Early Xeon licensing information

2010-11-24 Thread Thomas Denier
System administrators requesting TSM coverage for new Windows
systems can generally see 'Xeon' and a model designation such
as 'E5420' on the systems property panel. Linux administrators
can usually find similar information in /proc/cpuinfo. I am
occasionally asked to set up TSM coverage for an older server.
In such cases administrators frequently see the 'Xeon' brand
but not the letter and four digit model designation. Is it
safe to assume that a Xeon system that does not report such a
model designation is using single core CPU chips?

LanFree very low performance

2010-11-24 Thread peppix
I have a doubt: the datafiles are 20GB each one...but the TXNByteLimit=2097152 
(2GB infact is the maximum for tsm 5.5). Could be it the problem?

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LanFree very low performance

2010-11-24 Thread peppix
@Ullrich Mdnz, thanks: I have 5 filesystem and the max mount point for this 
node is 12. The throughput reported isn't ok cause referred to the sum of all 
sessions backup via fiber channel (lanfree) and isn't acceptable for a FC disk 
storage (not SATA).

@David McClelland, thanks: how can I obtain this output?

@chart2: 1) I have 5 filesystem (/oracle//data1-2-3-4-5)
  2) Can you explain me this point?
  3) yes, consider that with the same tape drives I backup SAP by 
TDP with an average of 300MB/s
  4) yes, I see fc (2 ports) throughput by nmon, I see the 5 tape 
drives allocated to the storage agent node, I see node wirte directly in the 

thanks all friends

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