Hi Chris,

Thanks. Oh and btw, perhaps you chaps could stop masturbating over all that stolen UR crap on youtube and show some respect. I'm guessing that for at least one of you its really not your kind of music.

Oh, and also, perhaps you'd like to return your 313 submission fee and apologise to Denise Dalphond Phd, or perhaps you'd rather just sign up for all sorts of free stuff like your yahoo mail account whilst the rest of us are actually interested in defending the politics of WWW.

Thanks Chris, and 'cheers'. A Viking word we use whilst we are celebrating after rather a lot of HEAVY drinking. :-0


On 2018-11-06 21:40, Chris Hopcroft wrote:
I've lurked on and enjoyed the 313 digest for a long time.  It's sad
that it's become the absolute pits.  Catch you later... <unsubbed>


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