Of interest to anyone in New Jersey.

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Walt Mankowski <walt...@pobox.com>
Date: Wed, 12 Dec 2018 at 11:24
Subject: [PLUG] Brian Kernighan speaking at Princeton ACM tomorrow night
To: <p...@lists.phillylinux.org>

Hi everyone,

Brian Kernighan will be speaking at the Princeton ACM meeting tomorrow
night. Dr. Kernighan worked at Bell Labs in the early days of Unix and
is currently a professor of Computer Science at Princeton
University. He's the co-author of The C Programming Language, The Unix
Programming Environment, and many other books. He's also the "K" in

I've seen Kernighan speak before on a number of different subjects and
he's a fantastic speaker. Sadly I can't go because my company holiday
party is tomorrow night, but I encourage you to go if you can make
it. Directions are in the PDF linked in the forwared email below.


----- Forwarded message from Dennis Mancl <dma...@acm.org> -----

Date: Wed, 12 Dec 2018 10:52:08 -0500
From: Dennis Mancl <dma...@acm.org>
To: princeton-acm-not...@listserv.acm.org
Subject: ACM Princeton Chapter - reminder of Dec. 13 meeting

Upcoming Princeton ACM/ IEEE Computer Society Meetings and Events

Thursday Dec. 13 - "Too Many Numbers," Brian Kernighan, Princeton Univ., 8:00pm



   Too Many Numbers - new book by Brian Kernighan

Brian Kernighan is our December speaker -- he will be talking about
his new book, "Millions, Billions, Zillions".  The target audience of
this book is "all of us" -- even diehard math-phobes will learn some
ideas, shortcuts, and strategies to work with the numbers that are
trying to fool us.

Books on sale:  Labyrinth Books will be selling copies of Brian's book
at the meeting (cash and credit cards accepted) – and there will be an
opportunity after the meeting to get the author to autograph the book.

   Date: Thursday December 13, 2018, 8:00pm
     (refreshments at 7:30pm)
   Place: Princeton University Computer Science Building
     Large Auditorium, Room CS 104
     35 Olden Street, Princeton NJ
   Information: Dennis Mancl (908) 285-1066
   On-line meeting notice:  http://PrincetonACM.acm.org/meetings/mtg1812.pdf

All ACM / IEEE-CS meetings are open to the public. Students and their
parents are welcome.  There is no admission charge.

----- End forwarded message -----
Philadelphia Linux Users Group         --        http://www.phillylinux.org
Announcements - http://lists.phillylinux.org/mailman/listinfo/plug-announce
General Discussion  --   http://lists.phillylinux.org/mailman/listinfo/plug


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