out the OOB botch and design a socket interface
to the urgent pointer that isn't so badly broken, but I doubt I'd
actually find any use for the latter.  I might rip out the OOB stuff
just to find and fix anything trying to use it, though.

I think ripping it out would be the right thing. And I suspect very 
little would notice. And just pretend the sun is shining and continue 
running would probably work for those who even try using it.


Johnny Billquist  || "I'm on a bus
  ||  on a psychedelic trip
email: ||  Reading murder books
pdp is alive! ||  tryin' to stay hip" - B. Idol

Re: TCP vs urgent data [was Re: poll(): IN/OUT vs {RD,WR}NORM]

2024-05-29 Thread Johnny Billquist

On 2024-05-29 14:45, Mouse wrote:

Should we maybe move this to tech-net?  It's no longer about poll().

I question whether it actually works except by accident; see RFC

I hadn't seen that one before,

Neither had I until Johnny Billquist mentioned it upthread.  (I tend to
share your reaction to the modern IETF, though I have additional

I became aware of it a bunch of years ago when I was doing my TCP 
implementation for RSX and needed to figure what, if anything I should 
do with urgent data. That RFC was nice to discover at that point. :-)

But the facility it provides is of little-to-no use.  I can't recall
anything other than TELNET that actually uses it,

TELNET and those protocols based upon it (SMTP and FTP command at

FTP command, yes.  SMTP I'm moderately sure doesn't do TELNET in any
meaningful sense; for example, I'm fairly sure octet 0xff is not
special.  I find no mention of TELNET in 5321.

I also have not seen anything suggesting that SMTP use the NVT model.
It's basically just the CRLF as end of line thing, and nothing more.
FTP on the other hand do use NVT (or if you want to call that telnet).
The only situation I know of when FTP uses urgent is when trying to 
abort an ongoing transfer. But it's primarily used in this case to just 
potentially wake the server up, as it might be ignoring the command 
channel while transferring data.

But I've also found this to be inconsistent, and behaving in odd ways in 
different implementations, so I would in general say that while it might 
not hurt to sent the ABOR with urgent, it's not something anyone should 

But reading RFC 959, there is no mention of using urgent data under any 
circumstances. What that RFC says about aborting is:

"Some servers may not be able to monitor the control and data connections
   simultaneously, in which case some special action will be necessary
   to get the server's attention.  The following ordered format is
   tentatively recommended:

  1. User system inserts the Telnet "Interrupt Process" (IP) signal
  in the Telnet stream.

  2. User system sends the Telnet "Synch" signal.

  3. User system inserts the command (e.g., ABOR) in the Telnet

  4. Server PI, after receiving "IP", scans the Telnet stream for
  EXACTLY ONE FTP command.

   (For other servers this may not be necessary but the actions listed
   above should have no unusual effect.)"

Which is definitely different than for telnet, which suppsedly scans 
until a DM is found. Here instead you should start searching for the 
first command after IP. Exactly how you trigger the ftp server to even 
start this searching is left undefined, although urgent would seem the 
logical choice, if it worked.

But here again, it becomes the case that the actual urgent pointer 
information isn't really used. It appears that, just as with telnet, 
urgent is actually just used as a signal for the process to start 
reading through the stream of incoming data looking for something.

If you have an implementation that anyway is all the time accepting 
data, then urgent becomes superfluous.

So I would still argue that urgent, as described, isn't actually that 
useful as described. And I'm still left wondering what they actually 
intended with it, as it supposedly is used to mark which data the 
process receives (or sends) is intended to be urgent. But there is no 
strict correlation between what the sender then considered urgent data, 
and what the receiver reports as urgent data.

I do look at both telnet and ftp as implementations that use urgent in a 
way that isn't matching what appears to have been the intent, and is 
actually an implementation doing a workaround for a deficit in the tcp 
spec. In the end, a simpler solution would have sufficed. All that was 
needed was just a way to send a signal to the other end to wake the 
process up, informing it that it should start scanning through data that 
has been received.

SMTP has no actual use for urgent data, and never sends any, but FTP
can in some circumstances I believe (very ancient unreliable memory).

Yes.  It should, according to the spec, be done when sending an ABOR to
abort a transfer in progress.  But, unlike TELNET's specification that
data is to be dropped while looking for IAC DM, the urgent bit can be
completely ignored by an FTP server which is capable of paying
attention to the control channel while a data transfer is in progress.

I don't even see any actual mention of urgent in the ftp spec. But there 
is an implication that the server needs to be notified somehow if it 
isn't usually servicing the command channel while a transfer is in progress.

then botched it further by pointing the urgent sequence number to
the wrong place,

In fairness, when that was done, it wasn't clear it was wrong - that
all long predated anyone even being aware that there were two
different me

Re: poll(): IN/OUT vs {RD,WR}NORM

2024-05-28 Thread Johnny Billquist

This is a bit offtopic, but anyway...

On 2024-05-28 05:02, Mouse wrote:

Where do we attach 3 priority levels to data?

[I]n the context of poll itself, it's undefined.  But it's easy to
think that the TCP urgent data would be something usable in this
context.  But as you note, the urgent data is a somewhat broken thing
that noone ever really figured out how it was meant to be used or
anything about it at all.

TCP's urgent pointer is well defined.  It is not, however, an
out-of-band data stream, nor, despite Berkeley's attempts, can it
really be twisted and bent into one, unless you are on a network which
is high bandwidth, low latency, and low loss (as compared to the
"out-of-band" data rate).  Even then, the receiving process has to
handle data promptly.  Which, probably not coincidentally, describes
Berkeley's network and most of their network programs at the time.

However, the urgent pointer is close to useless in today's network, in
that there are few-to-no use cases that it is actually useful for.

It was always useless. The original design clearly had an idea that they 
wanted to get something, but it was never clear exactly what that 
something was, and even less clear how the urgent pointer would provide it.

It's not a BSD problem, but a problem with the whole design. Which is 
why there is an RFC that basically says that it should all go away (RFC 
6093). But then BSD (and others) did try to make it somehow OOB, which 
makes it even more strange.

Oh well. As for poll, it tries to be generic, but at the same time, why 
did it then divide incoming data into three priority brackets? SysV 
stuff was never something that I got into.


Johnny Billquist  || "I'm on a bus
  ||  on a psychedelic trip
email: ||  Reading murder books
pdp is alive! ||  tryin' to stay hip" - B. Idol

Re: poll(): IN/OUT vs {RD,WR}NORM

2024-05-27 Thread Johnny Billquist

On 2024-05-28 03:05, Greg Troxel wrote:

Johnny Billquist  writes:

  POLLPRIHigh priority data may be read without blocking.

  POLLRDBAND Priority data may be read without blocking.

  POLLRDNORM Normal data may be read without blocking.

Is this related to the "oob data" scheme in TCP (which is a hack that
doesn't work)?   Where do we attach 3 priority levels to data?

At the end of my quoting there were:

 The distinction between normal, priority, and high-priority data is
 specific to particular file types or devices.

So in the context of poll itself, it's undefined. But it's easy to think 
that the TCP urgent data would be something usable in this context. But 
as you note, the urgent data is a somewhat broken thing that noone ever 
really figured out how it was meant to be used or anything about it at 
all. It's not really even oob. And it should basically just go away.

But poll isn't really getting into any details about this. Just that if 
you have some sort of device of file, where you can assign multiple 
priorities to the data, then poll can make use of it.

I have no idea if any such device or file ever have had such a distinction.


Johnny Billquist  || "I'm on a bus
  ||  on a psychedelic trip
email: ||  Reading murder books
pdp is alive! ||  tryin' to stay hip" - B. Idol

Re: poll(): IN/OUT vs {RD,WR}NORM

2024-05-27 Thread Johnny Billquist
Maybe not an explanation, but looking at the doc on OSX is maybe a bit 
of an explanation:

 POLLIN Data other than high priority data may be read without
blocking.  This is equivalent to ( POLLRDNORM | 


 POLLNVAL   The file descriptor is not open.  This flag is output
only, and ignored if present in the input events 

 POLLOUTNormal data may be written without blocking.  This is
equivalent to POLLWRNORM.

 POLLPRIHigh priority data may be read without blocking.

 POLLRDBAND Priority data may be read without blocking.

 POLLRDNORM Normal data may be read without blocking.

 POLLWRBAND Priority data may be written without blocking.

 POLLWRNORM Normal data may be written without blocking.

 The distinction between normal, priority, and high-priority data is
 specific to particular file types or devices.

Which could/would explain why POLLIN isn't equivalent to POLLRDNORM.

Also, I suspect mouse was thinking of the TCP URG concept, and not PUSH 
when he wrote what he did, but I don't know for sure.


On 2024-05-28 02:42, Simon Burge wrote:

Mouse wrote:

In sys/sys/poll.h, I see (in 1.4T, -current according to cvsweb, and
everything I've checked in between):

#define POLLIN  0x0001
#define POLLPRI 0x0002
#define POLLOUT 0x0004
#define POLLRDNORM  0x0040
#define POLLRDBAND  0x0080
#define POLLWRBAND  0x0100

I can understand treating POLLWRNORM as identical to POLLOUT.  But why
the distinction between POLLRDNORM and POLLIN?  Might anyone know the
reason and be willing to explain?

I'd hazard a guess that you'll likely not get an explanation.

...  I'd still be curious where it came from.

Those answers are CVS:

   thoreau 55002> cvs annotate -r1.1 sys/sys/poll.h | grep define.POLL
   Annotations for sys/sys/poll.h
   1.1  (mycroft  07-Sep-96): #definePOLLIN  0x0001
   1.1  (mycroft  07-Sep-96): #definePOLLPRI 0x0002
   1.1  (mycroft  07-Sep-96): #definePOLLOUT 0x0004
   1.1  (mycroft  07-Sep-96): #definePOLLRDNORM  0x0040
   1.1  (mycroft  07-Sep-96): #definePOLLWRNORM  POLLOUT
   1.1  (mycroft  07-Sep-96): #definePOLLRDBAND  0x0080
   1.1  (mycroft  07-Sep-96): #definePOLLWRBAND  0x0100
   1.1  (mycroft  07-Sep-96): #definePOLLERR 0x0008
   1.1  (mycroft  07-Sep-96): #definePOLLHUP 0x0010
   1.1  (mycroft  07-Sep-96): #definePOLLNVAL0x0020
   thoreau 55003> cvs log -N -r1.1 sys/sys/poll.h
   revision 1.1
   date: 1996-09-08 03:42:49 +1000;  author: mycroft;  state: Exp;
   Definitions for poll(2).  Prototype it here.


Johnny Billquist  || "I'm on a bus
  ||  on a psychedelic trip
email: ||  Reading murder books
pdp is alive! ||  tryin' to stay hip" - B. Idol

Re: PSA: Clock drift and pkgin

2023-12-31 Thread Johnny Billquist
I believe you. But aren't we now getting into pretty realtime stuff? Not 
sure NetBSD is at all suitable for such applications/environments. As 
you say - if this only behaves acceptably if the system is not under 
load, then it's not a solution I would go for.

But again - I guess we're talking very personal 
opinions/experiences/tradeoffs here.

I still don't really believe we need very high resolution scheduling. 
And tickless is sortof a separate topic to this.


On 2023-12-31 05:20, Konrad Schroder wrote:

On 12/30/2023 3:42 PM, Johnny Billquist wrote:

On 2023-12-31 00:11, Michael van Elst wrote:

Better than 100Hz is possible and still precise. Something around 1000Hz
is necessary for human interaction. Modern hardware could easily do 

? If I remember right, anything less than 200ms is immediate response 
for a human brain. Which means you can get away with much coarser than 
even 100Hz.
And there are certainly lots of examples of older computers with 
clocks running in the 10s of ms, where human interaction feels perfect.

I'm not sure about visual and auditory sensation, but haptic VR requires 
position updates >= 1000Hz to get texture right.  The timing of two 
impulses that close together may not be felt as two separate events, but 
the frequency of vibrations within the skin when it interacts with a 
surface (even through a tool, such as a stylus) is encoded by the nerve 
endings in the skin itself.  We used to use PHANTOM haptic arms at 
$WORK, driven by an Indigo2. If the control loop operated at less than 
1000Hz---for example, if the Indigo2 was under load--- it introduced 
noticeable differences in the sensation of running the pen over a 
virtual object.  The simulation was much more sensitive to that than it 
was to the timing of the video output, for which anything greater than 
72Hz was wasted.

Take care,


Johnny Billquist  || "I'm on a bus
  ||  on a psychedelic trip
email: ||  Reading murder books
pdp is alive! ||  tryin' to stay hip" - B. Idol

Re: Perceivable time differences [was Re: PSA: Clock drift and pkgin]

2023-12-30 Thread Johnny Billquist

Ok. I oversimplified.

If I remember right, the point was that something sub 200ms is perceived 
by the brain as being "instananeous" response. It don't mean that one 
cannot discern shorter times, just that from an action-reaction point of 
view, anything below 200ms is "good enough".

My point was merely that I don't believe you need to have something down 
to ms resolution when it comes to human interaction, which was the claim 
I reacted to.


On 2023-12-31 02:47, Mouse wrote:

? If I remember right, anything less than 200ms is immediate response
for a human brain.

"Response"?  For some purposes, it is.  But under the right conditions
humans can easily discern time deltas in the sub-200ms range.

I just did a little psychoacoustics experiment on myself.

First, I generated (44.1kHz) soundfiles containing two single-sample
ticks separated by N samples for N being 1, 101, 201, 401, 801, and
going up by 800 from there to 6401, with a second of silence before and
after (see notes below for the commands used):

for d in 0 100 200 400 800 1600 2400 3200 4000 4800 5600 6400
(count from 0 to 44100 | sed -e "s/.*/0 0 0 0/"
echo 0 128 0 128
count from 0 to $d | sed -e "s/.*/0 0 0 0/"
echo 0 128 0 128
count from 0 to 44100 | sed -e "s/.*/0 0 0 0/"
) | code-to-char > zz.$d

I don't know stock NetBSD analogs for count and code-to-char.  count,
as used here, just counts as the command line indicates; given what
count's output is piped into, the details don't matter much.
code-to-char converts numbers 0..255 into single bytes with the same
values, with non-digits ignored except that they serve to separate
numbers.  (The time delta between the beginnings of the two ticks is of
course one more than the number of samples between the two ticks.)

After listening to them, I picked the 800 and 1600 files and did the
test.  I grabbed 128 bits from /dev/urandom and used them to play,
randomly, either one file or the other, letting me guess which one it
was in each case:

dd if=/dev/urandom bs=1 count=16 |
   char-to-code |
   cvtbase -m8 d b |
   sed -e 's/./& /g' -e 's/ $//' -e 's/0/800/g' -e 's/1/1600/g' |
   tr \  \\n |
   ( exec 3>zz.list 4>zz.guess 5&3
audioplay -f -c 2 -e slinear_le -P 16 -s 44100 < zz.$n
skipcat 0 1 0<&5 1>&4

char-to-code is the inverse of code-to-char: for each byte of input, it
produces one line of output containing the ASCII decimal for that
byte's value, 0..255.  cvtbase -m8 d b converts decimal to binary,
generating a minimum of 8 "digits" (bits) of output for each input
number.  skipcat, as used here, has the I/O behaviour of "dd bs=1
count=1" but without the blather on stderr: it skips no bytes and
copies one byte, then exits.  (The use of /dev/urandom is to ensure
that I have no a priori hint which file is being played which time.)

I then typed "s" when I thought it was a short-gap file and "l" when I
thought it was a long-gap file.  I got tired of it after 83 data
samples and killed it.  I then postprocessed zz.guess and compared it
to zz.list:

< zz.guess sed -e 's/s/800 /g' -e 's/l/1600 /g' | tr \  \\n | diff -u zz.list -

I got exactly two wrong out of 83 (and the stats are about evenly
balanced, 39 short files played and 44 long).  So I think it's fair to
say that, in the right context (an important caveat!), a time
difference as short as (1602-802)/44.1=18.14+ milliseconds is clearly
discernible to me.

This is, of course, a situation designed to perceive a very small
difference.  I'm sure there are plenty of contexts in which I would
fail to notice even 200ms of delay.

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Johnny Billquist  || "I'm on a bus
  ||  on a psychedelic trip
email: ||  Reading murder books
pdp is alive! ||  tryin' to stay hip" - B. Idol

Re: PSA: Clock drift and pkgin

2023-12-30 Thread Johnny Billquist

On 2023-12-31 00:11, Michael van Elst wrote:

On Sat, Dec 30, 2023 at 10:48:26PM +0100, Johnny Billquist wrote:

Right. But if you expect high precision on delays and scheduling, then you
start also having issues with just random unpredictable delays because of
other interrupts, paging, and whatnot. So in the end, your high precision
delays and scheduling becomes very imprecise again. So, is there really that
much value in that higher resolution?

Better than 100Hz is possible and still precise. Something around 1000Hz
is necessary for human interaction. Modern hardware could easily do 100kHz.

? If I remember right, anything less than 200ms is immediate response 
for a human brain. Which means you can get away with much coarser than 
even 100Hz.
And there are certainly lots of examples of older computers with clocks 
running in the 10s of ms, where human interaction feels perfect.

Another advantage is that you can use independent timing (that's what
bites in the emulator case where guest and host clocks run at the same

I think that is a separate question/problem/issue. That we fail when 
guest and host run at the same rate is something I consider a flaw in 
the system. It's technically perfectly possible to run such a combo 
good, and the fact that we didn't (don't) is just sad (in my opinion).

Not sure what you mean by independent timing here. For me, that would be 
if you had two different clock sources independent of each other.


Johnny Billquist  || "I'm on a bus
  ||  on a psychedelic trip
email: ||  Reading murder books
pdp is alive! ||  tryin' to stay hip" - B. Idol

Re: PSA: Clock drift and pkgin

2023-12-30 Thread Johnny Billquist

On 2023-12-30 22:10, Michael van Elst wrote: (Johnny Billquist) writes:

Being able to measure time with high precision is desierable, but we can
already do that without being tickless.

We cannot delay with high precision. You can increase HZ to some degree,
but that comes at a price.

Right. But if you expect high precision on delays and scheduling, then 
you start also having issues with just random unpredictable delays 
because of other interrupts, paging, and whatnot. So in the end, your 
high precision delays and scheduling becomes very imprecise again. So, 
is there really that much value in that higher resolution?

But of course, this all becomes a question of tradeoffs, preferences and 
desires. Not sure if we need to have an argument about it. I don't know 
if anyone is working on a tickless design, or how far it has come. I 
will certainly not complain if someone does it. But I'm personally not 
feeling much of a lack that we don't have it.


Johnny Billquist  || "I'm on a bus
  ||  on a psychedelic trip
email: ||  Reading murder books
pdp is alive! ||  tryin' to stay hip" - B. Idol

Re: PSA: Clock drift and pkgin

2023-12-30 Thread Johnny Billquist

On 2023-12-30 19:43, Martin Husemann wrote:

On Sat, Dec 30, 2023 at 06:25:29PM +, Jonathan Stone wrote:

You can only do tickless if you can track how much time is elapsing when no 
ticks fire, or none are pending.
I don't see how to do that without a high-res timer like a CPU cycle counter, 
or I/O bus cycle counter,
or what-have-you. Gong fully tickless would therefore end support for machines 
without such a timer.
Is NetBSD ready to do that?

Kernels on that machines just would not run fully tickless.

Right. There is no reason to assume that all platforms would have to go 
tickless just because it becomes a possibility.
However, I also am not sure how much value tickless adds here. The main 
reason I know of for tickless systems is power consumption. Not having 
to wake up just to count time can make a big difference.
Sure, you can get higher precision for some scheduling with tickless, 
but I'm not sure it generally makes any actual significant difference.
Being able to measure time with high precision is desierable, but we can 
already do that without being tickless.


Johnny Billquist  || "I'm on a bus
  ||  on a psychedelic trip
email: ||  Reading murder books
pdp is alive! ||  tryin' to stay hip" - B. Idol

Re: PSA: Clock drift and pkgin

2023-12-25 Thread Johnny Billquist

On 2023-12-25 02:17, Robert Elz wrote:

 Date:Sun, 24 Dec 2023 13:49:53 +0100
 From:Johnny Billquist 

   | In my opinion, all of these POSIX calls that take a time argument should
   | really have been done the same as clock_gettime(), in that you specify
   | what clock it should be based on.

The next version of POSIX will contain pthread_cond_clockwait() which is
just like pthread_cond_timedwait() but has a clock_id parameter.

   | As it is now, it is (or should be according to POSIX) unconditionally

Not sure about the current released standard, and too lazy to look ...
but in the coming one that's not true either:

The pthread_cond_timedwait() function shall be equivalent to
pthread_cond_clockwait(), except that it lacks the clock_id argument.
The clock to measure abstime against shall instead come from the
condition variable's clock attribute which can be set by
pthread_condattr_setclock() prior to the condition variable's
creation. If no clock attribute has been set, the default shall be

Happy to see that this is finally getting fixed. Working on embedded 
systems where sometimes you have no clue what the absolute time is, 
current POSIX was just close to unusable, and we've had to do some 
pretty horrible workarounds.


Johnny Billquist  || "I'm on a bus
  ||  on a psychedelic trip
email: ||  Reading murder books
pdp is alive! ||  tryin' to stay hip" - B. Idol

Re: PSA: Clock drift and pkgin

2023-12-24 Thread Johnny Billquist

On 2023-12-24 20:58, Jonathan Stone wrote:

On Sunday, December 24, 2023 at 02:43:55 AM PST, Johnny Billquist 

 > Oh? So we are actually not POSIX compliant on that one? Interesting.
 > (POSIX explicitly says that the timeout should be for an absolute time,
 > which means that if you for example update the clock, moving it
 > backwards, the timeout should still only happen when that time arrives,
 > and not after some precomputed number of ticks.)

one could keep track, for every timeout, whether it's relative or absolute;
and when the time is changed, walk the list of a-yet-unfired timeouts,
updating all the "absolute" timeouts by the clock-change delta.

One could, indeed. And then it would be compliant. (I'd dislike it, but 
that's a very personal opinion. :-) )

Anyway .. I wonder if the "clock drift" is related to the clock drift 
I've heard about,
on machines which don't have a hardware cycle-counter-style clock, and 
rely on clock-tick
interrupts to track time. (for example, pmax 2100/3100; decstation 
5000/200; (most) vax).

I'd really like to help out with clock-drift', if I can do anything to 

I am fairly sure all systems use the clock tick interrupt to track time 
in the end. No NetBSD port, as far as I know, is running a tickless 

But I think the suggestion that the time adjustment might actually be a 
source of the problem is interesting, and should be investigated. It 
just takes so bloody long to do a full build these days. I still haven't 
finished, and can't start chasing this quite yet.


Johnny Billquist  || "I'm on a bus
  ||  on a psychedelic trip
email: ||  Reading murder books
pdp is alive! ||  tryin' to stay hip" - B. Idol

Re: PSA: Clock drift and pkgin

2023-12-24 Thread Johnny Billquist

On 2023-12-24 11:43, Johnny Billquist wrote:

On 2023-12-24 09:26, Michael van Elst wrote: (Simon Burge) writes:

qemu uses ppoll() which is implemented with pollts() to do emulated
timers, so that doesn't help here.  I don't know what simh uses,nor
any of the other emulators.

simh uses pthread_cond_timedwait().

This actually waits using TIMER_ABSTIME for a deadline, but which is
converted to a timeout with ts2timo() and passed to sleepq_block()
as a number of ticks to wait for.

Oh? So we are actually not POSIX compliant on that one? Interesting.
(POSIX explicitly says that the timeout should be for an absolute time, 
which means that if you for example update the clock, moving it 
backwards, the timeout should still only happen when that time arrives, 
and not after some precomputed number of ticks.)

By the way - I should point out that I am not advocating that we change 
this to be POSIX compliant. I do think POSIX is broken here.

In my opinion, all of these POSIX calls that take a time argument should 
really have been done the same as clock_gettime(), in that you specify 
what clock it should be based on.
As it is now, it is (or should be according to POSIX) unconditionally 
CLOCK_REALTIME. But depending on what you are doing, CLOCK_MONOTONIC 
might be what you really wished you could use.
I think Linux have some private extension to the whole thing, which 
makes it possible to pick other clocks, but I've forgotten the details.


Johnny Billquist  || "I'm on a bus
  ||  on a psychedelic trip
email: ||  Reading murder books
pdp is alive! ||  tryin' to stay hip" - B. Idol

Re: PSA: Clock drift and pkgin

2023-12-24 Thread Johnny Billquist

On 2023-12-24 09:26, Michael van Elst wrote: (Simon Burge) writes:

qemu uses ppoll() which is implemented with pollts() to do emulated
timers, so that doesn't help here.  I don't know what simh uses, nor
any of the other emulators.

simh uses pthread_cond_timedwait().

This actually waits using TIMER_ABSTIME for a deadline, but which is
converted to a timeout with ts2timo() and passed to sleepq_block()
as a number of ticks to wait for.

Oh? So we are actually not POSIX compliant on that one? Interesting.
(POSIX explicitly says that the timeout should be for an absolute time, 
which means that if you for example update the clock, moving it 
backwards, the timeout should still only happen when that time arrives, 
and not after some precomputed number of ticks.)


Johnny Billquist  || "I'm on a bus
  ||  on a psychedelic trip
email: ||  Reading murder books
pdp is alive! ||  tryin' to stay hip" - B. Idol

Re: PSA: Clock drift and pkgin

2023-12-23 Thread Johnny Billquist
By the way, I should point out that adding 1 tick to the reload of the 
interval timer in no way gets you away from the possibility that you'll 
get two timer signals with almost 0 time between them.
Because the simple truth is that it is completely unknown when the 
program will actually get the signal for the first timeout.

Basically, using a similar notation:

Time 0*T: timer_settime(.it_value = T, .it_interval = T), arms timer at 2*T
Time 2*T: timer expires, rearms timer at 4*T
Time 2*T + 1.9*T: process scheduled and signal delivered
Time 4*T: timer expires, rearms timer at 6*T
Time 4*T + 0.1*T: process scheduled and signal delivered

So even though we added one tick, you can still get two timer events in 
much closer proximity than a single tick as far as the process is 
concerned. So the current code actually does nothing to avoid the 
situation, but prevents running a timer at the same frequency as the 
system tick.

And we probably do need to talk about the timer expiration and rearming 
as separate from signal deliver and process scheduling. Timer expiration 
and rearming is happening fairly reliably always close to correct time. 
However, signal delivery and scheduling can be way off. And from a 
program point of view, that is what really matters in the end. If the 
program really wants a minimum amount of time before the next timeout, 
it needs to do the request for the next time event at the processing 
point, not something kernel internal which happend very disconnected 
from the process.


On 2023-12-24 02:22, Johnny Billquist wrote:

On 2023-12-23 23:05, Taylor R Campbell wrote:

The attached (untested) patch reverts to the old algorithm
specifically for the case of rearming a periodic timer, leaving the
new algorithm with +1 in place for all other uses.

Now, it's unclear to me whether this is correct, because it can have
the following effect.  Suppose ticks happen on intervals of time T.
Then, owing to unpredictable and uncontrollable scheduling delays, the
following sequence of events may happen:

Time 0*T: timer_settime(.it_value = T, .it_interval = T), arms timer 
at 1*T

Time 1*T + 0.9*T: timer expires, rearms timer at 2*T
Time 2*T + 0.1*T: timer expires, rearms timer at 3*T

The duration between these consecutive expirations of the timer is
0.2*T, even though we asked for an interval of T.

Of course, the _average_ duration will be around T, but the _minimum_
duration is essentially zero.  POSIX clearly forbids a _one-shot_
timer, which is scheduled to expire after time T, to actually expire
after only time 0.2*T.  But the language in POSIX is unclear to me on
whether this is allowed for _periodic_ timers:

I would argue that the first timeout should not happen with less than T 
time, so the rounding up of that one is correct. The rearming should be 
with T. The fact that the user level program might the events with a 
0.2*T interval (could even be infinitely close to 0 actually) is an 
effect of how systems work. You can always have higher priority stuff 
going on, which delays the scheduling of a process for an unknown 
amount. Even in soft realtime systems, that is the case. Hard realtime 
is pretty tricky actually, and a lot of the time, people trying to do 
realtime don't understand the problems around this.
Anyway, this, in the end, goes to the point of what the 
purpose/usecase/reason for the itimer is.

I would like/prefer that they try to give that average interval. Because 
if not, then it have no difference to the process just doing the call in 
the timer signal handler itself, and the interval parameter becomes just 
a convenience to not have to do the call youself, and there is no way to 
get something that essentially gives a higher chance of getting the 
average rate to what you ask for.
Which seems poorer than having the ability to have both the average, and 
a way of having a minimum interval.

But when it comes to times and timeouts, POSIX have some serious flaws 
already, and POSIX is close to unusable for anything realtime related 
anyway. (Try to do a pthread_cond_timedwait() for a specific number of 
seconds, and consider a time change in between and you'll see the problem.)

So it's questionable if POSIX is useful/helpful here anyway. But maybe 
(as Mouse suggested) we should add/have a second interface which 
actually provides what is useful, if POSIX insists on an always minimum 
interval interpretation.


Johnny Billquist  || "I'm on a bus
  ||  on a psychedelic trip
email: ||  Reading murder books
pdp is alive! ||  tryin' to stay hip" - B. Idol

Re: PSA: Clock drift and pkgin

2023-12-23 Thread Johnny Billquist

On 2023-12-23 23:05, Taylor R Campbell wrote:

The attached (untested) patch reverts to the old algorithm
specifically for the case of rearming a periodic timer, leaving the
new algorithm with +1 in place for all other uses.

Now, it's unclear to me whether this is correct, because it can have
the following effect.  Suppose ticks happen on intervals of time T.
Then, owing to unpredictable and uncontrollable scheduling delays, the
following sequence of events may happen:

Time 0*T: timer_settime(.it_value = T, .it_interval = T), arms timer at 1*T
Time 1*T + 0.9*T: timer expires, rearms timer at 2*T
Time 2*T + 0.1*T: timer expires, rearms timer at 3*T

The duration between these consecutive expirations of the timer is
0.2*T, even though we asked for an interval of T.

Of course, the _average_ duration will be around T, but the _minimum_
duration is essentially zero.  POSIX clearly forbids a _one-shot_
timer, which is scheduled to expire after time T, to actually expire
after only time 0.2*T.  But the language in POSIX is unclear to me on
whether this is allowed for _periodic_ timers:

I would argue that the first timeout should not happen with less than T 
time, so the rounding up of that one is correct. The rearming should be 
with T. The fact that the user level program might the events with a 
0.2*T interval (could even be infinitely close to 0 actually) is an 
effect of how systems work. You can always have higher priority stuff 
going on, which delays the scheduling of a process for an unknown 
amount. Even in soft realtime systems, that is the case. Hard realtime 
is pretty tricky actually, and a lot of the time, people trying to do 
realtime don't understand the problems around this.
Anyway, this, in the end, goes to the point of what the 
purpose/usecase/reason for the itimer is.

I would like/prefer that they try to give that average interval. Because 
if not, then it have no difference to the process just doing the call in 
the timer signal handler itself, and the interval parameter becomes just 
a convenience to not have to do the call youself, and there is no way to 
get something that essentially gives a higher chance of getting the 
average rate to what you ask for.
Which seems poorer than having the ability to have both the average, and 
a way of having a minimum interval.

But when it comes to times and timeouts, POSIX have some serious flaws 
already, and POSIX is close to unusable for anything realtime related 
anyway. (Try to do a pthread_cond_timedwait() for a specific number of 
seconds, and consider a time change in between and you'll see the problem.)

So it's questionable if POSIX is useful/helpful here anyway. But maybe 
(as Mouse suggested) we should add/have a second interface which 
actually provides what is useful, if POSIX insists on an always minimum 
interval interpretation.


Johnny Billquist  || "I'm on a bus
  ||  on a psychedelic trip
email: ||  Reading murder books
pdp is alive! ||  tryin' to stay hip" - B. Idol

Re: PSA: Clock drift and pkgin

2023-12-23 Thread Johnny Billquist

On 2023-12-23 17:39, Taylor R Campbell wrote:

Date: Fri, 22 Dec 2023 23:41:47 -0500 (EST)
From: Mouse 

Specifically, under a kernel built with HZ=100, requesting signals at
100Hz actually delivers them at 50Hz.  This is behind the clock running
at half speed on my VAX emulator, and quite likely behind similar
behaviour from simh (which emulates VAXen, among other things) on 9.3.
I suspect it will happen on any port when requesting signals one timer
tick apart (ie, at HZ Hz).

This is the well-known problem that we don't have timers with sub-tick
resolution, PR kern/43997:

You are somewhat missing the point. What Mouse is asking for is not at 
all about sub-tick resolution. What he asks for is exactly tick 
resolution. And the important second half of this point is that with an 
interval timer, it automatically is reset every time it has fired, which 
means it happens exactly at the tick, and then you want a new trigger at 
the next tick.
And currently, that is not possible. Because the reset of the interval 
timer rounds one tick up to two ticks (it basically always add one tick, 
no matter what interval you ask for, which implies that if you ask for 
1s, it will actually be after 101 ticks (if we have a 10ms tick)). So 
nothing is sub-tick about this.


Johnny Billquist  || "I'm on a bus
  ||  on a psychedelic trip
email: ||  Reading murder books
pdp is alive! ||  tryin' to stay hip" - B. Idol

Re: PSA: Clock drift and pkgin

2023-12-23 Thread Johnny Billquist

On 2023-12-23 16:53, Mouse wrote:

[...], but we are in fact rounding it up to the double amount of time
between alarms/interrupts.  Not what I think anyone would have

Quite so.  Whatever the internals behind it, the overall effect is "ask
for 100Hz, get 50Hz", which - at least for me - violates POLA hard.

It is, when the system clock is running at 100Hz.
If the system clock is running at 100Hz, you could expect it should be 
possible to have an interval timer that runs at 100Hz.
But it seems at the moment, we basically have that interval timers can 
run at most at HZ/2.


Johnny Billquist  || "I'm on a bus
  ||  on a psychedelic trip
email: ||  Reading murder books
pdp is alive! ||  tryin' to stay hip" - B. Idol

Re: PSA: Clock drift and pkgin

2023-12-23 Thread Johnny Billquist

On 2023-12-23 14:35, Mouse wrote:

} else if (sec <= (LONG_MAX / 100))
ticks = (((sec * 100) + (unsigned long)usec + (tick - 1))
/ tick) + 1;

The delay is always rounded up to the resolution of the clock, so
waiting for 1 microsecond waits at least 10ms.

But it is increased by 1 tick when it is an exact multiple of the clock
resolution, too.  For sleeps, that makes some sense.  For timer
reloads, it doesn't.

I would probably agree that for timer reloads it should not do that 
rounding up when the interval is evenly divisible. It is a very 
different case than a sleep. For the reload we know that this happens at 
a specific time.

I could of course be wrong about that code being responsible, but
reading realtimerexpire() makes me think not; it uses tshzto, which
calls tstohz, which calls tvtohz, which is where the code quoted above
comes from.  Maybe realtimerexpire should be using other code?


Two options are to increase HZ on the host as suggested, or halve HZ
on the guest.

I suppose actually fixing the bug isn't an option?

I don't know whether that would mean using different code for timer
reloads and sleeps or what.  But 1.4T is demonstration-by-example that
it is entirely possible to get this right, even in a tickful system.
(I don't know whether 1.4T sleeps may be slightly too short; I haven't
tested that.  But, even if so, fixing that should not involve breaking
timer reloads.)

A tickless system do not fundamentally change anything either. You can't 
go below the resolution of a timer, and sleeps are supposed to be 
sleeping for *at least* the given time, but it could be more.

But in this case, we end up where the expected, and reasonable behaviour 
would be to get alarms/interrupts at the specified frequency, because it 
is the resolution of the clock, but we are in fact rounding it up to the 
double amount of time between alarms/interrupts. Not what I think anyone 
would have expected.


Johnny Billquist  || "I'm on a bus
  ||  on a psychedelic trip
email: ||  Reading murder books
pdp is alive! ||  tryin' to stay hip" - B. Idol

Re: Unexpected out of memory kills when running parallel find instances over millions of files

2023-10-21 Thread Johnny Billquist
I think I reported this something like 20 years ago, but noone really 
seemed to care. I noticed it pretty much right away after NetBSD 
switched to the unified memory thing, where all free memory usually was 
grabbed as disk cache. It was not fun on VAX, but at the time it seem 
other platforms didn't suffer enough to consider it a problem. I guess 
over time it's just gotten worse...


On 2023-10-21 13:01, Manuel Bouyer wrote:

On Fri, Oct 20, 2023 at 10:26:05PM +0200, Reinoud Zandijk wrote:


On Thu, Oct 19, 2023 at 11:20:02AM +0200, Mateusz Guzik wrote:

Running 20 find(1) instances, where each has a "private" tree with
million of files runs into trouble with the kernel killing them (and
[   785.194378] UVM: pid 1998.1998 (find), uid 0 killed: out of swap
[   785.194378] UVM: pid 2010.2010 (find), uid 0 killed: out of swap
[   785.224675] UVM: pid 1771.1771 (top), uid 0 killed: out of swap
[   785.285291] UVM: pid 1960.1960 (zsh), uid 0 killed: out of swap
[   785.376172] UVM: pid 2013.2013 (find), uid 0 killed: out of swap
[   785.416572] UVM: pid 1760.1760 (find), uid 0 killed: out of swap
[   785.416572] UVM: pid 1683.1683 (tmux), uid 0 killed: out of swap

This should not be happening -- there is tons of reusable RAM as
virtually all of the vnodes getting here are immediately recyclable.

$elsewhere I got a report of a workload with hundreds of millions of
files which get walked in parallel -- a number high enough that it
does not fit in RAM on boxes which run it. Out of curiosity I figured
I'll check how others are doing on the front, but key is that this is
not a made up problem.

I can second that. I have had UVM killing my X11 when visiting millions of
files; it might have been using rump but I am not sure.

What struck me was that swap was maxed out but systat showed something like
40gb as `File'. I haven't looked at the Meta percentage but it wouldn't
surpise me if that was also high. Just some random snippet:

I've seen it too, although it didn't end up killing processes.
But the nightly jobs (usual daily/security+ backup) ends up pushing to
swap lots of processes, while the file cache grows to more than half the
RAM (I have 16Gb). As a result the machine is really slow and none of the
nightly jobs complete before morning.

Decreasing kern.maxvnodes helps a lot.

Johnny Billquist  || "I'm on a bus
  ||  on a psychedelic trip
email: ||  Reading murder books
pdp is alive! ||  tryin' to stay hip" - B. Idol

Re: panic options

2023-09-12 Thread Johnny Billquist

On 2023-09-12 23:55, Robert Swindells wrote:

Is there any way to get panic(9) to behave differently in some places
than others?

There is a call to panic() if the kernel detects that there is no
console device found, I would like to make this call to it just reboot
without dropping into ddb.

The amdgpu driver fails to initialize about 9 times in 10 for me so
would like to reduce the amount of typing needed.

Well. Not completely what you ask for, but...

sysctl -w ddb.onpanic=0 (or even -1)

You could place that in /etc/sysctl.conf as well. See sysctl(7) for some 
more details.


Johnny Billquist  || "I'm on a bus
  ||  on a psychedelic trip
email: ||  Reading murder books
pdp is alive! ||  tryin' to stay hip" - B. Idol

Re: [PATCH] style(5): No struct typedefs

2023-07-14 Thread Johnny Billquist

On 2023-07-14 11:56, Martin Husemann wrote:

On Fri, Jul 14, 2023 at 01:00:26AM +0200, Johnny Billquist wrote:

Using "typedef struct bus_dma_tag *" instead of "typedef void *" will do the
same thing. That is no reason at all why to skip the typedef.

We want to avoid having to #include the header where that typedef lives.

The typedef itself buys you nothing but a few charactes less to type,
but it introduces another layer of indirection where you could (accidently)
introduce inconsistencies (unless you include it from some common
header, which brings us back to the start).

It also brings that if you want to change the definition, you change it 
in one place, and not 1000.

But I see that your desire is to not have a common place for definitions 
of shared things. That is certainly a choice as well.


Johnny Billquist  || "I'm on a bus
  ||  on a psychedelic trip
email: ||  Reading murder books
pdp is alive! ||  tryin' to stay hip" - B. Idol

Re: [PATCH] style(5): No struct typedefs

2023-07-13 Thread Johnny Billquist

On 2023-07-14 00:22, Taylor R Campbell wrote:

Date: Tue, 11 Jul 2023 19:50:19 -0700
From: Jason Thorpe 

On Jul 11, 2023, at 2:56 PM, Taylor R Campbell 

I agree the keyword is ugly, and it's unfortunate that in order to
omit it we would have to use C++, but the ugliness gives us practical
benefits of better type-checking, reduced header file maintenance
burden, and reduced motivation for unnecessary header file

No -- you just don't have to use "void *".  Can you point to a
practical problematic example?

Using `struct bus_dma_tag *' instead of `void *' (whether via the
bus_dma_tag_t alias or not) would provide better type-checking.

Using "typedef struct bus_dma_tag *" instead of "typedef void *" will do 
the same thing. That is no reason at all why to skip the typedef.

And I totally agree that void * is usually something to be avoided, if 
possible. But I still fail to see what it has to do with the topic on 
typedef or not.


Johnny Billquist  || "I'm on a bus
  ||  on a psychedelic trip
email: ||  Reading murder books
pdp is alive! ||  tryin' to stay hip" - B. Idol

Re: [PATCH] style(5): No struct typedefs

2023-07-11 Thread Johnny Billquist

On 2023-07-11 15:28, Mouse wrote:

I don't get it.  Why the "void *" stuff?  That is where I think the
real badness lies, and I agree we should not have that.

But defining something like

typedef struct bus_dma_tag *bus_dma_tag_t;

would mean we could easily change what bus_dma_tag_t actually is,
keeping it opaque, while at the same time keeping the type checking.

Um, no, you get the type checking only as long as "what [it] actually
is" is a tagged type - a struct, union, or (I think; I'd have to check)
enum.  Make it (for example) a char *, or an unsigned int, and you lose
much of the typechecking.

Maybe I missed your point. Yes, if you typedef something based on some 
simple type like int, that it's no different than any other int.

typedefs in C don't really create new types. They are all just 
derivatives. Sometimes I even wonder why typedef exists in C. Feels like 
I could accomplish the same with a #define


Johnny Billquist  || "I'm on a bus
  ||  on a psychedelic trip
email: ||  Reading murder books
pdp is alive! ||  tryin' to stay hip" - B. Idol

Re: [PATCH] style(5): No struct typedefs

2023-07-11 Thread Johnny Billquist

On 2023-07-11 15:28, Mouse wrote:

I don't get it.  Why the "void *" stuff?  That is where I think the
real badness lies, and I agree we should not have that.

But defining something like

typedef struct bus_dma_tag *bus_dma_tag_t;

would mean we could easily change what bus_dma_tag_t actually is,
keeping it opaque, while at the same time keeping the type checking.

Um, no, you get the type checking only as long as "what [it] actually
is" is a tagged type - a struct, union, or (I think; I'd have to check)
enum.  Make it (for example) a char *, or an unsigned int, and you lose
much of the typechecking.

Sure. If you declare something as derived from char *, then anything 
that expects something char * would be happy with it.

But if you say

typedef struct bus_dma_tag *bus_dma_tag_t;

then any function that expects this will not be happy with something 
that translates to char *.

Basically, you get as much type checking as you could ever 

But I could agree with your point of not hiding the pointer in the 
typedef, and have it explicit as well, for some situations. But for 
something this opaque, I would actually think the pointer in there makes 


typedef struct dma_bus_tag *dma_bus_tag_t;
typedef struct dma_bus2_tag *dma_bus2_tag_t;

int test(dma_bus_tag_t foo)
  return 0;

int foo(void)
  dma_bus2_tag_t x;
  return test(x);

This fails at compilation because x is not of the correct type for the 
function test(). If you change x to be of type dma_bus_tag_t, then the 
compilation is happy. Typechecking just as you would expect it, while 
being totally unaware of what this type actually looks like.

Something that actually uses the value obviously needs to have the full 
definition of the structure, and dereference it, and so on. But all 
other code do not need any of that, and can be kept totally in the dark.


Johnny Billquist  || "I'm on a bus
  ||  on a psychedelic trip
email: ||  Reading murder books
pdp is alive! ||  tryin' to stay hip" - B. Idol

Re: [PATCH] style(5): No struct typedefs

2023-07-11 Thread Johnny Billquist

On 2023-07-11 12:17, Taylor R Campbell wrote:

I propose the attached change to KNF style(5) to advise against
typedefs for structs or unions, or pointers to them.

Passing around pointers to structs and unions doesn't require the
definition, only a forward declaration:

struct vnode;
int frobnitz(struct vnode *);

Agreed. But this is unrelated to typedefs.

This can dramatically cut down on header file dependencies so that
touching one header file doesn't cause the entire kernel to rebuild.
This also makes it clearer whether you are passing around a copy of a
struct or a pointer to a struct, which is often semantically important
not to conceal.

Typedefs are not necessary for opaque cookies to have labels, like
`typedef void *bus_dma_tag_t;'.  In fact, using void * here is bad
because it prevents the C compiler from checking types; bus_dma_tag_t
is indistinguishable from audio_dai_tag_t, and from pckbc_tag_t, and
from acpipmtimer_t, and from sdmmc_chipset_handle_t.

I don't get it. Why the "void *" stuff? That is where I think the real 
badness lies, and I agree we should not have that.

But defining something like

typedef struct bus_dma_tag *bus_dma_tag_t;

would mean we could easily change what bus_dma_tag_t actually is, 
keeping it opaque, while at the same time keeping the type checking.

Basically, getting all the benefits you mention from having it as a 
proper type, but still also keeping the ability to change what it 
actually is without any problems.

So, yes to proper forward declarations. But I don't think typedefs as 
such is a problem.


Johnny Billquist  || "I'm on a bus
  ||  on a psychedelic trip
email: ||  Reading murder books
pdp is alive! ||  tryin' to stay hip" - B. Idol

Re: Compilation failures in current

2023-06-21 Thread Johnny Billquist
Clean out your object files and directories. Sometimes old stuff hanging 
around there can prevent a build from succeeding.


On 2023-06-21 15:43, wrote:

Jun 20, 2023, 23:52 by

On Wed, Jun 21, 2023 at 05:29:08AM +0200, wrote:

Since past 3?4 days, I am getting consistent failures while compilingthe kernel 
? current.

Did you update the whole source tree? How are you compiling your kernel?


Yes, I updated the whole tree. I was just building the kernel manually,using 
But based on Rin Okuyama's comment, I am trying to build the kernel using, but building the tools fail for me.

./ -U -j3 -m amd64 -a x86_64 tools
--- includes ---
cd: can't cd to include

*** Failed target: includes
*** Failed commands:
@(cd include && find . -name '*.h' -print | while read f ; do  
${HOST_INSTALL_FILE} $$f ${HOST_INCSDIR}/compat/$$f ;  done)
=> @(cd include && find . -name '*.h' -print | while read f ; do 
/usr/src/tools/binstall/obj/xinstall -c  -r $f 
/usr/src/obj/tooldir.NetBSD-10.99.4-amd64/include/compat/$f ;  done)
*** [includes] Error code 2

nbmake[2]: stopped in /usr/src/tools/compat
1 error

nbmake[2]: stopped in /usr/src/tools/compat

*** Failed target:  install-compat
*** Failed command: _makedirtarget() { dir="$1"; shift; target="$1"; shift; case "${dir}" in /*) this="${dir}/"; real="${dir}" ;; .) this=""; 
real="/usr/src/tools" ;; *) this="${dir}/"; real="/usr/src/tools/${dir}" ;; esac; show=${this:-.}; echo "${target} ===> ${show%/}${1:+ (with: $@)}"; cd "${real}" 
&& /usr/src/obj/tooldir.NetBSD-10.99.4-amd64/bin/nbmake _THISDIR_="${this}" "$@" ${target}; }; _makedirtarget compat install
*** Error code 2

Johnny Billquist  || "I'm on a bus
  ||  on a psychedelic trip
email: ||  Reading murder books
pdp is alive! ||  tryin' to stay hip" - B. Idol

Re: PROPOSAL: Split uiomove into uiopeek, uioskip

2023-05-10 Thread Johnny Billquist

On 2023-05-10 14:00, Jason Thorpe wrote:

On May 9, 2023, at 3:09 PM, Taylor R Campbell 

- uiopeek leaves uio itself untouched (it may modify the source/target
  buffers but it's idempotent).

Hm… I’m having second thoughts about uiopeek(), as well.  It implies a 
direction (“peek” feels like “read”, and “write” would feel more like a 
“poke”).  I think uiocopy() is a better name, and I think it is sufficiently 
different from uiomove() (“move” implies a sortof destructive-ness that “copy” 
does not).

I would sortof agree. But for me, "peek" more suggests that you are 
looking at the content, but intentionally leaving the data in there for 
something else to later pick up/process. copy seems to more 
appropriately describe what the intent is.

Also, skip for also implies that you are skipping over the data, 
intentionally not interested in it. After a copy, I would feel it would 
be more describing to say advance rather than skip (or if someone else 
have another good verb for it, I'm all ears...)


Johnny Billquist  || "I'm on a bus
  ||  on a psychedelic trip
email: ||  Reading murder books
pdp is alive! ||  tryin' to stay hip" - B. Idol

Re: Per-descriptor state

2023-05-07 Thread Johnny Billquist

On 2023-05-08 02:09, Johnny Billquist wrote:
On 2023-05-08 01:30, David Holland wrote> On Fri, May 05, 2023 at 
09:44:25PM -0400, Mouse wrote:

  > not nearly as
  > horrible as, say, the hack I once implemented where calling
  > wait4(0x456d756c,(int *)0x61746f72,0x4d616769,(struct rusage 

  > would produce suitably magic effects.  (This was on a 32-bit 

surely you mean 39!


"EmulatorMagic:-)" don't do it for you, you want "EmulatorMagic:=)" ?

I wonder what the emoji " :=) " means... Double nose?

Ok. I'm being very silly. I need to go to bed...


And I'm clearly half asleep already. Sorry... :-9

it was...


Johnny Billquist  || "I'm on a bus
  ||  on a psychedelic trip
email: ||  Reading murder books
pdp is alive! ||  tryin' to stay hip" - B. Idol

Re: Per-descriptor state

2023-05-07 Thread Johnny Billquist
On 2023-05-08 01:30, David Holland wrote> On Fri, May 05, 2023 at 
09:44:25PM -0400, Mouse wrote:

  > not nearly as
  > horrible as, say, the hack I once implemented where calling
  > wait4(0x456d756c,(int *)0x61746f72,0x4d616769,(struct rusage *)0x633a2d29)
  > would produce suitably magic effects.  (This was on a 32-bit machine.)

surely you mean 39!


"EmulatorMagic:-)" don't do it for you, you want "EmulatorMagic:=)" ?

I wonder what the emoji " :=) " means... Double nose?

Ok. I'm being very silly. I need to go to bed...



Johnny Billquist  || "I'm on a bus
  ||  on a psychedelic trip
email: ||  Reading murder books
pdp is alive! ||  tryin' to stay hip" - B. Idol

Re: building 9.1 kernel with /usr/src elsewhere?

2023-03-07 Thread Johnny Billquist
You should build the kernel using, with the tools and all from 

./ kernel=foobar

Don't try to make things complicated by doing all that stuff by hand. :-)


On 2023-03-08 00:32, Mouse wrote:

Okay, I'm trying to help someone with a NetBSD 9.1 machine at work.
Today's issue is one I had trying to build a kernel.  We needed to do
this because that project has a few customziations in the system needed
to build the application layer, and more needed to run it.

He installed stock 9.1, but did not install any source; /usr/src and
/usr/xsrc did not exist.  We then set up the customized source trees in
his homedir, which I will here call /home/abcxyz, under a directory
9.1.  Thus, the path to kernel source, for example, was

Then I copied in a kernel config (GEN91) into my ~/kconf/GEN91, from
back when I was working on that project.  I then ran

% config -b ~/kbuild/GEN91 -s /home/abcxyz/netbsd-9.1/usr/src/sys ~/kconf/GEN91

This completed apparently normally, reporting the build directory and
telling me to remember to make depend.  I then went to ~/kbuild/GEN91
and ran make depend && make.  It failed fast - no more than a second or
two - with

make[1]: don't know how to make absvdi2.c. Stop

(full log below).  I then moved /home/abcxyz/netbsd-9.1/usr/{src,xsrc}
to /usr/{src,xsrc}, chowned them -R to 0, destroyed ~/kbuild/GEN91, and
repeated, only this time I passed /usr/src/sys to config's -s flag.

This time the kernel built fine (at least apparently - we haven't tried
booting it yet, but I've built enough kernels to be confident there are
no obvious red flags in the log; it certainly did not fail a second or
two in with a cryptic message about absvdi2.c).  Note in particular
that the source tree content was identical; only the path and ownership

Is this a bug?  Or am I doing something wrong?

/~\ The ASCII Mouse
\ / Ribbon Campaign
  X  Against HTML
/ \ Email!   7D C8 61 52 5D E7 2D 39  4E F1 31 3E E8 B3 27 4B

The logfile includes one line that's over 3300 characters long,
guaranteeing that it'd get mangled by email (soft limit 78 characters,
hard limit 998).  So, I ran the logfile through bzip2 and then
base64-encoded the output.  Here's the result:


Johnny Billquist  || "I'm on a bus
  ||  on a psychedelic trip
email: ||  Reading murder books
pdp is alive! ||  tryin' to stay hip" - B. Idol

Re: 9.99.100 fallout: bootloader and modules

2022-09-21 Thread Johnny Billquist
Searching for uses of netbsd_version, there is some more broken logic in 
a few places, following similar patterns or assumptions.

Like in /usr/src/sys/arch/i386/stand/lib/exec.c:

if (netbsd_version / 100 % 100 == 99) {
/* -current */
snprintf(buf, bufsize,
"/stand/%s/%d.%d.%d/modules", machine,
netbsd_version / 1,
netbsd_version / 100 % 100,
netbsd_version / 100 % 100);
} else if (netbsd_version != 0) {
/* release */
snprintf(buf, bufsize,
"/stand/%s/%d.%d/modules", machine,
netbsd_version / 1,
netbsd_version / 100 % 100);

So just changing the modulo in the place you were suggesting isn't 
enough. :-P


On 2022-09-21 13:47, Taylor R Campbell wrote:

The x86 bootloader, and the MI efiboot, are unable to find modules
when the kernel version is 9.99.100 -- they try
/stand/$ARCH/9.99.0/modules instead, because of this logic:

/* sys/arch/i386/stand/lib/exec.c */
snprintf(buf, bufsize,
"/stand/%s/%d.%d.%d/modules", machine,
netbsd_version / 1,
netbsd_version / 100 % 100,
netbsd_version / 100 % 100);/* XXX */

/* sys/stand/efiboot/module.c */
const u_int vmajor = netbsd_version / 1;
const u_int vminor = netbsd_version / 100 % 100;
const u_int vpatch = netbsd_version / 100 % 100;/* XXX */

I will try the attached patch to do `% 1' instead of `% 100' on
the lines marked XXX.  Likely other bootloaders will need to be
adjusted to handle this.  Loading modules from the bootloader in a

=9.99.100 kernel will require updating the bootloader.

(After boot, module loading works fine because the kernel's module
loader uses the `osrelease' string instead of doing arithmetic on

Johnny Billquist  || "I'm on a bus
  ||  on a psychedelic trip
email: ||  Reading murder books
pdp is alive! ||  tryin' to stay hip" - B. Idol

Re: killed: out of swap

2022-06-15 Thread Johnny Billquist

On 2022-06-15 18:41, Mouse wrote:

By the way.  This obviously does not at all solve the problem that
the OP had.  He was writing code with the expectation that malloc()
should fail.  [...]  A killed process won't make the OP happy, even
if it was his own program/process.

I'm not sure that last sentence is true.  As I read it, the reaction to
malloc failing would have been that we've put as much pressure on as we
can, so it's time to exit.  If so, killing that process is a reasonable
reaction - and that's what my proposed approaches were based on.
Perhaps my understanding is wrong, in which case not much will help
except no overcommit.

I might have misunderstood the purpose. I thought there was a desire to 
stress things a bit once you get to the memory full state to see how 
things were behaving.

So you might be absolutely right.


Johnny Billquist  || "I'm on a bus
  ||  on a psychedelic trip
email: ||  Reading murder books
pdp is alive! ||  tryin' to stay hip" - B. Idol

Re: killed: out of swap

2022-06-15 Thread Johnny Billquist
By the way. This obviously does not at all solve the problem that the OP 
had. He was writing code with the expectation that malloc() should fail.
For this, we need to get something that will not allow overcommitting 
memory, and where malloc() can then return an error instead of the 
process getting killed.

A killed process won't make the OP happy, even if it was his own 


On 2022-06-15 17:41, Johnny Billquist wrote:

On 2022-06-15 16:01, Michael van Elst wrote: (Johnny Billquist) writes:

They might be the reason for the memory shortage. You can prefer large
processes as victims or protect system services to keep the system

So when one process tries to grow, you'd kill a process that currently
have no issues in running?

All processes have issues on that system and the goal is to keep things
alive so that you can recover, a system hang, crash or reboot is the
worst outcome.

Maybe, but not definitely.

And the outcome is in general processes being killed, which basically 
should never result in an outright crash or reboot. Not even a hang, 
although if the wrong process is killed, you might end up not being able 
to access the system, so it's a bit of a grey area.

Obviously there is no heuristic that can predict what action will have
the best outcome and which causes the least damage. Guessing on the
cost of various kinds of damage is an impossible task by itself as
that is fairly subjective.

Agreed. But the one thing that is known at specific point in time is 
that there is one process who needed one more page, which could not be 
satisfied. All the other processes at that moment in time are not in 
trouble. Which also means, we do not know if killing another process is 
enough to keep this process going, and we do not know if that other 
process would ever get into trouble at all. So we are faced with the 
choice of killing one process we know are in trouble, or speculatively 
kill something else, and then hope that would help.

The suggestion that we'd add some kind of hinting could at least help 
some, but it is rather imperfect. And if we don't have any hints, we're 
back in the same place again.

But there can be a heuristic that helps in many cases, and for the rest
you can hint the system.

If you can come up with some heuristics, it would be interesting to see 
them. I don't see any easy ones.


Johnny Billquist  || "I'm on a bus
  ||  on a psychedelic trip
email: ||  Reading murder books
pdp is alive! ||  tryin' to stay hip" - B. Idol

Re: killed: out of swap

2022-06-15 Thread Johnny Billquist

On 2022-06-15 16:01, Michael van Elst wrote: (Johnny Billquist) writes:

They might be the reason for the memory shortage. You can prefer large
processes as victims or protect system services to keep the system

So when one process tries to grow, you'd kill a process that currently
have no issues in running?

All processes have issues on that system and the goal is to keep things
alive so that you can recover, a system hang, crash or reboot is the
worst outcome.

Maybe, but not definitely.

And the outcome is in general processes being killed, which basically 
should never result in an outright crash or reboot. Not even a hang, 
although if the wrong process is killed, you might end up not being able 
to access the system, so it's a bit of a grey area.

Obviously there is no heuristic that can predict what action will have
the best outcome and which causes the least damage. Guessing on the
cost of various kinds of damage is an impossible task by itself as
that is fairly subjective.

Agreed. But the one thing that is known at specific point in time is 
that there is one process who needed one more page, which could not be 
satisfied. All the other processes at that moment in time are not in 
trouble. Which also means, we do not know if killing another process is 
enough to keep this process going, and we do not know if that other 
process would ever get into trouble at all. So we are faced with the 
choice of killing one process we know are in trouble, or speculatively 
kill something else, and then hope that would help.

The suggestion that we'd add some kind of hinting could at least help 
some, but it is rather imperfect. And if we don't have any hints, we're 
back in the same place again.

But there can be a heuristic that helps in many cases, and for the rest
you can hint the system.

If you can come up with some heuristics, it would be interesting to see 
them. I don't see any easy ones.


Johnny Billquist  || "I'm on a bus
  ||  on a psychedelic trip
email: ||  Reading murder books
pdp is alive! ||  tryin' to stay hip" - B. Idol

Re: killed: out of swap

2022-06-15 Thread Johnny Billquist

On 2022-06-15 11:09, David Brownlee wrote:

On Wed, 15 Jun 2022 at 08:31, Johnny Billquist  wrote:

On 2022-06-15 06:57, Michael van Elst wrote: (Johnny Billquist) writes:

I don't see any realistic way of doing anything with that.
It's basically the first process that tries to allocate another page
when there are no more. There are no other processes at that moment in
time that have the problem, so why should any of them be considered?

They might be the reason for the memory shortage. You can prefer large
processes as victims or protect system services to keep the system

So when one process tries to grow, you'd kill a process that currently
have no issues in running? Which means you might end up killing a lot of
non-problematic processes because of one runaway process? Seems to me to
not be a good decision.

As opposed to the process which had a successful malloc some time ago
and is running without issues, and is just about to try to use some of
its existing allocation?

That is speculation, which is my problem here. You are trading a known 
requester of non-existant memory for speculation that another process 
*might* want non-existant memory.

Both options are wrong in some cases. Having a way to influence the
order in which processes are chosen would seem to be the best way to
end up with a better outcome. The existing behaviour should remain an
option, but (at least for me) it would not be the one chosen

I (obviously) disagree. :-)


Johnny Billquist  || "I'm on a bus
  ||  on a psychedelic trip
email: ||  Reading murder books
pdp is alive! ||  tryin' to stay hip" - B. Idol

Re: killed: out of swap

2022-06-15 Thread Johnny Billquist

On 2022-06-15 06:57, Michael van Elst wrote: (Johnny Billquist) writes:

I don't see any realistic way of doing anything with that.
It's basically the first process that tries to allocate another page
when there are no more. There are no other processes at that moment in
time that have the problem, so why should any of them be considered?

They might be the reason for the memory shortage. You can prefer large
processes as victims or protect system services to keep the system

So when one process tries to grow, you'd kill a process that currently 
have no issues in running? Which means you might end up killing a lot of 
non-problematic processes because of one runaway process? Seems to me to 
not be a good decision.


Johnny Billquist  || "I'm on a bus
  ||  on a psychedelic trip
email: ||  Reading murder books
pdp is alive! ||  tryin' to stay hip" - B. Idol

Re: killed: out of swap

2022-06-14 Thread Johnny Billquist

On 2022-06-14 20:47, Mouse wrote:

What might be interesting is a way to influence the order in which
processes are chosen to kill...

I don't see any realistic way of doing anything with that.  It's
basically the first process that tries to allocate another page when
there are no more.  There are no other processes at that moment in
time that have the problem, so why should any of them be considered?

To answer that, consider the original poster's situation:

> I have a program that keeps malloc()ing (and scribbling a bit
> into the allocated memory) until malloc() fails. The
> intention is to put pressure on the VM system to find out how
> much pool cache memory it can reclaim.

Such a program would be a prime candidate for declaring itself a
preferred out-of-swap victim.  SunOS chill(1) - or was it chill(8)? -
might be another example, though that's of minimal relevance to NetBSD.

Well. First of all, such a program don't exist, as the malloc is not 

It probably wouldn't be easy - the process which incurred the page
fault would have to be put to sleep pending the death of the victim
process - but it could provide for much better behaviour in situations
like this.

Second - are you proposing that you'd keep some kind of statistics on 
mallocs done in the past in some way, in order to decide that this 
process should now be a candidate for a kill when you run out of pages? 
Are you sure it is a better candidate than the current process, who 
actually are demanding more pages at the moment? The other process might 
not in fact ever be hitting the condition, and would run on happily ever 
after, even though it did call malloc a number of times earlier.

Even more, how do we decide that it's actually malloc, or are any memory 
demand treated equally?

And yes, it also raises the question on how to handle the current 
process that caused a page demand that cannot be fulfilled at the moment.

Perhaps even better would be a way for userland to tell the kernel
"pretend you're under severe RAM pressure and free what you can"
without needing to actually run the system out of pages.

Well, the process killing only happens when we are really out of pages, 
so no amount of "free what you can" helps (unless I'm confused).


Johnny Billquist  || "I'm on a bus
  ||  on a psychedelic trip
email: ||  Reading murder books
pdp is alive! ||  tryin' to stay hip" - B. Idol

Re: killed: out of swap

2022-06-14 Thread Johnny Billquist

On 2022-06-14 19:57, David Brownlee wrote:

On Tue, 14 Jun 2022 at 13:33, Robert Elz  wrote:

NetBSD implements overcommitted swap - many processes malloc()
(or mmap() which that really becomes in the current implementation)
far more memory than they're ever going to actually use.  It is only
when some real physical memory is required (rather than simply a marker
"zero filled page might be required here") that the system actually
allocates any real resources.   Similarly pages mapped from a file only
need swap space if they're altered - otherwise the file serves as the
backing store for it.

Once upon a time there was a method to turn overcommitted swap off, and
require actual allocations (of RAM or swap) to be made for all reserved
(virtual) memory.  I used to enable that all the time - but I haven't seen
any mention of it in ages, and the mechanism might no longer still exist.

What might be interesting is a way to influence the order in which
processes are chosen to kill...

I don't see any realistic way of doing anything with that.
It's basically the first process that tries to allocate another page 
when there are no more. There are no other processes at that moment in 
time that have the problem, so why should any of them be considered?


Johnny Billquist  || "I'm on a bus
  ||  on a psychedelic trip
email: ||  Reading murder books
pdp is alive! ||  tryin' to stay hip" - B. Idol

Re: killed: out of swap

2022-06-14 Thread Johnny Billquist

On 2022-06-14 12:59, Edgar Fuß wrote:

So what should the kernel do?

I don't know how thigs work under the hood today (I might have partially
known in the times of sbrk()), but I would suppose that malloc() will
ultimatively result in some system call enlarging the heap/data
segment/whatever. That system call could simply fail.

I assume my impression is completely wrong (today). But then, how can
a malloc() fail before the process gets killed?

Process limits for one. But I guess if your virtual memory becomes 
fragmented, and you request a too big chunk would be another reason.

But malloc today relies on the lazy memory grabbing of the pager. Until 
you actually reference the memory, it don't yet have to be backed by 
anything. (Unless I remember something wrong.)


Johnny Billquist  || "I'm on a bus
  ||  on a psychedelic trip
email: ||  Reading murder books
pdp is alive! ||  tryin' to stay hip" - B. Idol

Re: killed: out of swap

2022-06-14 Thread Johnny Billquist
It's not the malloc that fails. It's the vm system trying to get a page 
for you. At which point it might not be your process that is trying to 
get a page when there are none free... So what should the kernel do?


On 2022-06-14 12:01, Edgar Fuß wrote:

I have a program that keeps malloc()ing (and scribbling a bit into the
allocated memory) until malloc() fails. The intention is to put pressure
on the VM system to find out how much pool cache memory it can reclaim.

When I run that program (with swap space unconfigured), it doesn't terminate
normally, but gets killed by the kernel with "out of swap". Unfortunately,
other processes happening to malloc() during that time may get killed, too.

I don't quite get what the rationale for that is (or maybe I'm doing
something stupidely wrong). If I malloc(), and that fails, that should fail
and not kill me, no?

I'm surely missing something.

Johnny Billquist  || "I'm on a bus
  ||  on a psychedelic trip
email: ||  Reading murder books
pdp is alive! ||  tryin' to stay hip" - B. Idol

Re: Slightly off topic, question about git

2022-06-06 Thread Johnny Billquist
efore doing a commit in a 
centralized model means that your history as well as your code does have 
a linear true history.

And so you'll have to rewrite parts that you already committed in
order to get things back to a coherent state.

Merging two changesets that affect the same portions of the same files
inevitably will require that in some cases.

Yes. But there is a difference between sorting it out before or after 
the commit.

This is a nasty problem when you have separate VCSs.  Well, it
becomes nasty because somewhere in the end, you still have a master
VCS, which holds the source of truth.  Distributed VCSs are not truly
distributed.  There is still just one master.

Only if the humans involved insist on seeing it that way.  There is no
technical reason that has to be true.  git lends itself very well to
the "sure, fork it and see whose fork the userbase prefers" model.  Is
that a strength or a weakness?  Each use case has to decide that for

We do tend to see it that way. NetBSD have one master. Sure, you can 
fork it if you want. But that is no longer NetBSD.

Trying to regard this as a popularity model drive is rather broken, I think.

If the repo in question is used to produce a product with a single
distribution channel, then there will inevitably be some kind of master
in the sense of the one used to produce the distribution.  But that's
inevitable in that case; it's an artifact of the use case, nothing
inherent to the underlying VCS.

Sure. If you want a completely fragmented world view, then a distributed 
VCS makes perfect sense. I didn't expect you to take that position, but 
I'm not going to try to change your mind. But I'm not in that camp. :-)


Johnny Billquist  || "I'm on a bus
  ||  on a psychedelic trip
email: ||  Reading murder books
pdp is alive! ||  tryin' to stay hip" - B. Idol

Re: Slightly off topic, question about git

2022-06-06 Thread Johnny Billquist

On 2022-06-06 14:33, Mouse wrote:

I've recently come to realize a thing with git I really abhor.  It
has a very loose view on history immutability.  I've seen branches,
which claims to come from some point, where the branch is way older
than the revision it claims to have been branched off.  Which
obviously is impossible.  But history rewriting seems to be a
favorite pastime of git users.

That's not a fault of git; that's a fault of how some people use git.

Well, you could argue that it's a fault in git that it allows it.

If there is a way, then some people will use it that way.

For me, one of the really big points of VCS is that history is never
changed.  I can go back and see what was done, where, to what.

And git can be used that way.  No VCS is ever truly never-change,
unless you use write-once media to store it, and even then it is always
vulnerable to reconstructing a new repo from the ground up based on the
old repo.

Sure. You can change history in CVS as well. But you'll have to go in 
there and much with the data that is beind. It's not like the UI itself 
allows you to work that way. And I've not seen anything similar in a 
whole bunch of other VCSs I've worked with either. But I've generally 
not worked on distributed once before.
And I sortof can see why people want to go that way, since with 
distributed VCSs, it becomes much harder to have a linear history. But 
they still want to kindof/sortof fake it.

Since git actually is multiple, independent VCSs, what happens on one
don't necessarily at all come across to another, and in the process
of aligning them, history have to be rewritten to even get close to
make some kind of sense.

Not really; history doesn't _have_ to be rewritten.  That's what merge
commits are for.  People just choose to rebase work instead of merging.
(Personally, I think that's a mistake, for various reasons, but, as you
point not, not everyone agrees.)

It sortof have to. Since if you've done various work, and others have 
done various work on the same files, and both have done commits, it 
might not be possible to merge as is. And so you'll have to rewrite 
parts that you already committed in order to get things back to a 
coherent state.

This is a nasty problem when you have separate VCSs. Well, it becomes 
nasty because somewhere in the end, you still have a master VCS, which 
holds the source of truth. Distributed VCSs are not truly distributed. 
There is still just one master. It's just about how you work in relation 
to it. I can see some advantages, but I'm still not sure if they 
outweigh the disadvantages that I feel. But that is of course very 


Johnny Billquist  || "I'm on a bus
  ||  on a psychedelic trip
email: ||  Reading murder books
pdp is alive! ||  tryin' to stay hip" - B. Idol

Re: Slightly off topic, question about git

2022-06-06 Thread Johnny Billquist

On 2022-06-06 11:32, Greg Troxel wrote:

David Brownlee  writes:

I suspect most of this also works with s/git/hg/ assuming NetBSD
switches to a mercurial repo

Indeed, all of this is not really about git.  Systems in the class of
"distributed VCS" have two important properties:

   commits are atomic across the repo, not per file

True of most any VCS, distributed or not. It's rather CVS that is the 
odd man out here. But it's sortof a bit loose (or weird) in distributed 
VCSs, since you might do that to your local repo, but then it becomes 
"diluted" when it gets applied to another (upstream) repo.

   anyone can prepare commits, whether or not they are authorized to
   apply them to the repo.  an authorized person can apply someone else's

Anyone can "prepare" a commit on any kind of VCS. It's the actual commit 
that is always the gate.
The difference might more be in how you pass a commit over to someone 
else to apply. With CVS, I usually create a diff, and send that to 
someone who have the rights to apply it. Works just fine. (Since I don't 
have any commit rights on NetBSD for example.)

These more or less lead to "local copy of the repo".  And there are web
tools for people who just want to look at something occasionally.But
I find that it's not that big, that right now I have 3 copies (8, 9,
current), and that it's nice to be able to do things offline (browse,
diff, commit).

Local copy is required with git, since everyone actually have their own 
VCS. And then you have some upstream VCS which you work 2-way with, in 
relation to your own VCS.

Pros and cons, as always.

CVS is really just RCS with
   organization into groups of files
   ability to operate over ssh (rsh originally :-)
That was really great in 1994; I remember what a big advance it was


I've recently come to realize a thing with git I really abhor. It has a 
very loose view on history immutability. I've seen branches, which 
claims to come from some point, where the branch is way older than the 
revision it claims to have been branched off.
Which obviously is impossible. But history rewriting seems to be a 
favorite pastime of git users.

For me, one of the really big points of VCS is that history is never 
changed. I can go back and see what was done, where, to what.

Since git actually is multiple, independent VCSs, what happens on one 
don't necessarily at all come across to another, and in the process of 
aligning them, history have to be rewritten to even get close to make 
some kind of sense.

I'm not at all convinced this is a good system. But that's just me. :-)


Johnny Billquist  || "I'm on a bus
  ||  on a psychedelic trip
email: ||  Reading murder books
pdp is alive! ||  tryin' to stay hip" - B. Idol

Re: Hinted mmap(2) without MAP_FIXED can fail prematurely

2022-02-17 Thread Johnny Billquist

On 2022-02-18 01:05, Michael van Elst wrote: (Johnny Billquist) writes:

If it would ignore the hint, what's the point of the hint then?

With MAP_FIXED it must use the hint, without it's just a best effort

Which then basically means that without MAP_FIXED, the hint don't really 
mean anything? It will take whatever address it can come up with, no 
matter what you put into the hint.

Which is what a hint of 0 should do. So I don't get that.
With MAP_FIXED, the hint needs to be exactly on a page boundary, which 
makes sense. Without MAP_FIXED, and with a hint, I would expect that 
things like rounding the address to the proper alignment, and so on, 
would be allowed, but not that it would just take any address. If I'm ok 
with it taking any random address, then I shouldn't provide a hint.

Anyway, that's just my reflections/thoughts on it.


Johnny Billquist  || "I'm on a bus
  ||  on a psychedelic trip
email: ||  Reading murder books
pdp is alive! ||  tryin' to stay hip" - B. Idol

Re: Hinted mmap(2) without MAP_FIXED can fail prematurely

2022-02-17 Thread Johnny Billquist

If it would ignore the hint, what's the point of the hint then?


On 2022-02-17 08:23, PHO wrote:
I'm not sure if this is a bug or not, but on NetBSD/amd64 9.2, hinted 
mmap(2) without MAP_FIXED can fail prematurely with ENOMEM if all the 
regions below the given hint address are occupied.

The man page for mmap(2) suggests that the hint is just a hint. 
Shouldn't mmap(2) also search for available regions above the hint then?

Test code: 

Test result: 

Johnny Billquist  || "I'm on a bus
  ||  on a psychedelic trip
email: ||  Reading murder books
pdp is alive! ||  tryin' to stay hip" - B. Idol

Re: wsvt25 backspace key should match terminfo definition

2021-11-23 Thread Johnny Billquist

On 2021-11-23 18:59, Koning, Paul wrote:

On Nov 23, 2021, at 12:53 PM, Valery Ushakov  wrote:

On Tue, Nov 23, 2021 at 09:22:43 -0500, Greg Troxel wrote:

I think (memory is getting fuzzy) the problem is that the old terminals
had a delete key, in the upper right, that users use to remove the
previous character, and a BS key, upper left, that was actually a
carriage control character.

[... snip ...]

I see the same kbs=^H on vt52.

vt52 is different.

I spent a lot of time on VT52, VT100, and VT2xx terminals.

Me too. :-)

All DEC terminals have a "delete" or "rub out" key, which transmits 0177.  VT52 
and VT100 also have a backspace key, which transmits 010.  VT2xx (LK201 keyboard) do not have that 
key.  Or rather, they do have a top row function key that is sometimes labeled BS but it sends an 
escape sequence, and is not taken seriously by most DEC programmers.

It's a bit more convoluted than that. If you set a VT200 in VT100-mode, 
those three keys on the top row will in fact actually send LF, BS and 
ESC. Because if you wanted more VT100 compatibility, the VT100 had those 
keys, so the VT200 also had to have them if in VT100 mode.

But yes, if you are in VT200 mode, they will in fact send various escape 

Not that it's really relevant here. The key to correct typing errors 
send a DEL, which is what this is about.

DEC software convention always was that the delete/rubout key is how you erase 
the previous character.  Backspace was never used for that, and there wasn't 
any obvious reason to have it on the keyboard.  It is, of course, an output 
formatting character.

Some DEC software used BS, which is why the VT200 in VT100 mode still 
had it. One of the more known pieces is FMS, which uses BS to step to 
the previous field, and TAB to step to the next field (there was no 
possibility of doing shift-TAB back then, which is popular nowadays for 
that same function).


Johnny Billquist  || "I'm on a bus
  ||  on a psychedelic trip
email: ||  Reading murder books
pdp is alive! ||  tryin' to stay hip" - B. Idol

Re: wsvt25 backspace key should match terminfo definition

2021-11-23 Thread Johnny Billquist

On 2021-11-23 18:53, Valery Ushakov wrote:

On Tue, Nov 23, 2021 at 09:22:43 -0500, Greg Troxel wrote:

I think (memory is getting fuzzy) the problem is that the old terminals
had a delete key, in the upper right, that users use to remove the
previous character, and a BS key, upper left, that was actually a
carriage control character.

[... snip ...]

I see the same kbs=^H on vt52.

vt52 is different.  I never used a real vt52 or a clone, but the
manual at gives the following picture:

Not really different. The VT52 key that you use to delete characters to 
the left sends a DEL.

and the description

   Key  CodeAction Taken if Codes Are Echoed
   BACK SPACE   010 Backspace (Cursor Left) function
   DELETE   177 Nothing

Yes. And noone would ever be hitting the backspace with the intent of 
deleting what you just typed. This all originates with the ASR33 
actually. There the key was labelled "RUB OUT". And it sends a DEL.

vt100 had similar keyboard (again, never used a real one personally)

   BACKSPACE010 Backspace function
   DELETE   177 Ignored by the VT100

I've used both VT52 and VT100, as well as almost every other model of VT 
terminal there is.

But vt200 and later use a different keyboard, lk201 (and i did use a
real vt220 a lot)

that picture is not very good, the one from the vt320 manual is better

vt220 does NOT have a configuration option that selects the code that


But somehow the official terminfo database has kbs=^H for vt220!

Which is wrong.

Later it became configurable:

Yes. It might only have been configurable if you had specific keyboards, 
but at least it was possible to change for some. But default is still DEL.

For vt320 (where it *is* configurable) terminfo has

   $ infocmp -1 vt320 | grep kbs

Which I think it should be.


Johnny Billquist  || "I'm on a bus
  ||  on a psychedelic trip
email: ||  Reading murder books
pdp is alive! ||  tryin' to stay hip" - B. Idol

Re: wsvt25 backspace key should match terminfo definition

2021-11-22 Thread Johnny Billquist
If something pretends to be a VT220, then the key that deletes 
characters to the left should send DEL, not BS...

Just saying...


On 2021-11-23 00:48, RVP wrote:

The kernel currently defines the backspace key as:

$ fgrep CERASE /usr/include/sys/ttydefaults.h
#define CERASE  0177

This should probably be changed to CTRL('h') to match both the
NetBSD and GNU terminfo backspace key definitions, otherwise
the key doesn't work right after reset(1) or tset(1):

$ infocmp wsvt25 | tr ',' '\n' | fgrep kbs
# Reconstructed from /usr/share/misc/terminfo.cdb
wsvt25|NetBSD wscons in 25 line DEC VT220 mode,

$ /opt/ncurses/bin/infocmp wsvt25 | tr ',' '\n' | fgrep kbs
#   Reconstructed via infocmp from file: 

wsvt25|NetBSD wscons in 25 line DEC VT220 mode,


Johnny Billquist  || "I'm on a bus
  ||  on a psychedelic trip
email: ||  Reading murder books
pdp is alive! ||  tryin' to stay hip" - B. Idol

Re: Devices.

2021-05-29 Thread Johnny Billquist

On 2021-05-29 22:26, David Holland wrote:

There are a number of infelicities in the way we currently handle the
I/O plumbing for devices in the kernel. These include:


Just looking/thinking about the ioctl part - you say abolish it inside 
the kernel. So does that mean that we keep the ioctl() interface for 
user programs, but we'd create a system function that will translate 
ioctl() calls from user programs to different function calls based on 
class and function.

Which means any time anyone wants to add some new kind of function to a 
device, you'd have to adjust the ioctl() system call, the class, all 
devices of that class, and of course your specific driver which you want 
to do something with the hardware.

Or did I misunderstand something here?

I'm not trying to shoot anything down at this time. Just trying to 
understand the implications of the suggestion.

I sortof like the idea of getting some generalization, which classes 
would bring. But the problem with ioctl causing duplication and all kind 
of efforts is at the same time also a strength in that you can add 
something new to a device without having to care at all about all other 
devices and code. Since nothing else really tries to understand ioctls. 
Flexible, but more effort if you want coherent behavior.


Johnny Billquist  || "I'm on a bus
  ||  on a psychedelic trip
email: ||  Reading murder books
pdp is alive! ||  tryin' to stay hip" - B. Idol

Re: 9.1: boot-time delay? [WORKAROUND FOUND]

2021-05-27 Thread Johnny Billquist

On 2021-05-28 00:46, Joerg Sonnenberger wrote:

On Fri, May 28, 2021 at 03:14:24AM +0700, Robert Elz wrote:

 Date:Thu, 27 May 2021 05:05:15 - (UTC) (Michael van Elst)

   | (Michael van Elst) writes:
   | >Either direction mstohz or hztoms should better always round up to
   | >guarantee a minimal delay.
   | And both should be replaced by hztous()/ustohz().

While changing ms to us is probably a good idea, when a change happens,
the "hz" part should be changed too.

hz is (a unit of) a measure of frequency, ms (or us) is (a unit of) a
measure of time (duration) - converting one to the other makes no sense.

"hz" in this context comes from HZ - it is used here as dimension of
1s/HZ. Just like "ms" here is used as "1s/1000". It's a pretty sensible
naming compared to much longer naming variants.

Well, Robert have a point.

If you say hztoms(4), we are not asking for a conversion from 4Hz to ms, 
but in fact four ticks at the current HZ, converted to ms.


Johnny Billquist  || "I'm on a bus
  ||  on a psychedelic trip
email: ||  Reading murder books
pdp is alive! ||  tryin' to stay hip" - B. Idol

Re: 9.1: boot-time delay? [WORKAROUND FOUND]

2021-05-27 Thread Johnny Billquist

On 2021-05-28 00:13, Robert Elz wrote:

 Date:Thu, 27 May 2021 20:19:06 +
 From:"Koning, Paul" 
 Message-ID:  <>

   | In this particular case it's converting frequency to period,
   | that is a sensible conversion.

But it isn't, you can't convert 60 ticks/second into some number of
milliseconds, the two are different units.

Not that much.
To quote wikipedia:

"The dimension of the unit hertz is 1/time (1/T). Expressed in base SI 
units it is 1/second (1/s)."

So basically, it's just the inverse of time. Based on that, it's pretty 
clear that conversion to/from time is very valid.

And in another reply:

Johnny Billquist  said:
   | Frequency essentially means a counting of the number of  time something
   | happens over a specific time period. With hertz, the time  period is one
   | second.

   | So then converting the number of times an event
   | happens in a second into how long it is between two events makes total
   | sense.

It would, but that's not what the functions do.   What they do is tell
how many ticks occur in a specific number of milliseconds (or vice
versa).   Your calculation is just (in milliseconds) 1000/hz, and assuming
hz isn't varying, is a constant.

Good point. It's a conversion from ms (or whatever time) to/from the 
number of cycles (or ticks of you want) based on the frequency given.

I didn't think this through enough. While I certainly believe it's 
perfectly valid to convert between a frequency and a time for a single 
cycle, it do become weird to talk about frequency if we are in fact 
talking about some specific number of cycles, although those cycles can 
only be converted to a time if we have a frequency.

I guess you convinced me. We should really call it something like 
tickstoms and mstoticks. But that do rely on people then understanding 
that it is the ticks defined by HZ, and not any random ticks.


Johnny Billquist  || "I'm on a bus
  ||  on a psychedelic trip
email: ||  Reading murder books
pdp is alive! ||  tryin' to stay hip" - B. Idol

Re: 9.1: boot-time delay? [WORKAROUND FOUND]

2021-05-27 Thread Johnny Billquist

On 2021-05-27 22:50, Mouse wrote:

A tick is not a duration.  A tick is a specific event at a specific
time.  It has no duration.  You have a duration between two ticks.

At least as I use it and have heard it used, `tick' can also be used to
refer to the interval between two of those events.  "How long are timer
ticks on this hardware?" or "For the next few ticks, we crunch on

I think that is mostly a bit sloppy terminology where they actually want 
to know the time between two ticks. :-)


Johnny Billquist  || "I'm on a bus
  ||  on a psychedelic trip
email: ||  Reading murder books
pdp is alive! ||  tryin' to stay hip" - B. Idol

Re: 9.1: boot-time delay? [WORKAROUND FOUND]

2021-05-27 Thread Johnny Billquist

On 2021-05-27 22:14, Robert Elz wrote:

 Date:Thu, 27 May 2021 05:05:15 - (UTC) (Michael van Elst)

   | And both should be replaced by hztous()/ustohz().

While changing ms to us is probably a good idea, when a change happens,
the "hz" part should be changed too.

Not sure I agree with that.

hz is (a unit of) a measure of frequency, ms (or us) is (a unit of) a
measure of time (duration) - converting one to the other makes no sense.

It sure does. Frequency essentially means a counting of the number of 
time something happens over a specific time period. With hertz, the time 
period is one second. So then converting the number of times an event 
happens in a second into how long it is between two events makes total 

What these functions/macros do is convert between ms (or us) and ticks
(another measure of a duration), not hz, so the misleading "hz" part of
the name should be removed (changed) if a new macro/function is to be invented.
(The benefit isn't worth it to justify changing the current existing names,
but we shouldn't persist with nonsense if we're doing something new.)

A tick is not a duration. A tick is a specific event at a specific time. 
It has no duration. You have a duration between two ticks.

And commonly at every tick you get an interrupt, and you do something, 
and then resume your normal work. The tick has passed. Waiting for the 
next one to happen.


Johnny Billquist  || "I'm on a bus
  ||  on a psychedelic trip
email: ||  Reading murder books
pdp is alive! ||  tryin' to stay hip" - B. Idol

Re: 9.1: boot-time delay? [WORKAROUND FOUND]

2021-05-26 Thread Johnny Billquist

On 2021-05-26 12:59, Mouse wrote:

I don't fully understand the discussion here.

Initially people claimed that HZ at 8000 would be a problem,

Well, my experience indicates that it _is_ a problem, at least when
using disks at piixide (or pciide).

Right. But not for the reason suggested. But obviously there is some 
kind of a problem somewhere.

which for me seems a bit backwards.

Me too.  I was - am - rather puzzled by it.

Right. That was my issue. Claiming that you'd get more problems with 
rounding and issues with coarsness when running at a higher frequency, 
when it in fact is the exact opposite. With a higher frequency you have 
more accuracy and less errors from truncations.

Anyway, I have no idea what the actual problem is. Good luck with that part.


Johnny Billquist  || "I'm on a bus
  ||  on a psychedelic trip
email: ||  Reading murder books
pdp is alive! ||  tryin' to stay hip" - B. Idol

Re: 9.1: boot-time delay? [WORKAROUND FOUND]

2021-05-26 Thread Johnny Billquist

On 2021-05-26 11:12, matthew green wrote:

Manuel Bouyer writes:

On Wed, May 26, 2021 at 05:35:53PM +1000, matthew green wrote:

Manuel Bouyer writes:

On Tue, May 25, 2021 at 10:46:04PM -, Michael van Elst wrote: (Manuel Bouyer) writes:

Another issue could be mstohz() called with a delay too short;
mstohz() will round it up to 1 tick.

#  define mstohz(ms) ((unsigned int)((ms + 0ul) * hz / 1000ul))

actually, this one is problematic as well.

mstohz(1) here gives 0 for hz < 1000.  "(1 + 0) * hz / 1000"
for any 'hz' less than 1000 will give 0.

I don't fully understand the discussion here.
Initially people claimed that HZ at 8000 would be a problem, which for 
me seems a bit backwards. And this comment should make that even more 

With hz at 8000, you actually get some usable value for mstohz(1), while 
with low hz definitions, you do not.

So why would a high frequency at a clock be a problem? Seems the person 
who claimed that must have gotten things a bit backwards.

I can only see two real problems with a high clock frequency:
1. The overhead of just dealing with clock interrupts increase.
2. If there are things that just give time in ticks, then ticks become 
very short. And if the assumption is that just one tick is enough, such 
an assumption can fail.


Johnny Billquist  || "I'm on a bus
  ||  on a psychedelic trip
email: ||  Reading murder books
pdp is alive! ||  tryin' to stay hip" - B. Idol

Re: Reparenting processes?

2020-12-08 Thread Johnny Billquist

On 2020-12-08 14:36, Mouse wrote:

I've been thinking about building a way to move a job between
shells, in particular between one window, ssh session, whatever, and

Yes, I've somehow missed the VMS virtual terminals, that can detach
their job from the real terminal and be reattached by a login
process, instead of creating a new job.

That must have come in after I stopped using VMS (mid-'80s); I'm pretty
sure the VMS I used didn't have it.

It actually don't have anything to do with virtual terminals, but the 
mechanism did exist already then. Jobs could be detached and reattached 
again, including at login.

But it was/is a little obscure in VMS. It is much more prominent, and 
easy to deal with in TOPS-20.

(Now back to on topic... :-) )


Johnny Billquist  || "I'm on a bus
  ||  on a psychedelic trip
email: ||  Reading murder books
pdp is alive! ||  tryin' to stay hip" - B. Idol

Re: wait(2) and SIGCHLD

2020-08-16 Thread Johnny Billquist

On 2020-08-16 21:17, Mouse wrote:

They don't vanish, they get reparented to init(8) which then wakes
up and reaps them.

That probably would work, approximately,

Well, it does work, to at least a first approximation.

but isn't what's supposed to happen when a child's parent is ignoring
SIGCHLD - the child should skip zombie state, and simply be cleaned

And how is "reparent to init" not an acceptable means of implementing

Acceptable or not, it would seem to not match our own documentation.

From the sigaction() man-page:

 SA_NOCLDWAIT   If set, the system will not create a zombie when 
the child
exits, but the child process will be automatically 

for.  The same effect can be achieved by setting the
signal handler for SIGCHLD to SIG_IGN.

The difference would be detectable if init were sent a SIGSTOP
(assuming that isn't one which would cause a system panic)

I don't think it would panic, but I think that, if it really does stop
init, it's a bug that it does so.  I thought I'd seen some code that
rendered init immune to SIGKILL and possibly SIGSTOP too (maybe by
forcing them into init's blocked-signals set? I forget).  But I can't
seem to find it now.

SIGSTOP is one of two signals that a process supposedly should not be 
able to intercept. Of course, init is special enough that normal rules 
might not apply...

so it would stop reaping children (temporarily) - processes of the
type in question should not be showing up as zombies.

Right, they shouldn't be.  But init shouldn't be stopped, either.

Similarly, I think it should be impossible to ptrace init, and I have a
fuzzy memory that it was on at least one system I tried it on.

I'll be poking around a bit more.

How special do one really want init to be?


Johnny Billquist  || "I'm on a bus
  ||  on a psychedelic trip
email: ||  Reading murder books
pdp is alive! ||  tryin' to stay hip" - B. Idol

Re: SIGCHLD and sigaction()

2020-08-16 Thread Johnny Billquist

On 2020-08-16 12:49, Johnny Billquist wrote:

On 2020-08-15 22:46, Mouse wrote:

When I install a SIGCHLD handler via sigaction() using SA_SIGINFO, is
it guaranteed that my handler is called (at least) once per

"Maybe."  It depends on how portable you want to be.

Historically, "no": in some older systems, a second SIGCHLD delivered
when there's already one pending delivery gets, lost same as any other

Then someone - POSIX? SVR4? I don't know - decided to invent a flavour
of signal that's more like writes to a pipe: multiple of them can be
pending at once.  Some systems decided this was sane and implemented

Personally, I don't like it; I think signals should be much like
hardware interrupts in that a second instance happening before the
first is serviced gets silently merged.

While we're on this topic. Unix signals don't exactly work like hardware 
interrupts anyhow, I suspect, and it's a thing that have constantly 
befuddled me. As far as I can tell, there is a problematic race 
condition in the old signal mechanism, and that is the reason (I 
believe) why the new semantics were introduced).

The problem goes like this:

You have two child processes. One exit, and you get into your signal 
handler. In there you then call wait to reap the child and process 
things. You then call wait again, and repeat until there are no children 
left to reap, as you only get one signal, even if you get multiple 
children that exits. When no more unreaped children exist, you exit the 
signal handler, and a new signal can be delivered.

However, what happens if the second child exists between the call to 
wait, and the exit from the signal handler? It would seem the signal 
would get lost, since we are in the process of handling the signal, and 
a new signal is not delivered during this time.

In real hardware this usually don't happen, because the actual interrupt 
request can be reissued by the device while you are in the interrupt 
handler. There are some hardware interrupt designs, with edge triggered 
interrupts, where similar problems can exist, and those you have to be 
very careful with how you handle them so you don't get to the same kind 
of race condition.

Now, have I misunderstood something about how non-queued signal handling 
works, or is/was there a problem there?

Reading the current documentation, I would assume that at the call to 
the signal handler, the signal is blocked, and also removed from pending 
signals, so a new even would queue up a new signal to be delivered when 
returning from the signal handler. However, the text above is from 
trying to recall how it used to be going back in time, to when you had 
to re-install the signal handler after each activation. I can't seem to 
find documentation for how it worked back in the day. I can't even 
remember when/where I was reading up on that and thinking there might be 
a problem here, but it was a long time ago. So this is possibly just of 
historical interest.

By the way, I haven't seen any explicit mention of the pending signal 
being cleared at signal handler entry, so that is just my assumption 
right now. If that is wrong, then I would expect there is a race 
condition in there. Maybe someone else knows where that detail is 


Johnny Billquist  || "I'm on a bus
  ||  on a psychedelic trip
email: ||  Reading murder books
pdp is alive! ||  tryin' to stay hip" - B. Idol

Re: SIGCHLD and sigaction()

2020-08-16 Thread Johnny Billquist

On 2020-08-15 22:46, Mouse wrote:

When I install a SIGCHLD handler via sigaction() using SA_SIGINFO, is
it guaranteed that my handler is called (at least) once per

"Maybe."  It depends on how portable you want to be.

Historically, "no": in some older systems, a second SIGCHLD delivered
when there's already one pending delivery gets, lost same as any other

Then someone - POSIX? SVR4? I don't know - decided to invent a flavour
of signal that's more like writes to a pipe: multiple of them can be
pending at once.  Some systems decided this was sane and implemented

Personally, I don't like it; I think signals should be much like
hardware interrupts in that a second instance happening before the
first is serviced gets silently merged.

While we're on this topic. Unix signals don't exactly work like hardware 
interrupts anyhow, I suspect, and it's a thing that have constantly 
befuddled me. As far as I can tell, there is a problematic race 
condition in the old signal mechanism, and that is the reason (I 
believe) why the new semantics were introduced).

The problem goes like this:

You have two child processes. One exit, and you get into your signal 
handler. In there you then call wait to reap the child and process 
things. You then call wait again, and repeat until there are no children 
left to reap, as you only get one signal, even if you get multiple 
children that exits. When no more unreaped children exist, you exit the 
signal handler, and a new signal can be delivered.

However, what happens if the second child exists between the call to 
wait, and the exit from the signal handler? It would seem the signal 
would get lost, since we are in the process of handling the signal, and 
a new signal is not delivered during this time.

In real hardware this usually don't happen, because the actual interrupt 
request can be reissued by the device while you are in the interrupt 
handler. There are some hardware interrupt designs, with edge triggered 
interrupts, where similar problems can exist, and those you have to be 
very careful with how you handle them so you don't get to the same kind 
of race condition.

Now, have I misunderstood something about how non-queued signal handling 
works, or is/was there a problem there?


Johnny Billquist  || "I'm on a bus
  ||  on a psychedelic trip
email: ||  Reading murder books
pdp is alive! ||  tryin' to stay hip" - B. Idol

Re: wait(2) and SIGCHLD

2020-08-14 Thread Johnny Billquist
I agree that this is confusing. While the system definitely 
differentiates between SIG_DFL and SIG_IGN, the difference would 
normally not be something I expected to make a difference in something 
described the way wait(2) is documented.

I haven't really bothered going down into the code and find the answer, 
but I'm curious what other answers pops up for this one.


On 2020-08-14 13:51, Edgar Fuß wrote:

I'm confused regarding the behaviour of wait(2) wrt. SIGCHLD handling.

The wait(2) manpage says:

wait() will fail and return immediately if:
[ECHILD]The calling process has no existing unwaited-for child
processes; or no status from the terminated child
process is available because the calling process has
asked the system to discard such status by ignoring
the signal SIGCHLD or setting the flag SA_NOCLDWAIT
for that signal.

However, ignore is the default handler for SIGCHLD.

So does the
because the calling process has asked the system
to discard such status by ignoring the signal SIGCHLD
mean that explicitly ignoring SIGCHLD is different from ignoring it per default?

Johnny Billquist  || "I'm on a bus
  ||  on a psychedelic trip
email: ||  Reading murder books
pdp is alive! ||  tryin' to stay hip" - B. Idol

Re: style change: explicitly permit braces for single statements

2020-07-13 Thread Johnny Billquist

On 2020-07-13 17:52, Paul Goyette wrote:

if (ch == t.c_cc[VINTR]) { INTR processing...
} else {
    if (ch == t.c_cc[VQUIT]) { QUIT processing...
    } else {
    if (ch == t.c_cc[VKILL]) { KILL processing...
    } else {

For this, I would prefer

 if (ch == t.c_cc[VINTR]) { INTR processing...
 } else if (ch == t.c_cc[VQUIT]) { QUIT processing...
 } else if (ch == t.c_cc[VKILL]) { KILL processing...
 } else {

I would agree. That is a more readable way, I think.

In this case, perhaps even a switch might better, assuming that all of 
the[] are unique:

 switch (ch) {
 case t.c_cc[VINTR]) { INTR processing...
 case t.c_cc[VQUIT]) { QUIT processing...
 case t.c_cc[VKILL]) { KILL processing...

In which language would this be? It's not C at least... Syntax is 
slightly broken, but case values in C must be integer constant 
expression... But I agree it would be nice if C would allow more 
flexible options for the case values...


Johnny Billquist  || "I'm on a bus
  ||  on a psychedelic trip
email: ||  Reading murder books
pdp is alive! ||  tryin' to stay hip" - B. Idol

Re: makesyscalls (moving forward)

2020-06-15 Thread Johnny Billquist

On 2020-06-15 15:39, Kamil Rytarowski wrote:

On 15.06.2020 15:21, Johnny Billquist wrote:

Anyway. Who here does not modify their path at login anyway.

The path has to be readily available for pkgsrc users with unprepared

However if we install the utility into /usr/sys (similar to /usr/games),
we can use a full path to the program and it will be good enough (for
me). Are there other programs that would be moved to this directory?

Using explicit paths is sometimes a good idea no matter what.

Obviously I think something like config should be moved out.

I would tend to look at /sbin as where tools required to manage the 
system or get information which "normal" users commonly would not care 
about. /bin would be where things a large portion of ignorant users 
programs could be found. Even things like compilers would make sense to 
have there, as also things like passwd. However, ifconfig for example I 
would keep out. If can be used even by normal users, in order to look at 
interface details, but it's outside of what I think a naive user would 
go for. Same for arp.

However, things needed to build kernel and userland is neither normal 
user tools, nor system administration tools in the normal sense, so 
neither /bin, nor /sbin really feels like the right place.

/sys would make more sense, but I'm not totally clear about if there are 
aspects I haven't thought about yet.

(And I'm currently saying /bin, /sbin and so on, without adding the 
corresponding /usr/... paths. Traditionally, the things under root were 
things you expected to need to be able to do without even having file 
systems mounted and so on, and I like that distinction. So I guess most 
things related to system building would only need to be in /usr/sys, if 
that was the path we'd go for.)

I have got a feeling that too many programs already rely on specific
kernel internals so making a distinction would only confuse people and
impose unclear conditions what belongs where. fsdb(8) or crash(8) are
definitely not going to be very usable with mixed kernel and userland

Something we possibly agree upon is that makesyscalls(1) would not be a
tool for administer a computer/server, so /usr/sbin /sbin is not a good

I agree that /sbin also does not feel natural for makesyscalls. If I 
were to have to choose between /bin or /sbin, I would however go for 
/sbin. I have less issues creating kindof weird views for a system 
admin, which I expect should know a little more about what he is doing 
and why, than an ignorant user, for which I think a cohesive and 
meaningful environment is the most important. As such, something like 
this under /bin would just be a very confusing and not useful tool for 
that user.

It all boils down to what the purpose of the different directories are. 
And I cannot agree that things under /sbin should somehow only be tools 
for root, or required that you are root. It is in a different directory 
than /bin so that it don't have to be in the path of various people. If 
we are not interested in that path separation/distinction then we do not 
need the separate directories at all. /sbin for tools that mainly system 
admin tools sits in, do make sense. Even hinted at, if you read sbin as 
system binaries.

But there are just some tools that are very specific to kernel 
development, and that is really a kind of binaries for which I don't 
think we have a good place right now.
/libexec is another interesting place, but I consider that to be a place 
where binaries that are invoked by other binaries are located. And your 
description of your planned use of makesyscall makes it sound like you 
are planning to use it directly, and not just have it as a binary 
invoked by other tools...


Johnny Billquist  || "I'm on a bus
  ||  on a psychedelic trip
email: ||  Reading murder books
pdp is alive! ||  tryin' to stay hip" - B. Idol

Re: makesyscalls (moving forward)

2020-06-15 Thread Johnny Billquist
Sorry for the top posting terse reply. On my phone as I'm in a meeting at work 
right now.

Anyway. Who here does not modify their path at login anyway. So arguments like 
"I need it in bin because I am going to use it a lot" seems like weak 
arguments. Think of what make sense for people that don't know much. For 
yourself whatever the location, you should not have a hard time to get it setup 
to work nicely for you. No matter where the binary ends up. Really.


Kamil Rytarowski  skrev: (15 juni 2020 14:30:49 CEST)
>On 15.06.2020 14:16, Johnny Billquist wrote:
>> On 2020-06-15 14:12, Kamil Rytarowski wrote:
>>> On 15.06.2020 14:11, Johnny Billquist wrote:
>>>> We should not clutter the directories that are in the normal users
>>>> with things that a normal user would never care about.
>>> I never used 90% of the programs from /usr/bin /usr/sbin /bin /sbin.
>>> I definitely would use makesyscall(1). If you have other argument
>>> "I don't use it" please speak up.
>> I'm not convinced you are particularly representative of "users".
>NetBSD is a my daily driver so I'm a user!
>> But it would be interesting to hear how and when you are planning to
>> makesyscalls.
>I work with the syscall layer almost continuously in various projects
>(debuggers, fuzzers, syscall tracers, sanitizers, non-libc language
>runtimes etc). Reiterating over the same list 10 times just increases
>the frustration and perception of lost time of repeating the same
>process in an incompatible way for another program. The tool shall
>centralize the whole knowledge about passed arguments, structs and
>export it to users through a flexible code generation.
>We already distribute to users /usr/include/sys/syscalls.h (and it is
>used e.g. by GDB to parse the syscalls, as parsing syscalls.master in
>that case was harder). makesyscalls(1) is intended to be a more
>specialized and generic version of the same functionality as
>by this header.
>With some sort of fanciness, we could generate these lists on the fly
>some projects (for e.g. GDB) and we would want the utility to be
>available in place. If it is restricted to build-only phase of various
>programs (that definitely shall be free from BSDSRCDIR dependency) it
>will be good enough.
>I'm for adding this program in PATH and I would be a user on a regular
>basis. I basically need it for pretty everything (2 GSoC ongoing
>projects are about covering the same syscalls in 2 different ways).
>Asking me for a use-case is odd to me as it is an elementary program
>that belongs to /usr/bin.
>>   Johnny

Skickat från min Android-enhet med K-9 Mail. Ursäkta min fåordighet.

Re: makesyscalls (moving forward)

2020-06-15 Thread Johnny Billquist

On 2020-06-15 14:16, Johnny Billquist wrote:

On 2020-06-15 14:12, Kamil Rytarowski wrote:

On 15.06.2020 14:11, Johnny Billquist wrote:

We should not clutter the directories that are in the normal users path
with things that a normal user would never care about.

I never used 90% of the programs from /usr/bin /usr/sbin /bin /sbin. but
I definitely would use makesyscall(1). If you have other argument that
"I don't use it" please speak up.

I'm not convinced you are particularly representative of "users".

Sorry, I left out "normal" in there. :-)
It should have said "normal users".

And I agree, there are things in /bin or /usr/bin that I never use 
either. No two persons are the same, and there has to be a line drawn 

But at the moment, that line seem to be drawn by some in a way that for 
me feels totally crazy.


Johnny Billquist  || "I'm on a bus
  ||  on a psychedelic trip
email: ||  Reading murder books
pdp is alive! ||  tryin' to stay hip" - B. Idol

Re: makesyscalls (moving forward)

2020-06-15 Thread Johnny Billquist

On 2020-06-15 14:12, Kamil Rytarowski wrote:

On 15.06.2020 14:11, Johnny Billquist wrote:

We should not clutter the directories that are in the normal users path
with things that a normal user would never care about.

I never used 90% of the programs from /usr/bin /usr/sbin /bin /sbin. but
I definitely would use makesyscall(1). If you have other argument that
"I don't use it" please speak up.

I'm not convinced you are particularly representative of "users".

But it would be interesting to hear how and when you are planning to use 


Johnny Billquist  || "I'm on a bus
  ||  on a psychedelic trip
email: ||  Reading murder books
pdp is alive! ||  tryin' to stay hip" - B. Idol

Re: makesyscalls (moving forward)

2020-06-15 Thread Johnny Billquist

On 2020-06-15 14:08, Reinoud Zandijk wrote:

On Mon, Jun 15, 2020 at 01:44:19PM +0200, Reinoud Zandijk wrote:
As for config(1), I never understood why it is installed in /usr/bin and is
called with such a generic name, but i guess thats historical.

It's not that historical. And I really think it's totally wrong that it 
is in /usr/bin.

In 2.11BSD, config is actually located in the conf directory. (But it's 
also just a shellscript, so a bit simpler than in NetBSD.)


Johnny Billquist  || "I'm on a bus
  ||  on a psychedelic trip
email: ||  Reading murder books
pdp is alive! ||  tryin' to stay hip" - B. Idol

Re: makesyscalls (moving forward)

2020-06-15 Thread Johnny Billquist

On 2020-06-15 12:25, Kamil Rytarowski wrote:

On 15.06.2020 00:57, Johnny Billquist wrote:

On 2020-06-15 00:52, Kamil Rytarowski wrote:

On 15.06.2020 00:26, Johnny Billquist wrote:

But that's just me. I'll leave the deciding to you guys...

This is only me, but /sbin and /usr/sbin are for users with root
privileges, while /bin and /usr/bin for everybody. makesyscalls(1)
intends to be an end-user program that aids building software and this
is just another specialized program similar to flex(1) or yacc(1), just
a more domain specific code generator.

Is ping only for people with root privileges???

ping needs setuid so yes.

What kind of silly argument is that?
I don't at all understand how people first of all can think that stuff 
under /sbin is for root only. Second, setuid exists for exactly the 
reason that non-root people should be able to run some things that 
requires root provileges.

It seems we are starting to do the distinction on where programs should 
go based on whether you need to be root to run them or not, which for me 
is a totally crazy idea.

Should passwd then move to /sbin?

Just look around, there are plenty of programs under /bin and /usr/bin 
which are setuid root. They should *not* move into /sbin because of that.

/sbin and /usr/sbin holds tools that are generally not used by others 
that system administrators. Tools that are often needed to bring up a 
system at boot time. Tools that commonly are not in normal users path.

We should not clutter the directories that are in the normal users path 
with things that a normal user would never care about.

If we basically place any kind of tool in /bin or /sbin just because it 
don't require people to be root, then you will have all kind of stuff 
there are is totally meaningless for most users, while a lot of 
meaningful things will be in /sbin and /usr/sbin, at which point 
everyone will need to have all directories in their paths, at which 
point there is no point in even having a separate /bin and /sbin.

There has to be a reason to split binaries into different directories. A 
reason that have some practical meaning. Or else it's not actually 
useful, and instead becomes just some obscure inner circle "thing" of 


Johnny Billquist  || "I'm on a bus
  ||  on a psychedelic trip
email: ||  Reading murder books
pdp is alive! ||  tryin' to stay hip" - B. Idol

Re: makesyscalls (moving forward)

2020-06-14 Thread Johnny Billquist

On 2020-06-15 00:07, Kamil Rytarowski wrote:

On 14.06.2020 23:59, Johnny Billquist wrote:

On 2020-06-14 23:21, Paul Goyette wrote:

On Sun, 14 Jun 2020, David Holland wrote:

This raises two points that need to be bikeshedded:

(1) What's the new tool called, and where does it live in the tree?
"usr.bin/makesyscalls" is fine with me but ymmv.

"usr.bin/makesyscalls" sounds good to me.

Uh? usr.bin is where stuff for /usr/bin is located, right? Anything
there should be pretty normal tools that any user might be interested
in. Don't seem to me as makesyscalls would be a tool like that?

Possibly some sbin thing, but in all honestly, wouldn't this make more
sense to have somewhere under sys? Don't we have some other tools and
bits which are specific for kernel and library building?

/usr/bin is appropriate and there are already similar tools (like
ioctlprint(1)). It's already in PATH and definitely in interest of some
end-users (like me) and I do want to have it.

It could certainly be questioned if ioctlprint should be in /usr/bin as 

If we think tools like ping, which arguably a lot of people have heard 
about, and actually use, are in /sbin, what makes ioctlprint such a more 
commonly looked for, and used tool? I would say this is really a tool 
for pretty advanced users. But even so, I could more easily see 
ioctlprint in /usr/bin than I could makesyscalls. Anyone writing code 
that sits in the kernel is definitely in the area of users who have 
privileges and abilities that don't apply to normal users.

And the question was not about having it or not, but where it should be 

Looking at hier(7), we have:

 /sbin/ System programs and administration utilities used in both
single-user and multi-user environments.

/usr/sbin/ System daemons and system utilities (normally
  executed by the super-user).


 /bin/  Utilities used in both single and multi-user environments.

 /usr/bin/  Common utilities, programming tools, and

How "common" would you say makesyscalls is (or ioctlprint for that matter)?

I don't mind the name, but I also agree that this is mostly something 
for, which I am wondering if it wouldn't more appropriately fit 
in somewhere under sys?

Definitely not something I would expect a normal user to ever make use of.

But that's just me. I'll leave the deciding to you guys...


Johnny Billquist  || "I'm on a bus
  ||  on a psychedelic trip
email: ||  Reading murder books
pdp is alive! ||  tryin' to stay hip" - B. Idol

Re: makesyscalls (moving forward)

2020-06-14 Thread Johnny Billquist

On 2020-06-15 00:50, Robert Swindells wrote>

Johnny Billquist  wrote:

On 2020-06-14 23:21, Paul Goyette wrote:

On Sun, 14 Jun 2020, David Holland wrote:

This raises two points that need to be bikeshedded:

(1) What's the new tool called, and where does it live in the tree?
"usr.bin/makesyscalls" is fine with me but ymmv.

"usr.bin/makesyscalls" sounds good to me.

Uh? usr.bin is where stuff for /usr/bin is located, right? Anything
there should be pretty normal tools that any user might be interested
in. Don't seem to me as makesyscalls would be a tool like that?

As config(1) is in /usr/bin that seems the best place for makesyscalls

Ouch! What a rabbit hole! I should be quiet now. :-)

(I don't really think config makes any sense at all to have in 
/usr/bin... ;-) )

I would expect that the generated files would have the developer uid and
gid, I wouldn't want them owned by root.

I guess I fail to see the problem there. That all depends on who is 
running it, and where the files are placed. Don't really matter where 
the tool is located.


Johnny Billquist  || "I'm on a bus
  ||  on a psychedelic trip
email: ||  Reading murder books
pdp is alive! ||  tryin' to stay hip" - B. Idol

Re: makesyscalls (moving forward)

2020-06-14 Thread Johnny Billquist

On 2020-06-15 00:52, Kamil Rytarowski wrote:

On 15.06.2020 00:26, Johnny Billquist wrote:

But that's just me. I'll leave the deciding to you guys...

This is only me, but /sbin and /usr/sbin are for users with root
privileges, while /bin and /usr/bin for everybody. makesyscalls(1)
intends to be an end-user program that aids building software and this
is just another specialized program similar to flex(1) or yacc(1), just
a more domain specific code generator.

Is ping only for people with root privileges???


Johnny Billquist  || "I'm on a bus
  ||  on a psychedelic trip
email: ||  Reading murder books
pdp is alive! ||  tryin' to stay hip" - B. Idol

Re: makesyscalls (moving forward)

2020-06-14 Thread Johnny Billquist

On 2020-06-14 23:21, Paul Goyette wrote:

On Sun, 14 Jun 2020, David Holland wrote:

This raises two points that need to be bikeshedded:

(1) What's the new tool called, and where does it live in the tree?
"usr.bin/makesyscalls" is fine with me but ymmv.

"usr.bin/makesyscalls" sounds good to me.

Uh? usr.bin is where stuff for /usr/bin is located, right? Anything 
there should be pretty normal tools that any user might be interested 
in. Don't seem to me as makesyscalls would be a tool like that?

Possibly some sbin thing, but in all honestly, wouldn't this make more 
sense to have somewhere under sys? Don't we have some other tools and 
bits which are specific for kernel and library building?


Johnny Billquist  || "I'm on a bus
  ||  on a psychedelic trip
email: ||  Reading murder books
pdp is alive! ||  tryin' to stay hip" - B. Idol

Re: NULL pointer arithmetic issues

2020-02-25 Thread Johnny Billquist

On 2020-02-25 12:33, Tom Ivar Helbekkmo wrote:

Johnny Billquist  writes:

But yes, on the PDP11 [having nothing mapped at address 0] was/is not
the case. Memory space is too precious to allow some of it to be
wasted for this...

Yup - and I assume the "hack" Kamil alludes to is the practice of
actually starting the data segment for split I/D programs at address 1
instead of 0, to make sure that no actual pointer is 0, thus allowing
the straightforward comparison of a pointer with 0 to see if it's set.

Well, the d-dpace don't start at 1, and also, the PDP-11 isn't that fond 
of odd addresses. :-)

Actually, you could not even start a page at address 1 if you wanted.

(I believe they also initialized address 0 to 0, to stop indirect
references through it from reaching random data.  I guess Franz may have
depended on this in some way, e.g. expecting to be able to test *p
directly, instead of first p and then *p.  Do enough of this, and you've
soon bummed a significant amount of valuable code space...)

It used to, but not for some time now.

Here is the current "state":

 * Paragraph below retained for historical purposes.
 * The following zero has a number of purposes - it serves as a null 

 * string for uninitialized string pointers on separate I machines for
 * instance.  But we never would have put it here for that reason; programs
 * which use uninitialized pointer *should* die.  The real reason it's 
here is

 * so you can declare "char blah[] = "foobar" at the start of a C program
 * and not have printf generate "(null)" when you try to print it because
 * blah is at address zero on separate I machines ...  sick, sick, 
sick ...

 * In porting bits and pieces of the 4.4-Lite C library the global program
 * name location '___progname' was needed.  Rather than take up another two
 * bytes of D space the 0th location was used.   The '(null)' string was
 * removed from doprnt.s so now when programs use uninitialized pointers
 * they will be rewarded with argv[0].  This is no sicker than before and
 * may cause bad programs to die sooner.
.globl  ___progname, _strrchr

___progname: 0


Johnny Billquist  || "I'm on a bus
  ||  on a psychedelic trip
email: ||  Reading murder books
pdp is alive! ||  tryin' to stay hip" - B. Idol

Re: NULL pointer arithmetic issues

2020-02-24 Thread Johnny Billquist

On 2020-02-25 02:12, Mouse wrote:

Oh.  And I actually do not believe it has to be a constant.

You are correct; it does not need to be a simple constant.

The text says "integer constant expression with the value 0, or such
an expression..."

Yes.  (void *)(1-1) is a valid null pointer constant.  So, on an
all-ASCII system, is (0x1f+(3*5)-'.').  But, in the presence of

int one(void) { return(1); }

then (one()-one()) is not - it is an integer expression with value
zero, but it is not an integer _constant_ expression.  It's entirely
possible that (int *)(one()-one()) will produce a different pointer
from (int *)(1-1) - the latter is a null pointer; the former might or
might not be, depending on the implementation.

As you say, it's an integer expression. And I read that "or" part as 
just an expression, which this is. So I believe it is a valid way to 
creating something that can be converted to a NULL pointer.


if (expression) statement; shall execute statement if expression not 
equals 0, according to the standard.

So, where does that leave this code:

char *p;


if (p) foo();

p is not an integer. How do you compare it to 0?


Johnny Billquist  || "I'm on a bus
  ||  on a psychedelic trip
email: ||  Reading murder books
pdp is alive! ||  tryin' to stay hip" - B. Idol

Re: NULL pointer arithmetic issues

2020-02-24 Thread Johnny Billquist

On 2020-02-24 21:24, Kamil Rytarowski wrote:

On 24.02.2020 21:18, Mouse wrote:

If we use 0x0, it can be a valid pointer.

If we use NULL, it's not expected to work and will eventually
generate a syntax erro.

Then someone has severely broken compatability with older versions of
C.  0x0 and (when one of the suitable #includes has been done) NULL
have both historically been perfectly good null pointer constants.

Also...syntax error?  Really?  _Syntax_ error??  I'd really like to see
what they've done to the grammar to lead to that; I'm having trouble
imagining how that would be done.

The process of evaluation of the NULL semantics is not a recent thing.

Not so long time, still in the NetBSD times, it was a general practice
to allow dereferencing the NULL pointer and expect zeroed bytes over there.

We still maintain compatibility with this behavior (originated as a hack
in PDP11) in older NetBSD releases (NetBSD-0.9 Franz Lisp binaries
depend on this).

Really? I thought we usually do not have anything mapped at address 0 to 
explicitly catch any dereferencing of NULL pointers.

But yes, on the PDP11 this was/is not the case. Memory space is too 
precious to allow some of it to be wasted for this... (Even if there are 
a comment about it in 2.11BSD, bemoaning this fact...)


Johnny Billquist  || "I'm on a bus
  ||  on a psychedelic trip
email: ||  Reading murder books
pdp is alive! ||  tryin' to stay hip" - B. Idol

Re: NULL pointer arithmetic issues

2020-02-24 Thread Johnny Billquist

On 2020-02-25 00:24, Johnny Billquist wrote:

On 2020-02-24 23:35, Mouse wrote:

Unless I remember wrong, older C standards explicitly say that the
integer 0 can be converted to a pointer, and that will be the NULL
pointer, and a NULL pointer cast as an integer shall give the value

The only one I have anything close to a copy of is C99, for which I
have a very late draft.

Based on that:

You are not quite correct.  Any integer may be converted to a pointer,
and any pointer may be converted to an integer - but the mapping is
entirely implementation-dependent, except in the integer->pointer
direction when the integer is a "null pointer constant", defined as
"[a]n integer constant expression with the value 0" (or such an
expression cast to void *, though not if we're talking specifically
about integers), in which case "the resulting pointer, called a null
pointer, is guaranteed to compare unequal to a pointer to any object or
function".  You could have meant that, but what you wrote could also be
taken as applying to the _run-time_ integer value 0, which C99's
promise does not apply to.  (Quotes are from

I don't think there is any promise that converting a null pointer of
any type back to an integer will necessarily produce a zero integer.

Maybe we are reading things differently...?

Looking at

As far as I read, paragraph 3 says:

"An integer constant expression with the value 0, or such an expression 
cast to type void *, is called a null pointer constant.55) If a null 
pointer constant is converted to a pointer type, the resulting pointer, 
called a null pointer, is guaranteed to compare unequal to a pointer to 
any object or function."

Essentially, the integer constant 0 can be casted to a pointer, and that 
pointer is then a null pointer constand, also called a null pointer. And 
footnote 55 says:

Oh. And I actually do not believe it has to be a constant. The text says 
"integer constant expression with the value 0, or such an expression..."

So either a constant expression, or just an expression, which gives a 0, 
can be cast to a pointer, that that will be the NULL pointer.

(I realized when reading, that I might have implied that it only applied 
to constanst, which I think it does not.)

But I might have misunderstood everything, of course...


Johnny Billquist  || "I'm on a bus
  ||  on a psychedelic trip
email: ||  Reading murder books
pdp is alive! ||  tryin' to stay hip" - B. Idol

Re: NULL pointer arithmetic issues

2020-02-24 Thread Johnny Billquist

On 2020-02-24 23:35, Mouse wrote:

Unless I remember wrong, older C standards explicitly say that the
integer 0 can be converted to a pointer, and that will be the NULL
pointer, and a NULL pointer cast as an integer shall give the value

The only one I have anything close to a copy of is C99, for which I
have a very late draft.

Based on that:

You are not quite correct.  Any integer may be converted to a pointer,
and any pointer may be converted to an integer - but the mapping is
entirely implementation-dependent, except in the integer->pointer
direction when the integer is a "null pointer constant", defined as
"[a]n integer constant expression with the value 0" (or such an
expression cast to void *, though not if we're talking specifically
about integers), in which case "the resulting pointer, called a null
pointer, is guaranteed to compare unequal to a pointer to any object or
function".  You could have meant that, but what you wrote could also be
taken as applying to the _run-time_ integer value 0, which C99's
promise does not apply to.  (Quotes are from

I don't think there is any promise that converting a null pointer of
any type back to an integer will necessarily produce a zero integer.

Maybe we are reading things differently...?

Looking at

As far as I read, paragraph 3 says:

"An integer constant expression with the value 0, or such an expression 
cast to type void *, is called a null pointer constant.55) If a null 
pointer constant is converted to a pointer type, the resulting pointer, 
called a null pointer, is guaranteed to compare unequal to a pointer to 
any object or function."

Essentially, the integer constant 0 can be casted to a pointer, and that 
pointer is then a null pointer constand, also called a null pointer. And 
footnote 55 says:

"The macro NULL is defined in  (and other headers) as a null 
pointer constant; see 7.17."

So, 0 casted as a pointer gives a NULL pointer.

And paragraph 6 says:

"Any pointer type may be converted to an integer type. Except as 
previously specified, the result is implementation-defined. If the 
result cannot be represented in the integer type, the behavior is 
undefined. The result need not be in the range of values of any integer 

And I can only read the "previously specified" to refer to the 
equivalence between a NULL pointer and integer 0, because nothing before 
paragraph 6 talks about pointer to integer, so I can't see how it can be 
read as something more specific than all the things mentioned in the 
prebious 6 paragraphs.


Johnny Billquist  || "I'm on a bus
  ||  on a psychedelic trip
email: ||  Reading murder books
pdp is alive! ||  tryin' to stay hip" - B. Idol

Re: NULL pointer arithmetic issues

2020-02-24 Thread Johnny Billquist

On 2020-02-24 21:18, Mouse wrote:

If we use 0x0, it can be a valid pointer.

If we use NULL, it's not expected to work and will eventually
generate a syntax erro.

Then someone has severely broken compatability with older versions of
C.  0x0 and (when one of the suitable #includes has been done) NULL
have both historically been perfectly good null pointer constants.

Also...syntax error?  Really?  _Syntax_ error??  I'd really like to see
what they've done to the grammar to lead to that; I'm having trouble
imagining how that would be done.

Unless I remember wrong, older C standards explicitly say that the 
integer 0 can be converted to a pointer, and that will be the NULL 
pointer, and a NULL pointer cast as an integer shall give the value 0.

This is also used in such things as code traversing linked lists to 
check for the end of the list...

And the C standard also explicitly allows the NULL pointer to not be 
represented by something with all bits cleared. Only that casting 
to/from integers have a very defined behavior.


Johnny Billquist  || "I'm on a bus
  ||  on a psychedelic trip
email: ||  Reading murder books
pdp is alive! ||  tryin' to stay hip" - B. Idol

Re: alloca() in kernel code

2019-10-12 Thread Johnny Billquist

On 2019-10-13 01:18, Joerg Sonnenberger wrote:

On Sun, Oct 13, 2019 at 12:46:24AM +0200, Johnny Billquist wrote:

But if you use alloca(), you will have to check what size you'd like to
allocate, and not allocate more than some maximum amount, I would assume. Or
do you really think that it is ok to just let it try no matter what amount
is decided you want to allocate?

And if you figure out an upper limit, then you might as well just define an
array of that size in the function, and be done with it.

All nice and good, but it doesn't help with the original problem. How to
deal with dynamically sized data when there is no dynamic allocator.
Without context, it is impossible to know if "dynamic size" means a
reasonable sized string, a list of memory segments etc. As such, it is
impossible to say if alloca (or just defining a fixed size array or
whatever) is reasonable or not.

I don't agree. No matter if we can tell what dynamic size means. We 
cannot allow allocation of arbitrary sized data on the stack. We know 
there is an upper limit before the system will crash.
So either we immediately go for that limit (if we think we need that 
much), or we try to play dynamically, with a limiter at that limit.
Plying it "dynamically" with a limiter then does not really gain us 
anything, so why do it? That was my point.

Dynamic data in a kernel is problematic. Always. You always will have 
limitations on it, which are more restrictive than anything people write 
in user land. alloca() don't change that.

If a fixed memory chunk isn't good enough, then alloca() will not really 
be any better, since it can't give you more anyway. It just does it 
(slightly) differently.

If we need more memory than can be allocated on the stack, then you need 
to come up with other solutions. Just replacing a static size allocation 
with a call to alloca() don't solve any problem.


Johnny Billquist  || "I'm on a bus
  ||  on a psychedelic trip
email: ||  Reading murder books
pdp is alive! ||  tryin' to stay hip" - B. Idol

Re: alloca() in kernel code

2019-10-12 Thread Johnny Billquist

On 2019-10-12 20:47, Joerg Sonnenberger wrote:

On Sat, Oct 12, 2019 at 08:13:25PM +0200, Johnny Billquist wrote:

On 2019-10-12 19:01, Emmanuel Dreyfus wrote:

Mouse  wrote:

I'm presumably missing something here, but what?

I suspect Maxime's concern is about uncontrolled stack-based variable
buffer, which could be used to crash the kernel.

But in my case, the data is coming from the bootloader. I cannot think
about a scenario where it makes sense to defend against an attack from
the bootloader. The kernel already has absolute trust in the bootloader.

On this one, I agree with Maxime.

Even if it comes from the bootloader, why would you want to use alloca()?

Because as Emmanuel wrote initially, dynamic allocations might not be
possible yet.

But if you use alloca(), you will have to check what size you'd like to 
allocate, and not allocate more than some maximum amount, I would 
assume. Or do you really think that it is ok to just let it try no 
matter what amount is decided you want to allocate?

And if you figure out an upper limit, then you might as well just define 
an array of that size in the function, and be done with it.


Johnny Billquist  || "I'm on a bus
  ||  on a psychedelic trip
email: ||  Reading murder books
pdp is alive! ||  tryin' to stay hip" - B. Idol

Re: alloca() in kernel code

2019-10-12 Thread Johnny Billquist

On 2019-10-12 19:01, Emmanuel Dreyfus wrote:

Mouse  wrote:

I'm presumably missing something here, but what?

I suspect Maxime's concern is about uncontrolled stack-based variable
buffer, which could be used to crash the kernel.

But in my case, the data is coming from the bootloader. I cannot think
about a scenario where it makes sense to defend against an attack from
the bootloader. The kernel already has absolute trust in the bootloader.

On this one, I agree with Maxime.

Even if it comes from the bootloader, why would you want to use alloca()?

It's not that it uses the stack, per se. That is obviously not the 
problem. The problem is that it can allocate arbitrary large amounts of 
data. And it is not, as Mouse suggested, a case of optimizing memory 
use. If we get into a function, any memory allocated by alloca() only 
have the lifetime of the executing function. But allowing arbitrary 
large chunks of data be allocated here is bad, since it can cause 
crashes is many silly ways. But any local variable in the function have 
the same property about lifetime, and have the same property about 
optimizing memory use, since when that function is not active, there is 
no memory used. And if we then know of an upper limit to what we would 
allow to be allocated through alloca(), why don't we just have a 
function local variable of that size already from the start. You are not 
going to use more memory than the worst case acceptable anyhow, which 
any called function still have to be able to run with (meaning how much 
stack is left).

So what is the gain of using alloca()? You might be using less stack on 
a good day, but we already know the stack can handle the worst case 
anyhow, and this is temporary stuff, so there is honestly close to no 
gain from alloca() (you could possibly argue more locality benefits for 
values, such as hitting the same cache lines if the alloca() would be 
grabbing very little memory, but if you are trying to optimize for that 
detail, then you're pretty lost, since this varies a lot per CPU model 
and variant that you cannot do this is a sane way unless you are 
building very CPU specific code with a ton of constraints.

What do we loose by using alloca()? In the best case nothing. In the 
worse case, you have created new vulnerabilities.

So, again, why would you ever use alloca()? It's only a potential bad 
idea, with no real gains here. We cannot allow arbitrary size 
allocations anyhow, and for the limited size allocations, we must be 
sure we always work in the worse case, so why not do that from the 
start, and have a (more) sane situation.

alloca() is just bad here. (And potentially bad in general.)
And, sadly, C 11 also added a hidden alloca() into the base language 
itself, making life more miserable in general.


Johnny Billquist  || "I'm on a bus
  ||  on a psychedelic trip
email: ||  Reading murder books
pdp is alive! ||  tryin' to stay hip" - B. Idol

Re: Removing PF

2019-04-01 Thread Johnny Billquist

On 2019-04-01 15:17, Jaromír Doleček wrote:

Le lun. 1 avr. 2019 à 14:32, Stephen Borrill  a écrit :

Your two statements are mutually inconsistent:
1) No-one is maintaining ipf or pf
2) If the effort had been on one firewall instead of three, the one chosen
would be more functional.

IMO it's consistent - if we had one, it would be clear to which one to
contribute, and clear if the feature is really missing and working.
i.e. nobody contributes anything because they don't know to which of
the firewalls to contribute.

It is obviously inconsistent. You can't both claim that no-one is 
maintaining it, and claim people putting some effort into it (with "it" 
being either pf or ipf).


Johnny Billquist  || "I'm on a bus
  ||  on a psychedelic trip
email: ||  Reading murder books
pdp is alive! ||  tryin' to stay hip" - B. Idol

Re: Removing PF

2019-04-01 Thread Johnny Billquist

On 2019-04-01 15:16, Emmanuel Dreyfus wrote:

On Sat, 30 Mar 2019, Maxime Villard wrote:
2) If the effort had been on one firewall instead of three, the one chosen
would be more functional.

Well, I cannot tell for PF, but IPF is functionnal, I use it a lot and I
am not alone It may have bugs, but if you really have to remove it,
please make sure there is an easy migration path.

Yeah. I happen to use ipf as well.

Anecdotal it would appear that npf might be the least tested or used 


Johnny Billquist  || "I'm on a bus
  ||  on a psychedelic trip
email: ||  Reading murder books
pdp is alive! ||  tryin' to stay hip" - B. Idol

Re: Removing PF

2019-03-30 Thread Johnny Billquist

On 2019-03-30 13:13, BERTRAND Joël wrote:

Maxime Villard a écrit :

Hum, wait a minute in here. Am I being totally dumb, or NPF does support
ftp-proxy since 2011? See src/dist/pf/usr.sbin/ftp-proxy/npf.c, and the
associated commit message.

There is some pieces of code to try to support NPF in ftp-proxy. But
this code doesn't work as expected (and some code is between #if
0/#endif). I have tried to fix this code without success. Maybe I have
misunderstood some kernel NPF stuff, but my modified ftp-proxy crashed

Are you saying that NPF is not being updated or supported?
Should we maybe remove it?
Having broken code around for 8 years without anyone even much noticing 
(except you maybe) or fixing it would suggest the code is rather rotten, 
and little used.

Only half a :-) intended.


Johnny Billquist  || "I'm on a bus
  ||  on a psychedelic trip
email: ||  Reading murder books
pdp is alive! ||  tryin' to stay hip" - B. Idol

Re: Regarding the ULTRIX and OSF1 compats

2019-03-16 Thread Johnny Billquist

On 2019-03-16 20:11, Jason Thorpe wrote:

On Mar 16, 2019, at 11:29 AM, Johnny Billquist  wrote:

As for me personally, yes, I am certainly guilty of mostly making noise, and 
few contributions. I used to do a bit more, but mostly on VAX specific stuff. 
But since other were making changes all the time, making the VAX port less and 
less usable, I instead stopped trying to fix things. So maybe I should just 
leave/fork/whatever. That is I guess, the way I should view all of this.

The NetBSD project even publicly states on the ports page 
( that some platforms are more equal than others, 
and that it's the responsibility of those who care deeply about a non-Tier 1 
platform to keep it in tip-top shape.  This is not an unreasonable position.

I know it states so. When that happened was one of those moments where 
my engagement dropped as well.

But, consider your VAX example... even though there is a very good emulation 
environment available for VAX, the project is partially hamstrung by factors 
not necessarily under its control, e.g. the quality of compilers available for 
the VAX.  As I recently discovered while trying to do my own due diligence 
widely testing a set of cross-platform changes, C++ exceptions don't work on 
the VAX at all right now, so the ATF tests can't be run.  Perhaps someone who 
cares deeply about the VAX ought to fix the situation.  But if no one steps up, 
then it's fair to assume that no one in fact cares deeply about the VAX[*], and 
thus spending human productivity on it is not the best allocation of resources.

Broken tools is definitely a big problem.
But the fact that doing a full build have grown from a bit over one day 
to at least two weeks on an 8650 certainly didn't help either...


Johnny Billquist  || "I'm on a bus
  ||  on a psychedelic trip
email: ||  Reading murder books
pdp is alive! ||  tryin' to stay hip" - B. Idol

Re: Regarding the ULTRIX and OSF1 compats

2019-03-16 Thread Johnny Billquist

On 2019-03-16 19:59, Robert Elz wrote:

 Date:Sat, 16 Mar 2019 16:53:16 +0100
 From:Maxime Villard 
 Message-ID:  <>

   |  if they don't subscribe, it's their problem,

Really?   Is that the same attitude you have everywhere?   If your
local council (or whatever the equivalent is in France) closes your street,
and when you object says "we sent a request on our mailing list, no-one
objected, and it is too late now, it is done" do you think you are to
blame because you're not on their mailing list?Or if any other
prodct that you use (and NetBSD is a product) changes after sending
an announcement and request for objections to their mailing list?

Que the Hitchhikers Guide...


Johnny Billquist  || "I'm on a bus
  ||  on a psychedelic trip
email: ||  Reading murder books
pdp is alive! ||  tryin' to stay hip" - B. Idol

Re: Regarding the ULTRIX and OSF1 compats

2019-03-16 Thread Johnny Billquist

On 2019-03-16 19:25, Jason Thorpe wrote:

On Mar 16, 2019, at 6:43 AM, Johnny Billquist  wrote:

Make it work - don't remove it.

That's rich.  With some of the things we're talking about, "make it work" (or "keep 
it working") is a very resource-intensive proposition.

Hey, I have an idea... since you care so much about it, why don't YOU step up and "make it 
work" / "keep it working".

Seriously, at some point, those who care about these things so much need to be 
putting in the effort to keep them going.  It's completely unfair to others 
working on the rest of there system to place the entire burden on them, 
especially when we're talking about things that are, by their nature, niche 
applications that require special resources.

Fair enough viewpoint.
To which my response is, then state this openly and clearly. And then 
people can decide if they want to run NetBSD or if they should look 

As for me personally, yes, I am certainly guilty of mostly making noise, 
and few contributions. I used to do a bit more, but mostly on VAX 
specific stuff. But since other were making changes all the time, making 
the VAX port less and less usable, I instead stopped trying to fix 
things. So maybe I should just leave/fork/whatever. That is I guess, the 
way I should view all of this.


Johnny Billquist  || "I'm on a bus
  ||  on a psychedelic trip
email: ||  Reading murder books
pdp is alive! ||  tryin' to stay hip" - B. Idol

Re: Regarding the ULTRIX and OSF1 compats

2019-03-16 Thread Johnny Billquist

On 2019-03-16 17:01, Mouse wrote:

It's a little like the modern mania for cross-building.  It helps, but
only if you/we don't forget that it's only a rough approximation.  How
long was it VAX was broken because there was something wrong that
showed up on native builds but not cross-builds?  People got used to
thinking that because it cross-built, it was fine.  It's one reason I
insist on self-hosting on all my machines.

You mean native builds on VAX now works again? When did that happen? :-)


Johnny Billquist  || "I'm on a bus
  ||  on a psychedelic trip
email: ||  Reading murder books
pdp is alive! ||  tryin' to stay hip" - B. Idol

Re: Regarding the ULTRIX and OSF1 compats

2019-03-16 Thread Johnny Billquist

On 2019-03-16 14:28, Maxime Villard wrote:

I stated my point clearly and logically, about why certain things have
legitimate reasons to go away, regardless of whether they are compat 

or drivers, or something else. Rather than giving clear, logical counter
arguments, you are just repeating "XXX is YYY years old, remove it".

You are going to have to provide better arguments I'm afraid, because 

not going to convince _*anyone*_ with that.

I think that what Robert, and others (including me) argument is actually 
that things should not be removed, and the reason would be that this is 
the core mission, purpose, reason (or whatever you want to call it) for 
NetBSDs existence. Instead it should be fixed, because that is what it 
all is about. Make it work - don't remove it.

And what you are arguing for would imply a change of what the reason for 
existence is.

Now, like I said before, maybe we should have a discussion then about 
what the reason for NetBSD is.

(And Robert certainly have me convinced, so your last statement is 
provably false. Don't try to speak for everyone.)


Johnny Billquist  || "I'm on a bus
  ||  on a psychedelic trip
email: ||  Reading murder books
pdp is alive! ||  tryin' to stay hip" - B. Idol

Re: Regarding the ULTRIX and OSF1 compats

2019-03-16 Thread Johnny Billquist

On 2019-03-16 13:37, Michael Kronsteiner wrote:

On Sat, 2019-03-16 at 18:17 +0700, Robert Elz wrote:

 Date:Sat, 16 Mar 2019 09:45:07 +0100
 From:Maxime Villard 

NetBSD can support newer hardware at the OS level, and old userland,
which doesn't care what the hardware underneath is in any detail

i see. would YOU run software that costs maybe 4-digit numbers for
yearly license on an OS that "maybe" runs it "somehow" ? why do you
think prices for those old machines have skyrocketed? they run NATIVE.
because it WORKS (tm)

And "newer" Hardware is quite relative to stay polite. theres no newer
alpha or vax or decstation than the existing models. not even all of
them are fully supported(just check the webpages port-pmax, port-vax,
port-alpha). btw even digital unix runs fine and stable on MP alphas.
maybe "primary targets" should be a bit rearranged. last release of
tru64 was in 1999 or so aswell. to support that is not really on my
necessary wishlist for now.

for the time being - if i need an ultrix or osf(dec unix, tru64...)
setup, i will install exactly that.

it seems what youre trying to do is to shoehorn is like stuffing a
2n3055 in modern microelectronics.

i think this compatibility stuff can be kept for later. first get a
stable base. development on that side has very improved in last years.
its often better to stay "on track" for now. its sad to say that
directly, but as businessman, NetBSD is not an option for now. i want
more money, not more work with unstable machines. (yes im greedy)

i excuse to everyone who found my words a bit harsh, but thats reality.

Well, if we want to talk reality - why are you even looking at NetBSD. 
Reality, business wise, is Linux. You might possibly argue FreeBSD.

NetBSD is not an option, and will never become an option.


Johnny Billquist  || "I'm on a bus
  ||  on a psychedelic trip
email: ||  Reading murder books
pdp is alive! ||  tryin' to stay hip" - B. Idol

Re: Regarding the ULTRIX and OSF1 compats

2019-03-16 Thread Johnny Billquist

On 2019-03-16 09:45, Maxime Villard wrote:

Le 16/03/2019 à 06:23, John Nemeth a écrit :

On Mar 15, 10:31pm, Michael Kronsteiner wrote:
} i have this discussion today aswell... considering 64/32bit machines.
} if you want ultrix, install ultrix. if you want osf1/dec unix/tru64
} install that. being able to run ummm nearly 20 year old binaries...
} well. if thats what you want be prepared for a ride. i never ran
} "foreign" binaries on a BSD. and i often compile myself even on more
} "user friendly" systems.

  By any chance, have you seen our About page: ?  The second paragraph reads thus:

One of the primary focuses of the NetBSD project has been to make
the base OS highly portable. This has resulted in NetBSD being
ported to a large number of hardware platforms. NetBSD is also
interoperable, implementing many standard APIs and network protocols,
and emulating many other systems' ABIs.

Emulating other systems is fundamental to what NetBSD is about.

This is a really simplistic answer. It is not difficult to see that our
website does not reflect reality at all.

So, what is the reality then, in your opinion?


Johnny Billquist  || "I'm on a bus
  ||  on a psychedelic trip
email: ||  Reading murder books
pdp is alive! ||  tryin' to stay hip" - B. Idol

Re: Regarding the ULTRIX and OSF1 compats

2019-03-16 Thread Johnny Billquist

On 2019-03-16 11:50, Maxime Villard wrote:

Le 16/03/2019 à 11:26, Johnny Billquist a écrit :
If the answer is that we remove the code, then indeed, the whole 
webpage is

incorrect, and we should change it to state that we do not try to be
interoperable, implementing many standard APIs, or care about other 

There seems to be some confusion here. Being "interoperable" doesn't mean
"keeping unmaintained code that is so broken it can't even emulate a 

mmap". (Thinking about SVR4 here.)

I don't see any confusion.

My question was about what NetBSD is about.

If we are serious about being interoperable, implementing many standard 
APIs, and care about different platforms, then buggy or broken code 
should be fixed. Or at worst left for someone else to fix later.

If we don't care about the interoperability, then indeed, we delete the 

If that's your definition of interoperable, then indeed, we used to be - 

still are a bit, actually - a very, very interoperable system.

Do you mean that deleting the code is your definition of interoperable?

Regarding the web site, if my memory is correct, not too long ago we did 
the page to put less emphasis on the compat layers, but the changes were 
out because one person wanted to keep the old version; if my memory is 

this person was John Nemeth.

I don't care who did what. I think it's time to maybe agree on what 
NetBSD is about. If people disagree, then either there should be an 
attempt at reaching a consensus, or else fork.


Johnny Billquist  || "I'm on a bus
  ||  on a psychedelic trip
email: ||  Reading murder books
pdp is alive! ||  tryin' to stay hip" - B. Idol

Re: Regarding the ULTRIX and OSF1 compats

2019-03-16 Thread Johnny Billquist

On 2019-03-16 10:24, Maxime Villard wrote:

Le 16/03/2019 à 10:12, Johnny Billquist a écrit :

On 2019-03-16 09:45, Maxime Villard wrote:

Le 16/03/2019 à 06:23, John Nemeth a écrit :

  By any chance, have you seen our About page: ?  The second paragraph reads thus:

One of the primary focuses of the NetBSD project has been to make
the base OS highly portable. This has resulted in NetBSD being
ported to a large number of hardware platforms. NetBSD is also
interoperable, implementing many standard APIs and network protocols,
and emulating many other systems' ABIs.

Emulating other systems is fundamental to what NetBSD is about.

This is a really simplistic answer. It is not difficult to see that our
website does not reflect reality at all.

So, what is the reality then, in your opinion?

The reality is that our compat layers are largely unmaintained and broken.
One would have to be very dumb to believe that this constitutes a USP.

But that don't necessarily make the webpage incorrect. The question then 
is what we do when something is broken.

If the answer is that we remove the code, then indeed, the whole webpage 
is incorrect, and we should change it to state that we do not try to be 
interoperable, implementing many standard APIs, or care about other 

Else we should instead fix broken code, and keep the statements on the 

Just saying that something is broken does not really answer what NetBSD 
is about.


Johnny Billquist  || "I'm on a bus
  ||  on a psychedelic trip
email: ||  Reading murder books
pdp is alive! ||  tryin' to stay hip" - B. Idol

Re: svr4, again

2018-12-19 Thread Johnny Billquist
Unless I remember wrong, it's needed for Ultrix compatibility on VAX 
(and maybe MIPS?).


On 2018-12-19 19:46, Brian Buhrow wrote:

hello.  The COMPAT_IBCS2 is for SCO OpenServer and Unixware binary
compatibility.  I used it regularly to run Oracle database clients and
servers on NetBSD which were compiled for OpenServer.  OpenServer hasn't
changed much in the years since I did that, but is anyone really using
OpenServer anymore?  And, more aptly, is any company still building
software for OpenServer?  It may be the case that someone is still using
some old software for OpenServer, but it's probably a legacy system that
can be run as a VM going forward to protect it from hardware changes which
OpenServer is never going to support.  In short, COMPAT_IBCS2 worked well,
but it too, should probably go, again with the proviso that instructions be
left around on how one might use it if one really needs it.

On Dec 19,  5:32pm, Maxime Villard wrote:
} Subject: Re: svr4, again
} Le 19/12/2018 à 13:46, Maxime Villard a écrit :
} While I'm at it, there was a conversation about compat_ibcs2 [1]. See
} the thread, basically it is a compat for SVR3 on Vax. It seems that no
} one knew exactly what was the purpose of it.
} Maybe something we could retire as well (even though it likely isn't
} as broken as compat_svr4). Don't know, throwing this here in case
} someone cares.

Johnny Billquist  || "I'm on a bus
  ||  on a psychedelic trip
email: ||  Reading murder books
pdp is alive! ||  tryin' to stay hip" - B. Idol

Re: Missing compat_43 stuff for netbsd32?

2018-09-11 Thread Johnny Billquist

On 2018-09-12 00:06, Paul Goyette wrote:

On Wed, 12 Sep 2018, Johnny Billquist wrote:

On 2018-09-11 23:06, Paul Goyette wrote:

On Tue, 11 Sep 2018, Johnny Billquist wrote:

Well, how about running actual BSD 4.3 binaries? :-)
But this is obviously limited to VAX only.

We don't have a compat_netbsd32 for vax.  We have the module only for 
amd64, mips, and arm.

I guess that is correct, but this was about COMPAT_43, not 
something_32. Or did I miss something?

It was specifically about COMPAT_43 _under_ COMPAT_NETBSD  :)

D'oh! My fault then. Sorry.


Johnny Billquist  || "I'm on a bus
  ||  on a psychedelic trip
email: ||  Reading murder books
pdp is alive! ||  tryin' to stay hip" - B. Idol

Re: Missing compat_43 stuff for netbsd32?

2018-09-11 Thread Johnny Billquist

On 2018-09-11 23:06, Paul Goyette wrote:

On Tue, 11 Sep 2018, Johnny Billquist wrote:

Well, how about running actual BSD 4.3 binaries? :-)
But this is obviously limited to VAX only.

We don't have a compat_netbsd32 for vax.  We have the module only for 
amd64, mips, and arm.

I guess that is correct, but this was about COMPAT_43, not something_32. 
Or did I miss something?


Johnny Billquist  || "I'm on a bus
  ||  on a psychedelic trip
email: ||  Reading murder books
pdp is alive! ||  tryin' to stay hip" - B. Idol

Re: Missing compat_43 stuff for netbsd32?

2018-09-11 Thread Johnny Billquist

On 2018-09-11 17:35, Eduardo Horvath wrote:

On Tue, 11 Sep 2018, Paul Goyette wrote:

While working on the compat code, I noticed that there are a few old
syscalls which are defined in syc/compat/netbsd323/syscalls.master
with a type of COMPAT_43, yet there does not exist any compat_netbsd32
implementation as far as I can see...

#64 ogetpagesize
#84 owait
#89 ogetdtablesize
#142ogethostid (interestingly, there _is_ an implementation
for osethostid!)

Does any of this really matter?  Should we attempt to implement them?

I believe COMPAT_43 is not NetBSD 4.3 it's BSD 4.3.  Anybody have any old
BSD 4.3 80386 binaries they still run?  Did BSD 4.3 run on an 80386?  Did
the 80386 even exist when Berkeley published BSD 4.3?

I would say it'd most definitely BSD 4.3. And no, it did not run on 386. 
The first BSD version to run on anything besides VAX was 4.3 Tahoe, 
unless I remember wrong, if we talk about actual BSD. There were forks, 
though. Such as SunOS. Which were done even earlier than 4.3.

It's probably only useful for running ancient SunOS 4.x binaries, maybe
Ultrix, Irix or OSF-1 depending on how closely they followed BSD 4.3.

Well, how about running actual BSD 4.3 binaries? :-)
But this is obviously limited to VAX only.


Johnny Billquist  || "I'm on a bus
  ||  on a psychedelic trip
email: ||  Reading murder books
pdp is alive! ||  tryin' to stay hip" - B. Idol

Re: mmap implementation advice needed.

2018-03-31 Thread Johnny Billquist

On 2018-03-30 22:31, Joerg Sonnenberger wrote:

On Fri, Mar 30, 2018 at 04:22:29PM -0400, Mouse wrote:

And I (and ragge, I think it was) misspoke.  It doesn't quite require
128K of contiguous physical space.  It needs two 64K blocks of
physically contiguous space, both within the block that maps system
space.  (Nothing says that P0 PTEs have to be anywhere near P1 PTEs in
system virtual space, but they do have to be within system space.)

...and the problem to be solved here is that the memory has become
fragmented enough that you can't find 64KB of contiguous pages?
If so, what about having a fixed set of emergency reservations and
copying the non-contiguous pmap content into that during context switch?

I don't think that was Ragge's problem.
The problem was/is (if I understood it right), that someone can mmap 
more than 1G, and that will never be possible to map on the VAX.
The P0 space is only 1G, and the same is true for the P1 space. But P0 
and P1 is disjunct, so don't try to think of them as contiguous space.

So, anything trying to grab more than 1G will never be possible. But it 
would appear that the MI part don't give any hooks to stop a process 
from going just that.


Johnny Billquist  || "I'm on a bus
  ||  on a psychedelic trip
email: ||  Reading murder books
pdp is alive! ||  tryin' to stay hip" - B. Idol

Re: /proc/#/ctl removal

2017-08-27 Thread Johnny Billquist

On 2017-08-27 14:09, D'Arcy Cain wrote:

On 08/27/2017 03:59 AM, Christos Zoulas wrote:

LGTM, perhaps leave a comment /* old P_FSTRACE    0x0001 */
instead of completely removing the constants for now as a reminder.

Isn't that sort of duplicating what CVS does?

I would say no. CVS allows you to go back in history, see what changed, 
see how things were before, and so on.
Documenting something in the code is useful for people who are writing 
code. It would be impossible to always go back and check the full 
history of every file when you are doing work. If there is something 
that is useful for the future to be aware of, it needs to be documented 
in the code, including if it is something of related to history.

If it is totally irrelevant for future code writing, then there is no 
need to keep any comment in the code, but if, for example, some constant 
of value in a larger range historically was used for something, this is 
important to keep around, even if it is no longer used, as it should 
maybe be left unused/undefined, and if you need some new value, you 
should grab a different one. If you get what I mean.


Johnny Billquist  || "I'm on a bus
  ||  on a psychedelic trip
email: ||  Reading murder books
pdp is alive! ||  tryin' to stay hip" - B. Idol

Re: /proc/#/ctl removal

2017-08-27 Thread Johnny Billquist

On 2017-08-27 23:20, Kamil Rytarowski wrote:

On 27.08.2017 16:07, Johnny Billquist wrote:

On 2017-08-27 14:09, D'Arcy Cain wrote:

On 08/27/2017 03:59 AM, Christos Zoulas wrote:

LGTM, perhaps leave a comment /* old P_FSTRACE0x0001 */
instead of completely removing the constants for now as a reminder.

Isn't that sort of duplicating what CVS does?

I would say no. CVS allows you to go back in history, see what changed,
see how things were before, and so on.
Documenting something in the code is useful for people who are writing
code. It would be impossible to always go back and check the full
history of every file when you are doing work. If there is something
that is useful for the future to be aware of, it needs to be documented
in the code, including if it is something of related to history.

If it is totally irrelevant for future code writing, then there is no
need to keep any comment in the code, but if, for example, some constant
of value in a larger range historically was used for something, this is
important to keep around, even if it is no longer used, as it should
maybe be left unused/undefined, and if you need some new value, you
should grab a different one. If you get what I mean.


I use git mirror for data mining.

You can do similar with any revision control system. But data mining is 
a different thing than writing code and knowing about details from past 
history. Which was my point.


Johnny Billquist  || "I'm on a bus
  ||  on a psychedelic trip
email: ||  Reading murder books
pdp is alive! ||  tryin' to stay hip" - B. Idol

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