Sending Emails Quicker?

2017-06-19 Thread Sujit Shah via 4D_Tech
I would like to send merged emails to several recipients.

atm this is how i do it


- Open New SMTP Connection
- Set the Body, Subject, To, From
- Authenticate with Outgoing mail server
- Merge the tags in the Body Dear John, Dear Renu etc And Set the SMTP_Body
- Send
- Clear the connection

End For

But this is taking too long. Can you Authenticate once and send several
emails through that same connection?

Note I cannot use CC, BCC as each body is different.

Perhaps there is a gap in my understanding...


"There must be ingenuity as well as intention, strategy as well as
strength. "
4D Internet Users Group (4D iNUG)

[MEETING] Montreal 4D Club Meeting

2017-06-19 Thread Thierry Daigneault via 4D_Tech
The next meeting of the Montreal 4D Club will be held Wednesday June 21st at 7 

The schedule for the next meeting is as follows:
- Open meeting. Bring your questions and presentations.
End of the meeting

We usually end up at some sort of restaurant after each meeting. Come and join 

254 Queen St, in Old Montreal, Quebec

Anyone can attend. Please note that the meetings are usually held in French.

If you need more information, you can check out our web page at: 

You can also write to our communications officer:
Thierry Daigneault: 
4D Internet Users Group (4D iNUG)

Re: 4D and Exchange Server with IMAP

2017-06-19 Thread npdennis via 4D_Tech
> Using the correct password, and specifying the last parameter as 1 ("use 
> SSL"), this works.
> ^By works, I mean the command completes within 2 seconds, $ErrorNum is 0, and 
> vImap_ID is 1

Thanks, good to know.

I will double check the password, but I’m pretty sure it was OK as I tried a 
couple of them.

Neil Dennis
4D Developer since 1990

GreaText - Designing Software for the Way You Work
716 East 1850 N
North Ogden, UT 84414

4D Internet Users Group (4D iNUG)

RE: 4D and Exchange Server with IMAP

2017-06-19 Thread Timothy Penner via 4D_Tech
Hi Neil,

I just tried this with our corporate exchange server:

IT_SetPort (14;993)
$ErrorNum:=IMAP_Login (vHost;vUserName;vUserPassword;vImap_ID;1)

Using either the correct or incorrect password, and specifying the last 
parameter as 0 ("do not use SSL"), I get 10064 in the $ErrorNum variable after 
the timeout.

Using the correct password, and specifying the last parameter as 1 ("use SSL"), 
this works.
^By works, I mean the command completes within 2 seconds, $ErrorNum is 0, and 
vImap_ID is 1

I used 4D v16.1 (32 bit) on Windows 10 for my test.

Regarding the 10064 timeout error after the timeout:
1) the client side timeout can be set using  IT_SetTimeOut(seconds).
2) the server is likely configured to not respond to invalid login requests, as 
a security hardening option. This makes it take longer to brute force someone's 

I hope this helps!


4D Internet Users Group (4D iNUG)

RE: Exporting/Importing Table Relations

2017-06-19 Thread Tai Bui via 4D_Tech

It is possible to perform an export of the structure definition which contains 
the relationships. Most of the items are identified by UUIDs that 4D generates 
automatically. You may be able to parse the file and recreate the relationships 
by code as the relationships also contain the table and field names.

Best Regards,
-Tai B.

4D Internet Users Group (4D iNUG)

Re: Best solution for printing Enterable PDF docs from 4D v15

2017-06-19 Thread Chuck Morris via 4D_Tech


Thanks for your response.


Can you point me to any documentation that will explain what tools I need to
use to implement the workflow you described in your response?


Are you able to generate the Enterable PDF forms within 4D?  OR Do you have
to create the PDF with Adobe Acrobat first?


If you can generate the PDF within 4D, please direct me to documentation
specific to that process.


Thanks so much,


Chuck Morris

Impossible Solutions, Inc.  




On Wed, 14 Jun 2017 16:25:49 +0200

Ingo Wolf  > wrote.




we do exactly what you describe via xdp-files. That are pdf forms
encapsulated in some xml. The forms are created with Adobe Acrobat and
enhanced with Livecycle Designer. The pdf is then converted to Base64 and
embedded in a xdp, wich is xml following some specs from adobe. From 4D we
set the values of certain xml tags (via PROCESS 4D TAGS), which have the
same names as the form fields of the pdf form. Adobe Acrobat Reader then
feeds these values automatically into the corresponding form fields (upon
opening the .xdp-file). The maybe changed form field values are then sent
via email as xml file to 4D and imported back into the database records. For
linking with the original records we have xml tags containig the primary



Ingo Wolf   schrieb
am Wed, 14 Jun 2017 00:47:18 -0700:

>I have a project where my client wants me to generate Enterable PDF forms

>within 4D that would be populated by variable data but also have form

>that would be enterable by the customer.  




>Then my 4D App would email the form directly to the customer to be

>and then emailed back to my client.




>It would then be best for automation if my 4D App could parse the PDF

>returned and populate data in 4D with the customer's completed form data.







4D Internet Users Group (4D iNUG)

RE: 4D and Exchange Server with IMAP

2017-06-19 Thread Dennis, Neil via 4D_Tech
> Which port are you connecting to? SSL? Is it set using IT_SetPort?

I don't specify the port with IT_SetPort, I let IMAP_Login pick the port 
depending on the SSL flag. I have confirmed that IMAP_Login is using port 143 
for clear connection and 993 for SSL/TLS connections.

When I test with TCP_Open("host";143;$id;0) I get a valid connection with the 
welcome message
When I test with IMAP_Login("host";"username";"password";$id;0) I get a n error

I'm using the 4DIC that came with 4D v15. I'm assuming it is a newer version... 
however I just tried with a password that has no special chars and it did not 
change the behavior.



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4D Internet Users Group (4D iNUG)

RE: 4D and Exchange Server with IMAP

2017-06-19 Thread Timothy Penner via 4D_Tech
Hi Neil,

Which port are you connecting to? SSL? Is it set using IT_SetPort?

If you are using and older version of 4DIC, then you may need to make sure the 
password does not contain any special characters (such as & or *).


4D Internet Users Group (4D iNUG)

4D and Exchange Server with IMAP

2017-06-19 Thread Dennis, Neil via 4D_Tech
Did anyone ever get the IMAP_Login to work with MS Exchange server?

When I connect with IMAP_Login I get either a 10061 or a 10064 (connection time 
out or reset) but when I connect to the same machine and port with TCP_Open I 
get a valid connection and a response:

"* OK The Microsoft Exchange IMAP4 service is ready"

It seems the IMAP_Login doesn't work with MS Exchange.



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recommending to another party any matter addressed herein.
4D Internet Users Group (4D iNUG)

About omitted params in 4D commands...

2017-06-19 Thread Kirk Brooks via 4D_Tech
I was just reading a KB tech tip  on OBJECT
DUPLICATE. I started using OD in v13 and really hadn't looked at the docs
for a while. The tech tip is showing how to control the level (or z-axis)
of a duplicated object. Handy, but not my point here.

The thing I was how tolerant the command is to omitted params. Here's the

OBJECT DUPLICATE ( {* ;} object {; newName {; newVar {; boundTo {; moveH {;
moveV {; resizeH {; resizeV}}} {; *} )

I have ingrained in me the notion that if I want to pass the 'boundTo'
param but I'm not using variables I'll need to pass something like $nil in
the 'newVar' position. But the tech tip illustrates that I don't by using

OBJECT DUPLICATE(*;"button";"button"+String($i);"button";($i*25);($i*25))

The 'newVar' param is just omitted. Huh?

So, is this a convention that's always existed and I just missed? Or is
this a feature of this particular command? I've got assume it can only work
when the params are unique types. In this case there's only one pointer so
that's pretty easy.

I'm not complaining - just want to understand how this works.

Kirk Brooks
San Francisco, CA

*The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do

*- Edmund Burke*
4D Internet Users Group (4D iNUG)

Re: Modal dialog dilemma

2017-06-19 Thread Jody Bevan via 4D_Tech
Kirk Brooks:

Thank you for your kind words. My son (Adam Bevan) and I have multiple 
motivation for writing our shell the way we are. ‘Bleed Through/Butterfly 
effect’ were one of them. It is likely that our very large application we 
previously had showed us that it can bite one too easily without strict 
discipline in coding.

Once we got comfortable with v12 we started creating forms with dynamic 
variables. With the multiple ongoing jurisdictional requirement changes and 
certifications we just never got enough time to implement them much. Therefore 
when rewriting the shell which I usually did ever ~ 5 years, we are doing the 
most ambitious rewrite. Every line of code is being rewritten in a clean room 
concept. We want to encourage ourselves to write all the code with the latest 
tools 4D provides us.

Another reason for not using process Variables is to reduce the memory foot 
print. As every process variable no matter how little it is used gets memory 
reserved for it in every process, no matter how small the process is or little 
the process is.

It is always easy to slip in to old tried and proven paths (ruts) when coding. 
There are times when we have slipped into putting in some process variables. I 
just looked at our COMPILER_Prov_Var method. We currently have 7 Process 
Variables. I know we had more but as the shell reaches its feature set we are 
removing them.

I understand what you are saying about flag variables. It is so easy and 
convenient to use a process variable for this. On our journey of writing the 
shell we have done that. At times though we have reassessed our use of them. It 
made us take some time and say how else can we do this. Our Object module is 
evolving very nicely. We are getting very used to putting flags, and many other 
things into these objects and then looking for them there. It is becoming 
natural to do so now.

One of the first items that Adam built was dot notation object handlers 
(Set/Get/Clear). I am sure he could have used Cannon’s highly rated module, but 
he wanted to do for himself. The next was to create an Object Viewer. The 
Object Viewer supports viewing a whole tree in the dot notation, and diving 
deeper into the tree to focus on specifics. It also permits us to modify the 
object values which is a huge time saver when initially developing a new 

A side benefit of the Object Viewer is that it is available in a compiled 
application. Therefore all of these flags, etc are available to be viewed at 
runtime in the compiled application. So great to getting a view of all this 
management information that we have. We are building our shell to handle all of 
the things that we encountered in our previous regulatory world out of the box. 
As we encountered back then there are jurisdictions that have little regulation 
so users would opt for little controls (typically a small 2 user site where 
trust was implicit). Therefore the shell is designed to have items turned on or 
off. All of this control data is stored in a few objects so that they are quick 
to access and modify. We something strange happens it is easy for us to at 
least see what the settings are.

We are also including many of the wonderful interface features that we 
accumulated over the years in our previous shell. These are things that I would 
hate not to have if I was working with the system. This includes things like 
the size and position of a window that the user likes for that specific window. 
How many items in a popup list they want as a maximum, after which it will be a 
scrollable selection dialog. There are literally hundreds of these options / 
features that we are building in.

As a user logs out and another use in, the objects are changed out and the 
application behaves differently. The Object feature of 4D makes this all very 
possible and efficient (we used ObjectTools in the past).

There are several forms. The first three are the most heavily used:

- Single Output Form.
- Included Button Tool Bar form
- Alert/Request/Confirm Dialog

Single Output Form

There is only one Output form for the whole application. We use selection 
Listbox. Of course every table will have different possible fields to be loaded 
into the output form. Not only that each person will have a different 
requirement for which fields they are permitted to see, or would like to see. 
In addition to this there may be calculated values (non-field data) that they 
would like displayed.

Therefore like all our listboxes in the shell they are built dynamically via 
code. This ability lets the users feel like they have control over the 
application rather than the other way around. The system administrator sets up 
default output forms for each role of users. Therefore if they are not so 
included to set them up they are done for them. We also have a ‘factor setting’ 
so that even the System Administrator does not have to do this work. 

With all the controls available for controlling 

Re: Modal dialog dilemma

2017-06-19 Thread David Porter via 4D_Tech
Interestingly we discovered one source of bleed through was our users.
Some of our users would double click the accept or cancel button.
So, I set the button in the background window to disabled, and enabled it
about 1 second after the foreground window was closed.

Dave Porter
Tailored Solutions, Inc.
Business Management Software for Label Converters  414-774-9997

> On Jun 19, 2017, at 9:55 AM, Chip Scheide via 4D_Tech <> 
> wrote:
> how about:
> in first form:
> b_accepct_form_1 (no action - code does an accept
> b_cancel_form_1 (no action) - cade does cancel
> second form:
> b_accepct_form_2 (no action - code does an accept
> b_cancel_form_2 (no action) - cade does cancel
> Note :
> - No automatic action(s)
> - different button names
> this *should* stop the bleed through
> On Sat, 17 Jun 2017 16:53:18 +0100, Pat Bensky via 4D_Tech wrote:
>> Using v 13.5 ...
>> I have a modal dialog which displays info from [Table A] and contains a
>> pop-up menu listing items form [Table B]. Sometimes it is necessary to
>> modify a [Table B] record, or add a new one, within that dialog. So we
>> change the window size (if necessary), find the record to be edited, or
>> create a new one, edit it and then either Save or Cancel, then resize the
>> window back to what it was (if necessary) and redisplay the original [Table
>> A] form. For the most part this works fine. However in some circumstances
>> the Save or Cancel from the second form "bleeds through" to the first one
>> and the dialog window closes. We have to have an ACCEPT or CANCEL in the
>> second form otherwise it won't unload.
>> Specifically, if a [Table B] record is edited - no problem. But if a new
>> [Table B] record is created and then edited - without saving the [Table A]
>> record first - then we have the bleed-through problem.
>> Note that when a new [Table B] record is added in this way, it's saved
>> before it can be edited - so it isn't a new record when it is edited. I
>> can't figure out why this behaves differently for a newly added record! Any
>> ideas?
>> Thanks
>> Pat
>> -- 
>> *
>> CatBase - The Database Publishing Solution
>> tel: +44 (0) 207 118 7889
>> w:
>> skype: pat.bensky
>> *
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> Alcohol is for drinkin'
> Nitromethane is for racing 
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4D Internet Users Group (4D iNUG)

Re: Enterable Variables in Output Form headers

2017-06-19 Thread Chip Scheide via 4D_Tech
I think this idea will work for you.
use modify selection - set table in read only first
records are not editable
and the behavior you desire (enterable variable(s)) should be available.

as for Listboxes:
there are 2 types, array and selection based.
- an array listbox functions as you suggest (array to selection)
- selection based list box uses the current selection of the table 
displaying whatever columns(fields) you have specified, and functions 
much like display selection.

If you want - email me privately - I can send you a demo with code to 
make list boxes work for you , generically.
The listbox (selection or array) get built on the fly from a single 
project form.


On Sun, 18 Jun 2017 12:00:02 -0700, Robert Livingston via 4D_Tech wrote:
>> On Jun 18, 2017, at 7:45 AM, Arnaud de Montard via 4D_Tech 
>> <> wrote:
>> I could never obtain an enterable variable with DISPLAY/MODIFY 
>> SELECTION. Since I use selection listbox in a form opened by DIALOG, 
>> I can. 
> Well, it works for me with MODIFY SELECTION just not DISPLAY SELECTION
>> BTW, I think you should consider removing DISPLAY/MODIFY SELECTION, 
>> these are old commands that work less and less well. And DIALOG 
>> makes possible to remove ADD/MODIFY RECORD too. One command to open 
>> any form sounds better to me… 
> I do appreciate the advice. But it makes me feel that I am not one of 
> the in crowd. I use DISPLAY/MODIFY SELECTION all day long! I have 
> never seen anything from 4D that these commends were headed into the 
> sunset. That these were "old commands".
>  I am so invested in these commands on the current project that I am 
> working on that I find it hard to conceive of changing all this. I 
> feel that I am wearing a tie-dyed shirt and saddle shoes and just did 
> not know that that was not done in 2017.
> But your "equivalent" is to have a form with a LISTBOX that fills the 
> available space and which has been filled by SELECTION TO ARRAY? And 
> then (if you are trying to mimic DISPLAY SELECTION behavior) you 
> double click on a row of that listbox and another form pops up which 
> contains the single record? Is that how the cool crowd is doing 
> things?
> **************
> The problem that I was trying to solve was to have an enterable 
> variable in the header area of an output form being displayed with 
> DISPLAY SELECTION. But you can't enter anything. The purpose of the 
> enterable variable was  to enter text that would "filter" the 
> selection when an adjacent button was clicked.
> Anyway, my uber-kludge for my current project is to have an invisible 
> button over the enterable variable in the header. When the user 
> clicks on it to enter data, the invisible button calls up, with Open 
> form window, a Dialog window that exactly matches the look of that 
> portion of the header and it is placed in that exact location and 
> contains an enterable variable and action button. The user can then 
> enter data into the Dialog equivalent of what was on the header. When 
> he clicks the adjacent button ( "cloned" in the Dialog window) the 
> Dialog window is dismissed and the action carried out. 
> There are a few vague UI weirdness that accompanies this but it is 
> not actually all that unsettling. I use a Modal Form Dialogue Box 
> which essentially put the main window to sleep until the users 
> proceeds with the filtering or cancels it all within the Dialog 
> window. The user, after this Dialogue window is called up, cannot 
> just forget the whole thing and go off and do something else because 
> the main window is dead until the Modal Window is dismissed.
> ************** 
> But I am curious and ask the assembled crowd. Has everyone basically 
> given up on using DISPLAY/MODIFY SELECTION? The cool kids have moved 
> on?
> **
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Gas is for washing parts
Alcohol is for drinkin'
Nitromethane is for racing 
4D Internet Users Group (4D iNUG)

Re: Modal dialog dilemma

2017-06-19 Thread Chip Scheide via 4D_Tech
how about:
in first form:
b_accepct_form_1 (no action - code does an accept
b_cancel_form_1 (no action) - cade does cancel

second form:
b_accepct_form_2 (no action - code does an accept
b_cancel_form_2 (no action) - cade does cancel

Note :
- No automatic action(s)
- different button names

this *should* stop the bleed through

On Sat, 17 Jun 2017 16:53:18 +0100, Pat Bensky via 4D_Tech wrote:
> Using v 13.5 ...
> I have a modal dialog which displays info from [Table A] and contains a
> pop-up menu listing items form [Table B]. Sometimes it is necessary to
> modify a [Table B] record, or add a new one, within that dialog. So we
> change the window size (if necessary), find the record to be edited, or
> create a new one, edit it and then either Save or Cancel, then resize the
> window back to what it was (if necessary) and redisplay the original [Table
> A] form. For the most part this works fine. However in some circumstances
> the Save or Cancel from the second form "bleeds through" to the first one
> and the dialog window closes. We have to have an ACCEPT or CANCEL in the
> second form otherwise it won't unload.
> Specifically, if a [Table B] record is edited - no problem. But if a new
> [Table B] record is created and then edited - without saving the [Table A]
> record first - then we have the bleed-through problem.
> Note that when a new [Table B] record is added in this way, it's saved
> before it can be edited - so it isn't a new record when it is edited. I
> can't figure out why this behaves differently for a newly added record! Any
> ideas?
> Thanks
> Pat
> -- 
> *
> CatBase - The Database Publishing Solution
> tel: +44 (0) 207 118 7889
> w:
> skype: pat.bensky
> *
> **
> 4D Internet Users Group (4D iNUG)
> FAQ:
> Archive:
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> **
Gas is for washing parts
Alcohol is for drinkin'
Nitromethane is for racing 
4D Internet Users Group (4D iNUG)

Re: Linux in the future?

2017-06-19 Thread Chip Scheide via 4D_Tech
Apple announced a 'fill-in' Mac pro - not sure of pricing
it is a beefed up iMac, so.. you will have to deal with an 'all-in-one' 
form factor

On Fri, 16 Jun 2017 16:43:45 +0200, Paul Lovejoy via 4D_Tech wrote:
> Neil,
> Yes, we’ve been looking into the Mac Pro as an option to replace a 
> stack of xServes. But the Mac Pro is end- 2013 without any updates. It
> ’s getting long in the tooth and much of the price is for high-end 
> graphics which don’t help one bit. We’ve read rumors of a modular 
> Mac Pro for 2018. We’ll either hold out for that or switch to Win.
> Paul
>> Le 16 juin 2017 à 16:31, Dennis, Neil  a écrit :
>>> Thanks for the reply. It’s a pity. With Apple having abandoned 
>>> server hardware years ago,
>>> the only legal choice is Windows. What a shame for a non-Windows 
>>> shop to have to support
>>> a Windows server just for that. That adds lots of cost and complexity.
>> Just because Apple doesn't have an XServer any more, if you want to 
>> stay non-windows (or just Mac), Apple has some pretty impressive 
>> machines. The Mac Pro is beefy enough to handle even demanding 
>> server loads (12 core 2.7 Xeon processor, 64 GB ram, 1TB flash 
>> storage), the new iMac Pro (coming in December has up to 18 cores, 
>> 128 GB memory 4T SSD, and a 4.5 Xeon processor)
>> Granted none of these are rack mountable and don't have things like 
>> dual power supplies so they don't count as "servers" but the 
>> performance would rival some of the best windows servers out there.
>> Neil
>> --
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Gas is for washing parts
Alcohol is for drinkin'
Nitromethane is for racing 
4D Internet Users Group (4D iNUG)