DB2 Backup using different node names

2002-11-15 Thread Eduardo Martinez
I want to backup DB2 trough ADSM.
I have defined 2 different nodes, and I want to backup a DB2 database
using both of them.
I have defined 2 different option files for each of them, and I also
have defined the DSMI_LOG, DSMI_CONFIG and DSMI_DIR environment
But when I launch the backup with either of the nodes ADSM only takes
one of them, skiping any definition for the second node.
Does anyone know what could be happening here?

Thanks in advance.

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ANS1809E Session is lost

2002-06-24 Thread Eduardo Martinez

Two of my servers are continously failing because of the following
error: ANS1809E Session is lost, does anyone know what could be
happening here?

Thanks in advance.

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Re: dsmc sched as another user

2002-05-22 Thread Eduardo Martinez


You can use sudo to grant root access to the dsmc command to any user
you define, or I think you can use the Users directive on the dsmc.sys
file and put there all the users you allow to execute the command.

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Re: dsmc sched as another user

2002-05-15 Thread Eduardo Martinez

Try using sudo.
You can allow your non-root user execute only the dsmc command as root.

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Fwd: how can I setup a admin account which only allow three commands

2002-05-09 Thread Eduardo Martinez


I havent seen this is possible.
But Im thinking if you use make a shell script, and executing only
those three commands:

dsmadmc -id=user -pa=password q req
dsmadmc -id=user -pa=password checki vol
dsmadmc -id=user -pa=password checko vol

Or maybe you can put each of this on a script of its own.
So your operator only has to do is to type the name of the shell you
gave him:


It is just a tip...

 --- Julie Xu [EMAIL PROTECTED] escribis:  Fecha: Thu, 9 May
2002 11:14:25 +1000
 Responder a: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Asunto:  how can I setup a admin account which only allow three

 Dear all,

 Question 1:
 I need setup a admin account which only allow our new operator to run
 three commands:
 q req
 checki vol
 checko vol
 reply #

 However, the lowerest authority with the above commands must be used.

 Any comments will be appreciated

 Thanks in advance

 Julie Xu

 Unix/Network Administrator
 Information Technology Directorate
 University of Westen Sydney, Campbelltown
 Campbelltown NSW 2560

 Phone: 61 02 4620-3098
 Mobile: 0416 179 868

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dsmc scheduler problems

2002-05-06 Thread Eduardo Martinez

Hello *SMers.

I have the followin problem:

I have 2 TSM Servers (TSM1 and TSM2) and they are on different
networks, and Im trying to backup one AIX box on this 2 servers.
I have somthing like this.

++   +-|NIC |
|AIX |   |  ||
||   +---+---+  ++
|NIC |--|Router |
++   +---+---+   ++
 |   |TSM2| +--|NIC |

I run 2 dsmc processes on AIX:

dsmc sched
dmsc sched -se=TSM2

When I first run them, the schedule everything works fine for both
backups, but the next day (I have scheduled daily backups), only the
backup for TSM1 works, and the backup for TSM2 is missed.
I have to kill the dsmc sched -se=TSM2 process and run it again and
it starts backing up, but, again, it fails for the next scheduled

Does anyone know what could be happening here?
By the way, schedule on TSM1 begins at 7:00PM and on TSM2 at 1:00PM

Thanks in advance.

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Tape Library errors

2002-04-24 Thread Eduardo Martinez

Hello everyone.

I have problems installing an IBM 7334 Tape Library on a RS/6000 44P
When I try to define the library I get the following error code:

TSM1def library lib7334 libtype=scsi device=/dev /smc0

ANR8418E DEFINE LIBRARY  An I/O error  ocurred while accessing library
ANS8001I  Return Code 3.

When I test the library with the tapeutil tool, it works fine, but
always send this error when I try to define it to TSM.

Anyone of you have any advice?

Thanks in advance.

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[no subject]

2002-04-22 Thread Eduardo Martinez

Hello *SMers.

What is the best way to achieve the following 

I have 6 servers, each one of then must be backed up incrementally on a
daily, weakly, monthly and yearly basis.
I thought about configuring 4 nodes for each box on the dsm.sys file,
lets say:


And also start 4 dsmc sched processes, so they can backup on the way i

Is it correct or is another way to do this?

Thanks in advance.

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2001-09-26 Thread Eduardo Martinez

I have two TSM Servers.
Each one of them has a library attached.
They are on two different locations (lets say A and B)

I want to backup all my clients in server A, but I also want to keep a
copy of those files on server B.
This is intended for redundancy purposes, and it is also intended to
avoid a courier carrying tapes among locations.
Is it possible to do this?
I've never worked with Virtual Volumes, and I dont know if they are the
solution for this schema.
I've also read about EXPORT and IMPORT data (also using Virtual
Volumes), but I think by doing this could be a very heavy process on a
daily basis, since Im going to export ALL data already backed up and
not only the changes.
I dont want to use Copy Storage Pools since I have to recreate first
all the tapes that could be destroyed and then restore.
Any ideas?

Thanks in advance.

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Bare Metal Restore sizing.

2001-09-17 Thread Eduardo Martinez

Hi All.

Has anyone of you ever sized an BMR solution?
I have several doubts about it.

A) Space requirements for BMR software installation

TKG says the following:

The BMR server requires 4 megabytes of disk space plus approximately 1
KB of disk space for every 2 clients.  Each Boot image on the Boot
Server will require 100 to 800 KB of disk space.

How much space am I going to need for each boot image?
Is a boot image created for each of my clients? if so, am BMR is going
to backup a boot image each time the client is backed up? in this case
I have to calculate the space on disk according the backup policies for
each one of my clients.
am I going to create ONLY one boot image per platform I 'm going to
backup (one image for SUN, another for NT, another for AIX)? This way
I'm going to use much less space than the above scenario.
How often are the boot images refreshed? How BMR is going to realize
that a client has upgraded its OS, when others have not?

B) Shared Root Tree

For the SRT TKG states: Each Shared Root Tree (SRT) on the File server
will require 200 to 400 MB of disk space.

The same questions as above. Is a SRT created each time a client is
backed up?

I've calculated the space Im going to need considering I have 6 clients
(2 sun, 2 aix and 2 NTs), also that I only need one boot image per
platform (3 in this case), and also one SRT per platform too.
This makes a total of 606 MB.
Are this calculations right?

BMR Server
BMR Server  1   4MB
BMR Client  6   3.0Kb

Boot Server
Boot image  3   2MB

File Server
Shared Root Tree (SRT)  3   600 MB

  Total 606MB

Thanks in advance.

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Expiring DB2 backups

2001-08-14 Thread Eduardo Martinez

Hi *SMers.

As you know, when you backup DB2 it stamps an unique id to its backup,
making it an active version forever, then you can't expire that backup.
Does anyone know how to expire this kind of backups?
Thanks in advance.

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Re: Database volhist

2001-08-14 Thread Eduardo Martinez

You can create a couple of admin schedules in order to get control over
which volumes you use for TSM Database Backup:
For example:

a) backup db type=full devclass=your_dev_class

b) delete volhist type=dbbackup todate=today-3

You can schedule the delete volhist first, lets say 5 minutes before
backup runs, in this way you ensure you have at least one tape
available for your database backup.

Hope this helps.

 --- Christian Astuni [EMAIL PROTECTED] escribis:  Fecha:
Tue, 14 Aug 2001 14:13:35 -0300
 Responder a: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 De: Christian Astuni [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Asunto:  Database volhist

 I have a backup trigger as backup of ADSM database, and i have a pool
 of 7
 volumes and I use one per day.
 I run a backup full all the days.
 When i want to reuse the first volumen, appearce a mesage as this:

 Scratch volume  from library 3590LIB rejected - volume name is
 in use.

 I want to delete this volume of the volume history, but I can't. I
 specified al the parameters, but i receive a follow mesage:
 0 sequencial volume history entries were successfully deleted

 Thank you very much for your help.
 Regards Christian

 Christian Astuni
 IBM Global Services

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Archiving vs. Incremental strategy

2001-08-14 Thread Eduardo Martinez

Im trying to define a backup strategy that involves backing up my boxes
on a daily, weekly, monthly (full) and yearly  (full) basis.
Daily backups will last only 3 days, weekly ones only three weeks,
monthly 3 months and yearly 3 years (because of taxes purposes).

Is it a good strategy to mix archiving and incremental back ups with
this schema?
Since monthly and yearly are the ones which last more, will it be
convinient to archive these, and do an incremental on the other ones?

I havent used too much the archive option, so I havent seen a real
useful usage of this option.

Thanks in advance


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Fwd: Management Classes

2001-08-09 Thread Eduardo Martinez

On your include/exclude file put the management class you want to
associate your files:

include  /your_path/*  management_class


 --- Manoel Braz [EMAIL PROTECTED] escribis:  Fecha:
Thu, 9 Aug 2001 16:47:37 -0300
 Responder a: ADSM: Dist Stor Manager [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 De: Manoel Braz [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Asunto:  Management Classes

 Hi *SMs,

 There are some management class in a domain. How can I specify a

 class that it will be used by backup command in the schedule of TSM?



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