Re: [whatwg] [html5] Pre-Last Call Comments

2009-06-04 Thread Kristof Zelechovski
The ActiveX components I use are proprietary non-standard technology.
Granted.  However, the interface to them, HTML, is standard and
non-proprietary.  Of course, one can use proprietary extensions like
namespaces and data sources as well, and sometimes it is necessary for
rendering and data management, but the classid attribute has not been the
case until (yesterday).  Valid code simply makes a better interface overall,
which means validating it makes sense.
Using IE magic comments causes the validator to skip not only the parts that
have been invalidated, such as the classid attribute, but also the parts
that would be valid otherwise.  If there is error in there, it will go
undetected, which is bad.

Re: [whatwg] [html5] Pre-Last Call Comments

2009-06-04 Thread Nils Dagsson Moskopp
Am Mittwoch, den 03.06.2009, 13:23 +0200 schrieb Kristof Zelechovski:
> The validator generates an error for the classid attribute (in line with
> what the specification says, I think).  An error, unlike a warning, breaks
> any complex process that depends on successful validation of the components.

Why should you care about validation at all in this case (using
proprietary non-standard technology) ?

> I think the specification text should be rephrased so that the validator can
> issue a warning instead.
> For the time being, the only practical workaround for this incompatibility
> is to use Internet Explorer magic comments.

What's wrong with that ?

Nils Dagsson Moskopp

Re: [whatwg] [html5] Pre-Last Call Comments

2009-06-03 Thread Křištof Želechovski
It is possible to create no-script fallback without a NOSCRIPT element.  You
can put it into d...@class="noscript"] and remove the DIV at run time.
It is worth noting that XHTML 1.0, along with deprecating MAP/@name, still
has the unrealistic assumption about usemap containing an arbitrary URI.  I
would not put much weight to that.

Re: [whatwg] [html5] Pre-Last Call Comments

2009-06-03 Thread Garrett Smith
On Sun, Apr 5, 2009 at 9:04 AM, Giovanni Campagna
> A few comments, as requested by Ian Hickson.


> - In section, instead of defining the syntax of style
> attributes, reference 

The style property has been part of the HTMLElement interrface for
many years. Reading ahead, I see this has been addressed.

It would be useful to have a few others:

  getStyleValueAs(prop, unit);

The computedStyle is already possible, just clunky. A cascadedStyle
doesn't exist. getStyleValueAs exists as a very clunky API that
doesn't work in browsers.


Re: [whatwg] [html5] Pre-Last Call Comments

2009-06-03 Thread James Graham

Kristof Zelechovski wrote:

A week begins on Sunday, not on Monday.

Not according to ISO [1]


Re: [whatwg] [html5] Pre-Last Call Comments

2009-06-03 Thread Kristof Zelechovski
A week begins on Sunday, not on Monday.
However, under the present assumption:
A week-year has 53 weeks if the first day of the year (January 1st)
in the proleptic Gregorian calendar is Thursday or the year is leap and the
first day of the year (January 1st) in the proleptic Gregorian calendar is
Wednesday. All other week-years have 52 weeks.
Better still:
A week-year has 53 weeks if February the 28th in the proleptic
Gregorian calendar is Saturday or February the 29th in the proleptic
Gregorian calendar is Saturday. All other week-years have 52 weeks.
Also note, x-x-big5 cannot be registered with IANA because it is already
registered for private use.

Re: [whatwg] [html5] Pre-Last Call Comments

2009-06-03 Thread Giovanni Campagna
2009/6/3 Ian Hickson :
> On Sun, 5 Apr 2009, Giovanni Campagna wrote:

(skipping all "done")

>> - From section 2.4.2 I don't understand if boolean attributes with
>> invalid values represent "true" or "false". In addition, I don't
>> understand if an empty value is false (as in XHTML1.0) or true (as in
>> HTML4, because of the minimized syntax).
>> >From my experience, I expect that the empty string (which is
>> equivalent to not specify the attribute at all) is false, and any
>> other value is true.
> The spec says "The presence of a boolean attribute on an element
> represents the true value, and the absence of the attribute represents the
> false value"; is that not clear?

Now it is clear, thanks.

>> - In (and maybe in other places) I would prefer [A|E]BNF
>> instead of the prose description of a floating point number.
> It's not obvious to me that this would be any clearer.

Optionally, a U+002D HYPHEN-MINUS ("-") character.
A series of one or more characters in the range U+0030 DIGIT ZERO (0)
to U+0039 DIGIT NINE (9).
A single U+002E FULL STOP (".") character.
A series of one or more characters in the range U+0030 DIGIT ZERO (0)
to U+0039 DIGIT NINE (9).
Either a U+0065 LATIN SMALL LETTER E character or a U+0045 LATIN
Optionally, a U+002D HYPHEN-MINUS ("-") character or U+002B PLUS SIGN
("+") character.
A series of one or more characters in the range U+0030 DIGIT ZERO (0)
to U+0039 DIGIT NINE (9).

to: "-"? DIGIT+ [ "." DIGIT +]? [ ["e" | "E"] ["-" | "+"]? DIGIT+]

I find the latter definitely easier to understand.

>> I'm also not sure that the normative algorithm is needed.
> You mean for parsing? How else would you know how to parse it? In some of
> the cases the algorithms don't accept any errorneous content at all, but
> in many cases we have to define how you handle bogus data, and I don't see
> how to do that any other way.

Ok, then.

>> I've also searched IEEE, IETF, ECMA, ISO and ANSI for another normative
>> version of the syntax and processing, but I've found none. If you think
>> that it is important to have it specified completely, you may submit an
>> ID, so future technologies won't need to rewrite it again.
> I'm not sure to what you refer. I certainly wouldn't want anyone reusing
> most of these definitions; many are the result of years of bugs causing
> legacy content to depend on weird quirks.

Signed/unsigned integers and floats are concepts used by many
technologies, which use quite the same syntax (expressed above). One
RFC for everyone avoids having to rewrite syntax and processing any
time you use a float, but I agree that it may require more work.

>> Also, don't rely on styles alone, use different words for identifiers
>> and prose. This includes also the Note following, where no styles are
>> applied and it is difficult to understand that "year year" is not a
>> typo but rather is the year numbered "year".
> I made the note use "y", but in general I find using anything but "year"
> here gets really ugly.

You have this problem still in section 2.4.5 Dates and Times. You can
use "year" as an identifier, but repeating it along with the noun used
in general sense makes it hard to understand, especially if you don't
have the visual italic clue (for example, you turned off stylesheets
or are using an non-visual media)

>> - Can't be simply referenced CSS3 Color in 2.4.6?
>> This way, implementors could have body[bgcolor] { background-color:
>> attr(bgcolor,color,white); } in the default CSS instead of using HTML5
>> specific rules.
> The rules for parsing a legacy color value are very constrained and don't
> match CSS, no.

Outside rgb/hsl and their alpha counterparts, is there anything that
CSS3 Color can't do compatibly with HTML colours?
If no, using CSS Color completely would allow more features and
simpler implementations.
I see HTML5 currently supports also CSS2 and SVG colours.

>> - In 2.4.9 a valid hash reference must be equal to an ID, name is
>> supported only for backward compatibility.
> No,  uses name="".

Is that even in *conforming documents*? I hope no, as name was
deprecated in all versions of XHTML, and was not even supposed to work
in XML.

>> - Section 2.6 is superfluous: handling of application cache is specified
>> in the appropriate section, handling of HTTP requests and caches is
>> defined in RFC2616, handling of cookie is defined in the appropriate RFC
>> (I don't remember the number), handling of about:blank is in the
>> proposed about-uri-scheme ID. In addition, serialized queue-based
>> handling of resources should not be mandated by the HTML5 specification
>> (can't UAs be multi-threaded?)
> Section 2.6 (fetching) is needed to define how the fetching algorithm
> (HTTP, etc) fit into the event loop mechanism and the storage mutex.

IMHO, it applies only to one class of html agents, namely web browser
(which require script serializability) and therefo

Re: [whatwg] [html5] Pre-Last Call Comments

2009-06-03 Thread Kristof Zelechovski
The validator generates an error for the classid attribute (in line with
what the specification says, I think).  An error, unlike a warning, breaks
any complex process that depends on successful validation of the components.

I think the specification text should be rephrased so that the validator can
issue a warning instead.
For the time being, the only practical workaround for this incompatibility
is to use Internet Explorer magic comments.

Re: [whatwg] [html5] Pre-Last Call Comments

2009-06-03 Thread Ian Hickson
On Sun, 5 Apr 2009, Christoph Päper wrote:
> Giovanni Campagna:
> > - The second paragraph in is hard to understand because the
> > verb is at the end. I would rewrite as
> > "A week-year with a number *yr* has 53 weeks if corresponds to a year *yr*
> > in the proleptic Gregorian calendar that has a Thursday as its first day
> > (January 1st), or if *yr* where *yr* is a number divisible by 400, or a
> > number divisible by 4 but not by 100. In all other cases it has 52 weeks"
> | A week-year with a number $year that corresponds to a year $year in the
> | proleptic Gregorian calendar that has a Thursday as its first day
> | (January 1st), and a week-year $year where $year is a number divisible
> | by 400, or a number divisible by 4 but not by 100, has 53 weeks. All
> | other week-years have 52 weeks.
> The description is wrong anyhow: Not every leap year has 53 weeks! (For 
> instance, 2008 and 2012 have 52 weeks only.) The difference to common 
> years is that leap years with 53 weeks can have Jan01 on either Thu or 
> Wed, because Dec31 then is Fri or Thu respectively. (Compare your 2020 
> to your 2004 calendar.)

Fixed, thanks.

> Or just reference and rely on ISO 8601. That is what references 
> (especially to standards) are for after all.

I would, except that ISO8601 costs 130 CHF and it seems far easier for 
everyone concerned to just add the paragraph right there instead of 
deferring to some paragraph elsewhere.

Ian Hickson   U+1047E)\._.,--,'``.fL   U+263A/,   _.. \   _\  ;`._ ,.
Things that are impossible just take longer.   `._.-(,_..'--(,_..'`-.;.'

Re: [whatwg] [html5] Pre-Last Call Comments

2009-06-03 Thread Ian Hickson
On Sun, 5 Apr 2009, João Eiras wrote:
> The spec does not forbid to use non supported attributes and elements. 

Actually, it does. I've just made the spec even clearer about this, 

Ian Hickson   U+1047E)\._.,--,'``.fL   U+263A/,   _.. \   _\  ;`._ ,.
Things that are impossible just take longer.   `._.-(,_..'--(,_..'`-.;.'

Re: [whatwg] [html5] Pre-Last Call Comments

2009-06-03 Thread Ian Hickson
On Sun, 5 Apr 2009, Kristof Zelechovski wrote:
> Now that classid is gone, what will be the workaround for ActiveX 
> objects where they are needed?

ActiveX controls are a vendor-specific technology, and thus not 
appropriate for explicit support in HTML5 (just like we dropped ).

The real workaround is "use HTML, CSS, JS, DOM", or, if you really need a 
plugin, use a type that triggers the right plugin.

>   2. Use a custom DTD with classid for validation?

That doesn't make the document valid.

>   3. Use a custom type "application/vnd.acme-fancy-control+oleobject"
> for every control?


> Of course, such things are inherently nonportable but they are widely 
> used. It would be nice to have a way to validate them.

You can. If you use it the validator will tell you you're doing something 
non-portable. This is intentional!

Ian Hickson   U+1047E)\._.,--,'``.fL   U+263A/,   _.. \   _\  ;`._ ,.
Things that are impossible just take longer.   `._.-(,_..'--(,_..'`-.;.'

Re: [whatwg] [html5] Pre-Last Call Comments

2009-06-03 Thread Ian Hickson
On Sun, 5 Apr 2009, Giovanni Campagna wrote:
> A few comments, as requested by Ian Hickson.
> - End of 2.2.1, a typo: JavsScript instead of Javascript


> - From section 2.4.2 I don't understand if boolean attributes with
> invalid values represent "true" or "false". In addition, I don't
> understand if an empty value is false (as in XHTML1.0) or true (as in
> HTML4, because of the minimized syntax).
> >From my experience, I expect that the empty string (which is
> equivalent to not specify the attribute at all) is false, and any
> other value is true.

The spec says "The presence of a boolean attribute on an element 
represents the true value, and the absence of the attribute represents the 
false value"; is that not clear?

> - In 2.4.3 I don't see the point of all the digression about 
> contentEditable, since it is noted that it doesn't work like that. I 
> would leave the note to just "Note: The empty string can be one of the 
> keywords" or "Note: The empty string can a valid keyword"


> - In (and maybe in other places) I would prefer [A|E]BNF
> instead of the prose description of a floating point number.

It's not obvious to me that this would be any clearer.

> I'm also not sure that the normative algorithm is needed.

You mean for parsing? How else would you know how to parse it? In some of 
the cases the algorithms don't accept any errorneous content at all, but 
in many cases we have to define how you handle bogus data, and I don't see 
how to do that any other way.

> I've also searched IEEE, IETF, ECMA, ISO and ANSI for another normative 
> version of the syntax and processing, but I've found none. If you think 
> that it is important to have it specified completely, you may submit an 
> ID, so future technologies won't need to rewrite it again.

I'm not sure to what you refer. I certainly wouldn't want anyone reusing 
most of these definitions; many are the result of years of bugs causing 
legacy content to depend on weird quirks.

> - The second paragraph in is hard to understand because the
> verb is at the end. I would rewrite as "A week-year with a number *yr*
> has 53 weeks if corresponds to a year *yr* in the proleptic Gregorian
> calendar that has a Thursday as its first day (January 1st), or if
> *yr* where *yr* is a number divisible by 400, or a number divisible by
> 4 but not by 100. In all other cases it has 52 weeks"


> Also, don't rely on styles alone, use different words for identifiers
> and prose. This includes also the Note following, where no styles are
> applied and it is difficult to understand that "year year" is not a
> typo but rather is the year numbered "year".

I made the note use "y", but in general I find using anything but "year" 
here gets really ugly.

> - Can't be simply referenced CSS3 Color in 2.4.6?
> This way, implementors could have body[bgcolor] { background-color:
> attr(bgcolor,color,white); } in the default CSS instead of using HTML5
> specific rules.

The rules for parsing a legacy color value are very constrained and don't 
match CSS, no.

> - In 2.4.9 a valid hash reference must be equal to an ID, name is 
> supported only for backward compatibility.

No,  uses name="".

> - Section 2.6 is superfluous: handling of application cache is specified 
> in the appropriate section, handling of HTTP requests and caches is 
> defined in RFC2616, handling of cookie is defined in the appropriate RFC 
> (I don't remember the number), handling of about:blank is in the 
> proposed about-uri-scheme ID. In addition, serialized queue-based 
> handling of resources should not be mandated by the HTML5 specification 
> (can't UAs be multi-threaded?)

Section 2.6 (fetching) is needed to define how the fetching algorithm 
(HTTP, etc) fit into the event loop mechanism and the storage mutex.

> - Rewriting 2.6.1 without the HTTP word is definitely better. Browsers 
> are not required to support HTTP, AFAIK. You can write "a GET method" 
> (because GET is anyway an English word), "a response code" (most 
> protocols have response codes) and "metadata" (instead of headers, that 
> SMTP, POP, FTP don't support)

I think that would be far less clear.

> - 2.6.2 should be implied by the HTTP-over-TLS RFC

Apparently implying it isn't good enough, given current implementations.

> - In section 2.7.1, in sentence "Extensions must not be used for 
> determining resource types for resources fetched over HTTP.", do you 
> mean "File extensions", like .txt or .png, or "User agent extensions" 
> (additions to the algorithm)?

This is fixed in Adam's draft now.

> - Still in section 2.7.1, why the algorithm is a violation of RFC2616? 
> Because it is case insensitive? Because it allows spaces? Because it 
> does not imply ISO-8859-1 if no charset is explicit? Because it does not 
> imply ASCII for text/* mime types?

Because it means not blindly honouring Content-Type.

> - Why don't you add " - In section 2.8, "x-x-big5" is not 

Re: [whatwg] [html5] Pre-Last Call Comments

2009-04-05 Thread Christoph Päper

Giovanni Campagna:

- The second paragraph in is hard to understand because the
verb is at the end. I would rewrite as
"A week-year with a number *yr* has 53 weeks if corresponds to a  
year *yr* in the proleptic Gregorian calendar that has a Thursday  
as its first day (January 1st), or if *yr* where *yr* is a number  
divisible by 400, or a number divisible by 4 but not by 100. In all  
other cases it has 52 weeks"

| A week-year with a number $year that corresponds to a year $year in  

| proleptic Gregorian calendar that has a Thursday as its first day
| (January 1st), and a week-year $year where $year is a number divisible
| by 400, or a number divisible by 4 but not by 100, has 53 weeks. All
| other week-years have 52 weeks.

The description is wrong anyhow: Not every leap year has 53 weeks!  
(For instance, 2008 and 2012 have 52 weeks only.) The difference to  
common years is that leap years with 53 weeks can have Jan01 on  
either Thu or Wed, because Dec31 then is Fri or Thu respectively.  
(Compare your 2020 to your 2004 calendar.)

: A week-year has 52 weeks, except it has 53 weeks when 1 January in the
: Gregorian year of the corresponding number $year falls on a Thursday,
: or it falls on a Wednesday and $year is a leap year.

  "1 January"   = "the first day of the first month" (-01-01, -001)
  "a Thursday"  = "the fourth day of the week" (-4)
  "a Wednesday" = "the third day of the week" (-3)
  "leap year"   = "number divisible by 4 but not by 100 or a number  
divisible by 400"

Or just reference and rely on ISO 8601. That is what references  
(especially to standards) are for after all.

By the way, because there is an even number of weeks in a Gregorian  
400-year cycle, the 53-week years (after the epoch) are:

  400 * n + a; n e |N°, a c L
  L := {004, 009, 015, 020, 026, 032, 037, 043, 048, 054, 060, 065,
071, 076, 082, 088, 093, 099, 105, 111, 116, 122, 128, 133,
139, 144, 150, 156, 161, 167, 172, 184, 189, 195, 201, 207,
212, 218, 224, 229, 235, 240, 246, 252, 257, 263, 268, 274,
280, 285, 291, 296, 303, 304, 308, 314, 320, 325, 331, 336,
342, 348, 353, 359, 364, 370, 376, 381, 387, 392, 398}

That is 71 leap-week years opposed to 97 leap-day years.

PS: All complications are the fault of the month calendar, not of the  
week calendar.

Re: [whatwg] [html5] Pre-Last Call Comments

2009-04-05 Thread Kristof Zelechovski
The specification forbids the authors using undefined elements and
attributes; a document containing classid will not be valid.  Still, the
site hosting the controls will need a way to test validity of pages for QA.

Re: [whatwg] [html5] Pre-Last Call Comments

2009-04-05 Thread João Eiras
On , Kristof Zelechovski  wrote:

> Character set x-x-big5 cannot be registered because it is private.
> Now that classid is gone, what will be the workaround for ActiveX objects
> where they are needed?

classid is nevertheless proprietary, and no other user agent but IE will 
require it (unless others implement ActiveX as well).
The spec does not forbid to use non supported attributes and elements. It only 
specifies the handling for the known ones.

Re: [whatwg] [html5] Pre-Last Call Comments

2009-04-05 Thread Kristof Zelechovski
Character set x-x-big5 cannot be registered because it is private.

Now that classid is gone, what will be the workaround for ActiveX objects
where they are needed?  

1. Ask Windows browsers to support
2. Use a custom DTD with classid for validation?
3. Use a custom type "application/vnd.acme-fancy-control+oleobject"
for every control?
4. Rewrite everything Silverlight?
5. Ask the developers to keep their pages HTML4?

Of course, such things are inherently nonportable but they are widely used.
It would be nice to have a way to validate them.


[whatwg] [html5] Pre-Last Call Comments

2009-04-05 Thread Giovanni Campagna
A few comments, as requested by Ian Hickson.

- End of 2.2.1, a typo: JavsScript instead of Javascript

- From section 2.4.2 I don't understand if boolean attributes with
invalid values represent "true" or "false". In addition, I don't
understand if an empty value is false (as in XHTML1.0) or true (as in
HTML4, because of the minimized syntax).
>From my experience, I expect that the empty string (which is
equivalent to not specify the attribute at all) is false, and any
other value is true.

- In 2.4.3 I don't see the point of all the digression about
contentEditable, since it is noted that it doesn't work like that. I
would leave the note to just "Note: The empty string can be one of the
keywords" or "Note: The empty string can a valid keyword"

- In (and maybe in other places) I would prefer [A|E]BNF
instead of the prose description of a floating point number. I'm also
not sure that the normative algorithm is needed.
I've also searched IEEE, IETF, ECMA, ISO and ANSI for another
normative version of the syntax and processing, but I've found none.
If you think that it is important to have it specified completely, you
may submit an ID, so future technologies won't need to rewrite it

- The second paragraph in is hard to understand because the
verb is at the end. I would rewrite as "A week-year with a number *yr*
has 53 weeks if corresponds to a year *yr* in the proleptic Gregorian
calendar that has a Thursday as its first day (January 1st), or if
*yr* where *yr* is a number divisible by 400, or a number divisible by
4 but not by 100. In all other cases it has 52 weeks"
Also, don't rely on styles alone, use different words for identifiers
and prose. This includes also the Note following, where no styles are
applied and it is difficult to understand that "year year" is not a
typo but rather is the year numbered "year".

- Can't be simply referenced CSS3 Color in 2.4.6?
This way, implementors could have body[bgcolor] { background-color:
attr(bgcolor,color,white); } in the default CSS instead of using HTML5
specific rules.

- In 2.4.9 a valid hash reference must be equal to an ID, name is
supported only for backward compatibility.

- No comments for the URL part (except that Web Addresses is different
in processing, and the proposed IRI-bis draft makes it unnecessary)

- Section 2.6 is superfluous: handling of application cache is
specified in the appropriate section, handling of HTTP requests and
caches is defined in RFC2616, handling of cookie is defined in the
appropriate RFC (I don't remember the number), handling of about:blank
is in the proposed about-uri-scheme ID.
In addition, serialized queue-based handling of resources should not
be mandated by the HTML5 specification (can't UAs be multi-threaded?)

- Rewriting 2.6.1 without the HTTP word is definitely better. Browsers
are not required to support HTTP, AFAIK. You can write "a GET method"
(because GET is anyway an English word), "a response code" (most
protocols have response codes) and "metadata" (instead of headers,
that SMTP, POP, FTP don't support)

- 2.6.2 should be implied by the HTTP-over-TLS RFC

- In section 2.7.1, in sentence "Extensions must not be used for
determining resource types for resources fetched over HTTP.", do you
mean "File extensions", like .txt or .png, or "User agent extensions"
(additions to the algorithm)?

- Still in section 2.7.1, why the algorithm is a violation of RFC2616?
Because it is case insensitive? Because it allows spaces? Because it
does not imply ISO-8859-1 if no charset is explicit? Because it does
not imply ASCII for text/* mime types?

- Why don't you add ">

- In section, a document may have a default language even if
it doesn't have a content-language http-equiv, if it has a
Content-Language HTTP header.

- Section 4.2.7 should be completely delegated to CSSOM

- Noscript should be allowed in XML, just without the complexity (and
simply treated as display:none if scripting is enabled)

- And is a grammar mistake in "These juicy, green apples and make a
great filling for
  apple pies" (the example in 4.4.2)

- I completely cannot understand

- I would like to disagree with the man who disagreed with the other
man who disagreed with Ian Hickson (who said that things that are
impossible just take longer) (section about )

- I don't think it is of any use to link a BBC article in 4.6.20

- Section 4.8.3 still refers to the Window Object specification, which
I think has been superseded by HTML5

- classid is not a conforming attribute for object, and yet it is used
in the algorithm to find a plugin. AFAIK, classid is only used by IE
(along with COM) so I don't think it is a problem to drop it

(skipping video and canvas)

- in HTMLFormElement, the function item should accept an integer, not
a DOMString (because it is an IndexGetter) Same in HTMLSelectElement

- In section 4.10.4, the table about which attributes applies to the