> If you are using domain\user then make sure to escape the \ like this: 
> Domain\\User

I was using the format correctly...

To test what was going on I used telnet session went like this:

telnet server 143
> *ready message
A1 LOGIN "domain\\user" "password"
> A1 NO LOGIN failed

So I did some more investigation. The test server they gave me was on a 
different domain. Once I got the domain and user added to the exchange server 
the IMAP_Login worked perfectly.

As someone pointed out earlier if the username and password are correct it 
should work :)

I attribute my trouble to this to an error message not related to the actual 

In short IMAP_Login works with SSL/TLS or plain (ports 993 or 143) just fine 
when the user is setup correctly.



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