What makes me think these two jokers (Negri and Hardt) went back to
1993 in order to find sufficient inspiration to finish off their
3-book contract with Harvard Univ. Press? Their sustained line of
thought and argument is now FINISHED. Onwards to the commonwealth.
Pres. Obama is the messiah. The
And Zizek is in the midst of all this too. I don't think the Z man
answers the question about 'deterritorialization', but it seems to me
to be a concept borrowed from Deleuze and Guattari. I do agree with
him on some points, and then find him maddeningly reactionary on
others. But the dude is popul
The concept appears to have been deterritorialized! But even without
proper reference, I believe Negri and Hardt were using the terms as
derived from D&G's concept.
Deterritorialization is a concept created by Gilles Deleuze
As trivial as I find all this stuff, I find that sometimes Zizek hits the mark,
though his specific insights never add up to a comprehensive picture.
The only thing I really dislike in this extract is his charitable remarks about
Islam. He is, though, quite correct about this:
" With the dyna
Original Message
Subject:Fwd: Important campaign of solidarity with the comrades tried
in Barcelona // Importante campaña de solidaridad con los camaradas
juzgados en Barelona
Date: Mon, 15 Mar 2010 20:44:47 +0530 (IST)
From: editor_rev...@indiatimes.com
I'm not sure how generous Zizek is with Islam--or how deep his understanding.
The Islam, Christianity and Judaism that we have to deal with in this
world all developed in the Middle Ages. C and J largely
'deterritorialized' to Europe--C. to both W. and E. Europe. J. largely
to E. Europe, in terms o