Today, heubach media released version 6.0 of hmReports.

hmReports is a plug-in developed by heubach media (, 
Hamburg, Germany for 4D.

Version 6 is a huge leap for reporting and drawing capabilities in 4D with 

hmReports is fully certified with 4D v16 and 4D v17 and runs with all 32 and 64 
bit versions (Mac+Windows)!

=== New in v6.0 ===
* Now you can write re-usable code in your reports. You can create 
report-methods and use it everywhere in your reports!
* New rewritten debugger which supports a method stack because of report-methods
* New OPEN/CLOSE PRINTING JOB commands for putting different reports into one 
PDF or printing job
* Change of Object manipulation. $0 can now be any type (also numbers and 
dates). You can set the object's data source to formula to select a data format 
for numbers, dates.
* New text object properties
* SVG output supports styled text now
* and much more (see release notes)

With hmReports we introduced a new dimension of reporting in 4D.
With Multi-Page-Design, Subreports, Barcodes and Editable Preview, hmReports 
offers you long wanted features, which you can directly use TODAY!

=== Multi-Page-Design ===
Now you can add static pages and/or additional iteration pages to a composed 
report. Also, you can design documents with more than one page!

=== Subreports ===
Since Version 3 you can inherit other hmReports documents or pages into new 
documents. For example: You can design one letterhead layout and place it in 
all your reports. If you want to change anything in the header, you only have 
to change the header document and not all of your reports!

=== Barcodes ===
Now you can display any data as a 1D and 2D Barcode without any special fonts. 
hmReports 6 supports over 60 different 1D and 2D Barcode types!

=== Editable Preview===
With hmReports 6, the user can view the final result of the report without 
printing. If data fields and other object don't look good in the preview, you 
can make changes directly in the preview. All changes are automatically saved 
back in the source report and the preview will be updated again, if wanted.

=== Other features of Version 6.0 ===
* Internal PDF rendering engine for creating PDF's on Windows (without 
additional software or printer driver)
* Unlimited Undo/Redo support
* 64 bit Plugin (Mac and Windows)
* Supported languages of the GUI: English, German, French, Spanish, Japanese
* Much better API for guides
* Support of repeating objects
* Variable headers and footers
* Support of Styled Text
* New API for creating a Virtual Structure for Tables, Fields and Variables
* You can now change the name of each section
* New grid
* Arrange objects horizontally and vertically
* Support of line endmarks of line objects
* New Property Palette
* New events for Drag & Drop and printing control
* Direct Copy & Paste from the Finder/Explorer

=== Testimonial ===
Chuck Miller (Informed Solutions, Inc.) about hmReports:

"Your dedication to making products that people can actually use is above and 
beyond. When confronted by a client with a need that makes sense, like 
exporting reports to blob as opposed to text, you take the bull by the horns 
and do it. I can not recommend you or your products any more highly than that."

=== About hmReports ===
You need amazing reports, invoices & documents? Do it with hmReports!
hmReports provides you a powerful tool to create, edit and print powerful 
graphics and reports.

* Create reports without any programming knowledge
* Import SuperReport Pro and 4D Draw documents for a fast crossgrade
* Exchange and share reports to your customers without recompiling
* Import, edit and export SVG documents
* Open storage format of the report-blob (XML)
* Create vector graphical documents
* Modern graphical API with multiple gradients, alpha/opacity support and 
* Create Text, Rectangles, Lines, Bezier curves, Arcs, Path, Pictures and 
Freehand objects
* Support of stepless zoom
* View and edit multiple reports in one hmReports-area
* Callback routines to manage events
* Break processing with sections
* Support of multiple layers and pages
* Access to the database, arrays, array-elements and variables
* Add scripts to objects and sections
* Support of automatic line height depending of its content. In this case, all 
other objects can be automatically moved or resized.

=== One is not enough ===
hmReports does support multiple detail sections. Now you can create reports 
with real multiple subdetails. For example, you are able to create a report 
with three detail sections (also headers and footers): With hmReports you can 
easily create a customer list with its invoices and for each invoice its 

=== Graphic Editor ===
With hmReports you can create high quality graphics. With the support of layers 
and groups, you can edit complex graphics very easily. Of course you can open, 
edit and save SVG documents as well.

=== hmDraw: hmReports without reporting capabilities ===
If you only need the Graphic Editor without reporting capabilities, we offer a 
license called "hmDraw", see below price list.

=== Download ===
You find more information here:

The download includes sample databases with the hmReports Plugin, hmReports 
Component and a documentation.

=== Requirements ===
hmReports will run with 4D v16.3 and 4D v17 on Macintosh 10.11 and above.
hmReports will run with Windows 7SP1-10.

hmReports uses the newest available system API's.

[heubach-media] | Christian Sakowski
iChat/AIM: SakowskiF
Tel: +49/(0)40/52 10 59-23

heubach media
Osterfeldstr. 12-14 | Haus 1 | Eingang Nord
22529 Hamburg
tel: 040 / 52 10 59 - 10 | fax: -99
Geschäftsführer|CEO: Matthias Heubach

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