Re: [Trisquel-users] uruk gnu/linux 2.0 beta-2

2017-10-29 Thread strypey
I put this feedback on the wrong thread, so I'm reporting it on the thread  
about Uruk-2.0-beta-2 for completeleness. Please feel free to ignore this.

I like the look and feel of Uruk 2.0-beta-2, and I look forward to the final  
release, but I can't keep using it on my Aspire One (click on my name to see  
the full specs). Even with the new SSD drive, the performance is just too  
patchy. If I have more than one browser tab open, I immediately start to have  
problems, including typing text and nothing happens, or a random selection of  
the letters I typed appear. Maybe 1GB RAM is just not enough for Uruk 2.0,  
but ideally a distro like this would run on any box that can run XP, which is  
what the Aspire One came with when I bought it.

Re: [Trisquel-users] [Poll] Should Trisquel 9 be Based on Debian?

2017-10-29 Thread strypey
After a decade or so of running GNU-Linux on the desktop, I've learned the  
hard way that the newest version is *not* always the best version. My first  
distro was Ubuntu, and I always used to upgrade to the latest version as soon  
as it come out. But this did not give me the most stable OS, even if I did  
have more current versions of various apps.

"Trisquel, if it is to remain in sync with Ubuntu, should follow the current  
Ubuntu LTS."

The whole point of an LTS is that it provides Long Term Support.

Because Trisquel 7 was based on Ubuntu 14.04 LTS, it will continue to get  
security fixes and other critical updates until early 2019. It's still a  
perfectly usable OS, in fact it works a bit better now on the same hardware  
than it did when I first installed it.

As long as Trisquel 8 comes out before 14.04 support ends, we will be fine.  
Trisquel 8, like Ubuntu 16.04, will get critical updates until early 2021. By  
that time, Trisquel 9 will be out, and will get critical updates for it until  
early 2023. How many of us will even be using the same hardware by then?

Re: [Trisquel-users] How do I stop distro-hopping?

2017-10-29 Thread strypey
Thanks Magic Banana. I must have been reading some old Debian documentation  
that has been rendered obsolete by changing technology. More details about  
these details of partition managements and some relevant history can be found  

Re: [Trisquel-users] Guix on Trisquel

2017-10-29 Thread masonhock

Re: [Trisquel-users] Guix on Trisquel

2017-10-29 Thread strypey

"I use [Guix] in Trisquel 7"

How did you install it? I searched for Guix in both Add/ Remove Applications  
and Synaptic. No results.

Also this ...

... is not really what I need. I need a "for dummies" intro, 1-2 pages of  
text answering these questions; what is a "Guix" and what's it good for?  
Explain like I'm 5.

Re: [Trisquel-users] [Poll] Should Trisquel 9 be Based on Debian?

2017-10-29 Thread Ignacio Agulló
On 27/10/17 22:12, wrote:
> I think Trisquel 8.0 should be Trisquel 9.0.

 I was afraid that this moment would eventually come.  That the
delay of Trisquel 8 (more than one year) would grow to the point that it
would be suggested to wait for the next Ubuntu LTS release - and that it
would have a point (75% of the time has already passed, so why not to
wait for the remaining 25%?).  Except that there is no reason to think
that Trisquel developers would work faster on the next Ubuntu LTS
release that they were working on the present one.  So, my view on it...
it would mean more delay on exchange for nothing.

Ignacio Agulló ·

Description: application/pgp-keys

Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: [Trisquel-users] GNU Ring on Trisquel

2017-10-29 Thread dadix

Can we make grups for chatting in this app ?

Re: [Trisquel-users] Re : I met RMS yesterday. We talked about Trisquel 8, this is what he said...

2017-10-29 Thread Adonay Felipe Nogueira
I like the course materials very much! Actually, I have it in my list of
favorites for quite some time. ;) writes:

> I'm a teacher and I enjoy explaining stuff.
> Same thing for me.  You may find useful the slides I use to teach
> less, head, tail, cat, tr, wc, cut, paste, comm, join, sort, uniq,
> grep, sed (focusing on the s command) and awk:
> Their LateX Beamer sources:
> contains the data and the
> solutions to the exercises in the slides.  The context is that of
> pre-processing data for future analysis (the rest of the course) and
> not system administration.  Anyway, the commands are the same.
> Do you have material I could use to improve my course?

- Palestrante e consultor sobre /software/ livre (não confundir com
- "WhatsApp"? Ele não é livre. Por favor, veja formas de se comunicar
  instantaneamente comigo no endereço abaixo.
- Contato:
- Arquivos comuns aceitos (apenas sem DRM): Corel Draw, Microsoft
  Office, MP3, MP4, WMA, WMV.
- Arquivos comuns aceitos e enviados: CSV, GNU Dia, GNU Emacs Org, GNU
  GIMP, Inkscape SVG, JPG, LibreOffice (padrão ODF), OGG, OPUS, PDF
  (apenas sem DRM), PNG, TXT, WEBM.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Where is and when trisquel 8 will be released?

2017-10-29 Thread i_write_words
I am probably going to have to wait for my preferred configuration and will  
try again with vanilla Flidas in the next few days.

If there is anything else that I, as an "average joe"/autodidact with  
extremely uneven skills, can do to help, please don't hesitate to ask.

[Trisquel-users] Fcitx doesn't work

2017-10-29 Thread csh
I'm a language nerd.  I need to be able to type lots of different languages,  
because sometimes discussion of words come up in conversation.

The default input method (ibus?) doesn't work at all.  I add input methods in  
Region & Language > Input Sources, and I press Super+Space to switch them as  
indicated, and the keyboard still writes Latin characters instead of  

Fcitx has more input methods and works for me when I type Japanese with  
fcitx-mozc, but no other languages (like Russian, Hebrew or Greek) will work.  
 The input method will be switched, but the keyboard will not type different  

Things I want to be able to type:
- Japanese
- Chinese
- Korean
- Arabic
- Hebrew
- Cyrillic

This worked on Slackware.

Re: [Trisquel-users] GNU Ring on Trisquel

2017-10-29 Thread elr
You should think on install packages with two packages manager, dependences  
are different in many cases and can take file problems. The problem is not  
Guix on self, the problem is install packages on differents packages managers  
and different repositories.

[Trisquel-users] Re : I met RMS yesterday. We talked about Trisquel 8, this is what he said...

2017-10-29 Thread lcerf

I'm a teacher and I enjoy explaining stuff.

Same thing for me.  You may find useful the slides I use to teach less, head,  
tail, cat, tr, wc, cut, paste, comm, join, sort, uniq, grep, sed (focusing on  
the s command) and awk:

Their LateX Beamer sources: contains the data and the solutions to  
the exercises in the slides.  The context is that of pre-processing data for  
future analysis (the rest of the course) and not system administration.   
Anyway, the commands are the same.

Do you have material I could use to improve my course?

[Trisquel-users] Re : Guix on Trisquel

2017-10-29 Thread lcerf
Probably one of these talks:

[Trisquel-users] Re : How do I stop distro-hopping?

2017-10-29 Thread lcerf
Sharing a swap partition is only a problem if you want to hibernate a system,  
boot another system, and, later, try to recover the first system from the  
hibernation.  If you do not need to that, one single swap partition is  

As far as I know, primary/logical partitions make no difference  

Something to keep in mind to be able to easily shrink a filesystem (e.g.,  
through GParted): it must be shrinkable, unlike XFS, which is Trisquel's  
default filesystem for /home (for a reason: it is often cited as the most  
efficient filesystem to read/write large files).

LVM does not "make it easier to resize partitions" because it is above  
partitions and disks.  It makes it easier to (re)allocate storage (without  
altering the partitions and the disks)... for those who learn how to do so. is a starting point.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Where is and when trisquel 8 will be released?

2017-10-29 Thread jodiendo

well i sped abot 14 hours overall on this distro so far.

Re: [Trisquel-users] I met RMS yesterday. We talked about Trisquel 8, this is what he said...

2017-10-29 Thread martin
You should definitely learn Bash and there are many tutorials around the  
Internet for that.  You should lean basic usage for command-line tools like  
grep, sed, awk, diff and patch.  You should also learn how Deb packaging  
works, for which there should be tutorials on the Ubuntu and Debian wiki, and  
probably in other places too.

General understanding of how GNU/Linux systems work is good to have.  Stuff  
like file system hierarchy, mounting, partitioning, types of file systems and  
file owners/permissions.

Also, it's probably not mandatory, but it may be useful to have some basic  
knowledge how C/C++ programming and compiling works.

If you (or anyone else) is really up of for doing this, I'm open to help by  
giving gratis lessons on the above (or related) topics - I'm a teacher and I  
enjoy explaining stuff. :)

The effort to help Trisquel development is useful, although in my opinion it  
would be more useful to develop a better beginner-friendly installer for  
Parabola, because it seems to me that's the main thing that Trisquel/Ubuntu  
do better and make them more beginner friendly.  I think the general  
architecture of Parabola/Arch is better overall and Parabola is already well  

Re: [Trisquel-users] Where is and when trisquel 8 will be released?

2017-10-29 Thread jodiendo

Nvidea Geforce GT 630

Re: [Trisquel-users] Guix on Trisquel

2017-10-29 Thread Adonay Felipe Nogueira
I use it in Trisquel 7. ;)

Regarding the issue of actually building GNU Ring using the Guix recipe,
I'm currently trying to fix it.

For more information on what must be done in order to make the work
easier, see the package recipe itself. It has some TODO comments that
show the technical/maintainance challenges remaining --- besides of
course having the recipes accepted by Guix project (which isn't a
challenge, because they are very friendly).

As a plus, if one wants to, you can drop by the #guix IRC channel, and
tell them that you want a non-programmer guide on how to make recipes
for Guix, and if someone has time to, they'll teach you the basics of
both GNU Guix and Scheme. Also, both I and Quiliro "quiliro" Ordóñez
went through the basic steps suggested by #guix.

Last, there is also (to see/read the
book, click on the "Full text!" link), which as far as I know serves to
teach basics of programming to everyone, as a plus teaching it in
Scheme. writes:

> Does anyone know if Adfeno uses Guix on Trisquel 7 or on the 8 alpha?

Re: [Trisquel-users] Uruk GNU/Linux 2.0 (Alpha)

2017-10-29 Thread lilos1

Is it System D distro if is system D no Thx!