Re: sourcing vimrc files

2006-05-16 Thread Jared
On 5/14/2006 8:41 PM, Gerald Lai wrote:
> Encase your function like this:
> if !exists("*Source_vimrc")
>   function Source_vimrc()
>   ...
>   endfunction
> endif

Thanks, Gerald.  This worked perfectly.

Also, thanks to everyone else for their suggestions.  I appreciate the
feedback and read up on the suggested commands, but this ended up being the
easiest.  :-)


Re: sourcing vimrc files

2006-05-15 Thread Benji Fisher
On Sun, May 14, 2006 at 06:41:39PM -0700, Gerald Lai wrote:
> Encase your function like this:
> if !exists("*Source_vimrc")
>   function Source_vimrc()
>   ...
>   endfunction
> endif
> The reason you're getting the error is because you're sourcing the file
> (vimrc) that produced/will override the function (Source_vimrc) you're
> using at the moment.
> A few words of advice to source your vimrc cleanly:
>   1. Define your functions in vimrc with "function!" so that when
>  sourced again, the functions will be overwritten.
>   2. Keep your autocmds in an augroup so that if it's sourced again, you
>  can delete the augroup and redefine it instead of adding more of
>  the same autocmds.
>   3. If you're using the FuncUndefined autocmd, delete those functions
>  that have been defined before.

 Those are all good suggestions (although testing
exists("*Source_vimrc") seems a little complicated).  One more
possibility is to put all function definitions, along with anything else
that never needs to be re-done, below a few lines like these:

" Skip the rest of the file if it has already been re-loaded.
if exists("s:deja_vu")
let s:deja_vu = 1

function Source_vimrc() " no need for the !, this should never be read twice.

 BTW, another post on this thread pointed out that your vimrc file
knows its own name.  As of vim 7.0, this name is also stored in the
$MYVIMRC environment variable.

HTH --Benji Fisher

Re: sourcing vimrc files

2006-05-15 Thread hermitte

Jared <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I'd like to map a hotkey to re-source my vimrc files (system + user).  I
> originally tried this simple approach:
> nmap   :source $VIM\vimrc
>   \ :source $VIM\_vimrc
>   \ :source $HOME\_vimrc

Your .vimrc knows its own filename. Here is an exerpt from my .vimrc
(vimrc_core.vim actually).

" --- >% --
" VIM - Editing and updating the vimrc: {{{
" As I often make changes to this file I use these commands
" to start editing it and also update it:
  let vimrc=expand(':p')
:VimrcHelp ' ,vu = "update" by reading this file  
  nnoremap ,vu :source =vimrc
:VimrcHelp " ,ve = vimrc editing (edit this file) 
  nnoremap ,ve :call OpenVimrc()

function! s:OpenVimrc()
  if (0==strlen(bufname('%'))) && (1==line('$')) && (0==strlen(getline('$')))
" edit in place
exe "e ".g:vimrc
exe "sp ".g:vimrc
" }}}
" --- >% --


Luc Hermitte

Re: sourcing vimrc files

2006-05-15 Thread Thor Andreassen
On Sun, May 14, 2006 at 07:49:11PM -0500, Jared wrote:
> I'd like to map a hotkey to re-source my vimrc files (system + user).  I
> originally tried this simple approach:
> nmap   :source $VIM\vimrc
>   \ :source $VIM\_vimrc
>   \ :source $HOME\_vimrc
> But that failed because source aborts when the file doesn't exist.

You could probably use :runtime instead of :source.

:help :runtime


with kind regards
Thor Andreassen

Re: sourcing vimrc files

2006-05-14 Thread Gerald Lai

On Sun, 14 May 2006, Jared wrote:


Longer and more complicated, but now I can check to see if the file exists
before sourcing it.  However, this also causes a problem: when I try to
source the file containing this function, it gives me an error saying that
it cannot replace the function because it is currently in use.  If I remove
the !, it still gives me an error because it already exists.

Any ideas how to work around this?  Or if you have a different/better way of
doing this, I'm certainly open to suggestions.  :-)

This is on Windows XP.  Thanks.

Encase your function like this:

if !exists("*Source_vimrc")
  function Source_vimrc()

The reason you're getting the error is because you're sourcing the file
(vimrc) that produced/will override the function (Source_vimrc) you're
using at the moment.

A few words of advice to source your vimrc cleanly:

  1. Define your functions in vimrc with "function!" so that when
 sourced again, the functions will be overwritten.

  2. Keep your autocmds in an augroup so that if it's sourced again, you
 can delete the augroup and redefine it instead of adding more of
 the same autocmds.

  3. If you're using the FuncUndefined autocmd, delete those functions
 that have been defined before.

For examples 2 & 3,

 augroup vimrc
   "delete augroup
   silent! delfunction MyFuncInOtherFile
   autocmd FuncUndefined MyFuncInOtherFile source 
   autocmd ...
 augroup END

HTH :)

Re: sourcing vimrc files

2006-05-14 Thread Eric Arnold

On 5/14/06, Jared <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I'd like to map a hotkey to re-source my vimrc files (system + user).  I
originally tried this simple approach:

nmap   :source $VIM\vimrc
\ :source $VIM\_vimrc
\ :source $HOME\_vimrc

Try :silent! source 

But that failed because source aborts when the file doesn't exist.  I then
modified it to a function call, like so:

function! Source_vimrc()
if filereadable($VIM.'\vimrc')
source $VIM\vimrc
if filereadable($VIM.'\_vimrc')
echo "test1"
source $VIM\_vimrc
echo "test2"
if filereadable($HOME.'\_vimrc')
source $HOME\_vimrc
nmap   :call Source_vimrc()

Longer and more complicated, but now I can check to see if the file exists
before sourcing it.  However, this also causes a problem: when I try to
source the file containing this function, it gives me an error saying that
it cannot replace the function because it is currently in use.  If I remove
the !, it still gives me an error because it already exists.

You're asking for an inf. recursion having it source itself.  Put it
in a file in your plugin directory.

Any ideas how to work around this?  Or if you have a different/better way of
doing this, I'm certainly open to suggestions.  :-)

This is on Windows XP.  Thanks.
