[313] the long ride home

2001-11-09 Thread d . pinter
I remember a while back seeing info on the documentary from DEMF 2000 called 
'the long ride home' Anyone heard about the progress with this project? I know 
there was a website but I've forgotten the link.


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[313] Agents of Change flyer

2001-11-07 Thread d . pinter
Does anyone in the detroit area have a scanned copy of the flyer for the 
May/Mills party that they could email me? It would be much appreciated. Reply 
in private if you can help out.

-dave p

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[313] Groovetech site

2001-10-22 Thread d . pinter
Anyone else having difficulty with accessing the site this morning?
I'm getting a 'cannot find server' page.


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[313] Adult

2001-10-12 Thread d . pinter
Anyone else in the NYC area going to check them out tonight? I heard it was at 
Electroclash but I don't know the location. If anyone has any details can so 
reply offlist?


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[313] Adult

2001-10-12 Thread d . pinter
Anyone else in the NYC area going to check them out tonight? I heard it was at 
Electroclash but I don't know the location. If anyone has any details can so 
reply offlist?


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Re: [313] upstaging or talent winning over hype?

2001-09-19 Thread d . pinter
Ill have to get in the way back machine for my contribution, but I remember 
seeing Richie and Dan as Cybersonik in Cleveland back in '93 overshadow the 
Prodigy. Richie and Dan, who weren't big names at that point did a blistering 
live pa. The prodigy on the other hand also did a live pa but were playing off 
a dat that sounded like it spent a little too much time on the dashboard. Not 
to mention their mc was yelling 'everybody in the place' more times than I 
heard 'DJ Bone!' at DEMF 2001.


Joel Fernandez <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Back in May @ the Cabaret Metro Cajmere upstaged Derrick Carter by
performing The Perculator (including the dance) during his live PA.  Does
that count:-)


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[313] [Attn: Ani]

2001-09-18 Thread d . pinter
Please get in touch with me if you get this.

-Dave Pinter

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Re: RE: [313] WTC

2001-09-11 Thread d . pinter
Peter, glad you are okwe have the news on here in midtown and it looks 
surreal. It's a terrible thing no only here but in washington and PA. Emotions 
are pretty heavy here at the office.

Didn't mean to offend with the question reguarding richie...was just looking 
for a bit of good to focus on for a moment. Watching the news and seeing so 
much tragedy is a bit overwhelming.

"Grammenos, Peter" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I saw richie last night at guernica and i don't think he's up yet ;) Joel
Mull did an amazing live p.a., tapping snare drums and sampled loops on the
fly w/ his akai. 

I'd be surprised if Richie is spinnig tonight, NYC is mad right now, I just
came from Downtown about 5 blocks from the WTC when the first tower blew up.


-Original Message-
Sent: Tuesday, September 11, 2001 10:04 AM
To: 313@hyperreal.org
Subject: [313] WTC

Seems I'm stuck here at the office for a while as everything in NYC is shut
down. For those of you outside the area, I can tell you that it's pretty
crazy here in NYC. I'm guessing that Richie will not play tonight at
Centro-Fly. Was anyone on the list planning to go?

-dave (wondering how I will get home to Connecticut)

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[313] WTC

2001-09-11 Thread d . pinter
Seems I'm stuck here at the office for a while as everything in NYC is shut 
down. For those of you outside the area, I can tell you that it's pretty crazy 
here in NYC. I'm guessing that Richie will not play tonight at Centro-Fly. Was 
anyone on the list planning to go?

-dave (wondering how I will get home to Connecticut)

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Re: [313] DE9 closer

2001-08-31 Thread d . pinter

Have not heard this CD yet but I think Richie has always based what he releases 
around a concept or an idea. Maybe it's just me, but I tend to listen to his 
stuff half for the musical content but also for what he was trying to achieve 
with the idea. The whole Concept series of records was interesting since it 
represented time. Sure DE9 may not conceptually be a unique idea only to 
Richie, but I'm curoius to see what he does with it. btw The DJkicks series and 
the Blech warp CD come to mind as roots of this project. I'll never fault 
Richie for not wanting to explore new ideas with either sound or technology 
what ever the outcome. To me thats the mark of an artist.


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[313] Kevin Saunderson last night

2001-08-18 Thread d . pinter
It was a great night for Techno in NYC last night. This was my first trip to 
Shine so I didn't know what to expect from the club environment. Thankfully I 
saw no orange security vested thugs at the door waiting to hear some story 
about why I should be let in(read Centro-Fly angst) . Kevin came on at 2am to a 
pretty packed crowd. The space was not huge which was nice and Kevin wasted no 
time in getting connected with the crowd. The mix of people was a little odd at 
first. There seemed to be a big group that came for Kevin and a lot of others 
who were your typical NY mirror loving fashion victims. Kevin played a pretty 
hard set  of techno which I didn't expect. Opened with that loopy mix of Good 
Life and stayed pretty much up tempo the rest of the night. The stand out 
moment by far was when he dropped 'the climax'. The crowd thinned at around 
quarter to four and Kevin wrapped up at 4:45 am. Everyone who was left(mostly 
midwest transplants by my observation) showed their apprecia!
tion for a set, and night that went by way too fast.

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[313] Kevin Saunderson @ Shine

2001-08-16 Thread d . pinter
Anyone else in the NYC area going to this on Friday night? Never been there so 
I hope the sound system is good. If you want to meet up there, reply back to me 
off the list.


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Re: [313] no UFO's

2001-05-29 Thread d . pinter
No I think that was the 'Firestone' mix.  Stayed through the hail but didn't 
wait around for the frogs or locusts.


Sean Deason <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> did anyone else get the impression Juan was laughing in the face of Ford
with what he did to "No UFO's" during his set last night? or do you think it
was really just "technical difficulties"? odd that it was just during *that*
track that the tables would've just *happened* to crap out. good one Juan!


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[313] My DEMF wish...

2001-05-24 Thread d . pinter
With only one more day till I hop a plane to Detroit, (can't believe a year has 
gone by so fast) I'm looking forward to enjoying the whole weekend reguardless 
of weather, politics, and advertising. Three days of good music and good people 
are all I'm concerned with. Yes, the festival politics have obviously been a 
roller coaster ride this year, but I hope everyone can just show up and enjoy 
the music. Last year was great because everyone really connected with the 
spirit of the music. I don't think that has diminished in any of us over the 
course of the year. Hope to meet many of you over the course of the weekend.

(curious to see how the shirts came out, spoke to Mike at Recordtime and he 
said the printer was cranking them out)  

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[313] 313 T-Shirts

2001-05-18 Thread d . pinter
Hello everyone,

Thought I'd bring you up to date on what's happening with the 313 shirts (now 
that there seems to be a lul in the DEMF controversy) I spoke to Mike at 
Recordtime last night and the shirts are being printed as I type this. They are 
being printed locally in Detroit and as Ani mentioned, they should be in the 
store some time next week. I'm not sure of the exact date but I'll let everyone 
know as soon as I find out. Haven't confirmed with Mike yet on the price so I 
will try to get that information as well. 

On a side note, did any NYC 313ers go see Derrick at Centro Fly last night? 
Business trip exhaustion prevented me from going.

hope to meet a lot of you next weekend


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Re: Re: [313] carl craig asked to step down!

2001-05-11 Thread d . pinter

Kevin Conrad <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > talking strictly as an outside observer looking in,
> i'd say there's been a
> lot of politics involved already, whether just one
> individual or a
> commitee.

After reading the article this morning and a few of the posts lately I find it 
interesting that so much political wrangling is taking place over a free 
festival aimed a benefiting the parks dept. I could see if this was a ticketed 
event and there was a concern over the event breaking even let alone making a 
profit. I agree that it is too soon to start pointing fingers at anyone SFX, 
Carol, or Derrick. I actually think the best thing everyone should do at this 
point is fire an email to Carl and thank him for all his efforts. He obviously 
took some risks with the line up this year and offered something unexpected. 
That's the role of an artistic director. Did he think there would be 
controversy over it, probably. I have a feeling though that something else is 
going on.


ironic prediction, t-1000 will be on the 'commitee'  

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Re: Re: [313] Cabs FYI

2001-05-10 Thread d . pinter
Alex says; if you're in a group and are planning on hitting a lot of different 
places, a weekend car rental is the way to go

Just rented thru Hertz for four days at $20 per day. About $100 for the 
weekend. Of course you have to be 24 or older.


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Re: Re: [313] tech-no at DEMF?

2001-04-19 Thread d . pinter

'Although I'm wondering, given the way it's being billed this year,
whether they're gonna drop the D after next year's edition and then hold it 
each year in the highest-bidding city, say a commercially much more attractive 
place like NYC or LA... (/cynical capitalist mode off)'

I sure hope not, NYC people just don't know how to party so it would be a 
wash.(and i'm talking born here NY'ers) Nobody knows having a good time better 
than midwesterners. I could see Chicago. 


Re: [313] first mix

2001-04-19 Thread d . pinter
If I remember correctly it was probably some of the early Jamacian Soundsystems 
that did what could be called mixing. But there is also the early rap dj's in 
the late 70's that were experimenting as well. Someone has probably compiled a 
history of mixing somewhere on the net.


ID's for Ken Ishii on GT

2001-04-18 Thread d . pinter
Can anyone offer any enlightment on the tracks in his set. Even just artists 
and labels might help. It's only 75min long.



T Shirt Finale

2001-04-18 Thread d . pinter
Hi everyone,

Well all the votes have been counted and recounted. Thanks to Roberto, Tim, and 
Mike for helping out with that. We had two designs that pretty much got the 
majority of the attention from the list. Actually the vote swung several times 
between the two. I know several of you said it was a difficult choice to pick 
between them. So the race was really between C and D or if your memory is a 
little fuzzy, the 'record case' vs. the 'ren cen'.
Last sunday as I reviewed my totals and got some of the other numbers in, it 
was clear that we didn't have one landslide winner, but two close contenders. I 
had an idea, and spoke to Mike at Recordtime yesterday and we both agreed that 
the two designs were very different and unique. So instead of limiting the 
choice to one winner, both C and D will be produced. Both the designers have 
already been contacted and given the news. Congratulations got out to both of 
them. C (the record case)was designed by Chris who posts as [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
And the designer of D (with a nod to UR) is going to remain anonymous. Again 
both of them will be sporting free shirts for their efforts.
So what happens from here, well I have gotten some questions about price, 
availability, and ordering. As far as price goes, I am talking with Mike at 
Recordtime about that and some of it will depend on the initial order. I am 
already in the process of getting quotes from printers together. For now it 
looks like we should be able to have them at RT around the second week of May, 
maybe a little sooner. I'd like to personally thank Mike for being interested 
in this project and helping out.
As always if any of you have any questions you can email me privately but I 
really can't provide a lot of specific details at this point. As soon as more 
news piles up I will post another update.

Thanks again to everyone,

T-Shirt Voting

2001-04-12 Thread d . pinter
For all of you who have not taken the opportunity to vote yet for the 
313T-Shirt you still have time. I wanted post a reminder in case some of you 
missed yesterdays message. All you have to do is go to www.313shirt.50megs.com 
and check out the entries. There is a link at the bottom of the site for 
voting. All you need to do is put the letter of your favorite design in the 
subject box of the email. It's pretty simple. Again everyone on the list is 
encouraged to vote.

Thanks to all those who did vote yesterday. We got a lot, and for those 
counting it was interesting to follow the totals throughout the day.

Just a reminder that you will have till Sat. night at midnight est. to vote.

thanks again everyone,

TShirt site

2001-04-11 Thread d . pinter
I was afraid this might happen to someonethe images have been glitching out 
on my computer here at the office and at home. I have tried to contact the host 
and figure out what the problem is but as usual I'm getting bounced back emails 
from them. Needless to say I am still trying. I did a quick survey of the site 
before I released it to the list and it worked for everyone else so I figured 
it was some sort of cookie issue with my machine. For any of you that can't see 
the previews...the images are there, you just need to check each box. Sorry for 
the temporary difficulty, I'm still working on fixing it.

I'll keep you guys updated...


T-Shirt Voting

2001-04-11 Thread d . pinter
Okay folks,

I've finally gotten all the technical glitches fixed(hopefully, so bear with 
me) and you can now see the submissions for the 313 list t-shirt as well as 
vote for your favorite design.

The link following is where the designs are located. To vote send a message to 
the address on the bottom of the web page and enter the letter of your favorite 
design in the SUBJECT line. No need to type a message...the subject will do 
fine. It's up to you to narrow it down and vote only for you favorite. I will 
dispense with any florida jokes at this point.

If anyone should encounter any problems with the site let me know and I'll do 
my best to address those asap. I will be 'closing the poles' so to speak at 
midnight est. on Saturday. So you've got four days to vote. As always, any 
questions...just reply and I will try to help.

here's the link:   http://www.313shirt.50megs.com

thanks everyone,

T-shirt update

2001-04-09 Thread d . pinter
Hi everyone,

Well I had good intention of getting the site and voting started today but 
unfortunately I've got a killer deadline here at the office, so I will have to 
postpone getting that info up until tonight. I'll post another message with all 
the details later so keep an eye out.

slightly overwhelmed



2001-04-06 Thread d . pinter
Hi everyone,

Next week will be the voting week for the 313 T-shirt design (yes, time is 
racing by). I will be posting the link on Monday morning where you can view the 
submission and vote.

I need an objective volunteer from the list though, who would like to help 
count votes. It would be helpful if you get your mail through an isp (rather 
than hotmail) and use outlook. I only request this because it will simplify the 
process and ultimately make life easier.

Anyone interested should reply to me privately and give me the address I can 
have emails forwarded to.

hope everyone enjoys the weekend.

Freep Article 2

2001-03-30 Thread d . pinter

also a related article with the scheduled days and times of each artist.


Freep Article

2001-03-29 Thread d . pinter
Anyone else read this in today's Freep?


hope this link works...article titled 'world takes notice of electronic 
music event'

Press conference

2001-03-29 Thread d . pinter
Anyone know what time the DEMF press conference at City Hall starts today?


Re: [313] i have to dj and i'm scared.

2001-03-28 Thread d . pinter

Gravitational Arc of 10..give em a little 'trance' education 


Re: Re: [313] is moby still Techno

2001-03-22 Thread d . pinter
<"Go" was possibly the only 'techno' track he has ever done. Even that was

You might give his 'Early Works' CD a listen. I'm no big moby fan but there are 
some other cuts on that CD besides 'GO' that are pretty good. Didn't Kevin 
Sauderson used to drop a 'GO' remix in his set back in the day?



2001-03-21 Thread d . pinter
For those who may have missed this message during the weekend:

Hi everyone,
As promised, here is the latest news on the 313 T Shirt. I have worked to put a 
time line together that includes 3 weeks for those who wish to submit new 
designs or re submit previous ones from last year. There will then be a week 
for online voting. At the end of the week the winning design will go into 
production and be ready for DEMF on Memorial Day. The winner of the contest 
will of course be awarded with a free shirt. I have worked out a deal where the 
shirts will be sold at Record Time in Detroit. This will allow you to purchase 
the shirts three ways: first you will be able to order online and have them 
sent to you, second they will be available at the store for pick up before the 
festival weekend(I would like them to get to the store as early as possible), 
third they will be available for sale AT DEMF in the Record Time booth. The 
shirts will be available in a range of sizes.
Here are the important dates to remember for those wanting to enter the contest.
Contest begins March 17th
Submissions are due by Friday April 6th at midnight
Voting will take place from Monday April 9th - Friday April 13th. The winner 
will be announced on Monday April 16th
All the designs will posted on a web site. I'll post the link as we get to the 
end of the submission phase. Everyone on the list is encouraged to vote as the 
winning design will represent the list at the festival.
The contest is open for everyone on the list to enter. In order to do so, email 
me privately and I will send you further details about submitting and a shirt 
template. I ask that you do this so I can keep track of who has entered and I 
will send out reminders as the closing dates approach(we're all procrastinators 
at heart).
Hope this contest adds to the anticipation of DEMF 2001 and I hope to hear from 
many of you regarding submitting.
dave pinter


2001-03-17 Thread d . pinter
Hi everyone,
As promised, here is the latest news on the 313 T Shirt. I have worked to put a 
time line together that includes 3 weeks for those who wish to submit new 
designs or re submit previous ones from last year. There will then be a week 
for online voting. At the end of the week the winning design will go into 
production and be ready for DEMF on Memorial Day. The winner of the contest 
will of course be awarded with a free shirt. I have worked out a deal where the 
shirts will be sold at Record Time in Detroit. This will allow you to purchase 
the shirts three ways: first you will be able to order online and have them 
sent to you, second they will be available at the store for pick up before the 
festival weekend(I would like them to get to the store as early as possible), 
third they will be available for sale AT DEMF in the Record Time booth. The 
shirts will be available in a range of sizes.
Here are the important dates to remember for those wanting to enter the contest.
Contest begins March 17th (today)
Submissions are due by Friday April 6th at midnight
Voting will take place from Monday April 9th - Friday April 13th. The winner 
will be announced on Monday April 16th
All the designs will posted on a web site. I'll post the link as we get to the 
end of the submission phase. Everyone on the list is encouraged to vote as the 
winning design will represent the list at the festival.
The contest is open for everyone on the list to enter. In order to do so, email 
me privately and I will send you further details about submitting and a shirt 
template. I ask that you do this so I can keep track of who has entered and I 
will send out reminders as the closing dates approach(we're all procrastinators 
at heart).
Hope this contest adds to the anticipation of DEMF 2001 and I hope to hear from 
many of you regarding submitting.
dave pinter

T-shirt update

2001-03-06 Thread d . pinter
I have found the site with last years submissions, sorry I was not on the list 
at the time that took place. Thanks to all those who forwarded information so 
far. Some of the submissions from that first round are year specific, which 
makes me think that maybe we should allow some time for those to be resubmitted 
and new entries as well. I also think that the way those designs should be 
presented should be anonymous. Maybe an A,B,C kind of thing. This makes it fair 
for everyone who submitted( or makes it harder for list members for canvas for 
votes) I'm also of the mind to keep it simple with shirts. 313 is not the 
largest community out there and I'd like everyone who orders to be happy with 
the final product. I'd like it to be an affordable thing and running two 
sweatshirts here and three long sleeve shirts there will not be cheap. (I'm not 
doing this for the money by the way)

T-shirts are pretty flexible and I think a good first step. Maybe 2002 will be 
something else. I'd like to get a plan together as to how we make this a 
reality and will post that this week. Anyone who has further information or 
contacts that they would like to pass along should feel free.

thanks again to those who replyed so far

dave p

313 T-Shirts

2001-03-06 Thread d . pinter
I know there was a small discussion a few weeks ago about getting a 313 shirt 
done for DEMF. I'd be interested in making this happen if there was enough 
support from the list to get a good order together. We could obviously have an 
open competition to pick a design (entries could be posted on the net) This 
would have to happen somewhat soon though so as to avoid any rush charges 
tagged on by the printer. I'm in NYC and there are a lot of folks that could do 
the shirts for a good price.

I'd like to find out though if this is something worth doing especially since 
we have a bit of time to work with before the end of May. Email me back 
privately and let me know so as not to swamp the list. I'll post again in a few 
days to let you know what the response has been.

dave p  (yes it's still snowing here!)

Re: [313] NBA basketball commercial

2001-03-05 Thread d . pinter
Seemed like a Stomp rip-off to me. They do better stuff with cigarette 
packsand it's live.


Re: RE: [313] Re: DEMF-enough

2001-02-15 Thread d . pinter
Sorry folks.private reply that got posted. Doh!!!

Joel Flory <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> are you trying to tell me something this morning?

-Original Message-
Sent: Thursday, February 15, 2001 8:54 AM
Subject: Fwd: [313] Re: DEMF-enough

Just posted on the 313list...as you can see it's the hot topic right now.

diana potts  wrote:
> *the following message is not to be read with any
hostility, but rather hunger induced crankiness*

 alrighty. ya know, at least we know its actually
happening this year. Last year it was 100% until less
than a month before the event. AND i had to walk
through 50 feet of snow in my bare feet to get to
school every morning when I was four.

 The festival is on.There is a contract. Its Memorial
Day weekend. It WILL rock hard. Though talent hasn't
been _announced_ it doesn't mean wheels are not
turning and thing's aren't being done. Carl Craig is
handpicking the talent-so there is VERY little room
here for suckage. Yes, now "suckage" is a word.

 Hotels are easy to find if you use your webbrowser
and the archives. Use CitySearch.com, detroit and sort
by neighborhood-downtown and other Detroit sites. I
understand stress from people coming far and wide..but
its getting repetitive. 

 It IS happening. May 25-27. I suggest you stay until
the 28th and come in the 24th because parties will
rock harder core this year- as they do with the
progression of any music festival. Things will be
different, but hopefully the spirit will be the same.


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Kevin Saunderson on GT

2001-02-13 Thread d . pinter
For those like me who missed the live broadcast of Kevin's set on Groovetech UK 
last Saturday, I just saw that it has been posted on the Archive list. Also 
there is another Tea time set from the Orb - the other's in this series have 
been unique and worth a listen (once you get bored of Kevin's set of course)




2001-02-08 Thread d . pinter
Something I discovered a minute ago that I figured I'd pass along. Kevin 
Saunderson will aparently be spinning on Groovetech UK on Sat the 10th. There 
is no time listed but check the web site and make sure you look at the 
shcedule. DJ Bone was supposed to do a set on monday but it looks like there is 
some sort of transit strike that prevented it. Seems like groovetech UK is 
doing a good job archiving recent sets so check back if you miss it.
Here's the link:



both thursday tea time sets with the orb are worth a listen.

TP on EC

2001-02-02 Thread d . pinter
For those that may not know, Terrence Parker will be on Electric Circus 
tonight. The show gets started at 9:30 pm est. Here's a link to the Much page 
with some info at the bottom.



Re: [313] 15% pitch control

2001-02-01 Thread d . pinter
uhactually the music is slowing down.it's the use of screwdrivers that 
seem to be speeding up.

Sanderson Dear <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> i wonder how much faster "everything" will get in the future, because over 
the last few years (with the exception of a few genres) dance music has been 
getting faster and faster. yes? and i was wondering if the gear 
manufacturers are catering to/feeding this by putting ridiculous pitch 
adjusters on turntables and cd's... natural progression? or more of a 
computer related thing?

what ya'll think.

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Re: [313] a pointless email

2001-01-24 Thread d . pinter
totally agreethe whole 'death of vinyl' thread that has been wearing out my 
delete key the last few days was a bit much. Isn't there a new 313tech list 
that would make that discussion more at home. We've all got lots of ideas and 
opinions to share but it seems lately the 313list is beginning to drift again.


rob webb <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> all,

far be it from me to inhibit free debate, but imho there's a difference 
between emails which are on-topic, emails which are off-topic, and lastly 
emails which belong off-list.  please consider this before you click "send". 
  nuff said.



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Walt J

2001-01-16 Thread d . pinter
Haven't heard much from Walt J lately. Anyone know if he has released anything 
currently? I think he would make a good addition to this years DEMF. Has he 
ever done any live PA's?


Re: [313] DJ Clandestine

2001-01-11 Thread d . pinter
There is a photo of Buzz as well as a short 'bio' on the submerge site. It's 
probably not so current though. www.submerge.com/APPages/DJ_Buzz_Goree.html

Also you can check out his archived DEMF set on Groovetech. (you must already 
know about this)


axis web site

2001-01-05 Thread d . pinter
Anyone visited the axis site recently and encountered problems with it? It's 
doing strange things to my computer. Maybe it's just that I need to update 
shockwave or something.


Huckaby on EC

2000-12-20 Thread d . pinter
Many of you might already know this but so the rest can have some advanced 
warning, Mike Huckaby will be on Much Music's Electric Circus broadcast this 
friday night. I think it starts at 8:30 or 9 pm. 
Something to watch before you go out. Did anyone catch last weeks mini 
interview with the Grand Pubas?


Re: [313] PC Recording

2000-12-11 Thread d . pinter
Thanks for all the reply's. Looks as though the first step is going to involve 
my credit card


PC Recording

2000-12-11 Thread d . pinter
I'm interested in finding out what methods people out there use to record mixes 
on a PC. Is going straight out of the mixer to the hard drive an option? Any 
software or hardware recommendations would be appreciated. Since this is more 
of a technical question and maybe not applicable as a thread, you can reply in 


Re: RE: [313] Focus Commercial no ufos?

2000-11-15 Thread d . pinter
It's not the original that was released 15 years ago, it's sort of a 
'modernized edit'. The vocals are left out. I have the original 12" on 
metroplex from way back and to my knowledge there have not been any remix's put 
to vinyl. If you would like a good commentary on the ad, read sean deasons 
previous postings.


Gwendal Cobert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > that clueless? if it is in the ad, is it the original or the
> awful remix
> from classics..?
BTW - on what comp can I find the original version ?(please don't hit me on
the head, one year ago I had never heard the name of Juan Atkins)

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Focus Commercial

2000-11-15 Thread d . pinter
Saw the Ford ad last night on fox and it is pretty cool. It seems to be running 
pretty consistantly during prime time for those wanting to see it here in the 
states. I checked out the site televisioncommercials.com to see if they added 
it yet to their site. Maybe if a few more people sent them an email it might 
get added faster.


what ever happened to...

2000-10-26 Thread d . pinter
I was curious to find out if anyone on the list knows what ever happened to DJ 
Overdose. I have two tapes from him that I got in Detroit around 1990. Both are 
great three turntable mixes (lots of cutting and doubling up records) that have 
a lot of detroit and chicago tracks on them. I know he opened a small store in 
Cass corridor at one point but he seems to have disappeared. Anyone know any 
further information?

dave NYC

Re: [313] KMS 49 - what's that noise!??

2000-10-25 Thread d . pinter

Try posting the question on the kms web site, www.kmsproductions.com and see if 
kevin himself can help you out.

Re: Re: [313] re: Mayday mix of

2000-10-25 Thread d . pinter

chris ege <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >probably more to do with the fact that
>most people cant afford £7-9 it costs
>for dished/warped u.s. vinyl these days.
>and yes it defenitely does help our sales when
>we can offer u.s techno at under £5.00, thus
>giving the lable more also (but this is it
>probably not cool / underground)

well then, I'd expect all UK labels to start a US division!  After
all, I can't afford to pay $10.99 for an over-packaged, glossy
sleeved british record!

-that's assuming there was anything worth actually buying comming out of the 
UK. Most of the stuff I buy is just domestic artists (US) releasing stuff on UK 
labels that should have been a domestic release to begin with. I don't know 
many UK artists that release stuff here and have it exported to the UK!

Re: Re: [313] Re: Jaguar Video

2000-10-18 Thread d . pinter
This thread has been full of some interesting opinions, it actually reminds me 
of arguments that were made a few years ago when 'electronica' was supposed to 
blow up and be the next big thing. Remember all the buzz over 'AMP' I think 
people within the techno community saw it as signs of an invasion. That 
overnight artists who were dedicated to making unique and innovative music 
whould suddenly become hypnotized into selling out because of exposure to a 
mass audience. Jaguar is a great track with lots of emotion, we can all agree 
on that. I personally think Rolando deserves the exposure, MTV air-play 
included. Sure some people will love it and some people will not get it (music 
is after all an artform) the point is those who do like it will hopefully have 
had their minds opened and want to develop an appreciation for this music.

dave pinter

Re: RE: [313] Track ID

2000-10-16 Thread d . pinter
So you know the oneit starts at 1:18:00 during part 2, it sounds like a 
remix of something I've heard before. It's very detroit sounding.


Richard Hart <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> dave if you find out could you let me know please ?! 

Richard :)

> -Original Message-
> Sent: Friday, October 13, 2000 8:44 PM
> To: 313@hyperreal.org
> Subject: [313] Track ID
> Not being that in the know about d&b (hence my subscription to 
> 313)... Does anyone know what that first d&b track was that 
> Stacey Pullen played during the little interlude of his DEMF set? 
> I also heard Paris play it during his set. For some reason it's 
> on my brain today...
> thanks for any enlightenment,
> dave
> -
> To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Track ID

2000-10-13 Thread d . pinter
Not being that in the know about d&b (hence my subscription to 313)... Does 
anyone know what that first d&b track was that Stacey Pullen played during the 
little interlude of his DEMF set? I also heard Paris play it during his set. 
For some reason it's on my brain today...

thanks for any enlightenment,
