Re: [abcusers] [ABCp] Testsuite needed!

2004-10-22 Thread Hudson Lacerda
Remo D. wrote:
Hudson suggestion
P.S. Please take in account tuplets with many digits, like 

made me think about the needing for a  "T_ENDNPLET" token. In other 
words from "(3ABC" four events would be triggered: T_NPLET, T_NOTE; 

 Is that something worth considering? It would ease the parser at the 
expense of an additional event triggering everytime the tuplet ends.

I cannot not give you an opinion about such technical matters that I 
don't understand well. But, concerning to tuplets, I have used (with 
abcm2ps) things like:

(5:4:6 =c')(,=f^g(3=b=c'_a) !<)!
that is, nested tuplets:
(5:4:6   <3-notes>   (3   <3-notes>
In this case, perhaps a ending event could be useful.
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Re: [abcusers] [ABCp] Line continuation

2004-10-22 Thread Hudson Lacerda
Remo D. wrote:
There is one thing that I'm not sure about. Should I support the 1.6 
syntax for continution? Supporting both is not an easy task and I 
would prefer not doing it.
Does anybody thinks that supporting al this variations on continuation 
is absolutely crucial? I would prefer to write a special parser to 
convert the file from an unsupported syntax to a supported one rather 
then include both into ABCp, but I dont' wont to create some major 
It seems that you coded a line continuation similar to those of bash or 
C, that is, the continuation is only related to the source code, to fit 
it on the screen etc.:

asdf \
is equivalent to:
asdf asdf
In ABC, the `\' is often (mainly?) used refering to the *printed* score, 
i.e. the layout (where avoid a system break on the page), to make more 
readable associated lines, like w:ords or d:ecos or several bar-aligned 
V:oices (coral music).
Remembering M-Tx and PMX manuals, music notation is not linear (like 
text): parallel streams are read simultaneously. That is important for 
poliphonic music notation. So:

[V:1] abcde \
[V:2] ABCDE \
[V:1] cdedc
is equivalent to:
[V:1] abcde cdedc
but not to:
[V:1] abcde [V:2] ABCDE
[V:1] etc.
I think these line continuations are useful:
c d g e/d/ c | A c d e2 |\ % I'm not sure about comments...
c G d cA | z A G c2 |
C,G, | C,4 z|
w: d r d s | m r d l,
DCGE | DA,CD | C4 |]
w: r d s m | r l, d r | d
Line continuations (\) and line breaks (!) are very useful to control 
the number of bars per system, specially where lyrics are used. I write 
lyrics verse after verse (upbeats, repeat/measure bars, etc. adjusted 
with \ and !), so the layout should be chosen after coding.

Another case (rare, though) is when the meter is changed very often. I 
have a piece with meter changes in nearly each bar, so I used the format 
below (*only 1 measure per line!*). But I think that can work in your 
parser, because there is just 1 voice and the meter is changed inside 

% c.1-3
[M:4/8]!mf!(6:4(^f_e !>(!=d=e-) e!>)!z|\
[M:6/8]!f!(=f2=B !>(!_e=d!>)!^c)|
% c.4-6
[M:8/8]!mf!(,(3=e=c^F (3=A^G)(^A (3=B=F=A- (3!>(!-A_A=G)!>)!|\

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[abcusers] [ABCp] Line continuation

2004-10-22 Thread Remo D.
I'm passing the test files to my scanner and correcting (or extending) 
it so that the  most of them get parsed correctly.

There is one thing that I'm not sure about. Should I support the 1.6 
syntax for continution? Supporting both is not an easy task and I would 
prefer not doing it.

More precisely. The scanner now supports things like:
1: V: myvoice clef=treble\
2: stem=up
3: ABC | def |\
4: Gc'd
but not:
1:  ABC| def |\
2:  M:2/4
3:  Gc'd
1:  ABC| def |\  % A comment???
2:  Gc'd
Does anybody thinks that supporting al this variations on continuation 
is absolutely crucial? I would prefer to write a special parser to 
convert the file from an unsupported syntax to a supported one rather 
then include both into ABCp, but I dont' wont to create some major 

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