Re: [Zope-dev] Using db_connections from Zope products

2001-06-26 Thread Kent Polk

On 20 Jun 2001 11:25:01 -0500, Tom Brown wrote:
> I would like to make an SQL query directly from python
> code.  Do I have to make a 
> ZSQL Method dynamically, or is there another way
> without making the class database 
> dependent (i.e. Gadfly, PoPy, etc), utilizing an
> existing db_con?  Suppose I am using the ZPoPy DA and 
> have established a database connection externally. 
> How can I access this database 
> and submit a query from my own class?

I have a product which queries a specified database table from the
Product Class and both executes queries entirely in Python, and
builds ZSQL methods - populating them with std queries that can
then be customized.

You can directly use the database connection_id, but you will
probably want to insert :
import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
in your class and use the debugger as you go.

(I'll throw some probably bad code at you here - caveat emptor)

To start out, somewhere you will want to be able to specify the
connection id to use, such as:

  Connection Id



and in your class, somewhere, something like this:

if REQUEST and REQUEST.has_key('connection_id'):
self.connection_id = REQUEST['connection_id']

To create the zsql methods, I first have to obtain some info:

def dbquery_handle(obj, connection_id):
"""Find and return the Zope database connector query method """

database_type = ''

# Locate the Database Connector
dbc=getattr(obj, connection_id)
database_type = dbc.database_type
except AttributeError:
raise AttributeError, (
"The database connection %s cannot be found." %

# Prepare the Database Connector for a query
try: DB__=dbc()
except: raise 'Database Error', (
'%s is not connected to a database' % connection_id)

# Return the query method
return database_type, DB__.query

# There's got to be a more universal way to do this, but I don't
# know what it is
def tableexists(dbtype, dbq, tablename):
"""Query the database to see if the table exists"""
table_exists = []

if dbtype == 'MySQL':
table_show_query = 'SHOW TABLES LIKE "%s"'
meta, table_exists = dbq(table_show_query % tablename, 1)
return table_exists
except :

elif dbtype == 'Sybase':
table_show_query = "SELECT name FROM sysobjects \
WHERE id = object_id('%s')"
meta, table_exists = dbq(table_show_query % tablename, 1)
return table_exists

return table_exists


# ZSQL Method creation
def create_zsqlmethods(self, id, connection_id, properties, maketable=0):
"""Create a series of Zope SQLMethods for this table """

schema = []
tableschema = []
dbtype, dbquery = dbquery_handle(self, connection_id)
table_exists = tableexists(dbtype, dbquery, id)

... determine table schema from whatever, and instantiate the 'create'
SQL method:

create = SQL('createTable', title='',
connection_id=connection_id, arguments='',
template=table_create_query %(id, vars))

self._setObject('createTable', create)

and even create the SQL table if you need to:

if not table_exists and maketable:

etc. etc.

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Re: [Zope-dev] determining database manager type from z database connection?

2001-05-04 Thread Kent Polk

On 3 May 2001 21:15:01 -0500, Andreas Heckel wrote:
> Kent Polk wrote:
>> Is there a generic way to determine what 'brand' of database manager
>> a Zope database connection is connected to by interrogating the
>> connection object?
> ID: 
> title: 
> type:
> database_type is the 'brand' of the Zope DA. If you are connectet to a 
> PostgreSQL DB using ZPyGreSQLDA you get 'PyGreSQL'. Using ZPoPyDA it
> returns 'PoPy'. That's not exactly what you are looking for but I hope
> it helps.

Actually, that is exactly what I was looking for.

Thanks Much!

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[Zope-dev] determining database manager type from z database connection?

2001-05-03 Thread Kent Polk

Is there a generic way to determine what 'brand' of database manager
a Zope database connection is connected to by interrogating the
connection object?  I couldn't see anything in the source and I
also walked a connection object using the debugger and couldn't
locate any non-specific way to determine this, outside of triggering
an exception and observing the exception contents...

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Re: [Zope-dev] getattr'ing proxy object's methods

2001-04-13 Thread Kent Polk

On 13 Apr 2001 05:50:01 -0500, Dieter Maurer wrote:
>Kent Polk writes:
> > 
>I do not understand your goal precisely...
>However, the surrogate technique used in
>"CMFCore.DirectoryView.DirectoryView" may come near
>to your proxie objects.

I played around with that and can't quite see how to map the proxy
namespace onto the current one.

I basically want to do a dtml-with in Python for the proxy clients.

so that:

automatically adds the proxy's namespace, instead of having to do:

def Proxy(self):
"""Return the proxy associated with this object"""
return getattr(self, self.proxy_id)

__call__ is never called in this context as it's trying to locate
a method (that doesn't exist for the proxy client), so that's out.

__of__, of course probably is the key, but I can't determine how
to push the proxy's namespace onto the current call, much less be
able to do anything with it since hasattr(self, self.proxy_id)
returns 0 in the context of the __of__ call for the proxy client.
I don't understand that one since self appears to be the correct
object. I presume it has something to do with preventing recursion...

I also tried adding the proxy's namespace to the client when created,
which was quite interesting, but not quite what I had in mind. :^)

That appears to leave me with just __bobo_traverse__, which can
correctly locate the proxy object but I can't determine how I could
use it to either directly call the proxy method (can't identify
the method from inside __bobo_traverse__) or add the proxy's
namespace in the context of __bobo_traverse__.


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[Zope-dev] getattr'ing proxy object's methods

2001-04-12 Thread Kent Polk

I have a product with a proxy class for building objects which
manage data for other objects. The proxy clients locate their proxy
via meta_type, similar to a sql connection_id and use acquisition
to establish parameters for each call.  I want to pass method calls
made to the clients directly to the proxy, but in the context of
the client.

Right now, my clients have a method:

def Proxy(self):
"""Return the proxy associated with this object"""
return getattr(self, self.proxy_id)

which is used in conjunction with dtml-with to establish the

This works fine, however, I would like for the clients to automatically
pass method calls that they don't have on to the proxy. __setattr__
is not called for the proxy clients because the final URL component
specifies an acquired folder method, not the proxy client. I tried
__bobo_traverse__, but again, the final URL component is passed as
the argument instead of the method, so it's not clear exactly how
__bobo_traverse__ could make sense out of what needs to be done,
much less know what method was to have been called.

Is there a proper way to call a proxy object's method in this
context, directly in the product class, without using dtml-with?


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[Zope-dev] setattr and skinscript

2001-04-06 Thread Kent Polk

I have a Specialist which I am using to programmatically load table
data into a rack with. When I add a skinscript to query the rack,
my setattr, which is used to set the row attributes produces the
following error:

2001-04-06T22:45:03 PROBLEM(100) ZPatterns Error computing attribute SID
Traceback (innermost last):
  File /var/zope/Products/ZPatterns/, line 315, in
(Object: GAPMixin)
  File /var/zope/Products/ZPatterns/, line 122, in eval
  File --/DocumentTemplate/, line 334, in eval
(Object: SQL_getTable ( entry_id = self . id  ))
(Info: self)
  File , line 0, in ?
  File --/DocumentTemplate/, line 138, in careful_getattr
  File /var/zope/Products/ZPatterns/, line 53, in validate
  File --/AccessControl/, line 144, in validate
  File --/AccessControl/,
line 168, in validate
Unauthorized: id

my skinscript currently only has the SQL_getTable() method referenced
and it appears that the rack is atempting to obtain the current
value for the attributes I am attempting to set in the rack item,
and I have only just created the item so none are there.

1) Is there a way to override the skinscript attempting to access
the item's attributes when I am attempting to set them?

barring that,

2) How do I otherwise deal with the skinscript attempting to access
the attributes?

If I don't provide the skinscript, I can set the item's attributes
just fine directly in the rack. Is there another way that I am
supposed to be setting row (item) attributes than using setattr()
for a ZPatterns rack?


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[Zope-dev] More ZPatterns confusion

2000-12-01 Thread Kent Polk

I have a persistent object class I'm trying to model in ZPatterns.

MasterRack Class:

A physical Master Rack is composed of 96 tubes of DNA, one tube
per DNA sample, organized by families.

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[Zope-dev] SybaseDAv2

2000-10-06 Thread Kent Polk

(anyone else using the SybaseDAv2 Database Connector?)

I had to make a couple of changes to the source for SybaseDAv2 for
Solaris and will probably report them, but I was wondering exactly
how to make a database connection with SybaseDAv2? How is the
datasource specified, etc.? Is there any documentation on this?

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[Zope-Dev] Re: 'REQUEST' lost on DTML rendering

2000-10-03 Thread Kent Polk

On 28 Sep 2000 17:00:32 GMT, Kent Polk wrote:
>I have a Product which works fine under Zope 2.1.6 but am having
>trouble moving it to 2.2.1
>This product creates temporary instances of objects and then uses
>__bobo_traverse__ to traverse class operators specified in the URL
>which create the objects that are rendered via DTML methods.
>The very first time one of these objects is called (after tehe
>server is started), all works fine.  With all subsequest calls,
>the DTML methods which render the results cannot locate the REQUEST
>dictionary anymore. My class methods can still see the REQUEST
>dictionary just fine with every call, but REQUEST apparently gets
>lost between when the bobo_traverse returns and when the DTML
>renderer starts.  (and yes, this all worked fine prior to 2.2x :^)
>I'm stumped. How could the REQUEST object get passed the first time
>to the DTML renderer and never thereafter?
>What changed thereabouts?

This falls under the category:
  'Be careful what you ask for. You may just get your wish' 

I finally realized that this behavior is because the getattr
behavior that I was lobbying for about a year and a half ago has
at least been partially implemented! (concerning what sorts of
requests are transacted and some other issues).  I figured my
application was just too far out in left field for Zope and gave
up on it about a year ago. The description of the getattr changes
I read didn't seem to indicate these types of changes were made.
Maybe I missed the crucial parts though.

Is there a detailed discussion of the changes made to getattr
behavior anywhere? I plowed around and couldn't find one.


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[Zope-dev] 'REQUEST' lost on DTML rendering

2000-09-28 Thread Kent Polk

I have a Product which works fine under Zope 2.1.6 but am having
trouble moving it to 2.2.1

This product creates temporary instances of objects and then uses
__bobo_traverse__ to traverse class operators specified in the URL
which create the objects that are rendered via DTML methods.

The very first time one of these objects is called (after tehe
server is started), all works fine.  With all subsequest calls,
the DTML methods which render the results cannot locate the REQUEST
dictionary anymore. My class methods can still see the REQUEST
dictionary just fine with every call, but REQUEST apparently gets
lost between when the bobo_traverse returns and when the DTML
renderer starts.  (and yes, this all worked fine prior to 2.2x :^)

I'm stumped. How could the REQUEST object get passed the first time
to the DTML renderer and never thereafter?

What changed thereabouts?


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Re: [Zope-dev] ZServer and ftp port-1 data channel

2000-09-26 Thread Kent Polk

On 26 Sep 2000 12:50:00 -0500, Shane Hathaway wrote:
>Here's what Sam Rushing told me regarding this issue.
>Shane Hathaway writes:
> > I hear that you have found a way to get Medusa to use the correct
> > in active mode FTP.  This could be a great benefit to the Zope
> > community.  Anything you have (diffs, modified files, or any kind of
> > info) on the subject would be very much appreciated.
(Sam writes:)

>See the 'bind_local_minus_one' variable of the ftp_channel class.
>This should be checked into the medusa cvs, but I'll attach a copy as
>/* According to one expert, the very nature of the FTP protocol,
> * and it's multiple data-connections creates problems with
> * "rapid-fire" connections (transfering lots of files) causing
> * an eventual "Address already in use" error.  As a result, this
> * nasty kludge retries ten times (once per second) if the
> * port being bound to is INPORT_ANY)
> */

This does not occur just during 'rapid-fire connections'. AFAI can
tell, it *always* fails to bind to port 20 in this case. So I don't
think this is the problem.

Back to my question - Why would a port 20 bind() lock up the medusa
process when absolutely no other transaction is transpiring on the
server? Under what condidtions woudla bind() simply stop? - not
fail, just fail to return from the bind() call?

>In other words, it's just bound to fail.  A forking server can afford
>this sort of persistence, but in medusa I think it'd be overkill; I'd
>have to set up event timers, an object to maintain the retry state,
>etc [this alone it might add 50% to the size of]
>I'd have to agree with Sam, it's just not worth the effort.

So you are saying ZServer just isn't ever going to support Active
ftp clients in the correct port-1 manner?  If so, you might want
to put a LARGE BANNER disclaimer about this matter as this makes
ZServer unusable from most ftp clients that try to access it from
behind standard a firewall.  (And yes, on checking, it appears that
the only OSes we could locate that come with a passive ftp client
by default are the BSD's).

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[Zope-dev] ZServer and ftp port-1 data channel

2000-09-26 Thread Kent Polk

It appears we still have a problem with ZServer's port 20 data
channel response behavior with the latest released Zope (Zope 2.2.1
(source release, python 1.5.2, linux2) and Active Mode ftp clients.

In particular, when you select the port-1 behavior, medusa can't
seem to bind to port 20 when port 21 command channel is specified.

"" line 278:
if self.bind_local_minus_one:
cdc.bind (('', self.server.port - 1))

After verifying that self.server.port - 1 = 20, the current behavior
is that medusa simply hangs at the bind statement. If there was a
permissions problem my understanding (and experience) is that one
would receive:

 socket.error: (13, 'Permission denied')

and not a process hang.  Any idea why medusa simply hangs on the
attempted bind?


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Re: [Zope-dev] remote procedure calls to manage functions

2000-08-15 Thread Kent Polk

On 10 Aug 2000 08:10:01 -0500, Jim Fulton wrote:
>Michel Pelletier wrote:
>> Jim Fulton wrote:
>> > Michel Pelletier wrote:
>> > >  Also, ZClient
>> > > is much faster i've found, probably due to the marshalling/unmarshalling
>> > > necessary for xml-rpc.
>> >
>> > That's interesting..Hm.  ZClient has to marshal.  I suspect that
>> > xml-rpc wants some sort of optimization.
>> I made a test script to make about 300 xmlrpc calls to various manage_
>> methods.  I had to kill it after about a half-hour cuz it was takin so
>> long. 
>This sounds pretty fishy. Are you saying that you made less than
>300 calls in half an hour? This doesn't seem right at all.

I'm probably way off base here, but I use xml-rpc to transfer
records to a Zope-based application from a bunch of Macs attached
to ABI gene sequencers. The data is simple lists of lists and it
*appears* to take about 2-3 seconds for the Macs to xml-encode and
transfer the data as-is, but it takes typically *3 minutes* for
the xmlrpc server to decode and rebuild the table data. This is
for about 6000 records representing about 200k of text data (Sun
Ultra 5 server). However, if I simply build a string representation
of the table data, it takes about 3-4 seconds for the client to
stringify, transfer the string data, and the server to reconstruct
the table. Guess which method I use?

The tests I ran using a SAX-based parser show it might parse and
rebuild the data at least 50x faster than the current Python-only

Now maybe something else is going on wrt manage* methods and xmlrpc,
(I'm using external methods for managing the data transfer and am
not storing the raw data in the Zope database), but my external
methods-based calls rip along at a pretty good clip as long as I
convert the data to a (few) string(s) before sending.

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Re: [Zope-dev] XML to SQL or XML into tables

2000-05-24 Thread Kent Polk

On 24 May 2000 07:20:00 -0500, Thomas Weholt wrote:
>Has anybody tried to somehow get xml-data into SQL-statements or in some
>other way use xml-data as datasource for insertion into tables?
>It shouldn`t be impossible, if we could just agree on some format or DTD to

I'm headed that way - I'm planning on using XML-RPC to insert table
records into an SQL database. I have the client stuff written -
creates the XML files with the data the way I need it.  I've written
an xml.sax parser to parse the table records. It works great :^)
What different paths are currently available via Zope to parse my
XML files for insertion into an SQL database?

Currently, my sax parser identifies the database and builds a
dictionary of tables, with a list of dictionaries which represent
the table records to insert. Right now I have all level 1 tags
representing tables with level 2 tags representing the records.
Record attributes and tag levels beyond the record level are used
to create the record dictionary.  I'm basically using the W3C
recommendations for representing a simple relational database.

There might be some value in using the tags to indicate structure
and the attributes to indicate data, but I'm not sure that level
of complexity is needed. Seems to me that a simple well-behaved
XML file could suffice. I think there is value in using specific
tags and attributes to identify databases and tables, but beyond
that why not just use tags to represent the data? table names are
tags, their attributes, tags and and data are the record data.

Since each table record needs to have a column name associated with
it (to build a record dictionary), that would seem to allow only
attributes and subtags (with their data), not data directly.  I'm
wondering why not just use attributes to describe the record data
unless it's a blob or such that is easier to handle with a tag?

>Any thoughts? I know this could at least sort out alot of troubles I`m
>having right now getting data from external sources into Zope.
>I`m going to try and make a product or a method etc. that uses xmllib doing
>this, but if anybody has done it allready I`d be very happy do "abuse" their
>effort. :->

If the XML data isn't significantly large, I would consider leaving
it as XML in the database and just query it.  This looks like an
excellent job for Racks and Predicates. :^)

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Re: [Zope-dev] ZServer Ftp Active mode through firewall

2000-05-19 Thread Kent Polk

Shane Hathaway wrote:
> I did some research into this today.  Note that this is actually a
> problem with the Medusa server used by Zope.


> 3) The only remaining solution would be to bind to the data port at
> startup.  However, the accept() call and the connect() call have a very
> subtle difference: accept() creates a new socket, while connect() uses
> the socket already created.  So it would be possible to use that socket
> once but it would be necessary to close it at the end of the transfer,
> leaving subsequent connections in the same situation as before.  If
> connect() created a new socket instead, Medusa would work much better
> and I bet wu-ftpd could be less convoluted.  I don't think there is any
> alternative to connect().


> I'm sorry I don't have a better answer for you.  I really thought we
> could solve this.  I'm surprised the proxy acted so strangely for
> you--there's no reason why it should be dealing with user permissions,
> etc.; it should only pass the data from the client to the server (with
> minor re-parsing along the way).  Perhaps a different proxy will work
> better.

Part of the problme is that we need to be able to set different
'anonymous' roles based on where one comes from. This is supported
by wuftpd and by Zope. When you pass everything through a proxy on
the zope server host however, that capability is destroyed as the
proxy is now the only client. We tried having the proxy set usernames,
but then we need two users for each role; one for http and one for
ftp. And we will have to rewrite the proxy code to send remapped
usernames in a fashion that Zope can comprehend, as the current
proxy name remapping doesn't work with Zope. Couple these problems
with having to keep two different authentication schemes synced
leads us off a cliff very quickly.

>From the number of messages I located on the net regarding this
issue it is clear that a number of people have tried this and
failed, not discovering the true cause of the problem. The use of
firewalls is quickly increasing and the problem will only get worse.
Have you considered a C shared module to handle the seteuid issue?
Maybe an option for those who really need it? Import only when
permissions indicate that seteuid is to be used?


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Re: [Zope-dev] ZServer Ftp Active mode through firewall

2000-05-18 Thread Kent Polk

Shane Hathaway wrote:
> Kent Polk wrote:
> > If we could simply solve this problem by replacing our active ftp
> > clients with passive ones, it would be great, but it still doesn't
> > solve the problem of clients *elsewhere* which are running behind
> > a firewall and attempting to contact our server...
> One possible way to solve this is to use an FTP proxy.  A quick search
> at yielded:

Now this gets really convoluted... :^( We have it up and running,
but user/permissions/role translation quickly turns into a really
bad nightmare.

Why can't root launch ZServer and have port 20 permissions? jftpgw
has to do that to have active ftp work anyway. Why add yet another
Point of Entry/Confusion? As I mentioned earlier, why not have it
respond on port 20 if it has permissions, otherwise respond via
high port#??

What am I missing here?

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Re: [Zope-dev] ZServer Ftp Active mode through firewall

2000-05-18 Thread Kent Polk

On 18 May 2000 08:45:02 -0500, Shane Hathaway wrote:
>If possible, I'd like you to check whether the FTP server is trying to
>make the connection from a port other than 20.  Then try out a

Ahhh! figured it out...

1) ZServer passive mode appears correct.
2) ZServer active mode responds on the *wrong port number*

Active mode is supposed to respond from port 20 for the data port
but ZServer is using a high port number, similar to passive mode.
Passive mode succeeds because the firewall allows outgoing high
port#'s, but blocks incoming high port#'s unless it sees a port 20
response from the outside server.

Active mode observed behavior with ZServer :
- client connects to server port 21, requests (high#) data port
- server responds from server high p# to client data port
- client receives data port response (unless firewall blocks)

>different FTP server that is working through the firewall (on active
>mode connections) and see if it connects from port 20.  If so, we have

Active mode observed behavior with WUFTP server :
- client connects to server port 21, requests (high#) data port
- server responds from server port 20 to client data port
- (firewall recognizes port 20 response, enables data port)
- client receives data port response

(Note that wuftpd runs as root...)

>found the problem.  The solution is not obvious to me, however,
>considering the restriction of allocation of ports below 1024. 

Exactly.  If ZServer isn't running with root privs, it *can't*
respond on port 20.

>Guidance is welcome...

What might be the recommended procedure to allow ZServer to open
port 20? Possibly detect if running with root privs and use port
20 instead of high port# for active mode?

If we could simply solve this problem by replacing our active ftp
clients with passive ones, it would be great, but it still doesn't
solve the problem of clients *elsewhere* which are running behind
a firewall and attempting to contact our server...

And here I thought active ftp clients had gone by the wayside years
ago, considering the problem they have with firewalls... Solaris,
RedHat, and NT still have active ftp clients by default, which are
the main clients boxes which will be hitting the server.

Thanks Much!

Zope-Dev maillist  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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[Zope-dev] ZServer Ftp Active mode through firewall

2000-05-17 Thread Kent Polk

I believe we discovered a problem with ZServer's ftp server.
(Zope 2.1.6)

I posted the following to the collector:

Has anyone else seen this problem? :

It appears that ZServer's active ftp mode may be broken, but probably 
is only noticed when used in conjunction with a firewall.  Ftp 
Passive mode operates as expected and active mode operates as long
as there is no firewall. 

Observations (Active mode):
- client connects, instructs server regarding data port to use.
- server appears to never send port 20 reply to client, which is
  required by the firewall to know that the data port needs to be
- client waits on data port. If no firewall, the connection is
  made. If firewall is blocking high port numbers, the firewall 
  never is instructed to open the data port which is indicated by 
  the server port 20 response (that is never sent), so no connection
  is made.

I saw a number of discussions regarding this topic that indicated
that improper DNS configuration was causing the problem. However,
this is not the problem in our case. We first noticed that all
passive (PASV) mode ftp clients worked correctly, then noticed that
all ftp clients on the same subnet or outside the firewall worked
correctly, then noticed that active clients inside the firewall
were never receiving the port 20 response and that the firewall
was blocking the data port from the server.


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