Seeking an alternative to vi and emacs, I've been giving Acme a try (acme-sac, 
actually). After reading the articles and man pages and playing with it for a 
few days, I'll admit I don't see how Acme could be even remotely competitive 
with vim/emacs for editing code.

Searching the 9fans archive, I found admonitions that you have to learn Acme's 
very different operating paradigm, but no specific advice. So I'm posting here 
a list of editor features I miss in Acme. For each item, what is the Acme way 
of approaching it?

I hope that the replys in this thread will serve as a reference for others 
trying to learn Acme.

01. Toggle on/off line wrapping
02. Toggle on/off EOL character display
03. Display line numbers
04. Display ruler
05. Rectangluar block selection
06. Search and replace with confirmation at each item
07. Automatic insertion of spaces for tabs
08. Syntax highlighting of code
09. Code folding
10. Code clips/completion
12. Display file diff with locked parallel windows
13. Customize the contextual display of commands in the tag line
14. Customize the color scheme
15. Change fonts
16. HTML tag matching
17. Display (in status bar?) the Unicode ID of glyph at cursor
18. Display right-to-left text

Also, regarding Acme's use as a file browser:

19. Open new directories in the same window, so that you don't get a desktop 
full of windows as you drill down through a directory tree.


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