Re: [agi] Intelligence by definition

2003-01-04 Thread Boris Kazachenko
Yes, if you have a huge amount of space and time resources available, you can start your system with a blank slate -- nothing but a very simple learning algorithm, and let it learn how to learn, learn how to structure its memory, etc. etc. etc.   This is pretty much what OOPS does, and what

RE: [agi] Intelligence by definition

2003-01-03 Thread Ben Goertzel
 ***  Well, in Novamente we are not coding *specific knowledge* that is learnable... but we are coding implicit knowledge as to what sorts of learning processes are most useful in which specialized subdomains...  ---    I don't know, from where I sit this distinction is artificial. Lear

Re: [agi] Intelligence by definition

2003-01-03 Thread Boris Kazachenko
Well, in Novamente we are not coding *specific knowledge* that is learnable... but we are coding implicit knowledge as to what sorts of learning processes are most useful in which specialized subdomains... *** I don't know, from where I sit this distinction is artificial. Learning is general

Re: [agi] Intelligence by definition

2003-01-03 Thread RSbriggs
>>  Well, in Novamente we are not coding *specific knowledge* that is learnable... but we are coding implicit knowledge as to what sorts of learning processes are most useful in which specialized subdomains... << I'm reminded of an AI pioneer who once commented on this same situation - he closed h

RE: [agi] Intelligence by definition

2003-01-03 Thread Ben Goertzel
  hi,   ***  It seems to me that conceptual difference between vision & language is in the level of generalization, aside from different sensor/actuator orientation. Social Interaction? Once you start coding things that are learnable, where do you stop before ending up with just another exper

Re: [agi] Intelligence by definition

2003-01-03 Thread Boris Kazachenko
Thanks for your comments!   I like to distinguish between *functional specialization* and *integrated cognition*   Novamente (my own AI system) has a mix of cognitive algorithms, which work together to provide overall cognitive functionality.  The exact mixture of algorithms is determined by

RE: [agi] Intelligence by definition

2003-01-03 Thread Ben Goertzel
  Hi,   You  make a lot of different points... I'll just grab one for the moment *** I don't believe in combining different methods because cognition deals with the unknown, - we can't a priori split it into different areas, except to the extent that they're sensor/hardware specific,