Re: Re: [SOGo] acls for imap folders based on ldap group membership

2014-02-17 Thread bp
I did it with  a SOGo native configuration.
Look in the installation guide. You need a second (,-separated) UseSource in

Re: RE : Re: [SOGo] acls for imap folders based on ldap group membership

2014-02-17 Thread bp

The wrong group acls in the imap server are set from sogo!
Once SOGo supports maintaining acls for imap folders,
it should create vaild acls for popular imap server like the cyrus imapd.

User acls set from sogo are working.


[SOGo] acls for imap folders based on ldap group membership

2014-02-16 Thread bp

 I'm trying to get SOGo working with managing access to shared things
(calendars, addressbooks and imapfolders) based on ldap group membership.
I got it running for calendars and addressbooks but not for imap folders.
The problem seems to be the prefix for acls used to distinguish users from
The group acls set via SOGo are prefixed with $ but the cyrus imapd expects
the prefex group:.
So cals set from SOGo are ineffective and acls set via cyradm work, but cannot
be maintained via SOGo.

Any idea ?
