Re: Multipart Request

2005-10-08 Thread James Black
Hash: SHA1

Dhiren Bhatia wrote:
> Hi all,
>  I'm having trouble with the HttpServletRequest object if my post contains
> multipart data. The request object loses all the parameters set from the
> html form.
> i.e. request.getParameter("myParam"); always returns null. If I remove the
> multipart encoding from my form, I see the parameter values.
>  If I use the OReilly MultipartRequest, the constructor needs me to set the
> directory to save the file in so I cannot make that value dynamic by
> receiving it from the HTTP post. I want to receive the dir name where the
> file will be saved from the HTML form.
>  Any ideas? Hope this makes sense.

  I had that problem recently, but when I used apache's commons
fileupload class, I got it to work.

  This page may help you.

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Re: How to PreCompile JSPs

2005-09-29 Thread James Black
Hash: SHA1

Murali wrote:
> Hi ,
>  Can you someone provide me some information on how to precompile JSPs
> (probably thousands of JSPs) ?

This might help.

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re: on adjusting incoming queue

2005-08-29 Thread James Black
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- From what I understand there are two queues in Tomcat, and incoming
queue and an execution queue. It appears tomcat is rejecting some
clients when too many people try to hit my server at one time. During
this time the cpu utilization was about 80%-95%, which probably
exacerbated the problem.

I hope I am understanding what the incoming queue is for, as, if the
size of the queue is 10, and 12 clients try to hit the server at the
same time, then 1 or 2 clients will get an error back from tomcat.

If I adjust the size of the incoming queue so that it is larger than the
current value of 10 might that cause problems with other parts of tomcat?

I don't seem to hit the limit of 150 threads on the execution queue, but
I did see it get to 109 threads in use at one point.

Is there any way to monitor how many connections are rejected because
the incoming queue is full?

I am using Tomcat 5.5.9, on Solaris 9 with jdk1.5.

Thanx for any help.

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re: how do others deal with classloader not being recycled

2005-07-27 Thread James Black
Hash: SHA1

I am assuming that this FAQ entry is still valid for Tomcat 5.5.9:
  Why does the memory usage increase when I redeploy a web application?
Because the Classloader (and the Class objects it loaded) cannot be
recycled. They are stored in the permanent heap generation by the JVM,
and when you redepoy a new class loader is created, which loads another
copy of all these classes. This can cause OufOfMemoryErrors eventually.

  This could explain why, when I redeploy my webapp many times, I
eventually run out of PermMemory.

  I am curious what others do, in production, because of this issue?

  We are going to be doing some testing to see about optimizing the
memory allocation, but I am curious how others handle this.


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re: is this issue in the faq still correct wrt Tomcat 5.5.9?

2005-07-08 Thread James Black
Hash: SHA1

  Why does the memory usage increase when I redeploy a web application?
Because the Classloader (and the Class objects it loaded) cannot be
recycled. They are stored in the permanent heap generation by the JVM,
and when you redepoy a new class loader is created, which loads another
copy of all these classes. This can cause OufOfMemoryErrors eventually.

I found it at:

I am trying to understand why I run out of permanent memory when I
redeploy my beehive-based webapp, after about the 10th redeployment.


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Re: Please help with PermGen OutOfMemory error

2005-06-27 Thread James Black
Hash: SHA1

Phillip Qin wrote:
> I did see this issue happened with my tomcat 4.1/5.0. After I upgraded to
> 5.5, I have encountered any outofmemory even after 100 hundreds deployments.
> Does your web app use struts? You can always clean up resource by adding
> Introspector.flushCaches(); in your context listener's contextDestroyed
> method. Otherwise, you will have to go through your web app carefully to
> find out if there is any memory leak.

  Struts is used in my beehive-based project
(, but I will need to check if there
is some memory leak otherwise.


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Re: Please help with PermGen OutOfMemory error

2005-06-27 Thread James Black
Hash: SHA1

Phillip Qin wrote:
> What is the version of your tomcat? 5.5 supposed to have resolved this issue
> by flush reflection cache when undeploy your web app.

  I get this with 5.5.9, using jdk 1.5, under Solaris 8, when I copy my
new beehive-based webapp into my webapps directory. After about 5-8 new
versions within a few hours then I get this error and have to restart

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Re: prevent multiple form posts using only servlets

2004-12-09 Thread James Black
Hash: SHA1
Elihu Smails wrote:
| Is there a way to prevent multiple form posts from the
| same page/user/session using only servlets?  I have a
| page where users can upload files, but I do not want
| them to keep smashing the upload button if their files
| are large, and the user becomes impatient.
~  When they click the button, store a cookie, or set a value on the
page, saying that the button was pressed, then ignore anything with the
same filenames until this value is cleared.  Or, just save each filename
that is uploaded as a hidden variable in the form, and ignore duplicate
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Re: [OT] connecting a profiler (WAS: Re: Connector debug)

2004-12-07 Thread James Black
Hash: SHA1
QM wrote:
| I've changed the subject, since this your question is effectively a new
| train of thought.
| On Tue, Dec 07, 2004 at 11:08:58AM -0800, Sunitha Kumar wrote:
| : Is there a way we could attach a debugger to an already running
| : of tomcat?
| : JProfiler requires re-start of tomcat.
| : thanks,
| Not likely, based on my experience.
| The profilers I've used call your code for you -- they sit between your
| code and the JVM.  If the JVM's already running without the profiler,
| well...
~  If you have tomcat already setup with the options so that JProfiler
can attach to it then you can attach a profiler at any point, but you do
pay a performance penalty for the option.
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re: performance difference between tomcat 5.0 and 5.5?

2004-10-22 Thread James Black
I am curious if there is any performance improvements over Tomcat 5.5 vs 
Tomcat 5.0, using jdk1.5.

We are in the process of doing testing to prepare for our December 
upgrades and I don't know if we should try to move to Tomcat 5.5 this 
year or wait till summer.

The main webapp is a webservice that will be used constantly, and needs 
to be fast.

Thank you.
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re: optimizing Tomcat 5 for webservices, that is using encryption

2004-10-14 Thread James Black
When I had rolled out my application, where the client is on about 400 
machines, we ran into problems when the useage was too high, but didn't 
have time to figure out what was going on.

One thing I noticed is that one field in the webservice may be 
encrypted, and decrypting is a slow operation, at least slower than I 

Are there any good resources on optimization, where I can determine a 
good number of threads to have created initially, for example, as well 
as any other optimizations we may do?

We are moving to JDK1.5.0 on the production machines soon, so that 
should help, but we will not be moving to Tomcat 5.5 until it comes out 
of beta.

Thank you for any suggestions.
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Re: MySql driver not available in JSP.

2004-08-23 Thread James Black
I have a class that uses the MySql driver for accessing the database. If
I run this class on its own then it works fine. But if I use the same
class in a JSP, then the driver is not found.
What is the reason?

You don't have the mysql jar file in the WEB-INF/lib directory, perhaps?
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RE: authentication with ldap after doing an ldap search

2004-06-28 Thread James Black
Thank you for the response.

We have it working for php and jsp pages, but I am trying to use it with
webdav, actually. My hope is to have a method that will allow people to log
in to make changes to files, but anyone, currently, can read the files. I
also have it where certain roles are needed for updates.

I am now starting to look at slide, but I think I will face the same basic
problem, due to our ldap schema.

" Work like you don't need the money, love like you've never been hurt, and
dance like no one is watching." 
--- Satchel Paige 
> -Original Message-
> From: Dale, Matt [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Monday, June 28, 2004 5:01 PM
> To: Tomcat Users List; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Subject: RE: authentication with ldap after doing an ldap search
> We do something similar to authenticate against active directory. The way
> we do it is to have a generic log in, the application logs in and searches
> for what in your case would be the namsid using the uid as a parameter.
> You then need to bind with the namsid that you've looked up and the
> password to determine authentication.
> Ta
> Matt
> -Original Message-
> From: James Black [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: 28 June 2004 21:55
> To: Tomcat Users List
> Subject: re: authentication with ldap after doing an ldap search
> Our ldap dn is namsid=number,ou=school,o=school
> The problem is that the student don't know their namsid, they know their
> uid.
> I need a way for tomcat to first do a search, looking for anything where
> uid=netid (which is what the student passed in), then use that entries
> dn to bind and verify the password that was also entered.
> Is there anyway to do this in Tomcat?
> I have the authentication working if the person known their namsid, but
> few people will as it is used internally.
> Thank you.
> --
> "Love is mutual self-giving that ends in self-recovery." Fulton Sheen
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re: authentication with ldap after doing an ldap search

2004-06-28 Thread James Black
Our ldap dn is namsid=number,ou=school,o=school
The problem is that the student don't know their namsid, they know their 

I need a way for tomcat to first do a search, looking for anything where 
uid=netid (which is what the student passed in), then use that entries 
dn to bind and verify the password that was also entered.

Is there anyway to do this in Tomcat?
I have the authentication working if the person known their namsid, but 
few people will as it is used internally.

Thank you.
"Love is mutual self-giving that ends in self-recovery." Fulton Sheen

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re: auto-generating for tomcat5

2004-06-18 Thread James Black
 I don't remember how I got this to work under tomcat4, but how would I 
auto-generate the file for tomcat5?

 Thank you.
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Re: Too many open files on Solaris

2004-06-16 Thread James Black
HasanA wrote:
I am having similar problem and i am running Tomcat 4.0 on Open vms 7.2. We
have increased number of files open by a process to some ridiculous value
but this error is still comming up.
Can someone also help with this issue?

 If you are opening up database connections or files on the local 
system, you may not be closing the connection.

 You can use a program called losf, which is available from and see what it tells you about which process has 
the descriptors open.

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RE: Tomcat and JSF

2004-06-08 Thread James Black
You have to add some jar files to your webapp, but JSF will work on Tomcat
5, I haven't tried it on Tomcat 4 in 8 mths.

" Work like you don't need the money, love like you've never been hurt, and
dance like no one is watching." 
--- Satchel Paige 
> -Original Message-
> From: snpe [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Tuesday, June 08, 2004 11:25 PM
> Subject: Tomcat and JSF
> Is there plan that tomcat support JSF specification ?
> regards
> Haris Peco
> -
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Re: URL validation

2004-06-08 Thread James Black
Ikonne, Ike wrote:
Hi Steffen,
Thanks, new URL(url) doesn't work consistently.  I have tried it, 
one can throw in an url that doesn't meet RFC 1738 but URL(url) will
not catch it.

You could try regular expressions.
Here is a relatively simple one:
"Love is mutual self-giving that ends in self-recovery." Fulton Sheen

Re: Creator --> Tomcat

2004-06-08 Thread James Black
 I have been working with Sun's Studio Creator early release, and am trying to
transfer a project of automatically-built files to Tomcat.
 There seems to be no explicit documentation on how to do this.
I have copied the seemingly appropriate file structure [folder with .jsp and
WEB-INF folder] to Tomcat's
webapps directory, but cannot get the application to start up.  It is just a
simple page with calculations.

 If you look at the logs you will find some exceptions were thrown.  I 
don't remember all of them, but there are 2-4 jar files that need to be 
 You will probably need

 I didn't try it on tomcat4, so if you are doing it there, if it works, 
it will require some other jar files.

 Just delete your logs, restart tomcat, look at the log file, find 
where the exception is thrown, get the new file to put in, and repeat.

 I have already reported this to Sun a month or so ago.
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Re: Tomcat Site slow and stops responding after certain number of threads

2004-04-05 Thread James Black
s prasad wrote:

We use the JK 2 Connector and for some of the sites we have 
maxProcessors=75. My understanding is when the maxProcessors limit is 
reached, the requests are put in queue and this will not cause the 
site to go down. IS this number dependent on total number of TCP/IP 
connections hitting that server on port 80? Is there a downfall of 
bumping this number very high, assuming there is enough memory on the 
server to allow these threads? Can anyone comment on, how to identify 
the current connector thread utilization?
 My experience is that this is not a hard limit, but will be exceeded 
if the requests at one time go beyond the 75, but those extra threads 
will be removed when they are done.

  If you don't mind your java application (tomcat) sharing it's 
processor time servicing many threads then there shouldn't be any 
problems.  It really depends on how cpu intensive your apps are, more 
cpu intensive should use fewer threads, imo.

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Re: How to deploy a web application under Tomcat 5

2004-03-24 Thread James Black
Bachler, Elisabeth (Elisabeth) wrote:

I don't quite understand what you are saying. My problem is that I don't
know how to create a WAR file with the basic structure in it. I have to do
it manually but I don't know how.
COuld you tell me where to find the information?.
Once I have this WAR file, I suppose I only have to put it under webapps and
restart TOmcat, right?
THanks for your patience.

 You can create the war file two ways, basically. One is to use ant, 
which has a  tag, which makes life simple.
 The other approach is to just create the directory structure 
somewhere, put your files in there, then use:
jar -cf MyApp.war MyApp

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Re: Memory Usage

2004-03-15 Thread James Black
Shapira, Yoav wrote:



JDK1.5.0beta seems to have an improved garbage collection tuning


Care to elaborate or provide a reference?  Thanks,

 Based on my own experience, doing various performance related tests 
with Tomcat 5, running under JDK1.5 I find it interesting to watch the 
size of the java application decrease, over time.

 I don't set anything for the heap except -mx512M, so I can see how it 

 When I run my unit tests inside of JProfiler I also can watch the 
total heap decrease, while the unit test is running.

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Re: Memory Usage

2004-03-15 Thread James Black
bort wrote:

If System.runFinalization() and System.gc() are misleading... what should I
use instead, to force to garbage collection?
So, the amount of memory the JVM uses, will always increase?  How do I get
it to decrease?
 You can't get it to decrease, but if you have the memory large enough 
so that it doesn't have to request any more from the system, it won't 
continue to grow.
 If it is growing without bounds you probably have a memory leak.

 JDK1.5.0beta seems to have an improved garbage collection tuning built 
in, and that may be of some help, but if you have a leak then all you 
can do it find it.

 You may want to learn more about garbage collection.
You could use these references:
256 was an arbitrary choice.  Is there some formula I should be using (based
on projected traffic)?
 The links above, esp the third one, should help you to determine what 
is a good size.

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Re: tomcat on jdk1.5

2004-03-02 Thread James Black
Shapira, Yoav wrote:

I haven't spent time running tomcat on JDK 1.5 (I don't usually waste

time on running product X on unsupported platform Y [especially if Y is
alpha/beta]), so I can't help much there -- sorry ;(  I think Remy has
done this without any problems and even noticed a speed improvement, so
maybe he others can chime in here.

 I was confused because it has been running fine under jdk1.5. I 
noticed that the garbage collection improvements help out a lot, in 
keeping my application relatively small and it does seem to be faster 
than before.  Overall, jdk1.5 seems to work well, for running tomcat under.

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re: my problem of having a bad classpath is fixed

2004-03-02 Thread James Black
I just realized I had tomcat-coyote.jar in /usr/java/jre/lib/ext and 
that is what I think was causing the problem. I deleted it and it starts 
up fine now.

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Re: can't find org/apache/tomcat/util/buf/ByteChunk.class

2004-03-02 Thread James Black
Shapira, Yoav wrote:



My tomcat server is failing to start up because it can't find this
class. What jar file should it be in?

For tomcat 5.0.19, it's in $CATALINA_HOME/server/lib/tomcat-util.jar.

 I am using JDK1.5.0beta and now I can't get tomcat to run.

 It couldn't find tomcat-util.jar, then I copied that from the location 
you mentioned to /usr/java/jre/lib/ext, then it complained that it can't 
find  org/apache/commons/logging/LogFactory, so it appears that 
server/lib is not being added to the classpath.

"Love is mutual self-giving that ends in self-recovery." Fulton Sheen

re: can't find org/apache/tomcat/util/buf/ByteChunk.class

2004-03-02 Thread James Black
 My tomcat server is failing to start up because it can't find this 
class. What jar file should it be in?

 Thank you.

 I am using Tomcat 5.0.19

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Re: Tomcat w Java1.5 beta problem

2004-02-09 Thread James Black
Shapira, Yoav wrote:

I suggest rebuilding tomcat with 1.5 beta if you want to run servlets

compiled using 1.5 beta.  I'm not even sure my suggestion will work, as
I haven't tried it myself.  There has not been a tomcat release declared
to support JDK 1.5 yet, although you're welcome to do building and
testing for us ;)
 I wrote a jsp page that uses some of the management api stuff for 
monitoring threads, garbage collection, etc, and that works great under 
Tomcat 5, using jdk1.5.0.  I didn't have to recompile anything.

 Once I get my unit tests to pass I will see how my webservices run 
under jdk1.5.

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Re: Tomcat w Java1.5 beta problem

2004-02-09 Thread James Black

 I get the complaint from both IDEs I use because of the fact that the 
collections have changed, in order to support generics.

I haven't tried running my JDK1.5 classes under jdk1.4.2 yet, as I am 
still trying to get all of my unit tests to pass.  
 Oh, I thought you had run it under Tomcat.

 Use ant to run your unit tests.   That is what I am doing.

 Also, Netbeans doesn't seem to have a problem with compiling and 
running the tests, if you have the external program set to jdk1.5.0.

 For my jdk1.4.2 unit testing I use ant though and that works fine.

 I have given up trying to get Netbeans or Eclipse to stop complaining 
about the new features I am using.

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Re: Tomcat w Java1.5 beta problem

2004-02-09 Thread James Black
Shawn wrote:

Under Tomcat 5.0.18 with servlets compiled with 1.5 beta, I get an odd 
message, and  the servlet won't load.  When the same servlet is 
compiled with 1.4.2 it runs fine. 
 I have tried compiling with:
javac -source 1.5 -target 1.4 ... ?
 I get the complaint from both IDEs I use because of the fact that the 
collections have changed, in order to support generics.

I haven't tried running my JDK1.5 classes under jdk1.4.2 yet, as I am 
still trying to get all of my unit tests to pass. 

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re: setting up a virtual domain on tomcat

2004-02-03 Thread James Black
 We have a virtual host on apache:
 This actually is on
 There is a index.php that is ran automatically when you go to

 I now have a jsp page that I want to replace the php with.

 People have bookmarked

 I want their bookmarks to go to
 I have an index.jsp in SomeDirectory

 Is there any way to make this transparent to the user, where I am not 
using a webpage that is redirecting them?

 I want some to enter: and have them go immediately to

 Thank you for any ideas.

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RE: How can I count the number of active requests/servlets for Tomcat?

2004-01-15 Thread James Black
Write each request into a table with the session id?

" Work like you don't need the money, love like you've never been hurt, and
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--- Satchel Paige 

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Re: Classes cannot be found

2003-12-30 Thread James Black
Jeff Greenland wrote:

Does anyone know a way around the serialization problem?  If there's an
easy solution, I would jump on moving all of our classes into a package
immediately -- something we've been wanting to do for a few years.
Thanks for the help everyone, hopefully someone has a deserialization
solution as well!
 Write a standalone application that will go through the customer 
records, extract the information using the old classes, then repackage 
them in the new classes and reserialize them?

 That should work, then you can just move to the new, better, structure.

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Re: Tomcat Tuning Memory leak

2003-12-30 Thread James Black
David Strupl wrote:

I have already changed this ;-) Also added the fork attribute to true 
for jsp compile. It is not caused by the app - after the app starts 
and first 100 or so users connect the memory jumps up to approx 130 
MB. But during the next 24 hours it eats more than 300 megs. From what 
I have seen from the profiler so far number of my objects is fairly 
decent. But there are more and more approx 100k (98320 chars) buffers 
created somewhere. I will post more precise info later after I
  a. upgrade to the latest and greatest JDK 1.4.2_03
  b. create some HTML output of the heap 
 Your JSP page shouldn't have any business logic in it, that should be 
in beans that your JSP page uses. You can test the beans in a profiler 
and see if there is any memory leaks.

 If you are using JDK1.4.1 then that will probably be your problem as 
there was a memory leak in the String class that was fixed in JDK1.4.2.

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Re: tomcat memory usage

2003-12-30 Thread James Black
Andrei Ivanov wrote:

I've searched bugzilla, but there doesn't seem to be any bug filled about 
something like this.

About using a profiler... could you recommend one ?

 JProfiler I like, mainly because of the cost, but also because it 
integrates in well with Netbeans. 

 Look at and 
see if that is your problem.

This may also help:

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Re: tomcat memory usage

2003-12-30 Thread James Black
Andrei Ivanov wrote:

I've created a context for my application and I used the manager to reload 
the context and now I've configured the context to be reloadable.

 First, start with using a profiler to ensure that your application 
isn't leaking memory.

 Look at for anything on memory 
leaks wrt contexts.

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RE: java.lang.OutOfMemoryError

2003-12-27 Thread James Black
 You may need to go modify Catalina.bat (I guess that is what it would be on
Win2k), add a JAVA_OPT variable, such as JAVA_OPT=-mx512M.

  I don't remember if it is -mx or -mX though.

  This will set the highest heap size that the java application can use. You
may want to set it to 2 or 3GB though instead.

  You may also want to use a profiler and see if you have a memory leak in
your application.

" Work like you don't need the money, love like you've never been hurt, and
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RE: unit testing when application level scoping used

2003-12-24 Thread James Black
> -Original Message-
> From: Shapira, Yoav [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Monday, December 22, 2003 10:03 AM
> To: Tomcat Users List
> Subject: RE: unit testing when application level scoping used
> Cactus works beautifully with regards to servlet context and general
> environment setup.

  Should I instantiate a bean with session scope that is expected to be

  Also, how do I handle the fact that I need to log in before I can test the
parts I need to test?  

  This whole set up is very difficult to unit test, and that is bothersome,
as I am certain that this is a source of considerable errors in

  Thank you for your response.

" Work like you don't need the money, love like you've never been hurt, and
dance like no one is watching." 
--- Satchel Paige 

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Re: unit testing when application level scoping used

2003-12-22 Thread James Black
Shapira, Yoav wrote:

You can use MockObjects for this type of thing, assuming that you mean
the ServletContext and similar scopes.
 We are using a commercial application that is buggy.   I am trying to 
test it to see if a new version is better or not than the current 
version, but I can't test the webapps because the class expects that 
some classes are already instantiated, as they are set in an application 
scope by a servlet or jsp page, and there are other classes set in a 
session scope by other jsp pages.

 When this is done, will cactus work, or will I need to write my own 
jsp page, instantiate the classes needed myself, then run the unit test, 
so that everything is set up for it?

 I have never thought of the difficulty of unit testing when using 
servlet contexts.

 Thank you for your response.

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Re: Why JBoss (and Tomcat)?

2003-12-22 Thread James Black
Michael Coughlan wrote:

Thanks for the post. Can you please clarify?
Are you saying that the J2EE SDK is not production quality while JBoss is?
 I believe the reference implementation is not meant for production, 
from Sun, but for $2k or $10k/cpu you can buy one that is.

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Re: Why JBoss (and Tomcat)?

2003-12-22 Thread James Black
Michael Coughlan wrote:

It seems to me that I might want to blow away my Tomcat install and unpack
JBoss (with Tomcat).
 You should look at what you will need, in terms of features, and what 
you can spend, and then decide.  Sun's implementation also uses Tomcat 
as do at least some of the other implementations. There is no reason to 
develop a new application to compete with tomcat when it is so well 
done, so the differentiation is outside of tomcat.

 Jboss is a good choice, if it meets your requirements, but, all I have 
used is JBoss and Sun's implementation.

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Re: Why JBoss (and Tomcat)?

2003-12-22 Thread James Black
Michael Coughlan wrote:

I agree. Sorry to be so thick, everyone. I hope I am not too far off topic

with this conversation thread, but I simply don't understand how JBoss
differs from the J2EE SDK.
 There is a specification for J2EE, and then Sun makes an 
implementation of that specification, just as many other companies 
implement the spec.

 There are differences among the implementations, depending on what 
your needs are.  JBoss for example also supports aspect oriented 
programming, if that will help your application out.

 Perhaps this will help you decide which application server to use.

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re: unit testing when application level scoping used

2003-12-22 Thread James Black
 I am trying to write a unit test for an application I didn't write.  
There are classes in the classes directory I want to test directly.

 The problem is that the application uses application and session 
scoping for some of the classes, so they can reference the instance 
without having passed it into the instant I am trying to test.

 I hope this makes sense, I started to understand what was going on 
last night.

 How can I unit test a non-jsp page, non servlet page, when scoping is 

 Thank you for any help.

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re: compiling tomcat-5.0.16 from source

2003-12-04 Thread James Black
 I am curious how I compile all the components of tomcat from source 
code.  I am having various problems, the only one that made sense was 
that I had to upgrade mail.jar.

 From the $HOME_DIR/jakarta-tomcat-5.0.16/src I should just be able to 
and have it compile, but it appears that the connector section isn't 
compiled and catalina isn't compiled.

 Thank you.

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Re: Increase The Heap

2003-11-17 Thread James Black
Scott Purcell wrote:

As a baseline, I would like to increase the JVM memory on tomcat 4.06 (running as a service). I am having trouble isolating where this is done. I have searched through the config directory for jmx but found nothing.

 In do:
 if you want it to be 512M of memory, as an example.

 I put mine in the very beginning of, right after the comments.

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RE: How to monitor RAM Usage

2003-11-14 Thread James Black
> Thanks. Out of curiosity, what sort of RAM allocations would you typically
> do on a production UNIX machine?  Obviously I don't want to use up all of
> my memory, but this and mySQL are my only two production apps.

  It depends on what your application does. Mine does a lot of graphs, and
the data could be considerable, so I have it where it can be up to 400M. You
could try 256M and see if that works for you.  Your unit tests should help
to see if that is enough.

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Re: How to monitor RAM Usage

2003-11-14 Thread James Black
neal cabage wrote:

I'm currently having a problem wherein Tomcat crashes about once per week and gives the error Java.error.OutOfMemory  but I can't see any diagnostics by which to establish any patterns. I also can't find this information on the Apache site, after having looked for 1/2 hour. 

 If you use top (on unix) or the taskmanager, on windows, you can see 
how large it gets. Most likely you will just need to add a java option  

JAVA_OPTS=-mx512m if you want it to grow to 512megs in size.
Any thoughts/info would be greatly appreciates.



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re: integrating Tomcat5 with Apache2

2003-11-14 Thread James Black
 I recently upgraded to tomcat5 and now have a problem with trying to 
do the integration.

 I used to use (under Tomcat4) in server.xml

but now I can't find any ApacheConfig.

 I am trying to get tomcat to create automatically a file that apache 
will read in to know what directories are in the tomcat.

 At the moment they are not integrated, and it appears that the 
documentation for Tomcat5 is not exactly like Tomcat4 on this subject.

 Any help would be appreciated.

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