I am doing lots of work with 4D Write and really like it.

Now I am trying to take my first babysteps with 4D WritePro (V16.1).
Unfortunately I am falling down at each little step so far and need a grown-up 
to help me before I start crying really loud.

What I did a lot in 4D Write is to create documents/reports/etc. in methods, 

WR SET FONT ($lArea;"Lucida Grande")
WR SET TEXT PROPERTY ($lArea;wr font size;14)
WR INSERT TEXT ($lArea;"Title\r\r")
WR SET TEXT PROPERTY ($lArea;wr font size;12)
WR INSERT TEXT ($lArea;"Some plain text")
WR SET TEXT PROPERTY ($lArea;wr bold;1)
WR INSERT TEXT ($lArea;"Some bold text")
WR SET TEXT PROPERTY ($lArea;wr bold;0)
WR INSERT TEXT ($lArea;"Some more plain text")
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