Re: [AI] Fwd: from Kiran Bedi and Arvind Kejriwa

2011-04-04 Thread namdeo2000
Excellent, every loyal, proud and honest citizen of this country was waiting 
for this day. However, individual fasting in our respective homes would not 
serve purpose; instead, supportive rallies should be organized in all the 
states including district and Taluka level. All political parties and other 
groups should participate in this movement. Those who would not, must be 
rated as supporters of corruption and corrupt people.
- Original Message - 
From: Madhav Chandra Das

To: accessindia
Sent: Monday, April 04, 2011 12:11 PM
Subject: [AI] Fwd: from Kiran Bedi and Arvind Kejriwa

-- Forwarded message --
From: Shiv Bhaskar Dravid
Date: Sun, 03 Apr 2011 12:55:18 -0700
Subject: from Kiran Bedi and Arvind Kejriwa

Anna Hazare fasts unto death starting 5th April.
He is demanding enactment of a strong anti-corruption law - Jan Lokpal
Bill - to ensure swiftness and certainty of punishment to the corrupt.

Will his fast have any impact on the deaf  Government of India?

Yes, it certainly would. Because, last time when Anna sat on fast -
• 6 corrupt ministers in Maharashtra had to resign
• 400 corrupt officers were dismissed from job
• 2002 - Maharashtra RTI Act was passed
• 2006 - Central Government withdrew its proposal to
amend Central RTI Act

Now Anna is fasting to demand Jan Lokpal Bill. JAN LOKPAL BILL will
act as deterrent and instill fear in the minds of corrupt people.

At 78, Anna is not fasting for himself, he is fasting for the future of
my kid. I will myself fast on 5th April for a day and ask my 5 year
daughter also to skip a meal on 5th April, Rakesh, a software engineer.

What can you do?

Let the whole nation fast for a day on 5th April and pray for a
corruption free India. Collective prayers are very powerful. Let the whole
nation pray against corruption, appeals Anna Hazare.

Lets reach Jantar Mantar in thousands, in lakhs from 5th April. I will be
there - day and night - with Anna. We will all sleep on the roads of Jantar
Mantar. Anna's fast can change India's history. Can't you take a few days
off from your work and be a part of it? Arvind Kejriwal

Send us a missed call at 02261550789 to stay updated about this movement.
Forward this mail to everyone, Kiran Bedi

Do watch this film:

Across India, join Sri Sri Ravishankar, Swami Agnivesh, Arch Bishop of
Delhi Vincent Concessao, Mahmood A Madani, Kiran Bedi, J M Lyngdoh, Shanti
Bhushan, Prashant Bhushan, Arvind Kejriwal, Mufti Shamoom Qasmi, Mallika
Sarabhai, Arun Bhatia, Sunita Godara, Swami Ramdev, All India Bank
Employees Federation, PAN IIT Alumni Association, Common Cause, Foundation
for Restoration of National Values and many other prominent organizations
and leaders, as India comes out on the streets!


Salient features of Jan Lokpal Bill

Drafted by Justice Santosh Hegde, Prashant Bhushan and Arvind Kejriwal,
this Bill has been refined on the basis of feedback received from public on
website and after series of public consultations. It has also been vetted
by and is supported by Shanti Bhushan, J M Lyngdoh, Kiran Bedi, Anna Hazare
etc. It was sent to the PM and all CMs on 1st December.

An institution called LOKPAL at the centre and LOKAYUKTA in each state
will be set up

Like Supreme Court and Election Commission, they will be completely
independent of the governments. No minister or bureaucrat will be able to
influence their investigations.

Cases against corrupt people will not linger on for years anymore:
Investigations in any case will have to be completed in one year. Trial
should be completed in next one year so that the corrupt politician,
officer or judge is sent to jail within two years.

The loss that a corrupt person caused to the government will be recovered
at the time of conviction.

How will it help a common citizen: If any work of any citizen is not done
in prescribed time in any government office, Lokpal will impose financial
penalty on guilty officers, which will be given as compensation to the

So, you could approach Lokpal if your ration card or passport or voter
card is not being made or if police is not registering your case or any
other work is not being done in prescribed time. Lokpal will have to get it
done in a month’s time. You could also report any case of corruption to
Lokpal like ration being siphoned off, poor quality roads been constructed
or panchayat funds being siphoned off. Lokpal will have to complete its
investigations in a year, trial will be over in next one year and the
guilty will go to jail within two years.

But won’t the government appoint corrupt and weak people as Lokpal
members? That won’t be possible because its members will be 

Re: [AI] BBC telecast on internet

2011-03-27 Thread namdeo2000
Dear Deepak, only Dinbhar programme that is broadcast from 7 30 to 8 30 
would be in force and all other broadcasts would cease to function from 27 
March onwards.
- Original Message - 
From: Sandeep Gautam

Sent: Monday, March 28, 2011 6:38 AM
Subject: [AI] BBC telecast on internet

Hi friends,
initially after the announcement of BBC, I was thinking that its all 
programme will be available on internet, only its sw telecast will be 
discontinued on and after March 27.
but from yesterday, I realised that its daily morning programme, namaskar 
bharat is not coming on internet too.

Although its evening programme, din bhar is available on internet.

pls correct me if I am wrong.

Sandeep G

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Re: [AI] Shame shame schools!

2011-03-20 Thread namdeo2000
Of course it is very shocking and surprising that, such occurrences are 
taking place in 21st century and that too in the metropolis like Mumbai. The 
Matter must be sternly dealt with and culprits should be brought to justice. 
Such a severe punishment should be meted out to these school authorities 
that, no other school not only in this city but across the country dare 
commit such inhuman offense in future. Shadab has come out with a very 
subtle, apt and yet interesting point that, admission is denied to a child 
whose parents are blind, but what about those children who are absolutely no 
parents at all.
- Original Message - 
From: George Abraham

Sent: Sunday, March 20, 2011 6:11 PM
Subject: Re: [AI] Shame shame schools!

A blind woman's son has been denied admission and nobody has anything to 
say? The school believes that she will not be able to manage her son's home 
work.  Shocking to note that this is happening in a city like Mumbai. Can 
Mr.Ashok Agarwal do something about this?  This kind  of discrimination is 


- Original Message - 
From: George Abraham

Sent: Saturday, March 19, 2011 1:07 PM
Subject: Shame shame schools!

Dear Friends,

There are  a number of schools who refuse admission to disabled students. 
But I was really shocked to learn that a boy was denied admission to some 
of Mumbai schools simply because his mother is blind. The reasons given 
is how will the parent manage the child's homework. I think this is 
ridiculous. The school must be stripped of their license.  This is case 
of a centre of learning behaving operating in the dark ages. Whether 
there should be home work at all is of course another matter of debate.

I understand that there are schools in Delhi too who have turned children 
of blind parents away for the same reason.

George Abraham
Score Foundation
17/107, LGF
Vikram Vihar, Lajpatnagar 4
New Delhi 110024

PH:91 11 26472581, 91 11 46070396
Mob: 91 9810934040, 91 9810001181
Skype: georgeabraham13

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Re: [AI] Fwd: [New post] “You move forward in life with your intellect and thoughts, not with your legs,” Neeta Panchal

2011-03-17 Thread namdeo2000
Astounding and simply marvelous. In fact the story goes to prove that, the 
more obstacles in your life, the more successful your life is provided you 
have positive outlook towards these hurdles.
- Original Message - 
From: pradeep banakar

Sent: Tuesday, March 15, 2011 7:40 PM
Subject: [AI] Fwd: [New post] “You move forward in life with your intellect 
and thoughts, not with your legs,” Neeta Panchal

-- Forwarded message --
From: Nilesh Singit's Blog: Disability News Wolrdwide

Date: Tue, 15 Mar 2011 12:04:24 +
Subject: [New post] “You move forward in life with your intellect and
thoughts, not with your legs,” Neeta Panchal

Post   : ldquo;You move forward in life with your intellect and
thoughts, not with your legs,rdquo; Neeta Panchal

Posted : March 15, 2011 at 17:34
Author : Nilesh Singit
Tags   : Javed Abidi, UNCRPD, Universal Design
Categories : Accessibility, Census, Disability, Disability Studies,
Discrimination, Independent Living, Sexuality, Success Story

I first saw her when she wheeled herself into the coffee shop of the
hotel I was staying in Ahmedabad. She and her husband made an
interesting sight! People who had come down for dinner stopped in
their stride. Her husband on crutches with their baby boy in a sling
tied on his chest and she following on her wheelchair. It was
endearing, if not anything. And then when she starts talking and you
get to know her, you realise she is a bundle of energy with a zeal for
disability rights. Her vivaciousness is infectious. Meet Neeta Panchal
of Disability Advocacy Group, Gujarat as she shares her story with
Dorodi Sharma of D.N.I.S.

D.N.I.S.: You acquired your disability when you were barely 17 years
old. Can you tell us about the incident?

Neeta Panchal: It was during the huge earthquake that ravaged Gujarat
on Republic Day in 2001. I was 17 years old at that time and was on my
way to school along with 7 other girls. Suddenly, the earth shook.
Since we stayed very close to the Pakistan border, we thought that it
must be a war that had started. Unknowingly, we rushed into a building
to escape what we thought was a bombing, only to realise that the
whole building was crumbling down on us. My friends died. I was caught
between two of them but somehow I survived.

I was trapped in the rubble for more than four hours. When they were
pulling me out, I couldn’t feel my legs anymore.

D.N.I.S.: How did you overcome the trauma?

Neeta Panchal: It wasn’t easy. When the doctors kept telling me that I
had been badly injured and that I was paralysed waist down, I was
still hopeful. I thought I was in a hospital after all and I would get
well soon. Finally after spending more than a year there, I realised
that this was serious, that I would not be able to walk ever again in
my life. It shook me. I went into depression. At that time I was also
engaged to be married. When the boy’s family found out that I had
become disabled, they broke off the engagement. I tried to commit
suicide twice. Luckily, my family rallied on to get me out of that
mindset. My brother especially. He showed me Sudha Chandran’s film
called ‘Nache Mayuri’ which is her story about being a dancer despite
losing one leg. Slowly, I came out of my depression. I realised that
if God has saved my life, He probably had a reason.

D.N.I.S.: How did you decide to join the sector?

Neeta Panchal: That happened much later. The earthquake had taken a
toll on my family. I lost my sister and grandmother. We lost our house
and all our belongings. We had nothing. To top that, my family
suddenly had to look after me. I did not want to be a burden. So I
started a small shop of imitation jewellery and then moved on to open
a P.C.O. By this time, I was friends with my disability. In 2004, I
participated in the National Para Games in Bangalore and won a silver
medal in wheelchair race. In 2006, I won the gold medal in the same
event. It was only after I came to Ahmedabad that I entered the
disability sector.

D.N.I.S.: You have a very interesting love story – almost straight out
of a romance novel. Please do share how it all began.

Neeta Panchal: Well, Handicap International (H.I.) conducted
rehabilitation camps in Kutch after the earthquake – teaching us basic
daily activities, etc. I had several surgeries after the earthquake
(Neeta has had 22 surgeries till date and calls the operation theatre
her ‘home theatre’!). I needed to come to Ahmedabad for one such
surgery. I did not know anyone here and my family was also from a very
simple background and was not sure about managing things in a big
city. I sought H.I.’s help. Parag (Panchal) who works with H.I. was
asked to help 

Re: [AI] Blind man drives car independently

2011-02-01 Thread namdeo2000
It is quite an encouraging scenario for American blind community and even 
for Western world for that matter, but, it is a distant dream for same 
community in this country. As and when the technology  comes to India or, 
our roads become eligible for that technology, We would have to fight a 
fierce battle to convince the concerned authorities to issue a driving 
license to a blind person. Until quite recently, this was the position in L 
I C that if a sighted person meets with an accident due to his own 
neglegence, yet he is entitled for accident benefit. Whereas, if a blind 
person dies in road accident due to the rashness of motorist, he would not 
get the same benefit.
This is the mentality of our society.- Original Message - 

To: Accessindia
Sent: Monday, January 31, 2011 7:36 AM
Subject: [AI] Blind man drives car independently

Blind man drives car independently.

Avoids Dynamic Obstacles.

DAYTONA BEACH, Fla., Jan. 29, 2011 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- The National
Federation of the Blind (NFB), the oldest and largest organization of blind
people in the nation, announced today that for the first time a blind
has driven a street vehicle in public without the assistance of a sighted
person. Mark Anthony Riccobono, a blind executive who directs technology,
research, and education programs for the organization, was behind the wheel
of a
Ford Escape hybrid equipped with nonvisual technology and successfully
1.5 miles of the road course section of the famed track at the Daytona
International Speedway.

The historic demonstration was part of pre-race activities leading up to the
Rolex 24 At Daytona this morning. Mr. Riccobono not only successfully
the several turns of the road course but also avoided obstacles, some of
were stationary and some of which were thrown into his path at random from a
driving in front of him. Later he successfully passed the van without
The Ford Escape was equipped with laser range-finding censors that conveyed
information to a computer inside the vehicle, allowing it to create and
constantly update a three-dimensional map of the road environment. The
sent directions to vibrating gloves on the driver's hands, indicating which
to steer, and to a vibrating strip on which he was seated, indicating when
speed up, slow down, or stop.

Mr. Riccobono said: The NFB's leadership in the Blind Driver Challenge has
taken something almost everyone believed was an impossible dream and turned
into reality. It was thrilling for me to be behind the wheel, but even more
thrilling to hear the cheers from my blind brothers and sisters in the
grandstands* -- today all of the members of the NFB helped drive us
forward*. It
is for them and for all blind Americans that the National Federation of the
Blind undertook this project to show that blind people can do anything that
sighted friends and colleagues can do as long as we have access to
through nonvisual means. Today we have demonstrated that truth to the nation
the world.

Dr. Marc Maurer, President of the National Federation of the Blind, said:
as our colleague Mark Riccobono successfully surmounted many obstacles on
Daytona course today, blind people routinely surmount barriers by using
alternative techniques and technologies. When there is not a solution
we muster our resources and combine them with those of the partners who make
common cause with us to produce the innovations necessary to create such a
solution. That is how the NFB Blind Driver Challenge came to happen, and
is how we will make all of our dreams come true.

The NFB Blind Driver Challenge is a research project of the National
of the Blind Jernigan Institute -- the only research and training facility
blindness operated by the blind. The Jernigan Institute challenged
technology developers, and other interested innovators to establish NFB
Driver Challenge (BDC) teams, in collaboration with the NFB, to build
technologies that will empower blind people to drive a car independently.
purpose of the NFB Blind Driver Challenge is to stimulate the development of
nonvisual interface technology. The Virginia Tech/TORC NFB BDC team, under
direction of Dr. Dennis Hong, director of the Robotics and Mechanisms
at Virginia Tech., is the only team that has accepted the challenge. The
uses the ByWire XGV developed by TORC technologies as the research platform
the development and testing of the nonvisual interface technologies that
allow a
blind person to drive.

Source URL:

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Re: [AI] UID number and inclusion of Disability?

2011-01-28 Thread namdeo2000
Sooner or later, if this U. I. D. card acquires the significance of 
multi-purpose card, then those disable persons who do not wish their 
disability to be revealed, would be deprived of  many facilities and 
amenities which you stand to gain by being a disabled citizen. -  
Original Message - 
From: Harish Kotian

Sent: Saturday, January 29, 2011 11:14 AM
Subject: Re: [AI] UID number and inclusion of Disability?

Dear Vashisht

In my opinion, it will be those for the disabled who would be opposing 
inclusion of disability  in the UI Card. For, the disabled themselves 
understand the hassel  of carrying  a bag full of ID cards for proof of 

More importantly, this could have been the perfect answer for getting access 
to copyright material internationally and obtaining immunity from fair use 

I think we must do everything possible to resalvage it if possible to do so.

If one chooses not to disclose this information to the UI authority that 
should be fine, later, they should not cry for not having done so. Just 
because of a handful of persons, we cannot throw out a system which would 
help majority of persons.

Harish Kotian.

- Original Message - 
From: SC Vashishth

Sent: Friday, January 28, 2011 6:09 PM
Subject: Re: [AI] UID number and inclusion of Disability?

Rajesh, a large number of persons with disabilities do not want their
disability on their UID Cards. They want to be known by their name and
number and not by their disability. Argument - when you don't write
conditions such as Heart Problems, Knee Problems etc or
Castes/categories such as  SC/ST, then why disability which is just a
condition that persons live with.

This debate perhaps has led to UID dropping disability from the face of 


Another issue - UID's legal mandate doesn't require it to be a replacing
document for various other certificates such as a disability certificate.
This also has a politics of maintaining relevance of certain
departments/ministries that have a stake in the disability. And they do 
want to let go their importance. Since, if every important information 

on UID then they fear it might render them redundant such as a PAN Card
(Separate Ministry), Ration Card (Separate Ministry), (Disability
Certificate (Min. of Health) etc..

On 28 January 2011 17:48, Asudani, Rajesh 

No asif, it does not help, if UDAI does not cover disability.

-Original Message-
From: [mailto:] On Behalf Of Mohammed Asif iqbal
Sent: Friday, January 28, 2011 3:20 PM
Subject: Re: [AI] UID number and inclusion of Disability?

Hi Amar,
As you are aware; I am currently working with UIDAI.  With mandate of
enrolling Pwd.
No, data on disability is not being collected.
UID only collects data on name, date of birth, father's name/ mother's
guardian/ City address. And Email/ mobile no. is optional.
Hope this helps.
I will be coming to Bombay soon and hope to catch up with you and explain
this in details.
Mohammed Asif Iqbal

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Amar Jain
Sent: Friday, January 28, 2011 1:35 PM
Subject: [AI] UID number and inclusion of Disability?

Dear All,
We are aware that UIDAI will include disability in their database. I
saw the form on as the form on UIDAI website was
unreadable by Jaws, but it does not ask for disability related
So would like to know if there is anybody who has got UID which
includes their disability detail, and procedure which is to be
As per help desk soon UID will be allotted in Mumbai.
Amar Jain.

Amar Jain.

Notice: This email and any files transmitted with it are confidential and
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addressed. If you are not the intended recipient, any dissemination, use,
review, distribution, printing or copying of the information contained in
this e-mail message and/or attachments to it are strictly prohibited. If 

have received this email by error,  please notify us by return e-mail or
telephone and immediately and permanently delete the message and any
attachments. The recipient should check this email and any attachments 
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any damage caused by any virus transmitted by this email.

Warm regards,

Subhash Chandra Vashishth
Mobile: +91 (11) 9811125521
Please don't print this e-mail unless you really need to. Consider

Re: [AI] UID number and inclusion of Disability?

2011-01-28 Thread namdeo2000
How is it that, I do not want my disability to be disclosed and yet I am 
keen on go on enjoying all the bounties bestowed on me as a handicap. I do 
not wish to be known by my blindness and yet I fight fiercely if I am not 
accorded the concession on second A.C. in railway. Is it not weird, 
whimsical and paradoxical?
- Original Message - 
From: SC Vashishth

Sent: Saturday, January 29, 2011 11:33 AM
Subject: Re: [AI] UID number and inclusion of Disability?

Dear Harish,

Sadly that is not so. Its not only for the disabled but of the disabled
also wanting this. The degree of social acceptance of different 
is different and this is a harsh truth. While those with visual 

may be keen in getting their disability included on UID but those with few
other disabilities have not been comfortable in declaring the same on the
face of it for the fear of discrimination and other obvious reasons.

Another reason that I see is that not all disabilities enumerated in the 

Act have got benefited from being declared as  a Person with disability
except few. Thus for them, including it on the UID carries no benefit. On
the contrary, they fear this might lead to discrimination.

May be UID representatives/Mr. Asif could answer the specific reason as to
why this was dropped and what can be done to salvage it  at least for 

who are willing and want to include this.

29 January 2011 11:14, Harish Kotian wrote:

Dear Vashisht

In my opinion, it will be those for the disabled who would be opposing
inclusion of disability  in the UI Card. For, the disabled themselves
understand the hassel  of carrying  a bag full of ID cards for proof of

More importantly, this could have been the perfect answer for getting
access to copyright material internationally and obtaining immunity from
fair use clause.

I think we must do everything possible to resalvage it if possible to do

 If one chooses not to disclose this information to the UI authority that
should be fine, later, they should not cry for not having done so. Just
because of a handful of persons, we cannot throw out a system which would
help majority of persons.

Harish Kotian.

- Original Message -
From: SC Vashishth
Sent: Friday, January 28, 2011 6:09 PM
Subject: Re: [AI] UID number and inclusion of Disability?

 Rajesh, a large number of persons with disabilities do not want their
 disability on their UID Cards. They want to be known by their name and
 number and not by their disability. Argument - when you don't write
 conditions such as Heart Problems, Knee Problems etc or
 Castes/categories such as  SC/ST, then why disability which is just a
 condition that persons live with.

 This debate perhaps has led to UID dropping disability from the face of

 Another issue - UID's legal mandate doesn't require it to be a 
 document for various other certificates such as a disability 

 This also has a politics of maintaining relevance of certain
 departments/ministries that have a stake in the disability. And they do
 want to let go their importance. Since, if every important information
 on UID then they fear it might render them redundant such as a PAN Card
 (Separate Ministry), Ration Card (Separate Ministry), (Disability
 Certificate (Min. of Health) etc..

 On 28 January 2011 17:48, Asudani, Rajesh

 No asif, it does not help, if UDAI does not cover disability.

 -Original Message-
 From: [mailto:] On Behalf Of Mohammed Asif
 Sent: Friday, January 28, 2011 3:20 PM
 Subject: Re: [AI] UID number and inclusion of Disability?

 Hi Amar,
 As you are aware; I am currently working with UIDAI.  With mandate of
 enrolling Pwd.
 No, data on disability is not being collected.
 UID only collects data on name, date of birth, father's name/ mother's
 guardian/ City address. And Email/ mobile no. is optional.
 Hope this helps.
 I will be coming to Bombay soon and hope to catch up with you and
 this in details.
 Mohammed Asif Iqbal

 -Original Message-
 [] On Behalf Of Amar Jain
 Sent: Friday, January 28, 2011 1:35 PM
 Subject: [AI] UID number and inclusion of Disability?

 Dear All,
 We are aware that UIDAI will include disability in their database. I
 saw the form on as the form on UIDAI website was
 unreadable by Jaws, but it does not ask for disability related
 So would like to know if there is anybody who has got UID which
 includes their disability detail, and 

Re: [AI] Blind shot putter hoists Tricolour

2011-01-28 Thread namdeo2000
This event goes to show that, 1 should always try to do the things in a 
novel and unprecedented fashion. Traditional flag hoisting is done 
everywhere but, as done by this NGO ,
exhibits the social acceptance of handicap person and their ability to scale 
new heights in various fields despite their disability.- Original 
Message - 
From: prateek aggarwal
To: accessindia; rpp-india; youthRI

Sent: Friday, January 28, 2011 10:52 AM
Subject: [AI] Blind shot putter hoists Tricolour

While we see those various dignities in the community, following too
is reality sometimes.
I salute the efforts of this valiant girl and her mother. May god
grant  hblessings on her.

Blind shot putter hoists Tricolour
Indian express, Fri Jan 28 2011, Ludhiana:
Sixteen-year-old Sandeep Shalu, a shot putter and discus thrower, was
the proud chief guest yesterday in a Republic Day function celebrated
in Sham Nagar by NGO Baba Vishvkarma Dal. Shalu hoisted the National
Flag and, apart from him, nearly 25 other blind students from the
entire state who had won medals in different games were honoured at
the event for their achievements.
While speaking after the flag hoisting ceremony, Shalu made everyone’s
eyes wet when she narrated her story. Shalu said, “My mother is also
visually impaired and my father could not tolerate that her newborn
daughter was also blind. So at the age of three years, I was turned
out of the house along with my mother.”
Jaswinder Kaur, mother of Shalu, said that she was married to a truck
driver in Kila Raipur and her parents belong to Moga. So after her
husband deserted her, she went back to her parents’ place where she
started sending her daughter to a normal school. Over the years,
Shalu’s grandfather and uncle expired and the family came to know
about the vocational rehabilitation centre (VRTC) in Ludhiana. So both
shifted in Ludhiana VRTC about five years back where they are living
free of cost. Shalu is a class 10 student now while her mother is
training as a telephone operator at the centre. Shalu started
practising for discus throw and shot put in VRTC.

Since 2008, Shalu has been participating in discus throw and shot put
and she has won many medals. The most recent one was a bronze medal in
Panchkula in the National Games organised by Indian Blind Association.
Gurpreet Singh, President of Punjab Sports Association, said, “More
than 800 players took part in these games and she won bronze in discus
throw. Apart from this, she had won silver in the 2008 National Games
for blind and several other medals.”

prateek agarwal.

the best way to get your softwares and websites developed.
you tell, i'll build.

Re: [AI] Enablers for the disabled

2011-01-27 Thread namdeo2000
There are individuals who are capable of purchasing the device pricing rs 1 
lakh also. Now these are not the people I am concerned with. Cane is a 
necessity for every V I person whether employed or otherwise.  Those who 
somehow manage to buy this simple cane, for them this new device would be a 
distant dream. I am not, nor anyone would oppose to advance technology, but 
aam aadmi should be in  focus. So attempts can be made to secure some grant 
from the government so as to bring the device within the reach of common 
- Original Message - 
From: Shadab Husain

Sent: Thursday, January 27, 2011 1:09 PM
Subject: Re: [AI] Enablers for the disabled

Vamshi, I too feel that let the product launch first. Besides, I don't 

that two thousand rupees is an exorbitant price tag for the people who are
using the most expensive devices that a person belonging to middle class 

think of. Sorry, but not at all two thousand rupees will be a hindrance to
the cane, rather a glitch or unfriendliness in its usability can be.
Regards, Shadab

When you feel afraid or nervous to do a thing then do it because the real
harm which you may thus receive is less poignant than its expectation and
Easy tips of improving English at
Shadab Husain interviews Dan Bloom
My contributions to the press

- Original Message - 
From: Vamshi. G

Sent: Wednesday, January 26, 2011 4:50 PM
Subject: Re: [AI] Enablers for the disabled

Price of any product in the initial stage would be at the higher
level.  And it may come down with time.  Case is same with the repairs
and other aspects.
So, first let the product come to the market.

G. Vamshi
PH Res : +91 877-2243861
Mobile: +91 9949349497
E-mail ID:
Skype: gvamshi81
From darkness unto light

On 1/26/11, namdeo wrote:
Price of the device can be 1 of the hindrances in popularizing the 

Presently, rs 100 is the price of the cane. You will need to pay 20 times
more which would not be possible for everyone. If you happen to break or
damage your cane, you can always spend another rs 100 and go for  a new
But here it would be difficult to afford another rs 2000 in case you need
purchase another sophisticated cane should you damage it.
- Original Message -
From: Vamshi. G
To: accessindia
Sent: Tuesday, January 25, 2011 9:56 PM
Subject: [AI] Enablers for the disabled

Publication: The Times Of India Mumbai; Date: Jan 23, 2011; Section:
Review; Page: 26

Mahafreed Irani

Before you read any further, shut your eyes and then tie a blindfold
over it. Now, try walking around your home without stubbing your toes
on furniture or banging into walls. Frustrating, isn’t it? Imagine how
much worse it would get if you had to navigate like this in unfamiliar
territory. Well, more than 15 million visually impaired people – and
that’s in India alone – live their lives in such darkness.Now, imagine
what it would be like to wake up one day, and realise that your body
refuses to co-operate with you. Simple tasks like changing a TV
channel, or switching on the lights turn into tedious chores. Yet,
millions of people from across the country – suffering from diseases
such as muscular dystrophy and arthritis – live with these challenges

Thankfully, there are a few techies out there who are working on
gadgets that could help make the lives of these people slightly


DEVELOPED BY: IIT-Delhi along with Phoenix Medical Systems Pvt Ltd
WHAT DOES IT DO: Uses bat-like echolocation, and vibrating mechanism
to guide blind users CURRENT STATUS: Preliminary tests successful;
could be launched in India next year

Four IIT-Delhi undergrads – in collaboration with Phoenix Medical
Systems Pvt Ltd – have developed a Smart Cane that can sense obstacles
up to three metres away. It accordingly vibrates to provide blind
users with navigation cues. “Our Smart Cane also alerts users if a
fast-moving object or person is moving towards them,” says Rohan Paul,
who created the device along with Dheeraj Mehra, Vaibhav Singh, Ankush
Garg. The technology is simple: The cane is equipped with an
ultrasonic transducer and a vibrator. The former transmits
high-pitched sound waves that get reflected from anything in front of
it. Vibrations are then produced to give the blind person an
indication that something lies ahead. “Our product will cost Rs 2,000
and we’ve already received calls from interested buyers in India,
Kenya, Nepal and Pakistan,” says Paul.

Re: [AI] Search Engines

2011-01-22 Thread namdeo2000

Very informative indee.
- Original Message - 
From: Thanislas

Sent: Saturday, January 22, 2011 11:49 AM
Subject: [AI] Search Engines

Hi list Member!

   Just  FYI.

Using Search Engines to Find Information on the Web

Search Engines

Search engines on the World Wide Web are remotely accessible programs that
let you do keyword searches for information on the Internet. There are

types of search engines and searches may cover titles of documents, URL's,
headers, or full text. Keep in mind that the results you get from one 

engine may not match the results you get from another search engine. In
fact, they are often different due to the way each search engine behaves.

it may actually be beneficial to use more than one search engine on a
regular basis.

In this section, we will briefly look at Google and Yahoo. Web pages are
often dynamic and can change at any time. As a result, you may find that 


site changes, your experience with JAWS may be different than what is

When you first go to the

Google Web site

there is a blinking cursor in an edit box where you can type the word or
phrase that you are interested in. The first thing you need to do is press

ENTER key to go into Forms Mode with JAWS. Once you are in Forms Mode, you
can then type in keywords that will define your search. After you have 

in some text, press ENTER to activate the Search button.

Google only returns Web pages that contain all of the words in your query.
If you find that you get too many hits or Web pages that match your

you can enter more words in your search query to narrow the choices.

Using good keywords gives you better results. Be as specific as you can. 

example, a search for the keyword musicians will yield far more results

a search for the keywords Elvis Presley. You do not need to include 
between terms, but the order in which you type your keywords will affect 

search results. You can also search for a specific phrase by including 

in quotation marks. Google searches are not case sensitive.

You can also use the following items within your keywords for Google

. + (plus) sign. Causes Google to include common words or characters that
Google normally might ignore, such as where and how. If a common word 


in getting the results you want, you can include it by putting a + sign 

front of it. (Be sure to include a space before the + sign.)

. - (minus) sign. Causes Google to exclude a word from your search. For
example, bass can refer to fishing or music. You can exclude 


by searching for bass -music. (Be sure to include a space before the 


. ~ (tilde) sign. Causes Google to include synonyms of a particular 

in the search.

. OR searches are also supported. Use an uppercase OR between terms.

The I'm Feeling LuckyT button takes you directly to the first Web page
Google returned for your query. You will not see the other search results 


For example, to find the home page for Stanford University, simply enter
Stanford into the search box and choose the I'm Feeling LuckyT button.

takes you directly to, the official home page of Stanford

To find listings for a US residence, type any of the following 

into the Google search box:

. first name (or first initial), last name, city (state is optional)

. first name (or first initial), last name, state

. first name (or first initial), last name, area code

. first name (or first initial), last name, zip code

. phone number, including area code

. last name, city, state

. last name, zip code

Try a search for Freedom Scientific.

Use this link to go to the Google Web site.

On the results page, there are a couple of things you can do to get more
information about the results of the search:

. The statistics of your search are typically placed between the search 

box and the search results. You can press DOWN ARROW a few times to find

line or you can use the JAWS find command CTRL+F to look for the words
Personalized Results and then read that line. For example, when testing
this the

search found Personalized Results 1 - 10 of about 37,700,000 for Freedom
Scientific. (0.11 seconds). This can be useful if you need to narrow the

. The items found as a result of your search are placed on the page as 
links and headings. You can press the navigation quick key H to move 

among the headings that match your search. Since they are also links, you
can press ENTER to activate them and move to those Web pages of interest.

. Below each heading (and link) that match your search is a short synopsis
of what that page is about. After pressing H to move to a heading (link)


Re: [AI] Fw: Create PDF Online

2010-11-24 Thread namdeo2000

Doroty Sharma problem is in force with it's full vigour.
- Original Message - 
From: Harish Kotian

Sent: Tuesday, November 23, 2010 10:15 PM
Subject: Re: [AI] Fw: Create PDF Online


Presently Doroty Sharma is out of the list. Pl let me know if the problem 
persist. I fear it may be virus related issue.

Harish Kotian

- Original Message - 
From: Rohiet A. Patil

Sent: Tuesday, November 23, 2010 9:13 PM
Subject: Re: [AI] Fw: Create PDF Online

Hello all!
I was just about to write regarding the same. I am also getting this 

whenever I reply to any message or post a new message. I think Rajesh
Asudani sir is also facing the similler issue. Some thing must be done in
this regard. Is it a spam or the person is on the list itself. Because I 

this mail on another list also.
Thanks and regards,
- Original Message - 
From: Waseem

Sent: Wednesday, November 24, 2010 1:42 AM
Subject: [AI] Fw: Create PDF Online

Hello all,
I am receiving such type of messages whenever I send any Email to access
It is really very   irritating and nauseating.

Warm Regards
Land: 01165154282
Mob: 9213749272
Skype: sweetboy250

- Original Message - 
From: Dorodi Sharma

To: Waseem
Sent: Monday, November 22, 2010 5:14 AM
Subject: Re: [AI] Create PDF Online

I am currently out of office. For any urgent issue, please E-mail at or call me at 9811862407.
You can also get in touch with my office at 011-26265647/48.

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Re: [AI] No Subject

2010-11-23 Thread namdeo2000
Number 1, I am not objecting but telling, what is what. Secondly, I appeal 
to friends to read positive message from my mails.
- Original Message - 
From: Ravi Paul

Sent: Sunday, November 21, 2010 4:36 PM
Subject: Re: [AI] No Subject

Much has been said about this  subject, and much of it is that people
don't really care about such miner mistakes. As far as I know, you are
one of the few who seems to be objecting about this. I do not mind
those miner mistakes: nor does it seem that most of the people hear
actually do. As long as the intended message comes across to the other
people-and most of the time I'd say it does-I really don't know what
your objections are to be honest. Moreover, you can always seek
clarification if you don't understand what's being said.

On 11/20/10, namdeo2000 wrote:
I am in fact amused to note that, there are people who hold such views 
that you can go on making mistakes even if they can be easily avoided. 
has already been said on the subject. I think, instead of stretching it 

further, we can close this thread for good.- Original Message -
From: Ravi Paul
Sent: Sunday, November 14, 2010 1:33 PM
Subject: Re: [AI] No Subject

Mistakes at the time of writing- even if they are stupid and
silly-are alright as long as the language is not unintelligible.
Understandability is the most important thing hear-and nothing else
should count, really.
Regards, ravi Paul

On 11/13/10, namdeo wrote:

As I have stated earlier, We should not at least commit such mistakes
could be termed as silly or stupid mistakes, that can be easily 

When we spend 15 2 20 minutes for writing a mail, can we not give a
minute to revise what we are going to send others to read, and make
corrections if there are any?. The mistake committed out of ignorance 

understood, but, when you say that you don't need to be taught and yet
demonstrate the need to be taught, the trouble starts there, that's all
nothing else.
- Original Message -
From: Pradeep Gupta
Sent: Friday, November 12, 2010 10:35 PM
Subject: Re: [AI] No Subject

Hello, if a smmall gramatical error is so important, then what about
friends like Austin Pinto, who never uses any punctuation in his
mails!  Austin, Punctuation actually goes a long way in making your
writing more comprehensive and impressive. It will help you a lot in
your future correspondence on the net or otherwise even for your
career advancement. So do make it a point to use it!

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Re: [AI] IBN7 Bajaj Allianz Super Idols Award

2010-11-21 Thread namdeo2000
Hello Ma'am, congratulations on this great achievement. This would certainly 
be an encouraging example for the V.I. fraternity.
- Original Message - 
From: m.chandrashekar

Sent: Sunday, November 21, 2010 2:39 PM
Subject: Re: [AI] IBN7 Bajaj Allianz Super Idols Award

hello madam madhu singal, my hearty congrats for getting award. I wish you 
to get more and more awards.

with best regards
- Original Message - 
From: Mitra Jyothi

Sent: Friday, November 19, 2010 11:40 AM
Subject: [AI] IBN7 Bajaj Allianz Super Idols Award

Dear Access Indians,

We are very pleased to inform you that our Managing Trustee, Ms. Madhu
Singhal is receiving the *IBN7 Bajaj Allianz Super Idols Award* in
recognition of her extraordinary work in the field of education for 

with visual impairment. She is going to be felicitated in Mumbai on 29th
November 2010.

With Best Regards,
Mitrajyothi Team
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Re: [AI] No Subject

2010-11-20 Thread namdeo2000
I am in fact amused to note that, there are people who hold such views also, 
that you can go on making mistakes even if they can be easily avoided. Much 
has already been said on the subject. I think, instead of stretching it any 
further, we can close this thread for good.- Original Message - 
From: Ravi Paul

Sent: Sunday, November 14, 2010 1:33 PM
Subject: Re: [AI] No Subject

Mistakes at the time of writing- even if they are stupid and
silly-are alright as long as the language is not unintelligible.
Understandability is the most important thing hear-and nothing else
should count, really.
Regards, ravi Paul

On 11/13/10, namdeo wrote:
As I have stated earlier, We should not at least commit such mistakes 

could be termed as silly or stupid mistakes, that can be easily avoided.
When we spend 15 2 20 minutes for writing a mail, can we not give a 

minute to revise what we are going to send others to read, and make
corrections if there are any?. The mistake committed out of ignorance can 
understood, but, when you say that you don't need to be taught and yet 
demonstrate the need to be taught, the trouble starts there, that's all 

nothing else.
- Original Message -
From: Pradeep Gupta
Sent: Friday, November 12, 2010 10:35 PM
Subject: Re: [AI] No Subject

Hello, if a smmall gramatical error is so important, then what about
friends like Austin Pinto, who never uses any punctuation in his
mails!  Austin, Punctuation actually goes a long way in making your
writing more comprehensive and impressive. It will help you a lot in
your future correspondence on the net or otherwise even for your
career advancement. So do make it a point to use it!

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Re: [AI] (no subject)

2010-11-17 Thread namdeo2000
Yes you are absolutely right. By defending a wrongdoer, we in fact encourage 
his tendency to do so and give him a hint that, committing such mistakes 
here and there is not a big issue, and who does not commit mistakes and so 
on. In all this, positive frame of mind is very essential.
- Original Message - 
From: Pradeep Gupta

Sent: Sunday, November 14, 2010 6:12 PM
Subject: [AI] (no subject)

Dear friends, I remember a quote from a reputed English author, My
best friends are my worst critics, since they make me aware of my
mistakes before it is too late. So, every constructive criticism from
a sincere friend should be treated accordingly, and the necessary
improvement be made before it is actually too late. We should never
forget that Defending an errant friend does him more harm than good. I
am sure nobody on Access India would want to do any harm to any other
friend. And now, let me finish this mail before I too make some silly
mistake. [Smile]

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Re: [AI] Giving the gift of sight

2010-11-07 Thread namdeo2000
Very nice article. This team has embarked upon a very noble mission. Our 
politicians and world ranking industrialists should learn a lesson and take 
an inspiration from such a commitment and come forward to express their 
support financially and morally. I was thrilled by the statement of Nobel 
laureate Mohamed Yunus. He means to say that, you should strike exactly 
where the problem exists. That should be the spirit. I liked his bold 
statement. Whether it is America, Britain or world bank, you should speak 
out loud and clear what you feel is right. But on the other hand, our prime 
minister and president don't have courage even to take the name of Pakistan 
in the contest of terrorism. As you see, it is always quoted !prime minister 
accused without taking the name of the country!.
- Original Message - 
From: avinash shahi
To: accessindia; jnuvision

Sent: Sunday, November 07, 2010 7:58 PM
Subject: [AI] Giving the gift of sight

Giving the gift of sight

A team of doctors and volunteers in rural Bihar show that with
determination and community effort it is possible to eradicate
blindness… LUCY MATHEN

The knowledge, skills, passion and commitment are right there amongst
the people...

Photo: Lucy Mathen

Opening up new vistas:The Akhand Jyoti Eye Hospital team.

October was the busiest month for United Nations commemorative days.
There were 16 in total, including World Sight Day when representatives
from large international organisations gathered in Switzerland to
raise awareness about blindness.

Meanwhile, rural Bihar, which had the worst blindness problem in the
world 10 years ago, is still the place on our planet with the most
people unnecessarily blind. The good news is that this state now
boasts one of the best success stories related to restoring sight. It
involves not just a hospital but entire communities.

There is an island in the middle of the Ganga in Bihar known as
Sitab-diara. It is one of the most inaccessible places in India, which
is why, in the days when kidnapping was rampant in this impoverished
and neglected state, victims were kept prisoner on Sitab-diara until
their ransoms were paid.

Things have changed for the good in Bihar. At least as far as law and
order is concerned. Macho men with elaborate moustaches astride
galloping horses are still seen on Sitab-diara. But instead of
guarding kidnap victims they are now more likely to be contributing to
a spectacular campaign to eradicate blindness. This unique project
stepped up its action in the weeks leading up to World Sight Day in
mid October. Its aim was to cure every single person who was blind
from cataract on Sitab-diara and a quarter of all the diara islands in
Bihar. Why? Because if blind people in the most inaccessible areas
could be reached, then we would all feel more confident of eradicating
blindness from the entire state.

This project was centred around the Akhand Jyoti Eye Hospital. The
AJEH is only five years old and located in a tiny village 20
kilometres from an electricity source. But it is now the state's
largest eye hospital with two satellite eye units and a formidable
outreach programme. It is a minor miracle that the hospital is still
functioning. Three months after its establishment, its main financial
backer, an international NGO, pulled out of a two year agreement. But
with massive community support the hospital was able to survive and
now employs hundreds and is aided by hundreds more volunteers. Almost
unheard of in rural Bihar, they have managed to recruit and retain a
team of highly experienced eye surgeons.

The AJEH is run by Kolkata businessman Mritunjay Tiwary whose
ancestral village is close to Mastichak, the village in which the
hospital is located.

The very day the idea of tackling the diara islands was conceived,
Tiwary summoned the key outreach workers. Within a few hours they had
planned which islands to target, including the once notorious Kidnap
Island. They were so excited by the plan that they went out that night
to investigate weather conditions. They discovered that some of the
diara were still flooded because of monsoon rains so access to them
was only possible by wading in neck-deep water! They adapted their
plans accordingly.

Enthusiastic volunteers

Former priest Shashi Kant Dwivedi, who became an outreach worker after
his own diara became the very first to be visited by the hospital
team, told me: “I can do more good work being an outreach worker than
as a priest.”

Farmer Awadh Rai, aged 55, was once blind himself. After cataract
surgery at the AJEH he became one of their many Protectors of Sight,
going from door-to-door collecting patients with sight problems.

The Diara Push was a huge success. Over 3,600 blind 

Re: [AI] (no subject)

2010-11-03 Thread namdeo2000

Birds with same feather, flock together.
- Original Message - 
From: Waseem

Sent: Wednesday, November 03, 2010 10:14 AM
Subject: Re: [AI] (no subject)

Yes viraj,
Really true.

Warm Regards
Land: 01165154282
Mob: 9213749272
Skype: sweetboy250

- Original Message - 
From: Viraj Kafle

Sent: Tuesday, November 02, 2010 8:47 AM
Subject: Re: [AI] (no subject)

Let's not mis the reall point. We are governed here by the list guidelines.
Nowwhere do the guidelines prescribe specific norms of linguistic accuracy.
Hence, any comment on someone's language sskills made publically amounts to
be off-topic, even if it is done with the best of intentions. Thus, the
question whether one has the right to correct the other and whether the
other should take it in good spirits or not becomes simply irrelevant. It is
one thing to ask clarifications if someone is not clear, but we simply are
not here to point out mistakes like the one pointed out in the context of
this thread.
- Original Message - 
From: Madhav Chandra Das

Sent: Tuesday, November 02, 2010 5:22 PM
Subject: Re: [AI] (no subject)

I consider Access India as a very informative place. I have read many
emails containing worries and concerns of many people. I feel
extremely happy when I read follow up mails with the desired
solutions. I know that Access Indians don’t hesitate to help its
members. If someone makes a mistake and other people notice and point
it out, it should not be taken otherwise. In my opinion, it must be
complimented and accepted. Expression is a universal right given to
the human kind but in the case of errors, corrections should be made.

On 11/2/10, Waseem wrote:
I believe if the language has the ability to convey ideas/thoughts/points 

others should be okay besides some miner mistakes in the terms of

I don't have command on English language so I have no right to ask 

or express my feelings in access India mailing list.

You mean it?

Warm Regards
Land: 01165154282
Mob: 9213749272
Skype: sweetboy250

- Original Message -
From: namdeo2000
Sent: Monday, November 01, 2010 8:51 AM
Subject: Re: [AI] (no subject)

The point here is that, the mistakes which you can avoided should be
- Original Message -
From: Waseem
Sent: Monday, November 01, 2010 11:15 PM
Subject: Re: [AI] (no subject)

Pointing out or correcting other's mistakes publically are not going to
serve any purpose.
Specially in the terms of language/grammar.

Warm Regards
Land: 01165154282
Mob: 9213749272
Skype: sweetboy250

- Original Message -
From: namdeo2000
Sent: Saturday, October 30, 2010 8:07 AM
Subject: Re: [AI] (no subject)

It all depends Mr. Akhilesh, how you look at the things. It shows that,
your happiness and sadness depend or are controlled by other's 

or admiration. That means you let people dictate your emotions, 

you should be the master of your own feelings. Now, you have said that,
I have forgotten my etiquettes and manners; maybe you are right , or,
that is the way you look at the things. I hold no grudge against you
because, that is your way of expressing the things. This again is a 

advice that, always consider those people as your friend who point out
your mistakes, because they want to see you improve and progress. Who 

perfect in the world you tell me. You said that, I should look at 

1st. Yes, I am doing that and I am open for any reaction
whatsoever,because, ultimately, we are here to learn from each other.
Now for instance, you have taught me to adhere to etiquettes and
manners, I will do it. You think, I sound bossy. If so, I am prepared
for any sort of punishment only I should know as to what is it. Do you
want to propose my elimination from the list? you can because, you are
the master of your own decision. You say that, I should write to you in
person, but, I commit mistake in public so I also stand to be corrected
in public. Of course I know that it calls for lot of patience and
courage to accept it.I agree that, mistakes are made when you write in
hurry, but,  the text can be edited, rectified and thus all this can be
avoided. Whether you

Re: [AI] (no subject)

2010-11-01 Thread namdeo2000
The point here is that, the mistakes which you can avoided should be 
- Original Message - 
From: Waseem

Sent: Monday, November 01, 2010 11:15 PM
Subject: Re: [AI] (no subject)

Pointing out or correcting other's mistakes publically are not going to 
serve any purpose.

Specially in the terms of language/grammar.

Warm Regards
Land: 01165154282
Mob: 9213749272
Skype: sweetboy250

- Original Message - 
From: namdeo2000

Sent: Saturday, October 30, 2010 8:07 AM
Subject: Re: [AI] (no subject)

It all depends Mr. Akhilesh, how you look at the things. It shows that, 
your happiness and sadness depend or are controlled by other's criticism 
or admiration. That means you let people dictate your emotions, whereas, 
you should be the master of your own feelings. Now, you have said that, I 
have forgotten my etiquettes and manners; maybe you are right , or, that 
is the way you look at the things. I hold no grudge against you because, 
that is your way of expressing the things. This again is a free advice 
that, always consider those people as your friend who point out your 
mistakes, because they want to see you improve and progress. Who is 
perfect in the world you tell me. You said that, I should look at myself 
1st. Yes, I am doing that and I am open for any reaction 
whatsoever,because, ultimately, we are here to learn from each other. Now 
for instance, you have taught me to adhere to etiquettes and manners, I 
will do it. You think, I sound bossy. If so, I am prepared for any sort 
of punishment only I should know as to what is it. Do you want to propose 
my elimination from the list? you can because, you are the master of your 
own decision. You say that, I should write to you in person, but, I 
commit mistake in public so I also stand to be corrected in public. Of 
course I know that it calls for lot of patience and courage to accept 
it.I agree that, mistakes are made when you write in hurry, but,  the 
text can be edited, rectified and thus all this can be avoided. Whether 
you agree or not but, it is for anyone that, it does give the glimpse  of 
your personality from the way you write or speak and address to others.
- Original Message - 
From: akhilesh

Sent: Saturday, October 30, 2010 3:38 PM
Subject: Re: [AI] (no subject)

MR. namdeo,
I would be very happy person if you keep your free advises with you, 

I think I don't require them. As far as the matter of too and also is
concern, I'm very much aware about these things. But when you write
your mail in a hurry, many people make such kind of mistakes. But I'm
seeing since last few mails that you're sounding a bit bossy. Let the
moderator do his work.
When you point a finger at somebody, just see yourself as well. Do you
know that these sorts of mistakes are told in personal? Means, you
should have written me personally if you have found anything wrong in
my mail. The way you are reacting on my mail, and the forum on which
you are delivering such advises, it shows that you have forgot the
lessons of etiquettes and manners.

On 10/28/10, namdeo2000 wrote:
When you use the word [also], in a sentense, you need not use [too], in 

same sentense.
- Original Message -
From: akhilesh
Sent: Thursday, October 28, 2010 2:12 PM
Subject: Re: [AI] (no subject)

I think JNU is very safe place in delhi.
however, you should also consider the delhi university too. colleges
don't matter a lot as far as university of delhi is concern because
you get registered in college but you have to do all the classes in
Faculty of arts. so select any good college in north campus that would
be very near to your hostel. Delhi university is very very safe place
as far as female students and specially visually challenged students
are concern.
you will also get the hostel in north campus.

Bye for now,

On 10/28/10, minar wrote:
dear friends, i want to know something about delhi. is this city safe 
women? especially for visually challenge women or college going 
because next year i'm planning to go to delhi for post graduation. 

tell me something about best colledges in delhi? i'm specializing in
political science. i want to know about JAVAHARLAL NEHERU DELHI
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Re: [AI] lots of world famous hindi kavi sammelans.

2010-10-31 Thread namdeo2000
Actually, when I heard all of them 1 by 1, I noticed that each you tube has 
only 1 poet. I have in fact been looking for you tubes or in audio form 
wherein you will be able to hear full Kavi samelan. Moreover, these poets 
whom I heard did not appear to me very  standard ones. All of them lacked 
high quality in their poems. But even if you still wish to listen to the you 
tubes that Avinash has sent to the list, you can simply open the mail and go 
on hitting on each link right through the mail itself. If you want to 
preserve it, you can save it in your draft that is, if you are using outlook 
express for reading your mails.

Regards Namdev
- Original Message - 
From: Anuj Verma

Sent: Sunday, October 31, 2010 7:15 PM
Subject: Re: [AI] lots of world famous hindi kavi sammelans.

Hi friends, I could not download these files by youtube downloader or 
direct. Can anybody describe me how can I Download step by step.

with regards-
Dr. A.K. Verma
mob- 09837269234

--- On Mon, 25/10/10, namdeo wrote:

From: namdeo
Subject: Re: [AI] lots of world famous hindi kavi sammelans.
Date: Monday, 25 October, 2010, 2:11 PM

Hello friend, you have done me a great favour by sending this mail because I 
love such stuff more than anything. It is a big feast for me. I would 
appreciate if you could send some more material of this type in future as 
well, or suggest sites for the same.
- Original Message - From: avinash shahi

To: accessindia
Sent: Sunday, October 24, 2010 6:52 PM
Subject: [AI] lots of world famous hindi kavi sammelans.

Posted By: avinash
hasya kavi sammelan: netajee subhash chandra boss instute of
technologyy 2004
2. IIT khakarpur hasya kavi sammelan 2009
3. hasya kavi sammelan at nalanda medical college.
4. Archana recites 3 poems Valentine Day, Hindi and America in
Philadelphia Kavi Sammelan on March 14, 2009
5. raju shrivastav kavi sammelan:

6. hasya kavi sammelan
7. alok shrivastav at vishav hindi sammelan niyork:
8. hasya kavi sammelan in singapur:

listen learn and enjoy.

-- information exists to dissiminate

avinash shahi
persuing masters in political science
JNU delhi
phone: 98,71,18,49,04.

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Re: [AI] (no subject)

2010-10-30 Thread namdeo2000
It all depends Mr. Akhilesh, how you look at the things. It shows that, your 
happiness and sadness depend or are controlled by other's criticism or 
admiration. That means you let people dictate your emotions, whereas, you 
should be the master of your own feelings. Now, you have said that, I have 
forgotten my etiquettes and manners; maybe you are right , or, that is the 
way you look at the things. I hold no grudge against you because, that is 
your way of expressing the things. This again is a free advice that, always 
consider those people as your friend who point out your mistakes, because 
they want to see you improve and progress. Who is perfect in the world you 
tell me. You said that, I should look at myself 1st. Yes, I am doing that 
and I am open for any reaction whatsoever,because, ultimately, we are here 
to learn from each other. Now for instance, you have taught me to adhere to 
etiquettes and manners, I will do it. You think, I sound bossy. If so, I am 
prepared for any sort of punishment only I should know as to what is it. Do 
you want to propose my elimination from the list? you can because, you are 
the master of your own decision. You say that, I should write to you in 
person, but, I commit mistake in public so I also stand to be corrected in 
public. Of course I know that it calls for lot of patience and courage to 
accept it.I agree that, mistakes are made when you write in hurry, but,  the 
text can be edited, rectified and thus all this can be avoided. Whether you 
agree or not but, it is for anyone that, it does give the glimpse  of your 
personality from the way you write or speak and address to others.
- Original Message - 
From: akhilesh

Sent: Saturday, October 30, 2010 3:38 PM
Subject: Re: [AI] (no subject)

MR. namdeo,
I would be very happy person if you keep your free advises with you, sir.
I think I don't require them. As far as the matter of too and also is
concern, I'm very much aware about these things. But when you write
your mail in a hurry, many people make such kind of mistakes. But I'm
seeing since last few mails that you're sounding a bit bossy. Let the
moderator do his work.
When you point a finger at somebody, just see yourself as well. Do you
know that these sorts of mistakes are told in personal? Means, you
should have written me personally if you have found anything wrong in
my mail. The way you are reacting on my mail, and the forum on which
you are delivering such advises, it shows that you have forgot the
lessons of etiquettes and manners.

On 10/28/10, namdeo2000 wrote:
When you use the word [also], in a sentense, you need not use [too], in 

same sentense.
- Original Message -
From: akhilesh
Sent: Thursday, October 28, 2010 2:12 PM
Subject: Re: [AI] (no subject)

I think JNU is very safe place in delhi.
however, you should also consider the delhi university too. colleges
don't matter a lot as far as university of delhi is concern because
you get registered in college but you have to do all the classes in
Faculty of arts. so select any good college in north campus that would
be very near to your hostel. Delhi university is very very safe place
as far as female students and specially visually challenged students
are concern.
you will also get the hostel in north campus.

Bye for now,

On 10/28/10, minar wrote:
dear friends, i want to know something about delhi. is this city safe 

women? especially for visually challenge women or college going girls?
because next year i'm planning to go to delhi for post graduation. 

tell me something about best colledges in delhi? i'm specializing in
political science. i want to know about JAVAHARLAL NEHERU DELHI
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Re: [AI] attestation of LTI's through notary by sebi

2010-10-30 Thread namdeo2000

You mean to say LHTI and not LTI.
- Original Message - 
From: amarnath de

Sent: Saturday, October 30, 2010 7:51 PM
Subject: [AI] attestation of LTI's through notary by sebi

Hi all,

Hope, you are doing well. Now I would like to draw your kind attention 
regarding a problem of the persons like me who use LTI to avoid mismatch 
of signatures.

In the banks though the problem has to some extent solved instead of a few 
instances, but when we use LTI in our demat accounts of for purchasing of 
mutual funds/bonds the banks demands attestations of LTI's through 
notaries. No other authorities are valid to attest the LTI including 
gazzeted officers.

In my view it is an unnecessary harassment and unnecessary wastage of 
money. Because in Delhi the notaries charge RS. 20-50 per attestation. And 
in forms of mutual funds/bonds there is more than 4-5 signatures. So it 
costs 100-250 rupees to complete a form. If we go to make some correction 
like address, spelling of names or email etcetera then also they demands 
attestation by banks.

The bank says the rules has been formed by sebi and they have nothing to 

Now my question is: why the attestation by the gazzeted officers are not 
valid? Is it not encourages the unfair trade practice by the notaries? is 
there no option? I think when a person has been introduced by the bank, 
there is no need of such troublesome process. And I would request my 
friends to take the matter with the SEBI.

Can you help us to take the matter with sebi and try to find out any 
permanent and acceptable solution?


Yours sincerely,
Amarnath De.
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Re: [AI] (no subject)

2010-10-28 Thread namdeo2000
When you use the word [also], in a sentense, you need not use [too], in the 
same sentense.
- Original Message - 
From: akhilesh

Sent: Thursday, October 28, 2010 2:12 PM
Subject: Re: [AI] (no subject)

I think JNU is very safe place in delhi.
however, you should also consider the delhi university too. colleges
don't matter a lot as far as university of delhi is concern because
you get registered in college but you have to do all the classes in
Faculty of arts. so select any good college in north campus that would
be very near to your hostel. Delhi university is very very safe place
as far as female students and specially visually challenged students
are concern.
you will also get the hostel in north campus.

Bye for now,

On 10/28/10, minar wrote:

dear friends, i want to know something about delhi. is this city safe for
women? especially for visually challenge women or college going girls?
because next year i'm planning to go to delhi for post graduation. please
tell me something about best colledges in delhi? i'm specializing in
political science. i want to know about JAVAHARLAL NEHERU DELHI 

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Re: [AI] (no subject)

2010-10-28 Thread namdeo2000
There may be good colleges in the city but, the metropolis is very safe for 
women, I think you are being over generous in your comment.
- Original Message - 
From: dinesh shukla

Sent: Thursday, October 28, 2010 5:09 PM
Subject: Re: [AI] (no subject)

dear friend good luck in Delhi. This is very good city and safe for women 
and girls. besst colleges are Merandahouse Jesus and marry college hindu 
colege actually north campus is good for study. There are some good 
colleges in south campus also. like vankateshvaran colege.
- Original Message - 
From: minar

Sent: Thursday, October 28, 2010 12:34 AM
Subject: [AI] (no subject)

dear friends, i want to know something about delhi. is this city safe for 
women? especially for visually challenge women or college going girls? 
because next year i'm planning to go to delhi for post graduation. please 
tell me something about best colledges in delhi? i'm specializing in 
political science. i want to know about JAVAHARLAL NEHERU DELHI 
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Re: [AI] (no subject)

2010-10-28 Thread namdeo2000
There you are Swati. You are very right. If you are mentally strong, you are 
safe everywhere, but if it is otherwise, then you are vulnerable everywhere.
- Original Message - 
From: Swati Sinha

Sent: Thursday, October 28, 2010 8:45 PM
Subject: Re: [AI] (no subject)

Your safety is in your hands and totaly depends upon you. Nothing less
than this and nothing more than that.

On 10/28/10, dinesh shukla wrote:

dear friend good luck in Delhi. This is very good city and safe for women
and girls. besst colleges are Merandahouse Jesus and marry college hindu
colege actually north campus is good for study. There are some good 

in south campus also. like vankateshvaran colege.
- Original Message -
From: minar
Sent: Thursday, October 28, 2010 12:34 AM
Subject: [AI] (no subject)

dear friends, i want to know something about delhi. is this city safe 

women? especially for visually challenge women or college going girls?
because next year i'm planning to go to delhi for post graduation. 

tell me something about best colledges in delhi? i'm specializing in
political science. i want to know about JAVAHARLAL NEHERU DELHI 

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when things don't seem to be going your way, always know that God has
a plan for you. If you place your trust in Him, He will give you great
gifts. We don't always know what God's plans are for us. We just know
that His ways are not our ways, but His ways are always best.

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Re: [AI] Required information about inclusive schools in Mumbai

2010-10-21 Thread namdeo2000

It is kindergarten and not kinder garden.
- Original Message - 
From: Vamshi. G

To: accessindia
Sent: Tuesday, October 19, 2010 11:12 PM
Subject: [AI] Required information about inclusive schools in Mumbai

Dear friends,

One of my friends has a 4 year old kid who is visually challenged.
Now he wants to join him in the kinder garden class in an inclusive

He lives in Andheri east.  So, any information about any schools in
that area, or in Mumbai in general, please write to me.

Awaiting replies.

G. Vamshi
PH Res : +91 877-2243861
Mobile: +91 9949349497
E-mail ID:
Skype: gvamshi81
From darkness unto light

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Re: [AI] Good News, Publication of my book

2010-10-08 Thread namdeo2000
Hearty congratulations Shyam. For the knowledge of all list members Pleas 
let us know which other 2 books of yours that have been published earlier.
Pleas also let us know if you are aware, which other visually impaired 
scholars have succeeded in publishing their literary work.- Original 
Message - 
From: Shyam M. Sayanekar

To: Access India
Sent: Thursday, October 07, 2010 11:18 PM
Subject: [AI] Good News, Publication of my book

Dear members, as you all know, Maharashtra is celibrating the golden 
jubilee of its formation.  On this occasion, the University of Mumbai has 
introduced the History of Modern Maharashtra at the F.Y. B.A. level.  I 
have just completed writing a book on this subject and this book has been 
published by the Seth Publishers Dadar East Mumbai.  This book is in 
English language and runs into ten chapters and 275 pages, excluding the 
initial five pages in roman numbers.  The price of the book is rs. 125.

Maharashtra On The Eve Of 1848

 (a)Historical Background,

 (b)   Political Conditions of Maharashtra on the Eve of 1848,

 (c)Social Conditions of Maharashtra on the Eve of 1848,

 (d)   Economic Conditions of Maharashtra on the Eve of 1848.

Trends In Reform Movements

 (a)The Prarthana Samaj,

 (b)   The Satyashodhak Samaj,

 (c)The Indian National Social Conference,

 (d)   Emancipation of Women.

National Freedom Movement

 (a)Rise of Political Organizations and Establishment of Indian 
National Congress,

 (b)   The Moderates,

 (c)The Extremists.

Gandhian Era

Militant Nationalism

 (a)Revolutionary Nationalism,

 (b)   Tribal Movements,

 (c)Peasant Movements.

Industrial and Economic Development

 (a)Cotton Industry,

 (b)   Sugar Industry,

 (c)The Cooperative Movement

Immergence Of New Forces

 (a)Dalit Movement,

 (b)   Labour Movement.

Integration and reorganization

 (a)The Hyderabad Mukti Sangram,

 (b)   The Sainyukta Maharashtra Movement.

Development of Education, Press And Literature

 (a)Development of Education, Government Efforts, Efforts by the 
Christian Missionaries, Efforts of Individuals, Scientific and Technical 

 (b)   Development of the Press,

 (c)Development of Literature.

Development Of Theater And Cinema

 (a)Development of Theater,

 (b)   Development of Cinema.

Select Bibliography

   Professor Shyam M. Sayanekar
Telephone: 0251-2438457
Mobile: +91 9920410788
Skype ID- sayanekar
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Re: [AI] Report on Silver Jubilee National Convention of BGFI

2010-10-05 Thread namdeo2000
Dear Rajesh and Vinod, you both and your team merit a big congratulation for 
organizing this BGFI convention. I really wish a great success and bright 
future for this Nagpur chapter of BGFI.
Pleas see, if  it is possible for you to upload the recording of the same 
for the benefit of the list members. - Original Message - 
From: Asudani, Rajesh

Sent: Tuesday, October 05, 2010 12:08 PM
Subject: [AI] Report on Silver Jubilee National Convention of BGFI

Silver Jubilee Convention
Blind Graduates forum of India

Silver jubilee convention of Blind graduates forum of India was held at 
Dhananjayrav Gadgil Institute of cooperative management, Nagpur, on 
October 2 and 3, 2010.

About fifty delegates from Nagpur and outside actively participated in the 
convention. Dr. Shirish Deshpande, professor and head department of Post 
graduate teaching department of Law, Rashtra Sant tukdoji maharaj Nagpur 
University and himself a Visually challenged, delivered the keyhnote 
address in the inaugural session. He delineated the importance of 
political and legal process in improving the life conditions of visually 
challenged apart from social and economic opportunities. He particularly 
emphasized the value of access to education and urged the government and 
civil society to take a holistic approach towards it including 
accessibility to institutions inform of non discriminatory admissions 
suitable infrastructure, study material,   transport and legitimate 
assistance. He also called upon all stake holders to contribute actively 
in formation of a new disability statute. Mr. Neeraj Saksena, Hon. 
Secretary of BGFI, recounted history of the organization with special 
emphasis on the proactive and continuing nature of its activities 
particularly towards personality development of the blind and called upon 
young generation to continue the legacy for betterment of the blind.  Mr. 
Avinash Sanghvi, the working president of Saksham, declared that there is 
a synergy among all working in the field of disability and assured to work 
together in future as well for useful projects. Rajesh Asudani, vice 
president, delivered the presidential remarks in absence of president Mr. 
Harish Kotian due to inevitable reasons.

The post lunch session was characterized by unmatched vibrancy and 
interaction. Some technocrats from Pune demonstrated various educational 
products including much-awaited Hindi Optical character recognition 
software. It is expected to be available very soon.
Mr. David from Vijayawada spoke on how proficiency in language can create 
various opportunities for visually challenged. Dr. G.H. Asudani, associate 
professor anandniketan college of agriculture, Warora, brought home the 
importance of competitive exams and what visually challenged students can 
and should do to be competitive and succeed at them. Dr. Ram babu from 
Tata Institute of Social science, Mumbai, depicted the society's response 
to disability. In his lively and interactive session, he noted the subtle 
but important transition from apathy and avoidance to curiosity and 
positivity, crisscrossing with denial and unreasonableness on one hand and 
due acknowledgement and reasonable behaviour on the other.

The first day concluded with an open session where each of the 
participants had a chance not only to introduce themselves but also to put 
forth   their prime concern as a visually challenged. Mostly, the 
participants expressed rural-urban divide, economic deprivation in 
conjunction with disability to be the major inhibiting factor in their 
life. Need for technology training and personality development along with 
residential facilities in the city for those coming from suburban and 
rural areas was felt.

Response of the participants on the second day was also overwhelming. Dr. 
Deshpande graced the gathering with his suo motu presence on the second 
day. Mr. Lakshman Khapekar, a well known visually impaired social activist 
was also present. Dr. Vinod Asudani, Associate professor and head of the 
department, Social sciences, Ramdevbaba Kamla Nehru Engineering college 
Nagpur and renowned HRD trainer, underlined importance of motivation in 
face of disability. He opined that self acceptance along with effective 
contact with immediate surroundings, positive attitude and a sense of 
humor are the key factors in leading a meaningful life despite disability. 
Rajesh Asudani, Assistant General Manager Reserve bank of India, spoke 
about various challenges before visually challenged at present including 
Physical, Legal, economic, Technological, psycho-social etc. He also 
distributed RBI circular about banking facilities to the visually 
challenged and Maharashtra HC guidelines about scribe among the 
participants. Nagpur MNC resolution about free bus facility to blind was 
also distributed.

The Open session was continued on the second 

Re: [AI] two things to tell

2010-10-01 Thread namdeo2000
Yes, I also uphold this view that, list members should avoid sending 
congratulatory messages or greetings on somebody's birthday or achieving a 
feat and so on. In fact, when we leave house in the morning, the life is so 
full of risks that there is no guarantee that we would be able to make it to 
home safely in the evening. But, when we do, it actually is our new birth. 
That means, suppose we are 500 members on this list, each of us merits a 
congratulation for surviving the day. So we would be sending 500 such 
messages to each other everyday.

Secondly, if somebody attains some exceptional feat, list members can 
express their opinion, offer comments and make suggestions if there are any, 
but list should not overflow with simply greetings and congrats.Moderator of 
the list can wish the respective member on behalf of entire group. Of 
course, those who are so willing, can direct their messages to the personal 
email I d of that person.
- Original Message - 
From: Sandeep Gautam

Sent: Friday, October 01, 2010 7:20 AM
Subject: [AI] two things to tell

Dear list,
some people are again and again discussing about patches and cracks in 
list despite of several mails from moderator.

what are they thinking?

is not there any software which can automatically remove such mails from 
list which contains words like crack or patch without coming to list?

 Warning from moderator should be treated as final warning.

another thing, what i think, personal congratulation message to other 
person should not come in the list.
yes, if someone wants to share his/her own success to the list, it should 
be welcomed. if someone wants to congrats him/her, it should be done on 
his/her personal id.

Sandeep G
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Re: [AI] an info and congrats to civil surgeon jalaja kumari

2010-09-29 Thread namdeo2000
Raghu, will you pleas make available to Shrikant the email ID of of Doctor 
Jalaja kumari?
- Original Message - 
From: Srikanth Bolla

Sent: Tuesday, September 28, 2010 2:46 AM
Subject: Re: [AI] an info and congrats to civil surgeon jalaja kumari

That is perfect!! Could anyone please provide doctor's email ID? Regards,

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of namdeo2000
Sent: Sunday, September 26, 2010 10:07 PM
Subject: Re: [AI] an info and congrats to civil surgeon jalaja kumari

Hey gentleman, how can you expect her to contact you? Her tight schedule may

not allow this; so the best way is to get her id and get in touch with her.
- Original Message - 
From: Srikanth Bolla

Sent: Monday, September 27, 2010 1:19 AM
Subject: Re: [AI] an info and congrats to civil surgeon jalaja kumari

Hi all,
  this is Srikanth. Even I like to read about her. My hearty
congratulations to DR jalaja kumari. I appreciate her courage and
confidence. I want to know whether she lost her vision before she became a
doctor or after? And I would like to know her vision percentage. I don't
mean to ask her personal details  Or to embarrass her on the list but I am
also interested in going to pre med here in US. So I would like to know the
challenges and strengths in becoming a doctor. So I would be grateful if she
can kindly discuss her journey of becoming a doctor. I oblige if She can
contact me on my personal email at

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of namdeo2000
Sent: Sunday, September 26, 2010 12:50 PM
Subject: Re: [AI] an info and congrats to civil surgeon jalaja kumari

This really is a great news for everyone on the list. To reach to the post
of Civil Surgeon is a great achievement. We would be happy if you could make

available a short résumé of hers.

Also mention the status of her blindness total or partial.Congratulations
from the entire Sayeverything Group.
- Original Message - 
From: raghuraman kalyanaraman

To: accessindia
Sent: Thursday, September 23, 2010 10:49 PM
Subject: [AI] an info and congrats to civil surgeon jalaja kumari

friends i am happy to inform you all that our friend dr jalaja kumari
has been promoted to civil surgeon today
i wish her all success in her career and pray the almighty to shower
his grace and love on her and her familly

cheers raghu

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Re: [AI] an info and congrats to civil surgeon jalaja kumari

2010-09-27 Thread namdeo2000
Hey gentleman, how can you expect her to contact you? Her tight schedule may 
not allow this; so the best way is to get her id and get in touch with her.
- Original Message - 
From: Srikanth Bolla

Sent: Monday, September 27, 2010 1:19 AM
Subject: Re: [AI] an info and congrats to civil surgeon jalaja kumari

Hi all,
  this is Srikanth. Even I like to read about her. My hearty
congratulations to DR jalaja kumari. I appreciate her courage and
confidence. I want to know whether she lost her vision before she became a
doctor or after? And I would like to know her vision percentage. I don't
mean to ask her personal details  Or to embarrass her on the list but I am
also interested in going to pre med here in US. So I would like to know the
challenges and strengths in becoming a doctor. So I would be grateful if she
can kindly discuss her journey of becoming a doctor. I oblige if She can
contact me on my personal email at

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of namdeo2000
Sent: Sunday, September 26, 2010 12:50 PM
Subject: Re: [AI] an info and congrats to civil surgeon jalaja kumari

This really is a great news for everyone on the list. To reach to the post
of Civil Surgeon is a great achievement. We would be happy if you could make

available a short résumé of hers.

Also mention the status of her blindness total or partial.Congratulations
from the entire Sayeverything Group.
- Original Message - 
From: raghuraman kalyanaraman

To: accessindia
Sent: Thursday, September 23, 2010 10:49 PM
Subject: [AI] an info and congrats to civil surgeon jalaja kumari

friends i am happy to inform you all that our friend dr jalaja kumari
has been promoted to civil surgeon today
i wish her all success in her career and pray the almighty to shower
his grace and love on her and her familly

cheers raghu

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Re: [AI] behaviour of my superior

2010-09-27 Thread namdeo2000
According to you, helping somebody is a waste of time? Suppose there is a 
poor man who has a very good ability of doing business. To start with, he 
needs only RS 100 which he doesn't have. Now as far as you or people like 
you, will not concede him that  amount because your logic is, why should you 
waste your hard-earned money on him.
This gentleman from Pune, only needs somebody to guide him to move around.In 
the conference he can exhibit his technical expertise thereby making the 
name of his company.
But he can not do this, as long as there are people like his boss and 
people like you, who think that if he is not independent in moving about, 
his being a expert technician is useless. Mahesh is only blind but, suppose, 
there is some scientist of a very high stature, but he has lost his both 
legs. As per your view, he must never be allowed to attend any seminars or 
conferences because he would need somebody to push his wheelchair around. 
Why should you waste your precious time for him? --- Original Message - 
From: Srinivasu Chakravarthula
To:; Geetha Shamanna

Sent: Monday, September 27, 2010 7:35 AM
Subject: Re: [AI] behaviour of my superior

Why is not a problem, if someone do not have mobility skills? Yes,
saying is easy that someone can holh his hand, why should someone has
to invest time to hold him all the time? While we talk about equal
opportunities, when there is possibility, why not we should have
skills of independence?

On 9/26/10, namdeo2000 wrote:
I don't understand what you are talking. If he is not good at his 
so what? Only because somebody will have to hold his hand  and guide him, 

should be deprived of this opportunity? Being not able to move about
independently and to be an expert technocrat have no connection 

- Original Message -
From: Geetha Shamanna gee...@millernorbert.
Sent: Friday, September 24, 2010 8:35 PM
Subject: Re: [AI] behaviour of my superior

Hi Mahesh,

Please do not get me wrong for asking you these questions, but how
independent are you? Do you travel to work and move around within the
on your own? Do you use a white cane? Do you travel independently 

Pune on your own, be it for official or private purposes?

The impression colleagues at work have of us blind people is to a large
extent dependent on the way we conduct ourselves. If a blind person
assistance to move around within the office or to commute to work,
colleagues will always assume that blind people are dependent. It is not
their fault entirely; that blind person in their office might be the 

blind person they have come across in their whole existence.

Instead of going to the press and publicising this issue, what is 
required here is for you to have a long and candid talk with your 

and try and convince him that you are capable of looking after yourself
during the US trip, and that you will not be excessively dependent on 

colleagues traveling with you. You can also ask him to specifically list
his reservations; you can then  address them individually. If you have
traveled alone previously, tell him how you did so and how independently
dealt with the situation. It won't be easy, but each of us will have to
fight this battle on our own.

Finally, if he is not sufficiently convinced and does not agree to send
to the conference, do not give up. Whenever opportunities to travel to
conferences or other events within Pune or other parts of India arise, 

the first one to apply. He may not be averse to sending you to local
so make full use of it and try to be as independent as possible during
events. You will then notice how your superior's impression of you

- Original Message -
From: Mahesh Shah
To: accessindia
Sent: Friday, September 24, 2010 5:45 AM
Subject: [AI] behaviour of my superior

Dear Friends--

I am writing to this list after a long time. I wish to tell you an
incident happened in my office , which shocked me.

Every year, a delegation goes from my office, C-DAC, to participate in
SuperComputing conference in USA. This year I put my self-nomination
for this. I am the most qualified and most senior person for the job.

But my boss called me for a one-to-one discussion and informed me that
it will be 'embarrasing' to send a person (VI) like me in . the
delegation. Because I will require someone's support and will hold
someone's hand. Also if some accident happens to me because of my
disability, he and office will be hold responsible for why they sent
such a person.

I was really shocked and upset with the behaviour. Then I withdrew my
nomination for participation in the conference.

Friends, I want to show you that how these learned so-called

Re: [AI] behaviour of my superior

2010-09-27 Thread namdeo2000
I can't understand, why are you expecting everything from everybody. You can 
be a very good orator which I may not be; but I can be an icon in music of 
which you may know nothing.
So knowledge of both in their respective fields can not be ignored or 
undermined.  - Original Message - 
From: Vamshi. G

Sent: Monday, September 27, 2010 12:52 PM
Subject: Re: [AI] behaviour of my superior

hi rajesh sir,

mobile partially sighted people, when blindfolded, may not meet your
challemge.  but i'm sure there are many totally blind people on this
very list who have the confidence and skills to do that.  i am talking
about those general independent skills.  and i agree with you on the
point that a white cane or guide dog can't make a blind person move
without any risk or inconvenience in a new environment.

Let me say that whatever i've said is in general and not in particular
to mr. Mahesh.

On 9/27/10, Asudani, Rajesh wrote:

I believe aisha, Vamshi  and others who are championing independent
mobility in all circumstances particularly in the new surroundings, are
partially sighted and not totally blind.

While it is good to have mobility skills, I am afraid they would not 

a totally blind person to navigate all alone in all surroundings without
undue risk.

I challenge mobile partially sighted to blindfold themselves and come to
Nagpur for BGFI convention in nagpur on october 2nd, and 3rd, reach the
venue and we shall have a fruitful discussion on all issues.


-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of aisha sahani
Sent: Monday, September 27, 2010 8:27 AM
Subject: Re: [AI] behaviour of my superior

I can sympathise with this gentalman, but I guess, his  boss was not
wrong either.

if you say that you are equally competent to go there, why is this all 

You have learned  to work  on computer with assistive technology
because it was not possible for you to do it in general way.

Do you think someone would have given you the job if you have asked
them to provide a human operator to read your screen instead of you
using the assistive technology?

Similarly, you should have acquired the independent mobility skills in
order to go there.
Even i would have not sent you if I were the boss.

I know, it was tuff luck, but  you can always count me in amongst your
well wishers.

Aisha sahani.

On 9/27/10, Vamshi G wrote:
Yes, I agree with Vasu and Geetha.  Being dependent is not a sin or 
but being independent is definitely an essential requirement when one 

to a  new environment.

Vamshi G
M: +91 9949349497
R: +91 877 2243861
Skype: gvamshi81
From darkness unto light

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Srinivasu
Sent: Monday, September 27, 2010 7:36 AM
To:; Geetha Shamanna
Subject: Re: [AI] behaviour of my superior

Why is not a problem, if someone do not have mobility skills? Yes,
saying is easy that someone can holh his hand, why should someone has
to invest time to hold him all the time? While we talk about equal
opportunities, when there is possibility, why not we should have
skills of independence?

On 9/26/10, namdeo2000 wrote:

I don't understand what you are talking. If he is not good at his
so what? Only because somebody will have to hold his hand  and guide 


should be deprived of this opportunity? Being not able to move about
independently and to be an expert technocrat have no connection


- Original Message -
From: Geetha Shamanna gee...@millernorbert.
Sent: Friday, September 24, 2010 8:35 PM
Subject: Re: [AI] behaviour of my superior

Hi Mahesh,

Please do not get me wrong for asking you these questions, but how
independent are you? Do you travel to work and move around within the
on your own? Do you use a white cane? Do you travel independently
Pune on your own, be it for official or private purposes?

The impression colleagues at work have of us blind people is to a 

extent dependent on the way we conduct ourselves. If a blind person
assistance to move around within the office or to commute to work,
colleagues will always assume that blind people are dependent. It is 

their fault entirely; that blind person in their office might be the
blind person they have come across in their whole existence.

Instead of going to the press and publicising this issue, what is


required here is for you to have a long and candid talk with your

and try and convince him that you are capable of looking after 


Re: [AI] behaviour of my superior

2010-09-27 Thread namdeo2000
Very well said Rajesh.It is very easy to make comments or pass remarks 
without going through that particular situation.
- Original Message - 
From: Asudani, Rajesh

Sent: Monday, September 27, 2010 11:13 AM
Subject: Re: [AI] behaviour of my superior

I believe aisha, Vamshi  and others who are championing independent 
mobility in all circumstances particularly in the new surroundings, are 
partially sighted and not totally blind.

While it is good to have mobility skills, I am afraid they would not 
enable a totally blind person to navigate all alone in all surroundings 
without undue risk.

I challenge mobile partially sighted to blindfold themselves and come to 
Nagpur for BGFI convention in nagpur on october 2nd, and 3rd, reach the 
venue and we shall have a fruitful discussion on all issues.


-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of aisha sahani

Sent: Monday, September 27, 2010 8:27 AM
Subject: Re: [AI] behaviour of my superior

I can sympathise with this gentalman, but I guess, his  boss was not
wrong either.

if you say that you are equally competent to go there, why is this all 

You have learned  to work  on computer with assistive technology
because it was not possible for you to do it in general way.

Do you think someone would have given you the job if you have asked
them to provide a human operator to read your screen instead of you
using the assistive technology?

Similarly, you should have acquired the independent mobility skills in
order to go there.
Even i would have not sent you if I were the boss.

I know, it was tuff luck, but  you can always count me in amongst your
well wishers.

Aisha sahani.

On 9/27/10, Vamshi G wrote:
Yes, I agree with Vasu and Geetha.  Being dependent is not a sin or 
but being independent is definitely an essential requirement when one 

to a  new environment.

Vamshi G
M: +91 9949349497
R: +91 877 2243861
Skype: gvamshi81
From darkness unto light

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Srinivasu
Sent: Monday, September 27, 2010 7:36 AM
To:; Geetha Shamanna
Subject: Re: [AI] behaviour of my superior

Why is not a problem, if someone do not have mobility skills? Yes,
saying is easy that someone can holh his hand, why should someone has
to invest time to hold him all the time? While we talk about equal
opportunities, when there is possibility, why not we should have
skills of independence?

On 9/26/10, namdeo2000 wrote:
I don't understand what you are talking. If he is not good at his 
so what? Only because somebody will have to hold his hand  and guide 


should be deprived of this opportunity? Being not able to move about
independently and to be an expert technocrat have no connection


- Original Message -
From: Geetha Shamanna gee...@millernorbert.
Sent: Friday, September 24, 2010 8:35 PM
Subject: Re: [AI] behaviour of my superior

Hi Mahesh,

Please do not get me wrong for asking you these questions, but how
independent are you? Do you travel to work and move around within the
on your own? Do you use a white cane? Do you travel independently 

Pune on your own, be it for official or private purposes?

The impression colleagues at work have of us blind people is to a large
extent dependent on the way we conduct ourselves. If a blind person
assistance to move around within the office or to commute to work,
colleagues will always assume that blind people are dependent. It is 
their fault entirely; that blind person in their office might be the 

blind person they have come across in their whole existence.

Instead of going to the press and publicising this issue, what is


required here is for you to have a long and candid talk with your


and try and convince him that you are capable of looking after yourself
during the US trip, and that you will not be excessively dependent on 
colleagues traveling with you. You can also ask him to specifically 

his reservations; you can then  address them individually. If you have
traveled alone previously, tell him how you did so and how 

dealt with the situation. It won't be easy, but each of us will have to
fight this battle on our own.

Finally, if he is not sufficiently convinced and does not agree to send
to the conference, do not give up. Whenever opportunities to travel to
conferences or other events within Pune or other parts of India arise, 

the first one to apply. He may not be averse to sending you

Re: [AI] behaviour of my superior

2010-09-27 Thread namdeo2000
We are not here to express our sympathy nor does he need it either. We are 
here to encourage him, and boost his confidence by suggesting him various 
options. It is surprising to note that, after having read so many mails on 
this issue, you still are of the view that you would have acted in the same 
manner as his boss did.It is easy for a human being to be an officer but, 
you should try to be an officer who also is a good humanbeing.
- Original Message - 
From: aisha sahani

Sent: Monday, September 27, 2010 8:27 AM
Subject: Re: [AI] behaviour of my superior

I can sympathise with this gentalman, but I guess, his  boss was not
wrong either.

if you say that you are equally competent to go there, why is this all 

You have learned  to work  on computer with assistive technology
because it was not possible for you to do it in general way.

Do you think someone would have given you the job if you have asked
them to provide a human operator to read your screen instead of you
using the assistive technology?

Similarly, you should have acquired the independent mobility skills in
order to go there.
Even i would have not sent you if I were the boss.

I know, it was tuff luck, but  you can always count me in amongst your
well wishers.

Aisha sahani.

On 9/27/10, Vamshi G wrote:
Yes, I agree with Vasu and Geetha.  Being dependent is not a sin or 
but being independent is definitely an essential requirement when one 

to a  new environment.

Vamshi G
M: +91 9949349497
R: +91 877 2243861
Skype: gvamshi81
From darkness unto light

-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of Srinivasu
Sent: Monday, September 27, 2010 7:36 AM
To:; Geetha Shamanna
Subject: Re: [AI] behaviour of my superior

Why is not a problem, if someone do not have mobility skills? Yes,
saying is easy that someone can holh his hand, why should someone has
to invest time to hold him all the time? While we talk about equal
opportunities, when there is possibility, why not we should have
skills of independence?

On 9/26/10, namdeo2000 wrote:
I don't understand what you are talking. If he is not good at his 
so what? Only because somebody will have to hold his hand  and guide 


should be deprived of this opportunity? Being not able to move about
independently and to be an expert technocrat have no connection


- Original Message -
From: Geetha Shamanna gee...@millernorbert.
Sent: Friday, September 24, 2010 8:35 PM
Subject: Re: [AI] behaviour of my superior

Hi Mahesh,

Please do not get me wrong for asking you these questions, but how
independent are you? Do you travel to work and move around within the
on your own? Do you use a white cane? Do you travel independently 

Pune on your own, be it for official or private purposes?

The impression colleagues at work have of us blind people is to a large
extent dependent on the way we conduct ourselves. If a blind person
assistance to move around within the office or to commute to work,
colleagues will always assume that blind people are dependent. It is 
their fault entirely; that blind person in their office might be the 

blind person they have come across in their whole existence.

Instead of going to the press and publicising this issue, what is


required here is for you to have a long and candid talk with your


and try and convince him that you are capable of looking after yourself
during the US trip, and that you will not be excessively dependent on 
colleagues traveling with you. You can also ask him to specifically 

his reservations; you can then  address them individually. If you have
traveled alone previously, tell him how you did so and how 

dealt with the situation. It won't be easy, but each of us will have to
fight this battle on our own.

Finally, if he is not sufficiently convinced and does not agree to send
to the conference, do not give up. Whenever opportunities to travel to
conferences or other events within Pune or other parts of India arise, 

the first one to apply. He may not be averse to sending you to local
so make full use of it and try to be as independent as possible during
events. You will then notice how your superior's impression of you

- Original Message -
From: Mahesh Shah
To: accessindia
Sent: Friday, September 24, 2010 5:45 AM
Subject: [AI] behaviour of my superior

Dear Friends--

I am writing to this list after a long time. I wish to tell you an
incident happened in my office , which shocked me.

Every year

Re: [AI] behaviour of my superior

2010-09-26 Thread namdeo2000
Hello Mahesh, Humiliation and undermining the caliber and capability of 
handicap citizens in general, and, blind in particular, by their respective 
employers and public is quite common. However, this is very outrageous and 
absolutely unacceptable and uncalled for. Instead of withdrawing your 
nomination, you should have taken this matter to media. Media nowadays has 
become very effective means of creating public awareness and uncovering 

Just 1 or 2 suggestions. whenever you anticipate any feud with your 
superior, put your mobile on recording mode so that he /she can not deny or 
backtrack from the statements they have made and the language being used. 
Secondly, Try to catch hold of some journalist so that you can consult 
him/her and opt for help when need be.- Original Message - 
From: Mahesh Shah

To: accessindia
Sent: Friday, September 24, 2010 10:15 AM
Subject: [AI] behaviour of my superior

Dear Friends--

I am writing to this list after a long time. I wish to tell you an
incident happened in my office , which shocked me.

Every year, a delegation goes from my office, C-DAC, to participate in
SuperComputing conference in USA. This year I put my self-nomination
for this. I am the most qualified and most senior person for the job.

But my boss called me for a one-to-one discussion and informed me that
it will be 'embarrasing' to send a person (VI) like me in . the
delegation. Because I will require someone's support and will hold
someone's hand. Also if some accident happens to me because of my
disability, he and office will be hold responsible for why they sent
such a person.

I was really shocked and upset with the behaviour. Then I withdrew my
nomination for participation in the conference.

Friends, I want to show you that how these learned so-called superiors
fail to understand the VI peoples aspirations and behave in such a
nonsense way.

Thanks for sharing my concerns.

Mahesh Shah

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Re: [AI] behaviour of my superior

2010-09-26 Thread namdeo2000
I don't understand what you are talking. If he is not good at his mobility 
so what? Only because somebody will have to hold his hand  and guide him, he 
should be deprived of this opportunity? Being not able to move about 
independently and to be an expert technocrat have no connection whatsoever.
- Original Message - 
From: Geetha Shamanna gee...@millernorbert.

Sent: Friday, September 24, 2010 8:35 PM
Subject: Re: [AI] behaviour of my superior

Hi Mahesh,

Please do not get me wrong for asking you these questions, but how
independent are you? Do you travel to work and move around within the 

on your own? Do you use a white cane? Do you travel independently outside
Pune on your own, be it for official or private purposes?

The impression colleagues at work have of us blind people is to a large
extent dependent on the way we conduct ourselves. If a blind person 

assistance to move around within the office or to commute to work,
colleagues will always assume that blind people are dependent. It is not
their fault entirely; that blind person in their office might be the only
blind person they have come across in their whole existence.

Instead of going to the press and publicising this issue, what is probably
required here is for you to have a long and candid talk with your superior
and try and convince him that you are capable of looking after yourself
during the US trip, and that you will not be excessively dependent on the
colleagues traveling with you. You can also ask him to specifically list 

his reservations; you can then  address them individually. If you have
traveled alone previously, tell him how you did so and how independently 

dealt with the situation. It won't be easy, but each of us will have to
fight this battle on our own.

Finally, if he is not sufficiently convinced and does not agree to send 
to the conference, do not give up. Whenever opportunities to travel to 

conferences or other events within Pune or other parts of India arise, be
the first one to apply. He may not be averse to sending you to local 
so make full use of it and try to be as independent as possible during 
events. You will then notice how your superior's impression of you 

- Original Message - 
From: Mahesh Shah

To: accessindia
Sent: Friday, September 24, 2010 5:45 AM
Subject: [AI] behaviour of my superior

Dear Friends--

I am writing to this list after a long time. I wish to tell you an
incident happened in my office , which shocked me.

Every year, a delegation goes from my office, C-DAC, to participate in
SuperComputing conference in USA. This year I put my self-nomination
for this. I am the most qualified and most senior person for the job.

But my boss called me for a one-to-one discussion and informed me that
it will be 'embarrasing' to send a person (VI) like me in . the
delegation. Because I will require someone's support and will hold
someone's hand. Also if some accident happens to me because of my
disability, he and office will be hold responsible for why they sent
such a person.

I was really shocked and upset with the behaviour. Then I withdrew my
nomination for participation in the conference.

Friends, I want to show you that how these learned so-called superiors
fail to understand the VI peoples aspirations and behave in such a
nonsense way.

Thanks for sharing my concerns.

Mahesh Shah

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Voice your thoughts in the blog to discuss the Rights of persons with 
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with the subject unsubscribe.

To change your subscription to digest mode or make any other changes, 
please visit the list home page at 

Voice your thoughts in the blog to discuss the Rights of persons with 
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Re: [AI] Fwd: Dr. Abdul Kalam's Letter strictly to Every Indian

2010-09-19 Thread namdeo2000

Are you good at repeating the posts?
- Original Message - 
From: labhendra mhatre

To: accessindia
Cc:;; jagtap.ravikant

Sent: Sunday, September 19, 2010 9:15 AM
Subject: [AI] Fwd: Dr. Abdul Kalam's Letter strictly to Every Indian

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Thu, 2 Sep 2010 15:55:03 +0530
Subject: Fwd: Dr. Abdul Kalam's Letter strictly to Every Indian

subject: Dr. Abdul Kalam's Letter strictly to Every Indian

  Dr. Abdul Kalam's Letter to Every Indian

[image: APJ Abdul Kalam at Speech]*Why is the media here so negative?
**Why are we in India so embarrassed to recognize our own strengths, our
We are such a great nation. We have so many amazing success stories but we
refuse to acknowledge them. Why?
We are the first in milk production.
We are number one in Remote sensing satellites.
We are the second largest producer of wheat.
We are the second largest producer of rice.
Look at Dr. Sudarshan , he has transferred the tribal village into a
self-sustaining, self-driving unit.. There are millions of such achievements
but our media is only obsessed in the bad news and failures and disasters.
I was in Tel Aviv once and I was reading the Israeli newspaper. It was the
day after a lot of attacks and bombardments and deaths had taken place. The
Hamas had struck. But the front page of the newspaper had the picture of a
Jewish gentleman who in five years had transformed his desert into an orchid
and a granary. It was this inspiring picture that everyone woke up to. The
gory details of killings, bombardments, deaths, were inside in the
newspaper, buried among other news.*

[image: APJ Abdul Kalam at Speech1]*In India we only read about death,
sickness, terrorism, crime.. Why are we so NEGATIVE? Another question: Why
are we, as a nation so obsessed with foreign things? We want foreign T.Vs,
we want foreign shirts. We want foreign technology.*

*Why this obsession with everything imported. Do we not realize that
self-respect comes with self-reliance? I was in Hyderabad giving this
lecture, when a 14 year old girl asked me for my autograph. I asked her what
her goal in life is.. She replied: I want to live in a developed India . For
her, you and I will have to build this developed India . You must proclaim.
India is not an under-developed nation; it is a highly developed nation.*

**YOU say that our government is inefficient.
YOU say that our laws are too old.
YOU say that the municipality does not pick up the garbage.
YOU say that the phones don't work, the railways are a joke. The airline is
the worst in the world, mails never reach their destination.
YOU say that our country has been fed to the dogs and is the absolute pits.*

*YOU say, say and say.. What do YOU do about it?*

*Take a person on his way to Singapore . Give him a name - 'YOURS'. Give him
a face - 'YOURS'. YOU walk out of the airport and you are at your
International best. In Singapore you don't throw cigarette butts on the
roads or eat in the stores. YOU are as proud of their Underground links as
they are.. You pay $5 (approx. Rs.. 60) to drive through Orchard Road
(equivalent of Mahim Causeway or Pedder Road) between 5 PM and 8 PM. YOU
come back to the parking lot to punch your parking ticket if you have over
stayed in a restaurant or a shopping mall irrespective of your status
identity… In Singapore you don't say anything, DO YOU? YOU wouldn't dare to
eat in public during Ramadan, in Dubai .. YOU would not dare to go out
without your head covered in Jeddah.
YOU would not dare to buy an employee of the telephone exchange in London at
10 pounds (Rs..650) a month to, 'see to it that my STD and ISD calls are
billed to someone else.'YOU would not dare to speed beyond 55 mph (88 km/h)
in Washington and then tell the traffic cop, 'Jaanta hai main kaun hoon (Do
you know who I am?). I am so and so's son. Take your two bucks and get
lost.' YOU wouldn't chuck an empty coconut shell anywhere other than the
garbage pail on the beaches in Australia and New Zealand ..
Why don't YOU spit Paan on the streets of Tokyo ? Why don't YOU use
examination jockeys or buy fake certificates in Boston ??? We are still
talking of the same YOU. YOU who can respect and conform to a foreign system
in other countries but cannot in your own. You who will throw papers and
cigarettes on the road the moment you touch Indian ground. If you can be an
involved and appreciative citizen in an alien country, why cannot you be the
same here in India ?*

[image: APJ Abdul Kalam at Speech2]*In America every dog owner has to clean
up after his pet has done the job. Same in Japan ..
Will the Indian citizen do that here?' He's right. We go to the polls to
choose a government and after that forfeit all responsibility.
We sit back wanting to be 

Re: [AI] Enjoy Mahabaleshwar picnic on the first anniversary of RetinaIndia organized by RI Chapter, Pune.

2010-09-17 Thread namdeo2000

It of course is very funny that, you can
arange accomodation for local participants and not for others.If you are not 
responsible for the arangement of accomodation for those who

would be coming from the places other than Poonay, then in the 1st place you
should not organise such event which you are not capable of. Now since you
have organised it, you should not take trouble of inviting those members who
are not the residents of this city.
- Original Message - 
From: Rohiet A. Patil

Cc: Voice Vision.
Sent: Friday, September 17, 2010 5:14 PM
Subject: Re: [AI] Enjoy Mahabaleshwar picnic on the first anniversary of 
RetinaIndia organized by RI Chapter, Pune.

Dear all,
This is to remind all that sunday, i.e. 19th sept  will be the last day to 
register your name and make the payment for the picnic.
Please note, if you are coming outside from pune then we will not be 
responsible for the arrangement of accommodation. However, we will provide 
all assistance to find out the accommodation.

So friends, hurry up and join us for the wonderful trip.
For further information, you can also contact me on the cell number given 

Thanks and regards,
Rohiet A. Patil
Cell: 09850831774.
- Original Message - 
From: Rohiet A. Patil

To: Voice Vision.
Sent: Tuesday, September 14, 2010 8:18 PM
Subject: Fw: [AI] Enjoy Mahabaleshwar picnic on the first anniversary of 
RetinaIndia organized by RI Chapter, Pune.

- Original Message - 
From: zainab

Sent: Wednesday, September 15, 2010 3:26 PM
Subject: [AI] Enjoy Mahabaleshwar picnic on the first anniversary of 
RetinaIndia organized by RI Chapter, Pune.

Dear All,
The Pune chapter of Retina India is please to offer you the picnic to 
Mahabaleshwar on the first anniversary of Retina India, I.e., 26th 
September, 2010.
Anyone wishing to be a part of this auspicious occasion, will have to 
pay a very small contribution of Rs. 275/-.

It will be a whole day program.
For details, please contact: ms zainab at

Hoping for a good participation for the celebration of our first 

Warm Regards,
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Re: [AI] The will to win!

2010-08-03 Thread namdeo2000
This article appears rather out of place here, because almost every educated 
blind individual does face these hurdles. Moreover, the person in the 
article is reported to have partial vision, that means, she is better 
equipped than most of our V.I. brethren. Logic of Posting of such article 
was beyond my comprehension.

Regards Namdev
- Original Message - 
From: Adhimoolam Vetrivel Murugan
To: Geetha Shamanna;

Sent: Monday, August 02, 2010 7:36 PM
Subject: Re: [AI] The will to win!

I beg to differ. This is where responsible journalism makes its mark
and there are journalists on the list who can better describe it. The
point is, many so called educationally forward looking states in India
are continuing to restrict subject choices based on such biased views.
Also take note of the role of editors. They are supposed to ensure
responsible reporting.

On 02/08/2010, Geetha Shamanna wrote:
Well, we should look at things in perspective. It was not the newspaper 
said psychology is difficult for blind people. The newspaper had no role 

play in deciding what subjects this candidate chose to graduate in. The
paper merely printed what the candidate and her guardians said about her
choices. In all fairness to the newspaper, this article was more balanced
than most articles about blind people that appear in the media. Let us 

malign the media without a due cause.
- Original Message -
From: Adhimoolam Vetrivel Murugan
Sent: Monday, August 02, 2010 2:00 PM
Subject: Re: [AI] The will to win!

The trouble is though, media thinks that its doing a great job by
publishing such stories, but what they are doing is to reinforce
certain biasness like psychology is difficult for the blind students
etc. It just shows how backward is Tamilnadu. Shame on Hindu for
publishing this.

On 02/08/2010, saravanan.ramadoss1 wrote:

The will to win
From the streets to the college classroom, the path of Kaiser's life is
by her enthusiasm to excel.

Photo: R. Ragu


As Kaiser walks through the campus of Ethiraj College for Women, 

she is overcome by a myriad of emotions. The campus is buzzing with
the academic year has just started. She walks from her hostel to 
brimming with confidence and chatting with her friends all the while. 

she takes the help of a friend to climb a staircase or opens her Braille
textbook does one realise that she is visually-challenged. Fifteen years
Kaiser would not have imagined that she would step into one of the 

campuses on the road that was a virtual home for her and her mother. Her
from being a destitute to an undergraduate student was made possible by
institutions in the city - The Banyan and the Ethiraj College for Women.

Kaiser's extraordinary story of transition began in 1997, when Porkodi 

The Banyan and its student volunteers rescued Kaiser and her mother from
stop near Ethiraj College. Kaiser was blind and her mother was mentally
ill. A few months later, we sent her to Little Flower Convent. When she
Class VII, a surgery was done and after that she can see light and dark.
continues to be partially blind and uses Braille books, says Ms. 

Kaiser is hardworking, focused and sincere. She had a clear vision 

her future, says Vandana Gopikumar, founder of The Banyan. Kaiser made
and well-wishers proud by securing 918 marks out of 1200 in Class XII.
though Kaiser applied to various colleges in the city, it was Ethiraj
that invited her for admission, and encouraged her to opt for history,
Ms. Gopikumar. In the classroom she attentively listens to lectures and
Braille textbooks.

Our college, especially the history department, is well-equipped to
and support visually-challenged students as we admit such candidates 

says M. Thavamani, college principal. Some of Kaiser's service-minded
classmates will assist her and also she can use the book-reading 

in the library.

Kaiser was keen on doing psychology and later dedicating herself to 

work. But as the subject of psychology requires field work which may not
possible for her to do, she opted for history. I am happy to have taken
B.A. History. I now plan to study for the IAS examination. It is my 

I am willing to work very hard to realise my dream, says Kaiser.

With her dedication and keen mind, I am sure she will realise her dream
day, says Ms. Gopikumar. Vision is not just a matter of physical 

As the Kaiser story signifies, it is about determination too.
 The source taken from
The Hindu, Education plus August 2, 2010.
Please feel free to pass  your 

Re: [AI] Accommodation in Mumbai

2010-07-29 Thread namdeo2000
MNB Industrial home for the blind is running a hostel for working men in 
Jogeshwari. It is quite reasonable and his workking-place would be just 1 
station away from thwe hostel. Contact nos. are as follows- 02226793688 
- Original Message - 
From: Asudani, Rajesh

Sent: Thursday, July 29, 2010 1:15 PM
Subject: [AI] Accommodation in Mumbai

One of our blind friends has got selected in a private bank in Mumbai. His 
posting is likely to be in goregaon East.

As you all know, the greatest problem in Mumbai is that of accommodation.
So, I would be grateful if some suitable hostel, PG shared room or any 
other type of accommodation could be suggested at a  reasonable cost and 
at a reasonable distance from the place of posting.
It will definitely give him a chance to prove himself by working in 

thanking you in advance


If you believe that there is a God, a God that made your
body, and yet you think that you can do anything with
that body that's dirty, then the fault lies with the manufacturer.

--Lenny Bruce

(Rajesh Asudani)

Assistant General Manager,
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Re: [AI] Acting blind is difficult: Deepika

2010-07-23 Thread namdeo2000
These film producers and directors do not understand the simple fact that 
instead of taking huge efforts of training Deepika for blind person they 
very well could have chosen some blind female for the job. It would have 
opened a new avenue in the world of V.I's hidden  talents. It is like, in 
order to master an art of walking on the water you spent ages. Whereas, you 
pay just 5 10 rupees and get ferried from 1 end to the other. But who will 
tell this people and who is going to listen.

Regards Namdev
- Original Message - 
From: pradeep banakar
To:; accessindia;

Sent: Thursday, July 22, 2010 8:29 PM
Subject: [AI] Acting blind is difficult: Deepika

Acting blind is difficult: Deepika - News  Interviews - Bollywood -
Entertainment - The Times of India

Lead actors playing visually challenged characters is not new, but for
Deepika Padukone it was a first. She describes it as her toughest role
yet but also says she is exactly like the heroine - a woman who is
self-confident, ambitious and never gives up.

For me, this role out of all the films that I have done was the most
challenging. It's not been easy. It required a lot of focus and
concentration. I had to observe a lot of blind people before I could
play this role, Deepika said.

I think I identify with the character Pinky a lot because Pinky is
someone who is extremely self-assured. She is extremely confident,
knows exactly what she wants. She is ambitious and she never gives up,
which is exactly how I am, she said.

This time director Pradeep Sarkar has teamed up with Deepika Neil
Nitin Mukesh and a bunch of other actors to narrate the story of a
group of youngsters living in the back streets of Mumbai. Releasing
Aug 20, it will see Neil playing a boxer who fights blindfolded, while
Deepika will be seen as a visually challenged girl who can dance on
skates. The biggest challenge was to pretend that I was not seeing.
There were no supporting tools like black goggles or a stick with me
to make it obvious that I am blind. For example, we friends are
sitting together and discussing something and one of them says, 'arre
dekh na' and then realises I can't see. Or he removes a glass a bit
aside spontaneously not realising I couldn't see that...So everyone
had to focus and give a lot of attention all the time while shooting
the film, said Deepika.

The actress along with other cast and crew spent time with visually
challenged people to understand their behavioural nuances and figure
out counter actions. It took around six months of reading and
interacting. Lots of physical movements I had to get use to. It's like
feeling things around you without actually being able to see them. We
didn't visit any blind school, but all of us met a lot of blind
people... it was not just for me but also very important for Neil and
the group of friends I am interacting with in the film, even for
'dada' (Sarkar) to see how it is to interact with the blind. So I
think it was a group process for all of us, she said.

Deepika says she didn't find it nerve-wracking to do the implausible
stunts. As I have been an athlete and a sportsperson before, I think
it just makes it much easier and interesting for me. I think to be
able to do stunts, you need to be physically fit. It needs a lot of
dedication, it needs a lot of control on the kind of food you are
eating. So it was a lot of discipline, said Deepika.

It's her zeal for sports that gave her the courage to train in scuba
diving and sky diving. The skating is something I had to learn for
the film, but the scuba diving and this sky diving is something I have
done for myself. It's always nice to challenge your limits. I always
thought that I was scared of heights until I jumped off a plane. Today
when I fly in a plane and look outside, it doesn't feel like
anything, said Deepika.

After Lafangey Parindey, Deepika has two films - Khelein Hum Jee
Jaan Sey and Break Ke Baad - in queue for release this year.

The actress doesn't get bogged down by work pressure; neither does she
get jittery by audience expectation. I don't consider it as work
pressure, as I enjoy doing it. But I feel very relaxed when I spend my
time alone at home after I pack up every day or I speak to my parents
and spend time with them. I don't expect people to expect anything. I
know I have given it my best. I obviously hope the best for every
film, said Deepika.

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Re: [AI] Status of talking ATM installations in India

2010-07-09 Thread namdeo2000
I don't think people can see your secret pin number. It must be going 
invisible when you enter the same, as it happens on PC screen.
- Original Message - 
From: Vamshi. G

Sent: Thursday, July 08, 2010 7:43 PM
Subject: Re: [AI] Status of talking ATM installations in India

Well Mahindra sir, in that case there shouldn't be more than one
machine in one ATM.  But in practice, banks are installing more than
one machine in one room thereby enabling customers to operate

G. Vamshi
PH Res : +91 877-2243861
Mobile: +91 9949349497
E-mail ID:
Skype: gvamshi81
From darkness unto light

On 7/8/10, mahendra wrote:

well Sakina if there is only one ATM, given for your branch, others
must wait outside  till the person useing it has finished.

At 02:30 PM 7/8/2010, you wrote:

Hi we have 1 A T M machine in my branch  I've seen more than 3 to 4
customers together in the room.
Where is the privacy?
With warm regards Sakina.
- Original Message - From: Vamshi. G
Sent: Thursday, July 08, 2010 3:49 PM
Subject: Re: [AI] Status of talking ATM installations in India

now a days all ATMs have more than one machine in one room. And
sighted people can easily see the transaction of other customers,
including the secret pin number. So, i wonder where does privacy come

If it is so that screen turns blank with the usage of a screen reading
ATM, it is really wonderful.

I am trying to find out about this from the central office and would
revert on this.

On 7/8/10, jayinfotech wrote:

dear Jayachandran
  If possible write all messages in one mail it will reduce traffic


-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of
Sent: Thursday, July 08, 2010 07:20 AM
Subject: Re: [AI] Status of talking ATM installations in India

Dear list members,

Please dont conclude anything about this.  Because I have not received
card till now.  And I have not used this also.

After receiving and using this let me write to you in detail. Because I
be wrong.

- Original Message -
From: Kiran Kaja
Sent: Wednesday, July 07, 2010 1:21 PM
Subject: Re: [AI] Status of talking ATM installations in India

Before I go further with this thread, let me clarify that I have
no information as to why or how SBI require a blind user to opt for a
different sort of an ATM card for using speech features. Further, it 

unhealthy to jump to any conclusions with the scant information we 

here. So, let us look at this objectively.

1. Logically, this ATM card should not be any different from any other
card. It won't be a separate card that only works with certain ATM
providing a limited set of services.

2. the only difference is that this card will have extra embedded
information that tells an ATM that this user may require speech. If 

has a speech feature, it will be enabled automatically. If there is no
speech capabilities in an ATM, it will just offer the standard

3. you will have to use headphones for speech features anyway. It 

foolish to have your bank balance read out by a loud speaker.

4. the problem with having a switch to enable and disable speech is 

regular sighted users who may not know about speech features and may
complain that they are unable to use certain features or their
is different for whatever reason.

5. If SBI are indeed restricting the functionality of these 

cards like not enabling them to be used in other machines in a normal
it is the most idiotic solution and needs to be resolved.

So, lets channel our energies in obtaining the right information 

start ranting about how differently we are being treated and all that. 

don't think there is any harm in SBI requiring users to obtain a
modified card for using accessible ATMs as long as the basic
of the card is still available.

Follow me on Twitter!
-Original Message-
[] On Behalf Of
Sent: 07 July 2010 20:11
Subject: Re: [AI] Status of talking ATM installations in India

I am still having troubles in understanding, why do we need to have
an uniquely designed card to enable speech in ATM machines?
You can have a small piece of switch to turn on the speakers. If you
are really interested in protecting privacy, you can just give them an
earphone jack, right?
Earphone jacks  would also help 

Re: [AI] Is it time for persons with disability to enter politics?

2010-06-30 Thread namdeo2000
Besides Advocate Sadhanchandra Guptaa there was 1 more MP whose name was 
Jamnaprasad Shastri from Mp again that is Madhya pradesh. I don't remember 
his exact constituency. Secondly, I don't think disability has anything to 
do with ability of entering in to politics. If 1 thinks that he/she has an 
attitude, aptitude calibre and strong willpower to do so, I think 1 should 
definitly take 1 plunge.Naturally, if such people would go to this field 
they would certainly be able to cater to the needs and problems faced by 
these so far neglected communities.

Regards Namdev
- Original Message - 
From: Subramani L

Sent: Wednesday, June 30, 2010 8:23 PM
Subject: [AI] Is it time for persons with disability to enter politics?


This is in reference to the story below. This raises  the curious but
difficult question: should persons with disability enter politics in
order to influence policy (both the ones that affect them and those that
doesn't). I am doing an analytical article on this question and would
welcome responses from those in this list and from those with other
disabilities outside this list. Kindly pass this around and encourage
folks to respond. I have a few questions which I am putting below the
story and so pl read the mail fully.


   Britain's first MP with Cerebral Palsy encourages persons with
disability to enter politics

June 28: The first elected representative to the British Parliament with
Cerebral Palsy, possibly the first in the world with that disability,
has urged more persons with disability to enter politics.

Paul Maynard, elected to the House of Commons last month as a
Conservative Party candidate, has said that his presence in the House
should provide encouragement for other persons with disability to
contest elections and enter Parliament.

I just hope that simply my being here, in the House of Commons, people
who may be nervous about getting into politics are not put off by any
fear of what might happen during the (election) campaign, Maynard, MP
from Blackpool North and Cleveleys, told Britain's The Independent
newspaper in an interview published on Monday.

He  also said that he had faced ignorance about his condition from a
young age, but had been determined to rise above the taunts. There will
always be people who will use it (the disability) against you and you
will have to learn to deal with that, Maynard, 34, told the newspaper.

Maynard studied in a special school until he was five years old. He was
then transferred to mainstream school and went on to obtain a
first-class degree from Oxford. He mentioned in his interview that his
life was transformed by the early experience he had in the special

Because my problem was with the thighs, and their muscle development,
they would strap you into tight iron callipers for several hours a day.
You had nothing to do. So I was doing all my numbering and all my
readingfar earlier than most children and very quickly learnt to
read and write, which was an unexpected bonus later on, he said.

Maynard, who worked as a management consultant before   getting a job at
the central office of the Conservative Party, had decided to enter
politics just weeks before the elections this year.

He faced derogatory comments in his constituency after a television
interview, in which his slurred speech (due to his disability) was
mistaken for drunkenness. He explained about his disability and insisted
that it didn't affect his intellectual abilities.

He eventually achieved a 7 per cent swing and won by a majority of 2150
votes in his constituency, which was one of the seats the Conservatives
rested back from Labour.

He had already delivered his maiden speech in the Parliament and has
made interventions at the Prime Minister's Question Time, considered an
important business t the British Parliament.

Britain had David Blunket as the first person with disability as a
cabinet minister under Labour, when Tony Blair appointed the visually
challenged MP from Sheffield as Home Secretary.
*** *** ***

(PL mention your full name, designation/office, age , name of the
organisation you represent and the city you hail from)
1. Do you think having a politician with disability would make a
difference in terms of passing legislations and implementing them?
2. This is more a personal question -Given a chance, would you enter
politics? Pl substantiate your answer as to why you would and why you
wouldn't make that choice?
3. What do you think r the advantages and disadvantages of being a
politician with disability? Are these (advantages and disadvantages) the
reason that influence your choice to enter or not to enter politics?
4. Are 'politicians with disability' the need of the hour? Do you have
personal choices amongst the present crop of activists who would make
good politicians (ignore it if you are not comfortable answering this
part of the question).
5. What 

Re: [AI] Insensitive serial ads cause furore

2010-06-24 Thread namdeo2000
Yes of course, such matters must be brought to the notice of the channels 
and programme producers concerned. One must make conscious effort to see 
that whhile putting up your views across that you are in no way hurting 
anybody's feelings. A Marathi play called All  The Best is  the best example 
where differently abled people like blind and deaf are made fun of.
- Original Message - 
From: Vishnu Ramchandani

Sent: Thursday, June 24, 2010 11:07 AM
Subject: [AI] Insensitive serial ads cause furore

Advertisements to promote some TV serials that use terms deemed
derogatory for the differently abled are earning the wrath of activists.

One such ad, for a TV drama Shorr... Goongi Kankoo Ki Bolti Kahani on
SaharaOne, shows the protagonist as a mute girl in a bridal outfit, with
a tagline   'Kyun karega koi goongi se shaadi' (Why would anyone marry a
mute girl?) uses the term goongi, considered an insult.

The ad for Sony TV's Maan Rahe Tera Pitaah, uses the phrase mad man to
describe the mentally challenged father of the protagonist. Activists
are threatening legal action.

Such regressive ads are not acceptable We will lodge an official
complaint with the IB Ministry... We have an archaic law, the
Disability Law of 1995, which needs urgent amendment..., said Javed
Abidi, convenor, Disabled Rights Group.

Uma Kapoor, secretary of NGO Delhi Foundation of Deaf Women, and a mute
and deaf person, wrote in an email, We have  seen inappropriate terms
being used by channels to describe disability conditions  The
serials are made with a positive approach, but their promotion should
not reflect roughly on the physically/mentally disabled characters.

Ad professionals too are shocked. Ad Guru Alyque Padmsee said, Ad
writers today do anything to be sensational...  Though I am
anti-censorship, I urge the producers of these serials to reconsider
their ads...

The channels say such ads are part of the marketing strategy. In our
show, the lead actress cannot speak, and so we have used it in the ad.
But the story is positive and not regressive, says Sheetal Ladha,
Sahara One Television.


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Re: [AI] Making it to MIT against odds

2010-06-20 Thread namdeo2000

Very encouraging and inspiring indeed.
- Original Message - 
From: Renuka Warrier

To: access india
Sent: Monday, June 21, 2010 6:21 AM
Subject: [AI] Making it to MIT against odds

Date:21/06/2010 URL: 

Link: Education Plus
Making it to MIT against odds


Bolla Srikanth, a visually-challenged boy, is currently pursuing his 
Bachelor of Sciences at the university

Winner: Bolla Srikanth in conversation with National Trust Chairperson 
Poonam Natarajan during the inaugural function of Abilities Mela 2010 in 
Bolla Srikanth was barely few years old when many in his community 
counselled his parents to abandon him. The pressure was heavy on his 
illiterate parents, a farmer father and housewife mother, but they never 
yielded. Had they heeded their advice, the world would have been minus one 
inspiring story today.

From a small village Sitaramapuram near Machlipatnam town in Krishna 
district in Andhra Pradesh, this visually-challenged boy has made it to 
the portals of the prestigious Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA. 
The 18-year-old is currently pursuing his Bachelor of Sciences in Brain 
and Cognitive Science, Business Management and Computer Science at the 

Though they are illiterate, both of them had a strong will to get me 
educated. This inspired me, he says. Shortly after, about 13 years ago, 
an uncle of his enrolled him in Devnar School for the Blind in Hyderabad, 
and life took a different spin for Srikanth.

I didn't know anything when I joined school. I was like a rural 
introvert. I learned everything, I picked up English. I joined community 
service. Now, I have occupied a place in the society where people are 
respecting me, he says. It has been a long journey.

From being a rural introvert, Srikanth went on to secure 92 per cent in 
the Class X Board Examinations and was a two-time recipient of Pratibha 
Awards given by the Andhra Pradesh government for students who excel in 
public examinations every year.

He also received a citation for outstanding community service as Youth 
Leader in Lead India 2020 from former President APJ Abdul Kalam and was a 
national chess player playing against the likes of Koneru Humpy.

Intermediate was next and he wanted to take up the Maths, Physics, 
Chemistry stream to be eligible to study engineering. But a disinclined 
officialdom was not encouraging. When I visited the offices for the first 
time, they asked me to get away. Even an IAS officer was not able to 
realise the potential of blind persons, he recollects.

After a lot of trouble, Srikanth finally managed to enrol himself for 
the MPC stream at a private college, a good three months after the classes 
began. He went on to secure an aggregate percentage of 93 at the end of 
two years.

Challenges persisted still. When I wanted to prepare for IIT, one 
coaching centre told me straightaway I was not fit to join them. Another 
top institute in the country did not even bother to respond to his 
application. I didn't even get my hall ticket. I was not even allowed to 
write AIEEE. But, I was not disturbed because I was focussed on my goal 
and I wanted to study sciences.

Guided by his mentors Swarnalatha, teacher at Devnar School for the Blind, 
and G. Ravishankar, a software consultant in the U.S., Srikanth realised 
his ambition of studying at MIT. Only 120 seats are open to international 
students for which students from 70 countries in the world compete, he 
says proudly of his admission that came with a US $ 49,000 scholarship.

My mentor Swarnalatha was like a backbone to me in whatever I did so far. 
She has worked harder than me. She was by his side throughout: fighting 
for him, managing his study expenses, recording material for him to study 
easily and even lodging him in her house during initial days of his 

Mr. Ravishankar, whom Srikanth met during an international conference at 
Indian School of Business, helped him apply to different universities 
abroad. Because I was a special student, we had to fill up some special 
forms. He also worked really hard with me for six months. Even now he is 
in contact and helps me with whatever I want.

Persons with disabilities, he says, suffer from lack of exposure and lack 
of opportunities.

You have to see where you stand in the society, not as a 
visually-challenged person but as a human being. He sings paeans about 
U.S. The university is very helpful. They have so many resources. People 
don't show sympathy there. In fact they provide you opportunities.

He has already finished two semesters at the university (scoring 5/5 GPA) 
and currently is interning with GE in Hyderabad.

Srikanth is keen on entrepreneurship and 

[AI] Fw: mobile information.

2010-02-10 Thread namdeo2000

- Original Message - 
From: Arun Kurkute
To: Arun Kurkute; arunkurcute

Sent: Monday, February 08, 2010 6:47 PM
Subject: mobile information.

New trick for security..
If someone forgets security code then hold the menu key for a while
then it will appear now press *  then give star and ur phone will
unlock. easiest and best way to open keypad if u forget ur security
Its working and 100% true

Type *#06#
After you enter the code you will see a new code contain 15 digits:
43 4 5 6 6 1 0 6 7 8 9 4 3 5

IF the digit number Seven  Eight is 02 or 20 that mean it was Assembly on
Emirates which is very Bad quality

IF the digit number Seven  Eight is 08 or 80 that mean it?s manufactured
in Germany which is not bad
IF the digit number Seven  Eight is 01 or 10 that mean it?s manufactured 

Finland which is Good

IF the digit number Seven  Eight is 00 that mean it was manufactured in
original factory which is the best Mobile Quality ...

IF the digit number Seven  Eight is 13 that mean it was Assembly on
Azerbaijan which is very Bad quality and very dangerous for health!!

write abt ur sets

Your Mobile Battery is Very Low, you are expecting an important call
and you don't have a c harger. Nokia instrument comes with a reserve
battery. To activate the battery, the key-in *3370# your cell will
restart with this reserve and your instrument will show a 50% increase
in battery. This reserve will get charged when you charge your mobile
next time.

Learn how to unlock your car with mobile phone, if you forget your
keys in car and spare keys are at home
Keys Locked in the Car? This may come in handy someday. Good reason to
own a Mobile Phone: If you lock your keys in the car and the spare
keys are at home which is far away from your car and it is difficult
to go at home by foot, call someone at home from your mobile phone .
Hold your mobile phone about a foot from your car door and have the
other person at your home press the Unlock button from the spare key,
holding it near the phone on their end. Your car will be unlocked.
Saves time for someone to drive your keys to you. Distance is not a
problem. You could be hundreds of miles away and if you can reach
someone who has the other remote for your car, you can unlock the
doors or the boot.

Learn how to remove virus or some unwanted thing from your mobile phone
Shit happens, or any virus has attacked your mobile, its inevitable u
do something wrong, Now what to do you simply have to format your
phone. To format the phone, press *#7370#, then enter the lock code,
which is the sec code of the phone. NOTE: battery must be filled, else
if format is disrupted by low battery, consequences will be disastrous
I heard the code *#7780# works too, pretty much the same i think. For
6600 users, to format the fone, there's an alternative way. Press and
hold 3, *, and the buttons, then power on fone, keep holding on
the 3 buttons, till u come to a format screen. tis method ONLY works
on 6600, and need not enter the sec code. BUT sec code wun be reset to
default 12345

Call Hurry
In standby mode,
45# + dials the number on your sim in memory slot 45.
50# + dials slot 50 and so on.

Display an image when someone's calling:
Menu  Contacts  select a contact card  Options  Edit  Options 
Add thumbnail  choose an image.

view version u are Using in urs mobile !
Type *## to view which firmware version you are running.

Here we give three methods to free more ram on your mobile phone.
Method 1: Flight mode:
Put your phone in Flight mode with Psiloc System Tools. Install
System Tools, open it and select Flight mode. This way you can
restart the phone without your SIM card so there will be no running
phone tasks in the background. Now you can have up to 3,5 MB of free
Note: ironically enough, Flight mode doesn't work when Smart Launcher
is installed, at least in my case. But i've also heard several reports
of people who have both apps running without any problems.

Method 2: Smart Launcher trick:
Install Smart Launcher and open it. Go to Options, Settings and put
Launcher ON.
Now plug in your charger and switch off your phone. Wait until the
battery meter appears and short press the Menu button (don't hold).
The menu should appear and now you can have 3,5 to 4,5 MB free RAM!
(Hold Menu button to check RAM).
The trick is that with the charger plugged in, the phone must get a
minimum software support for charging, even when the phone is switched
off. And somehow Smart Launcher has still got it's shortcut running
and that's the Menu button. So when you press the Menu button, you go
directly to the Menu without any other phone tasks running in the
background so you trick the phone and you have more free RAM! Note:
when you unplug the charger, the phone will switch off.

Method 3: Menu :
This method I found it by myself, it frees a little about 100~200 KB
but I guess it's useful sometime

Re: [AI] Announcement of Maharashtra chief minister

2010-02-04 Thread namdeo2000
Hello Rajesh, is it not true that pronouncements to this effect have been 
made in the past also but, adequate steps have not been taken. Even the 
verdicts by various judges from time to time have been  passed but it did 
not reach to the deaf ears of the government. Lets hope something fruitful 
comes out this time. Its really very satisfying to get such a prompt 
reaction from the list members. With warm regards. Namdev
- Original Message - 
From: Asudani, Rajesh

Sent: Wednesday, February 03, 2010 1:07 PM
Subject: [AI] Announcement of Maharashtra chief minister

The first news greeting me in the morning was about announcement by ashok 
chauhan, CM of Maharashtra, that entire backlog of blind and disabled in 
state would be filled in any case by June this year.

The news was the first in Pune regional news.
Now, any updates on that?

It was also stated that prominent NGOs were present yesterday when the 
announcement was made.

So, I am at a loss to understand why leading NGOs like NAB do not deem it 
fit to intimate to this vital forum about any such developments.
Let us also ensure that while filling up such backlog, information is 
properly disseminated and state does not repeat the folly of advertising 
posts for partially sighted in addition to two legal categories.

Hope that the assurance by CM would be fulfilled, as Maharashtra is still 
a state with only one Chief minister!


Perhaps our role on this planet is not to worship God-- but to create 

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(Rajesh Asudani)

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Re: [AI] Problem while composing a mail in G mail

2009-12-26 Thread namdeo2000

Panic not. Your mail has hit the list.
- Original Message - 
From: Vamshi. G

Sent: Tuesday, December 22, 2009 1:01 PM
Subject: Re: [AI] Problem while composing a mail in G mail


I didn't get any reply for this mail.  Please make sure whether it
reached the group or not.

G. Vamshi
PH Res : +91 877-2243861
Mobile: +91 9949349497
E-mail ID:
Skype: gvamshi81

God helps those who help themselves

On 12/21/09, Vamshi. G wrote:

Hi friends,

When we compose a mail in gmail, while writing the recipient's mail
ID, we can type the first few letters and the mail ID would appear on
it's own.  But when I'm doing this and sending the mail, the recipient
is not receiving the mail though it is there in my sent folder.  But
if I type the whole ID of the recipient, it is going to his in box.

Any guidance as to why it is happening?  I'm using IE 8.

G. Vamshi
PH Res : +91 877-2243861
Mobile: +91 9949349497
E-mail ID:
Skype: gvamshi81

God helps those who help themselves

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Re: [AI] How to get back a permanent deleted mail?

2009-11-12 Thread namdeo2000
Dear Ranjana, I don't know how to regain a mail that is gone from from your 
account forever, but you can try asking some of your friends or list members 
if they can send you the same mail if it is there with them. Regards Namdev 
- Original Message - 
From: Ranjana

Sent: Thursday, November 12, 2009 12:05 PM
Subject: [AI] How to get back a permanent deleted mail?

Good morning list!
By mistake I have permanently deleted one of my most important mail  from 
my g-mail account.
I just wanted to know that is there any mail recovery software or any way 
through which I can recover my deleted mail.

Any suggestion in this regard will be highly appreciated.
With best regards.

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[AI] Fw: It's Our Money .......... Yes, yours and mine.

2009-11-07 Thread namdeo2000

Latest update after Swiss Bank has agreed to disclose the funds. 

Our Indians' Money - 70, 00,000 Crores Rupees In Swiss Bank 

1) Yes, 70 lakhs crores rupees of India are lying in Switzerland banks. This is 
the highest amount lying outside any country, from amongst 180 countries of the 
world, as if India is the champion of Black Money. 

2) Swiss Government has officially written to Indian Government that they are 
willing to inform the details of holders of 70 lakh crore rupees in their 
Banks, if Indian Government officially asks them. 

3) On 22-5-08, this news has already been published in The Times of India and 
other Newspapers based on Swiss Government's official letter to Indian 

4) But the Indian Government has not sent any official enquiry to Switzerland 
for details of money which has been sent outside India between 1947 to 2008.. 
The opposition party is also equally not interested in doing so because most of 
the amount is owned by politicians and it is every Indian's money. 

5) This money belongs to our country. From these funds we can repay 13 times of 
our country's foreign debt. The interest alone can take care of the Center s 
yearly budget. People need not pay any taxes and we can pay Rs. 1 lakh to each 
of 45 crore poor families. 

6) Let us imagine, if Swiss Bank is holding Rs. 70 lakh Crores, then how much 
money is lying in other 69 Banks? How much they have deprived the Indian 
people? Just think, if the Account holder dies, the bank becomes the owner of 
the funds in his account. 

7) Are these people totally ignorant about the philosophy of Karma? What will 
this ill-gotten wealth do to them and their families when they own/use such 
money, generated out of corruption and exploitation? 

8) Indian people have read and have known about these facts. But the helpless 
people have neither time nor inclination to do anything in the matter. This is 
like a new freedom struggle and we will have to fight this. 

9) This money is the result of our sweat and blood.. The wealth generated and 
earned after putting in lots of mental and physical efforts by Indian people 
must be brought back to our country. 

10) As a service to our motherland and your contribution to this struggle, 
please circulate at least 10 copies of this note amongst your friends and 
relatives and convert it into a mass movement.





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--Forwarded Message Attachment--
Subject: Fwd: It's Our Money .. Yes, yours and mine.

Latest update after Swiss Bank has agreed to disclose the funds. 

Our Indians' Money - 70, 00,000 Crores Rupees In Swiss Bank 

1) Yes, 70 lakhs crores rupees of India are lying in Switzerland banks. This is 
the highest amount lying outside any country, from amongst 180 countries of the 
world, as if India is the champion of Black Money. 

2) Swiss Government has officially written to Indian Government that they are 
willing to inform the details of holders of 70 lakh crore rupees in their 
Banks, if Indian Government officially asks them. 

3) On 22-5-08, this news has already been published in The Times of India and 
other Newspapers based on Swiss Government's official letter to Indian 

4) But the Indian Government has not sent any official enquiry to Switzerland 
for details of money which has been sent outside India between 1947 to 2008.. 
The opposition party is also equally not interested in doing so because most of 
the amount is owned by politicians and it is every Indian's money. 

5) This money belongs to our country. From these funds we can repay 13 times of 