Re: Issue 3866 in reviewboard: mxml source file patches fail to get applied

2015-05-07 Thread reviewboard
Updates: Status: NeedInfo Comment #1 on issue 3866 by mxml source file patches fail to get applied It would be very helpful to see the patch file in question, not just the source file. -- You received

Re: Issue 1395 in reviewboard: Exporting review comments

2015-05-07 Thread reviewboard
Comment #10 on issue 1395 by Exporting review comments We need this feature too. It will be really useful extension. -- You received this message because this project is configured to send all issue notifica

Re: Issue 3857 in reviewboard: Problem with displaying java diffs of maven projects in clearcase

2015-05-07 Thread reviewboard
Updates: Status: NeedInfo Comment #2 on issue 3857 by Problem with displaying java diffs of maven projects in clearcase Is there a reason why you discarded the above-mentioned review request? -- You recei

Re: Issue 3814 in reviewboard: AttributeError: 'Namespace' object has no attribute 'revision_range'

2015-05-07 Thread reviewboard
Updates: Status: PendingReview Owner: Labels: Component-RBTools Comment #2 on issue 3814 by AttributeError: 'Namespace' object has no attribute 'revision_range' (No comme

Re: Issue 1395 in reviewboard: Exporting review comments

2015-05-07 Thread reviewboard
Comment #11 on issue 1395 by Exporting review comments It's been 5+ years now. using Reviewboard. Thanks a lot to the developers. Unfortunately, there was no response to: ""'s question. I

Re: Issue 3866 in reviewboard: mxml source file patches fail to get applied

2015-05-07 Thread reviewboard
Comment #2 on issue 3866 by mxml source file patches fail to get applied This code is protected under license, but I can share the initial few lines if it helps. If not, I can just create a new mxml applicati

Re: Issue 3866 in reviewboard: mxml source file patches fail to get applied

2015-05-07 Thread reviewboard
Comment #3 on issue 3866 by mxml source file patches fail to get applied Hrmph, ok. I really don't know why `patch` would say that it's malformed. If you try applying that patch manually (by executing the patch c

Re: Issue 3866 in reviewboard: mxml source file patches fail to get applied

2015-05-07 Thread reviewboard
Comment #4 on issue 3866 by mxml source file patches fail to get applied Nope, fails. $ patch -p2 ZoroDebugPlayer.mxml ~/zdp.diff patching file ZoroDebugPlayer.mxml patch: malformed patch at line 5: xmlns

Re: Issue 3866 in reviewboard: mxml source file patches fail to get applied

2015-05-07 Thread reviewboard
Comment #5 on issue 3866 by mxml source file patches fail to get applied The generated diff file does not look correct. I use perforce. The edited lines are not in the patch at all. Maybe this is a p4 diff

Re: Issue 3866 in reviewboard: mxml source file patches fail to get applied

2015-05-07 Thread reviewboard
Comment #6 on issue 3866 by mxml source file patches fail to get applied You created your diff via `p4 diff`? Could you try with `rbt diff`? -- You received this message because this project is configured to send

Re: Issue 3863 in reviewboard: Web API should provide an id field for a review request's every depends_on entry

2015-05-07 Thread reviewboard
Comment #2 on issue 3863 by Web API should provide an id field for a review request's every depends_on entry Thanks for the tip, but that would still mean a big payload and a lot of processing on the server

Re: Issue 3866 in reviewboard: mxml source file patches fail to get applied

2015-05-07 Thread reviewboard
Comment #7 on issue 3866 by mxml source file patches fail to get applied I am using a post-review script built on top of RBTools. I looked in the source and the way diff is done is using the unix diff command

Re: Issue 3866 in reviewboard: mxml source file patches fail to get applied

2015-05-07 Thread reviewboard
Comment #8 on issue 3866 by mxml source file patches fail to get applied It's a bit more complex than that. We don't just shell out to diff. Rather, we use that as a base, and generate a more thorough diff that R

Re: Issue 3858 in reviewboard: rbt post --username does not always authenticate properly

2015-05-07 Thread reviewboard
Updates: Status: Fixed Comment #1 on issue 3858 by rbt post --username does not always authenticate properly The fix for this issue has landed on the release-0.7.x and master branches as commit 641950