Re: [whatwg] HTML syntax: comments before doctype and doctype sniffing

2008-04-27 Thread Ian Hickson
On Sun, 3 Dec 2006, Spartanicus wrote:
> "Simon Pieters" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >The parsing section says that a comment before the doctype may trigger 
> >quirks mode.
> I'm assuming that this comment merely documents IE's current behaviour.
> Please ignore my other comment if I'm wrong.
> >Therefore I think the syntax section shouldn't allow comments 
> >before the doctype (only space characters).
> There are valid reasons to kick IE into quirks mode whilst triggering
> "standards mode" in other browsers. There is existing content on the web
> that intentionally does this. Why would you want to deny an author who
> fully understands the issues from doing this?

Once browsers implement HTML5, there won't be a way to trigger quirks in 
one browser and not another. We want all HTML5 documents to trigger 
standards mode.

Ian Hickson   U+1047E)\._.,--,'``.fL   U+263A/,   _.. \   _\  ;`._ ,.
Things that are impossible just take longer.   `._.-(,_..'--(,_..'`-.;.'

Re: [whatwg] xml:space

2008-04-27 Thread Ian Hickson

I haven't done anything with xml:space. It doesn't do anything, and it's 
not an HTML5 thing, so as far as I can tell it is out of scope for HTML5.

On Mon, 22 Jan 2007, Henri Sivonen wrote:
> > 
> > Since this editor artifact is harmless in browsers and useful in 
> > editors, it would be nice if the spec made it conforming at least on 
> > the  element in XHTML5.
> Suggested text:
> The xml:space attribute may be used on XHTML elements of XML documents. 
> Authors must not use the xml:space attribute in HTML documents. The 
> xml:space attribute, if present, must have the literal value "default" 
> or the literal value "preserve". The meaning of this attribute is 
> outside the scope of this specification.
> If that's too permissive, here's what would minimally cover my use case: 
> In XHTML (but not in HTML), the element pre may have the attribute 
> xml:space. If the attribute is present, the value of the attribute must 
> be "preserve".
> The first conforms to XML 1.0 for sure. The latter may not exactly, 
> depending on spec interpretation.

I don't see why we should special-case this particular harmless non-HTML 
feature, and not any number of other harmless non-HTML features. If 
another specification wants to define something, then it's up to that 
specification to define when it can be used.

On Tue, 23 Jan 2007, Henri Sivonen wrote:
> (As a practical matter, it would be nice to explicitly remind 
> conformance checker developers that the attribute is conforming. 
> Otherwise, it is easily forgotten. :-)

Forgeting it seems fine to me...

On Tue, 23 Jan 2007, liorean wrote:
> Well, considering the purpose of XHTML (main purpose is presentation for 
> humans, no?) is there any reason to NOT just set it to default to 
> "preserve" on the html element, fixed to "preserve" on the script, 
> style, pre and textarea elements and have it implied through an entity 
> for all other elements? Style sheets can change whether presentation of 
> whitespace is collapsed or not. By default, the whitespace is collapsed 
> but for the pre element it's conserved, but that can overridden by user 
> or author style sheets. But whitespace that is structurally collapsed at 
> the XML level cannot be restored for presentation by the style sheet, so 
> this whitespace is lost from ever being presented as it appeared in the 
> document.

xml:space doesn't allow whitepsace to be collapsed at the XML level as far 
as I can tell.

On Tue, 23 Jan 2007, Anne van Kesteren wrote:
> Regarding whether or not HTML5 should mention it. It seems the intention 
> of the XML specification is that you have to say it's allowed: "In valid 
> documents, this attribute, like any other, MUST be declared if it is 
> used." Opinions probably vary on this.

"Valid" in XML is only relevant for DTDs.

On Tue, 23 Jan 2007, liorean wrote:
> Hmm, reading the relevant part of the XML1.0 spec again, I see you're 
> right. So, it would seem to me that it's an attribute describing 
> whitespace semantics in content, not a structural attribute like I 
> thought. So, say you have a  element, but where the element 
> semantics doesn't specify whether whitespace is important in the poem or 
> not (it might be, but that depends on the poem content), you can specify 
> it in that attribute.

Seems like it'd be better for the spec itself to define the semantics of 
its elements rather than depend on the author to specify the attribute...

On Tue, 23 Jan 2007, Martin Atkins wrote:
> Presumably its primary purpose is to act as a signal to generic XML 
> tools — that don't have any special knowledge about XHTML — that 
> they should not screw around with the whitespace inside PRE, etc.
> One obvious example of such a tool is an XML pretty-printer. While an 
> HTML pretty-printer like HTML Tidy can have rules "hard-coded" into it, 
> this is not true of a non-validating XML formatter unless it is 
> specifically written for XHTML.

It seems that given the importance of XHTML, we can expect pretty printers 
to be written for it.

On Tue, 23 Jan 2007, Henri Sivonen wrote:
> (And this isn't theoretical, either. I came across this issue when 
> editing an XHTML document in oXygen.)

File a bug with them. :-)

On Tue, 23 Jan 2007, liorean wrote:
> How doesn't it? If the DTD allows it on all elements, you can put 
> xml:space="preserve" on all elements in the document that need it for 
> the tools that don't use the external subset or namespace recognition

On Wed, 24 Jan 2007, Henri Sivonen wrote:
> There's no DTD.


Ian Hickson   U+1047E)\._.,--,'``.fL   U+263A/,   _.. \   _\  ;`._ ,.
Things that are impossible just take longer.   `._.-(,_..'--(,_..'`-.;.'

[whatwg] DOM Storage feedback

2008-04-27 Thread Ian Hickson
On Tue, 19 Feb 2008, Ralf Stoltze wrote:
> I found three more occurrences of "global storage area" in the current 
> version, in and


> And a minor typo in 4.10.5: "hte" --> "the"

Thanks. Fixed.

On Thu, 13 Mar 2008, Dave Camp wrote:
> still talks about quotas being per-domain-setting-the-value vs. 
> per-storage-area, this is no longer relevant.


On Fri, 21 Mar 2008, Sunava Dutta wrote:
> Meanwhile, we have feedback for the draft that we feel and hope will 
> contribute to the existing repository of web developer's tools. Here are 
> a few enhancements that we've implemented. We think these features are 
> good for developers and want to add them to the spec. MSDN is being 
> updated so for more details please refer to the 
> API.
> Storage.remainingSpace
> A straightforward and popular request, this API provides a script to 
> check the remaining persistent storage spec available to it, in bytes. 
> It's a very useful feature to allow pages to manage their store better.
> *  We currently return bytes but perhaps returning the 
> number of characters is more useful? We'd love to hear thoughts here...

The problem with this feature is that there are a number of ways to store 
data, and thus no way to know exactly how much data can be stored.

For example, if the UA stores data in UTF-8 characters, the number of 
characters left to store will vary based on what characters are to be 
stored. Similarly, if the UA stores data in a compressed fashion, the 
number of bytes will vary based on how compressible the data is. 
Furthermore, we don't want to preclude user agents from dynamically 
increasing the amount of available storage based on user actions, for 
example the UA could automatically increase the storage every time the 
user interacts with the page, or could prompt the user to increase the 
storage when it gets to 80%.

Thus this API really can't easily work in an interoperable fashion.

> Clear All API
> Storage.clear()
> An obvious benefit for the persistent store, unlike 
> removeItem, 
> this API removes all key/value pairs accessible to that script without 
> requiring costly iteration over all data entries.


> Asynchronous model for DOM 
> Storage:
> The spec calls for atomic setItem() and removeItem() with respect to 
> changes to the data storage area. This is valuable since it ensures that 
> data is written to disk successfully. One of the major differences today 
> between what we've implemented is that we went down an "asynchronous" 
> path.  This is because there are significant performance advantages if 
> committing to the disk can be delayed while providing the data instantly 
> from memory.  Our model is exposed the same as a synchronous model to 
> the web developer so there should be no differences to the developer who 
> is interested in programming it using no new APIs other than that 
> specified in the HTML 5.0 spec. Here are some of the reasons why the 
> asynchronous model was chosen:
> 1. It offers much better performance without sacrificing the persistence 
> to disk -- we will fire an event to confirm commit so web applications 
> can listen to the event when persistence is a concern.
> 2.  Our customer outreach leads us to believe that the DOM Storage is 
> primarily used as local cache to improve responsiveness. The performance 
> cost of synchronous storage in our opinion outweighs the need for 
> guaranteed persistence.
> 3.  It avoids a possible hang in the UI thread if the operation takes 
> long time and therefore makes the browsing experience more fluid.

The API is designed in such a way that UAs can implement a lazy commit on 
the back end, but this should not be exposed to the author -- there is no 
reason for the author to need to know whether the data is in RAM, flash 
storage, disk storage, remote tape storage, or whatever.

> Hence we created an async model. As far as the web developer is 
> concerned, the data will be available immediately from memory when the 
> onstorage event it fired so the behavior is the similar and no new APIs 
> are needed, hence its backwards compatible with other implementations. 
> In addition, an onstoragecommit event is fired for developers who want 
> to ensure the data is persisted to disk successfully.
> Begin/Commit
> Storage.begin()
> Storage.commit()
> It's an application level concept that web authors who want a set of 
> values to be committed at once can use. Data is either committed in its 
> entirety (batch commit) or not. This is especially critical given that 
> DOM Storage is primarily used for name/value pair op

Re: [whatwg] Modal dialogs in HTML5

2008-04-27 Thread João Eiras

Na , Ian Hickson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> escreveu:

This is a first draft. It has issues, I'm sure. Let me know what I should


What happened to the 3rd parameter (sFeatures) ?
This parameter is needed to specific the window features (size, position,  

Also, IE supports the properties dialogLeft, dialogWidth, dialogTop and  
dialogHeight. Two of these can be read from innerWidth and innerHeight,  
while the other two are irrelevant, and hardly useful for a webpage. But,  
omitting these from the spec will create implementation discrepancies.  
Probably you could add an extra section with features that were purposely  
left out of the spec ?

I've built some time ago a comprehensive testcase (it's attached), to test  
IE's showModalDialog implementation, and besides what is common sense, IE  
drops hashes from the url which is passed to showModalDialog, and IE  
truncates, on purpose, the dialogArguments parameter to 4096 chars, if  
it's a string. I see no possible reasoning for these design choices.

Regarding the spec:
 - about step 1. : you could mention that showModalDialog might be blocked  
by popup blockers too, which is easier to understand for the crowd.
 - about step 3. : there's this clause "from running scripts". Well  
showModalDialog blocks so all script execution must be halted while  
showModalDialog does not return. So is this wording correct ?
 - about step 8. : you could add "the browing context can signal the UA to  
terminate, e.g. calling window.close()"

Another thing: while the use cases for showModelessDialog can already be  
covered by, there is a difference in behavior:
 - creates a new window, which can be lose focus, and go  
behind it's opener window.
 - showModelessDialog creates a new popup window, which can too lose  
focus, but will never go behind it's opener. It'll say always in front of  

Use cases ? Consider you have a web application, and some help documents.  
While you have the main application open, you can open a dialog with a  
help manual and continue to work on the application while you have the  
manual on top, without the user needing to fiddle with windows and/or tabs.

Implementing this is pretty straightforward.

MS spec on showModelessDialog:


Title: testcase

	FAILED (script did not run)

[whatwg] Error: 2nd example datetime for the time element

2008-04-27 Thread Ernest Cline
In section 3.10.10, the second example is:

However, the algorithm given in for parsing date or time strings 
requires that the timezone hour offset be exactly 2 digits.  (This is the same 
requirement ISO 8601 has.)  Hence, the example as given is invalid according to 
the provided parser algorithm, since it has only 1 digit.

Ernest Cline

Re: [whatwg] Proposal: target="_reference"

2008-04-27 Thread Matthew Paul Thomas
Philip Taylor wrote on 27/04/08 18:30:
> IE6 supported target=_search and target=_media, to open pages in
> sidebars (closable panes at the side of the browser window). Nobody
> uses those target values (in 130K pages I see 3 pages with either),
> and says
> _media was dropped in XP SP2 and _search was dropped in IE7 ("for
> security reasons"). _reference sounds functionally very similar, so
> how would it avoid those security problems

The problem with _media and _search was that if you gave them an invalid
URL, the resulting error page  was in the "My
Computer" zone, but could still be manipulated (e.g. have malicious code
inserted in it) by the remote page. That could be avoided by not
treating error pages as being in the "My Computer" zone. I guess
Microsoft didn't bother with this because they knew that media was going
to be, and search already was, handled differently in IE7 anyway.

> and why would it be more successful in practice?

Because it would be cross-browser.

Matthew Paul Thomas

Re: [whatwg] Proposal: target="_reference"

2008-04-27 Thread Philip Taylor
On 26/04/2008, Matthew Paul Thomas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Summary: I propose target="_reference", which would open a link in a
> secondary viewport, for example a closable pane at the bottom of a browser
> window. This would be much less annoying and intimidating than
> target="_blank". It could be used immediately for providing help, and for
> linking to privacy policies, terms of use, etc within forms. Eventually it
> could also be used for footnotes and endnotes.

IE6 supported target=_search and target=_media, to open pages in
sidebars (closable panes at the side of the browser window). Nobody
uses those target values (in 130K pages I see 3 pages with either),
and says
_media was dropped in XP SP2 and _search was dropped in IE7 ("for
security reasons"). _reference sounds functionally very similar, so
how would it avoid those security problems and why would it be more
successful in practice?

Philip Taylor

Re: [whatwg] Proposal: target="_reference"

2008-04-27 Thread Křištof Želechovski
How about target="_guide" instead?  
A reference is usually lengthy and unreadable; 
the designer should know better 
than to treat the poor user with a reference.


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Matthew Paul Thomas
Sent: Saturday, April 26, 2008 2:24 PM
To: WHAT WG List
Subject: [whatwg] Proposal: target="_reference"

Summary: I propose target="_reference", which would open a link in a 
secondary viewport, for example a closable pane at the bottom of a 
browser window. This would be much less annoying and intimidating than 
target="_blank". It could be used immediately for providing help, and 
for linking to privacy policies, terms of use, etc within forms. 
Eventually it could also be used for footnotes and endnotes.

Re: [whatwg] postMessage feedback

2008-04-27 Thread Ian Hickson
On Sat, 26 Apr 2008, Jeff Walden wrote:
> Ian Hickson wrote:
> > I haven't changed the target of the event, it's still the Document 
> > object. This is a little odd, though, would people rather I made it 
> > the  element with an auto-forward to the Window object, like the 
> > 'load' event and so forth? That would allow onmessage="" handles to be 
> > written.
> I've mentioned this on IRC but should probably mention it here so it's 
> in the record, so to speak.  I don't see a strong use case for an 
> onmessage attribute.  Event handler attributes are useful for quick 
> little things, but accepting messages from other sites seems neither 
> quick (aside from free-for-all walls I can't think of things you'd want 
> to do that wouldn't be fairly involved) nor little (you need the origin 
> check at a minimum, then you have to do whatever you're going to do, and 
> it's a lot to stuff in an attribute -- and if you're just delegating to 
> another method, why not just set the method as handler 
> programmatically?).  I don't think having to do it via script is 
> particularly burdensome.

On Sat, 26 Apr 2008, Maciej Stachowiak wrote:
> If anything this event should dispatch to the window, not the document, 
> since that is what gets the postMessage call. But posting to the 
> document and bubbling to the window seems ok too.

On Sat, 26 Apr 2008, Jeff Walden wrote:
> The event currently doesn't bubble to accommodate :
> So right now, either you use a bubbling listener (capturing works too, 
> although the web may end up dictating that that's a bug that won't be 
> fixt) on the document or a capturing listener (ugh) on window or you 
> don't get it.  I'm not entirely sure why the event doesn't bubble for 
> postMessage; it seems like a postMessage event doesn't necessarily have 
> to do the same thing as an  event, but maybe there's 
> precedent here that I don't know.
> As far as I can tell the event is dispatched at the document only 
> because Opera's original implementation had postMessage on document.  I 
> sort of prefer dispatching to the window as well, but that change would 
> have to be made ASAP to make Firefox 3.  It's a one-line change (+30ish 
> for addEventListener calls in tests, also easy to do), as is the 
> bubbling change, but it's extraordinarily late for us to make these 
> changes (async cuts it very, very fine as-is), and nobody would be happy 
> if the spec converged on something that Firefox 3 didn't actually 
> implement.

On Sat, 26 Apr 2008, Maciej Stachowiak wrote:
> I hope this can be addressed soon, and I feel your pain. But in Safari 
> 3.1 we actually dropped postMessage at the last minute because of too 
> many spec changes, and the spec changed in major ways after Opera 
> actually shipped their implementation, so it's not like changes here are 
> unprecedented and certainly Firefox is not being singled out.
> (On the substance, I think dispatching to the window would be better 
> based on your comments.)

Changed to dispatch to the window.

Ian Hickson   U+1047E)\._.,--,'``.fL   U+263A/,   _.. \   _\  ;`._ ,.
Things that are impossible just take longer.   `._.-(,_..'--(,_..'`-.;.'

[whatwg] Modal dialogs in HTML5

2008-04-27 Thread Ian Hickson

On Fri, 27 Apr 2007, Jon Barnett wrote:
> On 4/26/07, Ian Hickson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > On Sun, 26 Jun 2005, Karl Pongratz wrote:
> > >
> > > I had a short look at the webforms and web applications 
> > > specification at, I didn't find anything about modal and 
> > > modeless windows. If there is anything to improve for html, xhtml, 
> > > xforms and compound documents, then, in my opinion, the first 
> > > missing feature that comes into my mind is the lack of modal and 
> > > modeless windows.
> > 
> > I've now added, irrelevant="", and target="" to the 
> > specification, which should provide various ways of obtaining the 
> > effect you're looking for. For example, with irrelevant="" you can 
> > hide the content you want to disable, and force the "modal" aspect of 
> > the application to be responded to before reshowing the other parts.
> Can I ask how that would work with a dialog?  Would it be like this?
> myframeddocument.designMode = "on";
> mytoolbar.hyperlinkButton.onclick =  function() {
> myframeddocument.body.irrelevant = true;
> var dialog ="hyperlinkDialog.html");
> // a dialog where the user may either enter a URL or choose from a preset
> list of pages on his site
> dialog.onunload = function() {
>  processHyperlinkSelections();
>  myframeddocument.body.irrelevant = false;
> }
> }
> Is that really the best way?

No, I meant everything within the one document, with s for each 
part of the app, and all but the current  having irrelevant="" 

> Would that keep "dialog" on top of the main browser window until it's 
> dismissed?

You should only use one browser window ever, as a Web app author.

> I used the WYSIWYG example because I think it's a good case where 
> authors really want some sort of modal dialog that's synchronous in the 
> opener document's javascript.  Is there a better way to handle that?
> I'm also curious why the "features" argument of is supposed 
> to "have no effect".  That's something I can search the archives for on 
> my own if it's been asked and answered.

Because none of the features that browsers support are things that 
actually should be supported, as they are not things that help the user.

On Fri, 27 Apr 2007, Thomas Broyer wrote:
> If I correctly understood Ian's proposal, the "best way" would be to not 
> use another window.
> 1. put the content of hyperlinkDialog.html within the "current" page
> (or eventually load it within an iframe) and make it irrelevant=true
> (let's call this the "hyperlink editing section")
> 2. when you click the "hyperlink" toolbar button, make the "hyperlink
> editing section" irrelevant=false
> 3. when the OK or Cancel button inside the "hyperlink editing section"
> is clicked, do what's needed and switch the section back to
> irrelevant=true

Pretty much.

On Sun, 27 Jan 2008, Karl Pongratz wrote:
> You say:
> "Notwithstanding the features that make this possible, I have to say that  in
> general Web applications on the Web should not be written as if they are
> desktop applications."
> 1.) We actually miss web application models. Do you know of any where 
> they are defined, though some which don't have any quirks? Application 
> models where the web browser back/next and reload button doesn't harm 
> anything? Maybe its time to fix this issues by defining web application 
> models (single page web applications and multi-page web applications) 
> which do not suck. It would be great if someone could point me to this 
> information, I would i.e. be interested of how they deal with the 
> problem with un-saved data if the user closes the web browser.

I don't know off hand of good resources on the matter, but this would be 
an interesting area to document.

> 2.) Modal Windows / Modal Elements
> What we actually need are modal elements inside a page. Even applications with
> minor editing features such as the Google Reader uses modal windows, in this
> particular case a prompt().
> I would guess modal elements will be supported sooner or later. They will
> replace the current alert() and prompt() function.
> Maybe modal elements (or modal forms) are already part of HTML5?

Well, we have disabled="" and irrelevant="", what else were you thinking 

On Fri, 1 Jul 2005, Sanghyeon Seo wrote:

On Sun, 3 Sep 2006, Anders Rundgren wrote:
> [...] it is very hard to create certain types of applications without 
> having modal dialogs.  AFAIK the existing alert() box is already modal 
> (at least in MSIE) so modality is well established.

On Tue, 18 Mar 2008, Travis Leithead wrote:
> ...but why [did WebKit implement the showModalDialog()] API and not 
> showModelessDialog too? I'd be interested to know the rationale for this 
> decision on WebKit's part.
> Also, was openDialog considered (from FF)?

On Tue, 18 Mar 2008, Boris Zbarsky wrote: