RE: CREATE USER Programmatically?

2018-11-01 Thread Randy Engle via 4D_Tech

You da' man!

Randy Engle, Director
XC2 Software LLC – XC2LIVE!

Internet – Hosted – In the Cloud:   On-line Backflow Test Entry!
XC2Live!  - Backflow Program Management
Operational Now! – Call for additional information:  800.761.4999

-Original Message-
From: 4D_Tech <> On Behalf Of Kirk Brooks via 
Sent: Thursday, November 1, 2018 4:37 PM
To: 4D iNug Technical <>
Cc: Kirk Brooks 
Subject: Re: CREATE USER Programmatically?

Hey Randy,
You're not a dope - it's a non-intuitive. I integrated my user system with the 
4D system a couple of years ago. Allows me to keep the really fine-grained 
permissions they know and love while letting 4D sweat the login stuff. Plus 
gives me a *much* easier way to know who the user is within server side 
processes. Anyway here is the key method I use for synicing with the structure:

  // Method: User_set_4Dproperties (c-obj) -> text

  // $1 is c-obj of params

  // $0 is errMsg

  // Purpose: manage updating & creating users

  // $1 must have an 'action': update / create

  // created users are always Administrator owned

  // create action:






$action:=*OB Get*(*$1*;"action")

  //  everyone should have access to the plugins

*ARRAY LONGINT*($aMembership;1)

$aMembership{1}:=15002  //  plugins

*Error_install_handler *("err_log_only")

*Case of *

*: *($action="update")  //note: password may be blank

$4DuserId:=*OB Get*(*$1*;"4DuserId";Is longint)

$password:=*OB Get*(*$1*;"password")

$name:=*OB Get*(*$1*;"name")

$startup:=*OB Get*(*$1*;"startupMethod")

$nbLogin:=*OB Get*(*$1*;"numLogin";Is longint)

$lastLogin:=*OB Get*(*$1*;"lastLogin";Is date)

*Case of *

*: *($name="")

$errMsg:="The user name can not be blank."

*: *($4DuserId=0)

$errMethod:="The 4D user number is required for an update."

*Else *

  // is this a new password?

*Case of *

*: *($password="")

*: *(*Validate password*($4DuserId;$password))  // not changed

*Else *

  // put a note on the user record

*TABLE_SET_readWrite *(->*[USERS]*)


*If *(*Not*(*RW_Locked *(->*[USERS]*;->$errMsg)))

  // clear the temp PW - if any



*NOTE_ADD_toField *(->[USERS]Notes;"Changed password";" - ")


*End if *

*TABLE_RESTORE_readWrite *(->*[USERS]*;*True*)

*End case *

$4DuserId:=*Set user properties*($4DuserId;$name;$startup;$password;$nbLogin

*OB SET*(*$1*;"4DuserId";$4DuserId)

*End case *

*: *($action="create") & (*OB Get*(*$1*;"name")="")

$errMsg:="No user name!"

*: *($action="create")  //  created by Administrator

*If *(*OB Is defined*(*$1*;"password"))

$password:=*OB Get*(*$1*;"password")

*Else *

$errMsg:="Users must have a password."

*End if *

*If *($errMsg="")

$name:=*OB Get*(*$1*;"name";Is text)

$startup:=*OB Get*(*$1*;"startupMethod";Is text)



  //  note - if the native 4D user editor is open this will hang waiting for it 
to close

$4DuserId:=*Set user properties*(-2;$name;$startup;$password;$nbLogin;

*If *(*error*#0)

$errMsg:="The 4D user couldn't be created.\r"

*If *(*error*=-9979)

$errMsg:=$errMsg+"  '"+$name+"' is already being used. Make a different name."

*Else *

$errMsg:=$errMsg+*4D_get_error_text *(*error*)

*End if *

*Else *

*OB SET*(*$1*;"4DuserId";$4DuserId)

*End if *

*End if *

*Else *

$errMsg:="No valid action for the user update."

*End case *

*Error_install_handler *



To create a new 4D user I call it like so:


*OB SET*($obj;"action";"create")

*OB SET*($obj;"name";$name)

*OB SET*($obj;"password";*Pass_generate_word *(5;2;1;0))  //  temp PW

$errMsg:=*User_set_4Dproperties *($obj)

Be sure to take a look at USER TO BLOB and BLOB TO USERS as well.

On Thu, Nov 1, 2018 at 3:48 PM Randy Engle via 4D_Tech <>

> I haven't used "4D Users" in a "long time"
> ( I roll my own user system...but 4D Users need it now)
> Maybe I'm being a dope (likely), but I'm not seeing a way to create 
> users programmatically.
> A shove in the right direction would b

Re: CREATE USER Programmatically?

2018-11-01 Thread Kirk Brooks via 4D_Tech
Hey Randy,
You're not a dope - it's a non-intuitive. I integrated my user system with
the 4D system a couple of years ago. Allows me to keep the really
fine-grained permissions they know and love while letting 4D sweat the
login stuff. Plus gives me a *much* easier way to know who the user is
within server side processes. Anyway here is the key method I use for
synicing with the structure:

  // Method: User_set_4Dproperties (c-obj) -> text

  // $1 is c-obj of params

  // $0 is errMsg

  // Purpose: manage updating & creating users

  // $1 must have an 'action': update / create

  // created users are always Administrator owned

  // create action:






$action:=*OB Get*(*$1*;"action")

  //  everyone should have access to the plugins

*ARRAY LONGINT*($aMembership;1)

$aMembership{1}:=15002  //  plugins

*Error_install_handler *("err_log_only")

*Case of *

*: *($action="update")  //note: password may be blank

$4DuserId:=*OB Get*(*$1*;"4DuserId";Is longint)

$password:=*OB Get*(*$1*;"password")

$name:=*OB Get*(*$1*;"name")

$startup:=*OB Get*(*$1*;"startupMethod")

$nbLogin:=*OB Get*(*$1*;"numLogin";Is longint)

$lastLogin:=*OB Get*(*$1*;"lastLogin";Is date)

*Case of *

*: *($name="")

$errMsg:="The user name can not be blank."

*: *($4DuserId=0)

$errMethod:="The 4D user number is required for an update."

*Else *

  // is this a new password?

*Case of *

*: *($password="")

*: *(*Validate password*($4DuserId;$password))  // not changed

*Else *

  // put a note on the user record

*TABLE_SET_readWrite *(->*[USERS]*)


*If *(*Not*(*RW_Locked *(->*[USERS]*;->$errMsg)))

  // clear the temp PW - if any



*NOTE_ADD_toField *(->[USERS]Notes;"Changed password";" - ")


*End if *

*TABLE_RESTORE_readWrite *(->*[USERS]*;*True*)

*End case *

$4DuserId:=*Set user properties*($4DuserId;$name;$startup;$password;$nbLogin

*OB SET*(*$1*;"4DuserId";$4DuserId)

*End case *

*: *($action="create") & (*OB Get*(*$1*;"name")="")

$errMsg:="No user name!"

*: *($action="create")  //  created by Administrator

*If *(*OB Is defined*(*$1*;"password"))

$password:=*OB Get*(*$1*;"password")

*Else *

$errMsg:="Users must have a password."

*End if *

*If *($errMsg="")

$name:=*OB Get*(*$1*;"name";Is text)

$startup:=*OB Get*(*$1*;"startupMethod";Is text)



  //  note - if the native 4D user editor is open this will hang waiting
for it to close

$4DuserId:=*Set user properties*(-2;$name;$startup;$password;$nbLogin;

*If *(*error*#0)

$errMsg:="The 4D user couldn't be created.\r"

*If *(*error*=-9979)

$errMsg:=$errMsg+"  '"+$name+"' is already being used. Make a different

*Else *

$errMsg:=$errMsg+*4D_get_error_text *(*error*)

*End if *

*Else *

*OB SET*(*$1*;"4DuserId";$4DuserId)

*End if *

*End if *

*Else *

$errMsg:="No valid action for the user update."

*End case *

*Error_install_handler *



To create a new 4D user I call it like so:


*OB SET*($obj;"action";"create")

*OB SET*($obj;"name";$name)

*OB SET*($obj;"password";*Pass_generate_word *(5;2;1;0))  //  temp PW

$errMsg:=*User_set_4Dproperties *($obj)

Be sure to take a look at USER TO BLOB and BLOB TO USERS as well.

On Thu, Nov 1, 2018 at 3:48 PM Randy Engle via 4D_Tech <>

> I haven't used "4D Users" in a "long time"
> ( I roll my own user system...but 4D Users need it now)
> Maybe I'm being a dope (likely), but I'm not seeing a way to create users
> programmatically.
> A shove in the right direction would be most appreciated.
> Gracious Thanks
> Randy Engle, Director
> XC2 Software LLC – XC2LIVE!
> **
> 4D Internet Users Group (4D iNUG)
> Archive:
> Options:
> Unsub:
> **

Kirk Brooks
San Francisco, CA

*We go vote - they go home*
4D Internet Users Group (4D iNUG)

RE: CREATE USER Programmatically?

2018-11-01 Thread Timothy Penner via 4D_Tech
Take a look at:


4D Internet Users Group (4D iNUG)