how to print auc & prc for GBTClassifier, which is okay for RandomForestClassifier

2016-11-27 Thread Zhiliang Zhu

Hi All,
I need to print auc and prc for GBTClassifier model, it seems okay for 
RandomForestClassifier but not GBTClassifier, though rawPrediction column is 
neither in original data.
the codes are :
..    // Set up Pipeline    val stages 
= new mutable.ArrayBuffer[PipelineStage]()
    val labelColName = if (algo == "GBTClassification") "indexedLabel" else 
"label"    if (algo == "GBTClassification") {      val labelIndexer = new 
StringIndexer()        .setInputCol("label")        .setOutputCol(labelColName) 
     stages += labelIndexer    }
    val rawFeatureSize ="rawFeatures").first().toString().split(",").length;    var indices 
: Array[Int] = new Array[Int](rawFeatureSize);    for (i <- 0 until 
rawFeatureSize) {        indices(i) = i;    }    val featuresSlicer = new 
VectorSlicer()      .setInputCol("rawFeatures")      .setOutputCol("features")  
    .setIndices(indices)    stages += featuresSlicer
    val dt = algo match {
//GBTClassifier will not work, error is that field rawPrediction is not there, 
which appeared in the last line of code as //however, the 
similar codes are okay for RandomForestClassifier//in fact, rawPrediction 
column seems not in original data, but generated in 
BinaryClassificationEvaluator pipelineModel by auto 
      case "GBTClassification" =>        new GBTClassifier()           
.setFeaturesCol("features")          .setLabelCol(labelColName)          
.setLabelCol(labelColName)      case _ => throw new 
IllegalArgumentException("Algo ${params.algo} not supported.")    }
    val grid = new ParamGridBuilder()      .addGrid(dt.maxDepth, Array(1))      
.addGrid(dt.subsamplingRate, Array(0.5))      .build()    val cv = new 
CrossValidator()      .setEstimator(dt)      .setEstimatorParamMaps(grid)      
.setEvaluator((new BinaryClassificationEvaluator))      .setNumFolds(6)    
stages += cv
    val pipeline = new Pipeline().setStages(stages.toArray)
    // Fit the Pipeline    val pipelineModel =
Thanks in advance ~~

Re: how to see Pipeline model information

2016-11-27 Thread Zhiliang Zhu
I have worked it out, just let java call scala class function .Thank Xiaomeng a 

On Friday, November 25, 2016 1:50 AM, Xiaomeng Wan  

 here is the scala code I use to get the best model, I never used java
    val cv = new CrossValidator().setEstimator(pipeline).setEvaluator(new 
RegressionEvaluator).setEstimatorParamMaps(paramGrid)    val cvModel =    val plmodel = cvModel.bestModel.asInstanceOf[PipelineModel]    
val lrModel = plmodel.stages(0).asInstanceOf[LinearRegressionModel]
On 24 November 2016 at 10:23, Zhiliang Zhu  wrote:

Hi Xiaomeng,
Thanks very much for your comment, which is helpful for me.
However, it seems that here met more issue about XXXClassifier and 
XXXClassificationModel,as the codes below:
...        GBTClassifier gbtModel = new GBTClassifier();        ParamMap[] 
grid = new ParamGridBuilder()            .addGrid(gbtModel.maxIter(), new int[] 
{5})            .addGrid(gbtModel.maxDepth(), new int[] {5})            
        CrossValidator crossValidator = new CrossValidator()            
.setEstimator(gbtModel) //rfModel            .setEstimatorParamMaps(grid)       
     .setEvaluator(new BinaryClassificationEvaluator( ))            
        Pipeline pipeline = new Pipeline()            .setStages(new 
PipelineStage[] {labelIndexer, vectorSlicer, crossValidator});
        PipelineModel plModel =;        
ArrayList m = new ArrayList ();        
m.add(plModel);        JAVA_SPARK_CONTEXT. parallelize(m, 
1).saveAsObjectFile(this. outputPath + POST_MODEL_PATH);
        Transformer[] stages = plModel.stages();        Transformer cvStage = 
stages[2];        CrossValidator crossV = new TR2CVConversion(cvStage). 
getInstanceOfCrossValidator(); //call self defined scala class        
Estimator estimator = crossV.getEstimator();
        GBTClassifier gbt = (GBTClassifier)estimator;
//all the above is okay to compile, but it is wrong to compile for next 
line//however, in GBTClassifier seems not much detailed model description to 
get//but by GBTClassificationModel. toString(), we may get the specific trees 
which are just I want
        GBTClassificationModel model = (GBTClassificationModel)get;  //wrong to 

Then how to get the specific trees or forest from the model?Thanks in advance~


On Thursday, November 24, 2016 2:15 AM, Xiaomeng Wan  

 You can use pipelinemodel.stages(0). asInstanceOf[ RandomForestModel]. The 
number (0 in example) for stages depends on the order you call setStages.
On 23 November 2016 at 10:21, Zhiliang Zhu  wrote:

Dear All,

I am building model by spark pipeline, and in the pipeline I used Random Forest 
Alg as its stage.
If I just use Random Forest but not make it by way of pipeline, I could see the 
information about the forest by API as
rfModel.toDebugString() and rfModel.toString() .

However, while it comes to pipeline, how to check the alg information, such as 
the tree, or the threshold selected by lr etc ...

Thanks in advance~~


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Re: get specific tree or forest structure from pipeline model

2016-11-24 Thread Zhiliang Zhu
scala codes are also for me, if there is some solution .


On Friday, November 25, 2016 1:27 AM, Zhiliang Zhu 

 Hi All,
Here want to print the specific tree or forest structure from pipeline model. 
However, it seems that here met more issue about XXXClassifier and 
as the codes below:
...        GBTClassifier gbtModel = new GBTClassifier();        ParamMap[] 
grid = new ParamGridBuilder()            .addGrid(gbtModel.maxIter(), new int[] 
{5})            .addGrid(gbtModel.maxDepth(), new int[] {5})            
        CrossValidator crossValidator = new CrossValidator()            
.setEstimator(gbtModel) //rfModel            .setEstimatorParamMaps(grid)       
     .setEvaluator(new BinaryClassificationEvaluator())            
        Pipeline pipeline = new Pipeline()            .setStages(new 
PipelineStage[] {labelIndexer, vectorSlicer, crossValidator});
        PipelineModel plModel =;        
ArrayList m = new ArrayList ();        
m.add(plModel);        JAVA_SPARK_CONTEXT.parallelize(m, 
1).saveAsObjectFile(this.outputPath + POST_MODEL_PATH);
        Transformer[] stages = plModel.stages();        Transformer cvStage = 
stages[2];        CrossValidator crossV = new 
TR2CVConversion(cvStage).getInstanceOfCrossValidator(); //call self defined 
scala class        Estimator estimator = crossV.getEstimator();
        GBTClassifier gbt = (GBTClassifier)estimator;
//all the above is okay to compile, but it is wrong to compile for next 
line//however, in GBTClassifier seems not much detailed model description to 
get//but by GBTClassificationModel.toString(), we may get the specific trees 
which are just I want
        GBTClassificationModel model = (GBTClassificationModel)get;  //wrong to 

Then how to get the specific trees or forest from the model?Thanks in advance~


get specific tree or forest structure from pipeline model

2016-11-24 Thread Zhiliang Zhu
Hi All,
Here want to print the specific tree or forest structure from pipeline model. 
However, it seems that here met more issue about XXXClassifier and 
as the codes below:
...        GBTClassifier gbtModel = new GBTClassifier();        ParamMap[] 
grid = new ParamGridBuilder()            .addGrid(gbtModel.maxIter(), new int[] 
{5})            .addGrid(gbtModel.maxDepth(), new int[] {5})            
        CrossValidator crossValidator = new CrossValidator()            
.setEstimator(gbtModel) //rfModel            .setEstimatorParamMaps(grid)       
     .setEvaluator(new BinaryClassificationEvaluator())            
        Pipeline pipeline = new Pipeline()            .setStages(new 
PipelineStage[] {labelIndexer, vectorSlicer, crossValidator});
        PipelineModel plModel =;        
ArrayList m = new ArrayList ();        
m.add(plModel);        JAVA_SPARK_CONTEXT.parallelize(m, 
1).saveAsObjectFile(this.outputPath + POST_MODEL_PATH);
        Transformer[] stages = plModel.stages();        Transformer cvStage = 
stages[2];        CrossValidator crossV = new 
TR2CVConversion(cvStage).getInstanceOfCrossValidator(); //call self defined 
scala class        Estimator estimator = crossV.getEstimator();
        GBTClassifier gbt = (GBTClassifier)estimator;
//all the above is okay to compile, but it is wrong to compile for next 
line//however, in GBTClassifier seems not much detailed model description to 
get//but by GBTClassificationModel.toString(), we may get the specific trees 
which are just I want
        GBTClassificationModel model = (GBTClassificationModel)get;  //wrong to 

Then how to get the specific trees or forest from the model?Thanks in advance~

Re: how to see Pipeline model information

2016-11-24 Thread Zhiliang Zhu
Hi Xiaomeng,
Thanks very much for your comment, which is helpful for me.
However, it seems that here met more issue about XXXClassifier and 
XXXClassificationModel,as the codes below:
...        GBTClassifier gbtModel = new GBTClassifier();        ParamMap[] 
grid = new ParamGridBuilder()            .addGrid(gbtModel.maxIter(), new int[] 
{5})            .addGrid(gbtModel.maxDepth(), new int[] {5})            
        CrossValidator crossValidator = new CrossValidator()            
.setEstimator(gbtModel) //rfModel            .setEstimatorParamMaps(grid)       
     .setEvaluator(new BinaryClassificationEvaluator())            
        Pipeline pipeline = new Pipeline()            .setStages(new 
PipelineStage[] {labelIndexer, vectorSlicer, crossValidator});
        PipelineModel plModel =;        
ArrayList m = new ArrayList ();        
m.add(plModel);        JAVA_SPARK_CONTEXT.parallelize(m, 
1).saveAsObjectFile(this.outputPath + POST_MODEL_PATH);
        Transformer[] stages = plModel.stages();        Transformer cvStage = 
stages[2];        CrossValidator crossV = new 
TR2CVConversion(cvStage).getInstanceOfCrossValidator(); //call self defined 
scala class        Estimator estimator = crossV.getEstimator();
        GBTClassifier gbt = (GBTClassifier)estimator;
//all the above is okay to compile, but it is wrong to compile for next 
line//however, in GBTClassifier seems not much detailed model description to 
get//but by GBTClassificationModel.toString(), we may get the specific trees 
which are just I want
        GBTClassificationModel model = (GBTClassificationModel)get;  //wrong to 

Then how to get the specific trees or forest from the model?Thanks in advance~


On Thursday, November 24, 2016 2:15 AM, Xiaomeng Wan  

 You can use pipelinemodel.stages(0).asInstanceOf[RandomForestModel]. The 
number (0 in example) for stages depends on the order you call setStages.
On 23 November 2016 at 10:21, Zhiliang Zhu  wrote:

Dear All,

I am building model by spark pipeline, and in the pipeline I used Random Forest 
Alg as its stage.
If I just use Random Forest but not make it by way of pipeline, I could see the 
information about the forest by API as
rfModel.toDebugString() and rfModel.toString() .

However, while it comes to pipeline, how to check the alg information, such as 
the tree, or the threshold selected by lr etc ...

Thanks in advance~~


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how to see Pipeline model information

2016-11-23 Thread Zhiliang Zhu

Dear All,

I am building model by spark pipeline, and in the pipeline I used Random Forest 
Alg as its stage.
If I just use Random Forest but not make it by way of pipeline, I could see the 
information about the forest by API as
rfModel.toDebugString() and rfModel.toString() .

However, while it comes to pipeline, how to check the alg information, such as 
the tree, or the threshold selected by lr etc ...

Thanks in advance~~


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spark ml : auc on extreme distributed data

2016-08-14 Thread Zhiliang Zhu
Hi All, 
Here I have lot of data with around 1,000,000 rows, 97% of them are negative 
class and 3% of them are positive class .  I applied Random Forest algorithm to 
build the model and predict the testing data.
For the data preparation,i. firstly randomly split all the data as training 
data and testing data by 0.7 : 0.3ii. let the testing data unchanged, its 
negative and positive class ratio would still be 97:3iii. try to make the 
training data negative and positive class ratio as 50:50, by way of sample 
algorithm in the different classesiv. get RF model by training data and predict 
testing data
by modifying algorithm parameters and feature work (PCA etc ), it seems that 
the auc on the testing data is always above 0.8, or much more higher ...
Then I lose into some confusion... It seems that the model or auc depends a lot 
on the original data distribution...In effect, I would like to know, for this 
data distribution, how its auc would be for random guess?What the auc would be 
for any kind of data distribution?
Thanks in advance~~

Re: the spark job is so slow - almost frozen

2016-07-20 Thread Zhiliang Zhu
Thanks a lot for your kind help.  

On Wednesday, July 20, 2016 11:35 AM, Andrew Ehrlich  

- filtering down the data as soon as possible in the job, dropping columns you 
don’t need.- processing fewer partitions of the hive tables at a time- caching 
frequently accessed data, for example dimension tables, lookup tables, or other 
datasets that are repeatedly accessed- using the Spark UI to identify the 
bottlenecked resource- remove features or columns from the output data, until 
it runs, then add them back in one at a time.- creating a static dataset small 
enough to work, and editing the query, then retesting, repeatedly until you cut 
the execution time by a significant fraction- Using the Spark UI or spark shell 
to check the skew and make sure partitions are evenly distributed

On Jul 18, 2016, at 3:33 AM, Zhiliang Zhu  wrote:
Thanks a lot for your reply .
In effect , here we tried to run the sql on kettle, hive and spark hive (by 
HiveContext) respectively, the job seems frozen  to finish to run .
In the 6 tables , need to respectively read the different columns in different 
tables for specific information , then do some simple calculation before output 
. join operation is used most in the sql . 
Best wishes! 


On Monday, July 18, 2016 6:24 PM, Chanh Le  wrote:

 Hi,What about the network (bandwidth) between hive and spark? Does it run in 
Hive before then you move to Spark?Because It's complex you can use something 
like EXPLAIN command to show what going on.

On Jul 18, 2016, at 5:20 PM, Zhiliang Zhu  wrote:
the sql logic in the program is very much complex , so do not describe the 
detailed codes   here .  

On Monday, July 18, 2016 6:04 PM, Zhiliang Zhu 

 Hi All,  
Here we have one application, it needs to extract different columns from 6 hive 
tables, and then does some easy calculation, there is around 100,000 number of 
rows in each table,finally need to output another table or file (with format of 
consistent columns) .
 However, after lots of days trying, the spark hive job is unthinkably slow - 
sometimes almost frozen. There is 5 nodes for spark cluster.  Could anyone 
offer some help, some idea or clue is also good. 
Thanks in advance~




the spark job is so slow during shuffle - almost frozen

2016-07-18 Thread Zhiliang Zhu

  Show original message 

Hi  All , 
While referring to spark UI , displayed as  198/200 - almost frozen...during 
shuffle stage of one task, most of the executor is with 0 byte, but just  one 
executor is with 1 G .
moreover, in the several join operation , some case is like this, one table or 
pairrdd is only with 40 keys, but the other table is with 10, 000 number 
Then, could it be decided some issue as data skew ...
Any help or comment will be deep appreciated .
Thanks in advance ~ 

 Here we have one application, it needs to extract different columns from 6 
hive tables, and then does some easy calculation, there is around 100,000
 number of rows in each table, finally need to output another table or file 
(with format of consistent  columns) .

 However, after lots of days trying, the spark hive job is unthinkably slow - 
sometimes almost frozen. There is 5 nodes for spark cluster.

 Could anyone offer some help, some idea or clue is also good.

 Thanks in advance~

On Tuesday, July 19, 2016 11:05 AM, Zhiliang Zhu  wrote:
  Show original message 


 Hi Mungeol,
Thanks a lot for your help. I will try that. 

On Tuesday, July 19, 2016 9:21 AM, Mungeol Heo  

 Try to run a action at a Intermediate stage of your job process. Like
save, insertInto, etc.
Wish it can help you out.

On Mon, Jul 18, 2016 at 7:33 PM, Zhiliang Zhu
> Thanks a lot for your reply .
> In effect , here we tried to run the sql on kettle, hive and spark hive (by
> HiveContext) respectively, the job seems frozen  to finish to run .
> In the 6 tables , need to respectively read the different columns in
> different tables for specific information , then do some simple calculation
> before output .
> join operation is used most in the sql .
> Best wishes!
> On Monday, July 18, 2016 6:24 PM, Chanh Le  wrote:
> Hi,
> What about the network (bandwidth) between hive and spark?
> Does it run in Hive before then you move to Spark?
> Because It's complex you can use something like EXPLAIN command to show what
> going on.
> On Jul 18, 2016, at 5:20 PM, Zhiliang Zhu 
> wrote:
> the sql logic in the program is very much complex , so do not describe the
> detailed codes  here .
> On Monday, July 18, 2016 6:04 PM, Zhiliang Zhu 
> wrote:
> Hi All,
> Here we have one application, it needs to extract different columns from 6
> hive tables, and then does some easy calculation, there is around 100,000
> number of rows in each table,
> finally need to output another table or file (with format of consistent
> columns) .
>  However, after lots of days trying, the spark hive job is unthinkably slow
> - sometimes almost frozen. There is 5 nodes for spark cluster.
> Could anyone offer some help, some idea or clue is also good.
> Thanks in advance~
> Zhiliang



Re: Spark driver getting out of memory

2016-07-18 Thread Zhiliang Zhu
try to set --drive-memory xg , x would be as large as can be set .  

On Monday, July 18, 2016 6:31 PM, Saurav Sinha  

I am running spark job.
Master memory - 5Gexecutor memort 10G(running on 4 node)
My job is getting killed as no of partition increase to 20K.
16/07/18 14:53:13 INFO DAGScheduler: Got job 17 (foreachPartition at with 13524 output partitions (allowLocal=false)16/07/18 
14:53:13 INFO DAGScheduler: Final stage: ResultStage 640(foreachPartition at 14:53:13 INFO DAGScheduler: Parents of final 
stage: List(ShuffleMapStage 518, ShuffleMapStage 639)16/07/18 14:53:23 INFO 
DAGScheduler: Missing parents: List()16/07/18 14:53:23 INFO DAGScheduler: 
Submitting ResultStage 640 (MapPartitionsRDD[271] at map at, which has no missing parents16/07/18 14:53:23 INFO 
MemoryStore: ensureFreeSpace(8248) called with curMem=41923262, 
maxMem=277877882816/07/18 14:53:23 INFO MemoryStore: Block broadcast_90 stored 
as values in memory (estimated size 8.1 KB, free 2.5 GB)Exception in thread 
"dag-scheduler-event-loop" java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space        
    at org.xerial.snappy.SnappyOutputStream.flush(  

Help needed. 

Thanks and Regards,
Saurav Sinha
Contact: 9742879062


Re: the spark job is so slow - almost frozen

2016-07-18 Thread Zhiliang Zhu
Thanks a lot for your reply .
In effect , here we tried to run the sql on kettle, hive and spark hive (by 
HiveContext) respectively, the job seems frozen  to finish to run .
In the 6 tables , need to respectively read the different columns in different 
tables for specific information , then do some simple calculation before output 
. join operation is used most in the sql . 
Best wishes! 


On Monday, July 18, 2016 6:24 PM, Chanh Le  wrote:

 Hi,What about the network (bandwidth) between hive and spark? Does it run in 
Hive before then you move to Spark?Because It's complex you can use something 
like EXPLAIN command to show what going on.

On Jul 18, 2016, at 5:20 PM, Zhiliang Zhu  wrote:
the sql logic in the program is very much complex , so do not describe the 
detailed codes   here .  

On Monday, July 18, 2016 6:04 PM, Zhiliang Zhu 

 Hi All,  
Here we have one application, it needs to extract different columns from 6 hive 
tables, and then does some easy calculation, there is around 100,000 number of 
rows in each table,finally need to output another table or file (with format of 
consistent columns) .
 However, after lots of days trying, the spark hive job is unthinkably slow - 
sometimes almost frozen. There is 5 nodes for spark cluster.  Could anyone 
offer some help, some idea or clue is also good. 
Thanks in advance~



Re: the spark job is so slow - almost frozen

2016-07-18 Thread Zhiliang Zhu
the sql logic in the program is very much complex , so do not describe the 
detailed codes   here .  

On Monday, July 18, 2016 6:04 PM, Zhiliang Zhu 

 Hi All,  
Here we have one application, it needs to extract different columns from 6 hive 
tables, and then does some easy calculation, there is around 100,000 number of 
rows in each table,finally need to output another table or file (with format of 
consistent columns) .
 However, after lots of days trying, the spark hive job is unthinkably slow - 
sometimes almost frozen. There is 5 nodes for spark cluster.  Could anyone 
offer some help, some idea or clue is also good. 
Thanks in advance~


the spark job is so slow - almost frozen

2016-07-18 Thread Zhiliang Zhu
Hi All,  
Here we have one application, it needs to extract different columns from 6 hive 
tables, and then does some easy calculation, there is around 100,000 number of 
rows in each table,finally need to output another table or file (with format of 
consistent columns) .
 However, after lots of days trying, the spark hive job is unthinkably slow - 
sometimes almost frozen. There is 5 nodes for spark cluster.  Could anyone 
offer some help, some idea or clue is also good. 
Thanks in advance~

Re: spark job automatically killed without rhyme or reason

2016-06-22 Thread Zhiliang Zhu
Thanks a lot for all  the comments, and the useful  information . 
Yes, I have much experience to write and run spark jobs, something unstable 
will be there while it run on more data or more time. Sometimes it would be not 
okay while reset some parameter in command line, but will be okay while 
removing it by using default setting. Sometimes it is opposite, proper 
parameter setting needs to be set.
Here is installing spark 1.5 by other person.


On Wednesday, June 22, 2016 1:59 PM, Nirav Patel  

 spark is memory hogger and suicidal if you have a job processing bigger 
dataset. however databricks claims that  spark > 1.6  have optimization related 
to memory footprint as well as processing. It will only be available if you use 
dataframe or dataset. if you are using rdd you have to do lot of testing and 
On Mon, Jun 20, 2016 at 1:34 AM, Sean Owen  wrote:

I'm not sure that's the conclusion. It's not trivial to tune and
configure YARN and Spark to match your app's memory needs and profile,
but, it's also just a matter of setting them properly. I'm not clear
you've set the executor memory for example, in particular

Everything else you mention is a symptom of YARN shutting down your
jobs because your memory settings don't match what your app does.
They're not problems per se, based on what you have provided.

On Mon, Jun 20, 2016 at 9:17 AM, Zhiliang Zhu
> Hi Alexander ,
> Thanks a lot for your comments.
> Spark seems not that stable when it comes to run big job, too much data or
> too much time, yes, the problem is gone when reducing the scale.
> Sometimes reset some job running parameter (such as --drive-memory may help
> in GC issue) , sometimes may rewrite the codes by applying other algorithm.
> As you commented the shuffle operation, it sounds some as the reason ...
> Best Wishes !
> On Friday, June 17, 2016 8:45 PM, Alexander Kapustin 
> wrote:
> Hi Zhiliang,
> Yes, find the exact reason of failure is very difficult. We have issue with
> similar behavior, due to limited time for investigation, we reduce the
> number of processed data, and problem has gone.
> Some points which may help you in investigations:
> ·         If you start spark-history-server (or monitoring running
> application on 4040 port), look into failed stages (if any). By default
> Spark try to retry stage execution 2 times, after that job fails
> ·         Some useful information may contains in yarn logs on Hadoop nodes
> (yarn--nodemanager-.log), but this is only information about
> killed container, not about the reasons why this stage took so much memory
> As I can see in your logs, failed step relates to shuffle operation, could
> you change your job to avoid massive shuffle operation?
> --
> WBR, Alexander
> From: Zhiliang Zhu
> Sent: 17 июня 2016 г. 14:10
> To: User;
> Subject: Re: spark job automatically killed without rhyme or reason
> Show original message
> Hi Alexander,
> is your yarn userlog   just for the executor log ?
> as for those logs seem a little difficult to exactly decide the wrong point,
> due to sometimes successful job may also have some kinds of the error  ...
> but will repair itself.
> spark seems not that stable currently     ...
> Thank you in advance~
> On Friday, June 17, 2016 6:53 PM, Zhiliang Zhu  wrote:
> Hi Alexander,
> Thanks a lot for your reply.
> Yes, submitted by yarn.
> Do you just mean in the executor log file by way of yarn logs -applicationId
> id,
> in this file, both in some containers' stdout  and stderr :
> 16/06/17 14:05:40 INFO client.TransportClientFactory: Found inactive
> connection to ip-172-31-20-104/, creating a new one.
> 16/06/17 14:05:40 ERROR shuffle.RetryingBlockFetcher: Exception while
> beginning fetch of 1 outstanding blocks
> Failed to connect to
> ip-172-31-20-104/              <-- may it be due to
> that spark is not stable, and spark may repair itself for these kinds of
> error ? (saw some in successful run )
>         at
>         at
> Caused by: Connection refused:
> ip-172-31-20-104/
>         at Method)
>         at

Re: spark job automatically killed without rhyme or reason

2016-06-20 Thread Zhiliang Zhu
Hi Alexander ,
Thanks a lot for your comments.
Spark seems not that stable when it comes to run big job, too much data or too 
much time, yes, the problem is gone when reducing the scale.Sometimes reset 
some job running parameter (such as --drive-memory may help in GC issue) , 
sometimes may rewrite the codes by applying other algorithm.
As you commented the shuffle operation, it sounds some as the reason ...
Best Wishes !  

On Friday, June 17, 2016 8:45 PM, Alexander Kapustin  

 #yiv4291334619 #yiv4291334619 -- _filtered #yiv4291334619 
{font-family:Wingdings;panose-1:5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0;} _filtered #yiv4291334619 
{panose-1:2 4 5 3 5 4 6 3 2 4;} _filtered #yiv4291334619 
{font-family:Calibri;panose-1:2 15 5 2 2 2 4 3 2 4;}#yiv4291334619 
#yiv4291334619 p.yiv4291334619MsoNormal, #yiv4291334619 
li.yiv4291334619MsoNormal, #yiv4291334619 div.yiv4291334619MsoNormal 
{margin:0cm;margin-bottom:.0001pt;font-size:11.0pt;}#yiv4291334619 a:link, 
#yiv4291334619 span.yiv4291334619MsoHyperlink 
{color:blue;text-decoration:underline;}#yiv4291334619 a:visited, #yiv4291334619 
p.yiv4291334619MsoListParagraph, #yiv4291334619 
li.yiv4291334619MsoListParagraph, #yiv4291334619 
 span.yiv4291334619qtd-expansion-text {}#yiv4291334619 
.yiv4291334619MsoChpDefault {} _filtered #yiv4291334619 {margin:2.0cm 42.5pt 
2.0cm 3.0cm;}#yiv4291334619 div.yiv4291334619WordSection1 {}#yiv4291334619 
_filtered #yiv4291334619 {} _filtered #yiv4291334619 {font-family:Symbol;} 
_filtered #yiv4291334619 {} _filtered #yiv4291334619 {font-family:Wingdings;} 
_filtered #yiv4291334619 {font-family:Symbol;} _filtered #yiv4291334619 {} 
_filtered #yiv4291334619 {font-family:Wingdings;} _filtered #yiv4291334619 
{font-family:Symbol;} _filtered #yiv4291334619 {} _filtered #yiv4291334619 
{font-family:Wingdings;}#yiv4291334619 ol {margin-bottom:0cm;}#yiv4291334619 ul 
{margin-bottom:0cm;}#yiv4291334619 Hi Zhiliang,    Yes, find the exact reason 
of failure is very difficult. We have issue with similar behavior, due to 
limited time for investigation, we reduce the number of processed data, and 
problem has gone.    Some points which may help you in investigations: ·
If you start spark-history-server (or monitoring running application on 4040 
port), look into failed stages (if any). By default Spark try to retry stage 
execution 2 times, after that job fails·Some useful information may 
contains in yarn logs on Hadoop nodes (yarn--nodemanager-.log), but 
this is only information about killed container, not about the reasons why this 
stage took so much memory   As I can see in your logs, failed step relates to 
shuffle operation, could you change your job to avoid massive shuffle 
operation?    --WBR, Alexander   From: Zhiliang Zhu
Sent: 17 июня 2016 г. 14:10
To: User;
Subject: Re: spark job automatically killed without rhyme or reason   
Show original message

Hi Alexander,
is your yarn userlog   just for the executor log ?
as for those logs seem a little difficult to exactly decide the wrong point, 
due to sometimes successful job may also have some kinds of the error  ... but 
will repair itself.spark seems not that stable currently     ...
Thank you in advance~  

On Friday, June 17, 2016 6:53 PM, Zhiliang Zhu  wrote:

Hi Alexander,
Thanks a lot for your reply.
Yes, submitted by yarn.Do you just mean in the executor log file by way of yarn 
logs -applicationId id, 
in this file, both in some containers' stdout  and stderr :
16/06/17 14:05:40 INFO client.TransportClientFactory: Found inactive connection 
to ip-172-31-20-104/, creating a new one.
16/06/17 14:05:40 ERROR shuffle.RetryingBlockFetcher: Exception while beginning 
fetch of 1 outstanding to connect to 
ip-172-31-20-104/              <--may it be due to that 
spark is not stable, and spark may repair itself for these kinds of error ? 
(saw some in successful run )
 by: Connection refused: 
ip-172-31-20-104/        at Method)        at        

Re: spark job automatically killed without rhyme or reason

2016-06-17 Thread Zhiliang Zhu

  Show original message 

 Hi Alexander,
is your yarn userlog   just for the executor log ?
as for those logs seem a little difficult to exactly decide the wrong point, 
due to sometimes successful job may also have some kinds of the error  ... but 
will repair itself.spark seems not that stable currently     ...
Thank you in advance~   

On Friday, June 17, 2016 6:53 PM, Zhiliang Zhu  wrote:

 Hi Alexander,
Thanks a lot for your reply.
Yes, submitted by yarn.Do you just mean in the executor log file by way of yarn 
logs -applicationId id, 
in this file, both in some containers' stdout  and stderr :
16/06/17 14:05:40 INFO client.TransportClientFactory: Found inactive connection 
to ip-172-31-20-104/, creating a new one.
16/06/17 14:05:40 ERROR shuffle.RetryingBlockFetcher: Exception while beginning 
fetch of 1 outstanding Failed to connect to 
ip-172-31-20-104/              <-- may it be due to that 
spark is not stable, and spark may repair itself for these kinds of error ? 
(saw some in successful run )
 by: Connection refused: 
ip-172-31-20-104/        at Method)        at        
    at        at 

16/06/17 11:54:38 ERROR executor.Executor: Managed memory leak detected; size = 
16777216 bytes, TID = 100323           <-       would it be memory leak 
issue? though no GC exception threw for other normal kinds of out of memory 
16/06/17 11:54:38 ERROR executor.Executor: Exception in task 145.0 in stage 
112.0 (TID 100323) Filesystem closed        at 
org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.DFSClient.checkOpen(        at 
org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.DFSInputStream.close(        at        at        at
sorry, there is some information in the middle of the log file, but all is okay 
at the end  part of the log .in the run log file as log_file generated by 
command:nohup spark-submit --driver-memory 20g  --num-executors 20 --class 
com.dianrong.Main  --master yarn-client  dianrong-retention_2.10-1.0.jar  
doAnalysisExtremeLender  /tmp/drretention/test/output  0.96  
 50 > log_file

executor 40 lost                        <--    would it be due to this, 
sometimes job may fail for the reason
      at        at

Thanks in advance!


On Friday, June 17, 2016 3:52 PM, Alexander Kapustin  

 #yiv7679307012 -- filtered {panose-1:2 4 5 3 5 4 6 3 2 4;}#yiv7679307012 
filtered {font-family:Calibri;panose-1:2 15 5 2 2 2 4 3 2 4;}#yiv7679307012 
p.yiv7679307012MsoNormal, #yiv7679307012 li.yiv7679307012MsoNormal, 
#yiv7679307012 div.yiv7679307012MsoNormal 
{margin:0cm;margin-bottom:.0001pt;font-size:11.0pt;}#yiv7679307012 a:link, 
#yiv7679307012 span.yiv7679307012MsoHyperlink 
{color:blue;text-decoration:underline;}#yiv7679307012 a:visited, #yiv7679307012 
.yiv7679307012MsoChpDefault {}#yiv7679307012 filtered {margin:2.0cm 42.5pt 
2.0cm 3.0cm;}#yiv7679307012 div.yiv7679307012WordSection1 {}#yiv76793070

Re: spark job automatically killed without rhyme or reason

2016-06-17 Thread Zhiliang Zhu

 Hi Alexander,
Thanks a lot for your reply.
Yes, submitted by yarn.Do you just mean in the executor log file by way of yarn 
logs -applicationId id, 
in this file, both in some containers' stdout  and stderr :
16/06/17 14:05:40 INFO client.TransportClientFactory: Found inactive connection 
to ip-172-31-20-104/, creating a new one.
16/06/17 14:05:40 ERROR shuffle.RetryingBlockFetcher: Exception while beginning 
fetch of 1 outstanding Failed to connect to 
ip-172-31-20-104/              <-- may it be due to that 
spark is not stable, and spark may repair itself for these kinds of error ? 
(saw some in successful run )
 by: Connection refused: 
ip-172-31-20-104/        at Method)        at        
    at        at 

16/06/17 11:54:38 ERROR executor.Executor: Managed memory leak detected; size = 
16777216 bytes, TID = 100323           <-       would it be memory leak 
issue? though no GC exception threw for other normal kinds of out of memory 
16/06/17 11:54:38 ERROR executor.Executor: Exception in task 145.0 in stage 
112.0 (TID 100323) Filesystem closed        at 
org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.DFSClient.checkOpen(        at 
org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.DFSInputStream.close(        at        at        at
sorry, there is some information in the middle of the log file, but all is okay 
at the end  part of the log .in the run log file as log_file generated by 
command:nohup spark-submit --driver-memory 20g  --num-executors 20 --class 
com.dianrong.Main  --master yarn-client  dianrong-retention_2.10-1.0.jar  
doAnalysisExtremeLender  /tmp/drretention/test/output  0.96  
 50 > log_file

executor 40 lost                        <--    would it be due to this, 
sometimes job may fail for the reason
      at        at

Thanks in advance!


On Friday, June 17, 2016 3:52 PM, Alexander Kapustin  

 #yiv1365829940 -- filtered {panose-1:2 4 5 3 5 4 6 3 2 4;}#yiv1365829940 
filtered {font-family:Calibri;panose-1:2 15 5 2 2 2 4 3 2 4;}#yiv1365829940 
p.yiv1365829940MsoNormal, #yiv1365829940 li.yiv1365829940MsoNormal, 
#yiv1365829940 div.yiv1365829940MsoNormal 
{margin:0cm;margin-bottom:.0001pt;font-size:11.0pt;}#yiv1365829940 a:link, 
#yiv1365829940 span.yiv1365829940MsoHyperlink 
{color:blue;text-decoration:underline;}#yiv1365829940 a:visited, #yiv1365829940 
.yiv1365829940MsoChpDefault {}#yiv1365829940 filtered {margin:2.0cm 42.5pt 
2.0cm 3.0cm;}#yiv1365829940 div.yiv1365829940WordSection1 {}#yiv1365829940 Hi,  
 Did you submit spark job via YARN? In some cases (memory configuration 
probably), yarn can kill containers where spark tasks are executed. In this 
situation, please check yarn userlogs for more information…    --WBR, Alexander 
  From: Zhiliang Zhu
Sent: 17 июня 2016 г. 9:36
To: Zhiliang Zhu; User
Subject: Re: spark job automatically killed without rhyme or reason   anyone 
ever met th

Re: spark job automatically killed without rhyme or reason

2016-06-17 Thread Zhiliang Zhu
Hi Alexander,
is your yarn userlog   just for the executor log ?
as for those logs seem a little difficult to exactly decide the wrong point, 
due to sometimes successful job may also have some kinds of the error  ... but 
will repair itself.spark seems not that stable currently     ...
Thank you in advance~   

On Friday, June 17, 2016 6:53 PM, Zhiliang Zhu  wrote:

 Hi Alexander,
Thanks a lot for your reply.
Yes, submitted by yarn.Do you just mean in the executor log file by way of yarn 
logs -applicationId id, 
in this file, both in some containers' stdout  and stderr :
16/06/17 14:05:40 INFO client.TransportClientFactory: Found inactive connection 
to ip-172-31-20-104/, creating a new one.
16/06/17 14:05:40 ERROR shuffle.RetryingBlockFetcher: Exception while beginning 
fetch of 1 outstanding Failed to connect to 
ip-172-31-20-104/              <-- may it be due to that 
spark is not stable, and spark may repair itself for these kinds of error ? 
(saw some in successful run )
 by: Connection refused: 
ip-172-31-20-104/        at Method)        at        
    at        at 

16/06/17 11:54:38 ERROR executor.Executor: Managed memory leak detected; size = 
16777216 bytes, TID = 100323           <-       would it be memory leak 
issue? though no GC exception threw for other normal kinds of out of memory 
16/06/17 11:54:38 ERROR executor.Executor: Exception in task 145.0 in stage 
112.0 (TID 100323) Filesystem closed        at 
org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.DFSClient.checkOpen(        at 
org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.DFSInputStream.close(        at        at        at
sorry, there is some information in the middle of the log file, but all is okay 
at the end  part of the log .in the run log file as log_file generated by 
command:nohup spark-submit --driver-memory 20g  --num-executors 20 --class 
com.dianrong.Main  --master yarn-client  dianrong-retention_2.10-1.0.jar  
doAnalysisExtremeLender  /tmp/drretention/test/output  0.96  
 50 > log_file

executor 40 lost                        <--    would it be due to this, 
sometimes job may fail for the reason
      at        at

Thanks in advance!


On Friday, June 17, 2016 3:52 PM, Alexander Kapustin  

 #yiv1365829940 -- filtered {panose-1:2 4 5 3 5 4 6 3 2 4;}#yiv1365829940 
filtered {font-family:Calibri;panose-1:2 15 5 2 2 2 4 3 2 4;}#yiv1365829940 
p.yiv1365829940MsoNormal, #yiv1365829940 li.yiv1365829940MsoNormal, 
#yiv1365829940 div.yiv1365829940MsoNormal 
{margin:0cm;margin-bottom:.0001pt;font-size:11.0pt;}#yiv1365829940 a:link, 
#yiv1365829940 span.yiv1365829940MsoHyperlink 
{color:blue;text-decoration:underline;}#yiv1365829940 a:visited, #yiv1365829940 
.yiv1365829940MsoChpDefault {}#yiv1365829940 filtered {margin:2.0cm 42.5pt 
2.0cm 3.0cm;}#yiv1365829940 div.yiv1365829940WordSection1 {}#yiv1365829940 Hi,  
 Did you submit s

Re: spark job automatically killed without rhyme or reason

2016-06-17 Thread Zhiliang Zhu
Hi Alexander,
Thanks a lot for your reply.
Yes, submitted by yarn.Do you just mean in the executor log file by way of yarn 
logs -applicationId id, 
in this file, both in some containers' stdout  and stderr :
16/06/17 14:05:40 INFO client.TransportClientFactory: Found inactive connection 
to ip-172-31-20-104/, creating a new one.
16/06/17 14:05:40 ERROR shuffle.RetryingBlockFetcher: Exception while beginning 
fetch of 1 outstanding Failed to connect to 
ip-172-31-20-104/              <-- may it be due to that 
spark is not stable, and spark may repair itself for these kinds of error ? 
(saw some in successful run )
 by: Connection refused: 
ip-172-31-20-104/        at Method)        at        
    at        at 

16/06/17 11:54:38 ERROR executor.Executor: Managed memory leak detected; size = 
16777216 bytes, TID = 100323           <-       would it be memory leak 
issue? though no GC exception threw for other normal kinds of out of memory 
16/06/17 11:54:38 ERROR executor.Executor: Exception in task 145.0 in stage 
112.0 (TID 100323) Filesystem closed        at 
org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.DFSClient.checkOpen(        at 
org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.DFSInputStream.close(        at        at        at
sorry, there is some information in the middle of the log file, but all is okay 
at the end  part of the log .in the run log file as log_file generated by 
command:nohup spark-submit --driver-memory 20g  --num-executors 20 --class 
com.dianrong.Main  --master yarn-client  dianrong-retention_2.10-1.0.jar  
doAnalysisExtremeLender  /tmp/drretention/test/output  0.96  
 50 > log_file

executor 40 lost                        <--    would it be due to this, 
sometimes job may fail for the reason
      at        at

Thanks in advance!


On Friday, June 17, 2016 3:52 PM, Alexander Kapustin  

 #yiv8423914567 #yiv8423914567 -- _filtered #yiv8423914567 {panose-1:2 4 5 3 5 
4 6 3 2 4;} _filtered #yiv8423914567 {font-family:Calibri;panose-1:2 15 5 2 2 2 
4 3 2 4;}#yiv8423914567 #yiv8423914567 p.yiv8423914567MsoNormal, #yiv8423914567 
li.yiv8423914567MsoNormal, #yiv8423914567 div.yiv8423914567MsoNormal 
{margin:0cm;margin-bottom:.0001pt;font-size:11.0pt;}#yiv8423914567 a:link, 
#yiv8423914567 span.yiv8423914567MsoHyperlink 
{color:blue;text-decoration:underline;}#yiv8423914567 a:visited, #yiv8423914567 
.yiv8423914567MsoChpDefault {} _filtered #yiv8423914567 {margin:2.0cm 42.5pt 
2.0cm 3.0cm;}#yiv8423914567 div.yiv8423914567WordSection1 {}#yiv8423914567 Hi,  
 Did you submit spark job via YARN? In some cases (memory configuration 
probably), yarn can kill containers where spark tasks are executed. In this 
situation, please check yarn userlogs for more information…    --WBR, Alexander 
  From: Zhiliang Zhu
Sent: 17 июня 2016 г. 9:36
To: Zhiliang Zhu; User
Subject: Re: spark job automatically killed

Re: spark job automatically killed without rhyme or reason

2016-06-16 Thread Zhiliang Zhu
anyone ever met the similar problem, which is quite strange ...  

On Friday, June 17, 2016 2:13 PM, Zhiliang Zhu 

 Hi All,
I have a big job which mainly takes more than one hour to run the whole, 
however, it is very much unreasonable to exit & finish to run midway (almost 
80% of the job finished actually, but not all), without any apparent error or 
exception log.
I submitted the same job for many times, it is same as that.In the last line of 
the run log, just one word "killed" to end, or sometimes not any  other wrong 
log, all seems okay but should not finish.
What is the way for the problem? Is there any other friends that ever met the 
similar issue ...
Thanks in advance!  


spark job killed without rhyme or reason

2016-06-16 Thread Zhiliang Zhu
Hi All,
I have a big job which mainly takes more than one hour to run the whole, 
however, it is very much unreasonable to exit & finish to run midway (almost 
80% of the job finished actually, but not all), without any apparent error or 
exception log.
I submitted the same job for many times, it is same as that.In the last line of 
the run log, just one word "killed" to end, or sometimes not any  other wrong 
log, all seems okay but should not finish.
What is the way for the problem? Is there any other friends that ever met the 
similar issue ...
Thanks in advance!  

Re: test - what is the wrong while adding one column in the dataframe

2016-06-16 Thread Zhiliang Zhu
just for test, since it seemed that the user email system was something wrong 
ago, is okay now.

On Friday, June 17, 2016 12:18 PM, Zhiliang Zhu 


 On Tuesday, May 17, 2016 10:44 AM, Zhiliang Zhu 

  Hi All,
For the given DataFrame created by hive sql, however, then it is required to 
add one more column based on the existing column, and should also keep the 
previous columns there for the result DataFrame.

final double DAYS_30 = 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24 * 30.0;
//DAYS_30 seems difficult to call in the sql ? 
DataFrame behavior_df = jhql.sql("SELECT cast (user_id as double) as user_id, 
cast (server_timestamp as 
   double) as server_timestamp, url, referer, source, 
app_version, params FROM log.request");
//it is okay to run, but behavior_df.printSchema() not changed any

//it is okay to run, but behavior_df.printSchema() only has one column as 
daysLater30 .//it would be the schema is with the previous all columns and 
added one as daysLater30 
behavior_df = behavior_df.withColumn("daysLater30", 
Then, how would do it?
Thank you, 


the issue was resolved.



test - what is the wrong while adding one column in the dataframe

2016-06-16 Thread Zhiliang Zhu

 On Tuesday, May 17, 2016 10:44 AM, Zhiliang Zhu 

  Hi All,
For the given DataFrame created by hive sql, however, then it is required to 
add one more column based on the existing column, and should also keep the 
previous columns there for the result DataFrame.

final double DAYS_30 = 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24 * 30.0;
//DAYS_30 seems difficult to call in the sql ? 
DataFrame behavior_df = jhql.sql("SELECT cast (user_id as double) as user_id, 
cast (server_timestamp as 
   double) as server_timestamp, url, referer, source, 
app_version, params FROM log.request");
//it is okay to run, but behavior_df.printSchema() not changed any

//it is okay to run, but behavior_df.printSchema() only has one column as 
daysLater30 .//it would be the schema is with the previous all columns and 
added one as daysLater30 
behavior_df = behavior_df.withColumn("daysLater30", 
Then, how would do it?
Thank you, 



what is the wrong while adding one column in the dataframe

2016-05-16 Thread Zhiliang Zhu
 Hi All,
For the given DataFrame created by hive sql, however, then it is required to 
add one more column based on the existing column, and should also keep the 
previous columns there for the result DataFrame.

final double DAYS_30 = 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24 * 30.0;
//DAYS_30 seems difficult to call in the sql ? 
DataFrame behavior_df = jhql.sql("SELECT cast (user_id as double) as user_id, 
cast (server_timestamp as 
   double) as server_timestamp, url, referer, source, 
app_version, params FROM log.request");
//it is okay to run, but behavior_df.printSchema() not changed any

//it is okay to run, but behavior_df.printSchema() only has one column as 
daysLater30 .//it would be the schema is with the previous all columns and 
added one as daysLater30 
behavior_df = behavior_df.withColumn("daysLater30", 
Then, how would do it?
Thank you, 

how to add one more column in DataFrame

2016-05-16 Thread Zhiliang Zhu
Hi All,
For the given DataFrame created by hive sql, however, then it is required to 
add one more column based on the existing column, and should also keep the 
previous columns there for the result DataFrame.

final double DAYS_30 = 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24 * 30.0;
//DAYS_30 seems difficult to call in the sql ? 
DataFrame behavior_df = jhql.sql("SELECT cast (user_id as double) as user_id, 
cast (server_timestamp as 
   double) as server_timestamp, url, referer, source, 
app_version, params FROM log.request");
//it is okay to run, but behavior_df.printSchema() not changed any

//it is okay to run, but behavior_df.printSchema() only has one column as 
daysLater30 .//it would be the schema is with the previous all columns and 
added one as daysLater30 
behavior_df = behavior_df.withColumn("daysLater30", 
Then, how would do it?
Thank you, 

copy/mv hdfs file to another directory by spark program

2016-01-04 Thread Zhiliang Zhu

For some file on hdfs, it is necessary to copy/move it to some another specific 
hdfs  directory, and the directory name would keep unchanged.Just need finish 
it in spark program, but not hdfs commands.Is there any codes, it seems not to 
be done by searching spark doc ...
Thanks in advance! 

what is the proper number set about --num-executors etc

2015-12-31 Thread Zhiliang Zhu
In order to make job run faster, some parameters would be specified in the 
command lines, such as --executor-cores , --executor-memory and --num-executors 
However, as tested, it seemed that those numbers would not be reset randomly, 
or some trouble would be caused for the cluster.What is more, the run speed 
seems not to be faster since those numbers are reset bigger.
Would someone provide help?Thanks in advance! 

Re: [Beg for help] spark job with very low efficiency

2015-12-21 Thread Zhiliang Zhu
Dear Sab ,
I must appreciate your kind reply very much, it would be much helpful.

On Monday, December 21, 2015 8:49 PM, Sabarish Sasidharan 

 collect() will bring everything to driver and is costly. Instead of using 
collect() + parallelize, you could use rdd1.checkpoint() along with a more 
efficient action like rdd1.count(). This you can do within the for loop.
 you want to apply checkpoint to cut out the lineage of DAG , however, as 
tested, it seemed that checkpoint is more costlythan collect ...

Hopefully you are using the Kryo serializer already.

This would be all right.  From your experience , is Kryo improve efficiency 
obviously ... 
On Mon, Dec 21, 2015 at 5:51 PM, Zhiliang Zhu  

Dear All.
I have some kind of  iteration job, that is, the next stag's input would be the 
previous stag's output , and it must do quite lots of times of iteration.
JavaRDD rdd1 =                      //rdd1 may be with one or more 

for (int i=0, JavaRDD rdd2 = rdd1; i < N; ++i) {   JavaRDD rdd3 = MapName1(...));    // 1   rdd4 = MapName2());     
                    //  2
   List list = rdd4.collect();             //however, N is very big, then 
this line will be VERY MUCH COST 

//Would checkpoint be used in the rdd which will be generated after lots of 
steps.//here rdd2 or rdd1  seemed not proper to checkpoint 
   rdd2 = jsc.parallelize(list, M).cache();}

Is there way to properly improve the run speed?
In fact, I would like to apply spark to mathematica optimization by genetic 
algorithm , in the above codes, rdd would be the Vector lines storing  ,1 is to count  fitness number, and 2 is to breed and  variate .To 
get good solution, the iteration number will be big (for example more than 1000 
)  ... 
Thanks in advance!Zhiliang

On Monday, December 21, 2015 7:44 PM, Zhiliang Zhu 

 Dear All,
I need to iterator some job / rdd quite a lot of times, but just lost in the 
problem of spark only accept to call around 350 number of map before it meets 
one action Function , besides, dozens of action will obviously increase the run 
time.Is there any proper way ...
As tested, there is piece of codes as follows:
 83     int count = 0; 84     JavaRDD dataSet = jsc.parallelize(list, 
1).cache(); //with only 1 partition  85     int m = 350; 86     
JavaRDD r = dataSet.cache(); 87     JavaRDD t = null; 88 89   
  for(int j=0; j < m; ++j) { //outer loop to temporarily convert the rdd r to t 
 90       if(null != t) { 91         r = t; 92       }            //inner loop 
to call map 350 times , if m is much more than 350 (for instance, around 400), 
then the job will throw exception message               "15/12/21 19:36:17 
ERROR yarn.ApplicationMaster: User class threw exception: 
java.lang.StackOverflowError java.lang.StackOverflowError") 93       for(int 
i=0; i < m; ++i) {  94         r = Function() { 95  
         @Override 96           public Integer call(Integer integer) { 97       
      double x = Math.random() * 2 - 1; 98             double y = Math.random() 
* 2 - 1; 99             return (x * x + y * y < 1) ? 1 : 0;100           }101   
104       }105106       List lt = r.collect(); //then collect this rdd 
to get another rdd, however, dozens of action Function as collect is VERY MUCH 
COST107       t = jsc.parallelize(lt, 1).cache();108109     }110..
Thanks very much in advance!Zhiliang


Thanks in advance !  


Architect - Big Data
Ph: +91 99805 99458
Manthan Systems | Company of the year - Analytics (2014 Frost and Sullivan 
India ICT)+++


Re: number limit of map for spark

2015-12-21 Thread Zhiliang Zhu
Thanks a lot for Zhan's comment, it really offered much help.


On Tuesday, December 22, 2015 5:11 AM, Zhan Zhang  

 What I mean is to combine multiple map functions into one. Don’t know how 
exactly your algorithms works. Did your one iteration result depend on last 
iteration? If so, how do they depend on?I think either you can optimize your 
implementation, or Spark is not the right one for your specific application.
Zhan Zhang 
On Dec 21, 2015, at 10:43 AM, Zhiliang Zhu  wrote:

What is difference between repartition  / collect and   collapse ...Is collapse 
the same costly as collect or repartition ?
Thanks in advance ~ 

On Tuesday, December 22, 2015 2:24 AM, Zhan Zhang  

In what situation, you have such cases? If there is no shuffle, you can 
collapse all these functions into one, right? In the meantime, it is not 
recommended to collectall data to driver.
Zhan Zhang
On Dec 21, 2015, at 3:44 AM, Zhiliang Zhu  wrote:

Dear All,
I need to iterator some job / rdd quite a lot of times, but just lost in the 
problem of spark only accept to call around 350 number of map before it meets 
one action Function , besides, dozens of action will obviously increase the run 
time.Is there any proper way ...
As tested, there is piece of codes as follows:
 83     int count = 0; 84     JavaRDD dataSet = jsc.parallelize(list, 
1).cache(); //with only 1 partition  85     int m = 350; 86     
JavaRDD r = dataSet.cache(); 87     JavaRDD t = null; 88 89   
  for(int j=0; j < m; ++j) { //outer loop to temporarily convert the rdd r to t 
 90       if(null != t) { 91         r = t; 92       }            //inner loop 
to call map 350 times , if m is much more than 350 (for instance, around 400), 
then the job will throw exception message               "15/12/21 19:36:17 
ERROR yarn.ApplicationMaster: User class threw exception: 
java.lang.StackOverflowError java.lang.StackOverflowError") 93       for(int 
i=0; i < m; ++i) {  94        r = Function() { 95   
        @Override 96           public Integer call(Integer integer) { 97        
     double x = Math.random() * 2 - 1; 98             double y = Math.random() 
* 2 - 1; 99             return (x * x + y * y < 1) ? 1 : 0;100           }101   
104       }105106       List lt = r.collect(); //then collect this rdd 
to get another rdd, however, dozens of action Function as collect is VERY MUCH 
COST107       t = jsc.parallelize(lt, 1).cache();108109     }110..
Thanks very much in advance!Zhiliang


Re: number limit of map for spark

2015-12-21 Thread Zhiliang Zhu
What is difference between repartition  / collect and   collapse ...Is collapse 
the same costly as collect or repartition ?
Thanks in advance ~  

On Tuesday, December 22, 2015 2:24 AM, Zhan Zhang  

 In what situation, you have such cases? If there is no shuffle, you can 
collapse all these functions into one, right? In the meantime, it is not 
recommended to collectall data to driver.
Zhan Zhang
On Dec 21, 2015, at 3:44 AM, Zhiliang Zhu  wrote:

Dear All,
I need to iterator some job / rdd quite a lot of times, but just lost in the 
problem of spark only accept to call around 350 number of map before it meets 
one action Function , besides, dozens of action will obviously increase the run 
time.Is there any proper way ...
As tested, there is piece of codes as follows:
 83     int count = 0; 84     JavaRDD dataSet = jsc.parallelize(list, 
1).cache(); //with only 1 partition  85     int m = 350; 86     
JavaRDD r = dataSet.cache(); 87     JavaRDD t = null; 88 89   
  for(int j=0; j < m; ++j) { //outer loop to temporarily convert the rdd r to t 
 90       if(null != t) { 91         r = t; 92       }            //inner loop 
to call map 350 times , if m is much more than 350 (for instance, around 400), 
then the job will throw exception message               "15/12/21 19:36:17 
ERROR yarn.ApplicationMaster: User class threw exception: 
java.lang.StackOverflowError java.lang.StackOverflowError") 93       for(int 
i=0; i < m; ++i) {  94       r = Function() { 95    
       @Override 96           public Integer call(Integer integer) { 97         
    double x = Math.random() * 2 - 1; 98             double y = Math.random() * 
2 - 1; 99             return (x * x + y * y < 1) ? 1 : 0;100           }101     
104       }105106       List lt = r.collect(); //then collect this rdd 
to get another rdd, however, dozens of action Function as collect is VERY MUCH 
COST107       t = jsc.parallelize(lt, 1).cache();108109     }110..
Thanks very much in advance!Zhiliang


Re: rdd only with one partition

2015-12-21 Thread Zhiliang Zhu
You may just refer to my another letter with title :
[Beg for help] spark job with very low efficiency


On Tuesday, December 22, 2015 1:49 AM, Ted Yu  wrote:

 I am not familiar with your use case, is it possible to perform the randomized 
combination operation based on subset of the rows in rdd0 ?That way you can 
increase the parallelism.
On Mon, Dec 21, 2015 at 9:40 AM, Zhiliang Zhu  wrote:

Hi Ted,
Thanks a lot for your kind reply.
I needs to convert this rdd0 into another rdd1, rows of  rdd1 are generated 
from rdd0's row randomly combination operation.From that perspective, rdd0 
would be with one partition in order to randomly operate on its all rows, 
however, it would also lose spark parallelism benefit .
Best Wishes!Zhiliang


On Monday, December 21, 2015 11:17 PM, Ted Yu  wrote:

 Have you tried the following method ?
   * Note: With shuffle = true, you can actually coalesce to a larger number   
* of partitions. This is useful if you have a small number of partitions,   * 
say 100, potentially with a few partitions being abnormally large. Calling   * 
coalesce(1000, shuffle = true) will result in 1000 partitions with the   * data 
distributed using a hash partitioner.   */  def coalesce(numPartitions: Int, 
shuffle: Boolean = false)(implicit ord: Ordering[T] = null)
On Mon, Dec 21, 2015 at 2:47 AM, Zhiliang Zhu  

Dear All,
For some rdd, while there is just one partition, then the operation & 
arithmetic would only be single, the rdd has lose all the parallelism benefit 
from spark  system ...
Is it exactly like that?
Thanks very much in advance!Zhiliang



Re: number limit of map for spark

2015-12-21 Thread Zhiliang Zhu
Dear Zhan,
Thanks very much for your kind reply!
You may just refer to my another letter with title :
[Beg for help] spark job with very low efficiency

I just need to apply spark to mathematica optimization by genetic algorithm , 
and  theoretically the algorithm would iterate for lots of times.Then I lost 
into the problem:1) spark job will only have limited number of map  successive  
 calling before it meets one action ;2) action Function as collect / reduce 
will increase run time VERY MUCH ;3) if for parallelism, I understand rdd only 
with one partition  will lose all the parallelism provided by spark ,   is it 
...    if it is with many partitions then it is difficult to randomly combine 
all its rows to generate another rdd.
Thank you,Zhiliang

On Tuesday, December 22, 2015 2:24 AM, Zhan Zhang  

 In what situation, you have such cases? If there is no shuffle, you can 
collapse all these functions into one, right? In the meantime, it is not 
recommended to collectall data to driver.
Zhan Zhang
On Dec 21, 2015, at 3:44 AM, Zhiliang Zhu  wrote:

Dear All,
I need to iterator some job / rdd quite a lot of times, but just lost in the 
problem of spark only accept to call around 350 number of map before it meets 
one action Function , besides, dozens of action will obviously increase the run 
time.Is there any proper way ...
As tested, there is piece of codes as follows:
 83     int count = 0; 84     JavaRDD dataSet = jsc.parallelize(list, 
1).cache(); //with only 1 partition  85     int m = 350; 86     
JavaRDD r = dataSet.cache(); 87     JavaRDD t = null; 88 89   
  for(int j=0; j < m; ++j) { //outer loop to temporarily convert the rdd r to t 
 90       if(null != t) { 91         r = t; 92       }            //inner loop 
to call map 350 times , if m is much more than 350 (for instance, around 400), 
then the job will throw exception message               "15/12/21 19:36:17 
ERROR yarn.ApplicationMaster: User class threw exception: 
java.lang.StackOverflowError java.lang.StackOverflowError") 93       for(int 
i=0; i < m; ++i) {  94       r = Function() { 95    
       @Override 96           public Integer call(Integer integer) { 97         
    double x = Math.random() * 2 - 1; 98             double y = Math.random() * 
2 - 1; 99             return (x * x + y * y < 1) ? 1 : 0;100           }101     
104       }105106       List lt = r.collect(); //then collect this rdd 
to get another rdd, however, dozens of action Function as collect is VERY MUCH 
COST107       t = jsc.parallelize(lt, 1).cache();108109     }110..
Thanks very much in advance!Zhiliang


Re: rdd only with one partition

2015-12-21 Thread Zhiliang Zhu
Hi Ted,
Thanks a lot for your kind reply.
I needs to convert this rdd0 into another rdd1, rows of  rdd1 are generated 
from rdd0's row randomly combination operation.From that perspective, rdd0 
would be with one partition in order to randomly operate on its all rows, 
however, it would also lose spark parallelism benefit .
Best Wishes!Zhiliang


On Monday, December 21, 2015 11:17 PM, Ted Yu  wrote:

 Have you tried the following method ?
   * Note: With shuffle = true, you can actually coalesce to a larger number   
* of partitions. This is useful if you have a small number of partitions,   * 
say 100, potentially with a few partitions being abnormally large. Calling   * 
coalesce(1000, shuffle = true) will result in 1000 partitions with the   * data 
distributed using a hash partitioner.   */  def coalesce(numPartitions: Int, 
shuffle: Boolean = false)(implicit ord: Ordering[T] = null)
On Mon, Dec 21, 2015 at 2:47 AM, Zhiliang Zhu  

Dear All,
For some rdd, while there is just one partition, then the operation & 
arithmetic would only be single, the rdd has lose all the parallelism benefit 
from spark  system ...
Is it exactly like that?
Thanks very much in advance!Zhiliang


[Beg for help] spark job with very low efficiency

2015-12-21 Thread Zhiliang Zhu
Dear All.
I have some kind of  iteration job, that is, the next stag's input would be the 
previous stag's output , and it must do quite lots of times of iteration.
JavaRDD rdd1 =                      //rdd1 may be with one or more 
partitions for (int i=0, JavaRDD rdd2 = rdd1; i < N; ++i) {   JavaRDD 
rdd3 = MapName1(...));    // 1   rdd4 = 
MapName2());                         //  2
   List list = rdd4.collect();             //however, N is very big, then 
this line will be VERY MUCH COST    rdd2 = jsc.parallelize(list, M).cache();}

Is there way to properly improve the run speed?
In fact, I would like to apply spark to mathematica optimization by genetic 
algorithm , in the above codes, rdd would be the Vector lines storing  ,1 is to count  fitness number, and 2 is to breed and  variate .To 
get good solution, the iteration number will be big (for example more than 1000 
)  ... 
Thanks in advance!Zhiliang

On Monday, December 21, 2015 7:44 PM, Zhiliang Zhu 

 Dear All,
I need to iterator some job / rdd quite a lot of times, but just lost in the 
problem of spark only accept to call around 350 number of map before it meets 
one action Function , besides, dozens of action will obviously increase the run 
time.Is there any proper way ...
As tested, there is piece of codes as follows:
 83     int count = 0; 84     JavaRDD dataSet = jsc.parallelize(list, 
1).cache(); //with only 1 partition  85     int m = 350; 86     
JavaRDD r = dataSet.cache(); 87     JavaRDD t = null; 88 89   
  for(int j=0; j < m; ++j) { //outer loop to temporarily convert the rdd r to t 
 90       if(null != t) { 91         r = t; 92       }            //inner loop 
to call map 350 times , if m is much more than 350 (for instance, around 400), 
then the job will throw exception message               "15/12/21 19:36:17 
ERROR yarn.ApplicationMaster: User class threw exception: 
java.lang.StackOverflowError java.lang.StackOverflowError") 93       for(int 
i=0; i < m; ++i) {  94         r = Function() { 95  
         @Override 96           public Integer call(Integer integer) { 97       
      double x = Math.random() * 2 - 1; 98             double y = Math.random() 
* 2 - 1; 99             return (x * x + y * y < 1) ? 1 : 0;100           }101   
104       }105106       List lt = r.collect(); //then collect this rdd 
to get another rdd, however, dozens of action Function as collect is VERY MUCH 
COST107       t = jsc.parallelize(lt, 1).cache();108109     }110..
Thanks very much in advance!Zhiliang


number limit of map for spark

2015-12-21 Thread Zhiliang Zhu
Dear All,
I need to iterator some job / rdd quite a lot of times, but just lost in the 
problem of spark only accept to call around 350 number of map before it meets 
one action Function , besides, dozens of action will obviously increase the run 
time.Is there any proper way ...
As tested, there is piece of codes as follows:
 83     int count = 0; 84     JavaRDD dataSet = jsc.parallelize(list, 
1).cache(); //with only 1 partition  85     int m = 350; 86     
JavaRDD r = dataSet.cache(); 87     JavaRDD t = null; 88 89   
  for(int j=0; j < m; ++j) { //outer loop to temporarily convert the rdd r to t 
 90       if(null != t) { 91         r = t; 92       }            //inner loop 
to call map 350 times , if m is much more than 350 (for instance, around 400), 
then the job will throw exception message               "15/12/21 19:36:17 
ERROR yarn.ApplicationMaster: User class threw exception: 
java.lang.StackOverflowError java.lang.StackOverflowError") 93       for(int 
i=0; i < m; ++i) {  94         r = Function() { 95  
         @Override 96           public Integer call(Integer integer) { 97       
      double x = Math.random() * 2 - 1; 98             double y = Math.random() 
* 2 - 1; 99             return (x * x + y * y < 1) ? 1 : 0;100           }101   
104       }105106       List lt = r.collect(); //then collect this rdd 
to get another rdd, however, dozens of action Function as collect is VERY MUCH 
COST107       t = jsc.parallelize(lt, 1).cache();108109     }110..
Thanks very much in advance!Zhiliang

rdd only with one partition

2015-12-21 Thread Zhiliang Zhu
Dear All,
For some rdd, while there is just one partition, then the operation & 
arithmetic would only be single, the rdd has lose all the parallelism benefit 
from spark  system ...
Is it exactly like that?
Thanks very much in advance!Zhiliang

Re: Inverse of the matrix

2015-12-11 Thread Zhiliang Zhu
use matrix SVD decomposition  and spark has the lib .


On Thursday, December 10, 2015 7:33 PM, Arunkumar Pillai 

I need to find inverse (X(Transpose) * X) matrix. I have found X transpose and 
matrix multiplication.
is there any way to find to find the inverse of the matrix. 

Thanks and Regards


Re: is repartition very cost

2015-12-08 Thread Zhiliang Zhu
Thanks very much for Yong's help.
Sorry that for one more issue, is it that different partitions must be in 
different nodes? that is, each node would only have one partition, in cluster 
mode ...  

On Wednesday, December 9, 2015 6:41 AM, "Young, Matthew T" 

 #yiv1938266569 #yiv1938266569 -- _filtered #yiv1938266569 
{font-family:Helvetica;panose-1:2 11 6 4 2 2 2 2 2 4;} _filtered #yiv1938266569 
{panose-1:2 4 5 3 5 4 6 3 2 4;} _filtered #yiv1938266569 
{font-family:Calibri;panose-1:2 15 5 2 2 2 4 3 2 4;} _filtered #yiv1938266569 
{font-family:Cambria;panose-1:2 4 5 3 5 4 6 3 2 4;}#yiv1938266569 
#yiv1938266569 p.yiv1938266569MsoNormal, #yiv1938266569 
li.yiv1938266569MsoNormal, #yiv1938266569 div.yiv1938266569MsoNormal 
{margin:0in;margin-bottom:.0001pt;font-size:12.0pt;}#yiv1938266569 a:link, 
#yiv1938266569 span.yiv1938266569MsoHyperlink 
{color:#0563C1;text-decoration:underline;}#yiv1938266569 a:visited, 
#yiv1938266569 span.yiv1938266569MsoHyperlinkFollowed 
p.yiv1938266569msonormal0, #yiv1938266569 li.yiv1938266569msonormal0, 
#yiv1938266569 div.yiv1938266569msonormal0 
none;}#yiv1938266569 .yiv1938266569MsoChpDefault {font-size:10.0pt;} _filtered 
#yiv1938266569 {margin:1.0in 1.0in 1.0in 1.0in;}#yiv1938266569 
div.yiv1938266569WordSection1 {}#yiv1938266569 Shuffling large amounts of data 
over the network is expensive, yes. The cost is lower if you are just using a 
single node where no networking needs to be involved to do the repartition 
(using Spark as a multithreading engine).    In general you need to do 
performance testing to see if a repartition is worth the shuffle time.    A 
common model is to repartition the data once after ingest to achieve 
parallelism and avoid shuffles whenever possible later.    From: Zhiliang Zhu 
Sent: Tuesday, December 08, 2015 5:05 AM
To: User 
Subject: is repartition very cost       Hi All,    I need to do optimize 
objective function with some linear constraints by  genetic algorithm.  I would 
like to make as much parallelism for it by spark.    repartition / shuffle may 
be used sometimes in it, however, is repartition API very cost ?    Thanks in 
advance! Zhiliang       


is repartition very cost

2015-12-08 Thread Zhiliang Zhu

Hi All,
I need to do optimize objective function with some linear constraints by  
genetic algorithm. I would like to make as much parallelism for it by spark.
repartition / shuffle may be used sometimes in it, however, is repartition API 
very cost ?
Thanks in advance!Zhiliang

what's the way to access the last element from another partition

2015-12-08 Thread Zhiliang Zhu
In some given partition, it seems difficult to access the last element in 
another partition, but in my application I need do as that.Exactly how to do it 
Just by repartition /shuffle  the rdd into one partition and get the specific 
"last" element ? Will this will change the previous order among the elements, 
and will it also not work ?
Thanks very much in advance!  

On Monday, December 7, 2015 11:32 AM, Zhiliang Zhu  


On Monday, December 7, 2015 10:37 AM, DB Tsai  wrote:

 Only beginning and ending part of data. The rest in the partition can
be compared without shuffle.

Would you help write a few  pseudo-code about it...It seems that there is not 
shuffle related  API , or repartition ?
Thanks a lot in advance!


DB Tsai
PGP Key ID: 0xAF08DF8D

On Sun, Dec 6, 2015 at 6:27 PM, Zhiliang Zhu  wrote:
> On Saturday, December 5, 2015 3:00 PM, DB Tsai  wrote:
> This is tricky. You need to shuffle the ending and beginning elements
> using mapPartitionWithIndex.
> Does this mean that I need to shuffle the all elements in different
> partitions into one partition, then compare them by way of any two adjacent
> elements?
> It seems good, if it is like that.
> One more issue, will it loss parallelism since there become only one
> partition ...
> Thanks very much in advance!
> Sincerely,
> DB Tsai
> --
> Web:
> PGP Key ID: 0xAF08DF8D
> On Fri, Dec 4, 2015 at 10:30 PM, Zhiliang Zhu  wrote:
>> Hi All,
>> I would like to compare any two adjacent elements in one given rdd, just
>> as
>> the single machine code part:
>> int a[N] = {...};
>> for (int i=0; i < N - 1; ++i) {
>>    compareFun(a[i], a[i+1]);
>> }
>> ...
>> mapPartitions may work for some situations, however, it could not compare
>> elements in different  partitions.
>> foreach also seems not work.
>> Thanks,
>> Zhiliang
> -
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Re: the way to compare any two adjacent elements in one rdd

2015-12-06 Thread Zhiliang Zhu

On Monday, December 7, 2015 10:37 AM, DB Tsai  wrote:

 Only beginning and ending part of data. The rest in the partition can
be compared without shuffle.

Would you help write a few  pseudo-code about it...It seems that there is not 
shuffle related  API , or repartition ?
Thanks a lot in advance!


DB Tsai
PGP Key ID: 0xAF08DF8D

On Sun, Dec 6, 2015 at 6:27 PM, Zhiliang Zhu  wrote:
> On Saturday, December 5, 2015 3:00 PM, DB Tsai  wrote:
> This is tricky. You need to shuffle the ending and beginning elements
> using mapPartitionWithIndex.
> Does this mean that I need to shuffle the all elements in different
> partitions into one partition, then compare them by way of any two adjacent
> elements?
> It seems good, if it is like that.
> One more issue, will it loss parallelism since there become only one
> partition ...
> Thanks very much in advance!
> Sincerely,
> DB Tsai
> --
> Web:
> PGP Key ID: 0xAF08DF8D
> On Fri, Dec 4, 2015 at 10:30 PM, Zhiliang Zhu  wrote:
>> Hi All,
>> I would like to compare any two adjacent elements in one given rdd, just
>> as
>> the single machine code part:
>> int a[N] = {...};
>> for (int i=0; i < N - 1; ++i) {
>>    compareFun(a[i], a[i+1]);
>> }
>> ...
>> mapPartitions may work for some situations, however, it could not compare
>> elements in different  partitions.
>> foreach also seems not work.
>> Thanks,
>> Zhiliang
> -
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Re: the way to compare any two adjacent elements in one rdd

2015-12-06 Thread Zhiliang Zhu


On Saturday, December 5, 2015 3:00 PM, DB Tsai  wrote:

 This is tricky. You need to shuffle the ending and beginning elements
using mapPartitionWithIndex.

Does this mean that I need to shuffle the all elements in different partitions 
into one partition, then compare them by way of any two adjacent elements?It 
seems good, if it is like that.
One more issue, will it loss parallelism since there become only one partition 
Thanks very much in advance!


DB Tsai
PGP Key ID: 0xAF08DF8D

On Fri, Dec 4, 2015 at 10:30 PM, Zhiliang Zhu  wrote:
> Hi All,
> I would like to compare any two adjacent elements in one given rdd, just as
> the single machine code part:
> int a[N] = {...};
> for (int i=0; i < N - 1; ++i) {
>    compareFun(a[i], a[i+1]);
> }
> ...
> mapPartitions may work for some situations, however, it could not compare
> elements in different  partitions.
> foreach also seems not work.
> Thanks,
> Zhiliang

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Re: the way to compare any two adjacent elements in one rdd

2015-12-05 Thread Zhiliang Zhu

For this, mapWithPartitionsWithIndex would also properly work for filter.
Here is the code copied for stack-overflow, which is used to remove the first 
line of a csv file:
JavaRDD rawInputRdd = sparkContext.textFile(dataFile);

Function2 removeHeader= new Function2, 
Iterator>() {
public Iterator call(Integer index, Iterator iterator) 
throws Exception {
if(index == 0 && iterator.hasNext()) { //for my usage,;   //compare any two adjacent elements, 
or do filter,
return iterator; //then index parameter is useless here, 
just is OK to view iterator as from one logical iterator/partition
 // is it
} else
return iterator;
JavaRDD inputRdd = rawInputRdd.mapPartitionsWithIndex(removeHeader, 
false);On Saturday, December 5, 2015 3:52 PM, Zhiliang Zhu 

 Hi DB Tsai,
Thanks very much for your kind reply!
Sorry that for one more issue, as tested it seems that filter could only return 
JavaRDD but not any JavaRDD , is it ?Then it is not much convenient 
to do general filter for RDD, mapPartitions could work some, but if some 
partition will left and return none element after filter by mapPartitions, some 
problemwill be there. 
Best Wishes!Zhiliang

On Saturday, December 5, 2015 3:00 PM, DB Tsai  wrote:

 This is tricky. You need to shuffle the ending and beginning elements
using mapPartitionWithIndex.


DB Tsai
PGP Key ID: 0xAF08DF8D

On Fri, Dec 4, 2015 at 10:30 PM, Zhiliang Zhu  wrote:
> Hi All,
> I would like to compare any two adjacent elements in one given rdd, just as
> the single machine code part:
> int a[N] = {...};
> for (int i=0; i < N - 1; ++i) {
>    compareFun(a[i], a[i+1]);
> }
> ...
> mapPartitions may work for some situations, however, it could not compare
> elements in different  partitions.
> foreach also seems not work.
> Thanks,
> Zhiliang

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Re: the way to compare any two adjacent elements in one rdd

2015-12-04 Thread Zhiliang Zhu
Hi DB Tsai,
Thanks very much for your kind reply!
Sorry that for one more issue, as tested it seems that filter could only return 
JavaRDD but not any JavaRDD , is it ?Then it is not much convenient 
to do general filter for RDD, mapPartitions could work some, but if some 
partition will left and return none element after filter by mapPartitions, some 
problemwill be there. 
Best Wishes!Zhiliang

On Saturday, December 5, 2015 3:00 PM, DB Tsai  wrote:

 This is tricky. You need to shuffle the ending and beginning elements
using mapPartitionWithIndex.


DB Tsai
PGP Key ID: 0xAF08DF8D

On Fri, Dec 4, 2015 at 10:30 PM, Zhiliang Zhu  wrote:
> Hi All,
> I would like to compare any two adjacent elements in one given rdd, just as
> the single machine code part:
> int a[N] = {...};
> for (int i=0; i < N - 1; ++i) {
>    compareFun(a[i], a[i+1]);
> }
> ...
> mapPartitions may work for some situations, however, it could not compare
> elements in different  partitions.
> foreach also seems not work.
> Thanks,
> Zhiliang

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the way to compare any two adjacent elements in one rdd

2015-12-04 Thread Zhiliang Zhu
Hi All,
I would like to compare any two adjacent elements in one given rdd, just as the 
single machine code part:
int a[N] = {...};for (int i=0; i < N - 1; ++i) {   compareFun(a[i], a[i+1]);}...
mapPartitions may work for some situations, however, it could not compare 
elements in different  partitions. foreach also seems not work.

Re: what is algorithm to optimize function with nonlinear constraints

2015-12-01 Thread Zhiliang Zhu
Thanks a lot for Ushnish 's kind reply.
I am considering to apply simulated annealing algorithm for this 
question.However, there may be just one issue - sensibility , that is to say, 
for the totally same system of the function / constraints, the solution may be 
different while runningthe program twice.
As is know,  simulated annealing algorithm is based on randomly searching. 
Theoretically, it will get the global optimized solution, but since in 
practice, it is difficult to matchthe all theoretical conditions , then local 
optimized solution will be got. Then I think different local optimized solution 
may be got for different run.Is there any comment?
Best Wishes !  

On Friday, November 20, 2015 2:02 AM, Ushnish De  wrote:

Have you looked into Gurobi? Supposedly it can solve QCP (quadratically 
constrained programming) problems which is what your example problem looks 
like, based on your line 3. However if the problem is non convex then it'll be 
hard to solve in most cases.
On Thu, Nov 19, 2015, 9:42 AM 'Zhiliang Zhu' via All ADATAO Team Members 

Hi all,
I have some optimization problem, I have googled a lot but still did not get 
the exact algorithm or third-party open package to apply in it.
Its type is like this,
Objective function: f(x1, x2, ..., xn)   (n >= 100, and f may be linear or 
non-linear)Constraint functions:
x1 + x2 + ... + xn = 1,                               1)
b1 * x1 + b2 * x2 + ... + bn * xn = b, 2)
c1 * x1 * x1 + c2 * x2 * x2 + ... + cn * xn * xn = c, 3)                
                  <-  nonlinear constraint 
x1, x2, ..., xn >= 0 .        
To find the solution of x which lets objective function globally or locally the 

I was thinking about to apply gradient descent or Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm 
to solve it, however, the two are used for none constraint.I also considered 
Lagrange multiplier method, but the system of gradient equations is nonlinear, 
which seems difficult to solve,
Which algorithm would be proper to apply here, and is there any open package 
like breeze for it?Any comment or link will be helpful. 
Thanks a lot in advance!


what is algorithm to optimize function with nonlinear constraints

2015-11-19 Thread Zhiliang Zhu
Hi all,
I have some optimization problem, I have googled a lot but still did not get 
the exact algorithm or third-party open package to apply in it.
Its type is like this,
Objective function: f(x1, x2, ..., xn)   (n >= 100, and f may be linear or 
non-linear)Constraint functions:
x1 + x2 + ... + xn = 1,                               1)
b1 * x1 + b2 * x2 + ... + bn * xn = b, 2)
c1 * x1 * x1 + c2 * x2 * x2 + ... + cn * xn * xn = c, 3)                
                  <-  nonlinear constraint 
x1, x2, ..., xn >= 0 .        
To find the solution of x which lets objective function globally or locally the 

I was thinking about to apply gradient descent or Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm 
to solve it, however, the two are used for none constraint.I also considered 
Lagrange multiplier method, but the system of gradient equations is nonlinear, 
which seems difficult to solve,
Which algorithm would be proper to apply here, and is there any open package 
like breeze for it?Any comment or link will be helpful. 
Thanks a lot in advance!

Re: spark with breeze error of NoClassDefFoundError

2015-11-18 Thread Zhiliang Zhu
Dear Ted,I just looked at the link you provided, it is great!
For my understanding, I could also directly use other Breeze part (except spark 
mllib package linalg ) in spark (scala or java ) program after importing Breeze 
package,it is right?
Thanks a lot in advance again!Zhiliang  

 On Thursday, November 19, 2015 1:46 PM, Ted Yu  wrote:

 Have you looked at
On Nov 18, 2015, at 9:34 PM, Zhiliang Zhu  wrote:

Dear Jack,
As is known, Breeze is numerical calculation package wrote by scala , spark 
mllib also use it as underlying package for algebra usage.Here I am also 
preparing to use Breeze for nonlinear equation optimization, however, it seemed 
that I could not find the exact doc or API for Breeze except spark linalg 
Could you help some to provide me the official doc or API website for Breeze 
?Thank you in advance!

 On Thursday, November 19, 2015 7:32 AM, Jack Yang  wrote:

  #yiv6155504207 #yiv6155504207 -- filtered {font-family:SimSun;panose-1:2 1 6 
0 3 1 1 1 1 1;}#yiv6155504207 filtered {font-family:SimSun;panose-1:2 1 6 0 3 1 
1 1 1 1;}#yiv6155504207 filtered {font-family:Calibri;panose-1:2 15 5 2 2 2 4 3 
2 4;}#yiv6155504207 filtered {font-family:Tahoma;panose-1:2 11 6 4 3 5 4 4 2 
4;}#yiv6155504207 filtered {panose-1:2 1 6 0 3 1 1 1 1 1;}#yiv6155504207 
p.yiv6155504207MsoNormal, #yiv6155504207 li.yiv6155504207MsoNormal, 
#yiv6155504207 div.yiv6155504207MsoNormal 
{margin:0cm;margin-bottom:.0001pt;font-size:12.0pt;}#yiv6155504207 a:link, 
#yiv6155504207 span.yiv6155504207MsoHyperlink 
{color:blue;text-decoration:underline;}#yiv6155504207 a:visited, #yiv6155504207 
p.yiv6155504207MsoAcetate, #yiv6155504207 li.yiv6155504207MsoAcetate, 
#yiv6155504207 div.yiv6155504207MsoAcetate 
span.yiv6155504207apple-converted-space {}#yiv6155504207 
span.yiv6155504207EmailStyle18 {color:#1F497D;}#yiv6155504207 
span.yiv6155504207BalloonTextChar {}#yiv6155504207 .yiv6155504207MsoChpDefault 
{font-size:10.0pt;}#yiv6155504207 filtered {margin:72.0pt 72.0pt 72.0pt 
72.0pt;}#yiv6155504207 div.yiv6155504207WordSection1 {}#yiv6155504207 If I 
tried to change “provided” to “compile”.. then the error changed to :    
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.IncompatibleClassChangeError: Implementing 
class     at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass1(Native Method)     at 
java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass(     at     
at     at$100(     at$     at$     at Method)     at     at 
java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(     at 
java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(     at 
sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)     at 
     at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(     at 
at org.apache.spark.deploy.SparkSubmit$.submit(SparkSubmit.scala:192)     
at org.apache.spark.deploy.SparkSubmit$.main(SparkSubmit.scala:111)     at 
org.apache.spark.deploy.SparkSubmit.main(SparkSubmit.scala) 15/11/19 10:28:29 
INFO util.Utils: Shutdown hook called    Meanwhile, I will prefer to use maven 
to compile the jar file rather than sbt, although it is indeed another option.  
  Best regards, Jack          From: Fengdong Yu 
Sent: Wednesday, 18 November 2015 7:30 PM
To: Jack Yang
Cc: Ted Yu;
Subject: Re: spark with breeze error of NoClassDefFoundError    The simplest 
way is remove all “provided” in your pom.    then ‘sbt assembly” to build your 
final package. then get rid of ‘—jars’ because assembly already includes all 
On Nov 18, 2015, at 2:15 PM, Jack Yang  wrote:    So weird. Is 
there anything wrong with the way I made the pom file (I labelled them as 
provided)?   Is there missing jar I forget to add in “--jar”?   
See the trace below:       Exception in thread "main" 

Re: spark with breeze error of NoClassDefFoundError

2015-11-18 Thread Zhiliang Zhu
Dear Jack,
As is known, Breeze is numerical calculation package wrote by scala , spark 
mllib also use it as underlying package for algebra usage.Here I am also 
preparing to use Breeze for nonlinear equation optimization, however, it seemed 
that I could not find the exact doc or API for Breeze except spark linalg 
Could you help some to provide me the official doc or API website for Breeze 
?Thank you in advance!

 On Thursday, November 19, 2015 7:32 AM, Jack Yang  wrote:

  If I tried to change 
“provided” to “compile”.. then the error changed to :    Exception in thread 
"main" java.lang.IncompatibleClassChangeError: Implementing class     at 
java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass1(Native Method)     at 
java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass(     at     
at     at$100(     at$     at$     at Method)     at     at 
java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(     at 
java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(     at 
sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)     at 
     at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(     at 
at org.apache.spark.deploy.SparkSubmit$.submit(SparkSubmit.scala:192)     
at org.apache.spark.deploy.SparkSubmit$.main(SparkSubmit.scala:111)     at 
org.apache.spark.deploy.SparkSubmit.main(SparkSubmit.scala) 15/11/19 10:28:29 
INFO util.Utils: Shutdown hook called    Meanwhile, I will prefer to use maven 
to compile the jar file rather than sbt, although it is indeed another option.  
  Best regards, Jack          From: Fengdong Yu 
Sent: Wednesday, 18 November 2015 7:30 PM
To: Jack Yang
Cc: Ted Yu;
Subject: Re: spark with breeze error of NoClassDefFoundError    The simplest 
way is remove all “provided” in your pom.    then ‘sbt assembly” to build your 
final package. then get rid of ‘—jars’ because assembly already includes all 
On Nov 18, 2015, at 2:15 PM, Jack Yang  wrote:    So weird. Is 
there anything wrong with the way I made the pom file (I labelled them as 
provided)?   Is there missing jar I forget to add in “--jar”?   
See the trace below:       Exception in thread "main" 
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: breeze/storage/DefaultArrayValue     at     at 
sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)     at 
     at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(     at 
at org.apache.spark.deploy.SparkSubmit$.submit(SparkSubmit.scala:192)     
at org.apache.spark.deploy.SparkSubmit$.main(SparkSubmit.scala:111)     at 
org.apache.spark.deploy.SparkSubmit.main(SparkSubmit.scala) Caused by: 
java.lang.ClassNotFoundException:     at$     at$     at Method)     at     at 
java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(     at 
java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(     ... 10 more 
15/11/18 17:15:15 INFO util.Utils: Shutdown hook called     From: Ted Yu 
Sent: Wednesday, 18 November 2015 4:01 PM
To: Jack Yang
Subject: Re: spark with breeze error of NoClassDefFoundError   Looking in local 
maven repo, breeze_2.10-0.7.jar contains DefaultArrayValue :   jar tvf 
/Users/tyu/.m2/repository//org/scalanlp/breeze_2.10/0.7/breeze_2.10-0.7.jar | 
grep !$ jar tvf 

Re: How to properly read the first number lines of file into a RDD

2015-11-17 Thread Zhiliang Zhu
Thanks a lot for your reply.I have also worked it out by some other ways. In 
fact, firstly I was thinking about using filter to do it but failed.  

 On Monday, November 9, 2015 9:52 PM, Akhil Das 

 ​There's multiple way to achieve this:
1. Read the N lines from the driver and then do a sc.parallelize(nlines) to 
create an RDD out of it.2. Create an RDD with N+M, do a take on N and then 
broadcast or parallelize the returning list.3. Something like this if the file 
is in hdfs:
    val n_f = (5,file_name)     val n_lines = sc.parallelize(Array(n_f))     
val n_linesRDD = => {     //Read and return 5 lines (n._1) from 
the file (n._2)
     }) ​
ThanksBest Regards
On Thu, Oct 29, 2015 at 9:51 PM, Zhiliang Zhu  

Hi All,
There is some file with line number N + M,, as I need to read the first N lines 
into one RDD .
1. i) read all the N + M lines as one RDD, ii) select the RDD's top N rows, may 
be some one solution;2. if introduced some broadcast variable set N, then it is 
used to decide while map the file RDD. Only map its first N rows, this may 
notwork, however.
Is there some better solution?
Thank you,Zhiliang


Re: could not understand issue about static spark Function (map / sortBy ...)

2015-11-10 Thread Zhiliang Zhu
I have got the issues all, after quite a lot of test.

Function would only be defined in static normal function body, or defined as 
static member variable.Function would also be defined as inner static class, 
some its own member variable or functions could be defined, the variable can be 
passed while new the Function obj, and in the Function inner class the inner 
normal function can be called. 

 On Tuesday, November 10, 2015 5:12 PM, Zhiliang Zhu  

 As more test, the Function call by map/sortBy etc must be defined as static, 
or it can be defined as non-static and must be called by other static normal 
function.I am really confused by it. 

 On Tuesday, November 10, 2015 4:12 PM, Zhiliang Zhu 

 Hi All,
I have met some bug not understandable as follows:
class A {  private JavaRDD _com_rdd;  ...  ...
  //here it must be static, but not every Function as map etc would be static, 
as the code examples in spark self official doc
  static Function mapParseRow = new Function() 
 public Vector call (Vector v) {    System.out.println("mark. map log 
is here");    Vector rt;
    ...   //if here needs to call some other non-static function, 
how can it be ?
    return rt;
    }  };  public void run() { //it will be called outside some other public 
class by A object
  ...  JavaRDD rdd = (this._com_rdd).map(mapParseRow); //it 
will cause failure while map is not static
  ...  }

Would you help comment some for it? What would be done? 

Thank you in advance!Zhiliang 

 On Tuesday, November 10, 2015 11:42 AM, Deng Ching-Mallete 

 Hi Zhiliang,
You should be able to see them in the executor logs, which you can view via the 
Spark UI, in the Executors page (stderr log).

On Tue, Nov 10, 2015 at 11:33 AM, Zhiliang Zhu  

Hi All,
I need debug spark job, my general way is to print out the log, however, some 
bug is in spark functions as mapPartitions etc, and not any log printed from 
those functionscould be found...Would you help point what is way to the log in 
the spark own function as mapPartitions? Or, what is general way to debug spark 
Thank you in advance!




could not understand issue about static spark Function (map / sortBy ...)

2015-11-10 Thread Zhiliang Zhu
As more test, the Function call by map/sortBy etc must be defined as static, or 
it can be defined as non-static and must be called by other static normal 
function.I am really confused by it. 

 On Tuesday, November 10, 2015 4:12 PM, Zhiliang Zhu 

 Hi All,
I have met some bug not understandable as follows:
class A {  private JavaRDD _com_rdd;  ...  ...
  //here it must be static, but not every Function as map etc would be static, 
as the code examples in spark self official doc
  static Function mapParseRow = new Function() 
 public Vector call (Vector v) {    System.out.println("mark. map log 
is here");    Vector rt;
    ...   //if here needs to call some other non-static function, 
how can it be ?
    return rt;
    }  };  public void run() { //it will be called outside some other public 
class by A object
  ...  JavaRDD rdd = (this._com_rdd).map(mapParseRow); //it 
will cause failure while map is not static
  ...  }

Would you help comment some for it? What would be done? 

Thank you in advance!Zhiliang 

 On Tuesday, November 10, 2015 11:42 AM, Deng Ching-Mallete 

 Hi Zhiliang,
You should be able to see them in the executor logs, which you can view via the 
Spark UI, in the Executors page (stderr log).

On Tue, Nov 10, 2015 at 11:33 AM, Zhiliang Zhu  

Hi All,
I need debug spark job, my general way is to print out the log, however, some 
bug is in spark functions as mapPartitions etc, and not any log printed from 
those functionscould be found...Would you help point what is way to the log in 
the spark own function as mapPartitions? Or, what is general way to debug spark 
Thank you in advance!



static spark Function as map

2015-11-10 Thread Zhiliang Zhu
Hi All,
I have met some bug not understandable as follows:
class A {  private JavaRDD _com_rdd;  ...  ...
  //here it must be static, but not every Function as map etc would be static, 
as the code examples in spark self official doc
  static Function mapParseRow = new Function() 
 public Vector call (Vector v) {    System.out.println("mark. map log 
is here");    Vector rt;
    ...   //if here needs to call some other non-static function, 
how can it be ?
    return rt;
    }  };  public void run() { //it will be called outside some other public 
class by A object
  ...  JavaRDD rdd = (this._com_rdd).map(mapParseRow); //it 
will cause failure while map is not static
  ...  }

Would you help comment some for it? What would be done? 

Thank you in advance!Zhiliang 

 On Tuesday, November 10, 2015 11:42 AM, Deng Ching-Mallete 

 Hi Zhiliang,
You should be able to see them in the executor logs, which you can view via the 
Spark UI, in the Executors page (stderr log).

On Tue, Nov 10, 2015 at 11:33 AM, Zhiliang Zhu  

Hi All,
I need debug spark job, my general way is to print out the log, however, some 
bug is in spark functions as mapPartitions etc, and not any log printed from 
those functionscould be found...Would you help point what is way to the log in 
the spark own function as mapPartitions? Or, what is general way to debug spark 
Thank you in advance!


Re: could not see the print out log in spark functions as mapPartitions

2015-11-09 Thread Zhiliang Zhu
Hi Ching-Mallete,
I  have found the log and the reason for that.
Thanks a lot!Zhiliang 

 On Tuesday, November 10, 2015 12:23 PM, Zhiliang Zhu 

 Also for Spark UI , that  is, log from other places could be found, but the 
log from the functions as mapPartitions could not.

 On Tuesday, November 10, 2015 11:52 AM, Zhiliang Zhu  

 Dear Ching-Mallete ,
There are machines master01, master02 and master03 for the cluster, I could see 
the stderr log and stdout log in the directories /.../yarn/logs under those 
machines.In the stderr there are some notes, I just use log to follow the track 
of the bug, however log in mapPartitions could not be found, and any other log 
is there.Will only Spark UI will see them? Or some places in the machine will 
also see ...
Thank you in advance!Zhiliang 

 On Tuesday, November 10, 2015 11:42 AM, Deng Ching-Mallete 

 Hi Zhiliang,
You should be able to see them in the executor logs, which you can view via the 
Spark UI, in the Executors page (stderr log).

On Tue, Nov 10, 2015 at 11:33 AM, Zhiliang Zhu  

Hi All,
I need debug spark job, my general way is to print out the log, however, some 
bug is in spark functions as mapPartitions etc, and not any log printed from 
those functionscould be found...Would you help point what is way to the log in 
the spark own function as mapPartitions? Or, what is general way to debug spark 
Thank you in advance!




Re: could not see the print out log in spark functions as mapPartitions

2015-11-09 Thread Zhiliang Zhu
Also for Spark UI , that  is, log from other places could be found, but the log 
from the functions as mapPartitions could not.

 On Tuesday, November 10, 2015 11:52 AM, Zhiliang Zhu  

 Dear Ching-Mallete ,
There are machines master01, master02 and master03 for the cluster, I could see 
the stderr log and stdout log in the directories /.../yarn/logs under those 
machines.In the stderr there are some notes, I just use log to follow the track 
of the bug, however log in mapPartitions could not be found, and any other log 
is there.Will only Spark UI will see them? Or some places in the machine will 
also see ...
Thank you in advance!Zhiliang 

 On Tuesday, November 10, 2015 11:42 AM, Deng Ching-Mallete 

 Hi Zhiliang,
You should be able to see them in the executor logs, which you can view via the 
Spark UI, in the Executors page (stderr log).

On Tue, Nov 10, 2015 at 11:33 AM, Zhiliang Zhu  

Hi All,
I need debug spark job, my general way is to print out the log, however, some 
bug is in spark functions as mapPartitions etc, and not any log printed from 
those functionscould be found...Would you help point what is way to the log in 
the spark own function as mapPartitions? Or, what is general way to debug spark 
Thank you in advance!



Re: could not see the print out log in spark functions as mapPartitions

2015-11-09 Thread Zhiliang Zhu
Dear Ching-Mallete ,
There are machines master01, master02 and master03 for the cluster, I could see 
the stderr log and stdout log in the directories /.../yarn/logs under those 
machines.In the stderr there are some notes, I just use log to follow the track 
of the bug, however log in mapPartitions could not be found, and any other log 
is there.Will only Spark UI will see them? Or some places in the machine will 
also see ...
Thank you in advance!Zhiliang 

 On Tuesday, November 10, 2015 11:42 AM, Deng Ching-Mallete 

 Hi Zhiliang,
You should be able to see them in the executor logs, which you can view via the 
Spark UI, in the Executors page (stderr log).

On Tue, Nov 10, 2015 at 11:33 AM, Zhiliang Zhu  

Hi All,
I need debug spark job, my general way is to print out the log, however, some 
bug is in spark functions as mapPartitions etc, and not any log printed from 
those functionscould be found...Would you help point what is way to the log in 
the spark own function as mapPartitions? Or, what is general way to debug spark 
Thank you in advance!


could not see the print out log in spark functions as mapPartitions

2015-11-09 Thread Zhiliang Zhu
Hi All,
I need debug spark job, my general way is to print out the log, however, some 
bug is in spark functions as mapPartitions etc, and not any log printed from 
those functionscould be found...Would you help point what is way to the log in 
the spark own function as mapPartitions? Or, what is general way to debug spark 
Thank you in advance!

Re: apply simplex method to fix linear programming in spark

2015-11-04 Thread Zhiliang Zhu
Dear Debasish Das,
Thanks very much for your kind reply.
 I am very sorry that, but may you clearify a little more about the places, 
since I could not find them.

 On Thursday, November 5, 2015 5:50 AM, Debasish Das 

 Yeah for this you can use breeze quadratic minimizer...that's integrated with 
spark in one of my spark pr. You have quadratic objective with equality which 
is primal and your proximal is positivity that we already support. I have not 
given an API for linear objective but that should be simple to add. You can add 
an issue in breeze for the enhancememt.

Where is the API or link site for the breeze quadratic minimizer integrated 
with spark?And where is the breeze lpsolver...
Alternatively you can use breeze lpsolver as well that uses simplex from apache 
Thank you,Zhiliang  

On Nov 4, 2015 1:05 AM, "Zhiliang Zhu"  wrote:

Hi Debasish Das,
Firstly I must show my deep appreciation towards you kind help.
Yes, my issue is some typical LP related, it is as:Objective function:f(x1, x2, 
..., xn) = a1 * x1 + a2 * x2 + ... + an * xn,   (n would be some number bigger 
than 100)

There are only 4 constraint functions,x1 + x2 + ... + xn = 1,   
b1 * x1 + b2 * x2 + ... + bn * xn = b, 2)
c1 * x1 + c2 * x2 + ... + cn * xn = c, 3)
x1, x2, ..., xn >= 0 .        

To find the solution of x which lets objective function the biggest.
Since simplex method may not be supported by spark. Then I may switch to the 
way as, since the likely solution x must be on the boundary of 1), 2) and 3) 
geometry,that is to say, only three xi may be >= 0, all the others must be 0. 
Just look for all that kinds of solutions of 1), 2) and 3), the number would be 
C(n, 3) + C(n, 2) + C(n, 1), at last to select the most optimized one.
Since the constraint number is not that large, I think this might be some way.
Thank you,Zhiliang 

 On Wednesday, November 4, 2015 2:25 AM, Debasish Das 

 Spark has nnls in mllib optimization. I have refactored nnls to breeze as well 
but we could not move out nnls from mllib due to some runtime issues from 
breeze.Issue in spark or breeze nnls is that it takes dense gram matrix which 
does not scale if rank is high but it has been working fine for nnmf till 400 
rank.I agree with Sean that you need to see if really simplex is needed. Many 
constraints can be formulated as proximal operator and then you can use breeze 
nonlinearminimizer or spark-tfocs package if it is stable.On Nov 2, 2015 10:13 
AM, "Sean Owen"  wrote:

I might be steering this a bit off topic: does this need the simplex
method? this is just an instance of nonnegative least squares. I don't
think it relates to LDA either.

Spark doesn't have any particular support for NNLS (right?) or simplex though.

On Mon, Nov 2, 2015 at 6:03 PM, Debasish Das  wrote:
> Use breeze simplex which inturn uses apache maths simplex...if you want to
> use interior point method you can use ecos
> ...spark summit 2014 talk on
> quadratic solver in matrix factorization will show you example integration
> with spark. ecos runs as jni process in every executor.
> On Nov 1, 2015 9:52 AM, "Zhiliang Zhu"  wrote:
>> Hi Ted Yu,
>> Thanks very much for your kind reply.
>> Do you just mean that in spark there is no specific package for simplex
>> method?
>> Then I may try to fix it by myself, do not decide whether it is convenient
>> to finish by spark, before finally fix it.
>> Thank you,
>> Zhiliang
>> On Monday, November 2, 2015 1:43 AM, Ted Yu  wrote:
>> A brief search in code base shows the following:
>>     TODO: Add simplex constraints to allow alpha in (0,1).
>> ./mllib/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/mllib/clustering/LDA.scala
>> I guess the answer to your question is no.
>> FYI
>> On Sun, Nov 1, 2015 at 9:37 AM, Zhiliang Zhu 
>> wrote:
>> Dear All,
>> As I am facing some typical linear programming issue, and I know simplex
>> method is specific in solving LP question,
>> I am very sorry that whether there is already some mature package in spark
>> about simplex method...
>> Thank you very much~
>> Best Wishes!
>> Zhiliang



Re: [Spark MLlib] about linear regression issue

2015-11-04 Thread Zhiliang Zhu
Hi DB Tsai,
Firstly I must show my deep appreciation towards your kind help.
Did you just mean like this, currently there is no way for users to deal with 
constrains like all weights >= 0 in spark, though spark also has LBFGS ...
Moreover, I did not know whether spark SVD will help some for that issue...

But people do LBFGS-B for the constrains like all weights >= 0 , since LBFGS-B 
is already working.
I should get familar to use breeze in the program then .

Thank you,

 On Monday, November 2, 2015 11:12 AM, DB Tsai  wrote:

 For the constrains like all weights >=0, people do LBFGS-B which is
supported in our optimization library, Breeze.

However, in Spark's LiR, our implementation doesn't have constrain
implementation. I do see this is useful given we're experimenting
SLIM: Sparse Linear Methods for recommendation, which requires
all the weights to be positive (Eq. 3) to represent positive relations
between items.

In summary, it's possible and not difficult to add this constrain to
our current linear regression, but currently, there is no open source
implementation in Spark.


DB Tsai
PGP Key ID: 0xAF08DF8D

On Sun, Nov 1, 2015 at 9:22 AM, Zhiliang Zhu  wrote:
> Dear All,
> As for N dimension linear regression, while the labeled training points
> number (or the rank of the labeled point space) is less than N,
> then from perspective of math, the weight of the trained linear model may be
> not unique.
> However, the output of model.weight() by spark may be with some wi < 0. My
> issue is, is there some proper way only to get
> some specific output weight with all wi >= 0 ...
> Yes, the above goes same with the issue about solving linear system of
> equations, Aw = b, and r(A, b) = r(A) < columnNo(A), then w is
> with infinite solutions, but here only needs one solution with all wi >= 0.
> When there is only unique solution, both LR and SVD will work perfect.
> I will appreciate your all kind help very much~~
> Best Regards,
> Zhiliang

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Re: apply simplex method to fix linear programming in spark

2015-11-04 Thread Zhiliang Zhu
Hi Debasish Das,
I found that there are lots of much useful information for me in your kind 
reply.However, I am sorry that still I could not exactly catch each words you 
I just know spark mllib will use breeze as its underlying package, however, I 
did not practise and do not know how to directly apply breeze in spark 
program.What is and where is nnls in mllib optimization, and what is 
spark-tfocs package , I do not find them in spark official website...Where is 
to use breeze nonlinearminimizer... Next I will also meet with optimized 
function with nonlinear constraint functions.
I am sorry that I do not know whether it is convenient for you to comment some 
more for my above issues.
Thank you in advance.


 On Wednesday, November 4, 2015 2:25 AM, Debasish Das 

 Spark has nnls in mllib optimization. I have refactored nnls to breeze as well 
but we could not move out nnls from mllib due to some runtime issues from 
breeze.Issue in spark or breeze nnls is that it takes dense gram matrix which 
does not scale if rank is high but it has been working fine for nnmf till 400 
rank.I agree with Sean that you need to see if really simplex is needed. Many 
constraints can be formulated as proximal operator and then you can use breeze 
nonlinearminimizer or spark-tfocs package if it is stable.On Nov 2, 2015 10:13 
AM, "Sean Owen"  wrote:

I might be steering this a bit off topic: does this need the simplex
method? this is just an instance of nonnegative least squares. I don't
think it relates to LDA either.

Spark doesn't have any particular support for NNLS (right?) or simplex though.

On Mon, Nov 2, 2015 at 6:03 PM, Debasish Das  wrote:
> Use breeze simplex which inturn uses apache maths simplex...if you want to
> use interior point method you can use ecos
> ...spark summit 2014 talk on
> quadratic solver in matrix factorization will show you example integration
> with spark. ecos runs as jni process in every executor.
> On Nov 1, 2015 9:52 AM, "Zhiliang Zhu"  wrote:
>> Hi Ted Yu,
>> Thanks very much for your kind reply.
>> Do you just mean that in spark there is no specific package for simplex
>> method?
>> Then I may try to fix it by myself, do not decide whether it is convenient
>> to finish by spark, before finally fix it.
>> Thank you,
>> Zhiliang
>> On Monday, November 2, 2015 1:43 AM, Ted Yu  wrote:
>> A brief search in code base shows the following:
>>     TODO: Add simplex constraints to allow alpha in (0,1).
>> ./mllib/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/mllib/clustering/LDA.scala
>> I guess the answer to your question is no.
>> FYI
>> On Sun, Nov 1, 2015 at 9:37 AM, Zhiliang Zhu 
>> wrote:
>> Dear All,
>> As I am facing some typical linear programming issue, and I know simplex
>> method is specific in solving LP question,
>> I am very sorry that whether there is already some mature package in spark
>> about simplex method...
>> Thank you very much~
>> Best Wishes!
>> Zhiliang


Re: apply simplex method to fix linear programming in spark

2015-11-04 Thread Zhiliang Zhu
Hi Debasish Das,
Firstly I must show my deep appreciation towards you kind help.
Yes, my issue is some typical LP related, it is as:Objective function:f(x1, x2, 
..., xn) = a1 * x1 + a2 * x2 + ... + an * xn,   (n would be some number bigger 
than 100)

There are only 4 constraint functions,x1 + x2 + ... + xn = 1,   
b1 * x1 + b2 * x2 + ... + bn * xn = b, 2)
c1 * x1 + c2 * x2 + ... + cn * xn = c, 3)
x1, x2, ..., xn >= 0 .        

To find the solution of x which lets objective function the biggest.
Since simplex method may not be supported by spark. Then I may switch to the 
way as, since the likely solution x must be on the boundary of 1), 2) and 3) 
geometry,that is to say, only three xi may be >= 0, all the others must be 0. 
Just look for all that kinds of solutions of 1), 2) and 3), the number would be 
C(n, 3) + C(n, 2) + C(n, 1), at last to select the most optimized one.
Since the constraint number is not that large, I think this might be some way.
Thank you,Zhiliang 

 On Wednesday, November 4, 2015 2:25 AM, Debasish Das 

 Spark has nnls in mllib optimization. I have refactored nnls to breeze as well 
but we could not move out nnls from mllib due to some runtime issues from 
breeze.Issue in spark or breeze nnls is that it takes dense gram matrix which 
does not scale if rank is high but it has been working fine for nnmf till 400 
rank.I agree with Sean that you need to see if really simplex is needed. Many 
constraints can be formulated as proximal operator and then you can use breeze 
nonlinearminimizer or spark-tfocs package if it is stable.On Nov 2, 2015 10:13 
AM, "Sean Owen"  wrote:

I might be steering this a bit off topic: does this need the simplex
method? this is just an instance of nonnegative least squares. I don't
think it relates to LDA either.

Spark doesn't have any particular support for NNLS (right?) or simplex though.

On Mon, Nov 2, 2015 at 6:03 PM, Debasish Das  wrote:
> Use breeze simplex which inturn uses apache maths simplex...if you want to
> use interior point method you can use ecos
> ...spark summit 2014 talk on
> quadratic solver in matrix factorization will show you example integration
> with spark. ecos runs as jni process in every executor.
> On Nov 1, 2015 9:52 AM, "Zhiliang Zhu"  wrote:
>> Hi Ted Yu,
>> Thanks very much for your kind reply.
>> Do you just mean that in spark there is no specific package for simplex
>> method?
>> Then I may try to fix it by myself, do not decide whether it is convenient
>> to finish by spark, before finally fix it.
>> Thank you,
>> Zhiliang
>> On Monday, November 2, 2015 1:43 AM, Ted Yu  wrote:
>> A brief search in code base shows the following:
>>     TODO: Add simplex constraints to allow alpha in (0,1).
>> ./mllib/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/mllib/clustering/LDA.scala
>> I guess the answer to your question is no.
>> FYI
>> On Sun, Nov 1, 2015 at 9:37 AM, Zhiliang Zhu 
>> wrote:
>> Dear All,
>> As I am facing some typical linear programming issue, and I know simplex
>> method is specific in solving LP question,
>> I am very sorry that whether there is already some mature package in spark
>> about simplex method...
>> Thank you very much~
>> Best Wishes!
>> Zhiliang


spark filter function

2015-11-04 Thread Zhiliang Zhu
Hi All,
I would like to filter some elements in some given RDD, only the needed left, 
at the time the row number of the result RDD is smaller.
Then I select filter function, however, by test, filter function would only 
accept Boolean type, that is to say, will only JavaRDDbe returned for 
filter.For my test, the input RDD would also be JavaRDD , the version 
is 1.4.1 .
Would you help comment some?
Thanks in advance.

Re: apply simplex method to fix linear programming in spark

2015-11-01 Thread Zhiliang Zhu
Hi Ted Yu,
Thanks very much for your kind reply.Do you just mean that in spark there is no 
specific package for simplex method?
Then I may try to fix it by myself, do not decide whether it is convenient to 
finish by spark, before finally fix it.
Thank you,Zhiliang

 On Monday, November 2, 2015 1:43 AM, Ted Yu  wrote:

 A brief search in code base shows the following:
    TODO: Add simplex constraints to allow alpha in 
I guess the answer to your question is no.
On Sun, Nov 1, 2015 at 9:37 AM, Zhiliang Zhu  

Dear All,
As I am facing some typical linear programming issue, and I know simplex method 
is specific in solving LP question, I am very sorry that whether there is 
already some mature package in spark about simplex method...
Thank you very much~Best Wishes!Zhiliang


apply simplex method to fix linear programming in spark

2015-11-01 Thread Zhiliang Zhu
Dear All,
As I am facing some typical linear programming issue, and I know simplex method 
is specific in solving LP question, I am very sorry that whether there is 
already some mature package in spark about simplex method...
Thank you very much~Best Wishes!Zhiliang

[Spark MLlib] about linear regression issue

2015-11-01 Thread Zhiliang Zhu
Dear All,
As for N dimension linear regression, while the labeled training points number 
(or the rank of the labeled point space) is less than N, then from perspective 
of math, the weight of the trained linear model may be not unique. 
However, the output of model.weight() by spark may be with some wi < 0. My 
issue is, is there some proper way only to getsome specific output weight with 
all wi >= 0 ...
Yes, the above goes same with the issue about solving linear system of 
equations, Aw = b, and r(A, b) = r(A) < columnNo(A), then w iswith infinite 
solutions, but here only needs one solution with all wi >= 0.When there is only 
unique solution, both LR and SVD will work perfect.

I will appreciate your all kind help very much~~Best Regards,Zhiliang

How to properly read the first number lines of file into a RDD

2015-10-29 Thread Zhiliang Zhu
Hi All,
There is some file with line number N + M,, as I need to read the first N lines 
into one RDD .
1. i) read all the N + M lines as one RDD, ii) select the RDD's top N rows, may 
be some one solution;2. if introduced some broadcast variable set N, then it is 
used to decide while map the file RDD. Only map its first N rows, this may 
notwork, however.
Is there some better solution?
Thank you,Zhiliang

is it proper to make RDD as function parameter in the codes

2015-10-27 Thread Zhiliang Zhu
Dear All,
I will program a small project by spark, and the run speed is big concern.
I have a question, since RDD is always big on the cluster, is it proper to make 
RDD variable as parameter transferred during function call ?
Thank you,Zhiliang

Re: [SPARK MLLIB] could not understand the wrong and inscrutable result of Linear Regression codes

2015-10-26 Thread Zhiliang Zhu
Hi Meihua,
I just found that setFitIntercept(false) is introduced since Spark 1.5.0, my 
current version is 1.4.0 . I shall also try that after update the version .
Since you said brezee is probably used, I knew brezee is used under the bottom 
of spark ml.Would you help comment some more how to use it here to solve 
systems of linear equations ...
Thank you very much~Zhiliang

 On Monday, October 26, 2015 2:58 PM, Meihua Wu 

 please add "setFitIntercept(false)" to your LinearRegression.

LinearRegression by default includes an intercept in the model, e.g.
label = intercept + features dot weight

To get the result you want, you need to force the intercept to be zero.

Just curious, are you trying to solve systems of linear equations? If
so, you can probably try breeze.

On Sun, Oct 25, 2015 at 9:10 PM, Zhiliang Zhu
> On Monday, October 26, 2015 11:26 AM, Zhiliang Zhu
>  wrote:
> Hi DB Tsai,
> Thanks very much for your kind help. I  get it now.
> I am sorry that there is another issue, the weight/coefficient result is
> perfect while A is triangular matrix, however, while A is not triangular
> matrix (but
> transformed from triangular matrix, still is invertible), the result seems
> not perfect and difficult to make it better by resetting the parameter.
> Would you help comment some about that...
> List localTraining = Lists.newArrayList(
>      new LabeledPoint(30.0, Vectors.dense(1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0)),
>      new LabeledPoint(29.0, Vectors.dense(0.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0)),
>      new LabeledPoint(25.0, Vectors.dense(0.0, 0.0, 3.0, 4.0)),
>      new LabeledPoint(-3.0, Vectors.dense(0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0)));
> ...
> LinearRegression lr = new LinearRegression()
>      .setMaxIter(2)
>      .setRegParam(0)
>      .setElasticNetParam(0);
> --
> It seems that no matter how to reset the parameters for lr , the output of
> x3 and x4 is always nearly the same .
> Whether there is some way to make the result a little better...
> --
> x3 and x4 could not become better, the output is:
> Final w:
> [0.999477672867,1.999748740578,3.500112393734,3.50011239377]
> Thank you,
> Zhiliang
> On Monday, October 26, 2015 10:25 AM, DB Tsai  wrote:
> Column 4 is always constant, so no predictive power resulting zero weight.
> On Sunday, October 25, 2015, Zhiliang Zhu  wrote:
> Hi DB Tsai,
> Thanks very much for your kind reply help.
> As for your comment, I just modified and tested the key part of the codes:
>  LinearRegression lr = new LinearRegression()
>        .setMaxIter(1)
>        .setRegParam(0)
>        .setElasticNetParam(0);  //the number could be reset
>  final LinearRegressionModel model =;
> Now the output is much reasonable, however, x4 is always 0 while repeatedly
> reset those parameters in lr , would you help some about it how to properly
> set the parameters ...
> Final w: [1.00127825909,1.99979185054,2.3307136,0.0]
> Thank you,
> Zhiliang
> On Monday, October 26, 2015 5:14 AM, DB Tsai  wrote:
> LinearRegressionWithSGD is not stable. Please use linear regression in
> ML package instead.
> Sincerely,
> DB Tsai
> --
> Web:
> PGP Key ID: 0xAF08DF8D
> On Sun, Oct 25, 2015 at 10:14 AM, Zhiliang Zhu
>  wrote:
>> Dear All,
>> I have some program as below which makes me very much confused and
>> inscrutable, it is about multiple dimension linear regression mode, the
>> weight / coefficient is always perfect while the dimension is smaller than
>> 4, otherwise it is wrong all the time.
>> Or, whether the LinearRegressionWithSGD would be selected for another one?
>> public class JavaLinearRegression {
>>  public static void main(String[] args) {
>>    SparkConf conf = new SparkConf().setAppName("Linear Regression
>> Example");
>>    JavaSparkContext sc = new JavaSparkContext(conf);
>>    SQLContext jsql = new SQLContext(sc);
>>    //Ax = b, x = [1, 2, 3, 4] would be the only one out

Re: [SPARK MLLIB] could not understand the wrong and inscrutable result of Linear Regression codes

2015-10-26 Thread Zhiliang Zhu
Hi Meihua, DB  Tsai,
Thanks very much for your all kind help.While I add some more LabeledPoint  in 
the training data, then the output result also seems much better. I will also 
try setFitIntercept(false) way . 

Currently I encounted some problem about algorithm optimization issue: f(x1, 
x2, ..., xn) = a11 *x1 * x1 + a12 * x1 * x2 + a22 * x2 * x2 + ... + ann * xn * 
xn ,  with constraint equations:b1 * x1 + b2 * x2 + ... bn * xn = 1, xi >= 0 
etc .To find the proper x = [x1, x2, ..., xn] to make f(x1, x2, , xn) the 
biggest .

It is reqiured to use Spark to fix it, however, I am not familar to use spark 
directly on algorithm optimization issue, and now I am not skilled to use  
gradient descentway on the multiple dimension function.If you know this issue, 
would you help comment some.
Yes, then I converted this problem into someone about solve systems of linear 
equations c1 * w1 + c2 * w2 + ... + cn * wn = d,I just view c and w convensely 
as, w1 * c1 + w2 * c2 + ... + wn * cn = d, then w becomes coefficient and c 
becomes variable, 
I think Spark Linear Regression would be helpful here.
Expert Sujit also kindly help me to point out the way to figure out pseudo 
inverse A for Ax = b, I will also try it next.
Since I would use Spark to fix the issue, as you said breeze shall be used 
here, would you help explain or direct some about the way to use it here...

Thank you very much !Zhiliang

 On Monday, October 26, 2015 2:58 PM, Meihua Wu 

 please add "setFitIntercept(false)" to your LinearRegression.

LinearRegression by default includes an intercept in the model, e.g.
label = intercept + features dot weight

To get the result you want, you need to force the intercept to be zero.

Just curious, are you trying to solve systems of linear equations? If
so, you can probably try breeze.

On Sun, Oct 25, 2015 at 9:10 PM, Zhiliang Zhu
> On Monday, October 26, 2015 11:26 AM, Zhiliang Zhu
>  wrote:
> Hi DB Tsai,
> Thanks very much for your kind help. I  get it now.
> I am sorry that there is another issue, the weight/coefficient result is
> perfect while A is triangular matrix, however, while A is not triangular
> matrix (but
> transformed from triangular matrix, still is invertible), the result seems
> not perfect and difficult to make it better by resetting the parameter.
> Would you help comment some about that...
> List localTraining = Lists.newArrayList(
>      new LabeledPoint(30.0, Vectors.dense(1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0)),
>      new LabeledPoint(29.0, Vectors.dense(0.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0)),
>      new LabeledPoint(25.0, Vectors.dense(0.0, 0.0, 3.0, 4.0)),
>      new LabeledPoint(-3.0, Vectors.dense(0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0)));
> ...
> LinearRegression lr = new LinearRegression()
>      .setMaxIter(2)
>      .setRegParam(0)
>      .setElasticNetParam(0);
> --
> It seems that no matter how to reset the parameters for lr , the output of
> x3 and x4 is always nearly the same .
> Whether there is some way to make the result a little better...
> --
> x3 and x4 could not become better, the output is:
> Final w:
> [0.999477672867,1.999748740578,3.500112393734,3.50011239377]
> Thank you,
> Zhiliang
> On Monday, October 26, 2015 10:25 AM, DB Tsai  wrote:
> Column 4 is always constant, so no predictive power resulting zero weight.
> On Sunday, October 25, 2015, Zhiliang Zhu  wrote:
> Hi DB Tsai,
> Thanks very much for your kind reply help.
> As for your comment, I just modified and tested the key part of the codes:
>  LinearRegression lr = new LinearRegression()
>        .setMaxIter(1)
>        .setRegParam(0)
>        .setElasticNetParam(0);  //the number could be reset
>  final LinearRegressionModel model =;
> Now the output is much reasonable, however, x4 is always 0 while repeatedly
> reset those parameters in lr , would you help some about it how to properly
> set the parameters ...
> Final w: [1.00127825909,1.99979185054,2.3307136,0.0]
> Thank you,
> Zhiliang
> On Monday, October 26, 2015 5:14 AM, DB Tsai  wrote:
> LinearRegressionWithSGD is not stable. Please use linear regression in
> ML package instead.

Re: [SPARK MLLIB] could not understand the wrong and inscrutable result of Linear Regression codes

2015-10-25 Thread Zhiliang Zhu

 On Monday, October 26, 2015 11:26 AM, Zhiliang Zhu 

 Hi DB Tsai,
Thanks very much for your kind help. I  get it now.
I am sorry that there is another issue, the weight/coefficient result is 
perfect while A is triangular matrix, however, while A is not triangular matrix 
transformed from triangular matrix, still is invertible), the result seems not 
perfect and difficult to make it better by resetting the parameter.Would you 
help comment some about that...
List localTraining = Lists.newArrayList(
  new LabeledPoint(30.0, Vectors.dense(1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0)),
  new LabeledPoint(29.0, Vectors.dense(0.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0)),
  new LabeledPoint(25.0, Vectors.dense(0.0, 0.0, 3.0, 4.0)),
  new LabeledPoint(-3.0, Vectors.dense(0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 
0.0)));...LinearRegression lr = new LinearRegression()


It seems that no matter how to reset the parameters for lr , the output of x3 
and x4 is always nearly the same .Whether there is some way to make the result 
a little better...


x3 and x4 could not become better, the output is:
Final w: 

Thank you,Zhiliang 

 On Monday, October 26, 2015 10:25 AM, DB Tsai  wrote:

 Column 4 is always constant, so no predictive power resulting zero weight.

On Sunday, October 25, 2015, Zhiliang Zhu  wrote:

Hi DB Tsai,
Thanks very much for your kind reply help.
As for your comment, I just modified and tested the key part of the codes:
 LinearRegression lr = new LinearRegression()
   .setElasticNetParam(0);  //the number could be reset

 final LinearRegressionModel model =;
Now the output is much reasonable, however, x4 is always 0 while repeatedly 
reset those parameters in lr , would you help some about it how to properly set 
the parameters ...
Final w: [1.00127825909,1.99979185054,2.3307136,0.0]

Thank you,Zhiliang


 On Monday, October 26, 2015 5:14 AM, DB Tsai  wrote:

 LinearRegressionWithSGD is not stable. Please use linear regression in
ML package instead.


DB Tsai
PGP Key ID: 0xAF08DF8D

On Sun, Oct 25, 2015 at 10:14 AM, Zhiliang Zhu
> Dear All,
> I have some program as below which makes me very much confused and
> inscrutable, it is about multiple dimension linear regression mode, the
> weight / coefficient is always perfect while the dimension is smaller than
> 4, otherwise it is wrong all the time.
> Or, whether the LinearRegressionWithSGD would be selected for another one?
> public class JavaLinearRegression {
>  public static void main(String[] args) {
>    SparkConf conf = new SparkConf().setAppName("Linear Regression
> Example");
>    JavaSparkContext sc = new JavaSparkContext(conf);
>    SQLContext jsql = new SQLContext(sc);
>    //Ax = b, x = [1, 2, 3, 4] would be the only one output about weight
>    //x1 + 2 * x2 + 3 * x3 + 4 * x4 = y would be the multiple linear mode
>    List localTraining = Lists.newArrayList(
>        new LabeledPoint(30.0, Vectors.dense(1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0)),
>        new LabeledPoint(29.0, Vectors.dense(0.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0)),
>        new LabeledPoint(25.0, Vectors.dense(0.0, 0.0, 3.0, 4.0)),
>        new LabeledPoint(16.0, Vectors.dense(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 4.0)));
>    JavaRDD training = sc.parallelize(localTraining).cache();
>    // Building the model
>    int numIterations = 1000; //the number could be reset large
>    final LinearRegressionModel model =
> LinearRegressionWithSGD.train(JavaRDD.toRDD(training), numIterations);
>    //the coefficient weights are perfect while dimension of LabeledPoint is
> SMALLER than 4.
>    //otherwise the output is always wrong and inscrutable.
>    //for instance, one output is
>    //Final w:
> [2.537341836047772E25,-7.744333206289736E24,6.697875883454909E23,-2.6704705246777624E22]
>    System.out.print("Final w: " + model.weights() + "\n\n");
>  }
> }
>  I would appreciate your kind help or guidance very much~~
> Thank you!
> Zhiliang


- DBSent from my iPhone



Re: [SPARK MLLIB] could not understand the wrong and inscrutable result of Linear Regression codes

2015-10-25 Thread Zhiliang Zhu
Hi DB Tsai,
Thanks very much for your kind help. I  get it now.
I am sorry that there is another issue, the weight/coefficient result is 
perfect while A is triangular matrix, however, while A is not triangular matrix 
transformed from triangular matrix, still is invertible), the result seems not 
perfect and difficult to make it better by resetting the parameter.Would you 
help comment some about that...
List localTraining = Lists.newArrayList(
  new LabeledPoint(30.0, Vectors.dense(1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0)),
  new LabeledPoint(29.0, Vectors.dense(0.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0)),
  new LabeledPoint(25.0, Vectors.dense(0.0, 0.0, 3.0, 4.0)),
  new LabeledPoint(-3.0, Vectors.dense(0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 
0.0)));...LinearRegression lr = new LinearRegression()

x3 and x4 could not become better, the output is:
Final w: 

Thank you,Zhiliang 

 On Monday, October 26, 2015 10:25 AM, DB Tsai  wrote:

 Column 4 is always constant, so no predictive power resulting zero weight.

On Sunday, October 25, 2015, Zhiliang Zhu  wrote:

Hi DB Tsai,
Thanks very much for your kind reply help.
As for your comment, I just modified and tested the key part of the codes:
 LinearRegression lr = new LinearRegression()
   .setElasticNetParam(0);  //the number could be reset

 final LinearRegressionModel model =;
Now the output is much reasonable, however, x4 is always 0 while repeatedly 
reset those parameters in lr , would you help some about it how to properly set 
the parameters ...
Final w: [1.00127825909,1.99979185054,2.3307136,0.0]

Thank you,Zhiliang


 On Monday, October 26, 2015 5:14 AM, DB Tsai  wrote:

 LinearRegressionWithSGD is not stable. Please use linear regression in
ML package instead.


DB Tsai
PGP Key ID: 0xAF08DF8D

On Sun, Oct 25, 2015 at 10:14 AM, Zhiliang Zhu
> Dear All,
> I have some program as below which makes me very much confused and
> inscrutable, it is about multiple dimension linear regression mode, the
> weight / coefficient is always perfect while the dimension is smaller than
> 4, otherwise it is wrong all the time.
> Or, whether the LinearRegressionWithSGD would be selected for another one?
> public class JavaLinearRegression {
>  public static void main(String[] args) {
>    SparkConf conf = new SparkConf().setAppName("Linear Regression
> Example");
>    JavaSparkContext sc = new JavaSparkContext(conf);
>    SQLContext jsql = new SQLContext(sc);
>    //Ax = b, x = [1, 2, 3, 4] would be the only one output about weight
>    //x1 + 2 * x2 + 3 * x3 + 4 * x4 = y would be the multiple linear mode
>    List localTraining = Lists.newArrayList(
>        new LabeledPoint(30.0, Vectors.dense(1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0)),
>        new LabeledPoint(29.0, Vectors.dense(0.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0)),
>        new LabeledPoint(25.0, Vectors.dense(0.0, 0.0, 3.0, 4.0)),
>        new LabeledPoint(16.0, Vectors.dense(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 4.0)));
>    JavaRDD training = sc.parallelize(localTraining).cache();
>    // Building the model
>    int numIterations = 1000; //the number could be reset large
>    final LinearRegressionModel model =
> LinearRegressionWithSGD.train(JavaRDD.toRDD(training), numIterations);
>    //the coefficient weights are perfect while dimension of LabeledPoint is
> SMALLER than 4.
>    //otherwise the output is always wrong and inscrutable.
>    //for instance, one output is
>    //Final w:
> [2.537341836047772E25,-7.744333206289736E24,6.697875883454909E23,-2.6704705246777624E22]
>    System.out.print("Final w: " + model.weights() + "\n\n");
>  }
> }
>  I would appreciate your kind help or guidance very much~~
> Thank you!
> Zhiliang


- DBSent from my iPhone


Re: [SPARK MLLIB] could not understand the wrong and inscrutable result of Linear Regression codes

2015-10-25 Thread Zhiliang Zhu
Hi DB Tsai,
Thanks very much for your kind reply help.
As for your comment, I just modified and tested the key part of the codes:
 LinearRegression lr = new LinearRegression()
   .setElasticNetParam(0);  //the number could be reset

 final LinearRegressionModel model =;
Now the output is much reasonable, however, x4 is always 0 while repeatedly 
reset those parameters in lr , would you help some about it how to properly set 
the parameters ...
Final w: [1.00127825909,1.99979185054,2.3307136,0.0]

Thank you,Zhiliang


 On Monday, October 26, 2015 5:14 AM, DB Tsai  wrote:

 LinearRegressionWithSGD is not stable. Please use linear regression in
ML package instead.


DB Tsai
PGP Key ID: 0xAF08DF8D

On Sun, Oct 25, 2015 at 10:14 AM, Zhiliang Zhu
> Dear All,
> I have some program as below which makes me very much confused and
> inscrutable, it is about multiple dimension linear regression mode, the
> weight / coefficient is always perfect while the dimension is smaller than
> 4, otherwise it is wrong all the time.
> Or, whether the LinearRegressionWithSGD would be selected for another one?
> public class JavaLinearRegression {
>  public static void main(String[] args) {
>    SparkConf conf = new SparkConf().setAppName("Linear Regression
> Example");
>    JavaSparkContext sc = new JavaSparkContext(conf);
>    SQLContext jsql = new SQLContext(sc);
>    //Ax = b, x = [1, 2, 3, 4] would be the only one output about weight
>    //x1 + 2 * x2 + 3 * x3 + 4 * x4 = y would be the multiple linear mode
>    List localTraining = Lists.newArrayList(
>        new LabeledPoint(30.0, Vectors.dense(1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0)),
>        new LabeledPoint(29.0, Vectors.dense(0.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0)),
>        new LabeledPoint(25.0, Vectors.dense(0.0, 0.0, 3.0, 4.0)),
>        new LabeledPoint(16.0, Vectors.dense(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 4.0)));
>    JavaRDD training = sc.parallelize(localTraining).cache();
>    // Building the model
>    int numIterations = 1000; //the number could be reset large
>    final LinearRegressionModel model =
> LinearRegressionWithSGD.train(JavaRDD.toRDD(training), numIterations);
>    //the coefficient weights are perfect while dimension of LabeledPoint is
> SMALLER than 4.
>    //otherwise the output is always wrong and inscrutable.
>    //for instance, one output is
>    //Final w:
> [2.537341836047772E25,-7.744333206289736E24,6.697875883454909E23,-2.6704705246777624E22]
>    System.out.print("Final w: " + model.weights() + "\n\n");
>  }
> }
>  I would appreciate your kind help or guidance very much~~
> Thank you!
> Zhiliang


[SPARK MLLIB] could not understand the wrong and inscrutable result of Linear Regression codes

2015-10-25 Thread Zhiliang Zhu
Dear All,
I have some program as below which makes me very much confused and inscrutable, 
it is about multiple dimension linear regression mode, the weight / coefficient 
is always perfect while the dimension is smaller than 4, otherwise it is wrong 
all the time.Or, whether the LinearRegressionWithSGD would be selected for 
another one?
public class JavaLinearRegression {  public static void main(String[] args) {   
 SparkConf conf = new SparkConf().setAppName("Linear Regression Example");    
JavaSparkContext sc = new JavaSparkContext(conf);    SQLContext jsql = new 
    //Ax = b, x = [1, 2, 3, 4] would be the only one output about weight     
//x1 + 2 * x2 + 3 * x3 + 4 * x4 = y would be the multiple linear mode    
List localTraining = Lists.newArrayList(        new 
LabeledPoint(30.0, Vectors.dense(1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0)),        new 
LabeledPoint(29.0, Vectors.dense(0.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0)),        new 
LabeledPoint(25.0, Vectors.dense(0.0, 0.0, 3.0, 4.0)),        new 
LabeledPoint(16.0, Vectors.dense(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 4.0)));
    JavaRDD training = sc.parallelize(localTraining).cache();
    // Building the model    int numIterations = 1000; //the number could be 
reset large    final LinearRegressionModel model = 
LinearRegressionWithSGD.train(JavaRDD.toRDD(training), numIterations);
    //the coefficient weights are perfect while dimension of LabeledPoint is 
SMALLER than 4.    //otherwise the output is always wrong and inscrutable.    
//for instance, one output is    //Final w: 
    System.out.print("Final w: " + model.weights() + "\n\n");  }}    I would 
appreciate your kind help or guidance very much~~
Thank you!Zhiliang

Re: How to get inverse Matrix / RDD or how to solve linear system of equations

2015-10-23 Thread Zhiliang Zhu
Hi Sujit , 
Firstly, I must show my deep appreciation and respect towards your kind help 
and excellent knowledge.It would be the best if you and me are in the same 
place then I shall specially go to express my thanks and respect to you.
I will try your way by spark mllib SVD .
For Linear Regression, Ax = b, in fact I want to view their variables and 
coefficient conversely, just as (1):   x1 * a1 + x2 * a2 + ... + xn * an = b , 
there is only with one linear  formula for it.There are also training data set 
with n number of point tuple [a11, a21, ..., an1, b1] just from [A, b] 
(variables ), then the coefficient x = [x1, x2, ..., xn]T may be got by mllib 
linear regression.
However, I tested spark mllib LR, while the point tuple dimension is more than 
6, it would need more than 100 000 number of iterations to get enough accurate 
solution about its coefficient, the time complexity is too much, the time cost 
would be very tremendous while the dimension is hundreds of.
In effect, I am working on algorithm optimization with specific model not in 
MLlib, that is object quadratic functionf(x1, x2, ..., xn) with lots of linear 
constraint conditions, then I use Lagrange way to convert the question as 
linear system of equations.My last problem is that, whether spark is properly 
used to algorithm optimization , or just directly use 
org.apache.spark.mllib.optimization, or by some other way, or it is not much 
convenient for this application...
Thank you very much~~Zhiliang 

 On Saturday, October 24, 2015 12:41 AM, Sujit Pal  

 Hi Zhiliang,
For a system of equations AX = y, Linear Regression will give you a best-fit 
estimate for A (coefficient vector) for a matrix of feature variables X and 
corresponding target variable y for a subset of your data. OTOH, what you are 
looking for here is to solve for x a system of equations Ax = b, where A and b 
are known and you want the vector x.
This Math Stackexchange page [2] explains the math in more detail, but 
A * x = b can be rewritten as x = A.I * b. You can get the pseudo-inverse of A 
using SVD (Spark MLLib supports SVD [1]). So the SVD decomposition would make A 
a product of three other matrices.
A = U * S * V.T
and the pseudo-inverse can be written as:
A.I = V * S * U.T
Then x can be found by multiplying A.I with b.

On Fri, Oct 23, 2015 at 2:19 AM, Zhiliang Zhu  wrote:

Hi Sujit, and All,
Currently I lost in large difficulty, I am eager to get some help from you.
There is some big linear system of equations as:Ax = b,  A with N number of row 
and N number of column, N is very large, b = [0, 0, ..., 0, 1]TThen, I will 
sovle it to get x = [x1, x2, ..., xn]T.
The simple solution would be to get inverse(A), and then  x = (inverse(A)) * b 
.A would be some JavaRDD> , however, for RDD/matrix there is 
add/multply/transpose APIs, no inverse API for it!
Then, how would it conveniently get inverse(A), or just solve the linear system 
of equations by some other way...In Spark MLlib, there was linear regression, 
the training process might be to solve the coefficients to get some specific 
linear model, just is, 
Ax = y, just train by (x, y) to get A , this might be used to solve the linear 
system of equations. It is like that? I could not decide.
I must show my deep appreciation torwards your all help.
Thank you very much!Zhiliang


How to get inverse Matrix / RDD or how to solve linear system of equations

2015-10-23 Thread Zhiliang Zhu
Hi Sujit, and All,
Currently I lost in large difficulty, I am eager to get some help from you.
There is some big linear system of equations as:Ax = b,  A with N number of row 
and N number of column, N is very large, b = [0, 0, ..., 0, 1]TThen, I will 
sovle it to get x = [x1, x2, ..., xn]T.
The simple solution would be to get inverse(A), and then  x = (inverse(A)) * b 
.A would be some JavaRDD> , however, for RDD/matrix there is 
add/multply/transpose APIs, no inverse API for it!
Then, how would it conveniently get inverse(A), or just solve the linear system 
of equations by some other way...In Spark MLlib, there was linear regression, 
the training process might be to solve the coefficients to get some specific 
linear model, just is, 
Ax = y, just train by (x, y) to get A , this might be used to solve the linear 
system of equations. It is like that? I could not decide.
I must show my deep appreciation torwards your all help.
Thank you very much!Zhiliang

[Spark MLlib] How to apply spark ml given models for questions with general background

2015-10-19 Thread Zhiliang Zhu
Dear All,
I am new for spark ml.
There is some project for me, for some given math model and I would like to get 
its optimized solution.It is very similar with spark mllib application. 
However, the key problem for me is that the given math model is not obviously 
belonging to the models ( as classification, regression,clustering, 
collaborative filtering, dimensionality reduction ) provided in spark ml...
For some specific application , I think the most important thing is to find the 
proper model for it from the known spark mllib, then all will follow the steps, 
since the optimizer is alreadyunder the mllib.
However, my question  is that, generally how it would go if the specific 
application is exactly belonging to the given models in mllib? Whether it 
generally convenient to split the specificbackground and convert into the given 
What is the general way to apply mllib for some specific backgrounds?
I must appreciate your help very much!
Thank you,Zhiliang

[Spark ML] How to extends MLlib's optimization algorithm

2015-10-15 Thread Zhiliang Zhu
Dear All,
I would like to use spark ml to develop some project related with optimization 
algorithm, however, in spark 1.4.1 it seems that under ml's optimizer there are 
only about 2 optimization algorithms.
My project may needs more kinds of optimization algorithms, then how would I 
use spark ml to develop it? And for the given optimization algorithm, it would 
be with different constraint 
conditions (math formula), exactly how would I actualize & solve those complex 
math formulas in the optimization algorithm?
If there are some comments, or some examples / links, it would be much useful.I 
must appreciate your help very much!
Thank you,Zhiliang

Re: How to properly set conf/ for spark to run on yarn

2015-09-28 Thread Zhiliang Zhu
It is working properly now, by command "spark-submit  --master yarn-cluster " 
.It seems that it will not run by way of "spark-submit --master yarn-client " 
on yarn.
Thanks a lot for all your help . 


 On Saturday, September 26, 2015 2:27 PM, Gavin Yue 

 It is working, We are doing the same thing everyday.  But the remote server 
needs to able to talk with ResourceManager. 

If you are using Spark-submit,  your will also specify the hadoop conf 
directory in your Env variable. Spark would rely on that to locate where the 
cluster's resource manager is. 

I think this tutorial is pretty clear:

On Fri, Sep 25, 2015 at 7:11 PM, Zhiliang Zhu  wrote:

Hi Yue,
Thanks very much for your kind reply.
I would like to submit spark job remotely on another machine outside the 
cluster,and the job will run on yarn, similar as hadoop job is already done, 
could youconfirm it could exactly work for spark...
Do you mean that I would print those variables on linux command side?
Best Regards,Zhiliang


 On Saturday, September 26, 2015 10:07 AM, Gavin Yue 

 Print out your env variables and check first 

Sent from my iPhone
On Sep 25, 2015, at 18:43, Zhiliang Zhu  wrote:

Hi All,
I would like to submit spark job on some another remote machine outside the 
cluster,I also copied hadoop/spark conf files under the remote machine, then 
hadoopjob would be submitted, but spark job would not.
In, it may be due to that SPARK_LOCAL_IP is not properly set,or 
for some other reasons...
This issue is urgent for me, would some expert provide some help about this 
I will show sincere appreciation towards your help.
Thank you!Best Regards,Zhiliang

 On Friday, September 25, 2015 7:53 PM, Zhiliang Zhu 

 Hi all,
The spark job will run on yarn. While I do not set SPARK_LOCAL_IP any, or just 
set asexport  SPARK_LOCAL_IP=localhost    #or set as the specific node ip on 
the specific spark install directory 

It will work well to submit spark job on master node of cluster, however, it 
will fail by way of some gateway machine remotely.
The gateway machine is already configed, it works well to submit hadoop job.It 
is set as:
export SCALA_HOME=/usr/lib/scala
export JAVA_HOME=/usr/java/jdk1.7.0_45
export R_HOME=/usr/lib/r
export HADOOP_HOME=/usr/lib/hadoop
export YARN_CONF_DIR=/usr/lib/hadoop/etc/hadoop
export HADOOP_CONF_DIR=$HADOOP_HOME/etc/hadoop

export SPARK_MASTER_IP=master01
#export SPARK_LOCAL_IP=master01  #if no SPARK_LOCAL_IP is set, SparkContext 
will not start
export SPARK_LOCAL_IP=localhost #if localhost is set, SparkContext is 
started, but failed later
export SPARK_LOCAL_DIRS=/data/spark_local_dir

The error messages:
15/09/25 19:07:12 INFO util.Utils: Successfully started service 'sparkYarnAM' 
on port 48133.
15/09/25 19:07:12 INFO yarn.ApplicationMaster: Waiting for Spark driver to be 
15/09/25 19:07:12 ERROR yarn.ApplicationMaster: Failed to connect to driver at, retrying ...
15/09/25 19:07:12 ERROR yarn.ApplicationMaster: Failed to connect to driver at, retrying ...
15/09/25 19:07:12 ERROR yarn.ApplicationMaster: Failed to connect to driver at, retrying ...

 I shall sincerely appreciate your kind help very much!Zhiliang




Re: How to properly set conf/ for spark to run on yarn

2015-09-27 Thread Zhiliang Zhu
Hi All,
Would some expert help me some about the issue...
I shall appreciate you kind help very much!
Thank you!   


 On Sunday, September 27, 2015 7:40 PM, Zhiliang Zhu 

 Hi Alexis, Gavin,
Thanks very much for your kind comment.My spark command is : 
spark-submit --class com.zyyx.spark.example.LinearRegression --master 
yarn-client LinearRegression.jar 

Both spark-shell and spark-submit will not run, all is hanging during the stage,
15/09/27 19:18:06 INFO yarn.Client: Application report for 
application_1440676456544_0727 (state: ACCEPTED)...
The more deeper error log under /hdfs/yarn/logs/:
15/09/27 19:10:37 INFO util.Utils: Successfully started service 'sparkYarnAM' 
on port 53882.
15/09/27 19:10:37 INFO yarn.ApplicationMaster: Waiting for Spark driver to be 
15/09/27 19:10:37 ERROR yarn.ApplicationMaster: Failed to connect to driver at, retrying ...
15/09/27 19:10:37 ERROR yarn.ApplicationMaster: Failed to connect to driver at, retrying ... 

For the all machine nodes, I just installed hadoop and spark, with same path & 
file & configuration, and 
copied one of the hadoop & spark directory to the remote gateway machine, the 
all would be with same 
path & file name & configuration under different nodes.
In the link Running Spark on YARN - Spark 1.5.0 Documentation, there is some 
words as:Ensure that HADOOP_CONF_DIR or YARN_CONF_DIR points to the directory 
which contains the (client side) configuration files for the Hadoop 
cluster.These configs are used to write to HDFS and connect to the YARN 

I do not exactly catch the first sentence.
hadoop version is 2.5.2, spark version is 1.4.1
The setting,
export SCALA_HOME=/usr/lib/scala
export JAVA_HOME=/usr/java/jdk1.7.0_45
export R_HOME=/usr/lib/r
export HADOOP_HOME=/usr/lib/hadoop
export YARN_CONF_DIR=/usr/lib/hadoop/etc/hadoop
export HADOOP_CONF_DIR=$HADOOP_HOME/etc/hadoop

export SPARK_MASTER_IP=master01
#export SPARK_LOCAL_IP=master02
export SPARK_LOCAL_IP=localhost
export SPARK_LOCAL_DIRS=/data/spark_local_dir

Would you help point out what is wrong place I made...I must show sincere 
appreciation towards your help.
Best Regards,Zhiliang

On Saturday, September 26, 2015 2:27 PM, Gavin Yue  


 It is working, We are doing the same thing everyday.  But the remote server 
needs to able to talk with ResourceManager. 

If you are using Spark-submit,  your will also specify the hadoop conf 
directory in your Env variable. Spark would rely on that to locate where the 
cluster's resource manager is. 

I think this tutorial is pretty clear:

On Fri, Sep 25, 2015 at 7:11 PM, Zhiliang Zhu  wrote:

Hi Yue,
Thanks very much for your kind reply.
I would like to submit spark job remotely on another machine outside the 
cluster,and the job will run on yarn, similar as hadoop job is already done, 
could youconfirm it could exactly work for spark...
Do you mean that I would print those variables on linux command side?
Best Regards,Zhiliang


 On Saturday, September 26, 2015 10:07 AM, Gavin Yue 

 Print out your env variables and check first 

Sent from my iPhone
On Sep 25, 2015, at 18:43, Zhiliang Zhu  wrote:

Hi All,
I would like to submit spark job on some another remote machine outside the 
cluster,I also copied hadoop/spark conf files under the remote machine, then 
hadoopjob would be submitted, but spark job would not.
In, it may be due to that SPARK_LOCAL_IP is not properly set,or 
for some other reasons...
This issue is urgent for me, would some expert provide some help about this 
I will show sincere appreciation towards your help.
Thank you!Best Regards,Zhiliang

 On Friday, September 25, 2015 7:53 PM, Zhiliang Zhu 

 Hi all,
The spark job will run on yarn. While I do not set SPARK_LOCAL_IP any, or just 
set asexport  SPARK_LOCAL_IP=localhost    #or set as the specific node ip on 
the specific spark install directory 

It will work well to submit spark job on master node of cluster, however, it 
will fail by way of some gateway machine remotely.
The gateway machine is already configed, it works well to submit hadoop job.It 
is set as:
export SCALA_HOME=/usr/lib/scala
export JAVA_HOME=/usr/java/jdk1.7.0_45
export R_HOME=/usr/lib/r
export HADOOP_HOME=/usr/lib/hadoop
export YARN_CONF_DIR=/usr/lib/hadoop/etc/hadoop
export HADOOP_CONF_DIR=$HADOOP_HOME/etc/hadoop

export SPARK_MASTER_IP=master01
#export SPARK_LOCAL_IP=master01  #if no SPARK_LOCAL_IP is set, SparkContext 
will not start
export SPARK_LOCAL_IP=localhost #if localhost is set, SparkContext is 
started, but failed later
export SPARK_LOCAL_DIRS=/data/spark_local_dir

The error messages:
15/09/25 19:07:12 INFO util.Utils: Successfully started service 'sparkYarnAM' 
on port 48133.
15/09/25 19:07:12 INFO yarn.Appl

Re: How to properly set conf/ for spark to run on yarn

2015-09-27 Thread Zhiliang Zhu
Hi Alexis, Gavin,
Thanks very much for your kind comment.My spark command is : 
spark-submit --class com.zyyx.spark.example.LinearRegression --master 
yarn-client LinearRegression.jar 

Both spark-shell and spark-submit will not run, all is hanging during the stage,
15/09/27 19:18:06 INFO yarn.Client: Application report for 
application_1440676456544_0727 (state: ACCEPTED)...
The more deeper error log under /hdfs/yarn/logs/:
15/09/27 19:10:37 INFO util.Utils: Successfully started service 'sparkYarnAM' 
on port 53882.
15/09/27 19:10:37 INFO yarn.ApplicationMaster: Waiting for Spark driver to be 
15/09/27 19:10:37 ERROR yarn.ApplicationMaster: Failed to connect to driver at, retrying ...
15/09/27 19:10:37 ERROR yarn.ApplicationMaster: Failed to connect to driver at, retrying ... 

For the all machine nodes, I just installed hadoop and spark, with same path & 
file & configuration, and 
copied one of the hadoop & spark directory to the remote gateway machine, the 
all would be with same 
path & file name & configuration under different nodes.
In the link Running Spark on YARN - Spark 1.5.0 Documentation, there is some 
words as:Ensure that HADOOP_CONF_DIR or YARN_CONF_DIR points to the directory 
which contains the (client side) configuration files for the Hadoop 
cluster.These configs are used to write to HDFS and connect to the YARN 

I do not exactly catch the first sentence.
hadoop version is 2.5.2, spark version is 1.4.1
The setting,
export SCALA_HOME=/usr/lib/scala
export JAVA_HOME=/usr/java/jdk1.7.0_45
export R_HOME=/usr/lib/r
export HADOOP_HOME=/usr/lib/hadoop
export YARN_CONF_DIR=/usr/lib/hadoop/etc/hadoop
export HADOOP_CONF_DIR=$HADOOP_HOME/etc/hadoop

export SPARK_MASTER_IP=master01
#export SPARK_LOCAL_IP=master02
export SPARK_LOCAL_IP=localhost
export SPARK_LOCAL_DIRS=/data/spark_local_dir

Would you help point out what is wrong place I made...I must show sincere 
appreciation towards your help.
Best Regards,Zhiliang

On Saturday, September 26, 2015 2:27 PM, Gavin Yue  


 It is working, We are doing the same thing everyday.  But the remote server 
needs to able to talk with ResourceManager. 

If you are using Spark-submit,  your will also specify the hadoop conf 
directory in your Env variable. Spark would rely on that to locate where the 
cluster's resource manager is. 

I think this tutorial is pretty clear:

On Fri, Sep 25, 2015 at 7:11 PM, Zhiliang Zhu  wrote:

Hi Yue,
Thanks very much for your kind reply.
I would like to submit spark job remotely on another machine outside the 
cluster,and the job will run on yarn, similar as hadoop job is already done, 
could youconfirm it could exactly work for spark...
Do you mean that I would print those variables on linux command side?
Best Regards,Zhiliang


 On Saturday, September 26, 2015 10:07 AM, Gavin Yue 

 Print out your env variables and check first 

Sent from my iPhone
On Sep 25, 2015, at 18:43, Zhiliang Zhu  wrote:

Hi All,
I would like to submit spark job on some another remote machine outside the 
cluster,I also copied hadoop/spark conf files under the remote machine, then 
hadoopjob would be submitted, but spark job would not.
In, it may be due to that SPARK_LOCAL_IP is not properly set,or 
for some other reasons...
This issue is urgent for me, would some expert provide some help about this 
I will show sincere appreciation towards your help.
Thank you!Best Regards,Zhiliang

 On Friday, September 25, 2015 7:53 PM, Zhiliang Zhu 

 Hi all,
The spark job will run on yarn. While I do not set SPARK_LOCAL_IP any, or just 
set asexport  SPARK_LOCAL_IP=localhost    #or set as the specific node ip on 
the specific spark install directory 

It will work well to submit spark job on master node of cluster, however, it 
will fail by way of some gateway machine remotely.
The gateway machine is already configed, it works well to submit hadoop job.It 
is set as:
export SCALA_HOME=/usr/lib/scala
export JAVA_HOME=/usr/java/jdk1.7.0_45
export R_HOME=/usr/lib/r
export HADOOP_HOME=/usr/lib/hadoop
export YARN_CONF_DIR=/usr/lib/hadoop/etc/hadoop
export HADOOP_CONF_DIR=$HADOOP_HOME/etc/hadoop

export SPARK_MASTER_IP=master01
#export SPARK_LOCAL_IP=master01  #if no SPARK_LOCAL_IP is set, SparkContext 
will not start
export SPARK_LOCAL_IP=localhost #if localhost is set, SparkContext is 
started, but failed later
export SPARK_LOCAL_DIRS=/data/spark_local_dir

The error messages:
15/09/25 19:07:12 INFO util.Utils: Successfully started service 'sparkYarnAM' 
on port 48133.
15/09/25 19:07:12 INFO yarn.ApplicationMaster: Waiting for Spark driver to be 
15/09/25 19:07:12 ERROR yarn.ApplicationMaster: Failed to connect to driver at, retrying ...
15/09/25 19:07:12 ERROR yarn.Appl

Re: How to properly set conf/ for spark to run on yarn

2015-09-25 Thread Zhiliang Zhu
Hi Yue,
Thanks very much for your kind reply.
I would like to submit spark job remotely on another machine outside the 
cluster,and the job will run on yarn, similar as hadoop job is already done, 
could youconfirm it could exactly work for spark...
Do you mean that I would print those variables on linux command side?
Best Regards,Zhiliang


 On Saturday, September 26, 2015 10:07 AM, Gavin Yue 

 Print out your env variables and check first 

Sent from my iPhone
On Sep 25, 2015, at 18:43, Zhiliang Zhu  wrote:

Hi All,
I would like to submit spark job on some another remote machine outside the 
cluster,I also copied hadoop/spark conf files under the remote machine, then 
hadoopjob would be submitted, but spark job would not.
In, it may be due to that SPARK_LOCAL_IP is not properly set,or 
for some other reasons...
This issue is urgent for me, would some expert provide some help about this 
I will show sincere appreciation towards your help.
Thank you!Best Regards,Zhiliang

 On Friday, September 25, 2015 7:53 PM, Zhiliang Zhu 

 Hi all,
The spark job will run on yarn. While I do not set SPARK_LOCAL_IP any, or just 
set asexport  SPARK_LOCAL_IP=localhost    #or set as the specific node ip on 
the specific spark install directory 

It will work well to submit spark job on master node of cluster, however, it 
will fail by way of some gateway machine remotely.
The gateway machine is already configed, it works well to submit hadoop job.It 
is set as:
export SCALA_HOME=/usr/lib/scala
export JAVA_HOME=/usr/java/jdk1.7.0_45
export R_HOME=/usr/lib/r
export HADOOP_HOME=/usr/lib/hadoop
export YARN_CONF_DIR=/usr/lib/hadoop/etc/hadoop
export HADOOP_CONF_DIR=$HADOOP_HOME/etc/hadoop

export SPARK_MASTER_IP=master01
#export SPARK_LOCAL_IP=master01  #if no SPARK_LOCAL_IP is set, SparkContext 
will not start
export SPARK_LOCAL_IP=localhost #if localhost is set, SparkContext is 
started, but failed later
export SPARK_LOCAL_DIRS=/data/spark_local_dir

The error messages:
15/09/25 19:07:12 INFO util.Utils: Successfully started service 'sparkYarnAM' 
on port 48133.
15/09/25 19:07:12 INFO yarn.ApplicationMaster: Waiting for Spark driver to be 
15/09/25 19:07:12 ERROR yarn.ApplicationMaster: Failed to connect to driver at, retrying ...
15/09/25 19:07:12 ERROR yarn.ApplicationMaster: Failed to connect to driver at, retrying ...
15/09/25 19:07:12 ERROR yarn.ApplicationMaster: Failed to connect to driver at, retrying ...

 I shall sincerely appreciate your kind help very much!Zhiliang



How to properly set conf/ for spark to run on yarn

2015-09-25 Thread Zhiliang Zhu
Hi All,
I would like to submit spark job on some another remote machine outside the 
cluster,I also copied hadoop/spark conf files under the remote machine, then 
hadoopjob would be submitted, but spark job would not.
In, it may be due to that SPARK_LOCAL_IP is not properly set,or 
for some other reasons...
This issue is urgent for me, would some expert provide some help about this 
I will show sincere appreciation towards your help.
Thank you!Best Regards,Zhiliang

How to properly set conf/ for spark to run on yarn

2015-09-25 Thread Zhiliang Zhu
Hi All,
I would like to submit spark job on some another remote machine outside the 
cluster,I also copied hadoop/spark conf files under the remote machine, then 
hadoopjob would be submitted, but spark job would not.
In, it may be due to that SPARK_LOCAL_IP is not properly set,or 
for some other reasons...
This issue is urgent for me, would some expert provide some help about this 
I will show sincere appreciation towards your help.
Thank you!Best Regards,Zhiliang

 On Friday, September 25, 2015 7:53 PM, Zhiliang Zhu 

 Hi all,
The spark job will run on yarn. While I do not set SPARK_LOCAL_IP any, or just 
set asexport  SPARK_LOCAL_IP=localhost    #or set as the specific node ip on 
the specific spark install directory 

It will work well to submit spark job on master node of cluster, however, it 
will fail by way of some gateway machine remotely.
The gateway machine is already configed, it works well to submit hadoop job.It 
is set as:
export SCALA_HOME=/usr/lib/scala
export JAVA_HOME=/usr/java/jdk1.7.0_45
export R_HOME=/usr/lib/r
export HADOOP_HOME=/usr/lib/hadoop
export YARN_CONF_DIR=/usr/lib/hadoop/etc/hadoop
export HADOOP_CONF_DIR=$HADOOP_HOME/etc/hadoop

export SPARK_MASTER_IP=master01
#export SPARK_LOCAL_IP=master01  #if no SPARK_LOCAL_IP is set, SparkContext 
will not start
export SPARK_LOCAL_IP=localhost #if localhost is set, SparkContext is 
started, but failed later
export SPARK_LOCAL_DIRS=/data/spark_local_dir

The error messages:
15/09/25 19:07:12 INFO util.Utils: Successfully started service 'sparkYarnAM' 
on port 48133.
15/09/25 19:07:12 INFO yarn.ApplicationMaster: Waiting for Spark driver to be 
15/09/25 19:07:12 ERROR yarn.ApplicationMaster: Failed to connect to driver at, retrying ...
15/09/25 19:07:12 ERROR yarn.ApplicationMaster: Failed to connect to driver at, retrying ...
15/09/25 19:07:12 ERROR yarn.ApplicationMaster: Failed to connect to driver at, retrying ...

 I shall sincerely appreciate your kind help very much!Zhiliang


Re: How to set spark envoirnment variable SPARK_LOCAL_IP in conf/

2015-09-25 Thread Zhiliang Zhu

 On Friday, September 25, 2015 7:46 PM, Zhiliang Zhu  

 Hi all,
The spark job will run on yarn. While I do not set SPARK_LOCAL_IP any, or just 
set asexport  SPARK_LOCAL_IP=localhost    #or set as the specific node ip on 
the specific spark install directory 

It will work well to submit spark job on master node of cluster, however, it 
will fail by way of some gateway machine remotely.
The gateway machine is already configed, it works well to submit hadoop job.It 
is set as:
export SCALA_HOME=/usr/lib/scala
export JAVA_HOME=/usr/java/jdk1.7.0_45
export R_HOME=/usr/lib/r
export HADOOP_HOME=/usr/lib/hadoop
export YARN_CONF_DIR=/usr/lib/hadoop/etc/hadoop
export HADOOP_CONF_DIR=$HADOOP_HOME/etc/hadoop

export SPARK_MASTER_IP=master01
#export SPARK_LOCAL_IP=master01  #if no SPARK_LOCAL_IP is set, SparkContext 
will not start
export SPARK_LOCAL_IP=localhost #if localhost is set, SparkContext is 
started, but failed later
export SPARK_LOCAL_DIRS=/data/spark_local_dir

The error messages:   <---   it is for  SPARK_LOCAL_IP=localhost 
15/09/25 19:07:12 INFO util.Utils: Successfully started service 'sparkYarnAM' 
on port 48133.
15/09/25 19:07:12 INFO yarn.ApplicationMaster: Waiting for Spark driver to be 
15/09/25 19:07:12 ERROR yarn.ApplicationMaster: Failed to connect to driver at, retrying ...
15/09/25 19:07:12 ERROR yarn.ApplicationMaster: Failed to connect to driver at, retrying ...
15/09/25 19:07:12 ERROR yarn.ApplicationMaster: Failed to connect to driver at, retrying ...

 I shall sincerely appreciate your kind help very much!Zhiliang


How to set spark envoirnment variable SPARK_LOCAL_IP in conf/

2015-09-25 Thread Zhiliang Zhu
Hi all,
The spark job will run on yarn. While I do not set SPARK_LOCAL_IP any, or just 
set asexport  SPARK_LOCAL_IP=localhost    #or set as the specific node ip on 
the specific spark install directory 

It will work well to submit spark job on master node of cluster, however, it 
will fail by way of some gateway machine remotely.
The gateway machine is already configed, it works well to submit hadoop job.It 
is set as:
export SCALA_HOME=/usr/lib/scala
export JAVA_HOME=/usr/java/jdk1.7.0_45
export R_HOME=/usr/lib/r
export HADOOP_HOME=/usr/lib/hadoop
export YARN_CONF_DIR=/usr/lib/hadoop/etc/hadoop
export HADOOP_CONF_DIR=$HADOOP_HOME/etc/hadoop

export SPARK_MASTER_IP=master01
#export SPARK_LOCAL_IP=master01  #if no SPARK_LOCAL_IP is set, SparkContext 
will not start
export SPARK_LOCAL_IP=localhost #if localhost is set, SparkContext is 
started, but failed later
export SPARK_LOCAL_DIRS=/data/spark_local_dir

The error messages:
15/09/25 19:07:12 INFO util.Utils: Successfully started service 'sparkYarnAM' 
on port 48133.
15/09/25 19:07:12 INFO yarn.ApplicationMaster: Waiting for Spark driver to be 
15/09/25 19:07:12 ERROR yarn.ApplicationMaster: Failed to connect to driver at, retrying ...
15/09/25 19:07:12 ERROR yarn.ApplicationMaster: Failed to connect to driver at, retrying ...
15/09/25 19:07:12 ERROR yarn.ApplicationMaster: Failed to connect to driver at, retrying ...

 I shall sincerely appreciate your kind help very much!Zhiliang

Re: how to submit the spark job outside the cluster

2015-09-25 Thread Zhiliang Zhu
It seems that is due to spark  SPARK_LOCAL_IP setting.export 
will not work.
Then, how it would be set.
Thank you all~~ 

 On Friday, September 25, 2015 5:57 PM, Zhiliang Zhu 

 Hi Steve,
Thanks a lot for your reply.
That is, some commands could work on the remote server gateway installed , but 
some other commands will not work.As expected, the remote machine is not in the 
same area network as the cluster, and the cluster's portis forbidden.
While I make the remote machine gateway for another local area cluster, it 
works fine, and the hadoopjob could be submitted on the machine remotedly.
However, I want to submit spark jobs remotely as hadoop jobs do In the 
gateway machine, I also copied the spark install directory from the cluster to 
it, conf/spark-env.shis also there. But I fail to submit spark job 
remotely...The error messages:
15/09/25 17:47:47 INFO slf4j.Slf4jLogger: Slf4jLogger started
15/09/25 17:47:47 INFO Remoting: Starting remoting
15/09/25 17:47:48 ERROR netty.NettyTransport: failed to bind to 
/, shutting down Netty transport
15/09/25 17:47:48 WARN util.Utils: Service 'sparkDriver' could not bind on port 
0. Attempting port 1.
15/09/25 17:47:48 INFO remote.RemoteActorRefProvider$RemotingTerminator: 
Shutting down remote daemon.
15/09/25 17:47:48 INFO remote.RemoteActorRefProvider$RemotingTerminator: Remote 
daemon shut down; proceeding with flushing remote transports.
15/09/25 17:47:48 INFO remote.RemoteActorRefProvider$RemotingTerminator: 
Remoting shut down.

Would you help some about it ...
Thank you very much!Zhiliang 


 On Friday, September 25, 2015 5:21 PM, Steve Loughran 


On 25 Sep 2015, at 05:25, Zhiliang Zhu  wrote:

However, I just could use "hadoop fs -ls/-mkdir/-rm XXX" commands to operate at 
the remote machine with gateway, 

which means the namenode is reachable; all those commands only need to interact 
with it.

but commands "hadoop fs -cat/-put XXX    YYY" would not work with error message 
as below:
put: File /user/zhuzl/wordcount/input/1._COPYING_ could only be replicated to 0 
nodes instead of minReplication (=1).  There are 2 datanode(s) running and 2 
node(s) are excluded in this operation.
15/09/25 10:44:00 INFO hdfs.DFSClient: Exception in createBlockOutputStream 6 millis timeout while 
waiting for channel to be ready for connect. ch : 
java.nio.channels.SocketChannel[connection-pending remote=/]

the client can't reach the datanodes



Re: how to submit the spark job outside the cluster

2015-09-25 Thread Zhiliang Zhu
Hi Steve,
Thanks a lot for your reply.
That is, some commands could work on the remote server gateway installed , but 
some other commands will not work.As expected, the remote machine is not in the 
same area network as the cluster, and the cluster's portis forbidden.
While I make the remote machine gateway for another local area cluster, it 
works fine, and the hadoopjob could be submitted on the machine remotedly.
However, I want to submit spark jobs remotely as hadoop jobs do In the 
gateway machine, I also copied the spark install directory from the cluster to 
it, conf/spark-env.shis also there. But I fail to submit spark job 
remotely...The error messages:
15/09/25 17:47:47 INFO slf4j.Slf4jLogger: Slf4jLogger started
15/09/25 17:47:47 INFO Remoting: Starting remoting
15/09/25 17:47:48 ERROR netty.NettyTransport: failed to bind to 
/, shutting down Netty transport
15/09/25 17:47:48 WARN util.Utils: Service 'sparkDriver' could not bind on port 
0. Attempting port 1.
15/09/25 17:47:48 INFO remote.RemoteActorRefProvider$RemotingTerminator: 
Shutting down remote daemon.
15/09/25 17:47:48 INFO remote.RemoteActorRefProvider$RemotingTerminator: Remote 
daemon shut down; proceeding with flushing remote transports.
15/09/25 17:47:48 INFO remote.RemoteActorRefProvider$RemotingTerminator: 
Remoting shut down.

Would you help some about it ...
Thank you very much!Zhiliang 


 On Friday, September 25, 2015 5:21 PM, Steve Loughran 


On 25 Sep 2015, at 05:25, Zhiliang Zhu  wrote:

However, I just could use "hadoop fs -ls/-mkdir/-rm XXX" commands to operate at 
the remote machine with gateway, 

which means the namenode is reachable; all those commands only need to interact 
with it.

but commands "hadoop fs -cat/-put XXX    YYY" would not work with error message 
as below:
put: File /user/zhuzl/wordcount/input/1._COPYING_ could only be replicated to 0 
nodes instead of minReplication (=1).  There are 2 datanode(s) running and 2 
node(s) are excluded in this operation.
15/09/25 10:44:00 INFO hdfs.DFSClient: Exception in createBlockOutputStream 6 millis timeout while 
waiting for channel to be ready for connect. ch : 
java.nio.channels.SocketChannel[connection-pending remote=/]

the client can't reach the datanodes


Re: how to submit the spark job outside the cluster

2015-09-24 Thread Zhiliang Zhu
And the remote machine is not in the same local area network with the cluster . 

 On Friday, September 25, 2015 12:28 PM, Zhiliang Zhu 

 Hi Zhan,
I have done that as your kind help.
However, I just could use "hadoop fs -ls/-mkdir/-rm XXX" commands to operate at 
the remote machine with gateway, 
but commands "hadoop fs -cat/-put XXX    YYY" would not work with error message 
as below:
put: File /user/zhuzl/wordcount/input/1._COPYING_ could only be replicated to 0 
nodes instead of minReplication (=1).  There are 2 datanode(s) running and 2 
node(s) are excluded in this operation.
15/09/25 10:44:00 INFO hdfs.DFSClient: Exception in createBlockOutputStream 6 millis timeout while 
waiting for channel to be ready for connect. ch : 
java.nio.channels.SocketChannel[connection-pending remote=/]...
in the cluster, all machines' /etc/hosts10.6.32.132  master  #all is local area 
network ip    core1    #must this place use global ip, in order to operate for 
remote machine ?  core2  

in the remote machine's /etc/hosts master  #all is global area network ip, or else no commands will 
work core1   #but still -cat / -put will not work core2

Would you help comment some...
Thank you very much!Zhiliang

 On Wednesday, September 23, 2015 11:30 AM, Zhan Zhang 

 Hi Zhiliang,
I cannot find a specific doc. But as far as I remember, you can log in one of 
your cluster machine, and find the hadoop configuration location, for example 
/etc/hadoop/conf, copy that directory to your local machine. Typically it has 
hdfs-site.xml, yarn-site.xml etc. In spark, the former is used to access hdfs, 
and the latter is used to launch application on top of yarn.
Then in the, you add export HADOOP_CONF_DIR=/etc/hadoop/conf. 
Zhan Zhang

On Sep 22, 2015, at 8:14 PM, Zhiliang Zhu  wrote:

Hi Zhan,
Yes, I get it now. 
I have not ever deployed hadoop configuration locally, and do not find the 
specific doc, would you help provide the doc to do that...
Thank you,Zhiliang

On Wednesday, September 23, 2015 11:08 AM, Zhan Zhang  

There is no difference between running the client in or out of the client 
(assuming there is no firewall or network connectivity issue), as long as you 
have hadoop configuration locally.  Here is the doc for running on yarn.
Zhan Zhang
On Sep 22, 2015, at 7:49 PM, Zhiliang Zhu  wrote:

Hi Zhan,
Thanks very much for your help comment.I also view it would be similar to 
hadoop job submit, however, I was not deciding whether it is like that whenit 
comes to spark.  
Have you ever tried that for spark...Would you give me the deployment doc for 
hadoop and spark gateway, since this is the first time for meto do that, I do 
not find the specific doc for it.

Best Regards,Zhiliang

On Wednesday, September 23, 2015 10:20 AM, Zhan Zhang  

It should be similar to other hadoop jobs. You need hadoop configuration in 
your client machine, and point the HADOOP_CONF_DIR in spark to the 
Zhan Zhang
On Sep 22, 2015, at 6:37 PM, Zhiliang Zhu  wrote:

Dear Experts,

Spark job is running on the cluster by yarn. Since the job can be submited at 
the place on the machine from the cluster,however, I would like to submit the 
job from another machine which does not belong to the cluster.I know for this, 
hadoop job could be done by way of another machine which is installed hadoop 
gateway which is usedto connect the cluster.
Then what would go for spark, is it same as hadoop... And where is the 
instruction doc for installing this gateway...
Thank you very much~~Zhiliang 



Re: how to submit the spark job outside the cluster

2015-09-24 Thread Zhiliang Zhu
Hi Zhan,
I have done that as your kind help.
However, I just could use "hadoop fs -ls/-mkdir/-rm XXX" commands to operate at 
the remote machine with gateway, 
but commands "hadoop fs -cat/-put XXX    YYY" would not work with error message 
as below:
put: File /user/zhuzl/wordcount/input/1._COPYING_ could only be replicated to 0 
nodes instead of minReplication (=1).  There are 2 datanode(s) running and 2 
node(s) are excluded in this operation.
15/09/25 10:44:00 INFO hdfs.DFSClient: Exception in createBlockOutputStream 6 millis timeout while 
waiting for channel to be ready for connect. ch : 
java.nio.channels.SocketChannel[connection-pending remote=/]...
in the cluster, all machines' /etc/hosts10.6.32.132  master  #all is local area 
network ip    core1    #must this place use global ip, in order to operate for 
remote machine ?  core2  

in the remote machine's /etc/hosts master  #all is global area network ip, or else no commands will 
work core1   #but still -cat / -put will not work core2

Would you help comment some...
Thank you very much!Zhiliang

 On Wednesday, September 23, 2015 11:30 AM, Zhan Zhang 

 Hi Zhiliang,
I cannot find a specific doc. But as far as I remember, you can log in one of 
your cluster machine, and find the hadoop configuration location, for example 
/etc/hadoop/conf, copy that directory to your local machine. Typically it has 
hdfs-site.xml, yarn-site.xml etc. In spark, the former is used to access hdfs, 
and the latter is used to launch application on top of yarn.
Then in the, you add export HADOOP_CONF_DIR=/etc/hadoop/conf. 
Zhan Zhang

On Sep 22, 2015, at 8:14 PM, Zhiliang Zhu  wrote:

Hi Zhan,
Yes, I get it now. 
I have not ever deployed hadoop configuration locally, and do not find the 
specific doc, would you help provide the doc to do that...
Thank you,Zhiliang

On Wednesday, September 23, 2015 11:08 AM, Zhan Zhang  

There is no difference between running the client in or out of the client 
(assuming there is no firewall or network connectivity issue), as long as you 
have hadoop configuration locally.  Here is the doc for running on yarn.
Zhan Zhang
On Sep 22, 2015, at 7:49 PM, Zhiliang Zhu  wrote:

Hi Zhan,
Thanks very much for your help comment.I also view it would be similar to 
hadoop job submit, however, I was not deciding whether it is like that whenit 
comes to spark.  
Have you ever tried that for spark...Would you give me the deployment doc for 
hadoop and spark gateway, since this is the first time for meto do that, I do 
not find the specific doc for it.

Best Regards,Zhiliang

On Wednesday, September 23, 2015 10:20 AM, Zhan Zhang  

It should be similar to other hadoop jobs. You need hadoop configuration in 
your client machine, and point the HADOOP_CONF_DIR in spark to the 
Zhan Zhang
On Sep 22, 2015, at 6:37 PM, Zhiliang Zhu  wrote:

Dear Experts,

Spark job is running on the cluster by yarn. Since the job can be submited at 
the place on the machine from the cluster,however, I would like to submit the 
job from another machine which does not belong to the cluster.I know for this, 
hadoop job could be done by way of another machine which is installed hadoop 
gateway which is usedto connect the cluster.
Then what would go for spark, is it same as hadoop... And where is the 
instruction doc for installing this gateway...
Thank you very much~~Zhiliang 


Re: How to subtract two RDDs with same size

2015-09-23 Thread Zhiliang Zhu
Hi Sujit,
It is wonderful for you!I must show my sincere appreciation towards your kind 
Thank you very much!Best Regards,Zhiliang   

 On Wednesday, September 23, 2015 10:15 PM, Sujit Pal 

 Hi Zhiliang,
How about doing something like this?
val rdd3 = => => z._1 - z._2))
The first zip will join the two RDDs and produce an RDD of (Array[Float], 
Array[Float]) pairs. On each pair, we zip the two Array[Float] components 
together to form an Array[(Float, Float)] and then we subtract the first 
element from the second in the inner map (the inner map is a Scala map not a 
Spark one).
I tried this out on a notebook:
val rdd1 = sc.parallelize(List(Array(1.0, 2.0, 3.0), Array(4.0, 5.0, 6.0), 
Array(7.0, 8.0, 9.0)))val rdd2 = sc.parallelize(List(Array(1.0, 4.0, 3.0), 
Array(4.0, 10.0, 6.0), Array(7.0, 16.0, 9.0)))val rdd3 = 
=> => z._1 - z._2))rdd3.collect()
gives me:res0: Array[Array[Double]] = Array(Array(0.0, -2.0, 0.0), Array(0.0, 
-5.0, 0.0), Array(0.0, -8.0, 0.0))

On Wed, Sep 23, 2015 at 12:23 AM, Zhiliang Zhu  wrote:

there is matrix add API, might map rdd2 each row element to be negative , then 
make rdd1 and rdd2 and call add ? 

Or some more ways ...  

 On Wednesday, September 23, 2015 3:11 PM, Zhiliang Zhu 

 Hi All,
There are two RDDs :  RDD> rdd1, and RDD> rdd2,that 
is to say, rdd1 and rdd2 are similar with DataFrame, or Matrix with same row 
number and column number.
I would like to get RDD> rdd3,  each element in rdd3 is the 
subtract between rdd1 and rdd2 of thesame position, which is similar Matrix 
subtract:rdd3 = rdd1 - rdd2 ...
It seemed very difficult to operate this kinds of matrix  arithmetic, even is 
about add, subtract, multiple , diff etc...
I shall  appreciate your help very much~~Zhiliang



Re: How to subtract two RDDs with same size

2015-09-23 Thread Zhiliang Zhu
there is matrix add API, might map rdd2 each row element to be negative , then 
make rdd1 and rdd2 and call add ? 

Or some more ways ...  

 On Wednesday, September 23, 2015 3:11 PM, Zhiliang Zhu 

 Hi All,
There are two RDDs :  RDD> rdd1, and RDD> rdd2,that 
is to say, rdd1 and rdd2 are similar with DataFrame, or Matrix with same row 
number and column number.
I would like to get RDD> rdd3,  each element in rdd3 is the 
subtract between rdd1 and rdd2 of thesame position, which is similar Matrix 
subtract:rdd3 = rdd1 - rdd2 ...
It seemed very difficult to operate this kinds of matrix  arithmetic, even is 
about add, subtract, multiple , diff etc...
I shall  appreciate your help very much~~Zhiliang


How to subtract two RDDs with same size

2015-09-23 Thread Zhiliang Zhu
Hi All,
There are two RDDs :  RDD> rdd1, and RDD> rdd2,that 
is to say, rdd1 and rdd2 are similar with DataFrame, or Matrix with same row 
number and column number.
I would like to get RDD> rdd3,  each element in rdd3 is the 
subtract between rdd1 and rdd2 of thesame position, which is similar Matrix 
subtract:rdd3 = rdd1 - rdd2 ...
It seemed very difficult to operate this kinds of matrix  arithmetic, even is 
about add, subtract, multiple , diff etc...
I shall  appreciate your help very much~~Zhiliang

Re: how to submit the spark job outside the cluster

2015-09-22 Thread Zhiliang Zhu
Hi Zhan,
I really appreciate your help, I will do as that next.And on the local machine, 
no hadoop/spark needs to be installed, but only copied with the 
/etc/hadoop/conf... whether the information (for example IP, hostname etc) of 
local machine 
would be set in the conf files...

Moreover, do you have any exprience to submit hadoop/spark job by way of java 
program deployed on thegateway node, but not by way of hadoop/spark command...
Thank you very much~Best Regards,Zhiliang


 On Wednesday, September 23, 2015 11:30 AM, Zhan Zhang 

 Hi Zhiliang,
I cannot find a specific doc. But as far as I remember, you can log in one of 
your cluster machine, and find the hadoop configuration location, for example 
/etc/hadoop/conf, copy that directory to your local machine. Typically it has 
hdfs-site.xml, yarn-site.xml etc. In spark, the former is used to access hdfs, 
and the latter is used to launch application on top of yarn.
Then in the, you add export HADOOP_CONF_DIR=/etc/hadoop/conf. 
Zhan Zhang

On Sep 22, 2015, at 8:14 PM, Zhiliang Zhu  wrote:

Hi Zhan,
Yes, I get it now. 
I have not ever deployed hadoop configuration locally, and do not find the 
specific doc, would you help provide the doc to do that...
Thank you,Zhiliang

On Wednesday, September 23, 2015 11:08 AM, Zhan Zhang  

There is no difference between running the client in or out of the client 
(assuming there is no firewall or network connectivity issue), as long as you 
have hadoop configuration locally.  Here is the doc for running on yarn.
Zhan Zhang
On Sep 22, 2015, at 7:49 PM, Zhiliang Zhu  wrote:

Hi Zhan,
Thanks very much for your help comment.I also view it would be similar to 
hadoop job submit, however, I was not deciding whether it is like that whenit 
comes to spark.  
Have you ever tried that for spark...Would you give me the deployment doc for 
hadoop and spark gateway, since this is the first time for meto do that, I do 
not find the specific doc for it.

Best Regards,Zhiliang

On Wednesday, September 23, 2015 10:20 AM, Zhan Zhang  

It should be similar to other hadoop jobs. You need hadoop configuration in 
your client machine, and point the HADOOP_CONF_DIR in spark to the 
Zhan Zhang
On Sep 22, 2015, at 6:37 PM, Zhiliang Zhu  wrote:

Dear Experts,

Spark job is running on the cluster by yarn. Since the job can be submited at 
the place on the machine from the cluster,however, I would like to submit the 
job from another machine which does not belong to the cluster.I know for this, 
hadoop job could be done by way of another machine which is installed hadoop 
gateway which is usedto connect the cluster.
Then what would go for spark, is it same as hadoop... And where is the 
instruction doc for installing this gateway...
Thank you very much~~Zhiliang 


Re: how to submit the spark job outside the cluster

2015-09-22 Thread Zhiliang Zhu
Hi Zhan,
Yes, I get it now. 
I have not ever deployed hadoop configuration locally, and do not find the 
specific doc, would you help provide the doc to do that...
Thank you,Zhiliang

 On Wednesday, September 23, 2015 11:08 AM, Zhan Zhang 

 There is no difference between running the client in or out of the client 
(assuming there is no firewall or network connectivity issue), as long as you 
have hadoop configuration locally.  Here is the doc for running on yarn.
Zhan Zhang
On Sep 22, 2015, at 7:49 PM, Zhiliang Zhu  wrote:

Hi Zhan,
Thanks very much for your help comment.I also view it would be similar to 
hadoop job submit, however, I was not deciding whether it is like that whenit 
comes to spark.  
Have you ever tried that for spark...Would you give me the deployment doc for 
hadoop and spark gateway, since this is the first time for meto do that, I do 
not find the specific doc for it.

Best Regards,Zhiliang

On Wednesday, September 23, 2015 10:20 AM, Zhan Zhang  

It should be similar to other hadoop jobs. You need hadoop configuration in 
your client machine, and point the HADOOP_CONF_DIR in spark to the 
Zhan Zhang
On Sep 22, 2015, at 6:37 PM, Zhiliang Zhu  wrote:

Dear Experts,

Spark job is running on the cluster by yarn. Since the job can be submited at 
the place on the machine from the cluster,however, I would like to submit the 
job from another machine which does not belong to the cluster.I know for this, 
hadoop job could be done by way of another machine which is installed hadoop 
gateway which is usedto connect the cluster.
Then what would go for spark, is it same as hadoop... And where is the 
instruction doc for installing this gateway...
Thank you very much~~Zhiliang 


Re: how to submit the spark job outside the cluster

2015-09-22 Thread Zhiliang Zhu
Hi Zhan,
Thanks very much for your help comment.I also view it would be similar to 
hadoop job submit, however, I was not deciding whether it is like that when it 
comes to spark.  
Have you ever tried that for spark...Would you give me the deployment doc for 
hadoop and spark gateway, since this is the first time for meto do that, I do 
not find the specific doc for it. 

Best Regards,Zhiliang


 On Wednesday, September 23, 2015 10:20 AM, Zhan Zhang 

 It should be similar to other hadoop jobs. You need hadoop configuration in 
your client machine, and point the HADOOP_CONF_DIR in spark to the 
Zhan Zhang
On Sep 22, 2015, at 6:37 PM, Zhiliang Zhu  wrote:

Dear Experts,

Spark job is running on the cluster by yarn. Since the job can be submited at 
the place on the machine from the cluster,however, I would like to submit the 
job from another machine which does not belong to the cluster.I know for this, 
hadoop job could be done by way of another machine which is installed hadoop 
gateway which is usedto connect the cluster.
Then what would go for spark, is it same as hadoop... And where is the 
instruction doc for installing this gateway...
Thank you very much~~Zhiliang 


how to submit the spark job outside the cluster

2015-09-22 Thread Zhiliang Zhu
 Dear Experts,

Spark job is running on the cluster by yarn. Since the job can be submited at 
the place on the machine from the cluster,however, I would like to submit the 
job from another machine which does not belong to the cluster.I know for this, 
hadoop job could be done by way of another machine which is installed hadoop 
gateway which is usedto connect the cluster.
Then what would go for spark, is it same as hadoop... And where is the 
instruction doc for installing this gateway...
Thank you very much~~Zhiliang 


Re: How to get a new RDD by ordinarily subtract its adjacent rows

2015-09-22 Thread Zhiliang Zhu
Dear Sujit,
Since you are senior with Spark, I might not know whether it is convenient for 
you to help comment some on my dilemma 
while using spark to deal with R background application ...
Thank you very much!Zhiliang

 On Tuesday, September 22, 2015 1:45 AM, Zhiliang Zhu  

 Hi Romi,
I must show my sincere appreciation towards your kind & helpful help.
One more question, currently I am using spark to deal with financial data 
analysis, so lots of operations on R data.frame/matrix and stat/regressionare 
always called.However, SparkR currently is not that strong, most of its 
functions are from spark SQL and Mlib. Then, SQL and DataFrame is not as 
flexibly & easyas R operate on data.frame/matrix, moreover, now I do not decide 
how much function in Mlib would be used to R specific stat/regression .
I have also thought of only operating the data by way of spark Java, it is 
quite much hard to act as data.frame/matrix from R .I think I have lost in risk 
by those.
Would you help comment some on my points...
Thank you very much!Zhiliang


 On Tuesday, September 22, 2015 1:21 AM, Sujit Pal  

 Hi Zhiliang,
Haven't used the Java API but found this Javadoc page, may be helpful to you.

I think the equivalent Java code snippet might go something like this:
RDDFunctions.fromRDD(rdd1, ClassTag$.apply(Class)).sliding(2)
(the second parameter of fromRDD comes from this discussion 

There is also the SlidingRDD 

So maybe something like this:
new SlidingRDD(rdd1, 2, ClassTag$.apply(Class))

On Mon, Sep 21, 2015 at 9:16 AM, Zhiliang Zhu  wrote:

Hi Sujit,
I must appreciate your kind help very much~
It seems to be OK, however, do you know the corresponding spark Java API 
achievement...Is there any java API as scala sliding, and it seemed that I do 
not find spark scala's doc about sliding ...
Thank you very much~Zhiliang 

 On Monday, September 21, 2015 11:48 PM, Sujit Pal  

 Hi Zhiliang, 
Would something like this work?
val rdd2 = rdd1.sliding(2).map(v => v(1) - v(0))

On Mon, Sep 21, 2015 at 7:58 AM, Zhiliang Zhu  

Hi Romi,
Thanks very much for your kind help comment~~
In fact there is some valid backgroud of the application, it is about R data 
analysis #fund_nav_daily is a M X N (or M X 1) matrix or data.frame, col is 
each daily fund return, row is the daily date#fund_return_daily needs to count 
the each fund's daily return subtracted the previous day's return 
fund_return_daily <- diff(log(fund_nav_daily)) 
#the first row would be all 0, since there is no previous row ahead first row
fund_return_daily <- rbind(matrix(0,ncol = ncol(fund_return_daily)), 
fund_return_daily) ...
I need to exactly code the R program by way of spark, then RDD/DataFrame is 
used to replace R data.frame, however, I just found that it is VERY MUCH 
diffcult to make the spark program to flexibly descript & transform R backgroud 
applications.I think I have seriously lost myself into risk about this...
Would you help direct me some about the above coding issue... and my risk about 
practice in spark/R application...
I must show all my sincere thanks torwards your kind help.

P.S. currently sparkR in spark 1.4.1 , there is many bug in the API 
createDataFrame/except/unionAll, and it seemsthat spark Java has more functions 
than sparkR.Also, no specific R regression algorithmn is including in sparkR .
Best Regards,Zhiliang

 On Monday, September 21, 2015 7:36 PM, Romi Kuntsman  

 RDD is a set of data rows (in your case numbers), there is no meaning for the 
order of the items.
What exactly are you trying to accomplish?

Romi Kuntsman, Big Data Engineer

On Mon, Sep 21, 2015 at 2:29 PM, Zhiliang Zhu  

Dear , 

I have took lots of days to think into this issue, however, without any 
success...I shall appreciate your all kind help.
There is an RDD rdd1, I would like get a new RDD rdd2, each row in 
rdd2[ i ] = rdd1[ i ] - rdd[i - 1] .What kinds of API or function would I use...

Thanks very much!John





Re: how to get RDD from two different RDDs with cross column

2015-09-21 Thread Zhiliang Zhu
Hi Romi,
Yes, you understand it correctly.And rdd1 keys are cross with rdd2 keys, that 
is, there are lots of same keys between rdd1 and rdd2, and there are some keys 
inrdd1 but not in rdd2, there are also some keys in rdd2 but not in rdd1.Then 
rdd3 keys would be same with rdd1 keys, rdd3 will not include the keys in rdd2 
but not in rdd1, values of rdd3 will comefrom rdd2, if the keys in rdd3 is not 
in rdd2 its value would  NOT exist.

You are always much perfect in spark and  having the solution about the 
questions, really appreciate you very much.
Thank you very much~

 On Tuesday, September 22, 2015 4:08 AM, Romi Kuntsman  

If I understand correctly:
rdd1 contains keys (of type StringDate)
rdd2 contains keys and values
and rdd3 contains all the keys, and the values from rdd2?

I think you should make rdd1 and rdd2 PairRDD, and then use outer join.
Does that make sense?

On Mon, Sep 21, 2015 at 8:37 PM Zhiliang Zhu  wrote:

Dear Romi, Priya, Sujt and Shivaram and all,
I have took lots of days to think into this issue, however, without  any enough 
good solution...I shall appreciate your all kind help.
There is an RDD rdd1, and another RDD rdd2, 
(rdd2 can be PairRDD, or DataFrame with two columns as ).StringDate column values from rdd1 and rdd2 are cross but not the same.

I would like to get a new RDD rdd3, StringDate in rdd3 would 
be all from (same) as rdd1, and float in rdd3 would be from rdd2 if its 
StringDate is in rdd2, or else NULL would be assigned.
each row in rdd3[ i ] = , 
rdd2[i].StringDate would be same as rdd1[ i ].StringDate, 
then rdd2[ i ].float is assigned rdd3[ i ] StringDate part. What kinds of API 
or function would I use...
Thanks very much!Zhiliang


Re: How to get a new RDD by ordinarily subtract its adjacent rows

2015-09-21 Thread Zhiliang Zhu
Hi Romi,
I must show my sincere appreciation towards your kind & helpful help.
One more question, currently I am using spark to deal with financial data 
analysis, so lots of operations on R data.frame/matrix and stat/regressionare 
always called.However, SparkR currently is not that strong, most of its 
functions are from spark SQL and Mlib. Then, SQL and DataFrame is not as 
flexibly & easyas R operate on data.frame/matrix, moreover, now I do not decide 
how much function in Mlib would be used to R specific stat/regression .
I have also thought of only operating the data by way of spark Java, it is 
quite much hard to act as data.frame/matrix from R .I think I have lost in risk 
by those.
Would you help comment some on my points...
Thank you very much!Zhiliang


 On Tuesday, September 22, 2015 1:21 AM, Sujit Pal  

 Hi Zhiliang,
Haven't used the Java API but found this Javadoc page, may be helpful to you.

I think the equivalent Java code snippet might go something like this:
RDDFunctions.fromRDD(rdd1, ClassTag$.apply(Class)).sliding(2)
(the second parameter of fromRDD comes from this discussion 

There is also the SlidingRDD 

So maybe something like this:
new SlidingRDD(rdd1, 2, ClassTag$.apply(Class))

On Mon, Sep 21, 2015 at 9:16 AM, Zhiliang Zhu  wrote:

Hi Sujit,
I must appreciate your kind help very much~
It seems to be OK, however, do you know the corresponding spark Java API 
achievement...Is there any java API as scala sliding, and it seemed that I do 
not find spark scala's doc about sliding ...
Thank you very much~Zhiliang 

 On Monday, September 21, 2015 11:48 PM, Sujit Pal  

 Hi Zhiliang, 
Would something like this work?
val rdd2 = rdd1.sliding(2).map(v => v(1) - v(0))

On Mon, Sep 21, 2015 at 7:58 AM, Zhiliang Zhu  

Hi Romi,
Thanks very much for your kind help comment~~
In fact there is some valid backgroud of the application, it is about R data 
analysis #fund_nav_daily is a M X N (or M X 1) matrix or data.frame, col is 
each daily fund return, row is the daily date#fund_return_daily needs to count 
the each fund's daily return subtracted the previous day's return 
fund_return_daily <- diff(log(fund_nav_daily)) 
#the first row would be all 0, since there is no previous row ahead first row
fund_return_daily <- rbind(matrix(0,ncol = ncol(fund_return_daily)), 
fund_return_daily) ...
I need to exactly code the R program by way of spark, then RDD/DataFrame is 
used to replace R data.frame, however, I just found that it is VERY MUCH 
diffcult to make the spark program to flexibly descript & transform R backgroud 
applications.I think I have seriously lost myself into risk about this...
Would you help direct me some about the above coding issue... and my risk about 
practice in spark/R application...
I must show all my sincere thanks torwards your kind help.

P.S. currently sparkR in spark 1.4.1 , there is many bug in the API 
createDataFrame/except/unionAll, and it seemsthat spark Java has more functions 
than sparkR.Also, no specific R regression algorithmn is including in sparkR .
Best Regards,Zhiliang

 On Monday, September 21, 2015 7:36 PM, Romi Kuntsman  

 RDD is a set of data rows (in your case numbers), there is no meaning for the 
order of the items.
What exactly are you trying to accomplish?

Romi Kuntsman, Big Data Engineer

On Mon, Sep 21, 2015 at 2:29 PM, Zhiliang Zhu  

Dear , 

I have took lots of days to think into this issue, however, without any 
success...I shall appreciate your all kind help.
There is an RDD rdd1, I would like get a new RDD rdd2, each row in 
rdd2[ i ] = rdd1[ i ] - rdd[i - 1] .What kinds of API or function would I use...

Thanks very much!John




how to get RDD from two different RDDs with cross column

2015-09-21 Thread Zhiliang Zhu
Dear Romi, Priya, Sujt and Shivaram and all,
I have took lots of days to think into this issue, however, without  any enough 
good solution...I shall appreciate your all kind help.
There is an RDD rdd1, and another RDD rdd2, 
(rdd2 can be PairRDD, or DataFrame with two columns as ).StringDate column values from rdd1 and rdd2 are cross but not the same.

I would like to get a new RDD rdd3, StringDate in rdd3 would 
be all from (same) as rdd1, and float in rdd3 would be from rdd2 if its 
StringDate is in rdd2, or else NULL would be assigned.
each row in rdd3[ i ] = , 
rdd2[i].StringDate would be same as rdd1[ i ].StringDate, 
then rdd2[ i ].float is assigned rdd3[ i ] StringDate part. What kinds of API 
or function would I use...
Thanks very much!Zhiliang

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