Before starting, use regedit.exe and make a backup of your Windows 
Registry--just in case...
So, two ways to approach this, a registry edit or navigate the GUI to make 
Also, using a .REG batch file would be more efficient and less error prone. And 
also allow you to apply the change to multiple systems with little additional 
See this link for reference on creating the .REG batch file 

You'd open a "regedit.exe" session from a Command Prompt "Run as 
Administrator", and navigate down the tree to the Hive Key. 
Needed changes to Windows Registry are in the key:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Environment 
Two simple edits are needed.
(1) set the Java Home variable:  JAVA_HOME
is a REG_SZ value, REG script would create it with string
"C:\Program Files\Java\jre7"
Note: for a 64-bit Windows system it would be  "C:\Program Files 
(2) The System Path value:  Path
is a REG_EXPAND_SZ value, REG script would append string
Note: the--; % and \--characters inside the quotation marks are required 
The other way would be to navigate the System Properties GUI and make the edits 
1) Open a Command Prompt window "Run as Administrator" 
2) enter "systempropertiesadvanced.exe", the GUI will open
3) enter "<alt> + n", opens Environment Variable GUI
4) enter "<alt> + s", moves to System Variables section of GUI
5) enter "p", will search and move to first variable starting with P, should be 
6) enter "<alt> + i", will open the Edit GUI for the variable selected--should 
announce --and should be in the Variable value positioned at the end of the 
7) enter a "<end key>", will position you to the end of the field ready to 
append characters--be careful to NOT erase the entire value.
8) type ";%JAVA_HOME%\bin" and <Enter> to save
9) enter "<alt> + w", will open New System Variable GUI, with cursor positioned 
in the Variable Name field
10) type "JAVA_HOME" and <tab> to move to the Variable value field
11) type "C:\Program Files\Java\jre7" and <Enter> to save
Note: that would be C:\Program Files (x86)\ on a 64-bit system
12) type 3 <tabs> to move to the OK button and <Enter> to save. Then exit the 
rest of the System Properties GUIs.



From: David Goldfield [mailto:dgold...@asb.org]
Sent: Wed 10/10/2012 8:33 AM
To: V Stuart Foote
Subject: RE: [libreoffice-accessibility] Latest Libo Won't Play Nice with myJRE

>So as an alternative, I routinely suggest folks delete the


from the C:\Windows\system32 folder (they're just copies).

Yes.  OK< I understand that.  Thank you; that's helpful.

>And then I suggest folks establish a proper entry in the system PATH variable 
>so that all programs resolve the location to C:\Program Files\Java\jre7\bin.

By convention, we can make use of a JAVA_HOME variable set to C:\Program 
Files\Java\jre7, and with that set, append %JAVA_HOME%\bin to the PATH 
variable. Either way, so long as the JRE bin is present in the system PATH.

I understand the concept but not exactly how this is done.  Could you provide 
quick steps ... At your convenience?

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