[R] getting the exact p value

2010-12-06 Thread kayj
I was wondering if there is a way to get an exact p-value at times where R gives me just a range . for example t.test(x,y) p-value < 2.2e-16 thanks, -- View this message in context: http://r.789695.n4.nabble.com/getting-the-exact-p-value-tp3075107p3075107.html Sent from the R help mailing l

[R] error with bitmap, please help

2010-08-19 Thread kayj
Hi All I still have a problem with “bitmap” function in R, I have downloaded ghostscript 8.71 and added the path to the executable to the path environment variable, by going to the control panel , system, advanced system settings, added C:\Program Files(x86)\gs\gs8.71\bin to the path variable.

[R] error with bitmap

2010-08-18 Thread kayj
Hi All I still have a problem with “bitmap” function in R, I have downloaded ghostscript 8.71 and added the path to the executable to the path environment variable, by going to the control panel , system, advanced system settings, added C:\Program Files(x86)\gs\gs8.71\bin to the path variable. I

Re: [R] problem with Bitmap

2010-08-11 Thread kayj
Hi, if I use the jpeg driver directly like one <- read.table("sample.txt",sep="\t") jpeg(file="sample.JPG) plot(V2 ~ V1,one) and it did not plot anything! why is that? the version of ghostscript that I installed i from the following link http://pages.cs.wisc.edu/~ghost/doc/GPL/gpl871.htm

[R] problem with Bitmap

2010-08-10 Thread kayj
Hi All, I am trying to run the following script but I am getting and error message one=read.table("sample.txt",sep="\t") bitmap(file="sample.JPG",type="jpeg",width=5,height=5,res=300,pointsize=10) “Error in (st + 1):(en - 1) : argument of length 0” plot(one$V1,one$V2) I tried to google the error

[R] help splitting a data frame

2010-07-29 Thread kayj
Hi All, I have a dataset that I would like to split based on : or – ( the data file is tab delimited) for example: Ny:23-45AC BA:88-91DB KJ:21-13PA And I would like the data to be splitted and the final results look like NY 23 45 AC BA 88 91

[R] having more than one plot in one figure

2010-04-20 Thread kayj
Hi All, I have been trying to plot multiple line plots with different colors on one figure. in my example below I was able to plot cat vs num1 as a dot plot connected with lines but was not able to do that for cat vs num2 and I do not know how to add the third plot cat vs num3. below is my code

[R] dot plot

2010-03-30 Thread kayj
Hi All, I need to make a dot plot where the points of the plot are connected with lines.is the possible to do in R? Also, I do nto know how to combine two plots into one plot? thanks and I appreciate your help -- View this message in context: http://n4.nabble.com/dot-plot-tp1745415p1745415.ht

Re: [R] using grep

2010-02-26 Thread kayj
Hi , I have tried gsub(".*York(\\d+).*", "\\1", grep("New York", x, value = TRUE)) and outputs "P New York722AZ" "K New York20" but that is not what i want, I want the output to be 722,20 -- View this message in context: http://n4.nabble.com/using-grep-tp1571102p1571251.html Sent fro

[R] using grep

2010-02-26 Thread kayj
Hi All, I have a character vector with naems of cities in the us. I need to extract the number that appear after the word "New York", for example, x<-c("P Los Angeles44AZ", "P New York722AZ", "K New York20") I want the results to be 722, 20 cab I use the grep function, if so how? I apprecia

[R] how to rest the variables

2010-02-09 Thread kayj
Hi , I have several commands that I want to run, I was wondering if there is an easy way to reset my variables before the start of each run for ( i in 1:200){ reset the variables run the commands } My solution right now is to set all my vectors to 0 and my data frames to NULL after the start o

Re: [R] performing the same commands on two different data sets

2010-02-09 Thread kayj
thank you all for your help, the get() function worked perfectly. -- View this message in context: http://n4.nabble.com/performing-the-same-commands-on-two-different-data-sets-tp1474452p1474515.html Sent from the R help mailing list archive at Nabble.com. __

[R] performing the same commands on two different data sets

2010-02-09 Thread kayj
Hi All, I would like to perform the same set of commands on the two different sets. I would to avoid writing the same set of command twice so I was wondering if there is an smart way to do this. I was thinking to use a loop as follows Data<-read.table(file=”data.txt”, header=T, sep=’\t’) D1<-Da

[R] regression with categorial variables

2010-01-29 Thread kayj
Hi All, I am working on an example where the electric utility is investigating the effect of size of household and the type of air conditioning on electricity consumption. I fit a multiple linear regression Electricity consumption=size of the house hold + air conditioning type There are 3 air

[R] problems saving an mpfr object into a file

2010-01-26 Thread kayj
Hi All, I have a problem cbind two vectors one is a numeric and the other is an mpfr object and then saving the result into a .csv file. I am unable to save the mpfr vector into .csv file . here is the error that I get Error in as.data.frame.default(x[[i]], optional = TRUE) : cannot coerce c

Re: [R] problem with the precision of numbers

2010-01-25 Thread kayj
Hi All, thank you all for your help. I have tried Bill's script and it works! so I am trying to think what was the problem and it looks like it i sthe precision. so you defined a function of the precision and evaluates at precision=500. Bill, I was wondering how did you choose 500? is it arbitrar

[R] problem with the precision of numbers

2010-01-24 Thread kayj
Hi All, I was wondering if R can deal with high precsion numbers, below is an example that I tried on using R and Maple where I got different results. I was not able to use the r-bc package in R, instead I used the Rmpfr package, below are both R and Maple results > library(Rmpfr) > > s<-mpfr

Re: [R] problems using the bc package

2010-01-24 Thread kayj
I have tried to redownload the zipped folder form the following link http://code.google.com/p/r-bc/downloads/list , windows is not giving me a permission to extract the files.did anyone try it? -- View this message in context: http://n4.nabble.com/problems-using-the-bc-package-tp1288765p128880

[R] problems using the bc package

2010-01-24 Thread kayj
Hi All, I am hoping that someone have an answer for this. I have downloaded the bc package form the following link http://code.google.com/p/r-bc/ from "on windows" and saved the file under R/library I am using R form windows vista, when I open R, bc does not appear under load packages. I have

Re: [R] problem with the precision of numbers

2010-01-19 Thread kayj
Hi , Thanks for your help, I have been trying to use the bc package but I am getting the following error "Error in system(cmd, input = input, intern = TRUE) : -l not found" any idea?? -- View this message in context: http://n4.nabble.com/problem-with-the-precision-of-numbers-tp1017727p10179

[R] problem with the precision of numbers

2010-01-19 Thread kayj
Hi All, I was wodering if it is possible to increase the precision using R. I ran the script below in R and MAPLE and I got different results when k is large. Any idea how to fix this problem? thanks for your help for (k in 0:2000){ s=0 for(i in 0:k){ s=s+((-1)^i)*3456*(1+i*1/2000)^3000 } }

[R] high precision numbers

2010-01-18 Thread kayj
Hi All, I need to sum a large number of extremely small numbers. These small number are a result of an expression that I wrote using R but the sum of these numbers is incorrect because the numbers perhaps get truncated. How van I make sure that R us summing the numbers without rounding or trunca

[R] Principal component

2009-12-18 Thread kayj
Hi All, I have a quick question regarding Principal component. I ran principal components on two data sets cases and controls. I am interested in knowing if there is a significant difference between the cases and the controls, I was wondering if there is a test that test if there is a significan

[R] write.csv and col.names=F

2009-12-17 Thread kayj
Hi All, I always have a problem with write.csv when I want the column names to be ignored, when I specify col.names=F, I get a header of V1 V2 V3 V4 etc. for example I tried write.csv(mydata, file="data.csv", quote=FALSE, row.names=F, col.names=F) Warning message: In write.csv(mydata, file = "

[R] How to run several scripts?

2009-12-17 Thread kayj
Hi All, I am a windows user and I would like to run several R scripts one after the other, I was wondering if that is possible to do on windows instead of clicking on each script to run it. Thanks -- View this message in context: http://n4.nabble.com/How-to-run-several-scripts-tp972862p97286

[R] How to extract names from a vector

2009-10-06 Thread kayj
Hi All, I have a character vector of length=700. The vector contains names and I want to extract the names that contain the number 101. The number 101 could be anywhere within the name. what is the best way to do this? -- View this message in context: http://www.nabble.com/How-to-extract-n

[R] box plot

2009-10-05 Thread kayj
Hi All, I was wondering if if it is possible to change the font style and the font size for x labels, y labels and the main title for a box plot? Thanks -- View this message in context: http://www.nabble.com/box-plot-tp25752195p25752195.html Sent from the R help mailing list archive at Nabble.

[R] cdplot????

2009-10-01 Thread kayj
I am having difficulties interpreting a cdplot, I have a binary variable y that I want to cdplot against a continuous variable x,below is the R command cdplot(y~x, data=mydata) you get a plot with a dark shaded area and a light shaded area. what do these areas mean? and how to interpret the p

[R] how to merge the fitted values from a linear model?

2009-09-01 Thread kayj
Hi All, I would like to run a linear model where the response is the duration of relief in days and the regressor is the drug dosage in mg. Then I would like compute the predicted values of the duration of relief from the model and merge it into the original data. I am not sure how the merge happ

[R] problem with the legend when having two plots

2009-06-11 Thread kayj
I am trying to plot survival curves and here is the code plot(survfit(Surv(days,status)~group, data=g3), lty=1:2, mark.time=F, ylab="Probability", xlab="Suvival Time in Month") legend(10, 0.2,legend=c("Control","RIT"), lty=c(2,1), title="Hormonal Therapy", bty="n") I will get two survival plot

[R] problem with cbind

2009-05-27 Thread kayj
Hi All, I have a file with two columns, the first column has the names of the patients and the second column has the age. I am looking into creating an output file that looks like 1-1010-20etc EricChris Bob mat Andrew Suzan Where each column has the nam

[R] Append to a csv file

2009-04-20 Thread kayj
I am looping over a data set and at each loop I am creating a dataframe “mydata” That I wanted to be saves in a .csv file, but I want all the results to be saved in the same file and this is the way I do it write.csv(mydata, file= “data.csv”=F, append=T) . the csv file looks fine but I always get

[R] F test

2009-04-16 Thread kayj
Hi, How can I find the p-value for the F test for the interaction terms in a regression linear model lm ? I appreciate your help -- View this message in context: http://www.nabble.com/F-test-tp23078122p23078122.html Sent from the R help mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

[R] re siduals

2009-04-09 Thread kayj
Hi All, I am trying to fit a linear regression between the tool speed and the tool type ( type A, Type B , Type C) where the response is the tool speed and the regressor is the tool type. I introduced two dummy variables X1 and X2 as follows X1 X2 Tool A 0 0 Tool B 0 1 To

[R] missings

2009-03-05 Thread kayj
I have a file where the missings are coded as NA or blank. how can I tell R to read the data set and to consider the missings NA or a blank. I tried the following data<-read.table("data.txt", sep='\t', header=T, na.strings=c("NA","")) is it correct? I am new to R and I am not sure if R is con


2009-03-05 Thread kayj
Hi All, I have about one hundred patients and all the patients had their glucose measured on three different days. The days are all the same for all he patients. So I have three measurement for each patient . I want to know whether the day when the glucose was measured has an effect on the measu

[R] QQplot

2009-03-02 Thread kayj
Hi All, this might be an easy question but I do not know how to find R-squared for a QQplot when doing linear regression? -- View this message in context: http://www.nabble.com/QQplot-tp22288218p22288218.html Sent from the R help mailing list archive at Nabble.com. _

Re: [R] printing out the summary for lm into a txt file

2009-02-17 Thread kayj
t; data.frame, "data"? Have you tested this loop without the sink's to > see if it produces anything meaningful? > > Once you test the process, then issue the sink(filename, append=TRUE) > once, before the loop, do your analyses in the loop, and then close > with sink(

Re: [R] printing out the summary for lm into a txt file

2009-02-17 Thread kayj
; 801.408.8111 > > >> -Original Message- >> From: r-help-boun...@r-project.org [mailto:r-help-boun...@r- >> project.org] On Behalf Of kayj >> Sent: Tuesday, February 17, 2009 10:52 AM >> To: r-help@r-project.org >> Subject: [R] printing out the

[R] printing out the summary for lm into a txt file

2009-02-17 Thread kayj
Hi All, I am trying to run several linear regressions and print out the summay and the anova reslts on the top of each other for each model. Below is a sample progarm that did not work. is it possible to print the anova below the summary of lm in one file? thanks for your help #

[R] Linear model

2009-02-11 Thread kayj
I want to know how accurate are the p-values when you do linear regression in R? I was looking at the variable x3 and the t=10.843 and the corresponding p-value=2e-16 which is the same p-value for the intercept where the t-value for the intercept is 48.402. I tried to calculate the p-value in R

[R] ifelse()

2009-02-10 Thread kayj
I have a problem with ifelse(), I do not understand how it works. > X<-c(2,2,1,1,0,0) > str(X) num [1:6] 2 2 1 1 0 0 > Y<-ifelse(X>0,1,0) > Y [1] 1 1 1 1 0 0 > Can some one explain what is going on, I do not understand what ifelse is doing in this case. Can someone explain the output Y. Thank

[R] ifelse()

2009-02-10 Thread kayj
I have a problem with ifelse(), I do not understand how it works. > X<-c(2,2,1,1,0,0) > str(X) num [1:6] 2 2 1 1 0 0 > Y<-ifelse(X>0,1,0) > Y [1] 1 1 1 1 0 0 > Can some one explain what is going on, I do not understand what ifelse is doing in this case. Can someone explain the output Y. Thank

[R] How to split a character vector into 3 vectors

2009-02-10 Thread kayj
Hi , Does any one know how to split a character vector , I have a vector X that looks like this and each row has 3 characters X ASK DGH ASG AUJ FRT I would like to split the vector into 3 vectors that look like this X1 X2 X3 A S K D G H A S G A

Re: [R] factor

2009-02-04 Thread kayj
l[3,1],l[2,1],l[1,1])) and that did not work, how can I use variables to create a vector? kayj wrote: > > I am looking into change the numeric order in the level of the factor > >> x<-c("A","B","C") >> fx<-factor(x) >> fx > [1

[R] factor

2009-02-03 Thread kayj
I am looking into change the numeric order in the level of the factor > x<-c("A","B","C") > fx<-factor(x) > fx [1] A B C Levels: A B C > factor(x) [1] A B C Levels: A B C > as.numeric(fx) [1] 1 2 3 I want to change the order of the numeric into 3 corresponds to “A” level, 2 corresponds to “B”

[R] filling blanks with NA

2009-01-21 Thread kayj
Hi, I do have a data set with some missing values that appear as blanks. I want to fill these blanks with an NA. How can this be done? Thanks for your help -- View this message in context: http://www.nabble.com/filling-blanks-with-NA-tp21584278p21584278.html Sent from the R help mailing list

[R] breaking a loop in R

2009-01-06 Thread kayj
Hi All, I was wondering if there is anything that breaks a loop in R. For example, For (k in 1:100) For ( i in 1:10){ If ( condition ){ Break the inner loop } } } In the above case, if the program runs the if statement, then I want the inner loop for (i in 1:10) to stop looping and skip t

[R] prblem with NA

2009-01-05 Thread kayj
Hi all I have a data set with the total number of columns =ncol, and the total number of rows=nrow. I am trying to loop over the values and id the value is less than or equal to 100 to be changed to 1. if the value is greater than 100 , to be changed to 0. if NA , let X[i,j]=NA. I ran into a pro

[R] re ading specific columns

2008-11-17 Thread kayj
I have a huge txt file and I only want to get out of it column 3 and 7. I tried to read the whole file and then extract the two columns, but I ran into a memory problem since the file is huge. Is it possible just to tell R to read these two columns without reading the whole file? Thanks -

[R] counting the number of elements in a column

2008-11-17 Thread kayj
Hi All, I have a column that contains values between 0 and 1. I would like to make a table that consists of the number of elements in each category. For example , how many elements have values between 0 and 0.1, 0.1 to 0.2, 0.2 to 0.3,etc……..0.9 to 1. Is there an easy way to do this? Thanks

Re: [R] merge

2008-10-03 Thread kayj
; On Fri, Oct 3, 2008 at 4:48 PM, kayj <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: >> >> Hi All, >> >> I want to merge file 2 into file 1 , is it possible to get the rows from >> file 2 that did not end up in the merge result? >> >> Thanks >> >> -- >>

[R] font color

2008-10-03 Thread kayj
Hi , I was wondering if we can color the font in R ? thanks -- View this message in context: http://www.nabble.com/font-color-tp19807473p19807473.html Sent from the R help mailing list archive at Nabble.com. __ R-help@r-project.org mailing list http

[R] merge

2008-10-03 Thread kayj
Hi All, I want to merge file 2 into file 1 , is it possible to get the rows from file 2 that did not end up in the merge result? Thanks -- View this message in context: http://www.nabble.com/merge-tp19805328p19805328.html Sent from the R help mailing list archive at Nabble.com. _

[R] re ading specific columns

2008-10-03 Thread kayj
I have a huge txt file and I only want to get out of it column 3 and 7. I tried to read the whole file and then extract the two columns, but I ran into a memory problem since the file is huge. Is it possible just to tell R to read these two columns without reading the whole file? Thanks --

[R] Splitting a file into multiple files based on the column name

2008-10-03 Thread kayj
Hi, I have a txt file here I want to split it into different files based on the column name if it contains a specific word or part of a word. For example, If the header looks like A001_Sick A015_SBK99_SickL913_BB I would like to split the data , one file contains the data with

[R] combning rows

2008-09-04 Thread kayj
I do have a txt file where each row is a record and the first element of each record is an id for an individual. I am looking into combing the records into one row if the id is the same and save as a txt file. Notice that the rows may not have the same length in the result file that I want to cre

[R] How to create additional columns?

2008-08-27 Thread kayj
I do have some data of dim 100*3 (i.e 100 rows and 3 columns ) stored in a txt file. I want to read the data into R, Perform the same operation in each row and store the result in a forth column( that I should create). I do not know how I can create a forth column to store the result of the ope

[R] I need to change from character to numeric?

2008-08-27 Thread kayj
Hi, I am reading numeric data as below but the problem is the object ndata1 and nd1 have characters instead of numeric values. I want to keep it as numeric. Why the type has changed from numeric to character and how to avoid this problem? rdata1<- read.table(file="data1.txt", header=F,stringsA

[R] problem with rbind

2008-08-22 Thread kayj
I am trying to use rbind to have the two data on the top of each other but I am getting an extra X on the column header and the rows are numberd , How to get rid of this problem? I appreciate your help x1<- read.table(file="data1.txt", header=T, sep="\t") x2<-read.table(file="data2.txt", head

[R] problem merging two data sets ( one with a header and one without)

2008-08-21 Thread kayj
I have two set of data, Data1 and Data2 . Data1 has a header and Data2 does not. I would like to merge the two data sets after removing some columns from data2 . I am having a problem merging so I had to write and read final data and specify the “header=F” so the merge can be done by”V1”. Is the

[R] sorting by the row names

2008-08-21 Thread kayj
is it possible to sort a file by the row names? -- View this message in context: http://www.nabble.com/sorting-by-the-row-names-tp19090189p19090189.html Sent from the R help mailing list archive at Nabble.com. __ R-help@r-project.org mailing list http

[R] barplot for a categorial variable

2008-07-30 Thread kayj
Hi all, I have data with several columns and rows. one of the column is "Type" that can be either A, B, C or D. I need to plot the "Type" variable as a bar plot where the x axis is the type A, B ,C or D and the y axis shows the percentage. I was not able to get a bar plot. it seems that I need to

[R] Linear Regression ?

2008-06-16 Thread kayj
Hi All, I have a data with 15 columns. the first 10 column are dependent(y’s) variables and the following 5 an columns are the independent variables(x’s) ( MY DATA HAS A HEADER WITH THE NAME OF THE VAIABLES). I need to apply linear regression y=a+bx where I need x to be one of the independent va

[R] problems with reading the data and merge

2008-06-05 Thread kayj
I have a problem with reading a file data.txt that has a header Each row has the individual ID and then some data that are letter and numbers such as 00 If I read the file as data<-read.table("data.txt",sep='\t', header=T) write.table(data,file="data1.txt", sep='\t', quote=F, col.names=T,

[R] merging 3 data sets at once

2008-06-04 Thread kayj
Hi All, I am looking into merging 3 data sets I know how to do that by merging data1 with data2 and then merging the result with data 3. I was wondering if it can be done all at once so I tried, M<-merge(data1,data2,data3, by=”ID”) It does not work! Any ideas? -- View this message in contex

Re: [R] merging two data sets with no column header

2008-06-04 Thread kayj
Thanks a lot for your help, I appreciate it. David Winsemius wrote: > > Thanks for your reply. > > In your last step If I create a duplicate ( two similar records ) > # create a duplicate > vv[8,1] <- 7 > vv[8,2]<-'g' > > and then I merge vv with vv2 ,both duplicates are merged. Is the

Re: [R] merge two data sets

2008-06-04 Thread kayj
since they are not in data1 , I do not want them to be in the merge result. Moshe Olshansky-2 wrote: > > Where do you want to place ID's which are in data2 but NOT in data1? > > > --- On Wed, 4/6/08, kayj <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > >> From: kayj <[EM

[R] merge two data sets

2008-06-03 Thread kayj
I would like to merge “data1 “that contains 100 unique ID’s with another data set “data 2” with 150 ID’s and the age of those individuals ( the ID in data1 is a subset of the ID in data 2) I would like to merge these data1 with data2 and have the result of the merge to have the ID ordered as in

Re: [R] merging two data sets with no column header

2008-06-03 Thread kayj
Thanks for your reply. In your last step If I create a duplicate ( two similar records ) # create a duplicate vv[8,1] <- 7 vv[8,2]<-'g' and then I merge vv with vv2 ,both duplicates are merged. Is there a way to tell R to merge only the unique records. Thanks and appreciate your help. --

[R] merging two data sets with no column header

2008-06-02 Thread kayj
I have two data sets data1 and data2 with no column names( No header). The first coluimn in both data sets represents the case ID. How can I tell R to merge the two data sets by the case ID if there is no header? Also, In data1 I have more cases and I would like the result of the merge to have al

[R] SVD on a matix

2008-05-23 Thread kayj
Hi All, I performed an svd on a matrix X and saved the first three column of the left singular matrix U. ( I assume that they correspond to the projection of the matrix on the first three eigen vectors that corresponds to the first three largest eigenvalues). I would like to know how much varian

[R] dividing the data

2008-05-23 Thread kayj
hello, I have data of individuals; with their age and other infromation. Each row corresponds to a single individual. I would like to divide the data and store them into two files. one file with people less than 50 years of age and the other with people more than 50 years of age. I am new into R

[R] SVD for a 500, 000* 500, 000 matrix (singular value decomposition)

2008-05-07 Thread kayj
Hi, I tried to run SVD on a 500,000* 500,000 matrix and i get a message that it can not allocate a vector of length 270 mb doe snayone know how to solve this problem? any ideas on other softwares where I can do this? I appreciate your help thanks -- View this message in context: http://w

[R] subtract the mean from each column

2008-04-10 Thread kayj
Hi, I am new to R an dI need some help I have a matrix of real values 100*300 and I would like to calculate the mean for each column , then for each entry in a column i need to subtract the mean so I will have a matrix where the columns have zero mean. any one know how to do that . Thanks -- V

[R] I need to buy a book in R

2008-03-03 Thread kayj
Hi All, I am a new user in R and I would like to buy a book that teaches me how to use R. In addition, I may nees to do some advanced statistical analysis. Does anyone recommend some books or websites where I can learn R. Thanks -- View this message in context: http://www.nabble.com/I-ne