(313) new podcast

2010-01-05 Thread atomly
i just recorded a set for the projektion podcast series.  it's about 2
hours and 40 minutes long and features a ton of new and unreleased
tracks from maayan nidam, john robert, wolf + lamb, atomly + matt
negative and more...  please check it out and let me know what you

direct link: http://www.projektmke.com/podcast/projektion011
more info: http://www.projektmke.com/podcast.php

:: atomly ::

[ ato...@atomly.com : www.atomly.com : http://blog.atomly.com/ ...
[ atomiq records : new york city : +1.917.442.9450 ...
[ e-mail atomly-news-subscr...@atomly.com for atomly info and updates ...

(313) NYT piece on vinyl resurgence

2009-12-08 Thread atomly

I work in Union Square-- I'm gonna have to go over to that new Best Buy
so that I can take advantage of their new Club Beats section!  Haha

Last week, that store and a new Best Buy on Union Square
installed departments, dubbed Club Beats, where customers can
test out turntables and other equipment that DJs use to mix
music. "They can spin, they can mix, they can scratch, whatever
they want to do," Mr. Sam said.

:: atomly ::

[ ato...@atomly.com : www.atomly.com : http://blog.atomly.com/ ...
[ atomiq records : new york city : +1.917.442.9450 ...
[ e-mail atomly-news-subscr...@atomly.com for atomly info and updates ...

Re: (313) Yeah, so top 100 DJ lists

2009-12-08 Thread atomly
Go Seth!

:: atomly ::

[ ato...@atomly.com : www.atomly.com : http://blog.atomly.com/ ...
[ atomiq records : new york city : +1.917.442.9450 ...
[ e-mail atomly-news-subscr...@atomly.com for atomly info and updates ...

Re: (313) Moritz in 1984

2009-12-08 Thread atomly
[Richard Hester ]
> Typical 80's video. Side/snide comment- Fehlmann still had hair... 
> Palais Schaumburg was pretty formative stuff for me back in the day. I 
> didn't know at the time that the group started off Thomas Fehlmann, 
> Moritz von Oswald, and Holger Hiller (those names were important for me 
> later), and I think also had FM Einheit for a brief time. 

According to Wikipedia:

The band was originally formed in 1980, featuring Timo Blunck,
Holger Hiller, Thomas Fehlmann, and percussionist F. M. Einheit.
The group's name stands for Das Palais Schaumburg in Bonn, the
former residence of German chancellor.

Einheit left the group, eventually to join Einst?rzende
Neubauten and was replaced by Ralf Hertwig prior to Palais
Schaumburg's first full length album Palais Schaumburg which was
produced by David Cunningham and released in 1981. Shortly after
it was released, Hiller left the band and started his solo
career. He was replaced with Moritz von Oswald and vocalist
    Walther Thielsch.

:: atomly ::

[ ato...@atomly.com : www.atomly.com : http://blog.atomly.com/ ...
[ atomiq records : new york city : +1.917.442.9450 ...
[ e-mail atomly-news-subscr...@atomly.com for atomly info and updates ...

Re: (313) Playing In China

2009-09-23 Thread atomly
[Martin Dust ]
> ja...@iridite.com wrote:
> >That's a real inverse snobbery vibe from where I'm sitting - "ex pats
> >and their rich friends" has such an air of assumption about it it's
> >just daft.
> Where China is concerned do you really think that's an assumption? It 
> may be daft/wrong but that's how I see it and it was confirmed by a 
> friend who visited last week. Maybe I am an inverted snob who can't 
> escape his working class upbringing but I know how I feel and I've done 
> my best to explain it.

Inverse snobbery to me sounds about as ridiculous a claim as "reverse
racism."  I'm with Martin here-- if he plays at a "working class" club
that's cheaper and has a more relaxed door policy, there's nothing
stopping anybody from attending.  If, on the other hand, he plays at an
exclusive club with a really high cover and an "exclusive" door policy,
that precludes a large portion of people from attending (those that
can't afford it, those that don't fit the door policy, etc.)- I can't
see how one is just as discriminatory as the other.

To take it slightly off-topic, Fugazi for years refused to play shows
unless they were all ages and cost less than $5.  As a dirty punk kid
growing up in the midwest, this was pretty much the greatest thing ever,
because it meant I could always get into their shows. 

I personally feel a bit ridiculous playing in bottle service clubs for
"VIPs" who don't even know and/or care about my music.  I'd much rather
play for a little less money to a crowd that's actually there to get

:: atomly ::

[ ato...@atomly.com : www.atomly.com : http://blog.atomly.com/ ...
[ atomiq records : new york city : +1.917.442.9450 ...
[ e-mail atomly-news-subscr...@atomly.com for atomly info and updates ...

Re: (313) Techno and Youth

2009-09-11 Thread atomly
[kent williams ]
> You gotta do what you gotta do.  A lot of techno is also made really
> quickly. In fact, I think a lot of producers have the strategy of
> making a lot of tracks as quickly as possible and then picking the
> best of the lot.
> Techno doesn't have to be time-consuming to make, and the best tracks
> are just drums with 2 or 3 additional sounds.  The challenge is to
> make something awesome that's also simple.

Yeah, it's like the quote from Antoine de Saint-Exupery:

"A designer knows he has achieved perfection not when there is nothing
left to add, but when there is nothing left to take away."

I always thought that was kind of a guiding principle of techno.

:: atomly ::

[ ato...@atomly.com : www.atomly.com : http://blog.atomly.com/ ...
[ atomiq records : new york city : +1.917.442.9450 ...
[ e-mail atomly-news-subscr...@atomly.com for atomly info and updates ...

(313) NYC: John Roberts, Atomly, Eric Wrenn, Ken Meier - Tonight!

2009-08-22 Thread atomly


JOHN ROBERTS (Dial/Laid, Berlin)
ATOMLY (Atomiq, NYC)
  "Geisterbahnhoefe" EP record release

plus Ashley's birthday extravaganza

CAMEO (inside Lovin' Cup)
93 N 6th St at Wythe, Brooklyn
Doors 11pm, $7

:: atomly ::

[ ato...@atomly.com : www.atomly.com : http://blog.atomly.com/ ...
[ atomiq records : new york city : +1.917.442.9450 ...
[ e-mail atomly-news-subscr...@atomly.com for atomly info and updates ...

Re: (313) DJ Bone denied entry into UK

2009-08-17 Thread atomly
[jonathan morse ]
> On 17August2009, at 16:27 , kent williams wrote:
> >You A) don't travel with a load of gear, beyond a laptop B) don't show
> >up as re-entering the same country multiple times in the same year.
> yeah but that beard just screams "why yes, i would love a Body Cavity  
> Search thank you for asking"
> ; )

Haha...  Good (scary) to see what you really think of me.  :P

And, to Kent, Yeah, I mean there are obviously things you can do to
mitigate the risk of being denied entry when you're still at the illegal
stage, but I was just trying to point out to people who try to make it
as simple as, "if you don't have a work visa, you shouldn't play," that
for a large portion of artists, that's just not financially possible.

:: atomly ::

[ ato...@atomly.com : www.atomly.com : http://blog.atomly.com/ ...
[ atomiq records : new york city : +1.917.442.9450 ...
[ e-mail atomly-news-subscr...@atomly.com for atomly info and updates ...

Re: (313) DJ Bone denied entry into UK

2009-08-17 Thread atomly
["Odeluga, Ken" ]
> But if you haven't got a visa/work permit, you haven't got a visa/work permit.
> I'm no apologist for regulations or overzealous bureaucracy, but the
> fact that the rules have been re-tightened in recent years has been
> made crystal clear.
> If the paper work is not in your possession before you travel, you're
> making an unwise decision to get on that plane.
> It's the responsibility of the agent and the promoter to make sure
> that this paper work has been dealt with before the artist departs.
> If it's not been taken care of, this is not a very professional thing
> to let happen.
> You can't buck reality unfortunately. It's not a question of
> generosity or not on the part of the immigration staff.
> It just is.
> Nowadays, anyway.
> And the immigration regulations for Europeans wanting to do temporary
> work in the States are just as stringent, by the way.

Well, this is all very easy to say, but the reality of the situation is
such, then, that this means you'll be seeing a lot less artists
(particularly smaller, up-and-coming artists) coming through your town.
For example, I know there are many gigs I've played in the past where
they simply would not have happened had I actually tried to do
everything legally, because financially it just would not have been

:: atomly ::

[ ato...@atomly.com : www.atomly.com : http://blog.atomly.com/ ...
[ atomiq records : new york city : +1.917.442.9450 ...
[ e-mail atomly-news-subscr...@atomly.com for atomly info and updates ...

(313) atomly - live at resolute july 2009

2009-07-22 Thread atomly

my set from the resolute boat party that i played last weekend with
mikael stavostrand, kate simko, quenem, etc. it was an awesome time!

:: atomly ::

[ ato...@atomly.com : www.atomly.com : http://blog.atomly.com/ ...
[ atomiq records : new york city : +1.917.442.9450 ...
[ e-mail atomly-news-subscr...@atomly.com for atomly info and updates ...

Re: (313) Netbooks; worth it for music applications?

2009-06-24 Thread atomly
[Arturo Lopez ]
> Was wondering if anyone out there had any experience running any music
> applications on a netbook? Seems like it might be a nice/cheap
> solution for running ableton/serato/whatever and quite a bit more
> portable than a larger laptop.

I have the Samsung NC10 Special Edition with 2GB of RAM and I totally
love it.  I do most of my music in Renoise (http://www.renoise.com/) and
it works great on the netbook-- Renoise even has a special "netbook
mode" that hides parts of the GUI you're not currently using so that it
works much better on the small display.

That said, I don't use the netbook as my primary compisition computer...
I mostly just carry it around with me as a sort of musical sketchbook.
It's great because it's super small and super light, so I can carry it
wherever I go and the battery lasts for about 9 hours, so I have no
trouble using it on trips or whatever.  I don't even usually bring the
charger with when I carry it to work.

It's great to be able to work on "sketches" of tracks and then bring
them back to my real studio and flesh them out with better synths,
effects, etc...  There's no way I'd want to lug my main laptop around
with me all the time (I hate that I even have to bring it to gigs), so
this is a perfect solution for when you want to work on tracks anywhere
other than your studio.

:: atomly ::

[ ato...@atomly.com : www.atomly.com : http://blog.atomly.com/ ...
[ atomiq records : new york city : +1.917.442.9450 ...
[ e-mail atomly-news-subscr...@atomly.com for atomly info and updates ...

Re: (313) Latest Surgeon mix @ Void, Shanghai - 16/5/09

2009-06-08 Thread atomly
[PB ]
> Has anyone ever seen the Surgeon crack a smile?  Just wondering if
> it's a "tough guy" techno thing to be a hardass... :-)  Couldn't help
> but notice this from the photos on his site and other earlier pics of
> him I'd seen

He's hilarious.  He has a very dry, British sense of humor, but he's
pretty much constantly cracking jokes.

:: atomly ::

[ ato...@atomly.com : www.atomly.com : http://blog.atomly.com/ ...
[ atomiq records : new york city : +1.917.442.9450 ...
[ e-mail atomly-news-subscr...@atomly.com for atomly info and updates ...

Re: (313) Archer video

2009-05-11 Thread atomly
Get it?  "Presses on."  It's a pun!

Seriously, though, cheers to Archer.  I believe I'll be sending them a
chunk of my hard earned money this week.

[Detroit Techno Militia ]
> Here is the DetNews article to go with it!
> http://www.detnews.com/article/20090502/BIZ/905020367/1001/Vinyl-records-firm-presses-on
> Angela Schwendemann
> Label Manager
> Detroit Techno Militia
> http://www.detroittechnomilitia.com
> 313-449-8655
> On Fri, Apr 24, 2009 at 8:42 AM, robin  wrote:
> >
> > Interesting video snippet.
> >
> > http://apps.detnews.com/apps/multimedia/includes/featuredvideo.php?id=3319
> >
> > robin...
> >

:: atomly ::

[ ato...@atomly.com : www.atomly.com : http://blog.atomly.com/ ...
[ atomiq records : new york city : +1.917.442.9450 ...
[ e-mail atomly-news-subscr...@atomly.com for atomly info and updates ...

(313) new mix

2009-04-13 Thread atomly
i posted my set from "the future is beautiful" last saturday in
brooklyn.  several brand new songs from me plus new and unreleased
tracks from miss fitz, john roberts, shaun reeves, seth troxler, van
valen, no regular play, nicolas jaar, etc...


i didn't write up a track listing yet, but let me know if you want any

:: atomly ::

[ ato...@atomly.com : www.atomly.com : http://blog.atomly.com/ ...
[ atomiq records : new york city : +1.917.442.9450 ...
[ e-mail atomly-news-subscr...@atomly.com for atomly info and updates ...

(313) some new music

2009-02-14 Thread atomly
i have a lot of new tracks i'm working on.  they're only on facebook
right now, but check them out:


:: atomly ::

[ ato...@atomly.com : www.atomly.com ...
[ atomiq records : new york city : +1.917.442.9450 ...
[ e-mail atomly-news-subscr...@atomly.com for atomly info and updates ...

Re: (313) Omar-s in NYC

2009-02-09 Thread atomly
[Todd Sines ]
> Y'all should have been at the Bunker for Jon Mendez, john Tejada, Jus  
> Ed and Anthony Parasole (& the rest) last night.

Yeah...  Great party!

:: atomly ::

[ ato...@atomly.com : www.atomly.com ...
[ atomiq records : new york city : +1.917.442.9450 ...
[ e-mail atomly-news-subscr...@atomly.com for atomly info and updates ...

Re: (313) The dice - Berlin

2009-01-30 Thread atomly
Wow.  Sounds like the anti-Berghain.  Maybe it'll distract the rest of
the tourists that Watergate didn't manage to and Berghain's line can
shorten up a bit.

[Martijn de Blaauw ]
> Berlin rolls the Dice
> The lucky clubbers of Berlin just got luckier. As RA previously
> reported, yet another addition to the clubbing map, Dice, will
> officially open in a matter of weeks.
> As with Berghain, Dice is situated in an abandoned power station, but it
> seems like that's where the similarities between the two clubs end.
> Situated in Mitte, Dice is a 2,000 square metre venue that will have
> three rooms for music, as well as a large roof garden for parties and
> Sunday sessions over the summer months. Whilst Berghain has a simplistic
> outlook as far as lighting is concerned, the owners of Dice have pulled
> out all the stops, getting Room Division (who are responsible for the
> dazzling ceiling lights in Watergate) to kit the club out with their
> creations. Sound quality hasn't been compromised either, as Funktion One
> have custom-built their most expensive set-up to date for the space.
> Whilst the official opening party is actually on the 14th of February,
> its secondary rooms will host a few warm up parties in the weekends
> running up to that date. Marc Houle, Matthew Styles and Kiki kick things
> off this Friday, whilst Saturday's party is taken over by live sets from
> Jussi-Pekka and Lars Wickinger. The weekend before the launch sees two
> separate shows from Dial's Lawrence and Platzhirsch boss Tobias Becker,
> whilst Agaric and Treplec both play the night before the official
> opening.
> The opening party itself marks the first time that the main dance floor
> will be opened to the public, with a line-up that should make it a night
> to remember. Detroit techno legends Octave One will be bringing their
> analogue gear over for a special live performance, and Fabrice Lig,
> Spirit Catcher and A Guy Called Gerald will also contribute live
> performances.
> -Oorspronkelijk bericht-
> Van: Michael Kuszynski [mailto:kuszyn...@gmail.com] 
> Verzonden: vrijdag 30 januari 2009 4:36
> Aan: Frank Glazer
> CC: Todd Sines; atomly; ohanakin ...; JD Harrington; 313@hyperreal.org
> Onderwerp: Re: (313) NYC stores
> It was mostly indie and minimal customers, which as I noted earlier in
> my poorly phrased note, hid a lot of the very-good-for-these-days
> electronic and techno sections.  They always had an up to date wall.
> On Thu, Jan 29, 2009 at 10:25 PM, Frank Glazer 
> wrote:
> > well that's not surprising, considering i never heard of the place
> >
> > On Thu, Jan 29, 2009 at 5:48 PM, Todd Sines  wrote:
> >> Etherea is going out of business at the end of February. ;(
> >>
> >>
> >> +odd
> >> --
> >> Todd Sines, director  |  si...@scale.gs
> >> + SCALE : http://www.scale.gs
> >> connecting the space between + within.
> >>
> >> On Jan 29, 2009, at 5:35 PM, atomly  wrote:
> >>
> >>> A1 has some jams.
> >>>
> >>> ["ohanakin ..." ]
> >>>>
> >>>> no theyre used but any digger should check it
> >>>>
> >>>> On Thu, Jan 29, 2009 at 2:46 PM,   wrote:
> >>>>>
> >>>>> I always forget about A1. They stock new techno and house? I
> thought
> >>>>> they
> >>>>> were all used. I never have much luck at Turntable Lab. Dope Jams
> has by
> >>>>> far
> >>>>> the best selection.
> >>>>>
> >>>>> On Jan 29, 2009 12:43pm, "ohanakin ..." 
> wrote:
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>> the best three of all of these is dopejams, a-1, and turntablelab
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>> (which hasnt been mentioned yet)halcyon is picked through and
> gets
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>> 5 copies of the same minimal recs that everyone jumps on the
> bandwagon
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>> of...
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>> On Thu, Jan 29, 2009 at 12:40 PM, Frank Glazer
> cpe1704...@gmail.com>
> >>>>>> wrote:
> >>>>>>
> >>>&g

Re: Re: (313) NYC stores

2009-01-29 Thread atomly
A1 has some jams.

["ohanakin ..." ]
> no theyre used but any digger should check it
> On Thu, Jan 29, 2009 at 2:46 PM,   wrote:
> > I always forget about A1. They stock new techno and house? I thought they
> > were all used. I never have much luck at Turntable Lab. Dope Jams has by far
> > the best selection.
> >
> > On Jan 29, 2009 12:43pm, "ohanakin ..."  wrote:
> >> the best three of all of these is dopejams, a-1, and turntablelab
> >>
> >> (which hasnt been mentioned yet)halcyon is picked through and gets
> >>
> >> 5 copies of the same minimal recs that everyone jumps on the bandwagon
> >>
> >> of...
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> On Thu, Jan 29, 2009 at 12:40 PM, Frank Glazer cpe1704...@gmail.com>
> >> wrote:
> >>
> >> > other music = no listening stations = THE WACKNESS
> >>
> >> >
> >>
> >> > On Thu, Jan 29, 2009 at 12:10 PM, JD Harrington
> >>
> >> > jerome.harring...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >>
> >> >> There's also Halcyon in DUMBO - http://halcyonline.com/ - and Other
> >>
> >> >> Music - http://othermusic.com/
> >>
> >> >>
> >>
> >> >> -JD
> >>
> >> >>
> >>
> >> >> On Thu, Jan 29, 2009 at 11:58 AM,  bluegreeng...@hushmail.com> wrote:
> >>
> >> >>> I haven't walked past in the past few weeks but I believe Vinyl
> >>
> >> >>> Market is still there.  Dance tracks on 3rd St did close a while
> >>
> >> >>> ago.
> >>
> >> >>>
> >>
> >> >>> In the east village/LES  you've got Etherea, Academy, Good Records,
> >>
> >> >>> A-1, Gimme Gimme, Sound Library, and Deadly Dragon Sound (reggae).
> >>
> >> >>> Plus tonnes more in the neighborhood but I don't have enough time
> >>
> >> >>> to shop at them!
> >>
> >> >>>
> >>
> >> >>>
> >>
> >> >>
> >>
> >> >
> >>
> >> >
> >>
> >> >
> >>
> >> > --
> >>
> >> > peace,
> >>
> >> >
> >>
> >> > frank
> >>
> >> >
> >>
> >> > dj mix archive:  http://www.deejaycountzero.com
> >>
> >> >
> >>

:: atomly ::

[ ato...@atomly.com : www.atomly.com ...
[ atomiq records : new york city : +1.917.442.9450 ...
[ e-mail atomly-news-subscr...@atomly.com for atomly info and updates ...

Re: (313) US People buying from UK/EU web stores -- Exchange Rate!

2009-01-23 Thread atomly
[kent williams ]
> Just a reminder -- if you ever considered buying from UK or EU mail
> order/digital stores, the exchange rate is making them a real bargain
> right now. Juno is charging $1.55 per track for 320kbs MP3s, versus a
> minimum of $1.99/track on Beatport.  And don't forget vinyl shops like
> our friends at Rush Hour and Rubadub.  It's been since sometime in
> 2007 that the dollar has been this strong...

Yeah, this is enough to make me want to check out the upcoming Fabric

The USD is actually strong agains the pound than it has been in a _very_
long time: http://finance.google.com/finance?q=GBPUSD

:: atomly ::

[ ato...@atomly.com : www.atomly.com ...
[ atomiq records : new york city : +1.917.442.9450 ...
[ e-mail atomly-news-subscr...@atomly.com for atomly info and updates ...

(313) Re: Blood & Thunder NYE in NYC!

2009-01-03 Thread atomly
My set:


[atomly ]
> Wednesday December 31: New Years Eve
> The Bunker presents
> with
> JAN KRUEGER (Hello?Repeat | Berlin)
> KATE SIMKO (Spectral | Chicago) live
> ALKA_REX (Konque, Musique Risqu?e | Brooklyn) live
> DEREK PLASLAIKO (The Bunker, Spectral | Queens)
> SPINOZA (Beyond, The Bunker | Brooklyn)
> ANTHONY PARASOLE (Deconstruct, Novel Sound | Brooklyn)
> ERIC CLOUTIER (The Bunker, Down | Brooklyn)
> ATOMLY (Wolf + Lamb, Atomiq | Brooklyn)
> & very special surprise guests
> extra sound reinforcement by Nik
> photos, hostess: Seze
> door: Elijah
> bar: Keith, David, Katie
> security: Pops & crew
> New Years Eve at Public Assembly
> 70 North 6th Street, Williamsburg
> http://www.beyondbooking.com/
> 21+
> start: 10pm Wednesday December 31
> end: 4pm Thursday January 1
> 24 hour liquor license in effect, free champagne toast at midnight
> $30, $20 with Wolf + Lamb stamp
> Blood & Thunder is an 18 hour insane-a-thon of a party.  Dreamt
> up by Derek Plaslaiko and Spinoza for NYE 2006, the first Blood &
> Thunder at the legendary subTonic space was an experiment in
> afterhours dance party endurance that we had no idea would
> actually work.  The first year was amazing, but things really
> bloomed last year when Blood & Thunder II was held at Galapagos
> Art Space (now Public Assembly), and was considered the techno
> party of the year by pretty much everyone in attendance.  It's
> hard to top a party like that, but we're giving it our best shot
> with a killer lineup, a bone rattling sound system (if you've
> been to House-N-Home you know what to expect), and a much
> improved venue infrastructure.
> Jan Krueger has been involved in the German techno scene since
> the mid-90's, doing everything from DJing, to throwing parties,
> to a recent stint as sales manager at the highly respected
> distributor Word and Sound. He recently left Word and Sound to
> focus on his DJ career and Hello?Repeat, the label he started
> with Daze Maxim. Jan has already made quite a name for himself in
> Berlin, appearing regularly at Watergate, Panorama Bar, and Club
> Der Vision?re. His rise to fame in North America has happened
> incredibly quickly.  His first North American gigs were in
> Detroit on DEMF weekend at the Need I Say More 3 afterparty at
> the Old Miami, and the Accelerate closing party at The Works on
> Monday. He made quite an impression at both gigs, and kinda stole
> the show from bigger name DJs. He's completely torn the roof off
> of The Bunker both times he's appeared since than, and has become
> one of the hottest acts on the North American techno circuit.
> When he was here in October to play The Bunker we jokingly
> suggested he come play at Blood & Thunder III, and to our surprise
> he gladly accepted.  Those of you who had the pleasure of hearing
> Jan tagteam with Derek in October know that having him on board
> tonight is really going to help us push things over the edge in
> true Blood & Thunder style.
> http://www.beyondbooking.com/artists/jan_krueger/
> Chicago-based Kate Simko is a University-trained classical
> pianist turned left field house and techno producer. Releasing
> music on labels such as Traum, Kupei Musika and Spectral Sound,
> Kate draws from a wide range of influences, combining her sense
> of melody and structure with her background in Chicago house and
> Detroit techno. Whether playing live or DJ'ing, Kate's musical
> selection maintains a warm, soulful character, full of funky bass
> lines and loose rhythms. Gaining attention from labels and DJ's
> around the world, Kate has performed at festivals such as Mutek
> (Montreal and Chile), the Detroit Electronic Music Festival and
> Worldtronics (Berlin), and has played beside a myriad of genre
> defining artists throughout the United States, Europe and South
> America.  This year has been pretty massive for Kate, with
> several well received releases on Spectral, a successful North
> American tour, an appearance at the Sunday School for Degenerates
> party in New York, and a European tour that included a set at the
> legendary Fabric club.  Tonight Kate treats us to her new live
> set.
> http://www.beyondbooking.com/artists/simko/
> We decided we couldn't do Blood & Thunder this year without our
> Russian techno brothers, alka_rex.  Their live sets are
> increasingly rare, and they only pull them out for very special
> occasions.  While they've appeared at The Bunker ma

(313) Blood & Thunder NYE in NYC!

2008-12-30 Thread atomly
Wednesday December 31: New Years Eve

The Bunker presents



JAN KRUEGER (Hello?Repeat | Berlin)
KATE SIMKO (Spectral | Chicago) live
ALKA_REX (Konque, Musique Risqu?e | Brooklyn) live
DEREK PLASLAIKO (The Bunker, Spectral | Queens)
SPINOZA (Beyond, The Bunker | Brooklyn)
ANTHONY PARASOLE (Deconstruct, Novel Sound | Brooklyn)
ERIC CLOUTIER (The Bunker, Down | Brooklyn)
ATOMLY (Wolf + Lamb, Atomiq | Brooklyn)
& very special surprise guests

extra sound reinforcement by Nik
photos, hostess: Seze
door: Elijah
bar: Keith, David, Katie
security: Pops & crew

New Years Eve at Public Assembly
70 North 6th Street, Williamsburg
start: 10pm Wednesday December 31
end: 4pm Thursday January 1
24 hour liquor license in effect, free champagne toast at midnight
$30, $20 with Wolf + Lamb stamp

Blood & Thunder is an 18 hour insane-a-thon of a party.  Dreamt
up by Derek Plaslaiko and Spinoza for NYE 2006, the first Blood &
Thunder at the legendary subTonic space was an experiment in
afterhours dance party endurance that we had no idea would
actually work.  The first year was amazing, but things really
bloomed last year when Blood & Thunder II was held at Galapagos
Art Space (now Public Assembly), and was considered the techno
party of the year by pretty much everyone in attendance.  It's
hard to top a party like that, but we're giving it our best shot
with a killer lineup, a bone rattling sound system (if you've
been to House-N-Home you know what to expect), and a much
improved venue infrastructure.

Jan Krueger has been involved in the German techno scene since
the mid-90's, doing everything from DJing, to throwing parties,
to a recent stint as sales manager at the highly respected
distributor Word and Sound. He recently left Word and Sound to
focus on his DJ career and Hello?Repeat, the label he started
with Daze Maxim. Jan has already made quite a name for himself in
Berlin, appearing regularly at Watergate, Panorama Bar, and Club
Der Vision?re. His rise to fame in North America has happened
incredibly quickly.  His first North American gigs were in
Detroit on DEMF weekend at the Need I Say More 3 afterparty at
the Old Miami, and the Accelerate closing party at The Works on
Monday. He made quite an impression at both gigs, and kinda stole
the show from bigger name DJs. He's completely torn the roof off
of The Bunker both times he's appeared since than, and has become
one of the hottest acts on the North American techno circuit.
When he was here in October to play The Bunker we jokingly
suggested he come play at Blood & Thunder III, and to our surprise
he gladly accepted.  Those of you who had the pleasure of hearing
Jan tagteam with Derek in October know that having him on board
tonight is really going to help us push things over the edge in
true Blood & Thunder style.


Chicago-based Kate Simko is a University-trained classical
pianist turned left field house and techno producer. Releasing
music on labels such as Traum, Kupei Musika and Spectral Sound,
Kate draws from a wide range of influences, combining her sense
of melody and structure with her background in Chicago house and
Detroit techno. Whether playing live or DJ'ing, Kate's musical
selection maintains a warm, soulful character, full of funky bass
lines and loose rhythms. Gaining attention from labels and DJ's
around the world, Kate has performed at festivals such as Mutek
(Montreal and Chile), the Detroit Electronic Music Festival and
Worldtronics (Berlin), and has played beside a myriad of genre
defining artists throughout the United States, Europe and South
America.  This year has been pretty massive for Kate, with
several well received releases on Spectral, a successful North
American tour, an appearance at the Sunday School for Degenerates
party in New York, and a European tour that included a set at the
legendary Fabric club.  Tonight Kate treats us to her new live


We decided we couldn't do Blood & Thunder this year without our
Russian techno brothers, alka_rex.  Their live sets are
increasingly rare, and they only pull them out for very special
occasions.  While they've appeared at The Bunker many times, it's
been far too long since we've had them play for us.  These guys
have gotten international praise for their cutting edge releases
and live sets with insanely intricate sound design that
constantly tests the limits of just how strange electronic music
can get and still remain danceable.  They hold down the weekly
Less party, and are staples of the scene.


It definitely wouldn't be Blood & Thunder without Derek
Plaslaiko, ringleader of late night party antics.  What can we
really say about him that you don't already

Re: (313) new york bars with DJs??

2008-12-19 Thread atomly
[paul mouser ]
> Hi i'm visiting family in ny this friday for a week, just wondering if
> there are any good pubs/bars playing some deep techny tunes this
> saturday, or in the week?  Think i rememember reading something about
> live techno night in a Williamsburg bar?

Well, there's Down at Oulu, which might be what you're thinking of, but
that was last night. 

There's Bunker at Public Assembly Friday and LESS @ Annex on Saturday ,
which are both technically "club nights," but very much just techno
nights at bars, not NYC Clubs in the Meatpacking District sense.

:: atomly ::

[ ato...@atomly.com : www.atomly.com ...
[ atomiq records : new york city : +1.917.442.9450 ...
[ e-mail atomly-news-subscr...@atomly.com for atomly info and updates ...

Re: (313) Mills in Chicago this Friday (12-12)

2008-12-11 Thread atomly
Karl "The Fire" Meier is the man.  Make sure to check him out.

[Arturo Lopez ]
> FYI, Mr. Mills will be playing at Smart Bar this Friday. Should be good times.
> -Arturo
> JEFF MILLS (axis)
> KARL P. MEIER (subsystence, img, remnant)
> TYREL WILLIAMS (gramaphone)
> $15 before midnight

:: atomly ::

[ ato...@atomly.com : www.atomly.com ...
[ atomiq records : new york city : +1.917.442.9450 ...
[ e-mail atomly-news-subscr...@atomly.com for atomly info and updates ...

(313) new mix

2008-11-11 Thread atomly
a set i played last saturday at the annex in nyc:


:: atomly ::

[ [EMAIL PROTECTED] : www.atomly.com ...
[ atomiq records : new york city : +1.917.442.9450 ...
[ e-mail [EMAIL PROTECTED] for atomly info and updates ...

Re: (313) Moriz von Oswald

2008-10-22 Thread atomly
A less-common definition of abysmal is "immeasurably great, deep or
profound."   This better be what they mean, because Round Two's "New
Day" might be the greatest electronic track ever written.

[Andrew Beddow <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>]
> from the sidebar:
> "before they moved on to do abysmal deep house with their Round One to
> Five series"
>  ok...
> On Tue, Oct 21, 2008 at 9:51 PM, senslo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I'm on the digest, so forgive me if this has already been posted . . . but
> > Moriz von Oswald lecture (or discussion, really) is up at
> > http://www.redbullmusicacademy.com/video-archive/lectures/moritz_von_oswald_early_morning_freestyles
> >
> > Interesting stuff!
> >

:: atomly ::

[ [EMAIL PROTECTED] : www.atomly.com ...
[ atomiq records : new york city : +1.917.442.9450 ...
[ e-mail [EMAIL PROTECTED] for atomly info and updates ...

Re: (313) Ghostly International

2008-09-25 Thread atomly
[Arturo Lopez <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>]
> I visited their website yesterday and found a new 4-remix 12" of "Dog
> Days," which strikes me as completely unnecessary. Maybe Dear needs to
> put a new down payment on a house or something and needs to milk that
> one a little more?  Have they gotten to that point where they
> assembly-line churn out product now or what?

No, I'm sure he's doing quite well of his Audion work (which is all
worth a listen).  I would feel the same way about the remixes, but
they're not nearly as bad as I'd feared.

I'm also a fan of Kate Simko, 2AM/FM, Osborne, Par Grundvik, etc..  I'd
say give all the recent Spectral stuff a listen, there are some gems in

:: atomly ::

[ [EMAIL PROTECTED] : www.atomly.com ...
[ atomiq records : new york city : +1.917.442.9450 ...
[ e-mail [EMAIL PROTECTED] for atomly info and updates ...

Re: (313) NYC

2008-08-27 Thread atomly
The other suggestions were all good, but here are some mroe listing type



:: atomly ::

[ [EMAIL PROTECTED] : www.atomly.com ...
[ atomiq records : new york city : +1.917.442.9450 ...
[ e-mail [EMAIL PROTECTED] for atomly info and updates ...

(313) another new mix

2008-07-21 Thread atomly
from the wolf + lamb "bon voyage" party recently.


:: atomly ::

[ [EMAIL PROTECTED] : www.atomly.com ...
[ atomiq records : new york city : +1.917.442.9450 ...
[ e-mail [EMAIL PROTECTED] for atomly info and updates ...

Re: (313) While you were arguing about t-shirts

2008-07-21 Thread atomly
> And is Dan actually back in the US? Last time I sent him something he
> was in Connecticut (!)...I didn't ask what was up though.

He has a place in CT and has been splitting his time between there and
Berlin for a while now.

:: atomly ::

[ [EMAIL PROTECTED] : www.atomly.com ...
[ atomiq records : new york city : +1.917.442.9450 ...
[ e-mail [EMAIL PROTECTED] for atomly info and updates ...

Re: (313) extra 313 shirts available

2008-07-07 Thread atomly
Who else wants to see a pic of Todd modeling the women's v-neck?


[Todd Sines <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>]
> after getting out the orders last week - finally got a tally on the  
> remaining shirts available.
> Men's:
> S - 3
> L - 6
> XL - 14
> XXL - 3
> Women's
> M - 7
> L - 3
> Women's V-neck
> M - 4
> L - 3
> http://www.scale.gs/client/313/printedshirts/
> If you're interested in purchasing, they're $15 + shipping & handling  
> [about $20-22 in the US and about $4 more abroad]
> Thanks to all of you for your interest ... and patience! :)
> +odd

:: atomly ::

[ [EMAIL PROTECTED] : www.atomly.com ...
[ atomiq records : new york city : +1.917.442.9450 ...
[ e-mail [EMAIL PROTECTED] for atomly info and updates ...

Re: (313) new mix

2008-07-01 Thread atomly
[kent williams <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>]
> As for the unreleased stuff -- care to share about who these people are?

No problem.

> > miss fitz - raspberries - unreleased

miss fitz aka maayan nidaam.  my old roommate from berlin.


> > red nail - i think of you (shaun reeves edit) - unreleased

shaun reeves, originally from detroit but he's been in berlin for about
four years.  also my old roommate.


> > laverne radix - dick control - unreleased

booty house alias for miss fitz.  this is apparently coming out on oslo
sometime soonish.

> > van valen - wobbly h - unreleased

rob van valen.  originally from new jersey and has released on wolf+lamb
as odd dots.  i believe this might be coming out on frankie.

he was, you guessed it, my roommate in berlin.

> > function - disaffected - unreleased

dave sumner aka function.  been around since the synewave days. from new
york but recently moved to berlin.

i think this track is coming out very soon on sandwell district. i have
never lived with him.

> > atomly - deepspace - unreleased

some big jerk.

:: atomly ::

[ [EMAIL PROTECTED] : www.atomly.com ...
[ atomiq records : new york city : +1.917.442.9450 ...
[ e-mail [EMAIL PROTECTED] for atomly info and updates ...

(313) new mix

2008-07-01 Thread atomly
here's my set from derek plaslaiko's birthday at the resolute boat
party last weekend.



seth troxler and patrick russell - doctor of romance - circus company
maratrax - funk me (original mix) - oslo
miss fitz - raspberries - unreleased
red nail - i think of you (shaun reeves edit) - unreleased
efdemin - lohn and brot (sebo k mix) - liebe detail spezial
sebo k ft. prosumer - moved (prosumer stop dub) - mobilee
efdemin - just a track - dial
laverne radix - dick control - unreleased
van valen - wobbly h - unreleased
samim ft. big bully - paspd - circus company
audion - snap into it - spectral
function - disaffected - unreleased
atomly - deepspace - unreleased


:: atomly ::

[ [EMAIL PROTECTED] : www.atomly.com ...
[ atomiq records : new york city : +1.917.442.9450 ...
[ e-mail [EMAIL PROTECTED] for atomly info and updates ...

Re: (313) Saturday night in NYC

2008-06-27 Thread atomly
Yeah, I'm definitely doing Moodyman first.  The boat doesn't start until
midnight and it goes til noon.

> Moodymann playing at water taxi beach too $5
> Moodyman plays June 28th at 11pm. ??? To enter the Beach you need to be
> 21 or older with proper ID (US/Canadian Drivers, ANY Passport or US
> Military ID).
> 2 events on in one night, a rarity!!
> On Sat, Jun 28, 2008 at 7:23 AM, atomly <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Come to this party, it's going to be rad. Being on a boat without a
> > captain is kind of like being Li'l Wayne on a plane without a pilot.
> >
> > ... fowarded message ...
> >
> >   Come and celebrate our good friend Derek Plaslaiko's birthday this
> >   weekend. A clue that I can give you is that this party is aboard a
> > boat that has no captain and will be under the stars.
> >The location will be provided on the night before the event at a
> >  secret location by the Resolute team
> >you must rsvp to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >  The lineup for the night will be Derek Plaslaiko (Bunker/Spectral) ,
> >Spinoza (Bunker) , Atomly (Wolf+Lamb) ,
> > Taimur+Fahad (Blk|market Membership) ,
> >Adultnapper (Ransome Note) , Elon (Resolute) + Connie (Resolute)
> >
> > ... end forwarded message ...
> >
> > --
> > :: atomly ::
> >
> > [ [EMAIL PROTECTED] : www.atomly.com ...
> > [ atomiq records : new york city : +1.917.442.9450 ...
> > [ e-mail [EMAIL PROTECTED] for atomly info and updates ...
> >

:: atomly ::

[ [EMAIL PROTECTED] : www.atomly.com ...
[ atomiq records : new york city : +1.917.442.9450 ...
[ e-mail [EMAIL PROTECTED] for atomly info and updates ...

(313) Saturday night in NYC

2008-06-27 Thread atomly
Come to this party, it's going to be rad. Being on a boat without a
captain is kind of like being Li'l Wayne on a plane without a pilot.

... fowarded message ...

   Come and celebrate our good friend Derek Plaslaiko's birthday this
   weekend. A clue that I can give you is that this party is aboard a
 boat that has no captain and will be under the stars.
The location will be provided on the night before the event at a
  secret location by the Resolute team
you must rsvp to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  The lineup for the night will be Derek Plaslaiko (Bunker/Spectral) ,
    Spinoza (Bunker) , Atomly (Wolf+Lamb) , 
 Taimur+Fahad (Blk|market Membership) , 
Adultnapper (Ransome Note) , Elon (Resolute) + Connie (Resolute)

... end forwarded message ...

:: atomly ::

[ [EMAIL PROTECTED] : www.atomly.com ...
[ atomiq records : new york city : +1.917.442.9450 ...
[ e-mail [EMAIL PROTECTED] for atomly info and updates ...

Re: (313) DBX live preview at Bunker last Friday

2008-05-13 Thread atomly
Yep, it was short but great!  Didn't expect the live vocals.

:: atomly ::

[ [EMAIL PROTECTED] : www.atomly.com ...
[ atomiq records : new york city : +1.917.442.9450 ...
[ e-mail [EMAIL PROTECTED] for atomly info and updates ...

Re: (313) Kenny Larkin in Berlin this weekend

2008-02-12 Thread atomly
He rocked it.

[Paul Kendrick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>]
> Off his my space, I think he is promoting a new album which is about to
> drop on Carl Craig's label...not 100% on that though.
> My tour is going great so far...
> Amsterdam was great, despite some weird problems with one of the
> monitors crashing to the floor in the dj booth the whole night, causing
> the needle to jump constantly the whole night! D'oh!!
> Belgium was good also.
> But, looks like I will be playing in Berlin at The Panorama Bar this
> coming Saturday. It was added at the last minute. 
> So I have four more gigs to do:
> Friday Feb.8 : Barzilay club, Tel Aviv, Israel
> Saturday Feb.9: Panarama Bar, Berlin, Germany
> Friday Feb.15 : Liquid Lounge Club, Cork, Ireland
> Saturday Feb.16 : Palais Club, Munich, Germany

:: atomly ::

[ [EMAIL PROTECTED] : www.atomly.com ...
[ atomiq records : new york city : +1.917.442.9450 ...
[ e-mail [EMAIL PROTECTED] for atomly info and updates ...

(313) NYC This Saturday!

2007-07-20 Thread atomly
sort of a last minute thing-- i'm playing a party this weekend with
alland byallo from kontrol and zev of wolf + lamb.  it should be ridic.

to view the flyer: http://www.wolflambmusic.com/view.asp?mailid=93

the venue: http://www.spiegelworld.com/spiegel/spiegel.html

the info:

Saturday, July 21st

with Alland Byallo (Kontrol | SF)
Atomly (Atomiq, Wolf + Lamb)
and Zev (Wolf + Lamb)

Spiegel Tent is the world's most beautiful traveling venue.  Imagine:
magic and stained glass, smooth dance floors and decadent nooks within
an antique performance tent set against breathtaking views of the
Brooklyn Bridge!

$10 | 12am - 5am | 21+ Full Bar


at the Spiegel Tent
Pier 17 / South Street Seaport
Located at the Northern Side of Pier 17, 600 yards south of the Brooklyn

By Subway
Take 2, 3, 4, 5, J, Z, or M to Fulton Street; A and C to
Broadway-Nassau. Walk east on Fulton Street to the East River.


:: atomly ::

[ [EMAIL PROTECTED] : www.atomly.com ...
[ atomiq records : new york city : +1.917.442.9450 ...
[ e-mail [EMAIL PROTECTED] for atomly info and updates ...

(313) Chicago July 3rd!

2007-07-02 Thread atomly
i've got a show tomorrow (tuesday, july 3rd) in chicago and it looks
like it's going to be awesome.  

also, i'm playing in philadelphia on the 13th in what will probably be a
totally insane show: http://www.atomly.com/random/fall_of_philly.jpg

anyway, the info for chicago:

Tuesday July 3, 2007

YFL presents


NYC Ghostly.TheBunker

ATOMLY (Live Dubstep set)
NYC Atomiq.Wolf+Lamb

CHICAGO Koncept v Meiotic

CHICAGO BassGoesBoom



DUKE SHIN - New City Chicago
JOHN DUGAN(tbc) - TimeOut Chicago

Admission $10
Doors @ 7pm Tini Martini @ 2169 N. Milwaukee

For July 3rd, 2007, YFL proudly presents the only spectacle worthy of
ELECTRONIC BBQ DEBACLE brings together YFL resident / New York City
techno favorite DEREK PLASLAIKO and NYC/Berlin monster ATOMLY rocking
the dubstep action. We'll also be featuring a VERY SPECIAL GUEST Chicago
booty house legend who will definitely make the party shake. DUBSTEP
crew BassGoesBoom crew comes aboard bringing their thick sounds and
feisty following, and the party will also mark the debut of our PRESS
JUNKET SOUNDCLASH session inviting writers/editors/promoters from some
of our favorite local magazines/papers to throw down some cuts with us.

As for the BBQ Debacle, we'll have a backyard style barbeque reception
to start off the evening to put you in the 4th of July mood. Get there
early and get ya grub on this is sure to go down as one of the
year's most memorable events 

:: atomly ::

[ [EMAIL PROTECTED] : www.atomly.com ...
[ atomiq records : new york city : +1.917.442.9450 ...
[ e-mail [EMAIL PROTECTED] for atomly info and updates ...

Re: (313) Chicago happenings?

2007-06-13 Thread atomly
I'm pretty sure it's at Tini Martini.

[Thor Teague <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>]
> Where specifically?
> On 6/13/07, atomly <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >Not sure about what's going on since I don't live there, but I know I'll
> >be playing there July 3rd with Derek Plaslaiko and DJ Funk.
> >
> >[Richard Cranston <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>]
> >> I'm in Chicago for a couple of weeks from Thursday. Can any locals
> >> recommend any parties? How about record shopping - I'll definitely be
> >> going to Gramaphone and Mr Peabodys - anywhere else I should be
> >> checking out?
> >>
> >> Thanks
> >
> >--
> >:: atomly ::
> >
> >[ [EMAIL PROTECTED] : www.atomly.com ...
> >[ atomiq records : new york city : +1.917.442.9450 ...
> >[ e-mail [EMAIL PROTECTED] for atomly info and updates ...
> >

:: atomly ::

[ [EMAIL PROTECTED] : www.atomly.com ...
[ atomiq records : new york city : +1.917.442.9450 ...
[ e-mail [EMAIL PROTECTED] for atomly info and updates ...

Re: (313) Chicago happenings?

2007-06-13 Thread atomly
Not sure about what's going on since I don't live there, but I know I'll
be playing there July 3rd with Derek Plaslaiko and DJ Funk.

[Richard Cranston <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>]
> I'm in Chicago for a couple of weeks from Thursday. Can any locals 
> recommend any parties? How about record shopping - I'll definitely be 
> going to Gramaphone and Mr Peabodys - anywhere else I should be 
> checking out?
> Thanks

:: atomly ::

[ [EMAIL PROTECTED] : www.atomly.com ...
[ atomiq records : new york city : +1.917.442.9450 ...
[ e-mail [EMAIL PROTECTED] for atomly info and updates ...

Re: (313) since I won't be at DEMF

2007-05-25 Thread atomly
[Guilherme Menegon Arantes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>]
> Humm... It looks like it is time for the RoboDriver to be introduced. ;-)

Yeah, RoboCop was from Detroit, after all.

Speaking of, I'm hoping he stops by one of the afterparties in this


:: atomly ::

[ [EMAIL PROTECTED] : www.atomly.com ...
[ atomiq records : new york city : +1.917.442.9450 ...
[ e-mail [EMAIL PROTECTED] for atomly info and updates ...

Re: (313) since I won't be at DEMF

2007-05-25 Thread atomly
[Robert Taylor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>]
> Is there a lot of drink driving in the US? 

In Detroit?  Yeah.  At least in my experience.  Everything is too spaced
out, there's no public transportation and the weather is often terrible.

:: atomly ::

[ [EMAIL PROTECTED] : www.atomly.com ...
[ atomiq records : new york city : +1.917.442.9450 ...
[ e-mail [EMAIL PROTECTED] for atomly info and updates ...

Re: (313) [OT - kind of] Cobblestone Jazz

2007-02-13 Thread atomly
[Carlos de Brito <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>]
> i dig them all (personally i like "The Live ep" less). "India In Me"
> hasn't been mentioned yet. great track. my fave is the flip of dump
> truck ep: peace offering.

I freaked the first time I heard "India in Me."  Amazing.

:: atomly ::

[ [EMAIL PROTECTED] : www.atomly.com ...
[ atomiq records : markgrafenstr. 56 #158, 10117 berlin, germany ...
[ e-mail [EMAIL PROTECTED] for atomly info and updates ...

(313) atomly - live at the bunker, nyc, dec 29, 2006

2007-01-04 Thread atomly
here's a recording of my set from the bunker @ subtonic last friday:


:: atomly ::

[ [EMAIL PROTECTED] : www.atomly.com ...
[ atomiq records : markgrafenstr. 56 #158, 10117 berlin, germany ...
[ e-mail [EMAIL PROTECTED] for atomly info and updates ...

(313) NYC/NJ/Philly this week!

2006-12-25 Thread atomly
I'm doing an East Coast mini-tour this week, so come check it out!

Thursday, December 28th in New Brunswick, NJ:

9PM $5

Friday, December 29th in Manhattan, NY:

The Bunker Fridays at Subtonic
ATOMLY (Atomiq Records | Berlin/Chicago)
Plus Resident DJs:
10PM-4AM, 21+, $5
107 Norfolk Street (btw Delancey and Rivington)

Saturday, December 30th in Philadelphia, PA

900 SOUTH 47th Street, West Philadelphia
atomly LIVE PA - berlin/chicago | atomiq records
someone else - foundsound/microcosm/music krause
miskate - foundsound/roman-photo/karloff
thomas the obscure - funkshun/rizumu
accidentally - foundsound
ALL AGES | 10 PM | $7

After the shows I'm chillin in NYC for a week, so anybody that wants to
rock out should get at me.  And check out my site for some more upcoming
shows, yo.

:: atomly ::

[ [EMAIL PROTECTED] : www.atomly.com ...
[ atomiq records : markgrafenstr. 56 #158, 10117 berlin, germany ...
[ e-mail [EMAIL PROTECTED] for atomly info and updates ...

(313) two american shows this week

2006-07-25 Thread atomly
i'm back form europe for a few weeks and i'm playing two shows in
america this week and they couldn't be much more different... one's a
basement breakcore show in new jersey and one's a minimal techno show in
a superclub.  weird.

thursday, july 27th
@ the killing center
35 plum st
new brunswick, nj


saturday, july 29th
@ vision
632 n dearborn
chicago, il

:: atomly ::

[ [EMAIL PROTECTED] : www.atomly.com ...
[ atomiq records : markgrafenstr. 56 #158, 10117 berlin, germany ...
[ e-mail [EMAIL PROTECTED] for atomly info and updates ...

Re: (313) substance abuse at the olympics

2006-02-12 Thread atomly
> i'm left wondering if what we saw on US television was edited.  first  
> it was the music that is on the m-nus site now (presumably "9:20")  
> and then suddenly it was substance abuse..

I watched it from Berlin and that's how it was too.

:: atomly ::

[ [EMAIL PROTECTED] : www.atomly.com ...
[ atomiq records : po box 805319 chicago il 60680 : 312.804.5389 ...
[ e-mail [EMAIL PROTECTED] for atomly info and updates ...

Re: (313) substance abuse at the olympics

2006-02-10 Thread atomly
["Derek Plaslaiko." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>]
> Hey... transplant you wanna not spoil the rest of the suprises for us?

The only real surprise is that I managed to be awake for Rich's part.

:: atomly ::

[ [EMAIL PROTECTED] : www.atomly.com ...
[ atomiq records : po box 805319 chicago il 60680 : 312.804.5389 ...
[ e-mail [EMAIL PROTECTED] for atomly info and updates ...

(313) substance abuse at the olympics

2006-02-10 Thread atomly
This is really weird.  It was hilarious hearing the German announcer
talking about DJ Richie Hawtin AKA Plastikman.

Too bad he cut the "overdose" sample.

:: atomly ::

[ [EMAIL PROTECTED] : www.atomly.com ...
[ atomiq records : po box 805319 chicago il 60680 : 312.804.5389 ...
[ e-mail [EMAIL PROTECTED] for atomly info and updates ...

(313) ich bin ein jelly donut

2006-01-31 Thread atomly
like a lemming following the steady stream of american techno producers,
i'm finally movin on up to the east side... of berlin.  the basic
rundown of my trip can be found here:


i leave for berlin next monday (february 6th) and i will be there
through the summer and trying to play as many shows as possible while
i'm there.  anybody who's interested in booking me or thinks they can
point me in the right direction, please contact me.

i don't have all my new contact info yet, but i will post it up on my
site as soon as i have it.  i have an apartment in kreuzberg, but it's
only a temporary spot.

also, anybody who's in europe and wants to rock out, let me know.

word to moms.

:: atomly ::

[ [EMAIL PROTECTED] : www.atomly.com ...
[ atomiq records : po box 805319 chicago il 60680 : 312.804.5389 ...
[ e-mail [EMAIL PROTECTED] for atomly info and updates ...

Re: (313) Atomly in NYC Friday 12/30

2005-12-29 Thread atomly
[Fred Heutte <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>]
> We also need to mention Atomly's fondness for 70s-prog-rock album
> covers :)

Uriah Heep is a way of life!

:: atomly ::

[ [EMAIL PROTECTED] : www.atomly.com ...
[ atomiq records : po box 805319 chicago il 60680 : 312.804.5389 ...
[ e-mail [EMAIL PROTECTED] for atomly info and updates ...

(313) Tomorrow Night in NYC

2005-12-29 Thread atomly
I'm playing at subTonic tomorrow night in NYC.  I'm not sure of most of
the details except that it's free and it'll be my last time in NYC for
at least a year.   Come party with me before I go!

subTonic/Tonic | 107 Norfolk Street | (212) 358-7501
Downstairs: 10PM-4AM | FREE

:: atomly ::

[ [EMAIL PROTECTED] : www.atomly.com ...
[ atomiq records : po box 805319 chicago il 60680 : 312.804.5389 ...
[ e-mail [EMAIL PROTECTED] for atomly info and updates ...

(313) Two Upcoming Chicago Shows

2005-11-04 Thread atomly
First off, there's this:


Monday Nov. 7
LAVA presents:

  (atomiq, Opaque)
  (Opaque, jsk)
NOGUNRI - standing in for El Carnicero
  (Backwards, NLA)

A night of grime, dubstep, UKG and UK electro
859 N Damen, Chicago IL.
21+ w/ ID


and then:


meiotic and koncept present

saturday november 12th, 2005

  - hefty records, eastern developments | los angeles

  - ghostly, opaque | new york city

  - atomiq, opaque | chicago

free before 11pm and $3 drinks til 11pm (come early and get fun)
$5 admission after 11

2169 N Milwaukee Ave, Chicago


these should both be a lot of fun, so come represent.
:: atomly ::

[ [EMAIL PROTECTED] : www.atomly.com ...
[ atomiq records : po box 805319 chicago il 60680 : 312.804.5389 ...
[ e-mail [EMAIL PROTECTED] for atomly info and updates ...

Re: (313) New Surgeon mix

2005-10-17 Thread atomly
What a great night that was.

:: atomly ::

[ [EMAIL PROTECTED] : www.atomly.com ...
[ atomiq records : po box 805319 chicago il 60680 : 312.804.5389 ...
[ e-mail [EMAIL PROTECTED] for atomly info and updates ...

Re: (313) Origins of House music on apple.com...

2005-08-30 Thread atomly
> Still waiting on "Unusual Suspects" though.

Not super-well-made, but still worth seeing.  I caught a screening here
in Chicago and a bunch of the people interviewed were on-hand for a Q&A
afterward...  Pretty standard fare with focus on the Warehouse/Music Box
era and some bits of the high school dance party scene thrown in.

:: atomly ::

[ [EMAIL PROTECTED] : www.atomly.com ...
[ atomiq records : po box 805319 chicago il 60680 : 312.804.5389 ...
[ e-mail [EMAIL PROTECTED] for atomly info and updates ...

(313) Sunday Night in Detroit

2005-05-27 Thread atomly
@ masonic temple
500 temple st (map)
detroit, mi

Sun 2005.05.29 @ 22:00 . Mon 2005.05.30 @ 06:00

website: http://www.meioticpromotions.com/






.xtrak (TODD SINES) *live*




ATOMLY *live*




price: $20 presale / $25 door | ages: 18+

:: atomly ::

[ [EMAIL PROTECTED] : www.atomly.com ...
[ atomiq records : po box 805319 chicago il 60680 : 312.804.5389 ...
[ e-mail [EMAIL PROTECTED] for atomly info and updates ...

Re: (313) a nice affordable DEMF afterparty

2005-05-24 Thread atomly
[Minto George <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>]
> Saturday Night of Fuse-In (May 28th)
> An event put together by Kevin Reynolds of Transmat
> featuring:
> Aril Brikha (Transmat)

He totally rocked it in Chicago last weekend.  Excellent.

:: atomly ::

[ [EMAIL PROTECTED] : www.atomly.com ...
[ atomiq records : po box 805319 chicago il 60680 : 312.804.5389 ...
[ e-mail [EMAIL PROTECTED] for atomly info and updates ...

(313) Speaking of Kate Simko (Was: Re: (313) Simko shout out (was, Out-of-towner festival attendee roll call!))

2005-05-18 Thread atomly
[diana potts <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>]
> If anyone hasn't clicked their way to Kate Simko's
> tracks, I suggest givin' a listen.

They should also check this out if they're in Detroit on Friday!


Kate is really good live and Matt Negative plays awesome records.

:: atomly ::

[ [EMAIL PROTECTED] : www.atomly.com ...
[ atomiq records : po box 805319 chicago il 60680 : 312.804.5389 ...
[ e-mail [EMAIL PROTECTED] for atomly info and updates ...

(313) i'm losing control

2005-05-17 Thread atomly

:: atomly ::

[ [EMAIL PROTECTED] : www.atomly.com ...
[ atomiq records : po box 805319 chicago il 60680 : 312.804.5389 ...
[ e-mail [EMAIL PROTECTED] for atomly info and updates ...

Re: (313) live acid

2005-05-16 Thread atomly
> mark verbos live in new york, april 4
> http://www.simple-answer.com/MarkVerbos_LiveAcid.mp3

He absolutely KILLED it in Chicago.

:: atomly ::

[ [EMAIL PROTECTED] : www.atomly.com ...
[ atomiq records : po box 805319 chicago il 60680 : 312.804.5389 ...
[ e-mail [EMAIL PROTECTED] for atomly info and updates ...

Re: (313) Festival goes for $5 fee

2005-04-14 Thread atomly
> look who's mill's number one fan all of a suddden.

I never hated on the guy's music-- just everything else.

:: atomly ::

[ [EMAIL PROTECTED] : www.atomly.com ...
[ atomiq records : po box 805319 chicago il 60680 : 312.804.5389 ...
[ e-mail [EMAIL PROTECTED] for atomly info and updates ...

Re: (313) Festival goes for $5 fee

2005-04-14 Thread atomly
[Fred Heutte <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>]
> And as for Kevin Saunderson, any reservations I have about the style
> of the sets he's played that I've heard recently have to be set aside.

Bit of a tangent, but I'm curious about this-- he rocked it in Miami and
Jeff Mills is no cakewalk to follow.

:: atomly ::

[ [EMAIL PROTECTED] : www.atomly.com ...
[ atomiq records : po box 805319 chicago il 60680 : 312.804.5389 ...
[ e-mail [EMAIL PROTECTED] for atomly info and updates ...

(313) Sunday Nigth in Chicago (FREE)

2005-04-14 Thread atomly
THIS WEEK a KILLER audio / visual marriage.


Native Instruments Artist Highlight Series

Audio: ATOMLY live [atomiq]
This man is on a serious streak. With a handful of 12" LP releases on
his Atomiq Records label, he has shown solid music production skills
that have paved the way for this performance for our seventh NIAH, put
him on a hot bill at the 2005 Miami Winter Music Conference, and is
scoring points with the national music critics.

Video: Mason Dixon [A E Chicago] 
Mason is one of those artists who gets better with every performance. He
always provides stunning content from the most obscure sources and his
enthusiastic approach continues to catch the attention of ever larger
audiences. He is the Director of the Chicago Motion Graphics Festival
2004, held at the Chicago Historical Society, and is an essential
uniting force among young visual artists in Chicago.

Montly we present the Native Instruments Artist Highlight series [NIAH],
sponsored by Native Instruments Software Synthesis. We showcase an up
and coming electronic act, and award them with NI software.

We work to create environments for artist networking and idea
exchanging. We feature one visual guest and one audio guest each week.

check out the Locale Events website for calendar and information

Free / 21+
@ Rodan
1530 N Milwaukee Ave
Chicago, IL 60622


:: atomly ::

[ [EMAIL PROTECTED] : www.atomly.com ...
[ atomiq records : po box 805319 chicago il 60680 : 312.804.5389 ...
[ e-mail [EMAIL PROTECTED] for atomly info and updates ...

Re: (313) Now Playing

2005-04-13 Thread atomly
listening to:  Tom Hooker - "Looking for Love"

eating: a mediocre salad across the street

weather: Tonight...Clear. Lows in the middle 30s inland to near 40
lakeside. Northeast winds diminishing to 10 mph.

thinking about: How to get out of here.

:: atomly ::

[ [EMAIL PROTECTED] : www.atomly.com ...
[ atomiq records : po box 805319 chicago il 60680 : 312.804.5389 ...
[ e-mail [EMAIL PROTECTED] for atomly info and updates ...

Re: (313) best moustache in techno

2005-02-21 Thread atomly
> any other top tache's out there?

I've always been a fan of Matt Hellige's sleaze-stache:


:: atomly ::

[ [EMAIL PROTECTED] : www.atomly.com ...
[ atomiq records : po box 805319 chicago il 60680 : 312.804.5389 ...
[ e-mail [EMAIL PROTECTED] for atomly info and updates ...

(313) i have my twelve inch in my hand

2005-02-19 Thread atomly
after nearly a year of production delays of every type possible, 
"bad beat" is finally in stock and ready for order for $8.


the info:

 atomly : bad beat : atmq0002
 the most important record ever.

 12" vinyl
 artwork by bleeders anonymous

 the selection:
 a1] confessions of an opium eater :: chill mashup
 a2] big up mi snacks :: ragga breakcore
 a3] diepvries :: hard drum and bass
 b1] radio static :: dubby ambient techno
 b2] ask :: dubby electro 

:: atomly ::

[ [EMAIL PROTECTED] : www.atomly.com ...
[ atomiq records : po box 805319 chicago il 60680 : 312.804.5389 ...
[ e-mail [EMAIL PROTECTED] for atomly info and updates ...

Re: (313) Movement statement

2005-02-10 Thread atomly
> You have to feel sorry for them. Submit something in September, get a reply
> now, and then get told they HAVE to do it this year with no assistance?
> That sounds a bit out of order to me.

Did you read that NY Times piece on Detroit?

:: atomly ::

[ [EMAIL PROTECTED] : www.atomly.com ...
[ atomiq records : po box 805319 chicago il 60680 : 312.804.5389 ...
[ e-mail [EMAIL PROTECTED] for atomly info and updates ...

Re: (313) NY show info - A Guy Called Gerald

2005-02-04 Thread atomly
> anyone have info on this show +/or the venue?
> A Guy Called Gerald
> NY, Feb 26 @ Music Gallery

[EMAIL PROTECTED] for info on the show.

The venue is at 49 Ann St down in the Financial District (between
William and Nassau, right by the Fulton St. station).  It's a really
cool loft-type space.

:: atomly ::

[ [EMAIL PROTECTED] : www.atomly.com ...
[ atomiq records : po box 805319 chicago il 60680 : 312.804.5389 ...
[ e-mail [EMAIL PROTECTED] for atomly info and updates ...

Re: (313) NY show info - A Guy Called Gerald

2005-02-04 Thread atomly
> But, where is Guy Called Gerald playing in Chicago???!!!
> Have to decided between that and Hell/Traxx.

Too bad we couldn't sort out the Hell/Gerald/Traxx (and believe me, we
tried), because that would've been just sick.

:: atomly ::

[ [EMAIL PROTECTED] : www.atomly.com ...
[ atomiq records : po box 805319 chicago il 60680 : 312.804.5389 ...
[ e-mail [EMAIL PROTECTED] for atomly info and updates ...

(313) The Crisis in Detroit

2005-02-02 Thread atomly

:: atomly ::

[ [EMAIL PROTECTED] : www.atomly.com ...
[ atomiq records : po box 805319 chicago il 60680 : 312.804.5389 ...
[ e-mail [EMAIL PROTECTED] for atomly info and updates ...

Re: (313) The Echologist

2005-01-03 Thread atomly
["Derek Plaslaiko." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>]
> Echologist : Echology : Nite Grooves #222
> produced by Brendan Moeller

Damn, this is awesome.

:: atomly ::

[ [EMAIL PROTECTED] : www.atomly.com ...
[ atomiq records : po box 805319 chicago il 60680 : 312.804.5389 ...
[ e-mail [EMAIL PROTECTED] for atomly info and updates ...

Re: (313) Huge discography (was too quiet? too pac!)

2004-12-17 Thread atomly
> what other dance/electronic labels are up around there (and still in
> operation)?
> Tresor? Strictly Rhythm?

Tresor has around the same as Djax-Up-Beats (Tresor proper has just
under 220).

Dance Mania has 284 and is no longer in business.

Strictly Rhythm has ___WAY___ more (~700) than either, but they're not
longer in business. 

By far the most releases I know of on any "electronic" label, though, is 
ZYX.  They completely blow anybody else I can think of out of the water:


:: atomly ::

[ [EMAIL PROTECTED] : www.atomly.com ...
[ atomiq records : po box 805319 chicago il 60680 : 312.804.5389 ...
[ e-mail [EMAIL PROTECTED] for atomly info and updates ...

(313) Saturday in Toronto

2004-12-14 Thread atomly

@ I.V. Lounge 
326 Dundas St. W (enter through the back) 
Toronto, Canada 

9pm - 3am 
$10 admission 

ENDUSER | Cincinnati
ATOMLY | Chicago
DJ FISHEAD | Montreal 
BLACK MARKET | Montreal 
C64 | Toronto



:: atomly ::

[ [EMAIL PROTECTED] : www.atomly.com ...
[ atomiq records : po box 805319 chicago il 60680 : 312.804.5389 ...
[ e-mail [EMAIL PROTECTED] for atomly info and updates ...

Re: (313) Chicago NYE (OT)

2004-12-10 Thread atomly
[atomly <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>]
> > Anyone know of any events happening in Chicago for NYE?
> We (www.opaqueproject.com) are planning to do one, but still have to
> finalize all the details.  I'll post the info once it's ready.

er...  www.theopaqueproject.com

You think I'd know that by now.  Hah.

:: atomly ::

[ [EMAIL PROTECTED] : www.atomly.com ...
[ atomiq records : po box 805319 chicago il 60680 : 312.804.5389 ...
[ e-mail [EMAIL PROTECTED] for atomly info and updates ...

Re: (313) Chicago NYE (OT)

2004-12-10 Thread atomly
> Anyone know of any events happening in Chicago for NYE?

We (www.opaqueproject.com) are planning to do one, but still have to
finalize all the details.  I'll post the info once it's ready.

:: atomly ::

[ [EMAIL PROTECTED] : www.atomly.com ...
[ atomiq records : po box 805319 chicago il 60680 : 312.804.5389 ...
[ e-mail [EMAIL PROTECTED] for atomly info and updates ...

Re: (313) The Trax 20 Year Anniversary

2004-10-25 Thread atomly
> I don't think I get it. Did you leave because of him playing flowers, 
> or because he was getting all religious on yo' ass?


:: atomly ::

[ [EMAIL PROTECTED] : www.atomly.com ...
[ atomiq records : po box 805319 chicago il 60680 : 312.804.5389 ...
[ e-mail [EMAIL PROTECTED] for atomly info and updates ...

Re: (313) The Trax 20 Year Anniversary

2004-10-22 Thread atomly
I walked in around 2 to the most beautiful sight in the world-- a
roomful of clubbers jacking to "Land of Confusion" by Armando.  He
(Maurice Joshua) mixed that into Liaisons Dangereuses and then more
awesome jack tracks and old acid.  He ended his set with a wicked old
Farley Jackmaster Funk acid vocal track. Then Farley himself got on,
announced that it was his track, and stopped it.

He then went into a speech about how we are all flowers, and we belong
to Jesus Christ.

He then played "Flowers" by Armand van Helden.

I then left.

:: atomly ::

[ [EMAIL PROTECTED] : www.atomly.com ...
[ atomiq records : po box 805319 chicago il 60680 : 312.804.5389 ...
[ e-mail [EMAIL PROTECTED] for atomly info and updates ...

(313) Re: Tonight in Chicago

2004-10-11 Thread atomly
Thanks to everybody that came out on Friday and sorry it had to end so
early.  I hope you all had a good time before Chicago's finest showed
up, because I know I did.  Based on the small amount that Plastique de
Reve did play, though, I'm positive we'll have him out again.  Also,
thanks again to the Meiotic guys also for getting Phon.o out to our
night even though he didn't get to play.

Speaking of not playing, I was going to record my set on Friday and post
it, but in lieu of that I uploaded my set from Happy Ending in NYC:


:: atomly ::

[ [EMAIL PROTECTED] : www.atomly.com ...
[ atomiq records : po box 805319 chicago il 60680 : 312.804.5389 ...
[ e-mail [EMAIL PROTECTED] for atomly info and updates ...

Re: (313) playlist WNUR Chicago - 1 Oct 2004 - DJ Patrick Russell, Detroit

2004-10-08 Thread atomly
Yeah, we had Patrick twice at our parties and he totally killed it both
times.  Very underrated DJ in my opinion.

I tried to have Carlos down in June but he had to cancel due to a
sheduling conflict and unfortunately we were doing a party when he
played here a few weeks ago at Sonotheque, so I couldn't catch that set
either-- he's been amazing every time I've ever seen him too, though.

I'm excited to see Plaslaiko and Servito in NYC in November-- that
should be awesome, as should the whole party.

:: atomly ::

[ [EMAIL PROTECTED] : www.atomly.com ...
[ atomiq records : po box 805319 chicago il 60680 : 312.804.5389 ...
[ e-mail [EMAIL PROTECTED] for atomly info and updates ...

Re: (313) US vs. EU crap....

2004-10-02 Thread atomly
> and dissing other foreign djs because of your own sour grapes (beyer
> and surgeon) doesn't help your argument. especially considering that
> both, in my professional experience, were very good to work with.

Yeah, I really think the whole problem started because you picked two of
the best (from a DJ/producer standpoint) and nicest people out there as
your examples.  I'd be surprised if anybody could tell me anything bad
about either of them, since they've been amazing people whenever I've
interacted with them and they've played jaw-dropping sets whenever I've
seen them play.

And, also, I have to step in here on the other side of the argument.  I
can completely see where Mani's coming from in his saying what he did.
I think it's right to book some domestic (and even local) talent,
because it really does have a tendency to be overlooked.  The problem
isn't with the foreign talent, though, it's with the people who are
trained to believe that foreign artists are good and domestic are just

:: atomly ::

[ [EMAIL PROTECTED] : www.atomly.com ...
[ atomiq records : po box 805319 chicago il 60680 : 312.804.5389 ...
[ e-mail [EMAIL PROTECTED] for atomly info and updates ...

Re: (313) Chicago USA Spam

2004-09-22 Thread atomly
> Every Tuesday night at:
> Dragonfly Mandarin
> 832 W. Randolph
> Chicago.
> 10 pm-2 am
> 312-787-7600
> 21+
> No cover!"

Wow, that's a block from my house...  I thought he was moving to Berlin,

:: atomly ::

[ [EMAIL PROTECTED] : www.atomly.com ...
[ atomiq records : po box 805319 chicago il 60680 : 312.804.5389 ...
[ e-mail [EMAIL PROTECTED] for atomly info and updates ...

(313) all this sample hubbub

2004-09-08 Thread atomly

:: atomly ::

[ [EMAIL PROTECTED] : www.atomly.com ...
[ atomiq records : po box 805319 chicago il 60680 : 312.804.5389 ...
[ e-mail [EMAIL PROTECTED] for atomly info and updates ...

Re: (313) stupid dumb idiot story

2004-09-08 Thread atomly
I watched Derek Plaslaiko attempt to burn Dadajack on a campfire before
being talked to his sense.

:: atomly ::

[ [EMAIL PROTECTED] : www.atomly.com ...
[ atomiq records : po box 805319 chicago il 60680 : 312.804.5389 ...
[ e-mail [EMAIL PROTECTED] for atomly info and updates ...

Re: (313) playlist WNUR Chicago - 20 Aug 2004 - download it

2004-08-26 Thread atomly
[Matt MacQueen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>]
> Part 2 > starting with a cold spell brought on by germany's move d, we  
> go a little vintage with todd terry, and back through a few dub techno  
> heavyweights.  a new downtempo gem from arovane and self-released music  
> from chicago's eliot lipp bridge over into an early jack track from dj  
> rush, winding down with smooth cuts from kirk degiorgio and duplex.   
> eliot lipp - ballkid (self-released)

eliot = the mack.

:: atomly ::

[ [EMAIL PROTECTED] : www.atomly.com ...
[ atomiq records : po box 805319 chicago il 60680 : 312.804.5389 ...
[ e-mail [EMAIL PROTECTED] for atomly info and updates ...

Re: (313) otto lives!

2004-08-23 Thread atomly
> I do agree though, consolidation sends up a red flag for me - in this case
> I don't think I'm going to get too nervous (yet)

Yeah, I didn't mean to seem alarmist or anything-- it just feels like
electronic music has been moving in this direction lately so it's
starting to concern me.  Smaller labels, nights, shops and distributors
have been folding at an increased pace lately, which is not good in my

:: atomly ::

[ [EMAIL PROTECTED] : www.atomly.com ...
[ atomiq records : po box 805319 chicago il 60680 : 312.804.5389 ...
[ e-mail [EMAIL PROTECTED] for atomly info and updates ...

Re: (313) otto lives!

2004-08-23 Thread atomly
["Thomas D. Cox, Jr." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>]
> yeah because big bad submerge uses the same business practices as wal
> mart. shut up. troll. at least yussel was sensible in his reply, i
> know it must hurt you to try the same. 

God, you're a twat.  Nice work calling me the troll and then writing
such an obvious flamebait reply.

My simple point is that as you consolidate the distribution through one
source (as in my examples), things start to fall through the cracks.  If
Submerge isn't feeling a particular style or label, then they don't get

A perfect example of this would be in the drum and bass scene, where
Clay from Renegade Hardware could basically make it impossible for
somebody to get big if he wanted because he controlled the means of

Another example of why this is bad is EFA-- it creates a single point of
failure.  When EFA died, they took a ton of labels with them. 

Stop being such a cock and try to refute my points next time instead of
accusing me of trolling.

:: atomly ::

[ [EMAIL PROTECTED] : www.atomly.com ...
[ atomiq records : po box 805319 chicago il 60680 : 312.804.5389 ...
[ e-mail [EMAIL PROTECTED] for atomly info and updates ...

Re: (313) otto lives!

2004-08-23 Thread atomly
["Thomas D. Cox, Jr." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>]
> well theres always going to be exceptions, but its nice to have one
> store you can rely on to always have the majority of things you want
> to buy. no one else in the US is really providing that. i mean, do
> people in germany consider hard wax to be exclusive? not that submerge
> is on that level yet, but i could see it getting much bigger than it
> is right now

It is convenient, but that's the same reason so many people shop at
Wal-Mart, Barnes & Noble and Best Buy as well, and those have all
functioned to eliminate a lot of the "fringe."

I generally don't think that consolidation is good for the marketplace
because it eliminates competition and eliminates choice.

:: atomly ::

[ [EMAIL PROTECTED] : www.atomly.com ...
[ atomiq records : po box 805319 chicago il 60680 : 312.804.5389 ...
[ e-mail [EMAIL PROTECTED] for atomly info and updates ...

(313) Cylob Tonight in Chicago

2004-08-23 Thread atomly
CYLOB | London, UK | Rephlex/Breakin -LIVE-
REVEREND ROBERT SINEWAVE | Consumers Research and Development -DJ-
ATOMLY | atomiq -ableton live DJ set-
FLASHBULB | Alphabasic/Sublight/Bohnerwachs/Nophi -DJ-

@ Danny's Tavern  >>  CHICAGO
1951 W. Dickens  >  (east of Damen + Dickens)
9:45p- 2:00a  >  21+over  >  no cover, ever  >  773.489.6457

:: atomly ::

[ [EMAIL PROTECTED] : www.atomly.com ...
[ atomiq records : po box 805319 chicago il 60680 : 312.804.5389 ...
[ e-mail [EMAIL PROTECTED] for atomly info and updates ...

Re: (313) the UR mix from NYC

2004-08-19 Thread atomly
Verbos is the man and has been underappreciated for quite some time.
His old Drop Bass releases were amazing.

He's doing some great jackin/acid stuff with Tommie Sunshine on Gigolo
these days too.

:: atomly ::

[ [EMAIL PROTECTED] : www.atomly.com ...
[ atomiq records : po box 805319 chicago il 60680 : 312.804.5389 ...
[ e-mail [EMAIL PROTECTED] for atomly info and updates ...

(313) Tonight in Chicago

2004-08-18 Thread atomly
DJ HIDDEN :: Ruff-Tek Records/Evol Intent/Fear :: HOLLAND 
ATOMLY *LIVE* :: atomiq/Fear :: CHICAGO 
CHAMBERWEED feat. MC ENTRO :: Cosmic Breaks :: CHICAGO 

Wednesday, August 18th
Cafe Lura 
Milwaukee/Belmont (3184 N Milwaukee)
$4 Donation for this extra-special event 
Great Beer 
Very loud


:: atomly ::

[ [EMAIL PROTECTED] : www.atomly.com ...
[ atomiq records : po box 805319 chicago il 60680 : 312.804.5389 ...
[ e-mail [EMAIL PROTECTED] for atomly info and updates ...

Re: Re: (313) track ID

2004-08-17 Thread atomly
I'd like you to search through these archives and find where yussel or
myself was "being negative."  Was it the time that we were talking about
how good Mathew Johnson was at DEMF and we were accused of liking
hipster techno?  Maybe the time yussel asked what a slang word meant and
was berated for it?

In fact, just to prove your point, I went through my sent-mail folder.
My first post when I re-subbed was "God, what an amazing set" in
reference to Mathew Johnson at DEMF.

In the month of August I've posted two "negative" e-mails to the list.
One calling jokingly calling yussel a "nancy boy" and one calling MEK an
"ass" this morning.  I've made posts about how good Mathew Johnson, James 
Woodie McBride, Freddie Fresh, Cepia, Mr. Projectile, etc are all in
that time as well.

I don't mean to come off as defensive, it just seems that you're
misdirecting some of your anger here.

:: atomly ::

[ [EMAIL PROTECTED] : www.atomly.com ...
[ atomiq records : po box 805319 chicago il 60680 : 312.804.5389 ...
[ e-mail [EMAIL PROTECTED] for atomly info and updates ...

Re: (313) track ID

2004-08-17 Thread atomly
> i can drive there in 5 hours if you like...

OK...  Let's bring this back to 313...

What would you listen to on the way there to get yourself pumped up?

:: atomly ::

[ [EMAIL PROTECTED] : www.atomly.com ...
[ atomiq records : po box 805319 chicago il 60680 : 312.804.5389 ...
[ e-mail [EMAIL PROTECTED] for atomly info and updates ...

(313) my best negative post

2004-08-17 Thread atomly
since you asked.

- Forwarded message from atomly <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> -

Date: Fri, 11 May 2001 07:02:41 -0500
From: atomly <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: 313@hyperreal.org
X-URL: http://www.atomly.com/

[Roberto Ty <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>]
> Carl Craig has been asked to step down as creative director for the
> DEMF. Read:
> http://www.freep.com/entertainment/music/demf11_20010511.htm

Oh great, next year's festival lineup is going to be chosen by a

I can't wait to see Tall Paul Van Oakensashweed headline next year!

Well, I guess it was cool while it lasted.

:: atomly :: 

----- End forwarded message -

:: atomly ::

[ [EMAIL PROTECTED] : www.atomly.com ...
[ atomiq records : po box 805319 chicago il 60680 : 312.804.5389 ...
[ e-mail [EMAIL PROTECTED] for atomly info and updates ...

Re: (313) track ID

2004-08-17 Thread atomly
> go f*ck yourself atomly and while you're add it why don't you reach
> over and finger yussel too

Thank you for proving my point.

:: atomly ::

[ [EMAIL PROTECTED] : www.atomly.com ...
[ atomiq records : po box 805319 chicago il 60680 : 312.804.5389 ...
[ e-mail [EMAIL PROTECTED] for atomly info and updates ...

Re: (313) track ID

2004-08-17 Thread atomly
> are you daft? can you not infer what he means by 'bonce'?
> do you do this with everyone from outside the US that uses slang from
> their own country?

God, you're an ass.

:: atomly ::

[ [EMAIL PROTECTED] : www.atomly.com ...
[ atomiq records : po box 805319 chicago il 60680 : 312.804.5389 ...
[ e-mail [EMAIL PROTECTED] for atomly info and updates ...

Re: (313) OT maina, where does it end

2004-08-14 Thread atomly
> and to bring this back to music, i wounder if julia has been sampled?
> i heard several good ones today on npr. the best being her saying
> "chop" with her very dinstinctive voice; quickly followed by the sound
> of a big knife hitting a cutting board.

Cassette Boy did wonders with her samples in their track "The Meat

:: atomly ::

[ [EMAIL PROTECTED] : www.atomly.com ...
[ atomiq records : po box 805319 chicago il 60680 : 312.804.5389 ...
[ e-mail [EMAIL PROTECTED] for atomly info and updates ...

(313) Excellent M. Mayer website

2004-08-11 Thread atomly

:: atomly ::

[ [EMAIL PROTECTED] : www.atomly.com ...
[ atomiq records : po box 805319 chicago il 60680 : 312.804.5389 ...
[ e-mail [EMAIL PROTECTED] for atomly info and updates ...

(313) Saturday in Chicago

2004-08-10 Thread atomly
saturday, august 14th
atomiq records and the opaque project present:

JIMMY EDGAR | warp/opaque | detroit
- have you ever seen a girl throw her panties at a 303?  neither had we.
  this warp records recording artist will be dropping a special acid
  house live pa.

MARCOS CABRAL | trapez | nyc
- from trapez records (home of akufen, run by rrr, sub-label of traum)
  comes this minimal acid producer. rockin like kropotkin.

COWBOY MARK | the crucial get down | nyc
- on a steel horse he rides.

GIBBY | makeoutclub | nyc
- he's not only the makeoutclub president, he's also a client.  the dude
  started makeoutclub... can you say knee-deep in indie rock ass?  yeah,
  we thought you could.

ATOMLY | atomiq/opaque | chicago
- i'm losing control. i'm losing control. i'm losing control.  
  i'm losing control. i'm losing control. i'm losing control.
  i'm losing control. i'm losing control. i'm losing control.

JOHNNY LOVE | opaque | chicago
- the don juan of disco.  johnny love will save your life and/or steal
  your girlfriend.

346 n justine, chicago
10pm / $5 / all ages / BYOB 

:: atomly ::

[ [EMAIL PROTECTED] : www.atomly.com ...
[ atomiq records : po box 805319 chicago il 60680 : 312.804.5389 ...
[ e-mail [EMAIL PROTECTED] for atomly info and updates ...

Re: RE: (313) Friday - Home Town Band

2004-08-06 Thread atomly
Well, if you're going to include them, you need to mention Jake Mandell,
Mr. Projectile, Brad Kraft, etc...  All those guys that got the IDM
scene going there a few years ago-- the band Triangle also came out of
that scene, though they're more on the twee thing these days.  Cepia
(Ghostly) is also from Minneapolis.

But yeah, I was speaking purely of influential people.  Sure, Woodie was
techno, but he certainly inlfuenced me early on.

:: atomly ::

[ [EMAIL PROTECTED] : www.atomly.com ...
[ atomiq records : po box 805319 chicago il 60680 : 312.804.5389 ...
[ e-mail [EMAIL PROTECTED] for atomly info and updates ...

Re: RE: (313) Friday - Home Town Band

2004-08-06 Thread atomly
> isn't Har Mar from your neck of the woods?

Mitchell, MN, but he and his band, Calvin Crime, used to come to Fargo a

:: atomly ::

[ [EMAIL PROTECTED] : www.atomly.com ...
[ atomiq records : po box 805319 chicago il 60680 : 312.804.5389 ...
[ e-mail [EMAIL PROTECTED] for atomly info and updates ...

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