Re: Email Attachments Missing after New process ?

2020-01-23 Thread Keith Goebel via 4D_Tech
Allan, I have found the best way to handle emails is by storing all parts in a 
record, and then building the email from the record's parts during the “send”. 
I store the attached docs in an object field.

This allows a single email dispatcher method that simply processes the 
“outgoing - waiting for send" records in order. 
A single email sender method avoids clashes with IC calls from different 
methods at the same time (was a problem at one time - may no longer be).

Among other things, using records also allows 
- a history of sent emails
- by who, when, from where, category, source, etc
- to be archived or discarded at x months old
- a history of failed “send” attempts and what the error was
- automatic retry of failed send after x seconds
- resend
- to actual recipient
- to test address
and all other email audit actions.

But it may mean a partial rewrite of your core code…
Cheers, Keith
There are 3 kinds of mathematician. Those who can count, and those who can't.

> …
> It seems to me that when building up an email using the new Mail theme 
> commands in 4D v17R6/v18, if an attachment is added to the mail object, 
> when that email object is sent to a new process using either the 'New 
> process' or 'Execute on server' commands, the attachment Property in the 
> email object is now empty and the email will NOT send due to this error 
> condition….
4D Internet Users Group (4D iNUG)

Graphs broken in V17

2020-01-23 Thread Tom Dillon via 4D_Tech
I just upgraded my DB from v13 to v17 and all my graphs (which I have about
25) are broken. All I get is a while space where the graph was in the form.

The basic issues is in this tech note:

*Compatibility note: Beginning with 4D v14, the** GRAPH command only works
with a picture variable as its first parameter. The obsolete syntax using a
graph area (4D Chart) is no longer supported.*

OK, but I am struggling with what this really means.  Just redefining the
GRAPH NAME as a picture variable (C_PICTURE) and changing the graph in the
form to be a picture does nothing. I still get a blank graph.

So I am stumped as to what I need to do get graphs working again.
4D Internet Users Group (4D iNUG)

Re: Communicating with an IO_Link device over Ethernet from within 4D

2020-01-23 Thread Tony Pollard via 4D_Tech
Hi Ken,

It depends on what protocol the IO-Link Gateway device supports.  You might be 
lucky and have a simple JSON over HTTP (using 4D’s HTTP Get, etc), but it’s 
more likely to be one of the industrial standards.  For example, if it’s 
Ethernet/IP (which uses CIP) you could cherry-pick and create a partial comms 
stack using 4D Internet Commands like TCP_Open, TCP_Receive, UDP_ReceiveFrom, 
etc. However, that won’t be an easy job so you might want to see if there’s a 
driver available.

Hope that helps!

Tony Pollard
Another Dimension Ltd

> On 20 Jan 2020, at 7:26 pm, Ken Daniel via 4D_Tech <> 
> wrote:
> Hi All, I've been communicating with devices connected via serial port
> using Set Channel and Receive Packet for a number of years. We now want to
> be able to communicate to another device (a Q4X sensor
> )
> connected to the network using an IO-Link device.
> Basically, I just need to get the current reading from the device similar
> to getting lbs from a scale. Does anyone have any experience communicating
> with something like this from within 4D they can share? Thanks, Ken
> **
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4D Internet Users Group (4D iNUG)

v18 documentation

2020-01-23 Thread Jeremy Roussak via 4D_Tech
Is this available for download anywhere (it’s not obviously at 
)? HTML preferably, but PDF would be better than nothing.


4D Internet Users Group (4D iNUG)