v17.0; web area; 4D tags; Google Charts

2019-02-14 Thread Pierre Coulombe via 4D_Tech
I’ve used over the years 4D transformation tags (4DTEXT, 4DEVAL etc) to 
transfer data from 4D database to web server pages. Recently using 4D Lightning 
I had great success creating graphs by using $4DEVAL in javascript like this:

Re: 4D Client/Remote as Web Server

2017-08-13 Thread Pierre Coulombe via 4D_Tech
You could do a similar process using AppleScript.

> On 13 Aug 2017, at 10:49 AM, Arnaud de Montard via 4D_Tech 
> <4d_tech@lists.4d.com> wrote:
>> I have 4D Client running as a web server on windows.  I have the client 
>> write a text file every 45 seconds or so to disk.  I then have a batch 
>> script that runs every minute and looks for that file and deletes it.  If 
>> the file is not found it kills the 4D task and restarts 4D Client. 
> Something similar on macOS, someone?
> -- 
> Arnaud de Montard 
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