
2021-01-20 Thread luby
陆伯鹰 中国投资有限责任公司信息技术部 电话:+86 (0)10 84096521 传真:+86 (0)10 64086851 北京市东城区朝阳门北大街1号新保利大厦8层 100010 网站:www.china-inv.cn 本邮件内容包含保密信息。如阁下并非拟发送的收件人,请您不要阅读、保存、对外 披露或复制本邮件的任何内容,或者打开本邮件的任何附件。请即回复邮件告知发件 人,并立刻将该邮件及其附件从您的电脑系统中全部删除,不胜感激。 This email message m

[SPARK SQL] How to overwrite a Hive table with spark sql (SPARK2)

2019-03-12 Thread luby
Hi, All, I need to overwrite data in a Hive table and I use the following code to do so: df = sqlContext.sql(my-spark-sql-statement); df.count df.write.format("orc").mode("overwrite").saveAsTable("foo") // I also tried 'insertInto("foo") The "df.count" shows that there are only 452 records in

The spark sql ODBC/JDBC driver that supports Kerbose delegation

2019-02-11 Thread luby
Hi, All, We want to use SPARK SQL in Tableau. But according to the https://onlinehelp.tableau.com/current/pro/desktop/en-us/examples_sparksql.htm The driver provided by Tableau doesn't suppport Kerbose delegation. Is there any SPARK SQL ODBC or JDBC driver that support Kerbose delegation? Tha

答复: Re: Re: How to get all input tables of a SPARK SQL 'select' statement

2019-01-28 Thread luby
Thank you so much. I tried your suggestion and it really works! 发件人: "Ramandeep Singh Nanda" 收件人: l...@china-inv.cn 抄送: "Shahab Yunus" , "Tomas Bartalos" , "user @spark/'user @spark'/spark users/user@spark" 日期: 2019/01/26 05:42 主题: Re: Re: How to get all input tables of a SPARK SQL 'selec

答复: Re: How to get all input tables of a SPARK SQL 'select' statement

2019-01-25 Thread luby
Hi, All, I tried the suggested approach and it works, but it requires to 'run' the SQL statement first. I just want to parse the SQL statement without running it, so I can do this in my laptop without connecting to our production environment. I tried to write a tool which uses the SqlBase.g4 b

答复: Re: How to get all input tables of a SPARK SQL 'select' statement

2019-01-24 Thread luby
Thanks all for your help. I'll try your suggestions. Thanks again :) 发件人: "Shahab Yunus" 收件人: "Ramandeep Singh Nanda" 抄送: "Tomas Bartalos" , l...@china-inv.cn, "user @spark/'user @spark'/spark users/user@spark" 日期: 2019/01/24 06:45 主题: Re: How to get all input tables of a SPARK SQL 'se

How to get all input tables of a SPARK SQL 'select' statement

2019-01-23 Thread luby
Hi, All, We need to get all input tables of several SPARK SQL 'select' statements. We can get those information of Hive SQL statements by using 'explain dependency select'. But I can't find the equivalent command for SPARK SQL. Does anyone know how to get this information of a SPARK SQL 'se

[SPARK SQL] Difference between 'Hive on spark' and Spark SQL

2018-12-19 Thread luby
Hi, All, We are starting to migrate our data to Hadoop platform in hoping to use 'Big Data' technologies to improve our business. We are new in the area and want to get some help from you. Currently all our data is put into Hive and some complicated SQL query statements are run daily. We wan

Failed to convert java.sql.Date to String

2018-11-13 Thread luby
Hi, All, I'm new to Spark SQL and just start to use it in our project. We are using spark 2. When importing data from a Hive table, I got the following error: if (assertnotnull(input[0, org.apache.spark.sql.Row, true]).isNullAt) null else staticinvoke(class org.apache.spark.unsafe.types.UTF8St

Using Spark 2.2.0 SparkSession extensions to optimize file filtering

2017-10-24 Thread Chris Luby
I have an external catalog that has additional information on my Parquet files that I want to match up with the parsed filters from the plan to prune the list of files included in the scan. I’m looking at doing this using the Spark 2.2.0 SparkSession extensions similar to the built in partition