On 13/10/23 03:27, Michael Weghorn wrote:
On 2023-10-12 20:27, Jason White wrote:

On an unrelated issue, the accessibility of comments in LibreOffice Writer was recently raised on the Orca mailing list. Change tracking (reporting of insertions and deletions) is an associated feature that has not, to my knowledge, been made accessible to screen reader users in LibreOffice. Anyone needing to make effective use of comments and change tracking using a screen reader would likely need to turn to a proprietary office application instead, for which the necessary API support has been in place for some time.

Thanks for mentioning that.

Thanks for the explanation of the API status of these features (not quoted here for brevity), and for taking up the problem. I've needed to use comments and change tracking in word processor files in the past; it's likely that I will need them again in the future, and the only solution is currently to use a proprietary word processor. As I generally write in a markup language such as LaTeX or Markdown, my interactions with word processor files usually involve reading, editing or reviewing other peoples' documents.

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