2020-06-22 Thread Herrn Mulindwa Edward

Slaves Are Prohibited to Read and Write by Law


Slave masters understood that their social control of the slaves could not be 
based solely on physical coercion. Knowledge was power, and virtually all slave 
codes established in the United States set restrictions making it illegal to 
teach slaves to read or write. The statute below, passed by the state of North 
Carolina in 1830—1831, was fairly typical. 

Whereas the teaching of slaves to read and write, has a tendency to excite 
dis-satisfaction in their minds, and to produce insurrection and rebellion, to 
the manifest injury of the citizens of this State: 
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of North Carolina, and it is 
hereby enacted by the authority of the same, That any free person, who shall 
hereafter teach, or attempt to teach, any slave within the State to read or 
write, the use of figures excepted, or shall give or sell to such slave or 
slaves any books or pamphlets, shall be liable to indictment in any court of 
record in this State having jurisdiction thereof, and upon conviction, shall, 
at the discretion of the court, if a white man or woman, be fined not less than 
one hundred dollars, nor more than two hundred dollars, or imprisoned; and if a 
free person of color, shall be fined, imprisoned, or whipped, at the discretion 
of the court, not exceeding thirty nine lashes, nor less than twenty lashes. 
II. Be it further enacted, That if any slave shall hereafter teach, or attempt 
to teach, any other slave to read or write, the use of figures excepted, he or 
she may be carried before any justice of the peace, and on conviction thereof, 
shall be sentenced to receive thirty nine lashes on his or her bare back. 
III. Be it further enacted, That the judges of the Superior Courts and the 
justices of the County Courts shall give this act in charge to the grand juries 
of their respective counties. 

Source: "Act Passed by the General Assembly of the State of North Carolina at 
the Session of 1830—1831" (Raleigh: 1831).   


EM -> { Trump for 2020 }

On the 49th Parallel  

 Thé Mulindwas Communication Group
"With Yoweri Museveni, Ssabassajja and Dr. Kiiza Besigye, Uganda is in anarchy"
Kuungana Mulindwa Mawasiliano Kikundi
"Pamoja na Yoweri Museveni, Ssabassajja na Dk. Kiiza Besigye, Uganda ni katika 

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2020-06-22 Thread Herrn Mulindwa Edward
Peter Simon Okurut


For a very long time, many slaves were killed for they were found trying to 
learn how to read and write. White kids that came from school and found trying 
to educate children of the slaves on how to read were actually punished. 
Failing to learn to read and write was a top agenda of all slave masters, this 
was so bad that many of the slaves children that got killed were children 
whites actually had raped from those slaves. So the Democrats were killing 
their own children out of the slaves for trying to learn how to read and write. 
They wanted those children to remain ignorant even though half of their blood 
were white. That same system is the very same system that is being ingrained in 
America to today under the watch of Governor Cuomo and firkin Barack Obama. 
They build city schools that have absolutely no standards and produce not a 
single successful child,  for they were built to fail black children. 


For the first time United States has a president attacking that very old 
Democrats policy of failing black children by supplying parents a voucher, it 
is called a school of choice. Since all children education is paid by the 
government parents must have a right to send their children to competitive 
schools based on how high is the standard. This president needs the support of 
every black man woman and child, because for the very first time in American 
history,  a black child will have a right to attend a good graded school. When 
you deny a population education as Democrats have done for ion years, you 
create a generation of the George Floyds, a massive list of diseases and a rap 
sheet. EM calls them under achievers, that are forced to vote for Democrats for 
they need the medication to maintain them on earth as much as possible. Petr 
there is a reason why every killed black man has a pile of diseases, and a pile 
of crimes committed, he was programed to be exactly that from firkin birth. We 
have lived with this silliness all our lives and just allowed it to go on 
unchecked until when Donald J trump walked that escalator.


It is time you get up and support the Son of a bitch for he is the only light 
that has ever shined to the black family in United States.


EM -> { Trump for 2020 }

On the 49th Parallel  

 Thé Mulindwas Communication Group
"With Yoweri Museveni, Ssabassajja and Dr. Kiiza Besigye, Uganda is in anarchy"
Kuungana Mulindwa Mawasiliano Kikundi
"Pamoja na Yoweri Museveni, Ssabassajja na Dk. Kiiza Besigye, Uganda ni katika 


From: ugandans-at-he...@googlegroups.com 
> On Behalf Of Simon Okurut
Sent: Monday, June 22, 2020 9:05 PM
To: ugandans-at-he...@googlegroups.com 
Cc: Jonny Rubin mailto:jnnyru...@yahoo.co.uk> >


Mr. Mulindwa,


I forgot to ask you a very small question which needs just a number, you have 
been in Canada for 35 years, how many children have you produced, 150?


Or you are also like the African Americans who have not increased much for the 
last 400 years because of low sperm count?


Peter Simon

On Monday, June 22, 2020, Herrn Mulindwa Edward mailto:mulin...@look.ca> > wrote:

Peter Simon Okurut


The decisions that fail African Americans are never done in the White House, 
they are actually done in the municipal and state offices, and yes many of 
these failing African Americans have lived in urban centers ruled by Democrats 
past 50 straight years. Secondly African Americans do not have a right to 
decide their fate, for may are actually un educated. What Democratic party did 
in these cities is to confiscate the educate system so that black children born 
into the Bronx have to fail. I have a whole pile of problems with Donald, but 
the day he embraced Schools of choice I walked with him to the isle, for many 
of us throughout the Obama administration screamed about African Americans 
getting schools of their choice, Obama rejected that idea for it would make 
African Americans smart. Their children go into city schools, and they have no 
option out. Good education in Democrats controlled city like New York is only 
entitled to rich people. Donald is changing that to allow all black families to 
go to the school of their choice. Peter Even during the slavery days, Democrats 
rejected slaves from schools, which they are doing even today in 2020.


Peter it is very offensive rather repugnant that you define un educated people 
as a people with a right to define their fate. Take a moment and understand why 
African Americans are failing and trust me it is not due to the Monuments but a 
structural established party system to fail them.


EM -> { Trump for 2020 }

On the 49th Parallel  

 Thé Mulindwas Communication Gro


2020-06-22 Thread Herrn Mulindwa Edward

Sarah Huckabee Sanders Shares Anecdote About Bolton in Her New Book. It Ain't 


  Cortney O'Brien


Posted: Jun 22, 2020 11:00 AM


Source: AP Photo/Manuel Balce Ceneta

Two authors can play at that game. On the heels of former national security 
advisor John Bolton's already infamous book, "The Room Where it Happened," 
about his time in the Trump administration, where he accuses the president of 
using Ukraine and China to boost his re-election chances, former White House 
press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders has penned her own book, called 
"Speaking for Myself." Because of the current news cycle, she thought it would 
be a perfect time to share an anecdote from her book about Bolton. And it ain't 

The following story, she says, proves that Bolton is a man "drunk on power."

(Warning: the following excerpt contains graphic language)


  Sarah Huckabee Sanders




Full excerpt from my forthcoming book “Speaking for Myself,” about John Bolton, 
a man drunk on power who ultimately betrayed America when he didn’t get his 
way... “That evening the United States hosted the reciprocal dinner at the 
Winfield House, the US Ambassador’s residence...



  Sarah Huckabee Sanders



 · 8h  


Full excerpt from my forthcoming book “Speaking for Myself,” about John Bolton, 
a man drunk on power who ultimately betrayed America when he didn’t get his 
way... “That evening the United States hosted the reciprocal dinner at the 
Winfield House, the US Ambassador’s residence...


  Sarah Huckabee Sanders



Earlier in the trip, the Winfield House had been the site of a nasty fight 
between senior White House officials. To prepare for every foreign trip we had 
daily operations meetings and briefings leading up to the trip itself...


She continues:

"The UK state visit had lots of moving parts and one area of concern was that 
there would not be a presidential motorcade to and from most events, because 
the president would predominantly be traveling on Marine One. The UK security 
team was allowing one small staff motorcade and based on their protocol they’d 
designated it for National Security Advisor John Bolton. In one of the prep 
briefings Deputy Chief of Staff Dan Walsh asked Bolton’s team to be sure to 
wait on the senior White House staff vehicles traveling to the Winfield 
House...so they could be part of Bolton’s motorcade and not get stuck in 
traffic. Bolton’s team acknowledged the request. As he did on many of our 
foreign trips, Bolton had a separate agenda and often arrived and departed on a 
different plane because he didn’t want to travel on Air Force One with the 
President and his team. Bolton apparently felt too important to travel with the 
rest of us. It was a running joke in the White House. 

"As we were ready to depart for the Winfield House we loaded onto a small black 
bus...On board were Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin, Acting Chief of Staff 
Mick Mulvaney, Senior Advisor Stephen Miller, Senior Advisor Dan Scavino, Walsh 
and me. Based on US protocol, Mnuchin, Mulvaney and Walsh all outranked 
Bolton...Mnuchin, one of the highest ranking officials in government, far 
outranked him. We waited at the hotel but there was no sign of Bolton or his 
motorcade. After a while we gave up and headed to the Winfield House to meet 
the president...

"While en route, UK police directed us to pull to the side of the road because 
someone was coming through...we looked over to see who it was and sure enough 
here came Bolton and his motorcade. We waited and watched as Bolton sped by and 
left us in the dust...The discussion on the bus quickly moved from casual chit 
chat to how arrogant and selfish Bolton could be, not just in this moment but 
on a regular basis. If anyone on the team should have merited a motorcade it 
was Mnuchin, but he was a team player...

"Bolton was a classic case of a senior White House official drunk on power, who 
had forgotten that nobody elected him to anything. Often Bolton acted like he 
was the president, pushing an agenda contrary to President Trump’s...When we 
finally arrived at the Winfield House, Mick Mulvaney, typically laid-back and 
not one to get caught up in titles or seniority, confronted Bolton and 
unleashed a full Irish explosion on him. He lit into him in a way I hadn’t seen 
him do to anyone before...

"Mick made clear he was the chief of staff and Bolton’s total disregard for his 
colleagues an