Re: How to achieve derived multi-value attributes

2024-08-29 Thread Francesco Chicchiriccò

Hi Nicodemo,
see my replies embedded below.


On 29/08/24 11:59, Cianciaruso, Nicodemo wrote:


While considering the capabilities of Syncope, the question arose as to how 
several multi-value schemas can be combined into one schema.

Allow me to briefly present the following scenario:

Two resources exist, each of which provides multiple email addresses for one 
user (via a multi-value attribute). These email addresses should be combined 
into a single schema.

One idea was to realise this via a derived schema, but unlike the 
VirAttrHandler, which returns a list of strings, the DerAttrHandler only 
returns a single string per schema.

Is there a special reason why the DerSchema does not support retrieving 
multiple values if the expression provides a list?

I don't think there is any special reason, only - as it often happens in open 
source - no enough use cases for multi-values derived attributes to push 
someone to contribute such an improvement - just to remember that PRs are 
welcome ;-)

Is there a more obvious solution to achieve the goal using derived attributes? 
I would be grateful for any advice.

I think that the simplest solution would be to:

1. define a Plain Schema to hold all email addresses
2. create two PullActions classes to associate to the two External Resources
3. remove the mapping for email addresses from the two External Resources

The logic to code in the two PullActions classes from (2) is to populate the 
Plain Schema from (1) with the values coming from the two External Resources.

Francesco Chicchiriccò

Tirasa - Open Source Excellence

Member at The Apache Software Foundation
Syncope, Cocoon, Olingo, CXF, OpenJPA, PonyMail

Re: Deleted Entries from CSVDir resource are not deleted

2024-07-26 Thread Francesco Chicchiriccò

On 26/07/24 11:19, Bergmann, Clemens wrote:


I am uncertain if this is the right group to ask this question. The 
connid-users [1] group seems better fitting but is not very responsive so I 
will ask here.

I have a problem with removing entries that the source does no longer has on 

We have a source system that we import anyObjects from. That source will 
deliver CSV file with all entries daily. That file does only contain the 
entries that they currently have on record.

I configured the connector with the following Capabilities:


Then I added a resource with all default parameters and configured the mapping.

Next I added a pull task with the following settings:

 “Pull Mode” set to INCREMENTAL

“Matching Rule” set to UPDATE

“Unmatching Rule” set to ASSIGN

Checked the boxes of “Allow create”, “Allow update”, "Allow delete”  and “Sync 

When I execute the pull task all the entries in the file are imported and 
respective anyObjects are created. I then remove one entry from the file an 
execute the pull task again. In the result status of the execution I see 
“UPDATE SUCCESS” for all other entries. The removed entry is not listed any 
more (as expected) but I see no DELETE for the respective anyObject.

I looked into the Source code of the CSVDir bundle [2] and it seems that the 
DELETE DeltaType is only ever selected when the “Delete Column” is “true”. As 
we don’t have a delete column in the file that will never happen.

Is there something that I am overlooking? How does connID handle the situation 
of removed entires from resources in general? That seems to be a common use 
case also for example for database and other connector bundles.

This is expected for all ConnId connectors, because it is implied by the way 
how the ConnId framework works.

This issue should be looked both from ConnId's and Syncope's side.

From ConnId connector's point of view, there should be something in the storage 
(CSV file, database table, changelog if available, etc) which can enable the 
connector to produce DELETE events as response to the sync() call.

For database-like storage (as CSV), the DELETE column seems to be the most 
sensitive choice: when the sync() call arrives, the CSV file is read and the 
rows with DELETE column set to true will generate DELETE events.
Otherwise said: what is tracking the fact that your source CSV file used to 
have a row that you have at some point deleted?

Other connectors, as AD or LDAP for certain server implementations, when the 
sync() call arrives will query the server changelog and generate DELETE events 
for the corresponding changelog entries.

On Syncope side, as reported by [3], the incremental pull mode is the only 
condition which can lead to deleting internal entries, because this is the only 
way that Syncope can receive DELETE events from a ConnId connector.

If indeed a delete column is needed the only solution I can think of is to 
prepare the file with a script before importing it with connID. That script 
could add the delete column with “false” on all existing entries and also add 
entries that where there in the last file and are no longer there in the 
current file. These entries could have the delete column set to “true”.

This looks like a wise solution.





Francesco Chicchiriccò

Tirasa - Open Source Excellence

Member at The Apache Software Foundation
Syncope, Cocoon, Olingo, CXF, OpenJPA, PonyMail

Re: Error as Apache Syncope is starting in tomcat

2024-07-24 Thread Francesco Chicchiriccò

On 24/07/24 11:15, Alexandre Roy wrote:


> [1]

> [2]

> [3]

I studied it all.

The problem seems to be that the “self keymaster” is not configured and I 
didn’t succeed to configure it.

My wild guess is that something is going wrong when attempting to read the 
config files from the directory specified in Tomcat startup parameter as


which is -Dsyncope.conf.dir=/opt/syncope/conf usually.


*De :*Francesco Chicchiriccò 
*Envoyé :* lundi, 22 juillet 2024 10:38
*À :*
*Objet :* Re: Error as Apache Syncope is starting in tomcat

On 22/07/24 10:32, Alexandre Roy wrote:


We installed Apache Syncope 3.07 as “Maven Project” with

- Red Hat Enterprise Linux release 9.4

- OpenJDK21U-jdk_x64_linux_hotspot_21.0.1_12 as java

- Maven 3.9.8

- tomcat-9.0.87

- Mariadb

As the app is starting, we have the following error in core.log and wa.log:


10:07:53.063 INFO org.apache.syncope.core.starter.SyncopeCoreApplication - 
Starting SyncopeCoreApplication v3.0.7 using Java 17.0.11 on tstsyncope with 
PID 1307 
started by tomcat in /usr/share/tomcat)

10:07:53.064 INFO org.apache.syncope.core.starter.SyncopeCoreApplication - The 
following 1 profile is active: "mariadb"

10:07:55.164 INFO 
- Root WebApplicationContext: initialization completed in 1860 ms

10:07:56.291 WARN  openjpa.Runtime - An error occurred while registering a 
ClassTransformer with PersistenceUnitInfo: name 'Master', root URL 
 The error has been consumed. To see it, set your openjpa.Runtime log level to TRACE. 
Load-time class transformation will not be available.

10:07:56.337 WARN 
 - Exception encountered during context initialization - cancelling refresh attempt: 
org.springframework.beans.factory.UnsatisfiedDependencyException: Error creating bean 
with name 'keymasterStart': Unsatisfied dependency expressed through field 
'serviceOps'; nested exception is 
org.springframework.beans.factory.NoSuchBeanDefinitionException: No qualifying bean 
of type 'org.apache.syncope.common.keymaster.client.api.ServiceOps' available: 
expected at least 1 bean which qualifies as autowire candidate. Dependency 
annotations: {@org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired(required=true)} 

10:07:56.358 INFO 

Error starting ApplicationContext. To display the conditions report re-run 
your application with 'debug' enabled.

10:07:56.388 ERROR 
org.springframework.boot.diagnostics.LoggingFailureAnalysisReporter -





Field serviceOps in 
required a bean of type 
'org.apache.syncope.common.keymaster.client.api.ServiceOps' that could not be 

The injection point has the following annotations:



Consider defining a bean of type 
'org.apache.syncope.common.keymaster.client.api.ServiceOps' in your 


Do someone know how to solve this error ?

I suppose you've read [1] and got the Embedded Mode working [2]; have you also checked 
the warning box there that says something about "building for production"?
You should have a look at [3] anyway.



Francesco Chicchiriccò

Tirasa - Open Source Excellence

Member at The Apache Software Foundation
Syncope, Cocoon, Olingo, CXF, OpenJPA, PonyMail

CVE-2024-38503: Apache Syncope: HTML tags can be injected into Console or Enduser text fields

2024-07-22 Thread Francesco Chicchiriccò
Severity: moderate

Affected versions:

- Apache Syncope 2.1 through 2.1.14
- Apache Syncope 3.0 through 3.0.7


When editing a user, group or any object in the Syncope Console, HTML tags 
could be added to any text field and could lead to potential exploits.
The same vulnerability was found in the Syncope Enduser, when editing “Personal 
Information” or “User Requests”.

Users are recommended to upgrade to version 3.0.8, which fixes this issue.


Basalt IT-Security Team (finder)


[ANN] Apache Syncope 3.0.8

2024-07-22 Thread Francesco Chicchiriccò

The Apache Syncope team is pleased to announce the release of Syncope 3.0.8

Apache Syncope is an Open Source system for managing digital identities in 
enterprise environments, implemented in Java EE technology .

Syncope 3.0 Maggiore is now a full-fledged IAM system covering provisioning, 
reconciliation and reporting needs (as with earlier releases), access 
management and API management.

The release will be available within 24h from:

Read the full change log available here:

Upgrading from 3.0.5? There are some notes about this process:

We welcome your help and feedback. For more information on how to report 
problems, and to get involved, visit the project website at

The Apache Syncope Team

Re: Error as Apache Syncope is starting in tomcat

2024-07-22 Thread Francesco Chicchiriccò

On 22/07/24 10:32, Alexandre Roy wrote:


We installed Apache Syncope 3.07 as “Maven Project” with

- Red Hat Enterprise Linux release 9.4

- OpenJDK21U-jdk_x64_linux_hotspot_21.0.1_12 as java

- Maven 3.9.8

- tomcat-9.0.87

- Mariadb

As the app is starting, we have the following error in core.log and wa.log:


10:07:53.063 INFO org.apache.syncope.core.starter.SyncopeCoreApplication - 
Starting SyncopeCoreApplication v3.0.7 using Java 17.0.11 on tstsyncope with 
PID 1307 
started by tomcat in /usr/share/tomcat)

10:07:53.064 INFO org.apache.syncope.core.starter.SyncopeCoreApplication - The following 
1 profile is active: "mariadb"

10:07:55.164 INFO 
- Root WebApplicationContext: initialization completed in 1860 ms

10:07:56.291 WARN  openjpa.Runtime - An error occurred while registering a 
ClassTransformer with PersistenceUnitInfo: name 'Master', root URL 
 The error has been consumed. To see it, set your openjpa.Runtime log level to 
TRACE. Load-time class transformation will not be available.

10:07:56.337 WARN 
 - Exception encountered during context initialization - cancelling refresh attempt: 
org.springframework.beans.factory.UnsatisfiedDependencyException: Error creating bean 
with name 'keymasterStart': Unsatisfied dependency expressed through field 
'serviceOps'; nested exception is 
org.springframework.beans.factory.NoSuchBeanDefinitionException: No qualifying bean 
of type 'org.apache.syncope.common.keymaster.client.api.ServiceOps' available: 
expected at least 1 bean which qualifies as autowire candidate. Dependency 
annotations: {@org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired(required=true)} 

10:07:56.358 INFO 

Error starting ApplicationContext. To display the conditions report re-run your 
application with 'debug' enabled.

10:07:56.388 ERROR 
org.springframework.boot.diagnostics.LoggingFailureAnalysisReporter -





Field serviceOps in 
required a bean of type 
'org.apache.syncope.common.keymaster.client.api.ServiceOps' that could not be 

The injection point has the following annotations:

  - @org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired(required=true)


Consider defining a bean of type 
'org.apache.syncope.common.keymaster.client.api.ServiceOps' in your 


Do someone know how to solve this error ?

I suppose you've read [1] and got the Embedded Mode working [2]; have you also checked 
the warning box there that says something about "building for production"?
You should have a look at [3] anyway.



Francesco Chicchiriccò

Tirasa - Open Source Excellence

Member at The Apache Software Foundation
Syncope, Cocoon, Olingo, CXF, OpenJPA, PonyMail

Re: Code Reuse in groovy Implementations

2024-07-16 Thread Francesco Chicchiriccò

On 16/07/24 19:52, Bergmann, Clemens wrote:


I am currently looking into possibilities to reuse code when implementing 
different implementations with groovy.

For example some ATTR_VALUE_VALIDATOR implementations might share some 

Most of these shared code fragments should be implementable as static functions.

Therefore my first idea was to implement it as static function in a groovy 
Implementation but I don’t know how packages for these implementation work and 
If I understand ImplementationManager [1] correctly, the groovy implementations 
are also only created on demand so they would not be available to other groovy 

The other option would be to implement them in Java and deploy them with core 
but this would require redeploy whenever something in one of these shared 
“libraries” changes.

Is there something that I am missing?

Hi Clemens,
no you are not.

Currently, Groovy implementations are classes built and run with the same classpath as 
Java implementations (not exactly "on-demand" as they are cached at first 
access unless explicitly told not to do so, BTW).

This means that you can reference all Core classes from within Groovy or Java 
implementations, but no other Groovy classes (unless you add such classes to 
the Core classpath somehow).

In cases like yours, a successful approach was found to provide shared utility 
classes in the Core classpath (thus, any change will require redeploy as you're 
saying) and leverage them from Groovy implementations.



Mit freundlichen Grüßen

Clemens (Bergmann)


Clemens Bergmann

[er/ihm; he/him]

Gruppe Nutzermanagement und Entwicklung

Technische Universität Darmstadt

Hochschulrechenzentrum, Alexanderstraße 2, 64283 Darmstadt

Tel. +49 6151 16 71184 <>

Francesco Chicchiriccò

Tirasa - Open Source Excellence

Member at The Apache Software Foundation
Syncope, Cocoon, Olingo, CXF, OpenJPA, PonyMail

Re: mapping multiple External attributes to one Internal attribute

2024-07-16 Thread Francesco Chicchiriccò
Glad to hear that you've managed to solve!


On 2024/07/14 16:44:36 "Bergmann, Clemens" wrote:
> Hi,
> I am currently working on a source with the csvdir connid connector but I 
> have troubles mapping multiple external attributes to one internal attribute.
> There are two different use cases that I both can’t get to work.
> 1.In use one case the source is delivering multiple values of the same 
> kind in different attributes (let’s say “name1”, “name2”, “name3”) that I 
> want to map to multiple values in one internal attribute.
> 2.The other use case is combining the values of multiple attributes 
> (let’s say “street”, “zipcode”, “city”) into one value of one internal 
> attribute “address” in the form “street + ‘;’ zipcode + ‘;’ + city ”.
> It seems that JEXL [1] or other ItemTransformers [2] can only access the 
> values of the mapped source attribute and all attributes of the internal 
> EntityTO but not other external attributes.
> I also tried to add multiple mapping rules with the same internal attribute 
> but different external ones. That seems to work on the first reconciliation 
> and the internal attribute has multiple values but on the second 
> reconciliation all but one are deleted.
> I know that a mapping like this would be hard to do in reverse but in this 
> case we only pull from the source so this would be no practical problem. 
> Nevertheless this could be the reason why this is not easy from a conceptual 
> point of view.
> The only other way I can think about is mapping the values one on one and 
> then combining the values with a derived attribute after importing. This 
> however would result in duplicate attributes which I would prefer to not do.
> Is there another way?
> [1] 
> [2] 
> Mit freundlichen Grüßen
> Clemens (Bergmann)
> -- 
> Clemens Bergmann
> [er/ihm; he/him]
> Gruppe Nutzermanagement und Entwicklung
> Technische Universität Darmstadt
> Hochschulrechenzentrum, Alexanderstraße 2, 64283 Darmstadt
> Tel. +49 6151 16 71184

Re: Creating users from within anyObject workflow

2024-07-15 Thread Francesco Chicchiriccò

On 15/07/24 10:20, Feder, Stephan wrote:

Hello, Francesco!

On Mon, Jul 15, 2024 at 09:25:30AM +0200, Francesco Chicchiriccò wrote:

There are a couple of fundamental differences between Provisioning Manager and 
Workflow Adapter in Syncope - I invite you to take a read at the Reference 
Guide to understand more:


2. transaction management: each workflow operation lies under the same 

Just to make sure: Do you mean that if I start a user workflow from the 
anyObject provisioning manager, then all changes, to the anyObject and the 
user, happen in the same transaction?

If you call user workflow from any object workflow' s methods, yes they are in 
the same transaction

If you call user provisioning management from any object provisioning 
management, no they are managed under different transactions.


Francesco Chicchiriccò

Tirasa - Open Source Excellence

Member at The Apache Software Foundation
Syncope, Cocoon, Olingo, CXF, OpenJPA, PonyMail

Re: mapping multiple External attributes to one Internal attribute

2024-07-15 Thread Francesco Chicchiriccò

On 14/07/24 18:44, Bergmann, Clemens wrote:


I am currently working on a source with the csvdir connid connector but I have 
troubles mapping multiple external attributes to one internal attribute.

There are two different use cases that I both can’t get to work.

 1. In use one case the source is delivering multiple values of the same kind 
in different attributes (let’s say “name1”, “name2”, “name3”) that I want to 
map to multiple values in one internal attribute.
 2. The other use case is combining the values of multiple attributes (let’s 
say “street”, “zipcode”, “city”) into one value of one internal attribute 
“address” in the form “street + ‘;’ zipcode + ‘;’ + city ”.

It seems that JEXL [1] or other ItemTransformers [2] can only access the values 
of the mapped source attribute and all attributes of the internal EntityTO but 
not other external attributes.

I also tried to add multiple mapping rules with the same internal attribute but 
different external ones. That seems to work on the first reconciliation and the 
internal attribute has multiple values but on the second reconciliation all but 
one are deleted.

I know that a mapping like this would be hard to do in reverse but in this case 
we only pull from the source so this would be no practical problem. 
Nevertheless this could be the reason why this is not easy from a conceptual 
point of view.

The only other way I can think about is mapping the values one on one and then 
combining the values with a derived attribute after importing. This however 
would result in duplicate attributes which I would prefer to not do.

Is there another way?

Hi Clemens,
when you need to customize the pull process with something that only real code 
can do, the Pull Actions [3] implementations are there to help.

Just add to your generated Maven project the new Java or Groovy class following 
the provided samples and you will have the chance to do more than bare mapping 
can do.
I'd think that implementing only the beforeProvision() method should be enough 
for your purpose.





Francesco Chicchiriccò

Tirasa - Open Source Excellence

Member at The Apache Software Foundation
Syncope, Cocoon, Olingo, CXF, OpenJPA, PonyMail

Re: Creating users from within anyObject workflow

2024-07-15 Thread Francesco Chicchiriccò

On 12/07/24 17:33, Feder, Stephan wrote:

Hallo Francesco!

On Fri, Jul 12, 2024 at 04:54:29PM +0200, Francesco Chicchiriccò wrote:

On 12/07/24 16:32, Feder, Stephan wrote:


Users cannot self-register, they are not created manually at all. Instead, 
external processes provide data sets which are modelled as anyObjects in 
syncope.  Each data-set is linked to one user, and every user is linked to 
arbitrarily many data-sets. Each data-set provides specific information for how 
to link, and if there is no matching user yet, it has to be created.


is it correct to assume that, anytime a data-set gets created, it might or 
might not trigger the creation of a linked user?

Yes, absolutely. Every time, either a matching user is found or it has to be 

If so, you might extend the AnyObject provisioning manager [1], by:

1. providing a reference to user's provisioning manager
2. override the create() method so that, once the any object create is 
complete, in case no matching user is found, the user provisioning manager's 
create() is triggered (and the payload contains a relationship between the user 
being created and the any object just created)

In other words, the correct approach would be invoking the user provisioning 
manager's create() instead of the user workflow's create().  But should this 
not work from within the anyObject workflow as well? What is different from 
calling create() from within the anyObject provisioning manager? There seems to 
be some fundamental misunderstanding on my part about how things work in 

There are a couple of fundamental differences between Provisioning Manager and 
Workflow Adapter in Syncope - I invite you to take a read at the Reference 
Guide to understand more:

1. the Provisioning Manager is orchestrating the whole provisioning process, 
including both workflow (e.g. changes inside Syncope) and propagation (e.g. 
changes going outside Syncope)

2. transaction management: each workflow operation lies under the same 

Finally, your approach to provide a whole new, Flowable-based workflow adapter 
for Any Objects appears to be overkill.

The advantage of such approach is that there is less customization around, and 
also processes remain separated.

For me, changing syncope's codebase would be a last resort, because it would be 
a maintenance nightmare. I would much prefer to only add some generic code 
(like the FlowableAnyObjectWorkflowAdapter and the task for creating 
anyObjects), and to put all business logic into the flows and related tasks.

I am not suggesting to change Syncope's codebase at all.
Working with Syncope-based IAM deployments shall never imply (changing and) 
building the Syncope codebase from scratch.

I am suggesting instead to follow the standard practice we adopt when working 
with Syncope deployments:

1. create your own project from archetype [1]
2. add your own class extensions or Java implementations [2]
3. build and deploy to Java EE container or via Docker

Above I am supposing your are at [1] and suggesting to create a class named 
MyAnyObjectProvisioningManager extending DefaultAnyObjectProvisioningManager 
and overriding the create() method as indicated.
Experience has proven such approach being the right balance between 
customization and easiness to follow upstream upgrades.

I do not understand what you mean by "processes remain separated". Creating the 
user happens in the same process as processing the data-set, only I am doing it from with 
the anyObject workflow, and you are doing it at a later point. Or maybe you are referring 
to workflow processes?

As said above, there are sensible differences.

Hope this clarifies.


Francesco Chicchiriccò

Tirasa - Open Source Excellence

Member at The Apache Software Foundation
Syncope, Cocoon, Olingo, CXF, OpenJPA, PonyMail

Re: Creating users from within anyObject workflow

2024-07-12 Thread Francesco Chicchiriccò

On 12/07/24 16:32, Feder, Stephan wrote:

Hello Lorenzo!

On Fri, Jul 12, 2024 at 03:13:42PM +0200, Lorenzo Di Cola wrote:

another thing, what I can see from your issue is also some "no standard"
use case with Syncope.
What I want to say trying to solve your issue is: are you sure that how the
design is made is the right approach to implement your real use case?
You should try to explain what you're trying to implement in order to see
if it can be developed in some "standard" Syncope way more easier than this

You are correct in that my use case is a bit special:

Users cannot self-register, they are not created manually at all. Instead, 
external processes provide data sets which are modelled as anyObjects in 
syncope.  Each data-set is linked to one user, and every user is linked to 
arbitrarily many data-sets. Each data-set provides specific information for how 
to link, and if there is no matching user yet, it has to be created.

That is the problem I am trying to solve.

Hi Stephan,
is it correct to assume that, anytime a data-set gets created, it might or 
might not trigger the creation of a linked user?

If so, you might extend the AnyObject provisioning manager [1], by:

1. providing a reference to user's provisioning manager
2. override the create() method so that, once the any object create is 
complete, in case no matching user is found, the user provisioning manager's 
create() is triggered (and the payload contains a relationship between the user 
being created and the any object just created)

The advantage of such approach is that there is less customization around, and 
also processes remain separated.



Francesco Chicchiriccò

Tirasa - Open Source Excellence

Member at The Apache Software Foundation
Syncope, Cocoon, Olingo, CXF, OpenJPA, PonyMail

[ANN] Apache Syncope 3.0.7

2024-05-23 Thread Francesco Chicchiriccò

The Apache Syncope team is pleased to announce the release of Syncope 3.0.7

Apache Syncope is an Open Source system for managing digital identities in 
enterprise environments, implemented in Java EE technology .

Syncope 3.0 Maggiore is now a full-fledged IAM system covering provisioning, 
reconciliation and reporting needs (as with earlier releases), access 
management and API management.

The release will be available within 24h from:

Read the full change log available here:

Upgrading from 3.0.5? There are some notes about this process:

We welcome your help and feedback. For more information on how to report 
problems, and to get involved, visit the project website at

The Apache Syncope Team

Francesco Chicchiriccò

Tirasa - Open Source Excellence

Member at The Apache Software Foundation
Syncope, Cocoon, Olingo, CXF, OpenJPA, PonyMail

Re: Tomcat: org.springframework.beans.factory.UnsatisfiedDependencyException

2024-05-06 Thread Francesco Chicchiriccò

Hi Anthony,
there is a note in the Getting Started guide, at the end of the section you 
linked that says:

Before actual deployment as executable or onto a Java EE container, you need to 
further check the Customization chapter of the Apache Syncope Reference Guide.


Were you able to follow up in the Reference Guide? The steps in the Getting 
Started are supposed to work OOTB only for Embedded mode.


On 06/05/24 11:02, Anthony Cullen wrote:


I have built Syncope using Maven and configured Tomcat 9.0.88 according to the 
'Getting Started' documentation 
( and I am getting 
errors in catalina..log when deploying the .war files as follows:

SEVERE [main] org.apache.catalina.startup.HostConfig.deployWAR Error deploying 
web application archive 
        java.lang.IllegalStateException: Error starting child
                at org.apache.catalina.startup.Catalina.start(
java.base/jdk.internal.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
                at java.base/java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
        Caused by: org.apache.catalina.LifecycleException: Failed to start 

Re: openJDK 17 compatibility

2024-04-18 Thread Francesco Chicchiriccò
-Xmx1536m -XX:NewSize=256m -XX:MaxNewSize=256m -XX:+DisableExplicitGC
and permission 755
then I've copied the war files:
After launching bin/ the applications don't start at all (I suppose 
because core is unable to start)

If I build the embedded version, everything works perfectly

Glad to hear that embedded is working as expected.

Consider that deploying into an external Java EE container is all but trivial 
task and can be failing for multiple reasons, including networking issues, 
missing JDBC driver etc.

I'm sorry for the long post; I've included everything just in case there was 
something to review in the documentation
However, I suppose I'm doing something wrong; about the maven installation, is 
there a step by step guide that permits
a fully working syncope version ?
Or is there's any suggestion on what I should fix on my installation procedure ?
Thank you

Il giorno gio 11 apr 2024 alle ore 14:26 Francesco Chicchiriccò 
 ha scritto:

On 11/04/24 14:12, Marco Naimoli wrote:
> Hello, I'm new to Apache Syncope; I've tried to test it using the 
standalone installation on a
> vanilla debian linux bookworm, using openJDK 17.0.10
> It seems to work, but when I try to import a SAML IDP metadata it fails 
with the following error:
> InvalidEntity: Location must not be null
> Metadata are ok: using the embedded version built with maven, metadata 
are imported without problems.
> Clicking on the button to download the SP metadata doesn't do anything
> And the wa.log (don't know if it can be related) is full of the following 
> ERROR$LoggingErrorHandler - Unexpected 
error occurred in scheduled task
> java.lang.IllegalStateException: Syncope core is not yet ready
> I'm not sure, but I remember that the error "Location must not be null" 
was shown during some other operation, different from SAML configuration
> Any suggestions / help ?

Hi Marco,
glad of your interest in Apache Syncope.

About JDK 17 compatibility, we have an active GitHub actions workflows on 
the 3_0_X branch (supposing you are running the latest stable 3.0.6).
Moreover, my company is running several Syncope deployments on various 
flavors of OpenJDK 17.

As far as I understand, all works as expected when you use the standalone 
ZIP but it fails when you deploy Syncope somewhere else.

As suggested by the Getting Started guide [1], however you should be using 
the Maven archetype for an independent deployment, or the Docker images; there 
are further options, too, but it really depends on how much you are planning to 
customize or extend.

Can you describe how did you get to deploy Syncope, including which 
components, which DBMS, which Java EE container, ... ?



Francesco Chicchiriccò

Tirasa - Open Source Excellence

Member at The Apache Software Foundation
Syncope, Cocoon, Olingo, CXF, OpenJPA, PonyMail

Francesco Chicchiriccò

Tirasa - Open Source Excellence

Member at The Apache Software Foundation
Syncope, Cocoon, Olingo, CXF, OpenJPA, PonyMail

Re: Propagation failure on update

2024-04-15 Thread Francesco Chicchiriccò

On 11/04/24 10:30, Lionel SCHWARZ wrote:

- Le 28 Mar 24, à 9:38, Lionel SCHWARZ a écrit :

- Le 27 Mar 24, à 8:19, Francesco Chicchiriccò a écrit :

On 26/03/24 13:30, Lionel SCHWARZ wrote:

Dear all,

After reading,
I ask myself a question: is there a way to avoid a User (or AnyObject) to be
modified in case the propagation task fails?

Hi Lionel,
that's exactly the purpose of setting a non-null priority onto an External

the execution of a given set of tasks is halted (and global failure is reported)
whenever the first sequential task fails

would mean exactly that.

Thanks Francesco, I'll try this.

Hi Francesco and all,

After investigations and tests, I could indeed check that the sequence of tasks 
stops when the first task fails.
But there is a remaining question: the attribute on the Entity itself (the 
USER), the one which triggered the propagation, keeps changed. So we are in the 
situation where the User has an attribute different than values in the remote 

Yes, this happens by design: over time, we observed that refusing to upgrade 
Syncope because of a propagation error, even on priority resource, was too 

Is there a way to do kind of rollback on the USER update in this case?

You will need to override a few components in order to do that, starting from 
UserLogic#update and following the flow.


Francesco Chicchiriccò

Tirasa - Open Source Excellence

Member at The Apache Software Foundation
Syncope, Cocoon, Olingo, CXF, OpenJPA, PonyMail

Re: openJDK 17 compatibility

2024-04-11 Thread Francesco Chicchiriccò

On 11/04/24 14:12, Marco Naimoli wrote:

Hello, I'm new to Apache Syncope; I've tried to test it using the standalone 
installation on a
vanilla debian linux bookworm, using openJDK 17.0.10
It seems to work, but when I try to import a SAML IDP metadata it fails with 
the following error:
InvalidEntity: Location must not be null
Metadata are ok: using the embedded version built with maven, metadata are 
imported without problems.
Clicking on the button to download the SP metadata doesn't do anything
And the wa.log (don't know if it can be related) is full of the following error:

ERROR$LoggingErrorHandler - 
Unexpected error occurred in scheduled task
java.lang.IllegalStateException: Syncope core is not yet ready

I'm not sure, but I remember that the error "Location must not be null" was 
shown during some other operation, different from SAML configuration

Any suggestions / help ?

Hi Marco,
glad of your interest in Apache Syncope.

About JDK 17 compatibility, we have an active GitHub actions workflows on the 
3_0_X branch (supposing you are running the latest stable 3.0.6).
Moreover, my company is running several Syncope deployments on various flavors 
of OpenJDK 17.

As far as I understand, all works as expected when you use the standalone ZIP 
but it fails when you deploy Syncope somewhere else.

As suggested by the Getting Started guide [1], however you should be using the 
Maven archetype for an independent deployment, or the Docker images; there are 
further options, too, but it really depends on how much you are planning to 
customize or extend.

Can you describe how did you get to deploy Syncope, including which components, 
which DBMS, which Java EE container, ... ?



Francesco Chicchiriccò

Tirasa - Open Source Excellence

Member at The Apache Software Foundation
Syncope, Cocoon, Olingo, CXF, OpenJPA, PonyMail

Re: Propagation failure on update

2024-03-27 Thread Francesco Chicchiriccò

On 26/03/24 13:30, Lionel SCHWARZ wrote:

Dear all,

After reading, 
I ask myself a question: is there a way to avoid a User (or AnyObject) to be 
modified in case the propagation task fails?

Hi Lionel,
that's exactly the purpose of setting a non-null priority onto an External 

> the execution of a given set of tasks is halted (and global failure is 
reported) whenever the first sequential task fails

would mean exactly that.


Francesco Chicchiriccò

Tirasa - Open Source Excellence

Member at The Apache Software Foundation
Syncope, Cocoon, Olingo, CXF, OpenJPA, PonyMail

Re: Dynamic USER assignment attribute value.

2024-03-09 Thread Francesco Chicchiriccò

On 08/03/24 22:07, Fco. David Ferraes Feria wrote:

Hi everyone,

Thanks for the time you invested in this excellent tool. I have a quick 
question about the Dynamic USER assignment: Is it possible to use the value of 
the same group, like name, to match with the user assignment?

sorry, I don't understand: can you please provide an example of what you are 
trying to achieve?


Francesco Chicchiriccò

Tirasa - Open Source Excellence

Member at The Apache Software Foundation
Syncope, Cocoon, Olingo, CXF, OpenJPA, PonyMail

Re: Overlapping dynamic realms doesn't get updated

2024-02-20 Thread Francesco Chicchiriccò

On 21/02/24 08:52, Francesco Chicchiriccò wrote:

Hi Federico,
I wasn't personally aware that dynamic realms had some effective use cases, 
good to know :-)

I will go ahead and approve your JIRA account request so that you can report 
this an issue.

Hum, it seems you need to send a new JIRA account request.

Sorry for inconvenience.

Are you also willing to submit a PR to fix it? If so, please ensure to include 
some tests, at least in DynRealmTest and DynRealmITCase.


On 20/02/24 17:45, Federico Brignola wrote:

while trying to figure out how dynamics realms work, I think that I found a bug. I've 
created 2 dynamics realms (dynr1, dynr2) with the same conditions (for example "USER 
Dynamic Condition [ATTRIBUTE email NOT NULL]"). When I create or update a user only 
one dynamic realm is updated, while the other one remain outdated.

Both Syncope 3.0.6 and Syncope 2.1.13 have the same behavior.

Steps to reproduce:

run the following docker-compose environment
create a user "user1" with email ""
create a dynamic realm "dynr1" with condition "USER Dynamic Condition [ATTRIBUTE 
email NOT NULL]"
create another dynamic realm "dynr2" with the same condition of "dynr1"
// Check that both dynamic realms contain the user "user1"
create a new user "user2" with email ""
// Check that only the realm "dynr1" contains the user "user2" while the 
other doesn't

That problem could be caused by the following function within the query at line 168 
because that query doesn't filter by the current dynamic realm, so it returns every row 
where the "any" exists (even if in other dynamic realms).

The docker-compose environment:
version: '3.3'
      image: postgres:12
          POSTGRES_DB: syncope
          POSTGRES_USER: syncope
          POSTGRES_PASSWORD: syncope
          - "5432:5432"

      image: apache/syncope:2.1.13
          - db
          - "8081:8080"
          DBMS: postgresql
          DB_URL: jdbc:postgresql://db:5432/syncope
          DB_USER: syncope
          DB_PASSWORD: syncope
          DB_POOL_MAX: 10
          DB_POOL_MIN: 2

      image: apache/syncope-console:2.1.13
          - syncope
          - "8082:8080"
          CORE_SCHEME: http
          CORE_HOST: syncope
          CORE_PORT: 8080

Federico Brignola

Francesco Chicchiriccò

Tirasa - Open Source Excellence

Member at The Apache Software Foundation
Syncope, Cocoon, Olingo, CXF, OpenJPA, PonyMail

Re: Overlapping dynamic realms doesn't get updated

2024-02-20 Thread Francesco Chicchiriccò

Hi Federico,
I wasn't personally aware that dynamic realms had some effective use cases, 
good to know :-)

I will go ahead and approve your JIRA account request so that you can report 
this an issue.
Are you also willing to submit a PR to fix it? If so, please ensure to include 
some tests, at least in DynRealmTest and DynRealmITCase.


On 20/02/24 17:45, Federico Brignola wrote:

while trying to figure out how dynamics realms work, I think that I found a bug. I've 
created 2 dynamics realms (dynr1, dynr2) with the same conditions (for example "USER 
Dynamic Condition [ATTRIBUTE email NOT NULL]"). When I create or update a user only 
one dynamic realm is updated, while the other one remain outdated.

Both Syncope 3.0.6 and Syncope 2.1.13 have the same behavior.

Steps to reproduce:

run the following docker-compose environment
create a user "user1" with email ""
create a dynamic realm "dynr1" with condition "USER Dynamic Condition [ATTRIBUTE 
email NOT NULL]"
create another dynamic realm "dynr2" with the same condition of "dynr1"
// Check that both dynamic realms contain the user "user1"
create a new user "user2" with email ""
// Check that only the realm "dynr1" contains the user "user2" while the 
other doesn't

That problem could be caused by the following function within the query at line 168 
because that query doesn't filter by the current dynamic realm, so it returns every row 
where the "any" exists (even if in other dynamic realms).

The docker-compose environment:
version: '3.3'
      image: postgres:12
          POSTGRES_DB: syncope
          POSTGRES_USER: syncope
          POSTGRES_PASSWORD: syncope
          - "5432:5432"

      image: apache/syncope:2.1.13
          - db
          - "8081:8080"
          DBMS: postgresql
          DB_URL: jdbc:postgresql://db:5432/syncope
          DB_USER: syncope
          DB_PASSWORD: syncope
          DB_POOL_MAX: 10
          DB_POOL_MIN: 2

      image: apache/syncope-console:2.1.13
          - syncope
          - "8082:8080"
          CORE_SCHEME: http
          CORE_HOST: syncope
          CORE_PORT: 8080

Federico Brignola

Francesco Chicchiriccò

Tirasa - Open Source Excellence

Member at The Apache Software Foundation
Syncope, Cocoon, Olingo, CXF, OpenJPA, PonyMail

Re: FIQL with relationships

2024-02-19 Thread Francesco Chicchiriccò

Hi Lionel,
I think you are more than experienced enough to explore the code and find your 

The method to investigate is:

or (in case of pgjsonb):

Please share back your findings, thanks.

On 15/02/24 15:25, Lionel SCHWARZ wrote:

Hi all,

Searching AnyObjects with a FIQL like 
"$type==MYTYPE;$relationships==object2;$relationshipTypes==RELATION1" returns 
the following object:

   "result": [
   "_class": "",
   "type": "MYTYPE",
   "name": "MyName",
   "relationships": [
   "type": "RELATION1",
   "otherEndType": "TYPE1",
   "otherEndKey": "01862789-75eb-7c2b-9907-0818a48910b7",
   "otherEndName": "object1"
   "type": "RELATION2",
   "otherEndType": "TYPE2",
   "otherEndKey": "01862789-75eb-7c2b-9907-0818a48910b7",
   "otherEndName": "object2"

Is it a bug or a feature ;) ?
If it is a feature, I understand the query as "give me objects that have at least one relation of 
type "RELATION1" and that also have at least one relation with "object2".

In this case, my question is: what is the FIQL for "give me objects that have a relationship of 
type "RELATION1" on "object2" ? (this query should return empty result then).


Francesco Chicchiriccò

Tirasa - Open Source Excellence

Member at The Apache Software Foundation
Syncope, Cocoon, Olingo, CXF, OpenJPA, PonyMail

Re: Acitiviti tables "act_ru_actinst" too many

2024-02-08 Thread Francesco Chicchiriccò

for 10k users with default settings, you are not expected to accumulate so many 
entries in the history tables, unless you are continuously updating them.

Anyway, especially, if you are not using User Requests, cleaning up those 
tables provides no harm.


On 06/02/24 14:50, wrote:

Hi Francesco,
I am using Apache Syncope version 3.0.5, database: pgsql 15 and running in a 
docker container, using the image apache/syncope:3.0.5
Best regards,



*From:* Francesco Chicchiriccò <>
*Date:* 2024-02-05 17:30
*To:* user <>
*Subject:* Re: Acitiviti tables "act_ru_actinst" too many
Hi yuefei.liu,
you should provide at least which Syncope version you are running, and also 
something about the environment (database? Tomcat? which versions?).


On 04/02/24 06:40, wrote:


I hope this email finds you well. I am currently using Apache Syncope as a 
user synchronization tool to sync user and user group information from one 
system to another. The number of users is approximately 10,000+.

After running scheduled push and pull tasks for 2-3 months, I have noticed 
that the 'act_ru_actinst' table in the database has accumulated millions of 
records, leading to a slowdown in synchronization efficiency.

I would like to inquire if it is safe to directly delete these data 
records. Your guidance on this matter would be greatly appreciated.

Best regards,

Francesco Chicchiriccò

Tirasa - Open Source Excellence

Member at The Apache Software Foundation
Syncope, Cocoon, Olingo, CXF, OpenJPA, PonyMail

Re: Acitiviti tables "act_ru_actinst" too many

2024-02-05 Thread Francesco Chicchiriccò

Hi yuefei.liu,
you should provide at least which Syncope version you are running, and also 
something about the environment (database? Tomcat? which versions?).


On 04/02/24 06:40, wrote:


I hope this email finds you well. I am currently using Apache Syncope as a user 
synchronization tool to sync user and user group information from one system to 
another. The number of users is approximately 10,000+.

After running scheduled push and pull tasks for 2-3 months, I have noticed that 
the 'act_ru_actinst' table in the database has accumulated millions of records, 
leading to a slowdown in synchronization efficiency.

I would like to inquire if it is safe to directly delete these data records. 
Your guidance on this matter would be greatly appreciated.

Best regards,

Francesco Chicchiriccò

Tirasa - Open Source Excellence

Member at The Apache Software Foundation
Syncope, Cocoon, Olingo, CXF, OpenJPA, PonyMail

[ANN] Apache Syncope 3.0.6

2023-12-26 Thread Francesco Chicchiriccò

The Apache Syncope team is pleased to announce the release of Syncope 3.0.6

Apache Syncope is an Open Source system for managing digital identities in 
enterprise environments, implemented in Java EE technology .

Syncope 3.0 Maggiore is now a full-fledged IAM system covering provisioning, 
reconciliation and reporting needs (as with earlier releases), access 
management and API management.

The release will be available within 24h from:

Read the full change log available here:

Upgrading from 3.0.5? There are some notes about this process:

We welcome your help and feedback. For more information on how to report 
problems, and to get involved, visit the project website at

The Apache Syncope Team

Francesco Chicchiriccò

Tirasa - Open Source Excellence

Member at The Apache Software Foundation
Syncope, Cocoon, Olingo, CXF, OpenJPA, PonyMail

Re: Syncope for Linux User and Group management

2023-12-22 Thread Francesco Chicchiriccò

On 22/12/23 13:26, Eugen Stan wrote:

I wanted to ask if Syncope is / can be used to store linux group ID's .
We have some users and groups in Azure AD and I would like to have available 
for linux systems
- sync those users and groups
- generate the grup GID for linux (integer in high range - 9000 - 3)
- generate the UID for linux ( integer in high range - 9000 - 3)
- generate the linux group name ?!
- generate the linux user name (first part of email ?! )
- periodically sync the groups and users to all linux hosts - there is a 
project for this already that integrates with linux

Has anyone done something similar with Syncope?
Syncope seems to have most of the bits we need for this job. (edited)
Is there a better way of handling this?

Hi, the use case depicted above seems quite reasonable to me - and we've been 
implementing something similar with some our my company's customers as well.

At high level, you need to define a few External Resources:

1. Azure AD (via Azure connector [1], bundled) for pull
2. Various Linux boxes (via CMD connector [2], bundled or UNIX connector [3], 
not bundled and unmantained but still functional), for propagation

You could attach a Pull Actions class to resource (1) to take care of 
generating what needed for resources (2).

As alternative for (2), you might instead configure a single LDAP resource (via 
LDAP connector [5]) to populate an OpenLDAP instance and configure all Linux 
boxes to get users and groups from there.



Francesco Chicchiriccò

Tirasa - Open Source Excellence

Member at The Apache Software Foundation
Syncope, Cocoon, Olingo, CXF, OpenJPA, PonyMail

Re: CUSTOM events in Audit

2023-12-12 Thread Francesco Chicchiriccò

On 27/11/23 16:01, Lionel SCHWARZ wrote:

- Le 27 Nov 23, à 14:43, Lorenzo Di Cola  a écrit :

Hi Linonel,
yes, using PostgreSQL JSONB means you're storing audit on db, as you said about 
"auditentry" table.
You can take care about AnySearchDAO bean, you should use the one of type 
PGJPAJSONAnySearchDAO in order to use PostgreSQL feature.

Sorry Lorenzo, I don't get your point at all, I have no idea what to do with 
this PGJPAJSONAnySearchDAO bean...

As I explained in my first message, basically what I did is:
1. activated audit for "syncope.audit.[CUSTOM]:[]:[]:[MY_EVENT]:[SUCCESS]"
2. triggered the event "MY_EVENT" somewhere in my code
3. got empty list when requesting  "/syncope/rest/audit/entries?type=CUSTOM"

So my question is: is it normal that audit for CUSTOM events are not stored ? 
(audit is fine for non-custom event type)

We have added a dedicated integration test case to check this condition:

You might also want to have a look at the class that is actually triggering a 
custom audit event, for reference:


Francesco Chicchiriccò

Tirasa - Open Source Excellence

Member at The Apache Software Foundation
Syncope, Cocoon, Olingo, CXF, OpenJPA, PonyMail

Re: HTTP-Request in confirmpasswordrequest

2023-12-04 Thread Francesco Chicchiriccò

Hi Timo,
what you describe below sounds like one of the typical problems of running 
Tomcat (where I suppose your Enduser instance is deployed) behind an HTTP 
reverse proxy which servers as TLS terminator.

It's plenty of references out there; in particular:

Look at section 9.


On 30/11/23 08:45, Timo Weber wrote:

Hi there,

we are using Syncope in Docker containers and are facing a strange issue. We 
are not quite sure if it caused by our Apache server configuration or an 
internal Syncope issue.

Syncope Version is 3.0.2

When the link for a password reset is clicked, the first request is of course a 
https request which our apache routes to the enduser container. Then a redirect 
occurs which is a http request an has an integer (a counter?) as first 
parameter. I assume this is done by Syncope. This request is then again 
redirected by our Apache Server to port 443.

In principle everything works but the insecure http request is forbidden in our 
environment and stops the whole process.

Are there any additional instructions in the reverse proxy configuration which 
are necessary for this to work?

Here is the relevant server log:

- - [24/Apr/2023:08:56:02 +0200] "GET 
/syncope-enduser/confirmpasswordreset?token=8kA1tw8sN...QEWNHL HTTP/1.1" 302 - "-" 
"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:109.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/112.0"

- - [24/Apr/2023:08:56:03 +0200] "GET 
/syncope-enduser/confirmpasswordreset?2&token=8kA1tw8sN...QEWNHL HTTP/1.1" 302 602 "-" 
"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:109.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/112.0"

- - [24/Apr/2023:08:56:03 +0200] "GET 
/syncope-enduser/confirmpasswordreset?2&token=8kA1tw8sN...QEWNHL HTTP/1.1" 200 12738 "-" 
"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:109.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/112.0"

The reverse proxy configuration contains amongst others already the following 

RequestHeader set X-Forwarded-Proto expr=%{REQUEST_SCHEME}

RequestHeader set X-Forwarded-SSL expr=%{HTTPS}

RequestHeader set Sec-Fetch-Dest: "document"

RequestHeader set Sec-Fetch-Mode: "navigate"

RequestHeader set Sec-Fetch-Site: "none"

ProxyPreserveHost On

Any help would be appreciated.

Kind regards


Francesco Chicchiriccò

Tirasa - Open Source Excellence

Member at The Apache Software Foundation
Syncope, Cocoon, Olingo, CXF, OpenJPA, PonyMail

Re: Potential userlogic update issue

2023-11-29 Thread Francesco Chicchiriccò

On 28/11/23 18:19, GCHQDeveloper29 wrote:


The updateAttr function in my prior email exists within my 'logic' class.
I.e. org.apache.syncope.core.logic.AttributeLogic

The second code block within the same email is what would/could exist within 
the Rest-CXF class of the extension.

If I remove the @Transactional annotation on the updateAttr function, I start 
getting 'Could not find EntityManager for domain Master' exceptions, from my 
userDAO.findByUsername() call, (userDAO being autowired within the logic class).
I have also tried passing through the UserDAO from the LogicContext class 
however that does not work either.

If the only reason to call


is to find the actual user uuid because your "key" variable " can either be the 
username or the UUID of the user", then I would suggest to implement something like 
AbstractAnyService#findActualKey [1] which is using only the method


which is itself annotated as @Transactional and can be used outside of any 

Alternatively, you can also leverage


This will allow to remove @Transactional from the updateAttr method.



On Tuesday, 28 November 2023 at 13:14, Francesco Chicchiriccò 

I assume the code below lies inside a REST service implementation class.

Basically, it manipulates payload objects (UserCR, AttrPatch and so on) then 
invokes UserLogic for actual processing.

If so, then you should remove @Transactional from such method as by doing so 
you are essentially breaking the transaction mechanism as managed by UserLogic.


On 28/11/23 11:53, GCHQDeveloper29 wrote:

Hi there,

I'm hoping to gain some advice (or report a bug in the case I've not just been 
a fool!).
I'm currently on version 3.0.4, although plan to move to 3.0.5 soon, and am 
using version 1.5.7 of the LDAP connector.

I have a slightly different version of the following function sat behind a rest 
endpoint, but am observing peculiar behaviour when calling the rest endpoint 
(hence triggering an update in userLogic).

public Response updateAttr(final UpdateAttrTO updateAttrTO, final String 
// key can either be the username or the UUID of the user
String key = updateAttrTO.getKey();
String attrVal = updateAttrTO.getAttrVal();

try {
// getUser gets the user object, first trying by username, then by UUID
User user = getUser(key);
String uuid = user.getKey();
String username = user.getUsername();

// Create the patch and user update request
Attr attr = new Attr.Builder(attribute)

AttrPatch patch = new AttrPatch.Builder(attr)
.operation(attrVal == "" ? PatchOperation.DELETE : PatchOperation.ADD_REPLACE)

UserUR userUR = new UserUR.Builder(uuid)

// Attempt to patch the user
ProvisioningResult provisioningResult = userLogic.update(userUR, false);

return Response.ok().build();

// Catch if a user cannot be found
catch (NotFoundException e)
return Response.status(400, e.getLocalizedMessage()).build();
// Catch any other unanticipated error
catch (Exception e)
return Response.status(500, e.getLocalizedMessage()).build();

The above function can be called as below (I use rest parameters in actuality):
UpdateAttrTO updateAttrTO = new UpdateAttrTO();
return updateAttr(updateAttrTO, "ExampleAttribute");

When I do this, the value gets updated within syncopes database, however the 
propogation task (to an LDAP connector), updates the downstream resource with 
the previous value.
For example, if I were to do the following for a user "user123", that does not initially 
have "ExampleAttribute" set, the downstream resource is always one value behind:

// Syncope value - N/A
// Downstream LDAP resource - N/A

UpdateAttrTO updateAttrTO1 = new UpdateAttrTO();
updateAttr(updateAttrTO1, "ExampleAttribute");

// -
// Syncope value - ""
// Downstream LDAP resource - N/A
// -

UpdateAttrTO updateAttrTO2 = new UpdateAttrTO();
updateAttr(updateAttrTO2, "ExampleAttribute");

// Syncope value - ""
// Downstream LDAP resource - ""

Hopefully I explained the situation sufficiently, if not please let me know and 
I can try to give some more detail.

Kind Regards,

Francesco Chicchiriccò

Tirasa - Open Source Excellence

Member at The Apache Software Foundation
Syncope, Cocoon, Olingo, CXF, OpenJPA, PonyMail

Re: Potential userlogic update issue

2023-11-28 Thread Francesco Chicchiriccò

I assume the code below lies inside a REST service implementation class.

Basically, it manipulates payload objects (UserCR, AttrPatch and so on) then 
invokes UserLogic for actual processing.

If so, then you should remove @Transactional from such method as by doing so 
you are essentially breaking the transaction mechanism as managed by UserLogic.


On 28/11/23 11:53, GCHQDeveloper29 wrote:

Hi there,

I'm hoping to gain some advice (or report a bug in the case I've not just been 
a fool!).
I'm currently on version 3.0.4, although plan to move to 3.0.5 soon, and am 
using version 1.5.7 of the LDAP connector.

I have a slightly different version of the following function sat behind a rest 
endpoint, but am observing peculiar behaviour when calling the rest endpoint 
(hence triggering an update in userLogic).

public Response updateAttr(final UpdateAttrTO updateAttrTO, final String 
    // key can either be the username or the UUID of the user
    String key = updateAttrTO.getKey();
    String attrVal = updateAttrTO.getAttrVal();

    try {
        // getUser gets the user object, first trying by username, then by UUID
        User user = getUser(key);
        String uuid = user.getKey();
        String username = user.getUsername();

        // Create the patch and user update request
        Attr attr = new Attr.Builder(attribute)

        AttrPatch patch = new AttrPatch.Builder(attr)
            .operation(attrVal == "" ? PatchOperation.DELETE : 

        UserUR userUR = new UserUR.Builder(uuid)

        // Attempt to patch the user
        ProvisioningResult provisioningResult = 
userLogic.update(userUR, false);

        return Response.ok().build();

    // Catch if a user cannot be found
    catch (NotFoundException e)
        return Response.status(400, e.getLocalizedMessage()).build();
    // Catch any other unanticipated error
    catch (Exception e)
        return Response.status(500, e.getLocalizedMessage()).build();

The above function can be called as below (I use rest parameters in actuality):
UpdateAttrTO updateAttrTO = new UpdateAttrTO();
return updateAttr(updateAttrTO, "ExampleAttribute");

When I do this, the value gets updated within syncopes database, however the 
propogation task (to an LDAP connector), updates the downstream resource with 
the previous value.
For example, if I were to do the following for a user "user123", that does not initially 
have "ExampleAttribute" set, the downstream resource is always one value behind:

// Syncope value - N/A
// Downstream LDAP resource - N/A

UpdateAttrTO updateAttrTO1 = new UpdateAttrTO();
updateAttr(updateAttrTO1, "ExampleAttribute");

// -
// Syncope value - ""
// Downstream LDAP resource - N/A
// -

UpdateAttrTO updateAttrTO2 = new UpdateAttrTO();
updateAttr(updateAttrTO2, "ExampleAttribute");

// Syncope value - ""
// Downstream LDAP resource - ""

Hopefully I explained the situation sufficiently, if not please let me know and 
I can try to give some more detail.

Kind Regards,

Francesco Chicchiriccò

Tirasa - Open Source Excellence

Member at The Apache Software Foundation
Syncope, Cocoon, Olingo, CXF, OpenJPA, PonyMail

Re: Syncope 3.0.5 upgrade

2023-10-25 Thread Francesco Chicchiriccò

On 25/10/23 20:36, Thomas Ryman wrote:

Also is there any way to encrypt the keymaster.password=unencrypted-password 
and decrypt it during run time?

Starting with 3.0, Apache Syncope components are all Spring Boot applications, 
so you are free to integrate something like

to achieve this goal.

It would be anyway an interesting feature to add, please remember that 
contribution is always welcome!



Francesco Chicchiriccò

Tirasa - Open Source Excellence

Member at The Apache Software Foundation
Syncope, Cocoon, Olingo, CXF, OpenJPA, PonyMail

Re: Syncope 3.0.5 upgrade

2023-10-25 Thread Francesco Chicchiriccò

Hi Thomas,
as reported by

there is no supported upgrade path from 2.1 to 3.0.

Please stick with the suggested migration approach.


On 25/10/23 18:43, Thomas Ryman wrote:


I am working on upgrading syncope from version 2 to version 3 however am having 
some issues.  I am following instructions that were found before however it 
seems whenever I start syncope the logs show that I am missing a class and 
possibly some properties.  Here is one of the current errors that I am 
investigating.  Also if there is any full documentation out there on the proper 
process to upgrade from version 2 to version 3 a link would be very appreciated.

Description: Field serviceOps in 
required a bean of type 
'org.apache.syncope.common.keymaster.client.api.ServiceOps' that could not be 
found. The injection point has the following annotations:         - 
@org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired(required=true) Action: 
Consider defining a bean of type 
'org.apache.syncope.common.keymaster.client.api.ServiceOps'in your 

Francesco Chicchiriccò

Tirasa - Open Source Excellence

Member at The Apache Software Foundation
Syncope, Cocoon, Olingo, CXF, OpenJPA, PonyMail

Re: empty statuses in LogicActions.afterUpdate

2023-10-25 Thread Francesco Chicchiriccò

So let me summarize what is happening.

This step:

- update the user so that the approval is needed

is actually performed by calling

PATCH /users/self/


PATCH /users/

depending on whether the caller is the user themselveers or an administrator.
Both invocations reach up to UserLogic#doUpdate that is where any matching 
LogicActions#afterUpdate is invoked.

If the update as above is triggering an approval in the defined user workflow, 
any propagation is suspended.

This step:

- approve the update

(I assume performed via Console) is instead calling

POST /flowable/userRequests/forms/

As you can see from Swagger UI, this all is returning all the propagation 
statuses as expected.

Hence, if you want to decorate the result of a form approval - similarly to 
what you are doing via LogicActions#afterUpdate for plain updates - you will 
have to code this into a workflow task, to be inserted in your definition right 
after approval.

Hope this clarifies.

On 24/10/23 09:48, Lionel SCHWARZ wrote:

Hi Francesco,
Thanks for your answer.

You should be able to reproduce this with the UserWorkflow defined in the fit 
part of Syncope (which I used as a base for my customized workflow definition) 
and with the LogicActions implementation attached to the email:

- declare the ExampleLogicAction in the default realm
- create a user in the default realm with a resource
- update the user so that the approval is needed
- approve the update
- check in the log that the afterUdate() receives empty List

- update the user so that the approval is NOT needed
- check in the log that the afterUdate() receives List with 
1 item: the propagation of the resource

Best regards

- Le 24 Oct 23, à 8:44, Francesco Chicchiriccò a écrit :

Hi Lionel,
can you provide a simple project that reproduces this issue?

It should be enough to create a new Maven project from latest stable version
(3.0.5 at this time), change the workflow definition to match your case and
finally provide the steps to reproduce in embedded mode.


On 23/10/23 18:10, Lionel SCHWARZ wrote:

To be more specific about the issue, I must tell that I have a flowable
UserWorkflow with approval on user update operations (on certain
It seems that when the update needs approval, the afterUpdate() is called before
approval with an empty List.
When the update does not need approval, the afterUpdate() works fine.


- Le 23 Oct 23, à 17:36, Lionel SCHWARZ a écrit :

Dear all,

I have a customized LogicAction with afterUpdate() implementation, but this
method receives an empty List when called.
Nevertheless, the propagation works fine, and I get the correct REST response
with propagationStatuses and beforeObg/afterObj.

Am I missing something?


Francesco Chicchiriccò

Tirasa - Open Source Excellence

Member at The Apache Software Foundation
Syncope, Cocoon, Olingo, CXF, OpenJPA, PonyMail

Re: empty statuses in LogicActions.afterUpdate

2023-10-23 Thread Francesco Chicchiriccò

Hi Lionel,
can you provide a simple project that reproduces this issue?

It should be enough to create a new Maven project from latest stable version 
(3.0.5 at this time), change the workflow definition to match your case and 
finally provide the steps to reproduce in embedded mode.


On 23/10/23 18:10, Lionel SCHWARZ wrote:

To be more specific about the issue, I must tell that I have a flowable 
UserWorkflow with approval on user update operations (on certain circumstances).
It seems that when the update needs approval, the afterUpdate() is called 
before approval with an empty List.
When the update does not need approval, the afterUpdate() works fine.


- Le 23 Oct 23, à 17:36, Lionel SCHWARZ a écrit :

Dear all,

I have a customized LogicAction with afterUpdate() implementation, but this
method receives an empty List when called.
Nevertheless, the propagation works fine, and I get the correct REST response
with propagationStatuses and beforeObg/afterObj.

Am I missing something?


Francesco Chicchiriccò

Tirasa - Open Source Excellence

Member at The Apache Software Foundation
Syncope, Cocoon, Olingo, CXF, OpenJPA, PonyMail

Re: CSVDIRConnector exception while pulling

2023-10-22 Thread Francesco Chicchiriccò
: [



    "overridable": false



    "schema": {

  "name": "keyseparator",

  "displayName": "Key separator",

  "helpMessage": "Character used to separate keys in a multi-key scenario. Default is 

  "type": "java.lang.String",

  "required": false,

  "order": 12,

"confidential": false,

"defaultValues": [




    "values": [



    "overridable": false



    "schema": {

  "name": "multivalueSeparator",

  "displayName": "Multi value separator",

  "helpMessage": "Character used to separate values in a multi-value 
scenario. Multivalue unsupported if not provided.",

  "type": "java.lang.String",

  "required": false,

  "order": 13,

"confidential": false,

"defaultValues": []


    "values": [],

    "overridable": false



    "schema": {

  "name": "defaultStatusValue",

  "displayName": "Default Status Value",

  "helpMessage": "Enter the value for status in case of status not specified. Default 
is \"true\".",

  "type": "java.lang.String",

  "required": false,

  "order": 14,

"confidential": false,

"defaultValues": [




    "values": [



    "overridable": false



    "schema": {

  "name": "disabledStatusValue",

  "displayName": "Disabled Status Value",

  "helpMessage": "Specify a value for disabled status. Default is 

  "type": "java.lang.String",

  "required": false,

  "order": 15,

"confidential": false,

"defaultValues": [




    "values": [



    "overridable": false



    "schema": {

  "name": "enabledStatusValue",

  "displayName": "Enable Status Value",

  "helpMessage": "Specify a value for enabled status. Default is 

  "type": "java.lang.String",

  "required": false,

  "order": 16,

"confidential": false,

"defaultValues": [




    "values": [



    "overridable": false



    "schema": {

  "name": "statusColumn",

  "displayName": "Status Column name",

  "helpMessage": "Status column name.",

  "type": "java.lang.String",

  "required": false,

  "order": 17,

"confidential": false,

"defaultValues": []


    "values": [],

    "overridable": false



    "schema": {

  "name": "objectClassColumn",

  "displayName": "ObjectClass Column Name",

  "helpMessage": "Column name identifying identity record type",

  "type": "java.lang.String",

  "required": false,

  "order": 18,

"confidential": false,

"defaultValues": []


    "values": [],

    "overridable": false



    "schema": {

  "name": "objectClass",

  "displayName": "Supported Object Classes",

  "helpMessage": "Supported object classes (__ACCOUNT__ as default if 

  "type": "[Ljava.lang.String;",

  "required": false,

  "order": 19,

"confidential": false,

"defaultValues": [




    "values": [



    "overridable": false



    "capabilities": [



    "displayName": "remoteCSV",

"connRequestTimeout": 10,

    "poolConf": null





  "prev": null,

  "next": null,

  "result": [


  "_class": "",

  "key": "018b4347-f95c-7a42-bcbd-ef19f28934fb",

  "start": "2023-10-18T16:54:37.881+02:00",

  "end": "2023-10-18T16:54:38.058+02:00",

  "latestExecStatus": "FAILURE",

  "lastExecutor": "admin",

  "executions": [


  "start": "2023-10-18T16:54:37.881+02:00",

  "end": "2023-10-18T16:54:38.058+02:00",

  "key": "018b4348-0f39-7306-8fef-328f11f795fb",

  "jobType": "TASK",

  "refKey": "018b4347-f95c-7a42-bcbd-ef19f28934fb",

  "refDesc": "PULL Task 018b4347-f95c-7a42-bcbd-ef19f28934fb 

  "status": "FAILURE",

  "message": "very long stacktrace",

  "executor": "admin"



  "startAt": null,

  "cronExpression": null,

  "jobDelegate": null,

  "name": "FullRecoPull",

  "description": null,

  "lastExec": "2023-10-18T16:54:37.881+02:00",

  "nextExec": null,

  "active": true,

  "resource": "TUCaNImportCSV",

  "performCreate": true,

  "performUpdate": true,

  "performDelete": false,

  "syncStatus": false,

  "unmatchingRule": "IGNORE",

  "matchingRule": "UPDATE",

  "actions": [],

  "concurrentSettings": null,


 "reconFilterBuilder": null,

  "destinationRealm": "/",

  "remediation": false,

  "templates": {}



  "page": 1,

"size": 1,

"totalCount": 1


Francesco Chicchiriccò

Tirasa - Open Source Excellence

Member at The Apache Software Foundation
Syncope, Cocoon, Olingo, CXF, OpenJPA, PonyMail

Re: Upgrading a user to an new userWorkflow definition

2023-10-06 Thread Francesco Chicchiriccò

Hi Lionel,
glad to read that you did solve.


On 05/10/23 17:47, Lionel SCHWARZ wrote:

OK that was tricky but I finally found out that:
- I have to update table ACT_RU_ACTINST as well
- the UPDATE ACT_RU_EXECUTION is actually:
= ;

It seems to work like this
Sorry for the noise, best regards

- Le 5 Oct 23, à 17:15, Lionel SCHWARZ a écrit :

Dear all,

After deploying a new userWorkflow definition (PUT
/flowable/bpmnProcesses/userWorkflow), I tried to upgrade a user to this new
workflow, executing the following steps:

- stop Syncope
- connect to DB
- get the definition id of the new workflow:
- get the process instance of the user:
- update both with the new definition id
- restart Syncope

But it seems something is still missing because updating the user does seem to
use the new workflow...
Is there another table to update?


Francesco Chicchiriccò

Tirasa - Open Source Excellence

Member at The Apache Software Foundation
Syncope, Cocoon, Olingo, CXF, OpenJPA, PonyMail

[ANN] Apache Syncope 3.0.5

2023-10-02 Thread Francesco Chicchiriccò

The Apache Syncope team is pleased to announce the release of Syncope 3.0.5

Apache Syncope is an Open Source system for managing digital identities in 
enterprise environments, implemented in Java EE technology .

Syncope 3.0 Maggiore is now a full-fledged IAM system covering provisioning, 
reconciliation and reporting needs (as with earlier releases), access 
management and API management.

The release will be available within 24h from:

Read the full change log available here:

Upgrading from 3.0.4? There are some notes about this process:

We welcome your help and feedback. For more information on how to report 
problems, and to get involved, visit the project website at

The Apache Syncope Team

Re: [ANN] Apache Syncope 3.0.4

2023-08-18 Thread Francesco Chicchiriccò

The table


was renamed to


to follow the convention of all other policies.

Thanks for reporting.

On 17/08/23 15:27, Lionel SCHWARZ wrote:

Dear all,

After upgrading my Syncope 3.0.3 setup (Maven, MariaDB) to 3.0.4, it does not 
start anymore, something seems to be wrong in the database:

java.sql.SQLException: Table "OIDCRPClientApp" has a foreign key to table 
"TicketExpiration" that has not been generated.  You must run the schema generator on all 
inter-related tables at once.

I also have seen the same error with tables "Realm" and "SAML2SPClientApp"... 
Is there anything more to do than what is described at ?

Best regards

- Le 10 Juil 23, à 13:45, Francesco Chicchiriccò a 
écrit :

The Apache Syncope team is pleased to announce the release of Syncope 3.0.4

Apache Syncope is an Open Source system for managing digital identities in
enterprise environments, implemented in Java EE technology .

Syncope 3.0 Maggiore is now a full-fledged IAM system covering provisioning,
reconciliation and reporting needs (as with earlier releases), access
management and API management.

The release will be available within 24h from:

Read the full change log available here:

Upgrading from 3.0.3? There are some notes about this process:

We welcome your help and feedback. For more information on how to report
problems, and to get involved, visit the project website at

The Apache Syncope Team

Francesco Chicchiriccò

Tirasa - Open Source Excellence

Member at The Apache Software Foundation
Syncope, Cocoon, Olingo, CXF, OpenJPA, PonyMail

[ANN] Apache Syncope 3.0.4

2023-07-10 Thread Francesco Chicchiriccò

The Apache Syncope team is pleased to announce the release of Syncope 3.0.4

Apache Syncope is an Open Source system for managing digital identities in 
enterprise environments, implemented in Java EE technology .

Syncope 3.0 Maggiore is now a full-fledged IAM system covering provisioning, 
reconciliation and reporting needs (as with earlier releases), access 
management and API management.

The release will be available within 24h from:

Read the full change log available here:

Upgrading from 3.0.3? There are some notes about this process:

We welcome your help and feedback. For more information on how to report 
problems, and to get involved, visit the project website at

The Apache Syncope Team

[ANN] Apache Syncope 2.1.14

2023-05-08 Thread Francesco Chicchiriccò

The Apache Syncope team is pleased to announce the release of Syncope 2.1.14

Apache Syncope is an Open Source system for managing digital identities in 
enterprise environments, implemented in Java EE technology .

The release will be available within 24h from:

Read the full change log available here:

Upgrading from 2.1.13? There are some notes about this process:

We welcome your help and feedback. For more information on how to report 
problems, and to get involved, visit the project website at

The Apache Syncope Team

[ANN] Apache Syncope 3.0.3

2023-05-08 Thread Francesco Chicchiriccò

The Apache Syncope team is pleased to announce the release of Syncope 3.0.3

Apache Syncope is an Open Source system for managing digital identities in 
enterprise environments, implemented in Java EE technology .

Syncope 3.0 Maggiore is now a full-fledged IAM system covering provisioning, 
reconciliation and reporting needs (as with earlier releases), access 
management and API management.

The release will be available within 24h from:

Read the full change log available here:

Upgrading from 3.0.2? There are some notes about this process:

We welcome your help and feedback. For more information on how to report 
problems, and to get involved, visit the project website at

The Apache Syncope Team

Re: Emails with attachments

2023-05-05 Thread Francesco Chicchiriccò

On 02/05/23 12:01, Timo Weber wrote:


this is about sending emails with templates.

Right now there does not seem to exist a default way to send an email with 

What would be the best way to achieve this? I found the class 
DefaultNotificationJobDelegate where the MimeMessage is composed and where you 
could add an attachment. But I guess it's not so easy to configure the 
attachements in the template and propagate it all the way to this class.

So I thought about extending the DefaultNotificationJobDelegate and more or 
less hard coding the attachments when creating the message. Can I just have my 
own ProvisioningContext and have the method notificationJobDelegate(...)  
return my extended class? Or is there a better way?

Hi Timo,
at least for time being, providing your own extension of 
DefaultNotificationJobDelegate which takes care of attachments is possibly the 
best solution.

All you need is, in your own Maven project sources, to:

1. provide MyNotificationJobDelegate extends DefaultNotificationJobDelegate
2. create and setup a new configuration class by following [1]



Francesco Chicchiriccò

Tirasa - Open Source Excellence

Member at The Apache Software Foundation
Syncope, Cocoon, Olingo, CXF, OpenJPA, PonyMail

Re: Issue with synchronizing group membership from Syncope to LDAP

2023-04-07 Thread Francesco Chicchiriccò

resurrecting this old thread to communicate that the requested feature is 
planned for Syncope 3.0.3:


On 20/01/22 12:54, Francesco Chicchiriccò wrote:

Ah, here is why:

It seems the PATCH method was left intentionally not implemented.
As always, PRs welcome :-)


On 20/01/22 12:49, wrote:

I'm afraid no, can't see anything in other logs (regarding PATCH)

On 2022-01-20 11:37, Francesco Chicchiriccò wrote:

On 20/01/22 12:36, wrote:

hi Francesco,
It looks that the PATCH is not generating any logs 
(/var/log/apache-syncope/core.log don't show anything when I am using PATCH 
(via Curl or AAD)).

Is this not supported somehow ? Or it there any parameter to modify ?

Nothing in other Core log files, as core-rest.log, for example?

On 2022-01-20 06:56, Francesco Chicchiriccò wrote:

On 19/01/22 16:07, wrote:

Hi Francesco,
Yes, doing those 2 steps separately works. Which also works is to run a USER 
Reconciliation, after this, any change to the group memberships (in the Syncope 
Interface) is populated to LDAP.
I have a last question: I am now testing the SCIM from Azure AD (ultimately I 
need to populate users/groups to LDAP grom AAD (via SCIM to Syncope)).
Users and groups are created fine, but no memberships. I saw in the Syncope 
logs that AAD seems to create users and groups, and then to try to PATCH the 
group to add the members, and I see a 501 error:

"PATCH /syncope/scim/v2/Groups/c4a04619-1b3e-41b9-a046-191b3e11b97f HTTP/1.1" 
501 -

When I try to reproduce this and PATCH with curl, I also get a similar error.

For example, trying to remove a member fails:
    "schemas": ["urn:ietf:params:scim:api:messages:2.0:PatchOp"],
    "Operations": [{
    "op": "Remove",
    "path": "members",
    "value": [{
    "$ref": null,
    "value": "1519e2f5-eadb-4216-99e2-f5eadb52163d"

Is there any parameter to set up in Syncope ? Sorry I could not find any 
documentation going through this process.

Honestly, I don't remember many real-case usages of the SCIM 2.0
extension, hence it is likely that the operation above is actually
hitting some part of the code which was not thoroughly tested.

Could you please report as well the stacktrace you see in Syncope Core
logs when performing the operation above?


On 2022-01-18 13:59, Francesco Chicchiriccò wrote:

On 14/01/22 13:54, wrote:

Thanks Francesco.
Please find more  explanations:

Let me recap the flow:
1. users are created in Syncope  (how? via SCIM?), with the LDAP resource 

 I created the users here manually in Syncope (REALMs / Users)
For example:
Auxiliary Classes: BaseGroup
Groups: none at this stage
surname: local_user5
external resources: my_resource_LDAP

I also tested created the users via SCIM, and then doing a "reconciliation" in 
the LDAP resource, that also works (users are added in LDAP).

after this step, the user local_user1 is synchronized and created in LDAP

2. group is created in Syncope via SCIM, with 2 members
first question: can you see the group membership in Syncope, for the 2 users 
created at step 1?

Yes, going to Realms / Group / local_user20, clicking on "members" /User, I can 
see the 2 members.

3. the Push Task is run

second question: is the Push Task configured for both users and groups?


4. you can see both users and group on LDAP, but no members for the group

correct, at least initially (when users and groups are created)

5. you edit the 2 users in Syncope by adding group membership


6. the Push Task is run again, with expected result


I just realized something actually:
- I create users
- synchronize those users in LDAP
- I create a group with members
- synchronize this group in LDAP, the group is created in LDAP but no members 
are in it
- in Syncope, I then run a USER "reconciliation" in the LDAP resource, then the 
members are synchronized in the GROUP in LDAP.

Is this actually the way to do ?

The simplest way to accomplish what I think is your goal is:

1. create group and assign the LDAP resource to it
2. create user(s) with membership of such group

If you perform such two steps from Syncope Console (or via REST
through standard endpoints), and the LDAP resource is configured
correctly, you get the expected result: users in LDAP, group in LDAP,
with members set.

This works because by default Syncope works with what we call
"implicit provisioning": when you assign a Resource to a Group, the
Group itself and all members will

Re: Getting 404 when following the guides in syncope 3.x

2023-04-02 Thread Francesco Chicchiriccò

please see my replies inline.


On 01/04/23 01:58, alx wrote:

Hi everyone,

i am currently trying to deploy syncope 3.x on a Server to evaluate if it fits 
our Needs. Unfortunately following the getting started guide and than the 
reference guide i am not able to get syncope to work on the tomcat 10 on the 
Server. When ever i try to Access any syncope Service via 
http://host:8080/syncope(...)i am getting a 404 error.

If you look carefully at the getting started guide, you might notice that 
Tomcat 10.x is not supported, but Tomcat 9.x is:

Changing the Tomcat version might be enough to fix your issue.

Except for the Swagger Service where i am getting a 404 some json not found. 
All of my custom apps and tomcats own Services are reachable and working so i 
would assume the tomcat is Setup correctly. The logs do not indicate any 
Errors. I build the syncope wars via Maven and following the getting started 
guide. I than edited the *.properties according to the referenc guide. If 
deployed anywhere other than localhost does the discover url in the properties 
have to be http://host:8080 or localhost:8080? In anycase i tried Setting it to 
both and i am still getting a 404 error. Anyone got any hints on how to proceed?

If your purpose is just evaluation, I'd rather go with Standalone Distribution:

which comes pre-configured with a whole set of components and test data you can 
freely play with.

Naturally, in case your evaluation is going positive, I'd recommend to switch 
to Docker images or to generate an empty Maven project to customize.

Francesco Chicchiriccò

Tirasa - Open Source Excellence

Member at The Apache Software Foundation
Syncope, Cocoon, Olingo, CXF, OpenJPA, PonyMail

TAC supporting Berlin Buzzwords

2023-03-24 Thread Francesco Chicchiriccò

Hi All,

The ASF Travel Assistance Committee is supporting taking up to six (6) people
to attend Berlin Buzzwords In June this year.

This includes Conference passes, and travel & accommodation as needed.

Please see our website at for more information and how 
to apply.

Applications close on 15th April.

Good luck to those that apply.

Gavin McDonald (VP TAC)

Francesco Chicchiriccò

Tirasa - Open Source Excellence

Member at The Apache Software Foundation
Syncope, Cocoon, Olingo, CXF, OpenJPA, PonyMail

Re: pull task only for a specific anyType

2023-02-27 Thread Francesco Chicchiriccò

On 24/02/23 17:35, Lionel SCHWARZ wrote:

- Le 24 Fév 23, à 15:55, Lionel SCHWARZ a écrit :

- Le 20 Fév 23, à 10:55, Francesco Chicchiriccò a écrit

Propagation works smoothly but during pull, I get the following error: - Could not
match {Uid=Attribute: {Name=__UID__, Value=[1288]}, ObjectClass=ObjectClass:
IDMSERVICE, DeltaType=CREATE_OR_UPDATE, Token=SyncToken: ,
Object={Uid=Attribute: {Name=__UID__, Value=[1288]}, ObjectClass=ObjectClass:
IDMSERVICE, Attributes=[Attribute: {Name=__NAME__, Value=[idnum_service]},
Attribute: {Name=__UID__, Value=[1288]}], Name=Attribute: {Name=__NAME__,
Value=[idnum_service]}}, PreviousUid=null} with any existing SERVICE
java.lang.NullPointerException: null
at java.lang.Iterable.forEach( ~[?:?]

Looking at the code, I see that "null" is sent as an argument here:
which seems to lead to the NPE

Nice spot, Lionel!

Fixed by:

The fix will be released with Syncope 3.0.3.

Meanwhile you should be able to backport it by copying the class

into your local Maven project.


Francesco Chicchiriccò

Tirasa - Open Source Excellence

Member at The Apache Software Foundation
Syncope, Cocoon, Olingo, CXF, OpenJPA, PonyMail

[ANN] Apache Syncope 3.0.2

2023-02-20 Thread Francesco Chicchiriccò

The Apache Syncope team is pleased to announce the release of Syncope 3.0.2

Apache Syncope is an Open Source system for managing digital identities in 
enterprise environments, implemented in Java EE technology .

Syncope 3.0 Maggiore is now a full-fledged IAM system covering provisioning, 
reconciliation and reporting needs (as with earlier releases), access 
management and API management.

The release will be available within 24h from:

Read the full change log available here:

Upgrading from 3.0.1? There are some notes about this process:

We welcome your help and feedback. For more information on how to report 
problems, and to get involved, visit the project website at

The Apache Syncope Team

Re: pull task only for a specific anyType

2023-02-20 Thread Francesco Chicchiriccò

On 16/02/23 17:56, Lionel SCHWARZ wrote:

Dear all,

On my 3.0.1 syncope instance, I have defines a resource with 2 anyTypes 
(objectclasses). I'm trying to setup a pull task which would run only on 1 of 
these 2 anyTypes.

I feel I have 2 solutions:
1. run a "filtered reconciliation" with my own ReconFilterBuilder implementation
2. rather use 2 different resources, one for each anyType

Did I miss something more simple to do that?

Hi Lionel,
the simplest way to achieve your goal is definitely (2).

(1) would be a way to filter which instances, for all object classes defined, 
shall be returned by pull so I don't think it applies.


Francesco Chicchiriccò

Tirasa - Open Source Excellence

Member at The Apache Software Foundation
Syncope, Cocoon, Olingo, CXF, OpenJPA, PonyMail

Re: Helm chart Syncope 3.0.1

2023-02-13 Thread Francesco Chicchiriccò

Hi Michele,
see my replies embedded below.


On 13/02/23 12:19, Michele Andreoli wrote:

I have 2 questions about Syncope 3 and Kubernates:

 1. Where I can find an updated version of Helm chart of Syncope 3? In the links reported 
in the Syncope documentation I found these old files on github: syncope-3.0.1 
 and main 
(updated about 5 years ago)

Nope, it seems no much people is using Syncope 3 with Kubernetes.

 1. Are there Syncope 3 images for Kubernates that runs without root user?

We currently build and publish to DockerHub our Docker images starting from 
Docker files [1][2][3][4][5]
There is nothing there to allow running as non-root, but I don't believe it 
should be difficult to adapt, at least according to [6] (not sure if there are 
best practices around).

Anyway, for both items, contributions are welcome ;-)


Francesco Chicchiriccò

Tirasa - Open Source Excellence

Member at The Apache Software Foundation
Syncope, Cocoon, Olingo, CXF, OpenJPA, PonyMail

Re: setting parameters by REST in 3.0.0 ?

2023-02-07 Thread Francesco Chicchiriccò

On 03/02/23 11:49, Lionel SCHWARZ wrote:

- Le 18 Nov 22, à 11:44, Francesco Chicchiriccò a écrit 

Please note anyway that the preferred way to deal with configuration parameters
from within Java code running inside a Syncope component is via the
ConfParamOps interface [3].

Hi Francesco,

I would like to use ConfParamOps to read configuration parameters from within a 
LogicActions implementation. Do you have an example how to use it?

it should be to declare

private ConfParamOps confParamOps;

in your LogicActions implementation.


Francesco Chicchiriccò

Tirasa - Open Source Excellence

Member at The Apache Software Foundation
Syncope, Cocoon, Olingo, CXF, OpenJPA, PonyMail

Re: Console error with 3.0.0 and 3.0.1

2023-01-16 Thread Francesco Chicchiriccò

On 16/01/23 16:30, Lionel SCHWARZ wrote:

Dear all,

After upgrading my Syncope-3.0.0-M2 project (maven-built, deployed on Tomcat9) 
to 3.0.1, access to the console fails with a 500 ERROR
"java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Could not initialize class 

The same happens with Syncope-3.0.0 but the console works fine with 

Has anyone an idea what is wrong? I could not find what class is missing in the 

this is happening because you did generate your project before Syncope 3.0.0.

Anyway, you just need to add


to Tomcat env.

See for more details.


Francesco Chicchiriccò

Tirasa - Open Source Excellence

Member at The Apache Software Foundation
Syncope, Cocoon, Olingo, CXF, OpenJPA, PonyMail

[ANN] Apache Syncope 3.0.1

2023-01-16 Thread Francesco Chicchiriccò

The Apache Syncope team is pleased to announce the release of Syncope 3.0.0

Apache Syncope is an Open Source system for managing digital identities in 
enterprise environments, implemented in Java EE technology .

Syncope 3.0 Maggiore is now a full-fledged IAM system covering provisioning, 
reconciliation and reporting needs (as with earlier releases), access 
management and API management.

The release will be available within 24h from:

Read the full change log available here:

Upgrading from 3.0.0? There are some notes about this process:

We welcome your help and feedback. For more information on how to report 
problems, and to get involved, visit the project website at

The Apache Syncope Team

Re: role with "dynMembershipCond"

2022-12-20 Thread Francesco Chicchiriccò

On 13/12/22 16:55, Lionel SCHWARZ wrote:

- Le 13 Déc 22, à 16:13, Francesco Chicchiriccò a écrit 

On 09/12/22 15:52, Lionel SCHWARZ wrote:

Dear all,

Could someone explain me how dynRoles works? because I found something strange
and am not sure if I missed sthg or not...

I have created a role with "dynMembershipCond" based on users having a certain
relationship. This works fine as after creating the role, all users that have
this relationship got the role in "dynRoles".

However, when I then create a new user with such a relationship, it does not get
the the role (and if I then update the role, the new user gets it!)

Is there anything more I need to do at creation, or something I misconfigured?

Hi Lionel,
dynamic (group or role) membership is a weird feature, as it basically saves the
results of a user query (e.g. the dynamic membership condition) every time that
either the group  / role or user are saved.
Unfortunately, it has proven to perform decently only with small numbers.

Every time a user gets saved, all existing Roles with dynamic conditions are
considered to see if the user is matching so that the saved query results are
Similarly, when groups or roles with dynamic conditions are saved, a query for
all users matching the condition is run, again to update the saved query

The case you are describing above might be possibly not working because of the
condition based on a "dependent" element as a relationship, so the matching
process is failing in first place (e.g. when the user is created) but is
succeeding later (e.g. when the role is updated).

You might want to try using a different condition, based on a user attribute, to
see if that works for new users as well.

Thanks Francesco for your answer.
What do you mean by "small numbers"? Should I forget about dynamic roles for a 
database of 5K users for example?

The number that counts much in your case is the number of roles with dynamic 
membership condition.

I'd suggest anyway to execute some performance tests to understand if the 
feature is actually fit for your use case.


Francesco Chicchiriccò

Tirasa - Open Source Excellence

Member at The Apache Software Foundation
Syncope, Cocoon, Olingo, CXF, OpenJPA, PonyMail

Re: role with "dynMembershipCond"

2022-12-13 Thread Francesco Chicchiriccò

On 09/12/22 15:52, Lionel SCHWARZ wrote:

Dear all,

Could someone explain me how dynRoles works? because I found something strange 
and am not sure if I missed sthg or not...

I have created a role with "dynMembershipCond" based on users having a certain 
relationship. This works fine as after creating the role, all users that have this relationship got 
the role in "dynRoles".

However, when I then create a new user with such a relationship, it does not 
get the the role (and if I then update the role, the new user gets it!)

Is there anything more I need to do at creation, or something I misconfigured?

Hi Lionel,
dynamic (group or role) membership is a weird feature, as it basically saves 
the results of a user query (e.g. the dynamic membership condition) every time 
that either the group  / role or user are saved.
Unfortunately, it has proven to perform decently only with small numbers.

Every time a user gets saved, all existing Roles with dynamic conditions are 
considered to see if the user is matching so that the saved query results are 
Similarly, when groups or roles with dynamic conditions are saved, a query for 
all users matching the condition is run, again to update the saved query 

The case you are describing above might be possibly not working because of the condition 
based on a "dependent" element as a relationship, so the matching process is 
failing in first place (e.g. when the user is created) but is succeeding later (e.g. when 
the role is updated).

You might want to try using a different condition, based on a user attribute, 
to see if that works for new users as well.


Francesco Chicchiriccò

Tirasa - Open Source Excellence

Member at The Apache Software Foundation
Syncope, Cocoon, Olingo, CXF, OpenJPA, PonyMail

[ANN] Apache Syncope 2.1.13

2022-12-12 Thread Francesco Chicchiriccò

The Apache Syncope team is pleased to announce the release of Syncope 2.1.13

Apache Syncope is an Open Source system for managing digital identities in 
enterprise environments, implemented in Java EE technology .

The release will be available within 24h from:

Read the full change log available here:

Upgrading from 2.1.12? There are some notes about this process:

We welcome your help and feedback. For more information on how to report 
problems, and to get involved, visit the project website at

The Apache Syncope Team

Re: Bearer authentication for SCIM v2 extension endpoints?

2022-12-09 Thread Francesco Chicchiriccò

On 09/12/22 11:40, Philipp Trenz wrote:

Dear Syncope community,

I’m searching for a solution to provision users from Azure AD into a local 
Windows AD. Syncope looks very promising for this use case and I’m about to 
setup a Proof of Concept. For configuring Azure AD against the SCIMv2 
extension, a static bearer authentication token is required. The default 
authentication method for the scim endpoints seem to be JWT, though.

TL;DR: How can I configure a static Bearer token for authentication against the 
SCIM v2 extension?

Hi Philipp,
glad of your interest in Apache Syncope.

The authentication configuration for all REST endpoints exposed by Core is 
defined by [1] so, in case you really want to dig into this topic or override 
some bean definition(s) into your project, that is definitely the starting 

I am reading from [2] that Azure AD  is using an OAuth 2.0 bearer token, which 
should still be in JWT format.
If this is the case, my suggestion is to add to your project an implementation 
of JWTSSOProvider [3].

The purpose of a JWTSSOProvider is to:

1. validate the provided "Authorization: Bearer" value, in the verify() method
2. resolve the extracted claims into an internal Syncope User, in the resolve() 

You can look at a sample implementation [4] or the one that is actually in use 
by default [5].

The typical use case for additional JWTSSOProvider implementations is to allow 
to use JWT values not generated by Syncope itself to authorize access to 
Syncope REST endpoints.



Francesco Chicchiriccò

Tirasa - Open Source Excellence

Member at The Apache Software Foundation
Syncope, Cocoon, Olingo, CXF, OpenJPA, PonyMail

Re: setting parameters by REST in 3.0.0 ?

2022-11-18 Thread Francesco Chicchiriccò

On 18/11/22 10:25, Lionel SCHWARZ wrote:

Hi List,

Does anyone know which 3.0.0 REST endpoint has replaced the 2.1 /configuration 

Hi Lionel,
as you can read from [1], in Syncope 3.0 the new component Keymaster is used 

1. dynamic service discovery
2. key / value store for configuration parameters
3. directory for defined domains

(2) seems to be what you are looking for.

In [1] it is also reported that Keymaster comes in two flavors: additional REST 
services for Core, or Zookeeper.

Assuming you are with former option, the WADL description for such additional 
services is available under


See [2] for reference.

Please note anyway that the preferred way to deal with configuration parameters 
from within Java code running inside a Syncope component is via the 
ConfParamOps interface [3].



Francesco Chicchiriccò

Tirasa - Open Source Excellence

Member at The Apache Software Foundation
Syncope, Cocoon, Olingo, CXF, OpenJPA, PonyMail

[ANN] Apache Syncope 3.0.0

2022-11-14 Thread Francesco Chicchiriccò

The Apache Syncope team is pleased to announce the release of Syncope 3.0.0

Apache Syncope is an Open Source system for managing digital identities in 
enterprise environments, implemented in Java EE technology .

Syncope 3.0 Maggiore is now a full-fledged IAM system covering provisioning, 
reconciliation and reporting needs (as with earlier releases), access 
management and API management.

The release will be available within 24h from:

Read the full change log available here:

We welcome your help and feedback. For more information on how to report 
problems, and to get involved, visit the project website at

The Apache Syncope Team

Re: Docker restore from mastercontent.xml

2022-10-30 Thread Francesco Chicchiriccò

Hi Christopher,
I am afraid the issue is confirmed, only when running via Docker:


On 28/10/22 17:32, Christopher Brown wrote:

Thanks, that worked. However with M1 when I try to create a schema a Plain 
schema entry in the console nothing happens. The logs show the following error:

 2022-10-28 14:42:23.495 ERROR [IO-1 task-6] io.undertow.request                
                  : UT005023: Exception handling request to 

java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Could not initialize class 

On Fri, Oct 14, 2022 at 9:41 AM Samuel Garofalo  wrote:

Hello Christopher,

using version 3 of Apache Syncope you can mount a volume containing your 
MasterContent.xml file in the Syncope core image in the docker-compose.yml in 
this way:

   - "/opt/syncope/conf/domains:/opt/syncope/conf/domains"

With this configuration you have to add your MasterConter.xml under 
/opt/syncope/conf/domains directory.

here some example of docker-compose [1].


Best regards,

Samuel Garofalo

Il 14/10/22 15:20, Christopher Brown ha scritto:


Is there a way to restore configuration when deploying via Docker using the 
mastercontent.xml file? I don't see the directories noted in the documentation. 
[1] Thanks!

[1] -

Francesco Chicchiriccò

Tirasa - Open Source Excellence

Member at The Apache Software Foundation
Syncope, Cocoon, Olingo, CXF, OpenJPA, PonyMail

[ANN] Apache Syncope 3.0.0-M2

2022-10-30 Thread Francesco Chicchiriccò

The Apache Syncope team is pleased to announce the release of Syncope 3.0.0-M2

Apache Syncope is an Open Source system for managing digital identities in 
enterprise environments, implemented in Java EE technology .

Syncope 3.0 Maggiore is now a full-fledged IAM system covering provisioning, 
reconciliation and reporting needs (as with earlier releases), access 
management and API management.

The release will be available within 24h from:

Read the full change log available here:

We welcome your help and feedback. For more information on how to report 
problems, and to get involved, visit the project website at

The Apache Syncope Team

Francesco Chicchiriccò

Tirasa - Open Source Excellence

Member at The Apache Software Foundation
Syncope, Cocoon, Olingo, CXF, OpenJPA, PonyMail

Re: [ANN] Apache Syncope 3.0.0-M1

2022-10-18 Thread Francesco Chicchiriccò

Hi Lionel,
I'd rather start things again on 3.0.0-M1 now: when compared to 2.1, besides 
new features and components, it brings anyway several new deployment options 
(JDK 17, Spring Boot, ...) which would make your deployment more maintainable 
in the future.


On 17/10/22 16:58, Lionel SCHWARZ wrote:

Dear Syncope team,

Considering we have started implementing our IDM solution with Syncope 2.1, but 
nothing is in production yet (we plan to release a first version by the end of 
the year), would you advise us to:
- re-implement with Syncope 3.0.0-M1 now
- keep on with Syncope 2.1 and move to 3.0.0 later


- Le 17 Oct 22, à 9:36, Francesco Chicchiriccò a écrit :

The Apache Syncope team is pleased to announce the release of Syncope 3.0.0-M1

Apache Syncope is an Open Source system for managing digital identities in
enterprise environments, implemented in Java EE technology .

Syncope 3.0 Maggiore is now a full-fledged IAM system covering provisioning,
reconciliation and reporting needs (as with earlier releases), access
management and API management.

The release will be available within 24h from:

Read the full change log available here:

We welcome your help and feedback. For more information on how to report
problems, and to get involved, visit the project website at

The Apache Syncope Team

Francesco Chicchiriccò

Tirasa - Open Source Excellence

Member at The Apache Software Foundation
Syncope, Cocoon, Olingo, CXF, OpenJPA, PonyMail

[ANN] Apache Syncope 3.0.0-M1

2022-10-17 Thread Francesco Chicchiriccò

The Apache Syncope team is pleased to announce the release of Syncope 3.0.0-M1

Apache Syncope is an Open Source system for managing digital identities in 
enterprise environments, implemented in Java EE technology .

Syncope 3.0 Maggiore is now a full-fledged IAM system covering provisioning, 
reconciliation and reporting needs (as with earlier releases), access 
management and API management.

The release will be available within 24h from:

Read the full change log available here:

We welcome your help and feedback. For more information on how to report 
problems, and to get involved, visit the project website at

The Apache Syncope Team

Re: AD Group Sync error

2022-10-13 Thread Francesco Chicchiriccò

Hi Ashley,
so you are failing to propagate Syncope group memberships to AD?

e.g. if User U is member of group G in Syncope, let the U counterpart of AD be 
part of the G counterpart on AD?

If so, please ensure that:

1. your AD resource is configured for both users and groups

2. you have configured the LDAPMembershipPropagationActions for the AD resource

(both things are considered in the blog post I've shared below)

Additionally, ensure to connect to AD via LDAPS (port 636), otherwise some 
features might not be working (for example, you will be creating disabled 


On 11/10/22 11:17, Ashley Day wrote:


I've attached a bunch of pictures of the configuration for the AD connector and 
the mappings for users and groups. Wonder if you can see anything wrong here?

Kind regards,

On Thu, Oct 6, 2022 at 4:49 PM Ashley Day  wrote:

Hi Francesco

Do you know if Syncope has any sync issues with Server 2019? I'm still 
scratching my head at what could be causing the Group membership not to sync 

I am running Syncope 2.1.11 if that helps?

Kind regards,

On Wed, Oct 5, 2022 at 10:58 AM Francesco Chicchiriccò 

On 05/10/22 11:50, Ashley Day wrote:

Good Morning

I am trying to use Apache Syncope as a front end management tool for 
active directory so that people can self-provision themselves into groups they 
require, with authorisation from a team leader. Currently during my testing I am 
having difficulty with the group syncing from Syncope -> Active Directory. I’ll 
put some bullet points below on what is working and the issue I am receiving;

  * AD user sync into Syncope. Works.
  * AD group sync into Syncope. Works
  * AD Group membership into Syncope. Works
  * Syncope created User sync into AD. Works (Although user is disabled)
  * Syncope created group sync into AD. Works
  * Add Group membership in Syncope sync into AD. Failure.

I imagine it has something to do with the attribute mapping, or I am 
not putting the correct task in, but I was wondering if you had any advice on 
how I might be able to get this sorted, as the Syncope Group syncing into AD is 
the main reason I would like to use Syncope.

Hi Ashley,

glad of your interest in Apache Syncope.

Have you already had a look at



Francesco Chicchiriccò

Tirasa - Open Source Excellence

Member at The Apache Software Foundation
Syncope, Cocoon, Olingo, CXF, OpenJPA, PonyMail

Re: AD Group Sync error

2022-10-05 Thread Francesco Chicchiriccò

On 05/10/22 11:50, Ashley Day wrote:

Good Morning

I am trying to use Apache Syncope as a front end management tool for active 
directory so that people can self-provision themselves into groups they require, 
with authorisation from a team leader. Currently during my testing I am having 
difficulty with the group syncing from Syncope -> Active Directory. I’ll put 
some bullet points below on what is working and the issue I am receiving;

  * AD user sync into Syncope. Works.
  * AD group sync into Syncope. Works
  * AD Group membership into Syncope. Works
  * Syncope created User sync into AD. Works (Although user is disabled)
  * Syncope created group sync into AD. Works
  * Add Group membership in Syncope sync into AD. Failure.

I imagine it has something to do with the attribute mapping, or I am not 
putting the correct task in, but I was wondering if you had any advice on how I 
might be able to get this sorted, as the Syncope Group syncing into AD is the 
main reason I would like to use Syncope.

Hi Ashley,

glad of your interest in Apache Syncope.

Have you already had a look at



Francesco Chicchiriccò

Tirasa - Open Source Excellence

Member at The Apache Software Foundation
Syncope, Cocoon, Olingo, CXF, OpenJPA, PonyMail

[ANN] Apache Syncope 3.0.0-M0

2022-08-08 Thread Francesco Chicchiriccò

The Apache Syncope team is pleased to announce the release of Syncope 3.0.0-M0

Apache Syncope is an Open Source system for managing digital identities in 
enterprise environments, implemented in Java EE technology .

Syncope 3.0 Maggiore is now a full-fledged IAM system covering provisioning, 
reconciliation and reporting needs (as with earlier releases), access 
management and API management.

The release will be available within 24h from:

Read the full change log available here:

We welcome your help and feedback. For more information on how to report 
problems, and to get involved, visit the project website at

The Apache Syncope Team

[ANN] Apache Syncope 2.1.12

2022-08-08 Thread Francesco Chicchiriccò

The Apache Syncope team is pleased to announce the release of Syncope 2.1.12

Apache Syncope is an Open Source system for managing digital identities in 
enterprise environments, implemented in Java EE technology .

The release will be available within 24h from:

Read the full change log available here:

Upgrading from 2.1.11? There are some notes about this process:

We welcome your help and feedback. For more information on how to report 
problems, and to get involved, visit the project website at

The Apache Syncope Team

Re: Locating log files

2022-06-21 Thread Francesco Chicchiriccò

On 21/06/22 16:51, Lionel SCHWARZ wrote:

Dear all,

I feel a bit shameful, I cannot find any log files in my Syncope setup.
I have created a Syncope project with Maven archetype, then built with Maven, 
and then copied war in Tomcat9.
The application works fine, and I can watch logs in the console, but am unable 
to find an 'core.log' on the machine...

I tried also to build with 'mvn' but found nothing in 

What did I miss?

Hi Lionel,
it seems you've missed the notice [1] which invites you to head to the Reference Guide 
"to understand how to configure, extend, customize and *deploy* your new Apache 
Syncope project".

In particular, the explanation about Deployment Directories [2] and following 
instructions about how to build your project for deployment, e.g.

mvn clean verify \ \ \

The WAR files generated by this command are configured differently than the 
ones built for embedded mode [3].

Hope this helps.


Francesco Chicchiriccò

Tirasa - Open Source Excellence

Member at The Apache Software Foundation
Syncope, Cocoon, Olingo, CXF, OpenJPA, PonyMail

Re: Syncope - FreeIPA module

2022-06-07 Thread Francesco Chicchiriccò

On 06/06/22 18:33, Mike Mercier wrote:


I came across a FreeIPA connid bundle for Syncope here:

I was wondering if anyone is still maintaining this module, or if there was 
ever a release?  I've compiled it with Maven and have attempted to use it with 
seemingly no success.

Hi Mike,
AFAICT that the last effective commit [1] is about 8 years ago hence I don't 
believe it could work with recent Syncope versions without some work. Also, 
there are no releases [2].

I remember the idea behind such connector was to manipulate the underlying LDAP 
data, rather than directly invoking FreeIPA services.

It seems there has been no much interest lately; nevertheless, contributions 
are welcome, as always.
In case, reach out to the ConnId user group [3].



Francesco Chicchiriccò

Tirasa - Open Source Excellence

Member at The Apache Software Foundation
Syncope, Cocoon, Olingo, CXF, OpenJPA, PonyMail

Re: User certification on Syncope 2.1.x

2022-05-12 Thread Francesco Chicchiriccò

On 12/05/22 11:25, Lionel SCHWARZ wrote:

- Le 12 Mai 22, à 10:37, Francesco Chicchiriccò a écrit 

On 12/05/22 09:46, Davide Ceravolo wrote:

Hi Francesco,

The use case is as follows, I would need cyclically to be able to run a flow
where the various supervisors can tell whether the account is in use or not at
the end of which it generates a report.

With such requirements, I would base the implementation on Request Management

Essentially, you can define a BPMN flow with multi-level approval where you can
add Java Tasks fetching data from Syncope internal storage and attached
(I know this sounds quite generic, but actual implementation is really dependent
on details).

Hi Francesco,
If I understand correctly, in the case you mention, the user starts the request using the 
"Requests" tab in the end user UI. Is there a way for someone else to start 
this request on behalf of the user (following then the same workflow). If yes how?

Yes, this is possible.

Check this integration test case [1] which first creates a new user, then 
starts as admin a new request [2] for that user: you can check the difference 
between [2] and [3] where instead a request is started by the user itself.

You can check from Swagger UI or the REST reference [4] that the corresponding 
endpoint is

POST /flowable/userRequests/start/{bpmnProcess}

Other endpoints under the same service can be used to advance the process, 
submit forms, etc. again available both as plain user (for self) or admin (for 
other users).

Most of such features are also available from Admin Console.



Francesco Chicchiriccò

Tirasa - Open Source Excellence

Member at The Apache Software Foundation
Syncope, Cocoon, Olingo, CXF, OpenJPA, PonyMail

Re: User certification on Syncope 2.1.x

2022-05-12 Thread Francesco Chicchiriccò

On 12/05/22 09:46, Davide Ceravolo wrote:

Hi Francesco,

The use case is as follows, I would need cyclically to be able to run a flow 
where the various supervisors can tell whether the account is in use or not at 
the end of which it generates a report.

With such requirements, I would base the implementation on Request Management 

Essentially, you can define a BPMN flow with multi-level approval where you can 
add Java Tasks fetching data from Syncope internal storage and attached 
(I know this sounds quite generic, but actual implementation is really 
dependent on details).

Hope this gives initial food for thoughts.


*Da:*Francesco Chicchiriccò 
*Inviato:* giovedì 12 maggio 2022 09:12
*Oggetto:* Re: User certification on Syncope 2.1.x

On 12/05/22 08:52, Davide Ceravolo wrote:


The latest version that implements account certification is 2.0.16, in the 
2.1.x versions it is not present.
Is there an implementation planned?

Hi Davide,
we decided to drop the former implementation because it seemed too much naive 
and difficult to adapt to real use cases.

In 2.1 (and upcoming 3.0) however, we have several additional tools to leverage 
in order to produce certification information: can you explain what would be 
your needs?


Francesco Chicchiriccò

Tirasa - Open Source Excellence

Member at The Apache Software Foundation
Syncope, Cocoon, Olingo, CXF, OpenJPA, PonyMail

Re: User certification on Syncope 2.1.x

2022-05-12 Thread Francesco Chicchiriccò

On 12/05/22 08:52, Davide Ceravolo wrote:


The latest version that implements account certification is 2.0.16, in the 
2.1.x versions it is not present.
Is there an implementation planned?

Hi Davide,
we decided to drop the former implementation because it seemed too much naive 
and difficult to adapt to real use cases.

In 2.1 (and upcoming 3.0) however, we have several additional tools to leverage 
in order to produce certification information: can you explain what would be 
your needs?


Francesco Chicchiriccò

Tirasa - Open Source Excellence

Member at The Apache Software Foundation
Syncope, Cocoon, Olingo, CXF, OpenJPA, PonyMail

Re: Using Syncope REST endpoints with a OIDC authorizationCode

2022-03-25 Thread Francesco Chicchiriccò

On 25/03/22 18:06, Lionel SCHWARZ wrote:

Dear all,

Considering I have enabled the OIDC extension and properly configured my OIDC 
provider (keycloak), and considering I am able to retrieve from this provider 
an AuthorizationCode, how it is possible for me to use the REST endpoints using 
this authorization code?

Hi Lionel,
the OpenID Connect client extension [1] is designed to work for UI (Console, 
Enduser), not for REST endpoints.

In fact, the extension adds some components that from one side implement the 
OIDC protocol communications in the UI itself, while using existing Syncope 
constructs and components on the other side.
The overall OIDC client authentication process initiated by Syncope Console or 
Enduser ends up into getting an ordinary Syncope JWT to authenticate REST calls 
to Core.

FYI, the SAML 2.0 extension [2] works in the same way.

It is indeed possible to authenticate REST calls by passing JWT values 
different than the ones generated by Syncope itself after authentication, by 
providing  JTWSSOProvider [3] implementations.

Essentially, an implementation will need to provide at least two things:

1. the JWT issuer value to match, for which the class will be invoked by Syncope

2. a mean to resolve the JWT claims into and existing Syncope user

It can also do other things, like using a different signature verification.

Syncope itself is using an implementation as such for default JWT format [4].
You can also look at an example in the test code [5].

Hope this helps.


Francesco Chicchiriccò

Tirasa - Open Source Excellence

Member at The Apache Software Foundation
Syncope, Cocoon, Olingo, CXF, OpenJPA, PonyMail

[ANN] Apache Syncope 2.1.11

2022-03-21 Thread Francesco Chicchiriccò

The Apache Syncope team is pleased to announce the release of Syncope 2.1.11

Apache Syncope is an Open Source system for managing digital identities in 
enterprise environments, implemented in Java EE technology .

The release will be available within 24h from:

Read the full change log available here:

Upgrading from 2.1.10? There are some notes about this process:

We welcome your help and feedback. For more information on how to report 
problems, and to get involved, visit the project website at

The Apache Syncope Team

Francesco Chicchiriccò

Tirasa - Open Source Excellence

Member at The Apache Software Foundation
Syncope, Cocoon, Olingo, CXF, OpenJPA, PonyMail

Re: manually trigger CREATE on the underlying connector

2022-03-10 Thread Francesco Chicchiriccò

On 10/03/22 16:39, Lionel SCHWARZ wrote:

Hi Francesco,

My understanding is that the PUSH operation does create on external resource a 
user which exists in Syncope.
What if I want to create, on external resource, a user which is not in Syncope?

(Please ensure to actually reply to ML address)

Hi Lionel,
your understanding is correct: all operations managed by Syncope are involving 
its internal storage and all the provisioning rules defined.

As provisioning manager, Syncope does not provide a way to manipulate External 
Resources without passing through its internal storage, on purpose.

Hope this clarifies.

- Le 10 Mar 22, à 16:21, Francesco Chicchiriccò a écrit 

On 10/03/22 16:08, Lionel SCHWARZ wrote:

Dear all,

Reading the 2.1.10 reference guide, it is not clear for me if it is possible
(and how) to manually trigger a CREATE on an underlying connector, that is for
exemple create a new user on a defined resource.
The REST /resources/{key}/{anyTypeKey} does expose the POST operation but it
seems to be for dealing with sync tokens.
The REST /resources/{key}/{anyTypeKey}/{value} does not expose the DELETE
operation neither.

Is there a way to manually create/delete on external identity stores?

Hi Lionel,
if you need to manually send or delete several users to an External Resource,
you should be defining and running a Push Task [0][1] for the purpose.

You can also send or delete a single user to an External Resource from Admin
Console or via REST by calling the

POST /reconciliation/push


Please notice that in order to perform actual create / update or delete
operation, you will need to appropriately select the matching / unmatching
rules, as explained in the docs.

See REST reference [2] or public demo's Swagger UI [3] for more details.



Francesco Chicchiriccò

Tirasa - Open Source Excellence

Member at The Apache Software Foundation
Syncope, Cocoon, Olingo, CXF, OpenJPA, PonyMail

Re: Is this a BUG in Syncope-MySQL code? was Re: "java.lang.ClassCastException: java.time.LocalDateTime cannot be cast to java.util.Date" error when upgrading MySQL and MySQL Java connector to 8.0.28

2022-02-07 Thread Francesco Chicchiriccò
        at org.apache.cxf.jaxrs.JAXRSInvoker.invoke( 
        at org.apache.cxf.jaxrs.JAXRSInvoker.invoke( 

If we downgrade the MySQL java connector back to 8.0.16, then the delete via 
Syncope Console works.

Can anyone tell me why the Syncope Console doesn't work with the 8.0.28 MySQL 
Java connector?  FYI, we are having to update both the MySQL and the Java 
connector due to a CVE/security vulnerability.


Francesco Chicchiriccò

Tirasa - Open Source Excellence

Member at The Apache Software Foundation
Syncope, Cocoon, Olingo, CXF, OpenJPA, PonyMail

Re: FIQL Query to get all the Users associated to a specific AnyObject

2022-02-02 Thread Francesco Chicchiriccò

On 03/02/22 05:20, Vinay Kavala wrote:

Hi Team,

We have a requirement to obtain all the users that are associated to a specific 
AnyObject. But I don't find any documentation that gives the FIQL query to 
obtain the users list as in the below scenario..

 1. I created an AnyObject called Partner
 2. I have associated 5 users in the same realm to that Partner using 
Partner_to_User relationship type
 3. Now, I am trying to get the list of users(5 users) who are associated to 
the AnyObject Partner.

Can someone please help with the FIQL query for the same..

Hi Vinay,

I realize we have not published yet any sample for such a use case in the docs 
[1] hence I am going to add a few.

1. matches all users having a Relationship established with the AnyObject instance having 
name set to "Canon MF 8030cn"

$relationships==Canon MF 8030cn

2. matches all AnyObjects of type PRINTER having a Relationship established with the 
AnyObject instance having name set to "Canon MF 8030cn"

$relationships==Canon MF 8030cn;$type==PRINTER

3. matches all users having a RelationshipType "neighborhood" established


From what you are writing above, I think your use case should get covered by 
the ample (3), .e.g.





Francesco Chicchiriccò

Tirasa - Open Source Excellence

Member at The Apache Software Foundation
Syncope, Cocoon, Olingo, CXF, OpenJPA, PonyMail

Re: Issue with synchronizing group membership from Syncope to LDAP

2022-01-20 Thread Francesco Chicchiriccò

Ah, here is why:

It seems the PATCH method was left intentionally not implemented.
As always, PRs welcome :-)


On 20/01/22 12:49, wrote:

I'm afraid no, can't see anything in other logs (regarding PATCH)

On 2022-01-20 11:37, Francesco Chicchiriccò wrote:

On 20/01/22 12:36, wrote:

hi Francesco,
It looks that the PATCH is not generating any logs 
(/var/log/apache-syncope/core.log don't show anything when I am using PATCH 
(via Curl or AAD)).

Is this not supported somehow ? Or it there any parameter to modify ?

Nothing in other Core log files, as core-rest.log, for example?

On 2022-01-20 06:56, Francesco Chicchiriccò wrote:

On 19/01/22 16:07, wrote:

Hi Francesco,
Yes, doing those 2 steps separately works. Which also works is to run a USER 
Reconciliation, after this, any change to the group memberships (in the Syncope 
Interface) is populated to LDAP.
I have a last question: I am now testing the SCIM from Azure AD (ultimately I 
need to populate users/groups to LDAP grom AAD (via SCIM to Syncope)).
Users and groups are created fine, but no memberships. I saw in the Syncope 
logs that AAD seems to create users and groups, and then to try to PATCH the 
group to add the members, and I see a 501 error:

"PATCH /syncope/scim/v2/Groups/c4a04619-1b3e-41b9-a046-191b3e11b97f HTTP/1.1" 
501 -

When I try to reproduce this and PATCH with curl, I also get a similar error.

For example, trying to remove a member fails:
    "schemas": ["urn:ietf:params:scim:api:messages:2.0:PatchOp"],
    "Operations": [{
    "op": "Remove",
    "path": "members",
    "value": [{
    "$ref": null,
    "value": "1519e2f5-eadb-4216-99e2-f5eadb52163d"

Is there any parameter to set up in Syncope ? Sorry I could not find any 
documentation going through this process.

Honestly, I don't remember many real-case usages of the SCIM 2.0
extension, hence it is likely that the operation above is actually
hitting some part of the code which was not thoroughly tested.

Could you please report as well the stacktrace you see in Syncope Core
logs when performing the operation above?


On 2022-01-18 13:59, Francesco Chicchiriccò wrote:

On 14/01/22 13:54, wrote:

Thanks Francesco.
Please find more  explanations:

Let me recap the flow:
1. users are created in Syncope  (how? via SCIM?), with the LDAP resource 

 I created the users here manually in Syncope (REALMs / Users)
For example:
Auxiliary Classes: BaseGroup
Groups: none at this stage
surname: local_user5
external resources: my_resource_LDAP

I also tested created the users via SCIM, and then doing a "reconciliation" in 
the LDAP resource, that also works (users are added in LDAP).

after this step, the user local_user1 is synchronized and created in LDAP

2. group is created in Syncope via SCIM, with 2 members
first question: can you see the group membership in Syncope, for the 2 users 
created at step 1?

Yes, going to Realms / Group / local_user20, clicking on "members" /User, I can 
see the 2 members.

3. the Push Task is run

second question: is the Push Task configured for both users and groups?


4. you can see both users and group on LDAP, but no members for the group

correct, at least initially (when users and groups are created)

5. you edit the 2 users in Syncope by adding group membership


6. the Push Task is run again, with expected result


I just realized something actually:
- I create users
- synchronize those users in LDAP
- I create a group with members
- synchronize this group in LDAP, the group is created in LDAP but no members 
are in it
- in Syncope, I then run a USER "reconciliation" in the LDAP resource, then the 
members are synchronized in the GROUP in LDAP.

Is this actually the way to do ?

The simplest way to accomplish what I think is your goal is:

1. create group and assign the LDAP resource to it
2. create user(s) with membership of such group

If you perform such two steps from Syncope Console (or via REST
through standard endpoints), and the LDAP resource is configured
correctly, you get the expected result: users in LDAP, group in LDAP,
with members set.

This works because by default Syncope works with what we call
"implicit provisioning": when you assign a Resource to a Group, the
Group itself and all members will be propagated to the Resource.

One important thing to remember about implicit provisioning is that it
works by type: when you create / update / delete a User, you will get
a User propagated to the Resource; e.g. you cann

Re: Issue with synchronizing group membership from Syncope to LDAP

2022-01-20 Thread Francesco Chicchiriccò

On 20/01/22 12:36, wrote:

hi Francesco,
It looks that the PATCH is not generating any logs 
(/var/log/apache-syncope/core.log don't show anything when I am using PATCH 
(via Curl or AAD)).

Is this not supported somehow ? Or it there any parameter to modify ?

Nothing in other Core log files, as core-rest.log, for example?

On 2022-01-20 06:56, Francesco Chicchiriccò wrote:

On 19/01/22 16:07, wrote:

Hi Francesco,
Yes, doing those 2 steps separately works. Which also works is to run a USER 
Reconciliation, after this, any change to the group memberships (in the Syncope 
Interface) is populated to LDAP.
I have a last question: I am now testing the SCIM from Azure AD (ultimately I 
need to populate users/groups to LDAP grom AAD (via SCIM to Syncope)).
Users and groups are created fine, but no memberships. I saw in the Syncope 
logs that AAD seems to create users and groups, and then to try to PATCH the 
group to add the members, and I see a 501 error:

"PATCH /syncope/scim/v2/Groups/c4a04619-1b3e-41b9-a046-191b3e11b97f HTTP/1.1" 
501 -

When I try to reproduce this and PATCH with curl, I also get a similar error.

For example, trying to remove a member fails:
    "schemas": ["urn:ietf:params:scim:api:messages:2.0:PatchOp"],
    "Operations": [{
    "op": "Remove",
    "path": "members",
    "value": [{
    "$ref": null,
    "value": "1519e2f5-eadb-4216-99e2-f5eadb52163d"

Is there any parameter to set up in Syncope ? Sorry I could not find any 
documentation going through this process.

Honestly, I don't remember many real-case usages of the SCIM 2.0
extension, hence it is likely that the operation above is actually
hitting some part of the code which was not thoroughly tested.

Could you please report as well the stacktrace you see in Syncope Core
logs when performing the operation above?


On 2022-01-18 13:59, Francesco Chicchiriccò wrote:

On 14/01/22 13:54, wrote:

Thanks Francesco.
Please find more  explanations:

Let me recap the flow:
1. users are created in Syncope  (how? via SCIM?), with the LDAP resource 

 I created the users here manually in Syncope (REALMs / Users)
For example:
Auxiliary Classes: BaseGroup
Groups: none at this stage
surname: local_user5
external resources: my_resource_LDAP

I also tested created the users via SCIM, and then doing a "reconciliation" in 
the LDAP resource, that also works (users are added in LDAP).

after this step, the user local_user1 is synchronized and created in LDAP

2. group is created in Syncope via SCIM, with 2 members
first question: can you see the group membership in Syncope, for the 2 users 
created at step 1?

Yes, going to Realms / Group / local_user20, clicking on "members" /User, I can 
see the 2 members.

3. the Push Task is run

second question: is the Push Task configured for both users and groups?


4. you can see both users and group on LDAP, but no members for the group

correct, at least initially (when users and groups are created)

5. you edit the 2 users in Syncope by adding group membership


6. the Push Task is run again, with expected result


I just realized something actually:
- I create users
- synchronize those users in LDAP
- I create a group with members
- synchronize this group in LDAP, the group is created in LDAP but no members 
are in it
- in Syncope, I then run a USER "reconciliation" in the LDAP resource, then the 
members are synchronized in the GROUP in LDAP.

Is this actually the way to do ?

The simplest way to accomplish what I think is your goal is:

1. create group and assign the LDAP resource to it
2. create user(s) with membership of such group

If you perform such two steps from Syncope Console (or via REST
through standard endpoints), and the LDAP resource is configured
correctly, you get the expected result: users in LDAP, group in LDAP,
with members set.

This works because by default Syncope works with what we call
"implicit provisioning": when you assign a Resource to a Group, the
Group itself and all members will be propagated to the Resource.

One important thing to remember about implicit provisioning is that it
works by type: when you create / update / delete a User, you will get
a User propagated to the Resource; e.g. you cannot create or update a
Group and have Users propagated to LDAP, at least without adding some
customizations around.

I thin that, since you are updating a Group via SCIM endpoint by
assigning members, then propagation is not happening as expected in
the default flow.


On 2022-01-14 07:22, Francesco Chicchiriccò wrote:

On 14/01/22 00:35, wrote:


I am running Syncope version 2.1.10. I am trying to synchronize grou

Re: Issue with synchronizing group membership from Syncope to LDAP

2022-01-19 Thread Francesco Chicchiriccò

On 19/01/22 16:07, wrote:

Hi Francesco,
Yes, doing those 2 steps separately works. Which also works is to run a USER 
Reconciliation, after this, any change to the group memberships (in the Syncope 
Interface) is populated to LDAP.
I have a last question: I am now testing the SCIM from Azure AD (ultimately I 
need to populate users/groups to LDAP grom AAD (via SCIM to Syncope)).
Users and groups are created fine, but no memberships. I saw in the Syncope 
logs that AAD seems to create users and groups, and then to try to PATCH the 
group to add the members, and I see a 501 error:

"PATCH /syncope/scim/v2/Groups/c4a04619-1b3e-41b9-a046-191b3e11b97f HTTP/1.1" 
501 -

When I try to reproduce this and PATCH with curl, I also get a similar error.

For example, trying to remove a member fails:
    "schemas": ["urn:ietf:params:scim:api:messages:2.0:PatchOp"],
    "Operations": [{
    "op": "Remove",
    "path": "members",
    "value": [{
    "$ref": null,
    "value": "1519e2f5-eadb-4216-99e2-f5eadb52163d"

Is there any parameter to set up in Syncope ? Sorry I could not find any 
documentation going through this process.

Honestly, I don't remember many real-case usages of the SCIM 2.0 extension, 
hence it is likely that the operation above is actually hitting some part of 
the code which was not thoroughly tested.

Could you please report as well the stacktrace you see in Syncope Core logs 
when performing the operation above?


On 2022-01-18 13:59, Francesco Chicchiriccò wrote:

On 14/01/22 13:54, wrote:

Thanks Francesco.
Please find more  explanations:

Let me recap the flow:
1. users are created in Syncope  (how? via SCIM?), with the LDAP resource 

 I created the users here manually in Syncope (REALMs / Users)
For example:
Auxiliary Classes: BaseGroup
Groups: none at this stage
surname: local_user5
external resources: my_resource_LDAP

I also tested created the users via SCIM, and then doing a "reconciliation" in 
the LDAP resource, that also works (users are added in LDAP).

after this step, the user local_user1 is synchronized and created in LDAP

2. group is created in Syncope via SCIM, with 2 members
first question: can you see the group membership in Syncope, for the 2 users 
created at step 1?

Yes, going to Realms / Group / local_user20, clicking on "members" /User, I can 
see the 2 members.

3. the Push Task is run

second question: is the Push Task configured for both users and groups?


4. you can see both users and group on LDAP, but no members for the group

correct, at least initially (when users and groups are created)

5. you edit the 2 users in Syncope by adding group membership


6. the Push Task is run again, with expected result


I just realized something actually:
- I create users
- synchronize those users in LDAP
- I create a group with members
- synchronize this group in LDAP, the group is created in LDAP but no members 
are in it
- in Syncope, I then run a USER "reconciliation" in the LDAP resource, then the 
members are synchronized in the GROUP in LDAP.

Is this actually the way to do ?

The simplest way to accomplish what I think is your goal is:

1. create group and assign the LDAP resource to it
2. create user(s) with membership of such group

If you perform such two steps from Syncope Console (or via REST
through standard endpoints), and the LDAP resource is configured
correctly, you get the expected result: users in LDAP, group in LDAP,
with members set.

This works because by default Syncope works with what we call
"implicit provisioning": when you assign a Resource to a Group, the
Group itself and all members will be propagated to the Resource.

One important thing to remember about implicit provisioning is that it
works by type: when you create / update / delete a User, you will get
a User propagated to the Resource; e.g. you cannot create or update a
Group and have Users propagated to LDAP, at least without adding some
customizations around.

I thin that, since you are updating a Group via SCIM endpoint by
assigning members, then propagation is not happening as expected in
the default flow.


On 2022-01-14 07:22, Francesco Chicchiriccò wrote:

On 14/01/22 00:35, wrote:


I am running Syncope version 2.1.10. I am trying to synchronize groups 
membership via SCIM to SYNCOPE and then from SYNCOPE to LDAP (openldap).

The problem I have is that when I create users and then groups with members in 
Syncope, the users and groups are created properly in LDAP but the group don't 
have the members.

If I edit the users in Syncope and add them to the group, then the group in 
LDAP is synchronized properly and contains the corre

Re: Issue with synchronizing group membership from Syncope to LDAP

2022-01-18 Thread Francesco Chicchiriccò

On 14/01/22 13:54, wrote:

Thanks Francesco.
Please find more  explanations:

Let me recap the flow:
1. users are created in Syncope  (how? via SCIM?), with the LDAP resource 

 I created the users here manually in Syncope (REALMs / Users)
For example:
Auxiliary Classes: BaseGroup
Groups: none at this stage
surname: local_user5
external resources: my_resource_LDAP

I also tested created the users via SCIM, and then doing a "reconciliation" in 
the LDAP resource, that also works (users are added in LDAP).

after this step, the user local_user1 is synchronized and  created in LDAP

2. group is created in Syncope via SCIM, with 2 members
first question: can you see the group membership in Syncope, for the 2 users 
created at step 1?

Yes, going to Realms / Group / local_user20, clicking on "members" /User, I can 
see the 2 members.

3. the Push Task is run

second question: is the Push Task configured for both users and groups?


4. you can see both users and group on LDAP, but no members for the group

correct, at least initially (when users and groups are created)

5. you edit the 2 users in Syncope by adding group membership


6. the Push Task is run again, with expected result


I just realized something actually:
- I create users
- synchronize those users in LDAP
- I create a group with members
- synchronize this group in LDAP, the group is created in LDAP but no members 
are in it
- in Syncope, I then run a USER "reconciliation" in the LDAP resource, then the 
members are synchronized in the GROUP in LDAP.

Is this actually the way to do ?

The simplest way to accomplish what I think is your goal is:

1. create group and assign the LDAP resource to it
2. create user(s) with membership of such group

If you perform such two steps from Syncope Console (or via REST through 
standard endpoints), and the LDAP resource is configured correctly, you get the 
expected result: users in LDAP, group in LDAP, with members set.

This works because by default Syncope works with what we call "implicit 
provisioning": when you assign a Resource to a Group, the Group itself and all 
members will be propagated to the Resource.

One important thing to remember about implicit provisioning is that it works by 
type: when you create / update / delete a User, you will get a User propagated 
to the Resource; e.g. you cannot create or update a Group and have Users 
propagated to LDAP, at least without adding some customizations around.

I thin that, since you are updating a Group via SCIM endpoint by assigning 
members, then propagation is not happening as expected in the default flow.


On 2022-01-14 07:22, Francesco Chicchiriccò wrote:

On 14/01/22 00:35, wrote:


I am running Syncope version 2.1.10. I am trying to synchronize groups 
membership via SCIM to SYNCOPE and then from SYNCOPE to LDAP (openldap).

The problem I have is that when I create users and then groups with members in 
Syncope, the users and groups are created properly in LDAP but the group don't 
have the members.

If I edit the users in Syncope and add them to the group, then the group in 
LDAP is synchronized properly and contains the correct members.

Is it possible to synchronize from Syncope to LDAP group members from the group 
in Syncope, or do the users in Syncope need to contain the group list ?

My configuration:

I created the users local_user1 and local_user2 in Syncope.

I have the file local_group20.json to create the group "local_group20" with the 2 members 
"local_user1" and "local_user2" via SCIM:

    "externalId": "local_group20",

I create the groups with the members in SYNCOPE via SCIM:

$ curl -k -vX POST -H "Accept: application/scim+json" -H "Content-Type: 
application/scim+json" -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" -d @local_group20.json 

I can see the group "local_group20" is created fine in Syncope, with the 2 
members in it.

I have an LDAP connector in Syncope, with a propagation action 
"LDAPMembershipPropagationActions" and a PUSH task (note: there are no actions 
available in the PUSH task).

When I run the PUSH task, the group is created in LDAP but without the members 
local_user1 and local_user2.

If I edit the users local_user1 and local_user2 in Syncope, and add them

Re: Issue with synchronizing group membership from Syncope to LDAP

2022-01-13 Thread Francesco Chicchiriccò

On 14/01/22 00:35, wrote:


I am running Syncope version 2.1.10. I am trying to synchronize groups 
membership via SCIM to SYNCOPE and then from SYNCOPE to LDAP (openldap).

The problem I have is that when I create users and then groups with members in 
Syncope, the users and groups are created properly in LDAP but the group don't 
have the members.

If I edit the users in Syncope and add them to the group, then the group in 
LDAP is synchronized properly and contains the correct members.

Is it possible to synchronize from Syncope to LDAP group members from the group 
in Syncope, or do the users in Syncope need to contain the group list ?

My configuration:

I created the users local_user1 and local_user2 in Syncope.

I have the file local_group20.json to create the group "local_group20" with the 2 members 
"local_user1" and "local_user2" via SCIM:

    "externalId": "local_group20",

I create the groups with the members in SYNCOPE via SCIM:

$ curl -k -vX POST -H "Accept: application/scim+json" -H "Content-Type: 
application/scim+json" -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" -d @local_group20.json 

I can see the group "local_group20" is created fine in Syncope, with the 2 
members in it.

I have an LDAP connector in Syncope, with a propagation action 
"LDAPMembershipPropagationActions" and a PUSH task (note: there are no actions 
available in the PUSH task).

When I run the PUSH task, the group is created in LDAP but without the members 
local_user1 and local_user2.

If I edit the users local_user1 and local_user2 in Syncope, and add them to the group 
"local_group20" and run the PUSH task again, they appear in the LDAP group 

Any idea ? 

Hi Fabien,
it seems you went pretty far with your use case above: e.g. to use Syncope to 
provision users, groups and memberships via SCIM2 to LDAP.

Let me recap the flow:

1. users are created in Syncope  (how? via SCIM?), with the LDAP resource 
2. group is created in Syncope via SCIM, with 2 members

first question: can you see the group membership in Syncope, for the 2 users 
created at step 1?

3. the Push Task is run

second question: is the Push Task configured for both users and groups?

4. you can see both users and group on LDAP, but no members for the group
5. you edit the 2 users in Syncope by adding group membership
6. the Push Task is run again, with expected result

Is all above correct? Can you provide answers?

Francesco Chicchiriccò

Tirasa - Open Source Excellence

Member at The Apache Software Foundation
Syncope, Cocoon, Olingo, CXF, OpenJPA, PonyMail

Re: searching users with different attributes

2021-12-14 Thread Francesco Chicchiriccò

On 13/12/21 14:37, Marco Benucci wrote:

Hi all,

We are trying syncope on an Oracle DB (19c) with approximately 1M100K users.
Searches (both via console and with the REST API) respond in acceptable times 
if you use the username as a search key, but using other fields, such as 
surname, the response generally takes a long time (several seconds) or goes 
timeout. Is there anything we can do to improve this?
We performed the graphic installation, without any other particular precautions.

Thank you all.

Hi Marco,
1,1M users managed by an IdM is quite a number, congrats :-)

I suppose you are running some 2.1.X version since GUI installer was removed 
from upcoming 3.0.0: am I correct?

About search performance, my company has found [1] [2] that when going above 
20.000 identities it is definitely worth to switch to Elasticsearch support.
You will need to tweak the project as generated by GUI installer in order to 
enable the Elasticsearch extension [3].

In the same blog post we are also reporting that the best performance are 
obtained by using PostgreSQL with JSONB support (rather than Oracle DB) - see 
[4] about how to enable this in your project.



Francesco Chicchiriccò

Tirasa - Open Source Excellence

Member at The Apache Software Foundation
Syncope, Cocoon, Olingo, CXF, OpenJPA, PonyMail

Re: Need some discussion upfront before the invoice/payment goes off

2021-10-24 Thread Francesco Chicchiriccò

Hi Vinay,
I hope we can solve the payment issues soon.

Until then, please send your questions to public mailing lists only, and don't 
forget that support there is provided best-effort, for free, by the community.


On 23/10/21 05:50, Vinay Kavala wrote:

Hi Fabio and Francesco,

I have been informed that you are reached out to do the invoice/payment for the 
training of Apache Syncope to our Team. I have also understood that there is a 
slight issue in making the payment over. However, I would like to request you 
to see if you can answer my questions over email for certain questions we have 
in specific scenarios of our project.

Let me know if that is something that you can accommodate.

FYI - I have already posted couple of questions to the Dev community yesterday. 
I can attach those threads over here if you would like to look at it and 


Francesco Chicchiriccò
Tel +393290573276

Amministratore unico @ Tirasa S.r.l.
Viale Vittoria Colonna 97 - 65127 Pescara
Tel +39 0859116307 / FAX +39 085973

Member at The Apache Software Foundation
Syncope, Cocoon, Olingo, CXF, OpenJPA, PonyMail

"To Iterate is Human, to Recurse, Divine"
(James O. Coplien, Bell Labs)

[ANN] Apache Syncope 2.1.10

2021-10-11 Thread Francesco Chicchiriccò

The Apache Syncope team is pleased to announce the release of Syncope 2.1.10

Apache Syncope is an Open Source system for managing digital identities in 
enterprise environments, implemented in Java EE technology .

The release will be available within 24h from:

Read the full change log available here:

Upgrading from 2.1.9? There are some notes about this process:

We welcome your help and feedback. For more information on how to report 
problems, and to get involved, visit the project website at

The Apache Syncope Team

Francesco Chicchiriccò

Tirasa - Open Source Excellence

Member at The Apache Software Foundation
Syncope, Cocoon, Olingo, CXF, OpenJPA, PonyMail

Re: How share spring bean data about connector in high available environment?

2021-10-08 Thread Francesco Chicchiriccò

Replying to this old thread just to notice that the issue was finally solved:

Fix will be available with upcoming Syncope 2.1.10.


On 04/04/18 07:32, Elena Hong wrote:

Thanks to your help :D

2018년 4월 3일 (화) 오전 1:29, Francesco Chicchiriccò>>님이 작성:

Hi Elena,
my personal congrats, it seems you've got most of the picture :-)

If your HA setup is correct, in fact, writing any data via REST on node A 
and then read the same data from node B is perfectly fine.

When such data are in fact related to connector configuration (or even 
resource configuration, if you are using override), things are effectively a 
bit different, because the Spring bean associated to each connector gets 
automatically refreshed only on the node where the REST create / update was 
sent to.

So, if connector update was sent to node A, provisioning tasks occurring on 
node B will still have the old configuration, you're right.


* invoke POST /connectors/reload on node B - this will make all connector 
Spring beans to refresh their configuration from the underlying db
* restart the Java EE container on node B
* disable Quartz jobs execution on node B [1]

The actual fix would be to implement a custom RemoteCommitListener [2] 
which triggers the connector's Spring bean refresh on node B.

Let me finally add that normally this issue is not very important because 
the connector configuration is rather stable as soon as the deployment reaches 
out HA environments (as it was fine-tuned in lower environments).



On 02/04/2018 11:05, Elena Hong wrote:

oops, I have mistake in my question. sorry.

I have trouble when do provisioning not call read API.

As you say, read connector API is working well. It loads data from DB(Of 
course My A and B server using same DB).

But during provisioning, Syncope loads data from spring bean factory is 
managed in instance's InMemory(I guessed).

When run provisioning task, call doExecute method from

And it loads connector data via 's getConnector 

I can see getConnector method in It loads data from 

public Connector getConnector(final ExternalResource resource) {

// Try to re-create connector bean from underlying resource (useful for 
managing failover scenarios)




return (Connector) 


So, After I update connector via Syncope server A , It updates DB and own 
spring bean.
Then read connector API works well and I can see the updated connector data 
from management console.
But server B's bean is not updated yet. In this case, If provisioning run 
in Server B, B has 'old' connector data.

2018-04-02 11:03 GMT+09:00 Elena Hong>>:

How can each syncope servers in high available environment share 
connector which saved as spring bean at inmemory?

* My environment.

I set high available with two syncope servers called A, B and nginx.

* My problem

1. I call connector update api to nginx.

2. nginx call syncope server A, and update connector 'new' data in DB 
and spring bean.

3. I call connector read api to nginx.

4. nginx call syncope server B, then B returned 'old' data at spring 

    How can I solved it..?
give me a tip please..

Francesco Chicchiriccò

Tirasa - Open Source Excellence

Member at The Apache Software Foundation
Syncope, Cocoon, Olingo, CXF, OpenJPA, PonyMail

Re: Multiple admin users

2021-10-07 Thread Francesco Chicchiriccò

Glad to hear that :-)


On 08/10/21 03:01, Fco. David Ferraes Feria wrote:

Sorry, i resolved it. Thank's.

*Fco. David Ferraes Feria*
Celular: +52 (55) 4350 3658
El 07/10/21 a las 19:56, Fco. David Ferraes Feria escribió:


Is there any way to configure multiple admin users?

Thank's in advance.

Francesco Chicchiriccò

Tirasa - Open Source Excellence

Member at The Apache Software Foundation
Syncope, Cocoon, Olingo, CXF, OpenJPA, PonyMail

Re: Reports Question

2021-10-05 Thread Francesco Chicchiriccò

On 05/10/21 23:18, Caleb Mazure wrote:


Thank you so much for your assistance so far. That makes sense, looking at the 
code as well.

When using the UserTO() function within the swagger API. I can see that the 
following is being produced.

|"memberships": [     { "groupKey": "b126a6fc-2bc0-4e5a-a6a6-fc2bc0ce5a1a", "groupName": "systems", "plainAttrs": [], "derAttrs": [], "virAttrs": []  
   },     { "groupKey": "f753222f-442b-4c2f-9322-2f442bcc2fe1", "groupName": "common-staff", "plainAttrs": [], "derAttrs": [], "virAttrs": []     }   ],|

There are plainAttrs present, but they aren't being shown.

You will see plainAttrs only if the given memebrship does actually have 

Take a look at

for more details.

FTR, dynamic memberships (e.g. the initial scope of this thread) are instead 
defined in UserTO as

"dynMemberships": []



*From:* Francesco Chicchiriccò 
*Sent:* Monday, October 4, 2021 10:12 PM
*Subject:* Re: Reports Question
On 03/10/21 02:29, Caleb Mazure wrote:

Hey Francesco,

I have been able to display the dynamic memberships in the reports. I can't 
seem to display the attributes of the memberships though. Is this feature 
avaliable? Do I need to edit the UserTo class if so, could you point me in the 
right direction?

dynamic memberships have some limitations compared to standard memberships: 

Among such limitations, dynamic memberships don't allow for attributes.


*From:* Francesco Chicchiriccò  
*Sent:* Wednesday, September 29, 2021 9:00 PM
*To:* <> 
*Subject:* Re: Reports Question



The second one, e.g.


is correct.


On 28/09/21 23:51, Caleb Mazure wrote:

Thanks for the advice so far.


Re: Reports Question

2021-10-04 Thread Francesco Chicchiriccò

On 03/10/21 02:29, Caleb Mazure wrote:

Hey Francesco,

I have been able to display the dynamic memberships in the reports. I can't 
seem to display the attributes of the memberships though. Is this feature 
avaliable? Do I need to edit the UserTo class if so, could you point me in the 
right direction?

dynamic memberships have some limitations compared to standard memberships:

Among such limitations, dynamic memberships don't allow for attributes.


*From:* Francesco Chicchiriccò 
*Sent:* Wednesday, September 29, 2021 9:00 PM
*Subject:* Re: Reports Question



The second one, e.g.


is correct.


On 28/09/21 23:51, Caleb Mazure wrote:

Thanks for the advice so far.

This is a screenshot after the Maven installation. Just confirming that I 
needed to create file structure for 

*From:* Francesco Chicchiriccò  
*Sent:* Tuesday, September 28, 2021 7:33 PM
*To:* <> 
*Subject:* Re: Reports Question
On 28/09/21 03:37, Caleb Mazure wrote:

Hi Francesco,

That all makes sense, I am converting our original .deb packages deployment to 

I have moved the .war files produced from the maven build into 
/etc/tomcat8/Catalina/localhost/ ​which is being read by the server.xml file.

It seemed to run off the tomcat server, but I then thought it was still using 
the original instillation. I removed the apt Apache-syncope-console, and it 
still seems to run fine (I still have suspicions).

*For a basic Maven build, the only files required are the .war files, correct?*

in your case it's /etc/tomcat8/Catalina/localhost/ because you're working on a Debian 
machine with Tomcat installed via the tomcat8 deb package but it could be also 
elsewhere if you had, for instance, download a more recent Tomcat release from <> (about this, the latest 
Tomcat 9.x is recommended).

WAR files generated by Maven build can be deployed into all supported JavaEE 
containers including Tomcat, but please don't forget to read carefully [1] 
which explains how to build properly in order to define the deployment 
directories for ConnId bundles, configuration files and logs.



Re: Reports Question

2021-09-29 Thread Francesco Chicchiriccò

Sorry, bad copy / paste as it seems: the actual path should have been


The second one, e.g.


is correct.


On 28/09/21 23:51, Caleb Mazure wrote:

Thanks for the advice so far.

This is a screenshot after the Maven installation. Just confirming that I 
needed to create file structure for 

*From:* Francesco Chicchiriccò 
*Sent:* Tuesday, September 28, 2021 7:33 PM
*Subject:* Re: Reports Question
On 28/09/21 03:37, Caleb Mazure wrote:

Hi Francesco,

That all makes sense, I am converting our original .deb packages deployment to 

I have moved the .war files produced from the maven build into 
/etc/tomcat8/Catalina/localhost/ ​which is being read by the server.xml file.

It seemed to run off the tomcat server, but I then thought it was still using 
the original instillation. I removed the apt Apache-syncope-console, and it 
still seems to run fine (I still have suspicions).

*For a basic Maven build, the only files required are the .war files, correct?*

in your case it's /etc/tomcat8/Catalina/localhost/ because you're working on a Debian 
machine with Tomcat installed via the tomcat8 deb package but it could be also 
elsewhere if you had, for instance, download a more recent Tomcat release from <> (about this, the latest 
Tomcat 9.x is recommended).

WAR files generated by Maven build can be deployed into all supported JavaEE 
containers including Tomcat, but please don't forget to read carefully [1] 
which explains how to build properly in order to define the deployment 
directories for ConnId bundles, configuration files and logs.



*From:* Francesco Chicchiriccò  
*Sent:* Friday, September 24, 2021 6:44 PM
*To:* <> 
*Subject:* Re: Reports Question
On 23/09/21 23:28, Caleb Mazure wrote:


I currently have setup an installation of syncope on a Linux based machine, 
using the Debian packages provided.

*I want to create a report that shows the dynamic memberships of users. The 
default only shows memberships. *

To do this I believe I need to create a new java class somewhere that would be 
like the default UserReportletConf but I am not sure how to go about this.

Any advice would be great!

Hi Caleb,

as you are suggesting above, in order to create a new Reportlet [1] you will 
need to:

1. create a class named MyUserReportletConf extending [2], under 

Re: Reports Question

2021-09-27 Thread Francesco Chicchiriccò

On 28/09/21 03:37, Caleb Mazure wrote:

Hi Francesco,

That all makes sense, I am converting our original .deb packages deployment to 

I have moved the .war files produced from the maven build into 
/etc/tomcat8/Catalina/localhost/ ​which is being read by the server.xml file.

It seemed to run off the tomcat server, but I then thought it was still using 
the original instillation. I removed the apt Apache-syncope-console, and it 
still seems to run fine (I still have suspicions).

*For a basic Maven build, the only files required are the .war files, correct?*

in your case it's /etc/tomcat8/Catalina/localhost/ because you're working on a 
Debian machine with Tomcat installed via the tomcat8 deb package but it could 
be also elsewhere if you had, for instance, download a more recent Tomcat 
release from (about this, the latest Tomcat 9.x is 

WAR files generated by Maven build can be deployed into all supported JavaEE 
containers including Tomcat, but please don't forget to read carefully [1] 
which explains how to build properly in order to define the deployment 
directories for ConnId bundles, configuration files and logs.



*From:* Francesco Chicchiriccò 
*Sent:* Friday, September 24, 2021 6:44 PM
*Subject:* Re: Reports Question
On 23/09/21 23:28, Caleb Mazure wrote:


I currently have setup an installation of syncope on a Linux based machine, 
using the Debian packages provided.

*I want to create a report that shows the dynamic memberships of users. The 
default only shows memberships. *

To do this I believe I need to create a new java class somewhere that would be 
like the default UserReportletConf but I am not sure how to go about this.

Any advice would be great!

Hi Caleb,

as you are suggesting above, in order to create a new Reportlet [1] you will 
need to:

1. create a class named MyUserReportletConf extending [2], under 

2. create a class named MyUserReportlet extending [3], annotated with 
@ReportletConfClass with class above, under 

3. once built and deployed, create a Java implementation of type REPORTLET for the 
class above - from Console, under Configuration > Implementations

Naturally, this assumes you are working with a Maven project generated from 
archetype [4]: this the sole deployment method currently provided allowing for 
extension and customization.



Francesco Chicchiriccò

Tirasa - Open Source Excellence

Member at The Apache Software Foundation
Syncope, Cocoon, Olingo, CXF, OpenJPA, PonyMail

Re: Reports Question

2021-09-23 Thread Francesco Chicchiriccò

On 23/09/21 23:28, Caleb Mazure wrote:


I currently have setup an installation of syncope on a Linux based machine, 
using the Debian packages provided.

*I want to create a report that shows the dynamic memberships of users. The 
default only shows memberships. *

To do this I believe I need to create a new java class somewhere that would be 
like the default UserReportletConf but I am not sure how to go about this.

Any advice would be great!

Hi Caleb,

as you are suggesting above, in order to create a new Reportlet [1] you will 
need to:

1. create a class named MyUserReportletConf extending [2], under 

2. create a class named MyUserReportlet extending [3], annotated with 
@ReportletConfClass with class above, under 

3. once built and deployed, create a Java implementation of type REPORTLET for the 
class above - from Console, under Configuration > Implementations

Naturally, this assumes you are working with a Maven project generated from 
archetype [4]: this the sole deployment method currently provided allowing for 
extension and customization.



Francesco Chicchiriccò

Tirasa - Open Source Excellence

Member at The Apache Software Foundation
Syncope, Cocoon, Olingo, CXF, OpenJPA, PonyMail

Re: Syncope - approval workflow visibility

2021-06-16 Thread Francesco Chicchiriccò

On 15/06/21 17:52, Giulia Ferretti wrote:

Hello everybody,

me and my team have a problem with the approval process. The scenario is as 

  - two realms: RealmA, RealmB
  - two roles: RoleA (visibility on RealmA), RoleB (visibility on RealmB)

We have created the two roles with the capabilities to see and manage user 
creation requests via approval.

The problem we encounter is that if a user is created on RealmA, this approval 
request is presented not only to the user with RoleA, but also to the user with 

Can you help us?

Hi Giulia,
glad of your interest in Apache Syncope.

By default, if nothing is specified in the BPMN definition, user requests can 
be managed by any User owning the appropriate Entitlements.

You can restrict the Users that can manage a given user request by enforcing 
Flowable's candidateUsers / candidateGroups constructs in their BPMN definition 
- see [1] for more details.

If this is not enough to cover the scenario you are proposing above, I am 
afraid some additional code customization might be required.



Francesco Chicchiriccò

Tirasa - Open Source Excellence

Member at The Apache Software Foundation
Syncope, Cocoon, Olingo, CXF, OpenJPA, PonyMail

Re: Global uniqueness requirement of username

2021-05-17 Thread Francesco Chicchiriccò

On 17/05/21 08:06, Martin van Es wrote:

On Fri, May 14, 2021 at 7:27 AM Francesco Chicchiriccò>> wrote:

At a first glance, there seems to be some difference between 
"membValue.toString()" from [4] - logged as


and "membValue" as reported by log statement at [5] which is instead


Except for the newline, which was introduced by the console width of the tail 
of the core.log output I don't see any difference between the two DN's?
I'd suggest you try to synchrise groupmembership for members living under a dc 
containing slashes to see if you can make it work. Like I said, if I only 
change the dc name and leave the rest of the config identical everything works 
as expected.

Sorry, I don't have spare cycles to invest in such troubleshooting, maybe 
someone else (including you) can take some time to debug and attempt to provide 
some more insights, as I was suggesting in my previous response.

I can of course help with fix.

Francesco Chicchiriccò

Tirasa - Open Source Excellence

Member at The Apache Software Foundation
Syncope, Cocoon, Olingo, CXF, OpenJPA, PonyMail

Re: Global uniqueness requirement of username

2021-05-13 Thread Francesco Chicchiriccò

On 13/05/21 16:38, Martin van Es wrote:

On Mon, May 10, 2021 at 9:04 AM Francesco Chicchiriccò>> wrote:

Got my Groovy script working, good progress!

Technically speaking, it's a Groovy *class*, not script.

There was still one thing lingering around that I forgot the come back to:

> Secondly, some of the organisation DN's contain (forward) slashes in the 
dc part of their DN, which makes configuring the resource awkward (I need to 
escape the slash using a backslash in the Base Contexts to Synchronize) but worse: 
it renders membership matching impossible (the entryDN of the user can not be 
found from the member DN in the group although the matching DN string is correct 
as inspected from debug output) so I guess that's a bug to be solved in Syncope at 
some time, because it works as expected for organisations without the slashes in 
the dc part.

Realm names (as all other Entity keys) are set to match the NAME pattern:

hence forward slashes are not allowed: consider that the rationales behind 
this constraint are that (1) NAME values are normally used in URLs and also 
that (2) forward slash is used internally by Syncope as full path separator.

This is not about the Realm name. The problem is that if users lives below an entry containing 
forward slashes (e.g. uid=test,ou=People,dc= 
<>,dc=example,dc=org) in the source resource the groupmembership synchronisation 
fails, because the group/user matching logic fails to match 
"uid=test,ou=People,dc= <>,dc=example,dc=org" to any 
existing user object link, even if that user clearly exists on the resource:

The pull action first succesfully synchronises one of the test users:

13:10:40.581 DEBUG org.apache.syncope.core.provisioning.api.pushpull.SyncopeResultHandler - Successfully handled {Uid=Attribute: {Name=__UID__, Value=[c0a8aa18-42a1-103b-99d3-9ff4281b3bc9]}, ObjectClass=ObjectClass: __ACCOUNT__, DeltaType=CREATE_OR_UPDATE, Token=SyncToken: , Object={Uid=Attribute: {Name=__UID__, Value=[c0a8aa18-42a1-103b-99d3-9ff4281b3bc9]}, ObjectClass=ObjectClass: __ACCOUNT__, Attributes=[Attribute: {Name=uid, Value=[roger]}, Attribute: {Name=mail, Value=[ <>]}, Attribute: {Name=entryUUID, Value=[c0a8aa18-42a1-103b-99d3-9ff4281b3bc9]}, Attribute: {Name=__NAME__, Value=[uid=roger,ou=People,dc=flat,dc=https://cloud <https://cloud>,dc=services,dc=vnet]}, Attribute: {Name=cn, Value=[urn:roger]}, Attribute: {Name=sn, Value=[n/a]}, Attribute: {Name=__UID__, Value=[c0a8aa18-42a1-103b-99d3-9ff4281b3bc9]}, Attribute: {Name=__ENABLE__, Value=[]}], Name=Attribute: {Name=__NAME__, 
Value=[uid=roger,ou=People,dc=flat,dc=https://cloud <https://cloud>,dc=services,dc=vnet]}}, PreviousUid=null}

And later, when the groups are pulled, the member(s) can't be related to any 
existing user, even though the DN is correct:

13:10:41.168 DEBUG - No 
ObjectClass: __ACCOUNT__ found on JPAExternalResource[SRAM-Cloud] with __NAME__ 
13:10:41.168 WARN - Could 
not find matching user for uid=roger,ou=People,dc=flat,dc=https://cloud 

This works flawlessly for any LDAP resource without the forward slashes in the 
dc above ou=People. To me, this looks like a bug?

The log error above comes from [1]; the likely cause is that namevalue provided 
as method argument was not matched by any LDAP user, when searching on LDAP a 
few lines above.

This call comes from [2] which is essentially iterating over the values 
provided by LDAP's uniquemember of the pulling Group: I would then start by 
having a careful look at how such values actually look like in LDAP and how 
they are received by method [3].

At a first glance, there seems to be some difference between 
"membValue.toString()" from [4] - logged as


and "membValue" as reported by log statement at [5] which is instead




Re: Global uniqueness requirement of username

2021-05-11 Thread Francesco Chicchiriccò

On 12/05/21 08:32, Martin van Es wrote:

On Tue, May 11, 2021 at 4:52 PM Francesco Chicchiriccò>> wrote:

You can have a look at what can be done in a PropagationActions class by 
looking at matching classes under

Ah! The Tasks cary the properties, this is very helpfull indeed.
Thx for your patient replies!

You're welcome.


Francesco Chicchiriccò

Tirasa - Open Source Excellence

Member at The Apache Software Foundation
Syncope, Cocoon, Olingo, CXF, OpenJPA, PonyMail

Re: Global uniqueness requirement of username

2021-05-11 Thread Francesco Chicchiriccò

On 10/05/21 16:11, Martin van Es wrote:

Hi Francesco,

Ok, I can log debug statements!

When I inspect the entity object on any of the available methods for e.g. 
org.apache.syncope.core.provisioning.api.pushpull.PushActions it seems to be of 
class JPAUser.

Now, what I expect (but maybe I'm completely mistaken) is to be able to 
manipulate the JPAUser object as it flows into the target resource. For 
example, I expect some get'ers, and set'ers on (internal) attributes so that I 
can inspect values, conditionally alter or add them and update the changes back 
into the object to be provisioned. I know much of this can be done using 
attribute mapping logic in the normal resource configuration, but what if the 
logic was a bit more complicated? Are these groovy scripts meant and able to 
manipulate attributes as I think they are? I've taken a look at the JPAUser API 
documentation[1], and although the class is quite rich and supports e.g. 
add(UPlainAttr attr) I don't see ways to get, set or update available 
attributes on the object?

You can have a look at what can be done in a PropagationActions class by 
looking at matching classes under

About PushActions and PullActions you can check



Best regards.

On Mon, May 10, 2021 at 2:19 PM Francesco Chicchiriccò>> wrote:

On 10/05/21 14:05, Martin van Es wrote:

On Mon, May 10, 2021 at 9:07 AM Francesco Chicchiriccò>> wrote:

On 07/05/21 19:50, Martin van Es wrote:

Another question.
How would I print debug (core.log) statements in a Groovy propagation 
action script?

Not very related to the subject, but you can find a relevant example 

Thx for your input!

This is the output when I blindly add <>() to a 
test Groovy propagation action script:

11:57:53.811 DEBUG - Connector to be 
11:57:53.811 DEBUG - Successfully 
registered bean 
11:57:53.813 DEBUG 
org.apache.syncope.core.provisioning.api.job.SchedTaskJobDelegate - Executing 
push on JPAExternalResource[service-cloud]
11:57:54.063 DEBUG 
org.apache.syncope.core.provisioning.api.pushpull.SyncopeResultHandler - 
Pushing USER with key 89b4b6da-1ef3-4720-b4b6-da1ef3072081 towards 
11:57:56.666 ERROR - While 
building JPAImplementation[My_Groovy_PropagationAction]
org.codehaus.groovy.control.MultipleCompilationErrorsException: startup 
Script_591aa0a4f0c025faabe5fd7f86d74fb0.groovy: 39: [Static type checking] 
- The variable [log] is undeclared.
@ line 39, column 5. <>("Entering " + action + " Script");

The main problem here probably is that I'm not a hard-core Java developer 
and I'm trying to create a maximum flexibility, zero-compilation identity 
synchronisation setup for the team to work with. Simple syncope-console 
editable Groovy scripts would help tremendously with that goal!

Sorry, I did not read well that you were not interested in Groovy scripts 
for connectors but in Groovy Propagation Actions classes.

You can use Groovy's @Slf4j then:

import groovy.transform.CompileStatic
import groovy.util.logging.Slf4j
import org.apache.syncope.core.persistence.api.entity.task.PropagationTask
import org.identityconnectors.framework.common.objects.ConnectorObject

class MyPropagationActions implements PropagationActions {

  void before(PropagationTask task, ConnectorObject beforeObj) {

Re: Global uniqueness requirement of username

2021-05-10 Thread Francesco Chicchiriccò

On 10/05/21 14:05, Martin van Es wrote:

On Mon, May 10, 2021 at 9:07 AM Francesco Chicchiriccò>> wrote:

On 07/05/21 19:50, Martin van Es wrote:

Another question.
How would I print debug (core.log) statements in a Groovy propagation 
action script?

Not very related to the subject, but you can find a relevant example here:

Thx for your input!

This is the output when I blindly add <>() to a test 
Groovy propagation action script:

11:57:53.811 DEBUG - 
Connector to be registered: 
11:57:53.811 DEBUG - 
Successfully registered bean 
11:57:53.813 DEBUG 
org.apache.syncope.core.provisioning.api.job.SchedTaskJobDelegate - Executing 
push on JPAExternalResource[service-cloud]
11:57:54.063 DEBUG 
org.apache.syncope.core.provisioning.api.pushpull.SyncopeResultHandler - 
Pushing USER with key 89b4b6da-1ef3-4720-b4b6-da1ef3072081 towards 
11:57:56.666 ERROR - While 
building JPAImplementation[My_Groovy_PropagationAction]
org.codehaus.groovy.control.MultipleCompilationErrorsException: startup failed:
Script_591aa0a4f0c025faabe5fd7f86d74fb0.groovy: 39: [Static type checking] - 
The variable [log] is undeclared.
@ line 39, column 5. <>("Entering " + action + " Script");

The main problem here probably is that I'm not a hard-core Java developer and 
I'm trying to create a maximum flexibility, zero-compilation identity 
synchronisation setup for the team to work with. Simple syncope-console 
editable Groovy scripts would help tremendously with that goal!

Sorry, I did not read well that you were not interested in Groovy scripts for 
connectors but in Groovy Propagation Actions classes.

You can use Groovy's @Slf4j then:

import groovy.transform.CompileStatic
import groovy.util.logging.Slf4j
import org.apache.syncope.core.persistence.api.entity.task.PropagationTask
import org.apache.syncope.core.provisioning.api.propagation.PropagationActions
import org.identityconnectors.framework.common.objects.ConnectorObject

class MyPropagationActions implements PropagationActions {

  void before(PropagationTask task, ConnectorObject beforeObj) {
    log.error("About to run {}", task)

Logging statements will be sent to core.log.


Francesco Chicchiriccò

Tirasa - Open Source Excellence

Member at The Apache Software Foundation
Syncope, Cocoon, Olingo, CXF, OpenJPA, PonyMail

Re: Global uniqueness requirement of username

2021-05-10 Thread Francesco Chicchiriccò

On 07/05/21 19:50, Martin van Es wrote:

Another question.
How would I print debug (core.log) statements in a Groovy propagation action 

Not very related to the subject, but you can find a relevant example here:

Other samples from Groovy files in the same dir and scriptedsql sibling.

Statements will go to core-connid.log


On Fri, May 7, 2021 at 1:49 PM Martin van Es>> wrote:


I've been playing around with Syncope again and was trying to sync a src 
LDAP scheme that contains multiple organizations, which contain multiple Groups 
and People branches. All of these branches contain organisation specific users, 
possibly sharing the same uid (login name). You might call this a multi-tennant 

I was hoping Realms could keep these tennants separated and the usernames 
uniquely scoped to the realm (automatically).

It turns out, that plainly assigning uid to internal attribute username 
won't work, for two reasons:

1. admin isn't allowed (in my docker test deploy) because there's already a 
global user called admin, even if I provision the user in a separate Realm?)
2. I can't reuse uid's assigned to username, even when I use a different 
Realm, so I'd have to assign entryUUID to username and create a separate 
user_id attribute mapped to uid for all users?

Secondly, some of the organisation DN's contain (forward) slashes in the dc 
part of their DN, which makes configuring the resource awkward (I need to 
escape the slash using a backslash in the Base Contexts to Synchronize) but 
worse: it renders membership matching impossible (the entryDN of the user can 
not be found from the member DN in the group although the matching DN string is 
correct as inspected from debug output) so I guess that's a bug to be solved in 
Syncope at some time, because it works as expected for organisations without 
the slashes in the dc part.

Best regards,
If 'but' was any useful, it would be a logic operator

If 'but' was any useful, it would be a logic operator

Francesco Chicchiriccò

Tirasa - Open Source Excellence

Member at The Apache Software Foundation
Syncope, Cocoon, Olingo, CXF, OpenJPA, PonyMail

Re: Global uniqueness requirement of username

2021-05-10 Thread Francesco Chicchiriccò

On 07/05/21 13:49, Martin van Es wrote:


I've been playing around with Syncope again and was trying to sync a src LDAP 
scheme that contains multiple organizations, which contain multiple Groups and 
People branches. All of these branches contain organisation specific users, 
possibly sharing the same uid (login name). You might call this a multi-tennant 

I was hoping Realms could keep these tennants separated and the usernames 
uniquely scoped to the realm (automatically).

It turns out, that plainly assigning uid to internal attribute username won't 
work, for two reasons:

1. admin isn't allowed (in my docker test deploy) because there's already a 
global user called admin, even if I provision the user in a separate Realm?)

There is one pre-defined admin user: you can change such username to something 
different in


via the "adminUser" property.

2. I can't reuse uid's assigned to username, even when I use a different Realm, 
so I'd have to assign entryUUID to username and create a separate user_id 
attribute mapped to uid for all users?

Yes, Syncope's username is defined as unique for the SyncopeUser table.

Currently, there is no predefined way to set the constraint "unique per Realm" 
on anything.

Secondly, some of the organisation DN's contain (forward) slashes in the dc 
part of their DN, which makes configuring the resource awkward (I need to 
escape the slash using a backslash in the Base Contexts to Synchronize) but 
worse: it renders membership matching impossible (the entryDN of the user can 
not be found from the member DN in the group although the matching DN string is 
correct as inspected from debug output) so I guess that's a bug to be solved in 
Syncope at some time, because it works as expected for organisations without 
the slashes in the dc part.

Realm names (as all other Entity keys) are set to match the NAME pattern:

hence forward slashes are not allowed: consider that the rationales behind this 
constraint are that (1) NAME values are normally used in URLs and also that (2) 
forward slash is used internally by Syncope as full path separator.


Francesco Chicchiriccò

Tirasa - Open Source Excellence

Member at The Apache Software Foundation
Syncope, Cocoon, Olingo, CXF, OpenJPA, PonyMail

[ANN] Apache Syncope 2.1.9

2021-04-12 Thread Francesco Chicchiriccò

The Apache Syncope team is pleased to announce the release of Syncope 2.1.9

Apache Syncope is an Open Source system for managing digital identities in 
enterprise environments, implemented in Java EE technology .

The release will be available within 24h from:

Read the full change log available here:

Upgrading from 2.1.8? There are some notes about this process:

We welcome your help and feedback. For more information on how to report 
problems, and to get involved, visit the project website at

The Apache Syncope Team

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