Re: How to Handle ResourceStreamNotFoundException

2011-08-19 Thread hfriederichs
Hi Dan,

This is /exactly/ what I was looking for! A simple solution for a simple
problem. I used a (subclass) of a WebResource before for another use case,
and that worked fine, so I got blinded by wanting to reuse the same
solution, at least that is what I think has happened. Whatever.

Thank you very much for your interest and help.

Regards, Hans

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Re: How to Handle ResourceStreamNotFoundException

2011-08-18 Thread hfriederichs
Firstly, thank you very much for your advice, it helps to a certain extend,
but it also raises new questions.

Unfortunately, there's only one way to determine whether a zip-file contains
an installation manual. Since the zip-file is on another server (where the
nexus repository resides), I have to read it from an InputStream. If there
isn't an installation manual, this reading can take up to 10 seconds.
Initially - when there's not a user entry yet, I can disable the
download-button. But once an application code is entered, I only render meta
information from all the zip-file versions, so the user can pick a desired
version (usually the most recent build). Only when the form is submitted, or
the new download button pressed, the corresponding zip-file is read, and
only then I can determine whether it contains an installation manual. But I
have to enable the button if there is a user entry. That can be a very
disapointing user experience. He/she starts the appication, the button is
disabled. He/she then enters an application code, en presses the now enabled
button, only to find out that there isn't an installation manual...

One question that comes to mind is: is my use case so exceptional? A button
for a resource is pressed, all I want is a nice feedback in case a resource
isn't available...
Personally, I'm not a great fan of disabling or 'invisibling' buttons. I
adhere to the five-year-old-boy-philosophy concerning buttons: you should
/allways/ be able to press them, that's what buttons are for.

Your alternative (using the RestartResponseException) solves the 'white
screen-problem', but there are a few drawbacks:
- The URL of my application after pressing the button changes from
http://localhost:9081/deploy/ to
I really like Wicket, but this is so annoying. Who wants this? I just want
my original url back - and yes, I read all the posts on mount strategies.
- What's worse, the user has entered an application code that generates
other field values (like a dropdownlists for the versions). When the page is
reloaded after a RestartResponseException, I want to initialize it with the
afore entered data. I managed to do that using PageParameters (or the
Session), but in that case the refresh button will always generate a
'prefilled' page, with the values of the lat entered application code.

Regards, Hans Friederichs

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Re: How to Handle ResourceStreamNotFoundException

2011-08-18 Thread Dan Retzlaff

Something like the following will probably work better for you. The key
concept is changing the request target. Sorry if my previous suggestion put
you down a dead end.

add(new LinkDeployVersion(manualLink, deployVersionModel) {
public void onClick() {
IResourceStream manualStream = getManualStream(getModelObject());
if (manualStream == null) {
error(no manual, sorry!);
else {


On Thu, Aug 18, 2011 at 8:06 AM, hfriederichs wrote:

 Firstly, thank you very much for your advice, it helps to a certain extend,
 but it also raises new questions.

 Unfortunately, there's only one way to determine whether a zip-file
 an installation manual. Since the zip-file is on another server (where the
 nexus repository resides), I have to read it from an InputStream. If there
 isn't an installation manual, this reading can take up to 10 seconds.
 Initially - when there's not a user entry yet, I can disable the
 download-button. But once an application code is entered, I only render
 information from all the zip-file versions, so the user can pick a desired
 version (usually the most recent build). Only when the form is submitted,
 the new download button pressed, the corresponding zip-file is read, and
 only then I can determine whether it contains an installation manual. But I
 have to enable the button if there is a user entry. That can be a very
 disapointing user experience. He/she starts the appication, the button is
 disabled. He/she then enters an application code, en presses the now
 button, only to find out that there isn't an installation manual...

 One question that comes to mind is: is my use case so exceptional? A button
 for a resource is pressed, all I want is a nice feedback in case a resource
 isn't available...
 Personally, I'm not a great fan of disabling or 'invisibling' buttons. I
 adhere to the five-year-old-boy-philosophy concerning buttons: you should
 /allways/ be able to press them, that's what buttons are for.

 Your alternative (using the RestartResponseException) solves the 'white
 screen-problem', but there are a few drawbacks:
 - The URL of my application after pressing the button changes from
 http://localhost:9081/deploy/ to

 I really like Wicket, but this is so annoying. Who wants this? I just want
 my original url back - and yes, I read all the posts on mount strategies.
 - What's worse, the user has entered an application code that generates
 other field values (like a dropdownlists for the versions). When the page
 reloaded after a RestartResponseException, I want to initialize it with the
 afore entered data. I managed to do that using PageParameters (or the
 Session), but in that case the refresh button will always generate a
 'prefilled' page, with the values of the lat entered application code.

 Regards, Hans Friederichs

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How to Handle ResourceStreamNotFoundException

2011-08-17 Thread hfriederichs
Hello to you all,

First of all, I apologise for submitting this post for the second time, but
the first didn't use the correct user group. 

I'm adding a new feature to a Wicket application that manages
JEE-applications (I'm using 1.4.18). For example, it's possible to install
and configure a JEE-appliation on an Application server. If a user chooses
to do so, he enters a unique application code and submits: a zipfile
containing the application, it's documentation and configuration is
downloaded via http from a Nexus repository, and installed with
soap/jmx/mbeans on the application server.

What I have added, is a button that - once clicked - opens an installation
manual in msword that is part of the aforementioned zipfile. The general
idea is: take a zipinputstream, read it until the installation manual is
found, then hand the inputstream over to a wicket IResourceStream that
provides the getInputStream for a Wicket WebResource. I think it's a quite
elegant solution; it's all streaming, no temporary files etcetera.
And it works marvelously, that is, if the zipfile actually containes a
installation manual. My problem is twofold:
When pressing the button without entering an application code (so there is
no inputstream and no installation manual) wicket produces:
org.apache.wicket.WicketRuntimeException: Could not get resource stream
at org.apache.wicket.Resource.init(
at org.apache.wicket.Resource.onResourceRequested(
... 36 more
That's to be expected, but the user is confronted with a white screen, and I
can't catch this Exception.
Secondly, if there is a zipinputstream, but no installation manual found in
it, all I can do is throw a ResourceStreamNotFoundException (see my code
below), but then again,  I can't catch it, and again there is a white screen
for the user.

What is need, I think, is to override onResourceRequested() in Resource, but
that is a final method... And the onclick happens after

So what I want, is to handle the ResourceStreamNotFoundException in a
user-friendly way, by showing an info or error message in the wicket

The code:
(So the user enters an application code an presses the new button:)

tdinput type=button wicket:id=downloadinstallationmanual
value=Download Installatiehandleiding //td

The button is counterparted by a ResourceLink in a Wicket-Form:

private LinkString downloadInstallationmanualButton = null;


final InstallationManualWebResource installationManualWebResource = new
downloadInstallationmanualButton = new

The above mentioned
InstallationManualWebResource is a subclass of WebResource, and overrides
the usual methods:

public IResourceStream getResourceStream() {
   installationManualResourceStream = new
   return installationManualResourceStream;

protected void setHeaders(WebResponse response) {
if (installationManualResourceStream.getInstallatieHandleidingName()
!= null)   

At it's turn InstallationManualResourceStream implements IResourceStream:

In it's constructor, the zipinputstream is read until an installation manual
is found. If so, a boolean installationManualFound is set to true, and
file-attributes are set (name, size, time). The implementation is

public void close() throws IOException {

public String getContentType() {
return application/msword;

public InputStream getInputStream() throws
ResourceStreamNotFoundException {
if (!installationManualFound) throw new
ResourceStreamNotFoundException(No installation manual in zipfile);
return zipFile;

public Locale getLocale() {
return new Locale(nl, NL);

public long length() {
return size;

public void setLocale(Locale locale) {


public Time lastModifiedTime() {
return Time.milliseconds(time);

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Re: How to Handle ResourceStreamNotFoundException

2011-08-17 Thread Dan Retzlaff
 Locale getLocale() {
return new Locale(nl, NL);

public long length() {
return size;

public void setLocale(Locale locale) {


public Time lastModifiedTime() {
return Time.milliseconds(time);

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