Hey planeteers, a big hello there!


Writing after long here for episode number 13 of tech it easy today.

No excuses, I guess it'll be unfare to opine my hecticness over and over

Thanks a lot everyone for still sending me a lot of messages about my posts
on this channel. Trust me, that's what my boost.


So let's start the today's anecdote:


Lately, I've been seeing a burning discussion on password protected folders
on this channel.

Indeed, everyone of us having something private in our computers to hide,
including those adult, (even pornographic sometimes) stuffs. 

Oh, trust me, that isn't a problem. Computer has made not just to work or
study, indeed. 

Hmm, so you need to hide that from your younger brother or sister?

Well, if you're stuck up finding a solution and haven't yet come across to a
working one, then you are on a right place reading this episode here on our

beloved I planet.

So, as you've guessed it, I'm gonna talk something about password protected



So, what's it all about?

Well, it has always been tedious to hide those personal and secret folder of
your's where you've stored all your personal, private and sometimes, dirty

things which you would not appreciate anyone else to see.

But, how to accomplish is what the most complicated thing for you. Right?

Well, well, that's where I come, to make the tech easy for you. Isn't it?

I've been seeing to a discussion on password protected secret invisible
folders and that's what guided me to come up with this episode.

Some of you have suggested some dos command to hide the folder, while some
have suggested GUI tools for it.

Some have pointed several softwares for this task, and probably imparted
other suggestions as well which I'm missing here.

Oh, all those are right and i'd like to appreciate the knowledge of you

However, there is still the mystery remains, how to password protect and
hide a folder.

Of course there are softwares for it, but that's not I'm gonna suggest here
today. Let's get even more innovative. What say?

How would it sound, if I tell you about creating your own, personal software
to hide and password protect your folder?

Yeah, you heard it right, I can tell you how to create your own software to
accomplish the above mentioned operations.

And, let me tell you, you not necessarily need to be a software developer,
computer professional or whatever specific for learning about how to create

this your own software for you.

Humph, developing softwares is not as easy, but it's not that hard too.

With little or no expertise, you would soon be having your own, personally
developed software that will lock your folders, password protect them, and

them whenever you want.

Amazingly, the software is going to be so much reliable and work in almost
all the small to big configurations on windows based systems.

So, let's start creating your own, personal software to hide your folder.
Should we?

All right.


So first, open your notepad.

Would you trust me, the notepad is the most used editor still amongst the
software developers, and almost everything from simple HTML websites to

java based high enterprise solutions can be developed on notepad.

So, you no need to worry, you're on a right track already if you've opened
the notepad.

Now, copy the following code into your notepad:




title Folder secret

if EXIST "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}" goto UNLOCK

if NOT EXIST secret goto MDLOCKER


echo Are you sure u want to Lock this folder(Y/N)

set/p "cho=>"

if %cho%==Y goto LOCK

if %cho%==y goto LOCK

if %cho%==n goto END

if %cho%==N goto END

echo Invalid choice.



ren secret "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}"

attrib +h +s "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}"

echo Folder locked

goto End


echo Enter password to Unlock folder

set/p "pass=>"

if NOT %pass%==password12345 HERE goto FAIL

attrib -h -s "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}"

ren "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}" secret

echo Folder Unlocked successfully

goto End


echo Invalid password

goto end


md secret

echo secret created successfully

goto End



so, you've copyed the above into notepad. Right?

great, now it's time to save your notepad file. Save the file from whatever
file name.bat.

For instance, if the name of file is secret, it should be secret.bat

and can you trust me, you've created your personal folder protector software
this way.

Cool! Isn't?

So, you've created a software that will create a folder named secret in the
drive where you have your file.

After you're done with copying all your secret stuffs, it will password
protect it.

and, it will let you open the folder as and when you need.

Cool. Isn't it?


How to use:


Now let's see how to use it. Place the file in the location where you would
like to create your protected folder. Run the batch file by double clicking

on it. This will create a folder named secret in the same location as the
batch file. You can now open this folder and place any files in it. Once you

are finished, run the batch file again. You will be asked whether you want
to lock the folder. Enter 'Y' (for Yes) and hit Enter. The folder becomes

To retrieve the folder, run the batch file again. You will be prompted to
enter the password. Enter the password, hit enter and voila! the folder


So, the above code is what you need. You can change the code according to
your requirements. Please replace the word "secret" with your name for

the folder name.

The password I've given is password12345

You can change the same as well by replacing it.


Important: The batch file acts like a key to open the locked folder. So once
you have created and locked a folder, do not keep the batch file in the same

location since anybody can open the batch file and view your password. So I
would suggest that you keep the batch file in a separate and safe place or

better still keep it on your pen drive or flash drive. That way when you
want to open the folder just copy the batch file to the location where you

your protected folder and run it.


All right, so it sounds great, and it has all being designed by you.


Before you dive into high dreams now, 

Do remember that the above method is not intended to act as a substitute for
the numerous free and commercial softwares that are specifically designed

to provide security and encryption to your data.

If you look for something better in terms of reliability and features, you
should consider buying a software available to help you in this.



The today's episode was good. Try creating your own software now, and keep
smiling till I come with next episode here.


This is Prateek signing off now,


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