Vatican forgives Lennon for remark about Jesus Christ

Paper dismisses comment as just a 'boast' from a young Englishman faced with 
'unexpected success'

By David Randall and Richard Osley
Sunday, 23 November 2008 

More than 40 years after John Lennon angered most of the known Christian world 
with his declaration that the Beatles were more famous than Jesus Christ, he 
has finally been forgiven. A lengthy editorial in the Vatican's daily 
newspaper, Osservatore Romano, has said that the statement was a mere "boast" 
by a young man grappling with the effects of sudden, and extreme fame. 

The Pope's representative on paper has thus, albeit 28 years too late for 
Lennon himself to hear the good news, absolved him. Hopefully, thousands of 
formerly young and frighteningly pious Americans will now feel some twinge of 
guilt about burning Beatles records in such numbers when the fuss first broke 
in 1966. 

The belated, but nevertheless welcome, blessing came in the Saturday edition of 
Osservatore Romano, which has recently had a modernising makeover. In July, it 
ran a story on another famous rock'n'roller, describing Elvis Presley as a 
"nice, sensitive young man". Now, in an article marking the 40th anniversary of 
the Beatles' White Album, the paper commented: "The remark by John Lennon... 
sounds only like a 'boast' by a young working-class Englishman faced with 
unexpected success, after growing up in the legend of Elvis and rock and roll."

Osservatore Romano, warming to its theme, concluded by saying: "The fact 
remains that 38 years after breaking up, the songs of the Lennon-McCartney 
brand have shown an extraordinary resistance to the passage of time, becoming a 
source of inspiration for more than one generation of pop musicians."

So there we have it.

The comment was made by Lennon in an interview with Maureen Cleave of the 
Evening Standard in March 1966. He said: "Christianity will go. It will vanish 
and shrink. I needn't argue about that. I'm right and I will be proved right. 
We're more popular than Jesus now. I don't know which will go first - 
rock'n'roll or Christianity." 

The storm over Lennon's quip grew when it was reprinted in an American magazine 
four months later. In Longview, Texas, there was a public burning of Beatles 
records. Radio stations across southern US states ran messages encouraging 
people to destroy their collections, while many banned the group from their 

Even the Ku Klux Klan got in on the act, organising anti-Beatles demonstrations 
where the band was denounced. When the Beatles toured the US in 1966, there 
were death threats. There was a similar stiff reaction in South Africa, with 
Beatles albums banned and, some, destroyed.

Lennon held a press conference in Chicago, but did not withdraw his comments. 
In 1969, he tried to explain them in an interview with the Canadian 
Broadcasting Corporation. He said: "It's just an expression, meaning the 
Beatles seem to me to have more influence over youth than Christ. Now I wasn't 
saying that was a good idea because I'm one of Christ's biggest fans."

Today, it seems, the feeling is at last mutual.

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