My dad and I birded the sod farms around Riverhead this morning.

On our way to Riverhead, we stopped in Eastport.  A single American Golden Plover was on the field near the intersection of Eastport-Manor Rd and Head-of-the-Neck Rd.

Shortly after arriving at Osborn Avenue, we along with Bob Adamo and Diana Teta were treated to an Upland Sandpiper that flew over the fields, heading west.  After a bit, we located the continuing juvenile Baird's Sandpiper with a group of Least Sandpipers.  The Baird's was still on this field when we rechecked it around 10:45.

A bit later, while continuing our check of the fields, we ran into Doug Futuyma scoping a large group of Golden Plovers south of Sound Ave., just east of the Roanoke Vineyards.  There were 61 in this flock along with a single Black-bellied Plover.

Good birding,
Michael McBrien

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