Re: [Trisquel-users] A mail provider based in Bulgaria, using 100% open source software, Tor-friendly and no javascript friendly.

2015-08-03 Thread ka1cey
I've tried getting accounts on rugged inbox and open mailbox.  Both have  
visual captcha, with no alternative way to prove I'm human.  I guess people  
who need tools like Orca screen reader are not welcome.  

Re: [Trisquel-users] Wireless Problem

2015-07-15 Thread ka1cey
To ansser the original question re:  tradition vs functional requirement,  
it's a convention that helps to maintain order by keeping binaries, taken  
from repository packages, from binaries resulting from compilation of sources  
not in the repos, and from scripts for use only by one user.  For instance,  
if I build something for testing in a 'sandbox', I do the build such that the  
program has ~/builds/ as its base directory. This way, I cannot accidentally  
clobber something needed for the production system.  

Re: [Trisquel-users] Mate Panel Applets and Layouts?

2015-07-13 Thread ka1cey
No, but thanks for suggestions.  I have no indicator-application-service  
installed.  In distros with Mate as the only installed de, the network  
manager panel applet is accessible.  

[Trisquel-users] Mate Panel Applets and Layouts?

2015-07-11 Thread ka1cey


I'm running the Mate desktop in Trisquel 7, and notice a couple of things:   
1)  the network manager applet seems to be missing. Since I connect to my  
home wifi connection automatically, the connection works, but I do not see a  
way to select networks, from a panel applet, nor can I see the connection  
status.  There is no option, on Add To Panel, for the network manager applet.

2)  Mate Tweak Tool shows only 1 possible layout. Where can I get additional  
ones, such as the traditional Trisquel layout?  It's easier to use a  
single-panel Mate layout with orca.




Re: [Trisquel-users] Thoughts on Trisquel 7.1 based off of Ubuntu 14.04.3 with release in July or August

2015-07-06 Thread ka1cey
Putting out live iso, based on the Ubuntu point releases, like 14.4.3 seems a  
good idea.  If one has a system in place, will a dist-upgrade bring it up to  
14.4.3 when it's ready?  

Re: [Trisquel-users] Choice of DE in Graphical Install

2015-06-30 Thread ka1cey
Maybe, if one could pick the cli installer from the live system, this could  
work?  Maybe an 'Advanced options' type page, in the gui installer, could  
offer choices like de, services, boot loader?  People who don't expand the  
advanced options or run the cli installer would just get the Ubiquity default  

Re: [Trisquel-users] Fresh install of Trisquel has a problem with Orca Screen Reader being on by default and won't close

2015-06-18 Thread ka1cey
Is there a specific security threat when orca and/or speech-dispatcher is/are  
present?  If you plan to remove the screen reader, the package is called  

BTW, I've been trying, since 2011, to get the GUI off my system; it';comes up  
and I cannot stop it.  LOL.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Could Trisquel 8 switch to MATE?

2015-06-15 Thread ka1cey
This is first I've heard of compiz not working well with orca; I'll ask.   
Does either metacity or marco do screen magnification?  Whatever we decide to  
do for Trisquel's window manager in version 8, we should make sure that  
accessibility feature works.  

Re: [Trisquel-users] Could Trisquel 8 switch to MATE?

2015-06-15 Thread ka1cey
I don't think the init system effects Mate.  

Re: [Trisquel-users] Could Trisquel 8 switch to MATE?

2015-06-15 Thread ka1cey
Perhaps there's been some improvement.  Last time I tried orca in LXDE, the  
panels, menus, desktop, and notification area were not accessible, and the  
file manager was only accessible in list mode.  I found, however, that  
mousepad (the default text editor) is accessible.  The Mozilla programs and  
libreoffice are accessible, independent of desktop.

Re: [Trisquel-users] Could Trisquel 8 switch to MATE?

2015-06-15 Thread ka1cey

Oh, I forgot:

With LXDE and XFCE, user is unaware of what window would have focus, when she  
releases the 'alt+tab' (window switching) keys; Orca doesn't speak this.  In  
orca releases before 3.12, the same information was missing when Mate was the  
desktop. In the Mate case, it was a matter of sym-linking the orca scripts  
for metacity and marco.  Now, it' works pretty well.  

Re: [Trisquel-users] Could Trisquel 8 switch to MATE?

2015-06-12 Thread ka1cey
I have Mate and orca working in another distro. There are a few minor  
accessibility gaps, but it is usable.  Since Ubuntu Mate is an official spin,  
and Mate packages are also maintained in Debian (Jessie) main repos, I think  
Mate in Trisquel 8 is a fine idea!  

[Trisquel-users] orca Screen Reader on Sugar?

2015-06-10 Thread ka1cey
My friend has been tasked with making Sugar learning environment accessible,  
by means of the Orca screen reader, on a OLPC machine.  I tried running orca  
on Trisquel Sugar; There must be missing pieces; orca did not talk.  I'm not  
sure where to tell my friend to start but promised I'd ask for some ideas on  
here.  If you can help, please contact my friend, Brandon Werner, directly.  or me on gnusocial:



Re: [Trisquel-users] Is Belenos Moving to SystemD?

2015-06-03 Thread ka1cey
Thanks; I was just curious, having heard the names of systemd components go  
by as I was upgrading; was just wondering if there was some kind of  
incremental move under way.  I still have no opinion re:  the merrits of  
systemd vs upstart. To users not running servers, it probably won't make a  



[Trisquel-users] Is Belenos Moving to SystemD?

2015-06-01 Thread ka1cey


I recently did my monthly dist-upgrade, and heard mention of Pieces of  
systemd, like the journal and services, getting installed.  After the  
upgrade, I went looking for the cli tools like systemctl and journalctl;  
they're not present.  How much of systemd do I now have?  Are my system's  
services now managed by a hybrid of systemd, upstart, and the old sysv init  


Dave on GNUSocial

Re: [Trisquel-users] Icedove hangs (window goes gray) frequently in Trisquel 7.0

2015-05-28 Thread ka1cey
I thought this was strictly an Orca problem, and was contemplating a  
full-time switch to mutt or alpine for mail.  The problem became apparent the  
first time I used enygmail to sign a message.  The problem seems to have  
vanished as mysteriously as it began appearing.  Still have enygmail, and  
lightning extensions in icedove.



Join me on GNUSocial. 

Re: [Trisquel-users] Weather Item in Panel in Trisquel 7

2015-05-16 Thread ka1cey
I, too, miss the weather report applet on the panel.  I set the forecast for my city as my home page; it sort-of replaces  
the applet.  :)  

Re: [Trisquel-users] testet free software encrypted audio, video calls?

2015-05-09 Thread ka1cey
I installed the binary, but couldn't do much.  I suppose I now have an id,  
but not sure how to change settings, add contacts to phone book, test audio,  
etc...  Does the ring daemon keep listening, when client is closed?  

Re: [Trisquel-users] Searx metasearch engine

2015-05-01 Thread ka1cey
I set searx as my browser's default engine, and tried a bunch of searches.   
I'd say the results were comparable to ones I'd get by hitting bing or  
google. but the result presentation is wonderfully clean and easy to read.   
Thanks rfor the suggestion.  

Re: [Trisquel-users] Calling all Trisquel users in GNU Social

2015-05-01 Thread ka1cey
I use orca 3.14.3 and was able to join !trisquel.  I've noticed that some  
gnusocial instances are more accessible than others.




Re: [Trisquel-users] New to Trisquel :)

2015-04-24 Thread ka1cey
I had to remove ibus to fix my keyboard input issue with gedit.  

Re: [Trisquel-users] I'm missing the community that was available when using nonfree software

2015-04-14 Thread ka1cey
You are not the odd one out. I use noscript, and have white-listed a few  
sites with probably-non-free scripts.

Re: [Trisquel-users] I'm missing the community that was available when using nonfree software

2015-04-14 Thread ka1cey
I just started using gnusocial, and am finding it hard to fit in; it seems  
I'm mostly talking to myself:).  I must say, getting into the twitter and  
facebook streams is far easier, based on my experience.  Still giving  
gnusocial a chance.

Follow me on

Re: [Trisquel-users] trisquel 7 weird spying voice

2015-04-07 Thread ka1cey
If the screen reader is on for the login greeter, use 'ctrl+s' key on  
dialogue, next time you login.  On your desktop, use 'alt+super+s' to toggle  
the screen reader.  If it is off, it should be off in future sessions.


Dave (a user of Orca screen reader)

Re: [Trisquel-users] Is anyone else getting a CPU spikes when you edit anything in Gedit?

2015-03-31 Thread ka1cey
I think Mate, as packaged in Ubuntu-mate spin, would meet Trisquel's  
accessibility requirement; have used Ubuntu-Mate Trusty, Utopic, and Vivid.  

Re: [Trisquel-users] Is anyone else getting a CPU spikes when you edit anything in Gedit?

2015-03-30 Thread ka1cey
Open a nautilus window, and put the cursor on the name of a text file.  Use  
'alt+enter' key, to open the Properties page for the selected file.  Go to  
the Open With page, and select mousepad.  Finally, tick the 'set as default'  
option.  Now, all text files will automatically open with mousepad.  It works  



Re: [Trisquel-users] Is anyone else getting a CPU spikes when you edit anything in Gedit?

2015-03-25 Thread ka1cey
Yah; I filed that bug a long time ago, and it's still with us.  Using  
mousepad instead; give that a try.  

Re: [Trisquel-users] Migrate from Ubuntu to Trisquel

2015-03-11 Thread ka1cey
Maybe I did forget to attach, or it was rejected?  It seems a moot point,  
now, anyway, thanks for the follow-up comments.  If there is continued  
interest, I'll try again, or paste script into a forum message (note:  the  
browser may wrap in strange ways).  :)  Anyway, since learning of the 'dd'  
command, I haven't used unetbootin.  

Re: [Trisquel-users] Migrate from Ubuntu to Trisquel

2015-03-07 Thread ka1cey
Herer is a little script I used to use for running unetbootin from the  
terminal; If I don't want persistent space, I just use the 'dd' command to  
write to my usb drives.

The script prompts user for path to iso image, path to usb drive, and time to  
wait for the action to complete.  It assumes unetbootin is in your command  
search path;  e. g. you installed it from a ppa.  Modify it as needed, and  



Re: [Trisquel-users] Join the Trisquel Cafe!

2015-02-26 Thread ka1cey
Keep eating that fish; its brain food;  LOL!  And I'm another that just got  
reeled in; not with good taste, but tasting good;  HaHaHa.  I really need to  
start visiting this Trisquel Cafe Place;  look at all the gnus and penguins!   

Re: [Trisquel-users] I can not press the right click

2015-02-26 Thread ka1cey
Until you figure how to make right-clicking work, use the keys 'ctrl+f10' on  
the desktop and panels, to get the menu with options like new folder, add  
launcher, add to panel, etc.  In Nautilus, you can use 'shift+f10', to get  
the context menu with properties, move to, etc...



Re: [Trisquel-users] changing default filemanager

2015-02-22 Thread ka1cey
Why doesn't GNOME have a gui for changing these preferences, as does Mate  
and, maybe, XFCE?  

Re: [Trisquel-users] Update Manager Not Working

2015-02-10 Thread ka1cey
I try not to use the gui update manager; using commandline tools is just  
easier.  Given that there is a working patch for the gui app, why not just  
apply it and issue the patched update manager in the cycle?  

Re: [Trisquel-users] No Gnome panel

2015-02-03 Thread ka1cey
Testing with the live system is the easiest way to see whether everything  
works.  Otherwise, you can check your hardware against lists of hardware  
known to work in GNU/Linux without non-free support, or, as you already have  
done with the wireless, ask about your machine in places like this forum.  In  
the default system, the panel should be on bottom, with desktop having Home,  
Install, Computer, Trash, and Network Servers icons.  

Re: [Trisquel-users] Wireless won't work :-(

2015-01-23 Thread ka1cey
Honestly, though I'm using a TP USB wifi radio in a Toshiba laptop with an  
Intel wifi build in, I don't feel like I've gained much, if anything, from  
this purchase.  I could run something like Ubuntu Mate, and have the same set  
of free apps.  If I did this, and never used that ugly Software Center, I'd  
essentially have the same system.  

Re: [Trisquel-users] BLAG 200000

2015-01-21 Thread ka1cey
I have some experience with the Emacs mail/news reader, web client, Org Mode,  
and the Dismal spreadsheet, all with the accessibility thing called  
Emacspeak.  I found the web client (emacs-w3) hard to use, and only useful on  
the simplest of web sites; not just referring to JScript, here.  Maybe it's  
time to revisit Emacspeak in Trisquel 7; can run it in a virtual console or  
an xterm, I suppose?  

Re: [Trisquel-users] Canonical?

2015-01-21 Thread ka1cey
Oh, My Gerd!  YooHoo Comics must be an emacser!  LOL  Seriously, it's amazing  
what that thing can do; calling Emacs an editor does it an injustice!  

Re: [Trisquel-users] My family has smart TVs and I am scared.

2015-01-21 Thread ka1cey
Who you calling Old?  lol!  

Re: [Trisquel-users] BLAG 200000

2015-01-17 Thread ka1cey
I was pleased to discover that the BLAG GNOME 20 live medium seems to  
have a complete GNOME 3.10, including orca screen reader.  I haven't yet  
checked the Mate spin.  My earlier test was on 14.  20 does not seem  
to see my Think Penguin USB wifi radio; that's for another topic or forum.  

Re: [Trisquel-users] [OT] Fetching BBC Radio Programs with get-iplayer?

2015-01-16 Thread ka1cey
I found the schedule for the radio program of interest and downloaded the  
episodes with youtube-dl instead of get-iplayer.  Why do they use flash video  
for files containing only audio?  I tried converting one to ogg with  
oggconvert; the result sounded horrible; I'll just keep the flv's for now.  

Re: [Trisquel-users] how to enable log-in sound

2015-01-16 Thread ka1cey
I didn't realize they had electronic instruments back in old Messopotamia;   
LOL.  You can replace the file with any sound you like; I just use the stock  
Trisquel one that has been in place since Brigantia, maybe earlier, but  
that's when I started using Trisquel.  

Re: [Trisquel-users] how to enable log-in sound

2015-01-16 Thread ka1cey
Nothing stopping you from putting that favorite login sound into your  
Trisquel.  Not sure what you can do with the pointer;  LOL.  

Re: [Trisquel-users] new user to linux

2015-01-16 Thread ka1cey
I'm glad to hear you are considering buying a pre-owned laptop, thereby  
keeping a few bits of toxic materials out of the waste stream.  Also, you're  
repurposing perfectly-good hardware.  Before installing any new operating  
system onto such a machine, I'd shred the drive.  You can do this from any  
GNU/Linux live image, such as Trisquel 7.  Boot the live medium, open a  
terminal, use the lsblk command to learn what device refers to the hard  
drive.  That done, you can do

sudo shred /dev/sda

for instance, assuming the hard drive is /dev/sda.

You could also do something like

sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sda

This would write 0 onto the entire disk, unless you stop before it finishes.



Re: [Trisquel-users] BLAG 200000

2015-01-16 Thread ka1cey
I tried a BLAG GNOME live image, and found that it has no accessibility,  
thereby denying a class of users freedom #0, nevermind the other three.  

Re: [Trisquel-users] gNewSense 4 is already (somewhat) useable!

2015-01-14 Thread ka1cey
The startup sound from Brigantia is still available in Trisquel 7 (I can't  
properly spell his name, ever).  LOL.

Go to
menus-system settings-startup applications and select Add.  then, do the  

Command: /usr/bin/canberra-gtk-play --id=desktop-login --description=GNOME  
Login sound

Comment: Startup Sound

On next login or restart, you'll have that lovely music!  

Re: [Trisquel-users] new user to linux

2015-01-12 Thread ka1cey

Answering post #21:
Sounds like you're good to go re:  making that machine a full-time Trisquel  
box!  You might have to run hwinfo as root; try

sudo hwinfo

Re: [Trisquel-users] my family want me to install non-free software

2015-01-11 Thread ka1cey
I have to agree with post #1 here.  If the machine is not yours, let them do  
as they wish, assuming you have explained your choices and desire to install  
only software that respects their freedoms.  Let them install Win, a non-free  
GNU/Linux, whatever, and take full responsibility for it.  

Re: [Trisquel-users] Trisquel 7.0 Installation issues

2015-01-11 Thread ka1cey

In reply to #15:
*nods*  let's hope it's not /dev/sdb.  How'bout checking before that 'dd'  
command. I recommend


This lists your block devices.

If you'd prefer, you can get this list from the disks utility, found in the  
Settings panel.  For my convenience, I added a bunch of these 'settings'  
options to my Accessories menu; this for another thread  

Re: [Trisquel-users] new user to linux

2015-01-11 Thread ka1cey
As Magic Banana says in post #13, As a relative new-comer, you'd have an  
easier time reinstalling  Mini, than transforming a GNOME installation to a  
Mini, or something like it.  I've been doing this a while, and would still  
choose this expedient option.  

Re: [Trisquel-users] Libre alternative to skype

2015-01-09 Thread ka1cey
I have an account on; for sip, I can use linphonecd in the  
terminal, but rarely launch it, since I have no contacts.  

Re: [Trisquel-users] A problem with the control key

2015-01-08 Thread ka1cey
I've been running orca in Trisquel since 5.0 and have not experienced trouble  
with using the control key for operations like cut, copy, paste and rename.   
Trisquel 7's gedit does not work with orca; I've filed issues on orca and  
trisquel bug trackers, with no results. I use mousepad instead.  Alimiracle,  
does your control key issue happen in all apps, or just gedit?  

Re: [Trisquel-users] A problem with the control key

2015-01-07 Thread ka1cey
Did you turn key echo off?  Use 'orca+space' to get the preferences gui. On  
the 'key echo' tab, you can set what keys, if any, are echoed by orca.  This  
can stop orca from saying 'control', 'alt', 'shift', etc.  Even if all keys  
are echoed, the keystrokes should pass through to the app in focus; this is  
just a suggestion.  I'm using orca without these problems, and have key echo  
set to 'word'.  Which version of orca are you using?  I added the  
accessibility-dev ppa, and updated the whole stack, which includes orca 3.14.



Re: [Trisquel-users] Libre alternative to skype

2015-01-06 Thread ka1cey
This customization ui seems to be invisible to screen readers (Windows and  

Re: [Trisquel-users] Libre alternative to skype

2015-01-06 Thread ka1cey
I found and opened 'menu-view-toolbars-customize; thanks!  Once I opened  
the Customize ui, I found nothing but a 'learn more' link, using Orca's  
normal reading keys for the web browser.  Using Orca's flat review and  
mouse emulation, I could find and right-click on hello.  From the context  
menu, I chose the 'add to menu' option, but cannot find a Hello option on any  
of the browser's menus.  

[Trisquel-users] Note to user @alimiracle

2015-01-06 Thread ka1cey
You sent me a message, using the contact form, but I get access denied  
error when trying the link in the email from the forum system.  Please email  
me on

Re: [Trisquel-users] Libre alternative to skype

2015-01-04 Thread ka1cey
Mumble is fine for conferences and gaming, but I wouldn't consider it a  
skype replacement.  

Re: [Trisquel-users] Libre alternative to skype

2015-01-04 Thread ka1cey
My abrowser does not have a Customize screen. Do you mean about:config?  

Re: [Trisquel-users] Stallman uses Trisquel GNU/Linux for computation.

2015-01-03 Thread ka1cey
I'd hardly call Trisquel bleeding edge; it's based on Ubuntu LTS releases.   

Re: [Trisquel-users] Libre alternative to skype

2015-01-03 Thread ka1cey
I find the jitsi desktop client completely inaccessible with orca screen  
reader, and cannot sign up for the xmpp option on jit-si; it has a recaptcha  
thing I cannot solve.