TempIdGenerator BatchJobService Use

2016-01-22 Thread Chirag
Hello All,

BatchJobSevice has one new functionality which is TempIdGenerator.

How exactly I can use? there is no documentation how to use? and when one 
can use?

If someone explain than would be useful.


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Re: AuthenticationError.NOT_ADS_USER @

2016-01-22 Thread Matthew Trevor
Hi Yin,

Thanks for the advice, but maybe I'm missing something with the Google app 
as I get back what looks to be a good result.

If I explain the path in more detail:

On our test website, the user (whilst logged into their Google Adwords 
account - a test MCC account at this point) clicks on a form which posts:


and then the user gives access to their Adwords account and this returns an 
authorization code:

we then on our web server request the access token with:

c:\Curl\curl -k --request POST "https://accounts.google.com/o/oauth2/token; 
-o c:\Curl\Output2744.txt

and this returns the token:

  "access_token" : "ya29.X-X",
  "token_type" : "Bearer",
  "expires_in" : 3600,
  "refresh_token" : "1/XXX"

and when our web server uses this token to request the campaigns in the 
account and that is when we get the result:

@ ; trigger:'null']https://adwords.google.com/api/adwords/cm/v201509;>[AuthenticationError.NOT_ADS_USER
@ ; 

So the user is logged in when they give us access, is this not right?



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Re: Distributing Applications & OAuth Authorisation Credentials

2016-01-22 Thread StewartR

Thanks for your response. This is for a generic application where users 
would configure their own accounts.

On Friday, January 22, 2016 at 5:16:19 PM UTC, Yin Niu wrote:
> Hello, 
> Can you clarify what type of application you would like to publish? Are 
> you going to let your user to use the MCC account that you are using right 
> now, which means if they have the credentials, they will be able to access 
> all accounts under this MCC? Or is this going to be a generic application 
> so that the user can configure their own MCC and credentials? 
> Thanks,
> Yin, AdWords API Team. 

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Condition, Channel and Channel Exclusivity values in PRODUCT_PARTITION_REPORT translated to campaign's "Country of sale" language

2016-01-22 Thread HK

We just discovered that using the PRODUCT_PARTITION_REPORT (as a structure 
report) instead of calling get() for AdGroupCriterionService to get product 
groups, returns the condition, channel and channel exclusivity in the 
language that matches the campaign's "country of sale" settings. *Is this 

As an example for conditions, I would think it should match the enum 

that the AdGroupCriterionService get call returns for the same campaign. 
Otherwise we have to translate each one of the enum values for each of the 
supported countries to match what AdGroupCriterionService returns. Also, 
other values in the report are not translated to, in this case Polish, such 
as partitionType's - "unit". and "subdivision". More importantly, in the UI 
when working with product groups in the Polish campaign, it's showing 
"New", "Used", etc and not the Polish equivalent the report uses. Here's an 
example where "used" is translated to "używany":

productGroup='* / condition = "używany"

Here's one for "channel" for a Spanish campaign that I would expect to be 

productGroup='* / condition = * / channel = "tiendas locales"' 

One more for "channel exclusivity in Spanish":

productGroup='* / condition = * / channel = * / channel exclusivity = "canal 


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2016-01-22 Thread ralph

Sorry for the delayed response--once this problem was solved i hit the 
ground running on my AdWords integration.  Everything is working 
beautifully now, and I was far better able to debug other similar problems 
I ran into now that I have a better understanding of soap and the xml 
behind it.

Thank you so much for your detailed explanation!  This soap stuff makes 
much better sense now! ha ha.  As does the wsdl.  I was using a soap client 
to compile the xml...not sure why it missed these lines: 

http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema; xmlns:cm="

But now i can check!

I really appreciate you taking the time to teach me this.  Above and 

Thanks again,

On Monday, January 11, 2016 at 1:12:55 PM UTC-8, Nadine Sundquist (AdWords 
API Team) wrote:
> Hi Ralph,
> Woohoo!!! I was holding my breath for a possible problem behind that one. 
> I've probably spent a few too many cycles of my life staring at XML, and 
> I've built SOAP XML from scratch before. I've had the same kind of gotcha 
> moment.
> *What are namespaces?*
> Namespaces are created in XML to avoid naming conflicts. The closest 
> concept I can reference is a Java package. You can have two classes with 
> the same name in two different Java packages. The way it relates to the 
> AdWords API is that some of our services live in separate namespaces. 
> Sometimes, one service may reference components that come from another 
> namespace. That's what happened to you here.
> *How do I avoid this in the future?*
> *Option 1*
> The way we avoid this in the client libraries is that we use tools (such 
> as Apache Axis or Apache CXF for Java) to generate code from the existing 
> WSDLs (definitions of each AdWords API service). I haven't given it a try 
> myself, but there's probably something for js as well.
> *Option 2*
> ** Short Explanation*
> If you're checking this manually, you can use a tool to check your XML 
> against the WSDL that we provide. Just Google *validate XML against WSDL*. 
> There are a couple of options that will come up for free tools. If you're 
> thinking, "What's a WSDL, and where do I find it for the AdWords API?", 
> read on.
> ** Long Explanation*
> If you're not using that many services, then you may not want to go 
> through the effort of doing this. However, you want to double-check that 
> you have the right namespaces by manually checking. WSDLs to the rescue! 
> So, let's say you want to check out the AdWordsUserListService 
> .
> You would go to that page in the documentation for that service 
> ,
> and you would click on the link under Production WSDL 
> .
> Every service has one of these. You'll notice in the URL, that you'll see 
> the namespace for that service e.g. 
> https://adwords.google.com/api/adwords/rm/v201509/AdwordsUserListService?wsdl 
> has the *rm*. The *targetNamespace* is also defined the same way. For 
> your *OPERATOR* example, Look for *OPERATOR* in the file. Then work your 
> way up the XML structure until you find a namespace. You'll then bump into 
> the namespace with the *cm* in it. Rather than eyeballing it, it's nice 
> to have a tool double-check your XML for you.
> Happy coding,
> Nadine, AdWords API Team
> On Friday, January 8, 2016 at 6:50:47 PM UTC-5, ra...@woopra.com 
>  wrote:
>> Holly Shit it worked!  Thank you! Good catch by the way.  How did you 
>> find that and how do i avoid this sort of thing in the future?  
>> What exactly are these namespaces and what's the cm/rm difference?  Are 
>> these namespaces built in to soap protocol as just strings to separate 
>> services that go over the same http interface? (the url doesn't seem to 
>> lead anywhere) Or are the urls actually providing some resource to the soap 
>> server to configure it for the request?
>> I am very new to soap.
>> Thanks for all the help guys!
>> --Ralph
>> On Friday, January 8, 2016 at 7:50:55 AM UTC-8, Nadine Sundquist (AdWords 
>> API Team) wrote:
>>> Hi Ralph,
>>> Mike asked me to take a look at this as well to see if I saw anything. I 
>>> noticed something that *may* be causing the issue. I believe that you 
>>> want to change:
>>> https://adwords.google.com/api/adwords/rm/v201509
>>> ">
>>> to
>>> https://adwords.google.com/api/adwords/cm/v201509 
>>> ">
>>> I'm hoping it's as simple as changing one character.
>>> You mentioned wanting to see what one of the client libraries will 
>>> output. Here's what Perl outputs; this is only the first part because it's 
>>> a bit wordy. You can see why I'm thinking a one letter change may make a 
>>> difference.

Re: Unable to connect.

2016-01-22 Thread Pankaj Tiwari
Hi Anthony, 
I have send you a personal message please check that and help me with 
Thank you.

On Friday, January 22, 2016 at 1:22:55 AM UTC+5:30, Anthony Madrigal wrote:
> Hey Pankaj,
> Are you still using the same report definition? KeywordText was replaced 
> with Criteria 
>  in 
> v201506. Also, please make sure that anywhere where v201502 appears is 
> replaced by v201509.
> Regards,
> Anthony
> AdWords API Team

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Re: Link Adwords account with GMC

2016-01-22 Thread Anthony Madrigal
Hi Carlos,

Unfortunately, there is currently no way to accept invitation links through 
AdWords API. You will need to accept it through the UI.

AdWords API Team

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Re: TempIdGenerator BatchJobService Use

2016-01-22 Thread Yin Niu

This link 

how to use temporary IDs. 

Yin, AdWords API Team. 

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Re: Distributing Applications & OAuth Authorisation Credentials

2016-01-22 Thread Yin Niu

Can you clarify what type of application you would like to publish? Are you 
going to let your user to use the MCC account that you are using right now, 
which means if they have the credentials, they will be able to access all 
accounts under this MCC? Or is this going to be a generic application so 
that the user can configure their own MCC and credentials? 

Yin, AdWords API Team. 

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Distributing Applications & OAuth Authorisation Credentials

2016-01-22 Thread StewartR

We have used the API *internally* for a while and follow the the OAuth 
Application flow to do so. We have authorised our own MCC and securely 
store the refresh token which we pass to the API with our developer token 
with each request. This process is nice and easy because, right now, all 
the accounts we access are inside our MCC so we can just keep all the 
credentials locally.

My question relates how we could release an application *externally* for 
others to use and which credentials would need to be distributed with the 

As I understand it there are 2 parts to the OAuth2 application flow:

1. Having the user authorise our application
2. Using credentials obtained from (1) in order to obtain data from the API 
for the user's adwords account.

For part 1 I understand that I need to direct the user to 
the https://accounts.google.com/o/oauth2/auth URL with a query parameter 
providing our application's *client-id*, yes? Assuming the user gives 
consent, the application would then capture the authorization code from the 
redirected page and make a new request to 
 https://accounts.google.com/o/oauth2/token passing along the authorisation 
code along with out *client-secret *in order to obtain a refresh token, yes?

The result of part 1 is a refresh token which could then be stored on the 
user's machine ready for use in part 2.

For part 2 I need to pass that locally stored refresh token and our 
*developer-token* along in order to authenticate the request (which would 
be handled inside a client library to ease the exchange of refresh token 
for authorisation token)

*Surely this means that our **client-Id,* *client-secret and developer 
token must all be distributed with the published application? Should they 
therefore be encrypted in some way or is it safe to store them 'in the 
clear' and/or just hard-code them? If encryption is required is there 
client library support for this part? (specifically the .NET client 

Many Thanks

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Link Adwords account with GMC

2016-01-22 Thread Carlos Sotelo
How can I accept a GMC-Adwords account link through the Adwords API?

I looked at ManagedCustomerService, but this seem to only work for managing 
customer-manager relationships between adwords accounts only. 

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Re: API returns me 0 results for keyword 'sport' (with Italian parameters)

2016-01-22 Thread Sergio Montagna
I have the same problem.. 
Thanks in advance for reply 

Il giorno martedì 19 gennaio 2016 18:49:43 UTC+1, Yin Niu ha scritto:
> Hi Biagio, 
> Could you please send the SOAP log for the requests that you got 0 
> results? Please also include your ClientCustomerID. Please click *Reply 
> privately to author* in the forum when responding.
> Thanks,
> Yin, AdWords API Team. 

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2016-01-22 Thread Anthony Madrigal

Yes, that is correct. There are currently no video related fields in the 
Campaign Location Target Report.

Please see our blog 
 for any 
updates on the feature.

AdWords API Team

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Re: Find successful operations after an ApiException

2016-01-22 Thread Yin Niu
Hi Andy, 

Are you talking about batch jobs or the regular API request? If it's a 
regular API request and you received remote exception, then the request has 
failed. If it's batch job, you can check the result after the job has been 

Yin, AdWords API Team. 

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Revoke OAuth token using API

2016-01-22 Thread Tomas Rimkus
Assuming some user gave access to his MCC account using OAuth token, is 
there a way to revoke that token by using some Google API request? I know 
that the user can go to his "Connected apps and sites" in his account and 
revoke access there but I would like to have an option to do that using our 

PS: I saw the thread from 2012 which says it's not possible, but maybe sth 
changed since then.

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Duplicate GCLIDs received today reported on different day in Click Performance API

2016-01-22 Thread shumardbcake

First of all looking forward to the communities thoughts on this issue. 

I have a scenario where our system has logged numerous clicks with the same 
exact GCLID. After doing some investigation we have found that the clicks 
are being reported by the Adwords Click Performance API in the past. 
Actually these are found back on the originating date of the first 
occurrence of this GCLID. So for example I have over 50 clicks with the 
same GCLID between Dec. 2015 - Jan. 2016. In this example the first 
occurrences of this GCLID was in December.

So my question is, how is Adwords assigning the duplicate GCLID? I have 
other examples which are a counter example, I am able to confirm its the 
same consumer, but with different GCLIDs. In order to ensure our process 
lines up with Adwords UI I want to address this anomaly via the best 
practice to ensure we are not misrepresenting the Marketers digital spend 
in our platform. What is the best practice to deal with this scenario.

My concern is that these clicks were sent via active tracking so I know 
that the click requests were sent on the date I received them, not via a 
bookmark on the users browser. If I were using web logs that could be the 
cause but am not using web logs so I know Adwords generated(assigned, 
appended) this duplicate ID in January but inevitably reported on this 
occurrence in December.

The other concern is that the data freshness doesn't clearly outline any 
limits on how far *back *to look so my concern is that I will *not *know 
how far back to keep looking for an original 
GCLID. https://support.google.com/adwords/answer/2544985?hl=en

This article seems close but not exactly the same.


Please help :D


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Re: Find successful operations after an ApiException

2016-01-22 Thread Yin Niu
Hi Andy, 

Please check out the guide for handling partial failure 

Yin, AdWords API Team. 

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Re: AuthenticationError.NOT_ADS_USER @

2016-01-22 Thread Yin Niu
Hi Matt, 

Can you verify that the account with the clientCustomerID that you used for 
this request has the same login email as the one that you use for 
requesting refresh token or it is the client account of the same manager 

Yin, AdWords API Team. 

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Re: Find successful operations after an ApiException

2016-01-22 Thread Andy

Hi Yin,

I am running a batch job consisting of AdGroupCriterionOperations using 
AdGroupCriterionService.mutate call. I do not find getResult function for 
this Interface. How to find the result in case of API exception.


On Friday, January 22, 2016 at 7:53:38 PM UTC+5:30, Yin Niu wrote:
> Hi Andy, 
> Are you talking about batch jobs or the regular API request? If it's a 
> regular API request and you received remote exception, then the request has 
> failed. If it's batch job, you can check the result after the job has been 
> processed. 
> Thanks,
> Yin, AdWords API Team. 

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Re: Find successful operations after an ApiException

2016-01-22 Thread Andy
Hi Yin,

I am running a batch job consisting of AdGroupCriterionOperations using 
AdGroupCriterionService.mutate call. I do not find getResult function for 
this Interface. How to find the result in case of API exception.


On Friday, January 22, 2016 at 7:53:38 PM UTC+5:30, Yin Niu wrote:
> Hi Andy, 
> Are you talking about batch jobs or the regular API request? If it's a 
> regular API request and you received remote exception, then the request has 
> failed. If it's batch job, you can check the result after the job has been 
> processed. 
> Thanks,
> Yin, AdWords API Team. 

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Re: Revoke OAuth token using API

2016-01-22 Thread Tomas Rimkus
Apparently AdWords API client libraries don't provide the functionality but 
it's possible by making a simple http POST request to 
https://accounts.google.com/o/oauth2/revoke?token=YOUR_REFRESH_TOKEN . Here 
is how it's implemented in the generic google API client library: 

On Friday, January 22, 2016 at 2:48:45 PM UTC+1, Tomas Rimkus wrote:
> Assuming some user gave access to his MCC account using OAuth token, is 
> there a way to revoke that token by using some Google API request? I know 
> that the user can go to his "Connected apps and sites" in his account and 
> revoke access there but I would like to have an option to do that using our 
> system.
> PS: I saw the thread from 2012 which says it's not possible, but maybe sth 
> changed since then.

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Re: Daily breakdowns with AWQL

2016-01-22 Thread bastien rabaute
Hi Olof,

This query works for me. Similar to what you need I hope.

Date, CampaignName, ConvertedClicks, Cost
WHERE Cost > 0
during 20150101,20150201


Try AWQL.me  for your AWQL queries. It's free !

Le mardi 19 janvier 2016 14:59:13 UTC+1, Olof Nilsson a écrit :
> Hi!
> I'm using the AdWords API to pull performance data from the Budget 
> Performance Report in python:
> # Create report query.
> report_query = ('SELECT AssociatedCampaignName, ConvertedClicks, Cost '
> 'WHERE Cost > 0 '
> I've tried to find information as to wether there is any way to get this 
> with a daily breakdown (one row per date) instead of aggregated over the 
> whole period {START} -> {END}?
> If not, is this possible using any other of the performance reports?
> /Olof

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