Tom Benedict mentioned in passing that a "rule engine" he presented at the
Summit in 2014 might be the right tool to help John Foster solve a problem.
My ears perked up because I've long wanted to have a rule engine in 4D but
haven't taken the time to write one. Tom hooked me up with the notes (I
also have direct access @ 4D, as it turns out), and I wanted to make this
resource visible to a wider range of people.

Rule engines are one of those specialized tools that it's good to know
about in advance. Just like knowing about a specialized algorithm helps you
solve a new problem, so too something like a broader technique - like a
rule engine. Before getting into any CS stuff, let me link to an easier to
understand example of a similar tool. In the life sciences, there's a handy
tool called a "dichotomous key" that's broadly used. You have a bunch of
yes-no questions that let you figure out what mushroom, weed, tree,
whatever you're seeing. Graphically, it's a decision tree that looks like

Dichotomous Key of Histology

Normally, they're used as a series of yes-no questions, like this typical

Common Trees of the Pacific Northwest

A silly one shows how it works with space aliens:

The hard part with a dichotomous key is not using it, it's building it. You
have to know enough about the subject to come up with the right questions.
You need an expert. That's what the rules encode, expertise. Back in the
1980s, "Expert Systems" were kind of the rage. By chance, I lived with a
DB2 programmer that was *obsessed* with expert systems. That's how I even
know about them. But that kind of decision flow is a pretty old
old Greek guy used it and figured out that humans are "featherless bipeds."

Now, just for a moment, imagine how you would write a piece of code to
answer the same question. Pretend that you've got a UI that lets a person
describe a tree and figure out the species. What does the Pacific Northwest
have? 50 native species? Something like that. (Since giant sheets of ice
covered most of the region until recently, the soil there is rich but the
species diversity is incredibly low.) Anyway, if you think it through -
it's a pretty hard problem to solve. A bunch of keywords for different
features? A bunch of fields for different aspects (general shape, color,
shape of edge, etc.)? The searches are going to be hard either way. If
you've ever found yourself in this sort of coding situation, it probably
made your neck stiff ;-) Okay, so let's imagine that you sort it out -
you've nailed it all down.

Now they want to include exotic trees that are common in the area. Oh. So
now you need to include gums from Australia, some Asian maples, and so on.
Some fit pretty easily into your existing system as they're from families
you already have (maples), others don't because they're from new families
(eucalypts.) Okay, a pain, but doable.

Now they want to be able to pick between versions. One with exotics, one
without. Oh again. But your rules are likely baked into a bunch of
complicated case statements and/or complicated queries. Not easy. In fact,
when dealing with a real-world situation, it may literally be too hard to
do. Just incredibly, deeply hard. Apart from that, with the codes
implicitly encoded in fields/case of/search and combines, there isn't a way
to reuse or visualize the data. Anyone that looked at the first link above
saw a very easy to follow chart that encodes a *ton* of complex rules. You
couldn't easily produce that by reusing anything pretty much hard-coded.
So, that's bad. Rules embedded right in the code are hard to visualize,
test, validate, reuse, modify, or even understand. It's a nightmare. Many
of us have been there.

So, this is where the rule engine comes in. You can to get the rules *out
of the code and into data*. As data, the rules can be converted to a
printed table for review, converted to a chart for reuse (like the first
example post), duplicated and revised to make experiments or new
applications easy. What do you need?

    Expertise        Rules     Rule processor

Expertise is hard, of course. And for a real-world application, what you're
probably encoding are complicated (read "insane") government regulations,
convoluted pricing calculations, weighted prioritization factors (for
scheduling or resource allocation), drug combination outcomes, dosing
guidelines, or diagnostic guesses. Hey, those are all both complicated and
important. Exactly the sort of coding you want to get right...exactly the
sort of coding that's nearly impossible to get right with regular
techniques. So back to Tom's tool and the three things you need.

So, assuming that you are or have access to an expert, the coding parts you
need are the encoded rules and the rule processor. Normally, that means a
database + a language that excels at processing list structures. 4D isn't a
great list processor language, but it can do it. Tom very cleverly
leverages some XML+XSLT code that David Dancy (I miss him!) shared. XML is
all about trees and XSLT is a tree-processing language. Nice!

I wanted to post something about all of this because it's only due to an
accident of personal history that I know anything about it. It's the sort
of powerful, core technique that it would be very easy to spend a career
never hearing about. There are TONS of database in the 4D world that can
make use of this technique. If you have anything to do with medicine, check
this idea out - it was largely made for you. (Seriously.)

Hopefully Tom or someone else using this sort of tool can offer some
real-world, 4D-based examples of how it's made their life better.
4D Internet Users Group (4D iNUG)

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