Re: DIRMC question

2005-11-08 Thread Dmitri Pasyutin
On Tuesday 08 November 2005 15:11, Copperfield Adams wrote:
> I have a node which has all data bar 1 top-level directory and
> its contents bound to the default management class (2 year
> retention). I have a separate management class set up with a
> slightly longer retention policy for directories and have a
> DIRMC entry in the dsm.opt file to bind the dirs to this
> management class.
> There is one top-level directory and it's contents which is
> bound to a separate management class that will retain data for
> 7 years (I use an 'INCLUDE' in the opt file).
> Can anyone confirm that this directory and all it's subdirs
> (not the data within but the dirs) will be bound by the 7 year
> class and not by the DIRMC? In other words, if I delete some
> data (and dirs) from this directory, will the dirs still be
> available to restore after the 2 years (and upto 7 years)?

From the BA client documentation on DIRMC:

"If you specify a management class with this option, all
directories specified in a backup operation are bound to that
management class."

So my guess is NO, *every* directory object will be bound to
the DIRMC management class, including those in your top-level
directory. This means that (assuming this is a Windows/NTFS
client) if you restore the data after 2 years, the dirs will
be created on the client, but with default attributes
(permissions, etc), and you will lose any custom attributes
you may have applied to them.

OTOH, if you do *not* specify DIRMC, the directory objects will
be bound to the 7-year management class by default because it
has the longest retention period, and that also goes for *every*
directory (not just those in the top-level tree).

To be sure, verify with 'dsmc query backup' or with the restore


Re: TSM 5.3 on SuSE SLES9 64

2005-09-29 Thread Dmitri Pasyutin
On Thursday 29 September 2005 16:30, Geert De Pecker wrote:
> tsm: SERVER1>define path server1 drive3 srctype=server  desttype=drive
> library=MANUALTAPE device=/dev/IBMtape0 online=yes
> ANR8420E DEFINE PATH: An I/O error occurred while accessing drive DRIVE3.
> ANS8001I Return code 15.

I'm guessing that 15 is the errno value, which means "Block device
required" (from /usr/include/asm-generic/errno-base.h).

Are you sure that /dev/IBMtape0 is a block device? If you do a
'file /dev/IBMtape0', you should get something like this:

/dev/IBMtape0: block special (X/Y)

If not, you're using the wrong device file.


Re: LTO3 tape capacity

2005-09-25 Thread Dmitri Pasyutin
On Sunday 25 September 2005 16:45, Alexander Lazarevich wrote:
> tsm: ITG-TSM>q vol stgpool=lto3pool
> Volume Name StorageDeviceEstimated
>  Pool Name  Class Name Capacity Pct
> ------ 
> ITG001L3LTO3POOL   LTOCLASS2 800,000.0 20.5
> Filling
> ITG002L3LTO3POOL   LTOCLASS2 386,496.7 90.2
> Full
> Then, notice the volumes in the LTO3POOL are LTO3 tapes, 800GB capacity,
> compressed that is, and should be 400GB native.

You didn't post the output of 'q devc LTOCLASS2 f=d' - the value of
FORMAT should be 'ULTRIUM3C' if you want to use compression. The
"estimated capacity" gives an idea about the tape's capacity, but doesn't
force compression, in fact you can set it to anything you want.


Re: TSM Server on Debian Linux with Qualstar Library

2005-06-20 Thread Dmitri Pasyutin
> we are planning to upgrade our old TSM 4.2 server (43p, 133Mhz, AIX 4.3)
>  with a Qualstar 46120 AIT2 tape library to a new server, os and TSM
> version. Since we are using Debian Linux on a lot of servers, we would
> like to also run TSM 5.x with Debian Linux. I know from out old AIX box,
> that for the tape library we need special ADSM Drivers for the tapes and
> for the picker.
> No I would like to know, if anybody has experiences with TSM on a Debian
> server, how kernel dependend this is, if we need special drivers for the
>  tape library, etc. I know, that TSM is not officially supported on
> Debian Linux yet.

I've been running TSM on Debian at home (with no libraries or drives) for
a while already. I also did a test of TSM 5.3 on a Debian PC with a Spectra
2K library and 2 AIT drives. It worked very well, the only problem I had
was with the library that couldn't dismount tapes properly. In my opinion
the problem was with the library and not TSM/Debian (I posted a message on
the list in January about this, if you're interested).

I suggest you install TSM 5.3 which uses the Linux "sg" driver to access
non-IBM devices, which is your case (prior to 5.3 TSM provided its own
"tsmscsi" driver which was kernel-dependent).

You can convert the RPMs to Debian format with "alien -kv .rpm" and
then install them with "dpkg -i ...".


Re: Anyone installed 5.3 yet?

2005-01-24 Thread Dmitri Pasyutin

I recently installed 5.3 on Red Hat Linux EL 3, upgrading from
The config is very small - 15 clients, a disk pool and a tape pool,
a 30-slot SCSI library (Spectra Logic 2K) with two Sony AIT drives.

What's cool in 5.3 is that it uses the Linux SG driver to control SCSI
devices, which means that you are no longer dependent on any
Red Hat or SuSE kernel version. All you need is a distribution with
a compatible level of glibc. I did an install on a Debian unstable
machine with kernel 2.6.9 to test the library and the drives - works
like a charm!

My only problem is that the library does not dismount tapes properly
(see my post earlier this month), but it was doing that even before the
upgrade to 5.3.

As was mentioned, the HTTP interface is deprecated in favor of ISC,
but if you have 'COMMMETHOD HTTP' and 'HTTPPORT' in your
dsmserv.opt, 5.3 will still start, issuing a message that they are

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Re: Config file error

2005-01-18 Thread Dmitri Pasyutin

I'm not sure it's the cause, but in my devconfig file the device class is
before the library. Maybe try to put the device class line at the beginning
the file and see what happens.


fred johanson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>@VM.MARIST.EDU> on 01/18/2005
05:07:12 PM

Please respond to "ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" 

Sent by:"ADSM: Dist Stor Manager" 

Subject:[ADSM-L] Config file error

I'm testing transferring to a new server, using "restore db", with these

>$ /opt/bin/sudo -u tsm dsmserv restore db devc=tape
>volumenames=UC1147,UC6085 >
>ANR7800I DSMSERV generated at 08:09:39 on May 17 2004.
>* Patch TSM Server (Driver , Build 04138.0809) *
>* This is a server service PATCH based on certified service*
>* level and has not been fully tested.  List of*
>* fixes made can be found in the README*
>*  *
>Tivoli Storage Manager for AIX-RS/6000
>Version 5, Release 2, Level 2.5
>Licensed Materials - Property of IBM
>(C) Copyright IBM Corporation 1999,2003. All rights reserved.
>U.S. Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or disclosure
>restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corporation.
>ANR0900I Processing options file dsmserv.opt.
>ANR7811I Direct I/O will be used for all eligible disk files.
>ANR8200I TCP/IP driver ready for connection with clients on port 1600.
>ANR8225I TCP/IP administrative driver ready for connection with clients on
>ANR0200I Recovery log assigned capacity is 1 megabytes.
>ANR0201I Database assigned capacity is 20 megabytes.
>ANR8497E Library 4TESTLIB not defined in device configuration information

Here is the devconfig file:

>/* Device Configuration File */
>E=/dev/rmt0 ONLINE=YES

I can't see the error.


Fred Johanson
ITSM Administrator
University of Chicago

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Spectra 2K tape dismount problem

2005-01-17 Thread Dmitri Pasyutin

I am having a very annoying problem with a recently
acquired Spectra 2K library, I was hoping that someone
on the list could confirm this.

My configuration:

TSM on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 3.0
Spectra 2K (Treefrog) library, SCSI attached
Two AIT-4 (SDX-900V) drives

The problem:

When dismounting a tape after a read or write operation,
the tape is ejected from the drive but the tape picker does
not move the tape back to its slot in the library. Because
TSM 5.3 now uses the native Linux SCSI driver (sg) instead
of loading its own modules, I was able to trace that TSM
keeps a file descriptor open on the tape device while at
the same time issuing a "move medium" command to the
library. The file descriptor is kept open as long as the volume
is in the "dismounting" state. Eventually the "move medium"
command times out, and TSM logs an I/O error on the changer.
After doing several dismount retries, TSM abandons the
operation and removes the file descriptor, and at that
precise moment the picker wakes up and moves the tape
back to the slot. Of course, after that TSM has lost track of
the tape and an "audit library" is required...

My conclusion is that the library tries to inquire on the drive
before picking up the ejected tape, but the drive is blocked
by the open file descriptor. AFAIK, it is TSM's normal
behaviour to lock the drives until the completion of the
dismount operation (I have done tests on AIX, not with the
same library though). So the problem is that the library is
not obeying to the "move medium" command when it should.
I wrote to Spectra Logic about this, they have not gotten
back to me yet.

Anyway, if anyone has worked with this library or had any
similar experiences, your insight is much appreciated :-)

Many thanks,
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Re: journaling on SUN

2004-06-23 Thread Dmitri Pasyutin
On Wednesday 23 June 2004 19:54, Joel Fuhrman wrote:
> Does the TSM client for SUN support journaling?  If not, are there any
> rumors that its being developed?
[ ... ]
> If journaling is not an option, I would welcome suggestions on methods
> which would guarantee that all files are backed up without having to suffer
> the overhead of the standard backup process.

You can use image backup to back up the entire filesystem as one object.
However, you will not be able to restore individual files.


Re: can library be renamed?

2004-05-06 Thread Dmitri Pasyutin
On Thursday 06 May 2004 20:46, Nancy Reeves wrote:
>TSM on AIX 5.2
> I want to change the name of my tape library. Is there a faster / better /
> easier way than deleting all references to it, including the drives & tape
> storage pools, then recreating it with the new name that I want?

Unfortunately, you will have to check out all libvolumes, delete and re-define
all drives and paths and the library itself and its path, and then re-checkin
the libvolumes. Fortunately, you do not have to delete any storage pool
volumes or storage pools, otherwise you would lose data!!!

Just point all tape device classes to the new library name after you re-define
it (with "update devc ... library=newlibname").


Re: What didn't get backed up?

2004-05-05 Thread Dmitri Pasyutin
On Wednesday 05 May 2004 19:48, MC Matt Cooper (2838) wrote:
> PCs (TSM client with no excludes.  Normally we only backup a
> very specific directory structure on a PC.  So thinking that it is only
> a few PCs I will backup everything.  It inspecect 26,009 files but only
> backed up 23,511 files.   What didn't get backed up?   Will I be able to
> restore installed software?

There are certain exclude directives that are configured by default and
stored in the registry, for example ?:\pagefile.sys and "System Volume
Information" directories. If you type "q inclexcl" on the client they will
show up in the "Operating System" section.

I'm not sure however that these files get inspected at each incremental.


Re: Object option

2004-04-26 Thread Dmitri Pasyutin
On Monday 26 April 2004 06:31, Magalie Siaud wrote:
> I wish to include only specific directories in my backups. Unfortunately,
> the DOMAIN option do not allow paths, only filesystems...
> So, I used the Object line in the schedule.
> I tried:
> F:\lotus=> result nothing backuped under lotus!

In this case, only the directory object is backed up. A '\' is needed at the

I use the following:


AFAIK, "-subdir=yes" works for Windows, too.


Re: BA client 5.2.2 and Server 2003

2004-04-19 Thread Dmitri Pasyutin
On Monday 19 April 2004 16:35, Mike Bantz wrote:
> I'd just like to back up the C$ and D$, default mgmt class. Problem is, the
> server will back up the C$, "process" the D$, then kick back an error
> ANS1950E, that Backup via Windows Shadow Copy failed.

Maybe the LVSA agent was enabled at installation, try removing it with
Utilities -> Setup Wizard -> Online Image Support in the client GUI.


Re: Server recovery

2004-04-13 Thread Dmitri Pasyutin
On Tuesday 13 April 2004 20:59, David E Ehresman wrote:
> ANRE Unable to open language en_US for message formatting.
> ANRE Unable to open message text file for message formatting.
> lslpp indicates the language filesets are installed:
> bash-2.05a# lslpp -l tivoli.tsm.msg*

You also need the AIX filesets :


And make sure the LANG variable is set to "en_US" in /etc/environment
and in your current shell.


Re: NODE table weirdness

2004-03-24 Thread Dmitri Pasyutin
TCP_NAME corresponds to the hostname of your node, which may not be the
same as the node name you are using to contact the server. Likewise,
TCP_ADDRESS is the IP address corresponding to the hostname, as returned
by gethostbyname(), which may not be the same as TCPCLIENTADDRESS in
dsm.sys. The two values are updated each time the node contacts the server.

This being said, the NODENAME and TCPCLIENTADDRESS values in dsm.sys
are the ones that are used for client-server communications, regardless of
what TCP_NAME and TCP_ADDRESS are.

Hope I understood your question right.

On Wednesday 24 March 2004 17:50, Zoltan Forray/AC/VCU wrote:
> Just did a query of the NODE table of my TSM AIX and noticed
> something weird.
> The TCP_NAME and TCP_ADDRESS fields from one node has been overlayed onto
> a completely different nodes entry.
> Checked the DSM.SYS (both of these boxes are AIX systems) and they are
> correct/haven't changed for a long time !
> This is a bit unsettling!  What could be causing this ?

Re: TSM from AIX 4.3.3 to AIX 5.2 ( library problem )

2003-12-02 Thread &quot;Dmitri Pasyutin"
> 2003.12.02 10:45:19  ANR2017I Administrator ADMIN issued command: DEFINE PATH
>   adsm stklib srct=server destt=library device=lb0
> 2003.12.02 10:45:39  ANR8840E Unable to open device lb0 with error 2.
> 2003.12.02 10:45:39  ANR8418E DEFINE PATH: An I/O error occurred while
>   accessing library STKLIB.

This is normal, since you need to specify "/dev/lb0" and not "lb0" in the "define 
path" command. What does the activity log show when defining the path with /dev/lb0 ?

> lsdev -C | egrep 'mt|lb' gives :
> lb0 Available 1c-08-00-6,0  N/A
> mt0 Available 1c-08-00-0,0  N/A
> mt1 Available 1Z-08-00-1,0  N/A
> mt2 Available 1Z-08-00-2,0  N/A
> rmt0Defined   1Z-08-00-0,0  Other SCSI Tape Drive
> rmt1Defined   1c-08-00-1,0  Other SCSI Tape Drive
> rmt2Defined   1c-08-00-2,0  Other SCSI Tape Drive
> rmt3Available 1Z-08-00-1,0  Other SCSI Tape Drive
> rmt4Available 1Z-08-00-2,0  Other SCSI Tape Drive
> rmt5Available 1c-08-00-0,0  Other SCSI Tape Drive

The "N/A" in the device description might mean that the device driver fileset is not 
properly installed or the devices are not properly configured. Can you send the output 
of "lslpp -l tivoli.tsm.\*" ?


Re: TSM5.1 command line and JAVA

2003-11-25 Thread Dmitri Pasyutin
On Tuesday 25 November 2003 14:43, David Stubblefield wrote:
> I am trying to connect to Storage Management Server for Windows -
> Version 5, Release 1, Level 5.1 and am getting a java error when I try
> to "show the command line".  This problem started after upgrade to
> windows XP.  I am able to successfully display the command line from
> Windows 2000 workstations.  I searched google relentlessly for more than
> a week and have found no relevant help.  I have downloaded the latest
> java software and enabled every jave setting I can find with out luck.

With Windows XP/2003, Microsoft stopped shipping their own JVM in favor
of Sun's JVM. Windows 2000 still had Microsoft's JVM.

Try downloading and installing the Microsoft JVM (look for "msjavx86.exe"
on Google) and enabling it in your browser.

Hope this helps

Re: server to server question

2003-11-01 Thread Dmitri Pasyutin
> I read that the data to the target system will come in the archive pool.
> My question is; what is the meaning of "Retain Version" in the Archive Copy
> Group ?
> If I put 365 in it, will all my data be lost after 365 days or will there
> still be one active version left ?
> We had a value of NOLIMIT in it, but there is an inconsistance between the
> data TSM thinks we have at our site (+/- 2 TB) and the data TSM at the
> recovery site thinks we have (-/+ 10 TB)

My guess is that you are not reclaiming the virtual volumes on the source
TSM server, that's why you're observing such a large gap between the source
and the target. When virtual volumes are reclaimed and deleted on the source
server, the archive data on the target is marked as expired, and expiration
needs to be run locally on the target server to free up scratch tapes. Some
difference will still exist between the source and the target, and will
depend on how well you reclaim the virtual volumes on the source.

As for the retain limit on the archive copy group, it depends on the lifetime
of the virtual volumes on the source server. If a virtual volume is not
reclaimed within 365 days, the archive data on the target server will be
deleted and there will be an inconsistency between the source and the target
(you will then need to run 'reconcile volumes'). If you are doing archives on
the source server with 10 years retention, you will need to extend the
retention on the target server to at least that long. To save trouble, you
can set the retention on the target to 'nolimit' and be sure to reclaim the
virtual volumes on the source in a timely manner.


Re: RESET PASSEXP (for a node)?

2003-10-29 Thread Dmitri Pasyutin
> Did anyone find a way to clear a client node's PASSwordEXPiration time
> (once it's inadvertently set by some admin), so as to re-establish
> the server-wide default value?
> A commands like the following doesn't work for me:

You can choose between two things:

reset passexp node=...

This will clear the node-specific password expiration flag, and the
common password expiration period (set using 'set passexp') will take
effect for the node (which is what you want). Or:

update node ... passexp=0

This will mean that the node's password never expires, regardless
of what the global password expiration period is.

>  ((And while on the topic of undocumented [line-mode] commands -
>does "FLUSH LOG", which I once entered in despair, have any
>useful purpose? Be careful ... :-())

Very good question, I'd also like to know the answer to that one :-)


Re: File-Information from client

2003-10-28 Thread Dmitri Pasyutin
> Is there a possibility to get the information about all the files of a
> client in the TSM-DB as listing in a file.
> I would like to have a list of files of one client with all the information
> you can see, if you select files from a directory in the GUI (or
> Web-Client) (Name / Size / changed / created / backedup / class ...).
> With my sql-selects on TSM-database it takes a while to run over the
> database, with the GUI it's just a click.

You can use 'dsmc query backup' from the command line on the client
and redirect the output to a file. This will give you the information you


Re: Path definition

2003-10-01 Thread Dmitri Pasyutin
On Wednesday 01 October 2003 22:49, Sylvia Nergard wrote:
> My environment is TSM 5.2 on Windows 2000, tapelibrary is 3583 lto on the
> SAN.
> II wonder.when defining path for tapelibrary and drives, should the
> device parameter be \\.\Tape0 and Changer0 (which is how Windows sees the
> devices?)etc, or mt0.0.0.1 an lb1.0.0.1(which is how TSM sees the
> devices?)?
> What decides which device name we are going to use in such cases?
> I'm running IBM Windows device driver for both library and drives.

From my experience it is better to use the TSM device driver and device names,
this way the drive type will be detected correctly. When I first installed a
Windows TSM server (on NT4) and used the native Windows driver, TSM was
seeing my DLT4000 drives as of type 'GENERICTAPE' and not 'DLT' (as with the
TSM device driver), and I was unable to get any data on tape.

But maybe this is no longer the case on Win2K.


Re: AIX TSM server 4.3.3 ML10 ---> 5.1.0 ML3 and TSM ---> 5.1 .X.X?

2003-09-30 Thread Dmitri Pasyutin
On Monday 29 September 2003 15:26, Thach, Kevin G wrote:
> I will be performing an OS upgrade on our TSM server in the next week or so
> from 4.3.3 ML10 to 5.1 ML3, and was wondering what version of TSM people
> have had good success with on AIX 5.1 (32-bit)?  We are currently at
>  Is pretty stable?

I was running TSM 5.1.7.x on AIX 5.1 32-bit for a few months, no problems.
I am now running TSM on AIX 5.2 64-bit.

> Also, can someone point me to a good document that describes the TSM
> upgrade procedures when an OS upgrade is also involved?  Do I just simply
> perform the OS upgrade, install the new TSM filesets, and I'm done?  Or do
> I need to uninstall the current version of TSM, install the new, restore
> the database, etc.?

After upgrading to AIX 5.1, you need to remove the
tivoli.tsm.devices.aix43.rte fileset and install tivoli.tsm.devices.aix5.rte
(base level plus any updates as needed). This will require a reboot. After
rebooting, configure your TSM devices with 'smit tsm_devices' and you're done.
No need to reinstall all TSM filesets nor restore the database.

The TSM for AIX Quick Start manual describes everything pretty well.


Re: AIX first timer.

2003-09-22 Thread Dmitri Pasyutin

The device type for your drives should be 'ECARTRIDGE', like the device
class, and not 'GENERICTAPE'. Normally, when you define the path with
the appropriate device name (e.g. /dev/mt0), TSM assigns the correct
device type to the drive automatically.

Can you send the output of 'q path f=d' ?


Re: listener not listening

2001-12-16 Thread Dmitri Pasyutin

Hi Suad,

You probably need to increase the MAXSESSIONS option on the TSM server
(in the dsmserv.opt file or using "setopt").

The default value for AIX is 25, which is probably too small for the
number of
clients you have.


-> -Original Message-
-> From: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
-> On Behalf Of Suad Musovich
-> Sent: Tuesday, December 11, 2001 8:34 PM
-> Subject: listener not listening
-> AIX4.3.3/TSM4.2.1.7
-> The main listener on port 1500 of our TSM server is open but
-> not acknowledging when clients connect. They hang on "SYN_RCVD"
-> Actually, it only allows a small proportion of connections.
-> When the TSM server starts up, everything works as normal.
-> But when a volume of clients start connecting, it virtually
-> stops all new connections.
-> Any clients that can successfully connect, operate as normal.
-> I've checked if any other services in the OS that may be
-> listening on that port and have been sniffing the interface
-> for unusual traffic. Nothing unusual has been found.
-> Anyone have similar probs?
-> Cheers, Suad
-> --

Re: winNT client failure

2001-11-21 Thread Dmitri Pasyutin

It seems that as of version 4.2.1 the entire backup session is "Failed"
if some objects fail to back up (for all client platforms). Whether it's
abnormal or not is subject to debate. One advantage is that it is easier
to spot files that are open during backup and take action (e.g. put them
in the exclude list).


- Original Message -
From: "Gerald Wichmann" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, November 21, 2001 7:58 PM
Subject: winNT client failure

> I have a 4.2.1 WinNT2000 Client that is failing it's backup with a
> return code of "4"..
> Is it just me or does it seem abnormal for the client to fail the backup
> simply because it failed to backup a few files that were open at the
> time of the backup? My understanding was that the backup would always be
> *SUCCESSFUL* in this case.
> Looking through dsmsched.log It looks to me like a successful backup.
> The only error I see is on three files (the rest is filled with
> successful backups of files and system objects):
> 11/20/2001 20:06:06 ANS1228E Sending of object '\\sfloader\c$\Documents
> and Settings\Administrator\NTUSER.DAT' failed
> 11/20/2001 20:06:06 ANS4987E Error processing '\\sfloader\c$\Documents
> and Settings\Administrator \NTUSER.DAT': the object is in use by another
> process
> 11/20/2001 20:06:07 ANS1228E Sending of object '\\sfloader\c$\Documents
> and Settings\Administrator\ntuser.dat.LOG' failed
> 11/20/2001 20:06:07 ANS4987E Error processing '\\sfloader\c$\Documents
> and Settings\Administrator \ntuser.dat.LOG': the object is in use by
> another process
> 11/20/2001 20:06:17 ANS1228E Sending of object '\\sfloader\c$\Program
> Files\Tivoli\TSM\baclient\dsmsched.log' failed
> 11/20/2001 20:06:17 ANS4037E File '\\sfloader\c$\Program
> Files\Tivoli\TSM\baclient\dsmsched.log' changed during processing.  File
> skipped.
> 11/20/2001 20:06:25 ANS1802E Incremental backup of '\\sfloader\c$'
> finished with 3 failure
> 11/20/2001 20:29:59 --- SCHEDULEREC STATUS BEGIN
> 11/20/2001 20:29:59 Total number of objects inspected:1,932
> 11/20/2001 20:29:59 Total number of objects backed up:1,848
> 11/20/2001 20:29:59 Total number of objects updated:  0
> 11/20/2001 20:29:59 Total number of objects rebound:  0
> 11/20/2001 20:29:59 Total number of objects deleted:  0
> 11/20/2001 20:29:59 Total number of objects expired:  3
> 11/20/2001 20:29:59 Total number of objects failed:   3
> 11/20/2001 20:29:59 Total number of bytes transferred:   235.51 MB
> 11/20/2001 20:29:59 Data transfer time:1,357.36 sec
> 11/20/2001 20:29:59 Network data transfer rate:  177.67 KB/sec
> 11/20/2001 20:29:59 Aggregate data transfer rate:167.58 KB/sec
> 11/20/2001 20:29:59 Objects compressed by:0%
> 11/20/2001 20:29:59 Elapsed processing time:   00:23:59
> 11/20/2001 20:29:59 --- SCHEDULEREC STATUS END
> 11/20/2001 20:29:59 --- SCHEDULEREC OBJECT END BACKUP 11/20/2001
> 20:00:00
> 11/20/2001 20:29:59 ANS1512E Scheduled event 'BACKUP' failed.  Return
> code = 4.
> 11/20/2001 20:29:59 Sending results for scheduled event 'BACKUP'.
> 11/20/2001 20:29:59 Results sent to server for scheduled event
> Gerald Wichmann
> System Engineer
> StorageLink
> 408-844-8893 (v)
> 408-844-9801 (f)

ACSLS, library sharing and SAN

2001-10-29 Thread Dmitri Pasyutin

Hi fellow TSMers,

I use an ACSLS (STK 9360) library with my TSM server (4.2.1 on AIX). It had
been great news for me to hear that as of v4.2.0 TSM supports ACSLS library
sharing, and now SAN data transfer with ACSLS as of v4.2.1. Still, after
thinking about it many times, I still can't figure out why this came so
late. Sharing of SCSI STK libraries has been supported as of v3.7, but not
ACSLS. However, with its (100%-software) ACSSI interface, TSM controls
an ACSLS robot just as it would a SCSI one. There seems to be no technical
reason why an ACSLS robot could not be shared between multiple servers, i.e.
I can't see how it can be related to hardware or the physical device driver.
And even now with SAN support, a third-party product like Gresham's EDT is
required as the interface between the library and the storage agent. Why?
Can someone enlighten me on the ACSLS sharing issue? What is EDT's exact
role in lan-free data transfer? Also, if someone has set up an ACSLS library
for SAN using EDT, I would very much like to hear about your experiences.
Thanks in advance.

Yours truly,

TSM administrator
Paris, France