Re: [Vo]:New Posting from Lattice Energy - LENR compared to CF

2011-12-14 Thread Joshua Cude
On Tue, Dec 13, 2011 at 6:26 PM,  wrote:

> Joshua,
> I believe, Zawodny does explain the creation of ULM neutrons through the
> plasmonic creation of heavy electrons. See (slide 16) of

That's not an explanation. That's jargon and an artist's conception.
Energetic electrons should be expected to produce x-rays when they interact
with matter, but there are none. These 780 keV electrons are basically
traveling at the speed of light. It's pretty hard to imagine fields in a
solid that can produce electrons like that without any clearly observable
byproducts. The electrons are supposedly confined, but that in itself seems

> I am unsure as to whether Zawodny is correct, but page 9 of "INTENSE
> -- states that by super-focusing of E-M fields and "by confining electrons
> to thin wires we have enhanced their mass by four orders of magnitude so
> that they are now as heavy as nitrogen atoms!"
> This is far beyond 780 KeV - and even greater effective mass increases are
> possible.  For sure, though, these electron wave functions are
> delocalized, but are you sure that such massive pseudo-particles (heavy
> electrons) cannot donate some of their mass-energy to create ULM neutrons?
> or possibly provide enhanced screening?
> Also see papers by Alexandrov and by Breed in vol.2 of Proc. ICCF-14
This may be the confusion WL were going for. The effective mass of fermions
ordinarily referred to in solid state physics is not a relativistic mass;
it usually refers to an effective mobility.

In the paper you mention, the effective mass increases because of the
self-inductance of the particular wire structure. They write: "any
restoring force acting on the electrons will not only have to work against
the rest mass of the electrons, but also against self-inductance of the
wire structure". So, it is *as if* a free electron were heavier. The
electrons do not have the relativistic energy associated with this
effective mass, and so it will not enable electron capture, which requires
actual 780 keV of energy.

WL claim the electrons get the energy from collective proton oscillations,
and seem to indicate the electron actually possesses increased energy, but
it seems completely implausible, and more importantly, there is no evidence
for it.

The Alexandrov paper seems to suggest that increased (non-relativistic)
"effective" mass in solid state can enable electron capture, but don't
explain where the energy comes from.

The Breed paper argues that increased effective mass can improve charge
screening to enable fusion (like muon catalyzed fusion). That's more
plausible, but it's not clear how increased effective mass in metal or
semiconductor band structures can improve screening of hydrogen nuclei. In
any case, they don't claim the effective mass can enable electron capture,
as required by WL.

Re: [Vo]:New Posting from Lattice Energy - LENR compared to CF

2011-12-13 Thread pagnucco

I believe, Zawodny does explain the creation of ULM neutrons through the
plasmonic creation of heavy electrons. See (slide 16) of

I am unsure as to whether Zawodny is correct, but page 9 of "INTENSE
-- states that by super-focusing of E-M fields and "by confining electrons
to thin wires we have enhanced their mass by four orders of magnitude so
that they are now as heavy as nitrogen atoms!"

This is far beyond 780 KeV - and even greater effective mass increases are
possible.  For sure, though, these electron wave functions are
delocalized, but are you sure that such massive pseudo-particles (heavy
electrons) cannot donate some of their mass-energy to create ULM neutrons?
or possibly provide enhanced screening?

Also see papers by Alexandrov and by Breed in vol.2 of Proc. ICCF-14

> On Tue, Dec 13, 2011 at 12:12 PM,  wrote:
>> Lattice Energy LLC-LENRs and Cold Fusion are Different Concepts - Dec 13
>> 2011
> As usual, he points out
> 1) the absurdity of breaching the Coulomb barrier in ordinary fusion,
> which
> would take something approaching 100 keV for appreciable tunneling
> probability, and
> 2) the absence of a Coulomb barrier in neutron capture (hooray!)
> And, as usual, he neglects to point out
> 3) the 780 keV energy barrier to the formation of those neutrons by
> electron capture.
> The existence of relativistic, 780 keV electrons in ordinary matter
> (without copious x-rays) is far more implausible than 100 keV deuterons,
> and that leaves aside the implausibility of the complete absorption of
> gammas from all the proposed reactions.
> He's just after more investment in Lattice Energy, LLC.

Re: [Vo]:New Posting from Lattice Energy - LENR compared to CF

2011-12-13 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
>From Randy Wuller:


> ... I also don't care if the name given to the process is
> particularly accurate from a scientific standpoint,
> you guys can call it whatever you want once you figure it out.

Many on this list have argued this very issue. So have I. Before I was
asked to resign, while I was still a BoD member on Krivit's New Energy
Time's (NET) publication I asked Steve Krivit why is NET making such a
big deal out of knocking the word "cold fusion" out of the ball park.
I noticed that Krivt seemed strongly inclined to replace the "cold
fusion" word with another word, "nuclear reaction" - as if the term
"nuclear reaction" explained everything more succinctly. The only
problem is: nobody really knows what's going on. ...not yet.

Whether this is true or not, Krivit's attempt to destroy the "cold
fusion" word helped brand him as a Widom Larsen cheer leader advocate.
I think it has also left many observers with the distinct impression
that certain corners of the "CF" field have a bone to pick. Much of
the pickings seem to be blatant product placement. Accept no
imitations other than our own brand.

Steven Vincent Johnson

Re: [Vo]:New Posting from Lattice Energy - LENR compared to CF

2011-12-13 Thread Terry Blanton
On Tue, Dec 13, 2011 at 2:42 PM, Randy Wuller  wrote:
> Members of the Vortex:
> I joined last night to address an issue raised by Maryyugo. Being a lawyer I
> really have no special expertise in the sciences and thus have little to
> offer on technical issue. Thus, not wanting to burden all of you I will
> likely either stay a member and be quiet or exit the membership in the near
> term.  I do read your website and have enjoyed all the debates and wonderful
> information many of your members have to offer.

Welcome.  Nobody's perfect.  We have at least one other juris doktor
in the audience, Mr. Beene.

> The above being said, I have a very strong opinion about this latest posting
> by Lattice Energy.  I think it is utter nonsense to draw a distinction
> between the term "Cold Fusion" and LENR.  In my opinion they are both
> moniker's for the same physical anomaly, ie anomalous heat described by Pons
> and Fleischmann in 1989 and many others thereafter.  I don't think a
> definitive theory has been accepted, indeed plenty of mainstream scientists
> seem not to accept it at all under either moniker. While I appreciate that
> theories for the anomalous heat differ, I could care less which turns out to

pardon my interruption; but, you really mean "I could *not* care less
. . ."  (sorry a pet peeve [prepare for chastising from SVJ])

> be correct and talking for the general public (only because I like them am
> not a scientist) I doubt they do either.  I also don't care if the name
> given to the process is particularly accurate from a scientific standpoint,
> you guys can call it whatever you want once you figure it out.  Personally,
> I think the term Cold Fusion is cool and would prefer to keep it as the
> moniker of choice.

Adobe likes "Cold Fusion" too.

> What troubles me about this letter from Lattice Energy and Krivit's apparent
> obsession with the distinction is the notion that somehow the people who
> have used the term Cold Fusion to describe what they have been doing are
> talking about a different physical anomaly.  It also suggests these people
> who from what I understand simply have a different theory to explain the
> anomaly have been doing bad science.
> This in my opinion is outlandish and the scientific community (ie YOU guys)
> shouldn't stand for it.
> If LENR, Cold Fusion CANR (call it what you wish) becomes a commercial
> energy source for the world, everyone who has worked on it regardless of
> their theory should be applauded and recognized for keeping the torch
> burning for mankind while many of your brethren scoffed at the subject.

In all honesty, there are probably several different reactions
happening which we tend to group under one term.  As we are better
educated, we will find more descriptive names for these reactions.

> Just a lawyer's two cents.

And you bill at, what, $300/hr.

> Ransom

Indeed!  Welcome!


Re: [Vo]:New Posting from Lattice Energy - LENR compared to CF

2011-12-13 Thread Joshua Cude
On Tue, Dec 13, 2011 at 12:12 PM,  wrote:

> Lattice Energy LLC-LENRs and Cold Fusion are Different Concepts - Dec 13
> 2011
As usual, he points out

1) the absurdity of breaching the Coulomb barrier in ordinary fusion, which
would take something approaching 100 keV for appreciable tunneling
probability, and

2) the absence of a Coulomb barrier in neutron capture (hooray!)

And, as usual, he neglects to point out

3) the 780 keV energy barrier to the formation of those neutrons by
electron capture.

The existence of relativistic, 780 keV electrons in ordinary matter
(without copious x-rays) is far more implausible than 100 keV deuterons,
and that leaves aside the implausibility of the complete absorption of
gammas from all the proposed reactions.

He's just after more investment in Lattice Energy, LLC.

Re: [Vo]:New Posting from Lattice Energy - LENR compared to CF

2011-12-13 Thread Randy Wuller

Members of the Vortex:

I joined last night to address an issue raised by Maryyugo. Being a lawyer I 
really have no special expertise in the sciences and thus have little to 
offer on technical issue. Thus, not wanting to burden all of you I will 
likely either stay a member and be quiet or exit the membership in the near 
term.  I do read your website and have enjoyed all the debates and wonderful 
information many of your members have to offer.

The above being said, I have a very strong opinion about this latest posting 
by Lattice Energy.  I think it is utter nonsense to draw a distinction 
between the term "Cold Fusion" and LENR.  In my opinion they are both 
moniker's for the same physical anomaly, ie anomalous heat described by Pons 
and Fleischmann in 1989 and many others thereafter.  I don't think a 
definitive theory has been accepted, indeed plenty of mainstream scientists 
seem not to accept it at all under either moniker. While I appreciate that 
theories for the anomalous heat differ, I could care less which turns out to 
be correct and talking for the general public (only because I like them am 
not a scientist) I doubt they do either.  I also don't care if the name 
given to the process is particularly accurate from a scientific standpoint, 
you guys can call it whatever you want once you figure it out.  Personally, 
I think the term Cold Fusion is cool and would prefer to keep it as the 
moniker of choice.

What troubles me about this letter from Lattice Energy and Krivit's apparent 
obsession with the distinction is the notion that somehow the people who 
have used the term Cold Fusion to describe what they have been doing are 
talking about a different physical anomaly.  It also suggests these people 
who from what I understand simply have a different theory to explain the 
anomaly have been doing bad science.
This in my opinion is outlandish and the scientific community (ie YOU guys) 
shouldn't stand for it.

If LENR, Cold Fusion CANR (call it what you wish) becomes a commercial 
energy source for the world, everyone who has worked on it regardless of 
their theory should be applauded and recognized for keeping the torch 
burning for mankind while many of your brethren scoffed at the subject.

Just a lawyer's two cents.

- Original Message - 

Sent: Tuesday, December 13, 2011 12:12 PM
Subject: [Vo]:New Posting from Lattice Energy - LENR compared to CF

Lattice Energy LLC-LENRs and Cold Fusion are Different Concepts - Dec 13 

Re: [Vo]:New Posting from Lattice Energy - LENR compared to CF

2011-12-13 Thread OrionWorks - Steven V Johnson
The statement from Lattice Energy LLC strikes me as essentially
saying: Accept no other theory than our own. IOW, product placement.

If LE LLC eventually gets around to unveiling their own Dog & Pony
show, meaning the presentation of a product (or just a prototype),
then by all means, let the chips fall where they may.

However, until they do get around to doing so it would seem to me that
keeping an eye on the D&P shows of Rossi, DGT, and related competitors
will likely be a better use of my time.

My two cents.

Steven Vincent Johnson

Re: [Vo]:New Posting from Lattice Energy - LENR compared to CF

2011-12-13 Thread Daniel Rocha
The topic now is WL theory... Rossi's claims are just too shy in comparison.

2011/12/13 Mary Yugo 

> On Tue, Dec 13, 2011 at 10:42 AM, Daniel Rocha wrote:
>> I don't know if anyone stopped to think that WL claims are much more
>> spectacular than Rossi's. While Rossi's claims only refer to small black
>> boxe(s), WL includes things that work with the ecat's super qualities plus
>> that nearly all natural phenomena should include some LENR, almost like all
>> nuclear physics, plasma physics, biological systems, normal conducting
>> wires, cannot be described properly without it.
> As Carl Sagan was fond of pointing out, the more extreme the claim, the
> better the evidence has to be.  Anyone can claim anything and there are
> plenty of strange and not wonderful web sites that demonstrate the
> phenomenon.  The interesting thing to me is always the evidence and not the
> claim, especially when it comes to Rossi.

Daniel Rocha - RJ

Re: [Vo]:New Posting from Lattice Energy - LENR compared to CF

2011-12-13 Thread Mary Yugo
On Tue, Dec 13, 2011 at 10:42 AM, Daniel Rocha wrote:

> I don't know if anyone stopped to think that WL claims are much more
> spectacular than Rossi's. While Rossi's claims only refer to small black
> boxe(s), WL includes things that work with the ecat's super qualities plus
> that nearly all natural phenomena should include some LENR, almost like all
> nuclear physics, plasma physics, biological systems, normal conducting
> wires, cannot be described properly without it.

As Carl Sagan was fond of pointing out, the more extreme the claim, the
better the evidence has to be.  Anyone can claim anything and there are
plenty of strange and not wonderful web sites that demonstrate the
phenomenon.  The interesting thing to me is always the evidence and not the
claim, especially when it comes to Rossi.

Re: [Vo]:New Posting from Lattice Energy - LENR compared to CF

2011-12-13 Thread Daniel Rocha
I don't know if anyone stopped to think that WL claims are much more
spectacular than Rossi's. While Rossi's claims only refer to small black
boxe(s), WL includes things that work with the ecat's super qualities plus
that nearly all natural phenomena should include some LENR, almost like all
nuclear physics, plasma physics, biological systems, normal conducting
wires, cannot be described properly without it.


> Lattice Energy LLC-LENRs and Cold Fusion are Different Concepts - Dec 13
> 2011

Daniel Rocha - RJ

[Vo]:New Posting from Lattice Energy - LENR compared to CF

2011-12-13 Thread pagnucco

Lattice Energy LLC-LENRs and Cold Fusion are Different Concepts - Dec 13 2011